somethinglunchy · 3 years
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somethinglunchy · 4 years
This is what I need. I love no salt seasonings. Usually, seasoning mixes have too much salt and then some sugar. I don’t want savory seasonings to be sweet and definitely not too salty. I’ll have to play with these.
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somethinglunchy · 4 years
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Guess who joined WW?
It was time. The exercising wasn't happening and it's not like I - or anyone for that matter - can out train a bad diet and I so needed to DO SOMETHING! Then I found that people are sharing their yummy low point foods on instagram! So I save stuff and forget that I do because your saved posts take too many clicks to find. I want something like Tumblr to let me see the shit I save. 
Also, my own hashtags. 
🤔 Maybe I should come back and do a WW point, Calorie and Macro breakdown. 
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somethinglunchy · 4 years
For reals! Completely agree!
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somethinglunchy · 4 years
And just to I can find it again, I’ll be doing the Express Tone program.
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somethinglunchy · 4 years
Well, I found this website and will start a fitness routine for 30 days. I’ll try to remember to document it here.
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somethinglunchy · 4 years
Thanks to @fiti-vation for these!! I usually draw a blank and end up not exercising. 🤷🏻‍♀️
These will definitely help!
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OMG I am so obsessed with these . 💪🏽. I am always looking for new exercises to implement within my training program – so so so useful. Although, most of the graphics say workout for women I d believe there are some great workouts for men too. 
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somethinglunchy · 4 years
Here we go! I need to get back on track!
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somethinglunchy · 4 years
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somethinglunchy · 4 years
I’ve been sitting on this post by Chocolate & Zucchini. I looks so good. I’m not vegetarian or vegan so I’ll have to add a bit of chicken because why not?
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somethinglunchy · 7 years
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It's the first day or The Twelve Days of Love Letter Writing is here! Write a letter every day for someone different for 12 days! And you can participate as often many days as you'd like - which is perfect for me since I can't seem to get it together. Send some kindness (annonimously if you want) to someone who needs a little joy. Follow @moreloveletters on IG and search and use the hashtag#12daysMLL. Spread your amazing! Cheers! 
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somethinglunchy · 7 years
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somethinglunchy · 7 years
Great video to make lunches! 
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somethinglunchy · 7 years
Mad Dash | Comma Queen
As a desktop publisher and graphic designer, I appreciate this. And I need to remember it. 
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somethinglunchy · 7 years
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So I'm on pinterest but so is the person who I want to make a baby quilt for. Actually, I want to make the baby quilt for a baby that will be born in September AND the baby's mom is my friend on pinterest! TUMBLR to the rescue? Let's try it! 
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somethinglunchy · 8 years
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I've released books but never had them journaled by anyone catching my books. I know they're catching the books because the books are left in a book box drop and they disappear. However, whoever is takigng them, must not use a computer. I want at least one captured book reported! That would be exiting! 
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somethinglunchy · 8 years
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Secret from PostSecret.com
Does InCoWriMoing to PostSecret.com count? I mean, it is sending a letter ...er... postcard! Just a very Secretly Public one. 
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