I know everyone has gotten emotional over the limo scene so another post about it is not necessary BUT IM GONNA MAKE ONE ANYWAY 
bc I didn’t notice at first but it’s not just that they all jump onto each other it’s that Jay literally pulls them into his arms!!!!!!!! 
Evie sees them going into the water and they all start screaming
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The jay’s hand comes down behind the girls (also note Ms. Rotten To The Core Mal immediately shoving herself into Evie’s arms lmao)
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And he grabs evie to pull her to him (bc note she hasn’t moved at all, it’s him pulling her around and into him). And also if you look, Jay’s arm is coming up and obscuring Carlos’s face, meaning his arm is coming up to also pull Carlos into him
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And then his arm goes around Mal as well 
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meaning this huge nerdy What Me a Traitor loser literally pulls the other three to him!!!!!!!  I know it’s been pointed out that their first instinct when faced with death is to huddle up but also - Jay’s first instinct is to pull everyone to him, to try and safeguard them
Leave me here to die please
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Uma + text posts (1/?)
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My Happily Ever After (Part 2 of Cursed Love)
Part Two just as requested!
Jane is kinda mean in this, but like I kinda don't like Carlos x Jane so hahaha. . .
I would love some more requests so please request something! (I have only 1 so please!)
Part 1
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Warnings: Almost death, angst, blood
Summary: You get to read to find out!
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A door was knocked on, once, twice, a third time. Nothing. Silence. The door was knocked on once more, but more rushed. There was a named called, and again. The door was barged open and a scream was emitted from the doorway.
There were tears as Harriet sat next to her first mate and closest friend. Her first mate was lying on a bed, fully unconscious. They were in Auradon, crazy right? Not really...
Harriet did all she could to keep (Y/n) alive even if the girl was unconscious. Luckily the day after (Y/n) went unconscious the barrier was opened. Harriet in fear of losing her friend, got help from anyone she could. She found Harry and begged him to help her. So he did.
Harry got help from Mal and Ben. They got Fairy Godmother and explained the situation. FG wasn't sure what to do, this curse was nothing like she's ever seen before.
The door to the room was open and Mal came walking in with FG right behind her, both in a hurry. "I'm sorry Ms. Hook, but we haven't found anything that could help. Right now we are only slowing the erm-- death now... I think it would be best to let her go."
Harriet was angry, "I'm not lettin' her die! She'z all aye got!!!" Mal sighed and thought for a second, "What if we get the person who she is in love with and talk to them about her," Mal snapped her fingers "That could work right?"
Harriet deflated against (Y/n) just holding her hand, "The person she is in love with has someone already. Besides that won't do anything! She has to fall out of love for the curse to leave her." Harriet ran a hand through her hair, "None of that matters anyways because her heart is broken... God I wish this didn't happen," Harriet wiped away her tears.
"Hey give that back!" A hand reached for their pirate hat, "Carlos!!!" Carlos laughed at the girl as she pouted and turned away from Carlos.
"Aw (Y/n). C'mon," a shoulder nudged the girls. The pirate turned to Carlos and laughed, he was wearing her pirate hat and was making funny faces. "Forgive me?"
"Always and forever." She rested her head on this shoulder and pulled the hat over his eyes.
When Carlos found out (Y/n) had fallen deeply ill he flipped out. He ran straight to her room as soon as Ben said where she was.
"Carlos wait!" Ben called, but it was too late Carlos was not going to lose his best friend and- nevermind that thought. It could never happen. He flew past people and even his friends, nothing would stop him to get to (Y/n).
"Carlos?" Was all he heard as he sped past his girlfriend. Yup nothing would stop him.
Well except the door in front of him and this newfound anxiety. What if (Y/n) wouldn't talk to him? What if she told him to leave? What if she said that she didn't want to see him ever again? What if... Carlos shook his head, no time for those types of thoughts.
The de Vil opened the door and saw her, she looked like an angel as she laid there, but when he took a closer look you could see the sweat on her face and the paleness of her skin. He then noticed she was asleep.
He walked closer and sat on the chair where he supposed Harriet was sitting before he got there.
Even if (Y/n) looked sick, there was still beauty in her. Carlos moved a piece of hair out of her face and sighed. "What happened to you, lass?" He hadn't used that nickname in forever. When (Y/n) first taught him different namecallings that pirates used he immediately used lass for (Y/n). It felt fitting for some reason.
The de Vil grabbed for her hand and sighed, nothing could be done to help her as he was told by Ben.
Suddenly Jane opened the door and looked at Carlos, "Why are you in here and why did you ignore me when I called your name?" She seemed upset.
"I'm sorry Jane, but (Y/n) needs me and she's not doing well! I can't lose her again." Carlos glanced at the priate then turned to look at his girlfriend.
"Lose her? Carlos I'm sure they can help her, why they would want to help a pirate I don't know why," Jane muttered before speaking a bit louder, "I swear Carlos these past few days have been you moping about this pirate girl! Have you heard what she's done to other people? I don't even know why you would even care about her! I mean her father is Davy Jones, isn't that a big enough of a warning sign to leave her?"
Carlos was shocked Jane even said that, but she did and he got angry. He stood up, letting go of her hand as he protected (Y/n) from Jane's verbal attacks, "What the hell Jane? (Y/n) is my friend! She knows practically everything about me and just because she is a pirate doesn't mean anything. (Y/n) can be kind and understanding, when on the Isle she would always be there after my mother would abuse me! So yeah she has hurt people, but that's how people live on the Isle! If you want to live you have to hurt, steal and lie."
Jane was shocked, he never yelled, but she wouldn't back down, "Carlos I am your girlfriend and you still go against me? I am there for you whenever you need me and this is how you treat me?"
"When have you actually been there for me? I try to talk to you about my nightmares and you brush them off as me being dramatic and when your friends talk bad about me you don't even stop them! Girlfriend? Not anymore, go find someone else Jane we are over."
"You cannot do that to me Carlos! You know what, fine, have fun with your dying girlfriend!" Jane then stormed out of the room and slammed the door.
Carlos fell back onto the chair as he ran a hand through his hair. He wanted everything to stop. He wanted to just stop this whole mess. He wanted to back to the time where he and (Y/n) would just make mischief on the Isle. He would do anything to go back to that time were some things were easier than others.
His eyes started to water and he let it all out, tears fell down his freckled cheeks and he just held the pirate's hand once again. Carlos couldn't handle the pain anymore, he missed when it was (Y/n) and him.
For a few minutes Carlos cried, his cheeks red and eyes puffy. (Y/n) seemed to hear him as she slowly woke up. She looked at Carlos and saw him there, broken and it hurt her. She remembered on the Isle when his mother would hurt him and (Y/n) would always help pick up his broken pieces, always fixing him even when he refused her help. This boy meant everything to her and it killed her body, but it was always worth it, to see his eyes light up and smile. To be able to hold his hand when he needed reassurance and hug him when he just wasn't feeling well. To wipe away his tears as he cracks a smile. Everything was so worth doing just for this boy and she would do it a billion times just to see him happy.
(Y/n) forgot about everything in that moment, but Carlos. She shot up from her laying position and grabbed him, hugging him even through the pain.
Carlos was a bit shocked, but he let the hug happen. He enjoyed the warm feeling that (Y/n) gave him including the butterflies in his stomach. They sat there for a while until the girl started coughing.
"Lass? Are you alright?" A coughing fit began and it just wouldn't stop. Carlos looked around and saw a glass of water on the table next to her, he grabbed it and held it in front of her mouth, "Drink this."
(Y/n) held onto his hand that was holding the cup, she took a few gulps of water and some deep breaths. She then looked up at Carlos, his face filled with worry. The pirate gave a small smile and said "I'm okay I guess."
She knew she was already dying so might as well tell him her feelings, right? "Uh Carlos. . . The reason I am sick is because I am in love with you so so much and after finding out about your girlfriend, I was heartbroken and I'm just in love with you beyond belief and I wish we could be together, but my stupid curse has ruined everythi--" (Y/n) was pulled into a kiss, her eyes wide in shock, but she kissed back a second later.
The kiss was slow and very sweet, the two put their hearts into the kiss, making sure every second counted. As the kiss went on they didn't notice the door opening, revealing some friends of the two.
What they also didn't notice is a blue and gold like fairy dust come from where (Y/n)'s heart would be and curl around her and Carlos.
"True love's kiss huh." Was said quietly from the door.
(Y/n) and Carlos pulled away and saw the blue and gold dust, the looked in awe. A voice then was heard and they looked to see a few people, but Fairy Godmother was speaking, "True love's kiss seemed to have broken your curse (Y/n). The curse stopped you from loving without hurting your body, but it seems by someone loving you unconditionally and you loving them back in the same way it was able to break the curse." (Y/n) looked at Carlos and smiled
"Looks like you're stuck with me," (Y/n) said with a laugh
"I wouldn't want my happily ever after any other way." Carlos pulled the girl in for another kiss, happy that he could be with the girl he truly loved.
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Hi! Me again. I did not mean to send that ask when I did, sorry sorry sorry. I meant to ask if there was anything you prefered writing (certain relationships or characters) or if there was anything you didn't want to write at all.
Hello! Don't worry about that last ask, it is okay!
Anyways, I don't have any preferences really, I enjoy writing for all the characters and I'm seriously okay with anything! (I'm a people pleaser so I'm happy with writing with whatever is given)
Though as I know some people might hate my answer I am more open to writing for female characters than male characters as I don't know how men work(sorry everyone that I'm to awkward to talk to boys and understand them) and I feel like the descendants boys get less screen time so less time to know the characters better. But all in the end I will write for whatever is asked so do not worry! Even if it seems 'different' or 'weird' go ahead and ask I won't judge at all!
Also sorry I posted this late at night! I'm a night owl and writing at night is what I do.
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Yo! Can i request an Evie x reader, when the reader is King Arthur's daughter and she meets Evie in a tourney game and she make a bet that if Auradon's team won Evie could ask her anything, but if Camelot's team won she could ask whatever she wants from Evie?
Thank you for the request! This is kind of short, but if you want the date to happen I'll make a part two!
If this isn't what you wanted I'll gladly make a new Evie x reader!
I would love more requests if possible please!
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Warnings: None
Summary: Lonnie decides to bring (Y/n) to a tourney game and there she meets Mal and Evie. They start to bet who will win, Evie and (Y/n)'s bet is a little more intense. Chaos happens.
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"Do I have to go?" (Y/n) flopped herself onto Lonnie's bed as she let out a groan, "All tourney is guys trying to show off and failing miserably!"
Lonnie laughed, "Please? It is just one game! This game is the biggest of the season!"
(Y/n) sighed and rubbed her eyes, "If I go Chad will think I went to support him and then ask me out again, for like the billionth time!" Lonnie laughed again and grabbed (Y/n)'s hands, making the girl sit up on the bed.
"I will tell him we went to support Carlos and Jay, okay?" Lonnie pouted "Please?" (Y/n) looked away and looked back at her friend.
"Don't give me that look Lon! Ugh, fine! But I won't do this ever again." Lonnie smiled and pulled the other girl out of the room. "C'mon we will be late if you don't hurry up!"
(Y/n) and Lonnie walked to the bleachers. Lonnie smiled and pulled the other towards two of the VKs, (Y/n) didn't really know them and kinda didn't want to know them at all. Well until her eyes fell onto the blue haired VK. She was beautiful, her movements graceful and her laugh was like a goddess's. (Y/n) had never seen someone like her.
Then the lovestruck girl figured out they were getting closer to the two and she shook her head.
"Hey Mal and Evie! I don't think you two have met (Y/n). She's the daughter of King Arthur!"
"Like sword in the stone Arthur? As in royalty?" Evie asked and looked at (Y/n) with an intrigued look. Lonnie nodded, "Royalty and all, her father's castle is huge and one day she'll take it over and rule over her own land as the only child!"
Evie looked at Mal with a cheerful smile, "(Y/n) sit next to me!" The blue haired girl pulled the other next to her and sat her down. "So as you know I'm Evie and well. . . I can cook and sew and clean and do many other things." She looked dreamily at (Y/n).
"That's nice! Every time I try to sew I stab myself with the needle," (Y/n) scratched the back her neck and gave a nervous laugh.
"Okay guys enough talking about random things! Who is going to win this game?" Lonnie looked at them all and gave a smirk to (Y/n)
"Obviously Camelot!" (Y/n) said with confidence.
Lonnie sighs, "Of course you say that." Evie laughs and gets closer to (Y/n). She stares at (Y/n) and gets a wicked idea.
"Hey (Y/n), let's make a bet! If Auradon wins then I get to ask you for anything and if Camelot wins then you get to ask me for anything." (Y/n) thought about it and nodded her head. "Alright you have yourself a bet." The shook on it.
It was close 6-5 Auradon was in the lead, but Camelot wasn't giving up. They have 40 seconds to tie it. That would go into overtime and then either team could win. Everyone was on the edge of their seats.
30 seconds
20 seconds
15 seconds
10 seconds
5 seconds
Camelot was so close, but the ball was knocked out of their hands and Auradon caught it.
1 second.
Auradon won and everyone was screaming in happiness! Evie turned to (Y/n)
"I win!!!"
"So what do you want?"
"Well. . . A kiss on the lips and maybe a date?"
(Y/n) laughed "I can definitely give you the first one now. Then later we can maybe do the second thing, only if you wish Princess."
Evie giggled and (Y/n) put her hand out for Evie, which the girl took. The blue haired girl pulled the other closer and both leaned in, hesitant, the closed their eyes slowly as they put their lips against each other. (Y/n) smiled in the kiss and she heard people squealing. . . Oh yeah they were still on the bleachers and next to Lonnie and Mal.
Neither cared and (Y/n) enjoyed the softness of Evie's kisses, she put her heart into the kiss and (Y/n) did also.
They pulled back and noticed all their friends eyes were on them. Jay yelled from the bottom of the bleachers as more people left, "Get some, Evie!" Evie blushed and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand, pulling her away from the others.
They walked to a secluded area and (Y/n) smiled, "You are beautiful."
Evie pulled the Ak into another kiss. Maybe this was Evie's happily ever after. She would definitely want it to be because (Y/n) is by her side.
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I see you, you see me Imperfect perfectly Face to face we can see clearly our similarities Like day and night, wrong or right We come together for a good time ❤️
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Can I request one where the reader is the daughter of Davy Jones and has a major crush on Carlos,but her curse don't allow her to love?
Thank you for the request this was fun to make! Maybe Part 2?
Cursed Love
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Warnings: angst, swearing(like one word), blood(? Not really, just a mention), sickness, mentions of death
So the curse is pretty much if the reader falls deep in love with someone she will fall into sickness and soon after, death. If her heart is broken then pain will manifest in the chest area and soon spread.
Summary: Reader was always intrigued by the de Vil boy who was shy and very intelligent. She would often hang around him until he left for Auradon, luckily she is given the chance to see him again as she jumps through the barrier before it closes along with two of the Sea Three. Carlos has definitely grown and the reader can't help, but fall in more love, but her curse only stops her from those feelings. Will she get the chance to love or will her curse hold her back?
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It was a quick jump with a swift landing, now (Y/n) would of never teamed up with Harry and Gil, but it was her only chance to get off the isle and explore Auradon for bit. (And get to see and talk to Carlos again, but no one need to know that.)
"We made it, bro!" And "We made it," Was heard as (Y/n) looked at the isle behind her. Smiling the pirate turned around as the other two tried to pass the "traitors" as Uma would say. The cursed pirate cleared her throat and everyone looked at her. She gave a fake smile and waved "Did ya miss me?"
After the whole dispute with Uma and Mal everyone agreed to work together until the whole Audrey thing was over. (Y/n) was asked on why she was working with the Sea Three and she replied with "Harriet asked me to watch over her little brother, she wouldn't want him to get hurt!" Teasing Harry was always funny to (Y/n) and she got a laugh out of the others.
As they were looking at the sleeping people Carlos walked up to (Y/n). "Hey, uh what's up?" Carlos was definitely nervous to talk to the pirate, they were not on a good note the last time they talked to each other and knowing the girl standing infront of him did not let go of grudges easily.
"Oh you know the usual, being left on the isle while ya friend went to Auradon then being stuck there for how long again? I've forgotten the days, feels like forever. The best part is not being told that they were leaving and only found out by rumors around town." She coughed, it was happening again.
Carlos winced, right he didn't tell her that he was leaving. Though he had a good reason, his crazy mother was going well crazy about him leaving and then Maleficent was making a plan for the wand. He really did want to tell her, but he just wasn't able to.
"(Y/n) I'm-," he was cut off by Evie who showed them the stoned people. They walked towards the group and discussed where to go.
"You're telling me he left for Auradon and told me nothing about it?!" (Y/n)'s voice raised with each word. She couldn't believe it, after all Carlos and she went through and he left her. Yes she understood that he finally got a chance at a happy ending, but he promised that his happy ending would be where she was apart of it.
It felt like only yesterday that Carlos left (Y/n). She felt lucky being able to be near him again, but still it never felt right. She knew if she fell more in love with the de Vil that her curse would only kill her.
While walking next to Carlos she felt sick. She knew what was happening so she blocked the boy out of her mind and sped up next to Harry who she gave a small smirk to, which he did the same.
"Oh Carlos~ where are you?" The girl looked around Hell Hall, until she climbed the ladder to the roof and found who she was looking for. "There you are! I was looking for you everywhere."
The boy turned around and gave a heart warming smile. "Sorry I was just looking at the view," he gestured to Auradon as (Y/n) sat down next to him.
She sighed, "One day I want to go there and just live a simple life. No stealing, no fighting, no problems. Live in a small house and be at peace. If I could I would find the Black Pearl and sail, traveling places no one has ever gone to."
"And I would be by your side." Carlos said as he put his hand on (Y/n)'s. "What do you want Carlos? If you are able to get out of this place where would you go?" She looked at Carlos, smiling.
"Well. . . If we got out of here, my happily ever after would just to be with you. Where you would go I would follow, I would never leave you. You are all I have (Y/n)." He looks at Auradon. (Y/n) was still smiling, but a headache began to grow.
Mal betrayed them. She lied. (Y/n) walked up to Mal, facing her, practically looking into her soul. "You lied to us all, what kind of monster are you?" (Y/n) saw Harry's saddend look before it turned into anger as he said something to Ben. The girl grabbed his hand and started to walk. "They aren't worth it, Harry. None of them are," Carlos called out her name, but she kept walking.
Audrey was defeated, but she fell into a deep sleep just like her mother once upon a time. (Y/n) and the Sea Three were heading back to the isle.
Carlos ran up before (Y/n) got into the limousine. "(Y/n) talk to me please!" She turned around and gave him a look. "What do you want from me?"
"I'm truly sorry," he grabbed the cursed pirates hands with his own, "I would've told you that I was leaving, but I was busy. You know I would never leave you, my happily ever after will never happen until we are side by side."
There was a pang in (Y/n)'s chest and it got hard to breathe. Then there was someone calling Carlos.
Jay ran up, "You're girlfriend was looking for you, Jane is blaming herself for Audrey," He looks at (Y/n) "See ya." And he walked away
. . .
Heartbroken. Pain spread through her chest once more, but worse. She pulled her hands away from Carlos'.
"Oh a girlfriend? How nice. You know what, forget about happily ever after the isle is my life and Auradon is not my type of place," she hold back her tears, "have fun living your life, I need to go back to my home."
"(Y/n)? Wait!" It was too late the door was closed. Carlos stood there silently before walking off.
(Y/n) closed the door and closed her eyes tightly. "(Y/n)?" She opened her eyes looking at Uma who gave her a sad look, "Come here."
She may not have been close with the Three, but right now she just needed someone. She moved next to Uma who had her arms open before wrapping them around the heartbroken girl.
She started to cry, then it turned to sobbing as Gil rubbed her back. Uma was shushing her, Harry was cursing Carlos under his breath saying that this girl didn't deserve this.
The pain got worse everyday, staying in her room all day and only coming out for food. She would cry from the feeling of betrayal. Yes Carlos was only a friend, but when they were on the isle together there was always something else in between the friendship.
(Y/n) wiped her mouth as she tried to get the taste of blood and vomit out of her mouth. Over time the pain went towards her stomach, now she would vomit often and now blood has come into the mix.
"Shit!" More blood came out of the suffering girl's mouth. Her life was never supposed to be like this yet her she is crying as her body is slowly shutting down on her.
(Y/n) wasn't ready to die, but she just couldn't get over Carlos, except for Harriet, he was all she had.
In a flash spots started taking up her vision and she started to feel dizzy. All she heard was crackles and she started to breathe heavy.
Love was truly a curse.
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Just another blog for Descendants imagines!
My rules are:
•No smut
•And that's about it I'm cool with anything else
I write for all the characters and will write for any type of reader(like male, vk, ak, gender neutral, bi and any other idea you may have or enjoy!)
Sometimes I will write character x character when I'm bored so look out for those haha.
I do love angst so if you do request some angst I will definitely deliver :3
Anyways please request! Thank you lovelies!
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