sometimesalana · 7 months
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sometimesalana · 9 months
After a month of being trapped by the world of Baldur's Gate, I get the urge to play the sims... just to now be trapped at work 😭
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sometimesalana · 10 months
I just got home from the store. At the store, I grabbed a half gallon of milk. After rolling my eyes at the price, I put it in my buggy, grabbed other stuff for dinner, and checked out. I watched myself put my drinks AND MY MILK on the floor of the car.
I got home unpacked all the groceries, and the milk is gone.
It's not even on my receipt yall.
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Ava: Make sure Lyric wakes up on time and all of you STRAIGHT home from school today, no going out this weekend and NO bringing random kids into my house.
Ryland: Pipes if your little friend Eliza comes over, keep her out of my kitchen. In fact... all of you stay out. Order pizza.
Ava: But not too much pizza!
Apollo: We'll be fine, Mom. It's just for the weekend. You'll be back before you know it
Piper: Right, you won't be disappointed!
Ava: *sniff* I know, baby. Well yeah. We'll be back before you know it. If you get scared or hungry or if there's an emergency call Alto and-
Ryland: Why so he can lounge in our tub and steal our groceries?
Ava: Call Reed?
Ryland: LMAO what's he gonna do in an emergency?
Ava: Okay fine, call the fire department We love you guys, see you Sunday night!
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Ava: So, we're not questioning where our son "found" two tickets to a sold-out concert in Bridgeport? Or how he managed to pay for the hotel room?
Ryland: I think as parents we have a small list of things, we can overlook in the name of minimizing stress....
Ava: And this is on it?
Ryland: Oh absolutely. If this was Lyric's plan or even Reed? Yeah there'd be cause for concern. But Apollo's trying to lure us away so he can throw a party.
Ava: What?! How do you know?
Ryland: Lol because I know his dad. As long as our house isn't demolished and no one's in jail when we come back, I say we play along
Ava: .... I like it when you're smart sneaky... You think it's too late to have another-
Ryland: >.> Get off of me Ava Marie
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Apollo: Ahem.
Ryland: If you ignore him, he'll leave. He'll get bored.
Apollo: Dad! Papa! Mi amoroso padre!
Ryland: omg Yes, son? How can I help you?
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Apollo: No Dad. This is about how I can help you.
Ryland: By going into any other room of the house?
Apollo: Don't you wish you had a way to escape the stress of every day elder life?
Ryland: I do.. by cooking... in the kitchen... alone. (did this lil martian just call me an elder?)
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Apollo: Or like... don't you wanna have a getaway? Like a date! Just you and mom? When's the last time ya'll were alone just the two of you?
Ryland: Um... How old are the twins again?
Apollo: Gross. But exactly! You're well overdue. And I have the perfect solution! What if I told you that your dream vacation was right around the corner? That I could pull some strings and-
Ryland: Kid, if i agree with whatever lame teen scheme you got going on will you and your mom's shorts get off the counter and out of my kitchen?
Apollo: Done and done. I love our bonding time, Dad. We gotta do it more often love you baiiii
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Ryland: Silence has got to be a myth...
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Friends that vibe together... um... thrive together! Yeah...
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Apollo: Emerald, uh hi! We were just-
Emerald: What are the rules, Grace?
Armin: We were just having an innocent conversation!
Emerald: Hush. You two conversing could be a lot of things. "innocent" is not one. Rules. Quickly.
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Apollo: something something "all members of the cheer squad present past and future are off limits" something something
Emerald: Correct. So why are you flirting with Armin in broad hall light?
Apollo: Flirt? Me? With Armin? I- I would never.
Armin: *eyeroll*
Apollo: He's helping me with something! Scouts Honor. You could help too if you wanted! In fact it involves one of your members. Lianna I believe?
Emerald: I'm listening...
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Apollo: I was wondering how she was still on the team. Emerald hates bullies.
Armin: Yeah, Em does have a lot of power... More than the average teen should for sure, but apparently, the coach was best friends with Liannas mom before she passed...
Apollo: Hm makes sense. Her hands are tied. All the more reason to take matters into our own. Speaking of, I was thinking once the party is in full swing you and I could-
Emerald: Could what?
Armin: oh god... I knew I felt a prickle in my elbow
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Marielle: Decided to #grace us with your attendence today, did you?
Lyric: Don't be annoying. I just needed a day is all. I've learned as long as I don't see, hear, smell, or just generally *sense* he who must not be named, my brain feels completely and utterly fine.
Alex: *wishes he brought the Lyric Log with him*
Marielle: It was so boring! Piper was with the cheerbots. Eliza has become a certified master of hiding, I literally haven't seen her in like 8 days. And Alex has been sneaking around with your brother planning the rager of the century at your house. Thanks for telling me about that btw. Some friend. hmph
Lyric: I'm sorry, who's been sneaking where with who? Planning what of the what at my WHAT?
Alex: *whom
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Step 1: the set up.
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Piper: So, you've just been doing... this all day? How many have you finished?
Lyric: 15. Art is great stress relief, sis. Not that I have any to relieve because obviously I'm not stressed.
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Apollo: Listen Piper told me all about the guy and personally I think it wouldn't have worked out anyways.
Lyric: What? WHY? NotthatIcarei'mjustcurious
Apollo: Warren and Lyric? What would your ship name have been? Larren. Sounds like Lauren.
Lyric: Exit my room immediately.
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Apollo: Yeah, yeah I get it. Public humiliation. Revenge. Keep Lyric out of the loop as long as possible. But why does it have to be at our house? Don't you live in a damn mansion?
Alex: Teenage tomfoolery in my safe haven? I think not.
Armin: This is going to be ex-quiz-it. I'll get the list going. We should probably split up before you know who sees us
Alex: Lyric? I believe skipped out during second period she hasn't been here in hours.
Apollo: No, he means-
Armin: dsafhaawefaih don't say her name! That's how you summon her.
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Eliza: I don't get it. I thought your parents had a talk? And Mari said Lianna's had to go to counseling twice a week for the past month? Weren't they supposed to put a stop to this?
Piper: I mean it has stopped.... sorta. She's being more discreet?
Alexander: Bullying is bullying, Piper. Subtlety doesn't matter.
Piper: Exactly why I called you here. I need halp
Alexander: What? Me?
Piper: Yes! I don't want to involve our parents again and-
Eliza: What about Lyric?
Piper: I don't have enough money saved up to bail her out of jail yet
Eliza: True....
Alexander: I don't know what it is you expect me to do.
Piper: I- I don't actually know myself, but you're the brains of the group, Alex. You ALWAYS fix things.
Alexander: Absolutely not.
Eliza: Please?
Alexander: >.> I will help. But I will do it unhappily.
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Imagine still being a bully in this economy... couldn't be me.
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Piper: I just say we make the most of high school and just focus on us and have fun together!
Lyric: I'll never have fun again...
Marielle: That's the angst talking, snap out of it girl! Come back ;-;
Piper: We could try some new hobbies, or join some clubs, maybe start our own!!
Lyric: >.> please stop.
Piper: We could um... work on Eliza! Help her get over her crush on our gross gross brother and realize that Alex is in love with her!
Marielle: We'd first have to get Alex to admit/realize he's in love with her. And we've already been at that for like ever now
Lyric: And so we just help everyone else with their tragic love lives?what about ussss?
Marielle: Well you could give up on the male species and marry me instead.
Piper: Huh? Wait which one of us?
Marielle: I'd marry you both silly. Piper for her love and compassion and stuff -
Piper: awwww
Marielle: and Lyric for *wiggles eyebrows*
Lyric: I'm calling your father lmao this slumber party is o-ver
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sometimesalana · 10 months
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Marielle: Just spit it out... We're teenagers now, we're supposed to sound crazy.
Lyric: I guess being rejected just sucks? It sucks giant cow bells. And it's not like i liked him alot? I just met him?? But I can't stop thinking about him?? It feels like I need to go to the doctor.
Marielle: Sounds like normal teen angst to me. Wasn't this Piper like 2 weeks ago
Piper: Hey, why are we bringing me into this??
Marielle: Because you eventually moved on a bit, right? It's the way of the hormone's guys. We just gotta ride le wave.
Lyric: You're right and ya know there was this cute guy tagging up our patio after the game tonight.
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Piper: Oh yeah?
Lyric: mhm... but he kind of sucked at it..... kind of rude.... and now that i think of it kind of a sore loser... Yeah never mind.
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