somsblr · 4 years
You don’t need to make others wrong because you know in their story they are right. In your story, you’re right. Then being right or wrong is over. You no longer have to defend what you believe.
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somsblr · 4 years
There is no need to justify what we are.
There is no need to work hard to become what we are not.
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somsblr · 4 years
Tumblr media
The sounds of English
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somsblr · 4 years
Love is real.
It’s the supreme expression of life.
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somsblr · 4 years
You have no mission except to enjoy life.
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somsblr · 6 years
We are always in the process of approaching truth and perfection without actually ever reaching truth or perfection.
The subtle art of not giving a fuck
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somsblr · 7 years
Time 日本語
いは(今) ーじ ーふん(ぷん) です。
ごぜん [午前] = a.m. ごご [午後] = p.m.
Hour じ [時] 1 = いちじ 2 = にじ 3 = さんじ 4 = よんじ 5 = ごじ 6 = ろくじ 7 = ななじ 8 = はちじ 9 =きょうじ、くじ 10 = じゅうじ
Example. (1pm) いま なんじですか? ごご いちじです。 (午後 1時 です。)
Minute (ふん、ぷん) [分] ふん = 2、5、7、9 ぷん = 1、3、4、6、8、10
1 : いっぷん * 2 : にふん 3 : さんぷん 4 : よんぷん 5 : ごふん 6 : ろっぷん * 7 : ななふん 8 : はっぷん * 9 : きゅうふん 10 : じっぷん * 30 : はん
Example. (1.30 pm) いま なんじですか? ごご いちじはんです。 (午後 1時 半 です。)
Example. (1.15pm) ごご いちじ じゅうごふんです。 (午後 1時 15分 です。)
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somsblr · 7 years
Day in Japanese 日本語
げつようび (月) :Monday (moon)
かようび (火) :Tuesday (fire)
すいようび (水) : Wednesday (water)
もくようび (木) : Thursday (wood)
きんようび (金) : Friday (gold)
どようび (土) : Saturday (soil)
にちようび (日) : Sunday (sun)
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