purge of 2002? of 2012? what ARE those?
Oh, how quickly the past is forgotten. 
They are part of the reason A03 is a thing now. Not the whole reason, but part of it. 
The Great Purges of 2002 and 2012 are when ff.net got a wild hair up their ass about THINK OF THE CHILDREN and nuked any fic posted on there that was explicit. Thousands upon thousands of nc-17 smutfics were lost.
It’s what led to the creation of alternate hosting sites for smutty fic…AdultFanfiction was the one I went to…but thousands of fics would never be recovered. 
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This Is The Way Mandalorian Decal! 15 colors and 5 sizes available
Purchase 3 or more decals from my Etsy shop and get 20% off your total order.
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I adore Pedro Pascal, but fuck, his fans are so toxic. I remember when he posted the picture of Din and Cara hugging that they claimed Disney must have been holding a gun to his head or forcing him to support her.
I respect that for how far left he is, he's still able to see that there's far more to people and his relationships with them than their political views (and support of the countries they grew up in). I wish he'd stand up to the 'fans' and explain this simple concept, but they'd turn on him and he knows it.
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This seems like the most appropriate post to say this on, so: some people have war in their countries, Megan.
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Oh gosh, I remember this! Pedro and Gina both shared it on their Instas (and some toxic Pedro fans insisted that he was being held at gunpoint and forced to post it by Disney). But who cares, they love each other despite their differences, and that's what matters.
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I did this a while back when Gina was still employed by Lucasfilm. I call it Words Can Cut Too. I saw all of the mean things that people said about her, so I drew this to show that people's words can hurt. It's based off of a fan art I found a while back. it's certainly not my best work, but it has a meaning to it.
Done with Procreate on iPad with Apple Pencil.
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Shop the latest photo from TheRebelorianDesigns on Etsy
"Gina Carano herself shared my shop and decals in her Instagram story!!! Cannot be more grateful to her and those who have supported my shop this first week. Follow @the_rebelorian on Instagram to get updates and maybe some coupons down the line."https://etsy.me/2PYBZgH
How many actors do you know that actively support small businesses like this? Love Gina and @ladymarinenc for sharing the post that got her attention in the first place!
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Appreciate the fact that you mentioned she has never vocally supported Trump; plenty of republicans I know couldn't stand him or simply tolerated him. And by all means, if she did support Trump, that's fine (even if I can't stand him, because people can have different ideologies and respect one another), but it just shows how far from the truth her haters strayed.
Also, regarding her bio and the (beep/bop/boop) or whatever, to my understanding, she did that in direct response to the Twitter mob demanding she add pronouns. She had said she respected the practice but didn't want to participate herself, to which they called her a transphobe. She responded by adding the beep/bop/boop thing and saying it was to stand against people making demands of her and not in any way mocking trans people.
I Stand with Gina Carano
The Cancel culture and Far Leftist fuckery has reached a new low with how they’ve been treating Gina Carano.
A woman, successful in Hollywood and a “strong, badass woman” something you lunatics have been hollering for ages about needing more representation for in media and the moment she doesn’t fall in line with your totalitarian bullshit, you seek to ruin her life.
Gina Carano does not need to kowtow to your ideology, no one does. She has all the right in the world to write whatever the hell she wants for HER Twitter profile. Because this is what this insanity started over. Someones right to describe their own personal Twitter profile they they want to describe it. It has nothing to do with Trans people or hatred of them. If anything she’s mocking how people on Twitter feel the need to describe everything about themselves in a completely arbitrary way. Absolutely pathetic.
Even worse is they dare go after her when she is out there championing REAL issues and trying to bring awareness to them, like sexual trafficking of women and children, the absolute scum of the Earth, but because she won’t fall in line with your cult-like nonsense you try to deplatform her and lose her job.
And then have the nerve to cry fowl about how she’s so bad and mean when she blocks your harassing asses who keep spamming her with nasty shit for daring to have an opinion. About how she is trying to “oppress” you when you are the ones truly trying to oppress someone. And speaking outright lies by painting her as a “right-winger”, a “Trump supporter”, or “insert ist/phobe” and other dog whistles people like you use whenever someone disagrees with you. 
TLDR: Cancel Culture is disgusting, Gina Carano is a hero for not bending the knee to the outrage mob, and I hope Twitter burns down in a blaze of shit.
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I think Reylo is empowering.
I’ve seen various complains that the Reylo pairing is abusive and is setting a bad example for young boys and girls alike. While I understand the concern, I disagree. In fact, I’d argue that Reylo is empowering to women.
Rey and Kylo Ren begin as adversaries in The Force Awakens. They both hurt each other in their mind-probing and lightsaber duel, and claiming Rey is a nothing but a victim is just infantilizing her. She doesn’t hold back her convictions against him in The Last Jedi when confronted by her Force bond with Kylo Ren, and only relents in her judgement upon her own solitary introspection and confrontations with Luke Skywalker. And while it seems unrealistic in the real world, redemption has always been a major theme in Star Wars, even when true evil is committed. 
Rey is attracted to Ben Solo, who she sees in Kylo Ren, but is not willing to give in to that attraction until he becomes a good person, the one who she knows he can be. She refuses to sell him or herself short. 
Rey is not attracted to the man that stands before her, but rather the man she knows he is. 
Compare this to Anakin and Padme’s relationship, which is the opposite. Padme shows disinterest at first, but only relents as Anakin puts more pressure on her and shows more red flags in his behavior. 
P.S. Reylo is not Rey + Kylo Ren, but Rey + Ben Solo. I have spoken.
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And got the sweetest present from some of my costars which got me all sorts of choked up. - Gina Carano
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The most upsetting thing to me is how much people and the media have misrepresented what she actually posted, liked, etc. Labeled her all sorts of things without showing us exactly what she said. I don't agree with everything she says and I don't like Holocaust comparisons as they're often overly dramatic and seem to exploit the tragedy, but there's a world of difference between saying 'being attacked for my political views makes me feel just like a Jew in a concentration camp during the Holocaust' and 'the hatred for Jews didn't happen overnight and we shouldn't be so quick to dehumanize people for having different views.'
Standing Ground
For anyone who has noticed, I have changed my blog’s appearance, as well as what content from the Mandalorian I will continue to post and reblog from this point forward in light of the situation between Gina and Lucasfilm/Disney. I will not support a company that displays hypocritical behavior based on the political status and personal beliefs of it’s cast members/actors. 
Gina was the entire reason I got into the show to begin with (fan of hers, not Star Wars), and now that the decision has been made to remove her from the show, I no longer have any inclination to watch it, until when and if she returns. 
Before any of you question me, I’m aware of the tweets she’s made that have lead to this decision. I’ve been aware of them since November of last year, and no, I do not think any of the -ist or -phobic labels she’s been given are true, nor are they deserved. There is far too much evidence to prove that they’re both false, and unfounded, and it is not possible for you to change my mind. Some people seem to have forgotten, or do not understand that even the nicest people have their limits, and you can only back someone into a corner for so long before they snap. 
I will however continue to write CaraDin fic for as long as my muse allows. Before anyone comments, this is NOT me supporting the companies, but rather my way of contributing to making sure that both Gina and Cara aren’t erased from existence (which Disney is currently in the process of doing).  
If this upsets anyone feel free to unfollow me.  
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I've noticed this post going around as "proof" that Gina Carano is a conspiracy theorist. But let's take a closer look. She posted this the night of the 2020 US presidential election, prior to the vote recounts and lawsuits were filed in several states. Mr. Trump, despite being a POS, had the right as a candidate to request recounts in close states, as have all candidates before him. Discussing potential ways to combat voter fraud after the 2016 and 2020 elections had results that many citizens found questionable is nowhere near claiming the election was stolen over two months after the investigations found nothing noteworthy. The idea that Gina has been labeled a conspiracy theorist for this tweet is disgusting and short-sighted on many levels.
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Regardless of whether you think her post war offensive or not, news sources should be sued for defamation for calling Gina antisemitic despite not even sharing what she initially posted in the first place. There is a big difference between being ignorant and hateful, and Gina Carano does not seem to have an hateful bone in her body. Prominent Jewish people in the media agree.
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LucasFilm will be henceforth known as LuciferFilm, because this is NOT George Lucas’ Star Wars. This is Harvey Weinstein’s former personal assistant’s super woke, keep your lips planted on my ass at all times or suffer my wrath Star Wars. 
I’ve been thinking about adding a section that appears once a week and features a CaraDin writer. Would love to get everyone’s opinion on the idea. 
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Anna takes a look at how LuciferFilm continues to be called out for hypocrisy, and continues to get ratio’d by Gina’s supporters. 
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4tTGv4Tk04&list=PLuLV24WotNXrsWTUVaxEdVozGMJpv9BU0&index=2
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Despite heavy denial that it’s happening, and the mob’s attempt to say it’s barely a handful of people that are actually calling for it, Ryan reports on the mob’s repeated attack on Rosario Dawson now that they’ve had success on getting Gina fired. 
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YL1mx0bK3Vg&list=PLuLV24WotNXrsWTUVaxEdVozGMJpv9BU0&index=5
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Jeremy at Geeks and Gamers also takes a look at the Rosario Dawson issue, and how firing Gina was just the beginning. 
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=setnkBZj19o&list=PLuLV24WotNXrsWTUVaxEdVozGMJpv9BU0&index=6
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The other Jeremy over at The Quartering takes a look at how the announcement of the Bad Batch was completely destroyed by Gina’s supporters who continue to create intense backlash over her termination.
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG55p8-QuEY&list=PLuLV24WotNXrsWTUVaxEdVozGMJpv9BU0&index=7
Yellowflash (who does not have an intro) also takes a look at the continued destruction of anything new Star Wars posts on social media, as well as taking a look at comments made by UFC Welterweight Colby Covington on the situation. 
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1xfH8Lwp8I&list=PLuLV24WotNXrsWTUVaxEdVozGMJpv9BU0&index=8&t=11s
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Lucy was getting bullied horribly in school, and her dad reached out to her two favorite Star Wars actors in hopes of getting a response that would cheer her up. As expected, Mark and Gina didn’t fail to disappoint. I included this because it gives another example of how Gina feels about bullying. 
Watch Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqGin9XsMH4&list=PLuLV24WotNXrsWTUVaxEdVozGMJpv9BU0&index=1
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Someone posted this earlier on Twitter, and I couldn’t resist sharing it. 
Please keep in mind the following information is all rumor from someone who claims to have inside sources. I try not to get my hopes up when it comes to this stuff, but if there was ever one that I desperately wanted to come true, this one would be it. 
According to the source, Harvey Weinstein’s former personal assistant grossly underestimated the amount of backlash that Gina’s supporters would create and Bob Iger is furious because as I’ve said before Disney absolutely HATES bad press/negative attention. And not only are they getting negative attention (it’s being noticed outside the Star Wars community), this has also affected their bottom line more than he cares to admit. 
Add to that, someone apparently gave him the link to the Doomcock video I shared yesterday, where a source revealed that Harvey Weinstein’s former personal assistant concocted a headline to show Iger in order to get his approval to fire Gina. Iger has now issued Harvey Weinstein’s former personal assistant an ultimatum. Either Gina gets a public apology, or she loses her job. 
According to this source, Gina’s reaction to the apology is what will determine whether or not they’re willing to negotiate bringing her back on the show, and giving her Rangers back. In other words, if Gina feels it’s too little too late, they part company and that’s that. 
There has not been any word however, on whether or not they lift the ban on her official merchandise post apology. 
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There is nothing of this world that is “Too Big to Fail”.
The NFL was big until it was used for preaching messages the audience didn’t want. Now it’s on a downward slope with audience numbers in decline.
Star Wars was one of the biggest media franchises in the world until it was infected by Social Justice Wackos who insisted on corrupting it for preaching messages the audience didn’t want. Now Star Wars is a tarnished brand with a ruined reputation.
There were people who thought Star Wars could do anything and be used to push an agenda, because Star Wars was so big a brand that nothing could bring it down.
Those people were wrong and are wrong. We’re seeing the results of their thinking in live action right now.
Continua a leggere
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Most beautiful Marshal in the galaxy.
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Cara x Mando - Handholding enemies to handholding friends to handholding lovers(?)…
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>“Are you sure you don’t want an escort?” | “I appreciate the offer"
“I think we cleaned up the town. I’m thinking of staying around just to be sure” | “You’re staying here?”
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This is inspired by @name1name1s amazing fanfic “the Nebula” I really recommend you to read it, if you haven’t read it already :)
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