somniaferi · 4 years
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I headcanon that Bow looks so much at Glimmer when she's not looking that she's just used to it. And I live by it. JUST LOOK AT HIM he loves his angry tiny gf so much 🥺💖
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somniaferi · 4 years
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Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla (2020)
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somniaferi · 4 years
I repeat: the definition of bisexual as “attraction regardless of gender” is at least 33 years old.
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somniaferi · 4 years
I don't think I realized how firmly I've managed to ingrain myself in the zukka corner of the fandom until a random zutara fanart showed up on my dash and I did a literal double take
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somniaferi · 4 years
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the atla renaissance is legit giving me motivation to live
original images: x x x x x x
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somniaferi · 4 years
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Note: Don’t follow Jason anywhere
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somniaferi · 4 years
Everyday I see an opinion that I don't agree with on this hellsite, and every single day, I manage to scroll past it and not to go into someone's inbox on anonymous to explain to them why they are wrong, some of y'all should try that some time
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somniaferi · 4 years
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Pride was always a protest.
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somniaferi · 4 years
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“Like racism and all forms of prejudice, bigotry against transgender people is a deadly carcinogen. We are pitted against each other in order to keep us from seeing each other as allies. Genuine bonds of solidarity can be forged between people who respect each other’s differences and are willing to fight their enemy together. We are the class that does the work of the world, and can revolutionize it. We can win true liberation.” –Leslie Feinberg (Transgender Liberation: A Movement Whose Time Has Come)
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somniaferi · 4 years
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“Thor is a Valkyrie fan, which I think is such a nice thing for this male character to have been a fan of these female warriors.” — Tessa Thompson
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somniaferi · 4 years
never trust these hoes with idealized utopia islands and all cute cat villagers. when they aren’t posting pastel screenshots of their island they’re beating the shit out of their unwanted villagers with a net until they move away
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somniaferi · 4 years
Glimbow RIGHTS
I fully admit I was too much of a shallow lesbian to give Bow x Glimmer any thought until the past couple of weeks, when we started to get hints that Catradora was actually for-real endgame—and then it seemed so obvious?
Like I said in a previous post, they’re childhood sweethearts, which is adorable, and they went through a literal war together, which is so intense. They’ve always been the most important person in each other’s lives—we see Bow crushing on Sea Hawk and Glimmer flustered by Adora, but looking back on the show without my perpetual gay goggles on, they’ve been orbiting each other just as much as Adora and Catra have been.
There’s a nice narrative symmetry to it, too: Glimmer and Catra have been foils since Season 1, and they both end up with their childhood sweethearts. That gets cuter and cuter the more I think about it.
And they’ve got that whole height difference thing going on—when I realized her forehead is at perfect kissing height for him I might have melted a little. And her mom loved him. And ughhhhh, they’re just so soft with each other, even when they’re mad.
So as you can see, I went from totally neutral on this ship to completely on board in the space of one season—probably the sixth or seventh time this show did that to me. What a ride it’s been.
In closing: bisexual men and bisexual women loving each other is true mlm-wlw solidarity. We love to see it!!!
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somniaferi · 4 years
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Mom Approved
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somniaferi · 4 years
Glimmer is my favorite She-Ra character because she’s a pink princess with sparkle powers named Glimmer but left unattended she WILL commit war crimes
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somniaferi · 4 years
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redemption haircut gang
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somniaferi · 4 years
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The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. We are all one people, but we live as if divided.
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somniaferi · 4 years
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so… this happened and im still screaming about it
aimee tweeted about the best friend squad wearing face masks and i delivered 
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