somyioki2 · 4 months
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Some more sketches of my lil kids, This time we have milo and Judah. They are a duo of friends you wouldn't assume would even get along with each other. Milo (the pink one) is the youngest out of 7 siblings and he only has one sister who happens to be the second youngest in family too. (She is their mother's favorite). He is a sweetheart who menages to get along with pretty much everyone. Judah on the other hand wakes up with the wrong foot off the bed everyday without fail and is always butthurt over something. He is not only shorter but also a lot more harsh on other people. Milo and Judah balance each other out though, and fill the gaps the other might be lacking in. Judah helps Milo with being more assertive and not pushing himself as much to fit other's perception of him (He do be worried about his older brothers' perseption of him ngl) And Milo just helps Judah see a bit more of the good in the world tbh.
I could probably share more stories about these two but everytime I sit down to sharing anything online about my characters I feel like my brain is frying
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somyioki2 · 5 months
Is it morally acceptable to post shitty camera pictures here on Tumblr I wonder (of your drawings)
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somyioki2 · 5 months
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I have been trying to focus a bit more on sketching lately, and gave up on trying to do very polished art for the time being - gotta get rid of that unhealthy perfectionism frfr
here are some sketches with Ollie and then Ollie with his rat boyfriend Ethan, a stinky white man with blue hair. They are very cozy and happy together
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somyioki2 · 5 months
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Hey guys I have updates on Martyn >:^)
As he has been trying to help out a man named Gabriel with getting a job at the company he works for, he got introdced to the joys of being an uncle for a little boy named Elliott Now he has a part time job on the side - attending all of this little guy's tea parties
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Here are some of my old character's redesign concepts. For Martyn and Mathew respectively c:
Martyn is my little funny man working in an office. He works as a secretary to a very wealthy man who happens to be his friend since their teenage years as well. Martyn though, loves his time off more than anything, and takes it equally as seriously as he does his actual job. In his free time, Martyn's practices archery and likes to visit his family in the country side.
Martyn has a mix of toned down blues and purples in his design, he also wears mostly black. It gives his design some unision and that professional look. But right underneath that hide these bright red tatoo sleves. Creating contrast that comes out only when Martyn is off work, which I think nicely accents his additude towards these two things in his life c:
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And here we have Mathiew! :D probably one of my earliest ocs I ever made, he is a little baby (he is very much a grown ass man) I do think I could have emphesised his body shape a bit better and over all make him look a little bit bigger.
Mathew is the youngest kid in his family, he has two elder siblings - Sara whom he shares his biological mother with and Felix - the eldest, whom he is only half siblings with. They come from a very rich family. Their father left his firm to his eldest son Felix while the other two kids were left to live in his shadow. The siblings were never really close with each other, but it never caused Mathew to resent his older brother. More so it made him sad, as he always longed for that brotherly bond with Felix. He often envied other people's relationships with their siblings in a way.
Mathew decided to try and build his own life and his own name on his own. Even though he came from a rich family, he picked up a lot of odd jobs here and there to gain necessary experience away from his family's infulence. That's how he eventually ended up working for the same firm as Martyn, and worked under the same man named Drake.
That's where these two met, and ended up getting into a relationship with each other - it was rather a short lived one, (mostly because Martyn couldn't forget about the man he has been crushing on for years at that point) but they still are on good terms with each other and have an equally soft spot for the other's antics. I would definitely love to tell you guys more about these two in the future.
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somyioki2 · 5 months
I have been trying to work on rewamping more of my old character c: despite the fact that there is a lot of them and the progress I make is very gradual I am finally starting to feel like I am doing progress
It's definitely something I feel like I owe younger me, to finish what they were always trying to achive and take good care of these characters
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somyioki2 · 5 months
For how long i have been fighting myself about it, I finally cave in and started making spreedsheets in Google docs with my characters 🧍‍♂️
Its been very fun and enjoyable actually
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somyioki2 · 7 months
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somyioki2 · 7 months
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Recently i have been really fighting my adhd brain in attempts to make a coherent list of my old characters. It brought me to tears, and required some scissors and a proper seat on the floor but I got somewhere more or less >:3 and menaged to narrow it down to doable groups related to each other by uhh plot I guess? or setting Today I got to sit down to one of my first redesigns/redraw of my OC Adam! Halleluyah! Man's pale as heckkk in his original design - so I started with drawing him vampire shaded as he was in his original design, but then I got straken by an amazing idea to give this poor man a little bit of melanin and now I am torn cuz jeez I like all these versions, he looks absolutely stunning
Rei is voting for the lighter tan version but I will have to see what I decide to go with in the end :c I love my little scunklie already
There is about 26 more characters to go in this batch so I will share the rest with you guys later too
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somyioki2 · 7 months
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Hehehe i got to print out my most recent drawings of mich and gosh does this feel so cool!!
I can add pretty pictures of my boy to my oc notebook 🥺🥺🥺
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somyioki2 · 7 months
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"So.. there is this one song.."
Okay so.. I lied. I said that I would work on redesigning old men but here I am.. I drew Mich again. The idea behind this drawing is that mich is listening to some kind of song that reminds him of Lucas on his MP3. He is playing with his cup as he day dreams a little. This boy has a big but soft crush on this little gremlin of a man.
Gotta say though that I am not the best at drawing chibis - so drawing Lucas here turned out to be a lot harder than I expected it to.. anyway it was very fun regardless
Oh and Mich is defiitely the type of guy to make CD playlists with songs for the people he likes.
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somyioki2 · 7 months
I think that maybe it really wouldn't be a half bad idea to take some time to revisit characters connected to Martyn and Mathias c: and focus on working on them for a little while
There is a lot of potential to develop them tbh, for example Sara and Martyns ex crush and all of those people
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somyioki2 · 7 months
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Here are some of my old character's redesign concepts. For Martyn and Mathew respectively c:
Martyn is my little funny man working in an office. He works as a secretary to a very wealthy man who happens to be his friend since their teenage years as well. Martyn though, loves his time off more than anything, and takes it equally as seriously as he does his actual job. In his free time, Martyn's practices archery and likes to visit his family in the country side.
Martyn has a mix of toned down blues and purples in his design, he also wears mostly black. It gives his design some unision and that professional look. But right underneath that hide these bright red tatoo sleves. Creating contrast that comes out only when Martyn is off work, which I think nicely accents his additude towards these two things in his life c:
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And here we have Mathiew! :D probably one of my earliest ocs I ever made, he is a little baby (he is very much a grown ass man) I do think I could have emphesised his body shape a bit better and over all make him look a little bit bigger.
Mathew is the youngest kid in his family, he has two elder siblings - Sara whom he shares his biological mother with and Felix - the eldest, whom he is only half siblings with. They come from a very rich family. Their father left his firm to his eldest son Felix while the other two kids were left to live in his shadow. The siblings were never really close with each other, but it never caused Mathew to resent his older brother. More so it made him sad, as he always longed for that brotherly bond with Felix. He often envied other people's relationships with their siblings in a way.
Mathew decided to try and build his own life and his own name on his own. Even though he came from a rich family, he picked up a lot of odd jobs here and there to gain necessary experience away from his family's infulence. That's how he eventually ended up working for the same firm as Martyn, and worked under the same man named Drake.
That's where these two met, and ended up getting into a relationship with each other - it was rather a short lived one, (mostly because Martyn couldn't forget about the man he has been crushing on for years at that point) but they still are on good terms with each other and have an equally soft spot for the other's antics. I would definitely love to tell you guys more about these two in the future.
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somyioki2 · 7 months
I really don't feel like I can hold a coherent thought about anything in my life so I am sorry in advance, a lot of the stuff I will be posting here about my characters will be very messy and maybe sometimes nonsensical
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somyioki2 · 7 months
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2023 vs 2020 Here we have M, one of my rp characters, he was originally called Malec and he grew up in a very small rurual town as an orphan. He is very reserved and bitter towards the world and himself. He deals with a lot of selfhatered that he has no idea how to deal with, so he turns to smoking and alcohol. He feels like being alive is his curse for what he did to his mother.
[Trigger warning] Malec's mother was a very abusive woman, and she ended up dying because Malec tried to protect himself from her (she ended up falling down the stairs, which ended up being a fatal accident)
Man I do have to say my art changed drastically since 2020, one of the things I am really happy about is that I dropped drawing all characters with the same thin and very slender body - not that there is anything wrong with it but c: I am personally really glad I am finally branching out of it
I was still a teenager back then, now as an adult I feel like I am growing to appriciate people of all sizes a lot more, and I hope going forward I can do it more justice with my art (I am thinking especially about more masculine/muscular people and chubby people of all gander OH AND muscular women too?? god please)
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somyioki2 · 7 months
bro I was just looking at old art of M and man I just have to show this to you guys
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somyioki2 · 7 months
Anyway sometimes you just have to accept that not every drawing/sketch you make will turn out to be a masterpiece - and it's okay
even busted sketches with uneven eyes and bad proportions have their space if you're having fun while doing them
I would really like to put more effort into learning more about art and improve as I go forward but what I want to focus on is having fun with my own characters and having the means to just materialise them from just thoughts bubbles in my head into pictures I can share with other people It's sadly something that I have to remind myself of every so often, especially nowdays - doing what you love for the sake of having fun is the most important thing you can do with art. If you don't do what you love you will end up burning out very quickly
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somyioki2 · 7 months
Gosh I have came to the unfortunate realisation that the colors on my monitor are utterly trashhhh The drawing I posted earlier of my characters looks messed uppp, they are way more green and washed out and for a bit I really questioned myself on why I even chose those colors - but then on my phone it all looked alright and i am like??
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