somehumerusbones · 3 years
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//i would like to write stuff again and rp but i just dont feel like i even have a lot of time for it with work, plus just, general lack of motivation 
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//i miss this blog
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somehumerusbones · 3 years
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//i miss this blog
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
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“im gonna go to bed. too tired for this.”
a smal
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He, just kinda stares at her. “what.”
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
a smal
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He, just kinda stares at her. “what.”
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
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“IT’S VERY LOUD.” He does not know why, but there is just a constant barrage of loud explosions tonight and it is rather odd.
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
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“It’s Abhorrently loud. I believe I will be retreating to The Void for the rest of the day.”
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
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He ponders for a few moments, a separate hand appearing so he could tap his chin in thought. “So any of the given candidates you are not...allowed to fall in love with them.” He pauses again. “While I was never married, a loveless marriage sounds, rather pointless. Why is your marriage an issue that, involves others?” 
It was good he didnt leave any stains at the very least. Well not accidentally at least. “Ah, well you can not expect life to only give you good things.” He commented. “I am glad to hear you healed up fine, I would have been rather useless to you, I’m no medical doctor.” He would have raised a brow if he had one at marriage comment. “You were going to be betrothed to someone?”
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A deeper growl was given at the last question leaving the fox to hide her face in his melty self. “Sort of. I don’t want to get married to any of the candidates, and there is a rule set for me not to fall in love anyways.” It’s more of a protection for others as well as herself. “I’m….rather dangerous with emotions…unstable.” Said as she clings to a friend of course.
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
It was good he didnt leave any stains at the very least. Well not accidentally at least. “Ah, well you can not expect life to only give you good things.” He commented. “I am glad to hear you healed up fine, I would have been rather useless to you, I’m no medical doctor.” He would have raised a brow if he had one at marriage comment. “You were going to be betrothed to someone?”
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He chuckled and returned the hug. It was strange to be hugged or touched in general. Considering his constantly melting form was rather, well messy. A side effect of his Determination to survive The Void had gave him many oddities about himself. “I’d imagine. Mostly good things I hope?”
It was still comfortable and cool to her who could probably nap easily against the doc. Not like the melty stuff didn’t just fall off or past her body while hugging so it’s not an issue. “Hm..well not all good. I’ve gotten into some trouble with my health, nursed back to perfect condition, and avoided some peer pressure on marriage back home.” She lets out a small yawn still holding onto him.
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
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He chuckled and returned the hug. It was strange to be hugged or touched in general. Considering his constantly melting form was rather, well messy. A side effect of his Determination to survive The Void had gave him many oddities about himself. “I’d imagine. Mostly good things I hope?”
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“Apologies for that, it was not an…intended disappearance, but living in the void does have unforeseen consequences.” It was not something he enjoyed, but it was hard to avoid such events with his existence as it was. “It is good to see you as well. It is good you are, well.”
“I know it always is.” She moves in hugging the big goopy skeleton with a laugh. “Don’t think I’d come see you without my hugs!” This place he’s in has some type of effect on his body it seems. Serinaty secretly wished to get him out the void for good, yet had no way to bring up the topic. “A lot happened while you were gone.”
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
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//vaguely remember giving gaster a voice claim but ive changed my mind since cuz G-Man is such a perfect voice him with how he sounds and talks 
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
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“Apologies for that, it was not an...intended disappearance, but living in the void does have unforeseen consequences.” It was not something he enjoyed, but it was hard to avoid such events with his existence as it was. “It is good to see you as well. It is good you are, well.”
@somehumerusbones​ continued from here ~ X
How was she indeed. Being upset or anything seemed out the question having told herself to get used to the disappearing act of said friend. With a sigh she shakes her head unable to help the smile, “you and your disappearing…it’s good to see you again, Doc. I’m well just roaming.” 
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
"Been awhile."
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“That is...one way to put it.” How long has it been? Too long he imagined. He lost track, as one does being stuck in strange state of nonexistence he recently retrieved himself from. “How...are you?” He’s unsure of what to say really.
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
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//new tumblr update sucks whats new, im still in the ‘waiting for it’ category though, 
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
Annoy My Muse!
Ask them inane questions, personal questions, pester them until they snap! 
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somehumerusbones · 4 years
Intriguing Impression Starters
“You don’t look like… much…”
“So nice to finally put a face to someone I’ve heard so much about.”
“You aren’t what I expected, but I hope to be surprised.”
“Well… this is awkward… uhhh hello.”
“I’m failing to remember what I expected when I signed up for this.”
“Not gonna lie, you were incredibly intimidating at first… still kind of are.”
“We seemed to have gotten off on the wrong foot.”
“Seems that the rumors and reputation are indeed being lived up to.”
“So I’ve heard some things…”
“You were the LAST person I expected.”
“Sparring partner huh? I think I can take you.”
“Me? I’m not anyone particularly special.”
“Haven’t heard of you whatsoever.”
“I’ve known you for five minutes and I think we’re already friends.”
“You and me are gonna get along great.”
“This is absolutely not working out.”
“Clearly there needs to be some ground rules established.”
“You’re going to be my sparring partner?”
“You know what? I like you.”
“Not working out. Nope.”
“I’m sorry but looking at you doesn’t scream ‘fighter’ to me.”
“I really hope you can make a better second impression.”
“You get one more shot. I hope it will change my mind.”
“I’m here to apologize about before… can we try again?”
“Well this is certainly… incredibly interesting. Nice to meet you.”
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