Half of a year has passed. My fuel is draining.
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Our company have a meeting this morning. People were discussing to come to a final agreement. The slolution of their issue seemed very clear to me but it is like nobody is about to listen. I guess my words don't carry any weight.
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I was Ashe chasing down a Tracer through the chateau map. I was with a team
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Why do you?
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We stuck in a spaceship
We stuck there for a while and we’re still alive.
I found out that we were on 2nd floor and there is an entrance to the 1st floor, which is a rectangle hole hidden in the abandoned door/stair
Turned out we’re not the only survival. I found those people under our floor that they’re suffering due to the lack of food. They thought I was one of them so I blend in and also found some people that I know. I managed to bring them to 2nd floor through the entrance without letting those people know. We lead right to the entrance. There are people. I think they found the entrance.
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It's been a while since the last time I wrote down my dreams. I had plenty of dreams during the time I was having illness.
Not until this morning, I felt totally stuck. My desire growing giant and screaming inside out.
It is midnight right now, the only thing I recall on that dream was my cousin's face, and her expression on the exact moment i saw her. Somehow, that was what I was always wanted. It sticks on my head the whole day. I wasn't sure it is her face or her expression that haunted me. What I know for sure is that desire of having someone to share my feelings, my desire, my greed.
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I was killed twice by someone that is close to me
What a creepy game
I don't remember much the first one. The second one I was with someone that can be trusted. We go in the elevator to hide something. She shown up and talk to us. I thought she can be another person that can be trusted too. When we go out from the elevator, she held my hand and pulled me from 3rd floor balcony and we fall to the ground. Right before it happen she revealed that it is not her but the thing that we are hiding from. It is inside her, or else it is imitating her.
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We go to our old lady friend house after passing a gravel trail.On the way we found a burned flattened  corps inside a cattle shelter. We go to the gardening house next to it and we found noone but an old man. The old man is not kinda sagacious as he often laugh in a likely creepy way. We somehow talk about ghosts and spiritual stories. He said “I can see them. There is one right here, hoho, It is telling me something...fire... burnnnn... ghahaha.” I recalled to the corps we saw before. It somehow horrify me. A thought fleeting through my head, that the old man sitting right here killed everyone around.
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saw my workmates and I around as elipse table. Everything is normal but Lin, she’s in a black/white maid costume and having a pair of pink cat ear.
Xuan join me for a bicycle ride and we saw a monk meditating in middle of a cross street. We go to the lake, with a building in construction beside it. It is like GVlake pair with building of Wlake. Q coming to us as we got my dance team already there.
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I was doomfist on an ancient bridge. that is a 3 level bridge with a fountain in the middle. Oneside it has stairs in each side, from ground to the 2 other levels, and a big gate right in center.
I was mc Cree in a small lane between houses.They’re holding inside the house. A mother and her daughter is making food. She asked me going through and join the dinner inside, but i refuse and said I want to go from the other way. The way that look like a door to the room is somehow to another house. These houses are both very thin and long. Not until then I realized that there is no otherway.
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I ride a bike to Set river. There is a new built road right beside the river. The road is very smooth. It and the river are separated by a giant piramid/stair-shaped wall. Looks like they are building a bridge or something along
I borrowed some coloed paper from DA, he asked me if i used all of them when i return those paper. “No, i keep some to work with”, I answered.
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The party is over. We left and took our vehicles to get back home.we crowded at the gate and it started to rain. One of us doesn't have vehicle and we asked each other if anyone can take her home. I was the one that have a free seat and a raincoat so it became my responsibility. We head to her home it is kinda weird that she is not actually the one I know irl. The rain is quite short and it stopped right after when we had left. She start hugging me as I feel comfortable about it. We were on a motorbike but it feels like it is a bicycle. We gone through a overpass before reaching her house. The entrance is like a basement door and she creeping into it. Looks like she want her family to not know about it but it finally failed. Her mother woken up as I left and go back to my home
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210802 time travel
I follow him, tho i don’t know who he is, or what he is.
It was in around 1900s, idk exactly years. After eating bun cha as lunch. I heard a familiar voice singing and it sound like voice from a radio so I ignore it. When we’d done and were going back, I found out it wasn’t a radio but a black man lying in a võng. It was MJ. I praised him as he thanked me and then lying on the võng again..
I follow the man to the elevator inside the building. There is a storefront right straight from the door of the building which is named “Cau lac bo 8″. He, on his motorbike, somehow, takes the stairway instead of waiting for elevator. I remember I used this elevator to get to the apartment. I follow him through the stairway. It lead to some kind of 3nd basement. The ways here is very similar to the 1st floor which I entered. Turn out, it is not just similar but the same. I went outside and there is also a storefront straight from the door and there is sky too. The store front named “Club 8″ and it is like the city in the future.
Somehow I end up in a classroom as I remember I have already graduated. The guy next to me start chit chat around and finally reach me. I said I already graduated and I sit hear to buy time. The guy give some kind of weird smile and leave short time after that. Next to him is a girl, like, in a secondary school. He asked me to do her physics school work. I stare to the door looking for something that I don’t even know I ignored her. She slaps my arm and asks me again “Hey you said you graduated, help me on this one.” and give me her notebook. I start reading  and when I start doing, I wake up.
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Too long, too tired to remember the whole thing [...]
We are having breakfast in a small place, small lane. It has 2 facades
I talk to a big guy (i don’t remember who) and later chat with my ex-co-worker Q. She ask me if I can help her with her [...] I say yes but later. We play with a cat under a cage (which is too big for a cat because it can easily slip through the bars.
I lazily laying on the thigh of her and she is too. This time she’s like HLinh, another co-worker, rather than Q. I feel a bit tired after a very long day, and by the time, we shared a half kiss somehow.
I just got something that makes My mother so excited and and she urged me to go with her to the university immediately, On the way I saw ThangLam and a truck, he must be packing to move somewhere. We go on a big road, then small streets, then small lanes. I recall this place but cant exactly remember not until  I saw the house with 2 facades. We go there to have a breakfast.
We sit next to the owner inside. there is 1 person eating outside, right next to me. I change my mind and want to go sitting outside but there is no way to move without stepping on the food of the person next tome. She hold the table and move it. Me and my mom step outside and the woman move back on. The owner is providing food but main career of his is hair cutting. He is bald, a bald barber.
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210719 dog tired
Shutting down after taking dinner. Most of the memory were washed away. I remember my father trying to frame a picture, maybe a painting of me. It is about 2.2 meters tall in portrait. The cut is not absolute, my father using a knife and start cutting from the bottom.
It wasn't until he finished that my cousin came grabing me to work. I lazily rolling to the blanket and sit on my bed as I always be. She follows and about to put her head on my thigh, lying there. As the moment her hair touched my leg, she stopped "no, that won't be that way" and stand up, suggest we hasten to go to work.
I woke up realized falling asleep on the floor.
I dragged myself to my room, dropped it on the bed and start to lose consciousness agian.
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210713 mid-day
When I woke up she already on her seat. Her dotties butt largely exposed. I tried to cover it and accidentally hit her. Luckily she noticed the exposure and I go back to my seat. Wake up.
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My new coworker turns out to be my cousin. She is awesome. I am corrupt. confusing and corrupt.
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