sommerfawn · 8 years
i hate when ppl say shit like BUT ANTIDEPRESSANTS ALTER YOUR BRAIN FUNCTION UNNATURALLY READ UP ON IT NURGGHH like yeah, youre right, they force it to produce serotonin so i can function, similar to how i take thyroxine bc my thyroid doesnt fucking make the right shit, similar to how people with diabetes take insulin, similar to how people with low iron take iron supplements, you thin slice of nutloaf
do you yell at people for eating food bc their body doesnt just naturally photosynthesize energy on its own
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sommerfawn · 8 years
When people dislike the colder seasons it’s something I truly don’t understand. What’s not to love about being rugged up so tight even your soul is warm. What’s not to love about misty mornings, damp forests, moss and mushrooms - like you’re living a fairytale. Candles, wood fire, cinnamon, steamy soup, hot chocolate. What’s not to love about fresh rainy days, that pitter patter on your roof. I’m never happier than I am in the cold seasons, summer just isn’t my type.
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sommerfawn · 8 years
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sommerfawn · 8 years
concept: my eating patterns are normal. i am solid and present. my mind never leaves me in the middle of the day. i am capable of focusing and smiling. nothing is wrong.
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sommerfawn · 8 years
Reasons I'm probably a cat
-Passive aggressive -Needs attention but pretends I don’t -Likes to be pet -Whiny -Doesn’t know when to stop eating -Needs to sleep 10+ hours -Sheds a lot -Lays on the floor where people are trying to walk -Screams
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sommerfawn · 8 years
Why isn’t using sign language more common in society? like??? Not even just communicating within deaf communities but for everybody to use with anybody?
I feel like this should be standard learning material for those working in loud workplaces or with machinery, or maybe idk for talking underwater or when someone else can’t hear you at a concert. Or what about when somebody is having a panic attack and can’t talk, or just isn’t all that comfortable with voicing their feelings?
Why isn’t nonverbal communication more integrated into our society? Cause it should be.
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sommerfawn · 8 years
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Shameless 6x12
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sommerfawn · 8 years
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sommerfawn · 8 years
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sommerfawn · 8 years
tfw ur joking around and accidentally say something really dark and everyone’s is like “wow that was dark” and u have to pretend you weren’t serious and everything is a-ok
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sommerfawn · 8 years
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sommerfawn · 8 years
Not sure if it’s cool or gross, but you can see the lettuce going through their head
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sommerfawn · 8 years
if u wanna date n not break my heart hmu
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sommerfawn · 8 years
I love how stars are billions of miles apart and we’re like “that’s a soup ladle”.
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sommerfawn · 8 years
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sommerfawn · 8 years
sweet- what’s your favorite type of candy Sour gummy worms
smooth- do you like classical music Yes, mostly to sleep or study too
baby- do you want to be a parent Not sure, I love babies tho
courage- are you a strong athlete Mediocre 
lovely- what’s the adjective you use when people ask “how are you” Fine or okay 
cutie- what’s your favorite orange thing My room 
skin- do you want any tattoos So many
pictures- is art important to you in any way Yes
stars- use one word to describe space Expanding
religion- do you practice religion - what religion if so I'm spiritual but not religious, practiced religions scare me
one- are you a competitive person Yes
makeup- what is your most heavily used makeup product Uhhh mascara 
sheets- how many blankets do you sleep with 2-3
chalk- what subject are you best at in school Science
blush- are you easily embarrassed Yes
water- when was the last time you cried Saturday
karma- do you believe in luck Yes
lips- what is your favorite thing to taste Food
cupcake- cookies, pie, ice cream or cake Ice cream 
music- list your 3 favorite bands or artists Borns, walk the moon, hozier
night- how many hours of sleep do you get 8 maybe
smile- how was your day today Alright
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sommerfawn · 8 years
government: what’s your eye color for this form 
person with blue eyes: oh well that’s SO hard to say definitively. i would say they’re a bluish grayish greenish violet color in low light, but the bright sun REALLY brings out the burnished orange ring around my pupil. i’ve even heard that when a traffic light flashes in my face during a new moon you can see rare tropical fish flit across my irises. is there an option for that? maybe i should fill out three forms? no… 4, just to be safe. you never know what color my eyes will appear when this information becomes necessary ! (: 
government: not another one
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