Somewhere out there something fell from 5ft high
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somewhere out there someone turned off their autocorrect
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Somewhere out there someone just remembered they had Tumblr
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Someone out there someone found out that the reason the sky went dark for 4 minutes yesterday was because of the eclipse
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Somewhere out there on a planet very far away is a civilization that has included our sun in a beloved constellation of some animal we couldn't dream up if we tried
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Somewhere out there someone just sneezed
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Somewhere out there someone just face planted
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Somewhere out there a gerbil just bit someone
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Somewhere out there someone is petting their dog
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Somewhere out there someone just picked their nose
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An Intro Post or Something
Howdy, I'm Yellow, I'm a minor, and idrc what pronouns you use for me
This blog is just pointing out that someone's doing something right now, in case you forgot.
You can submit a post or ask an ask for goofs and giggles but no promises I post it or respond
This isn't my main blog, i'm not gonna tell you what it is
I follow the basic DNI criteria
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