𖤐Alastor x Fem! Reader Overlord𖤐
First post!! ^^
Maybe I'll do a part 2 ❀
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TW!! Swearing, may have misspelled some word, not proofread, not much cuz this my first fanfic^^
You were married to Alastor the "Radio Demon", but then Alastor left mysteriously without an word... Your heart felt cold as thoughts of him abandoning you ran through your head.. You tried so hard not to think about it that way but your brain was a bitch and kept reminding you of the exact same thought...
You tried to toughen and to protect yourself, after some years of train you became an overlord, and more powerful Alastor was even when you last saw him... Your heart cold with a little warm touch, that warm touch was hope for Alastor to come back...
7 years later... You thought to yourself "no time to rely on a man", you because a badass-like overlord, you rely on nobody but still a apart of you still had hope for you husband.
You walked down the streets with your high heels stomping on the floor, demons scared and ran away from you knowing you were VERY powerful.
You walked the now lonely streets, as you walked by you saw an ad on the TVs in a window shop, you saw the news of a new hotel called "Hazbin Hotel" about redeemtion with Lucifer's daughter Charlie, you pitied it knowing these sinners in hell couldn't change, you were about to walk past until you heard an familiar voice...
A static filled voice filled your brain... It couldn't be... You looked back and your eyes widened as you saw Alastor... With the king if hells daughter at some tacky hotel... And turns out he was there for months?! He was in hell for months... Didn't say a word when he left and didn't say a word when he returned...
You wanted to slap his face so bad and you had the power to knowing that you over powered him... You decided to keep your anger in for another day, clenching your hands into fists as you stomped away, the sound of your high heels tapping on the har concrete floor echoced through the lonely streets...
Days passed by... You were chilling on your couch then you heard a ring on the bell, you opened the door and see a letter inviting you to an "overlord meeting", you thought to yourself "sure why not? Not like there anything better to do.
When the meetingday came you got ready and left, you arrived at the place looking at it up and down. You opened the doors and went to the room where the meeting was being hosted, you saw everyone, Carmilla saw you walking through the doors, happy that you came to the meeting. You found your seat and sat down to see Rosie, you guys had a quick chat but then interrupted by someone walking through... It was Alastor... You were filled by frustration but didn't let it show, you relaxed the rolled your eyes ignoring Alastor like you didn't even know him..
He noticed you... His eyes widened to see you hear after many years, he wanted to say so much to you but he knew it wasn't the appropriate time to let it all out in front of everyone... Carmilla sees everyone here, and Alastor who she didn't even invite but whatever, she started talking about the reason she brought you all hear... You couldn't help but Alastor nervously glancing to you wanted to tell you so many things but it would be rude to interrupt an important meeting.. You didn't even dare to glance at him once ignoring him completely..
After the meeting and Velvette intrupping thing you left walking back home.. As you wondered ur way home you stopped to feel a hand on your shoulder stopping you, it was Alastor... With a nervous smile ready to let all the words finally spill out of his mouth.
You turned around to him, the moment he opened his mouth you interupped him leaving him to pause in his place. "What do you want Alastor.." you growled to him leaving him shocked at the rude cockiness you had in your voice, he felt regretful leaving without a word...
"Darling oh how I missed you! I'm sorry I left you alone for 7 years.." he spills out, you stared at him squinting your eyes, "And apparently you were too busy with the princess of hell to tell me you returned?" you growled." I tried to find you but you were no where... I asked Rosie, she told me you might be at the overlord meeting so I came even though I wasn't invited.." he says to you with his smile a little loose." Tell me why you left then" your eyes soften trying to hold back the tears relived that Alastors home and you knew he stilled loved you, your mind having an battle against hope and cockiness, the war hurting your brain.
"I can't I'm afraid, no matter how much I want to.." he sighed as he looked down as his smile shrunk a little, you smiled as hope won the war in your brain, "I believe you." your smile warming his heart in relief. "I should bring you to the hotel sometime M'lady~" his gentlemen personality kicking back in as he held you hand, "I'll enjoy that~" you chuckled glad your man returned, he grabs your face gentlely and pulls you into a kiss.
Little did both of us knew a camera were watching us the whole time.. It was Vox in his chair spying on us, his face raging, "THAT RADIO COCK SUCKING FUCKER IS BACK?!" He screamed, "And he has a bitch? What a second..." he takes a closer look, "His bitch is y/n?! That bitch is more powerful then the both of us!" he gripped onto the armrests of his chair. "I couldn't take Alastor or y/n eat me alive.." he says brewing a plan in his head.
His grin grows wider... "I think I might just have the plan." he chuckled with one of his eyes looking hypnotizing...
To be continued...
That was a lot of fun!!! I hope you enjoyed it!!!
If you want part 2 just ask me
Wanna be tagged? Just ask!
Tysm for reading!!! 🥰
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Alastor x modern!fem!reader? She just says stuff sometimes and he is trying to understand what is going on in her mind but he can't.. her mind consists of nothing but "road work ahead? Yeah I sure hope it does" at all times. He thought he was a menace to society but, no it's reader (I just think Alastor struggling with memes is hilarious) If this isn't your cup of tea I totally understand! Keep up the good work bb!
Thanks for the ask!
Also I didn't know how to write this in one shot format so it's going to mainly just be like separate moments 👍
Warnings: swearing, blood
Alastor x Modern!Reader
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Alastor twisted his shadows around the demon, eventually making it bleed.
The demon died but not without splattering blood all over you.
"Well, I had a grand ol' time, my dear-!" He finally turns to look at you, meeting your glare, "What's the matter?"
"Blood..." You start, "BLOOD IN MY VALENTINO WHITE BAG?!?"
Alastor's ears shot up in alarm. Confused as to why you were yelling at him over a bag when you aren't even holding one.
"What do the Vee's have to do with your concerns???"
His ears pinned back.
He takes a step back. At times he wonders whether you or he is a bigger threat in hell...
Moment 2
Earlier today you had told Alastor to be prepared as you had planned to serenade him with a romantic song.
He was curious as to how it would go as he has never heard you sing before.
So here the radio demon stood. Leaning on the railing of the hotels second floor, like the babygirl he is.
You stood in the middle of the hotel commons and whipped out a guitar and began to play the cords.
"I love you bitch!" You yelled at your lover.
"I ain't never gonna stop loving you-!" you strummed the cords again, "-bitch!"
Alastor stood there, eyes wide and blinking.
Moment 3
You and Angel were hanging out on the couch. Bored out of your minds.
Then Alastor came out of his room and went to the kitchen.
A devious smile made it's way to your lips.
"Hey Angel, watch this." You whispered over to your spider bestie, signaling him to follow you.
Alastor was humming a happy tune as he began to pour himself a glass of water.
You sneak up behind him and yell at the top of your lungs, "I LOVE YOU DEER-"
Alastor jolts and drops his glass on the floor.
Moment 4
"Darling have you seen my-"
Alastor walks in on you playing two flutes with your nose.
His eyebrows furrow.
*intense flute noises*
Alastor turns around and shuts the door behind him.
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