somtimz · 1 year
The roadmap for transforming your business with Generative AI from AI Fund on Vimeo.
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somtimz · 6 years
Monitorama PDX 2016 - Kelsey Hightower - healthz: Stop reverse engineering applications and start monitoring from the inside from Monitorama on Vimeo.
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somtimz · 7 years
Create chat-bots easily using Claudia Bot Builder from Gojko Adzic on Vimeo.
Claudia Bot Builder helps developers create and deploy chat-bots for various platforms in minutes to AWS Lambda. It simplifies the messaging workflows, automatically sets up the correct web hooks, and guides you through configuration steps, so that you can focus on important business problems and not have to worry about infrastructure code.
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somtimz · 9 years
The Age of Adaline
I caught this movie on cable, almost at random and I quite liked it.
I like to see a movie where there is thought, emotion and context. The Age of Adaline features all three. The people are smart and have interesting lives. The main character has a strong emotional problem and the whole story is informed by a rich social and personal history. San Francisco is portrayed in a very interesting way. I would love to have seen more.
The idea of someone having supernatural powers is greatly overdone in American films and is becoming tiresome, but in this case, the idea is handled with subtlety and skill.
Adaline, the central character of the movie, through a freak accident, stops aging in the 1930s. Soon her daughter is an old woman and she herself is still youthful. Eternal youth, however, is not always a blessing as Adaline discovers. The pain of losing friends and lovers to old age becomes intolerable, and so she cuts herself off from any friendships or emotional entanglements. The only exception is here relationships with her pets. There is a scene in the movie where Adaline looks at a photo album of all the dogs that she has owned and that have passed away. There are dozens.
Its not a perfect movie. There are a few holes in the plot, but overall I enjoyed it.
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somtimz · 10 years
HBaseCon 2014: Just the Basics from Cloudera on Vimeo.
As optional pre-conference prep for attendees who are new to HBase, this talk will offer a brief Cliff's Notes-level talk covering architecture, API, and schema design. The architecture section will cover the daemons and their functions, the API section will cover HBase's GET, PUT, and SCAN classes; and the schema design section will cover how HBase differs from an RDBMS and the amount of effort to place on schema and row-key design.
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somtimz · 10 years
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somtimz · 10 years
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somtimz · 10 years
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somtimz · 10 years
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somtimz · 10 years
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somtimz · 10 years
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somtimz · 10 years
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somtimz · 10 years
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somtimz · 10 years
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somtimz · 10 years
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somtimz · 10 years
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somtimz · 10 years
via Twitter http://ift.tt/1m6OgGG
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