someguy7337 · 9 years
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someguy7337 · 10 years
Game Of Thrones is not an adult version of musical chairs.
Malaysia is not the female version of Asia.
You cannot abbreviate the Supreme Court to spell SCROTUM.
Michael Strahan is not leaving to go be in Good Morning Vietnam.
Crimea is not related to Queen Latifah.
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someguy7337 · 10 years
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someguy7337 · 10 years
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222K notes · View notes
someguy7337 · 10 years
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Watch Honey Maid’s awesome answer about the backlash they received 
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someguy7337 · 10 years
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someguy7337 · 10 years
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74K notes · View notes
someguy7337 · 10 years
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417K notes · View notes
someguy7337 · 11 years
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someguy7337 · 11 years
"Man humans are lame why don’t we have like wings/horns/etc"
Humans can’t even handle having different skin colors how well do you really think that would go
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someguy7337 · 11 years
March 19
is my birthday
Why do I always feel like shit around my birthday.
I removed my birthday from facebook. I don't mind that acquaintances or people I don't see that often don't remember. I just wonder if my close friends remember.
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someguy7337 · 11 years
You wanna find out some personal shit?
1. Any scars?
2. Self harmed?
3. Crush?
4. Kissed anyone?
5. Coke or Pepsi?
6. Someone you hate?
7. Best Friends?
8. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs?
9. What's your dream job?
10. Ever been in love?
11. Last time you cried?
12. Favorite color?
13. Height?
14. Birthday?
15. Eye color?
16. Hair color?
17. What do you love?
18. Obsession?
19. If you had one wish, what would it be?
20. Do you love someone?
21. Kiss or hug?
22. Nicknames people call you?
23. Favorite song?
24. Favorite band?
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you?
26. Best thing that has ever happened to you?
27. Something you would change about yourself?
28. Ever dated someone?
29. Worst mistake?
30. Watch the movie or read the book?
31. Ever had a heartbreak?
32. Favorite show?
33. Best day of your life?
34. Any talents?
35. Do you wish you could ever start over?
36. Any bad habits?
37. Ever had a near death experience?
38. Someone I can tell anything to?
39. Ever lost a loved one?
40. Do you believe in love?
41. Someone you hate/Dislike?
42. Are you okay?
43. Relationship status?
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someguy7337 · 11 years
Yeah, I can't believe this happened
Yeah this happened after my class two weeks ago, and just remembered
This guy in my class asked me to help with a school project. It turned out that he just wanted to confess his love for me. It kinda got awkward because he went into a lot of depth and almost made it kinda weird. I panicked a little and instead of just saying sorry don't feel the same way. I said I just got out of an relationship and want to stay single and just do me. Issue is, is that I am not sure if he got that. I am not sure what will happen.
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someguy7337 · 11 years
I was skeptical of The Wake, until I read it. It was amazing. Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy really made it amazing. I have only read Part one, issues 1 - 5, as of now. Trying to decide if I want to read it monthly or hold out until part two comes out. This is one of those stories that is really...
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someguy7337 · 11 years
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271K notes · View notes
someguy7337 · 11 years
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Typographic Spiderman
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someguy7337 · 11 years
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Daily #466! So, if you happen to have a little confidence lying around in a jar somewhere…
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