songhaejin-blog · 7 years
“Honestly, it’s sort of creepy. It involves larger than life costumes, as well as really weird masks.” Harmony explain, understanding that there was a lot more to it than that but that it was easier to just explain the costumes. It wasn’t something a lot of people outside of the theatre community knew about. “Lets take over Lanford, and then next the world.”
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“I don’t know why, but for some reason I just think of Halloween now,” Jin shrugged. Of course that wasn’t what she meant, but her short summary of it all just made the young boy’s mind jump there. “Ah, the plans of a pair of true villains. I’m totally in.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
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It were conversations like this one that reminded Nic that not everything in life had to be all serious and focused. People like the one before him reminded him of the ease some simply put out there. They were definitely the kind of people worth keeping around. “So far, so good.” He agreed, “But I’d hate to jinx our luck at the current mood, so I’ll leave it at that.” He mused, with a grin. “Is that right? Well, kid, you continue to surprise me. And that is not easy to do. So, props to you.”
“Good call, good call,” Jin laughed and nodded in agreement. “But isn’t there some sort of like....saying where we lay all the cards on the table and because we did things work out or something like that? So we did that and I don’t think we’ll clash now, we’ll just keep meshing,” Jin said, although he knew if anything, the other man would be confused at what he was trying to say although he hoped that wouldn’t be the case. “Oh yeah? Well I’m full of lots more surprises, I’m just a great guy to have around.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
“It was only opening night, and I think it was only for donors and reviewers…so hopefully we get good reviews and more people come see it.” She shrugged, “But I get paid either way, so,” she teased. Anyone who knew her knew she didn’t perform for the money. It wasn’t like there was much to be earned anyway. Her mouth hung open as she looked around at all of the older people surrounding them. “Gabbing your ass? Really? Who? That’s so fucked up.” She stepped closer to him. “I’ll get revenge if you want me to.”
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“I guess that’s a good point. I don’t see many youngsters being a donor or reviewer...although the latter surprises me a bit, but whatever,” Jin shrugged. “Ah, well that’s all that matters then. You guys put on a good show though, I’m sure it’ll get good reviews and you’ll get lots more shows,” he nodded, saying this because he genuinely thought it to be true. Her reaction was one that he expected but even so, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Dude, yeah, they did. Surprisingly it was the couples too. Like it wasn’t even like they were a widower,” he laughed. “Oh yeah? What are you doing to do? Are you going to grab their ass?”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
      Shrugging in response with her back to the front door to the bar before pushing it in to open their experience to exactly where it was they’d been talking this whole time. “They better go wild. That’s a lot of solid material right there.” Smiling at Jonathan before hooking a hand in his to lead up to the bar. “So. Pick your poison. I’m not seein’ a wheel but I’m seein’ Snookieee’s…” she grinned looking at the pair of Jersey Shore replica’s at the end of the bar. “Come on, put on the best Jonathan that you can…Margarita’s here we come…” 
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“Isn’t it? The world is full of all sorts of fascinating things and I mean, I’d watch that over Trump any day,” Jin laughed. “Alright JessiLynn, lets see...” Jin/Jonathan said, peering at the menu before them. “You know what, sissy? You can pick for the both of us. You know what good ol’ Jonny boy here likes.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
                                 “Nah, don’t worry about it, man—- I try not to take that kind of stuff personally, and besides… babies do cry a lot.” He chuckled, a shrug of his shoulders following. “Let’s hope so. I mean, it might not stick. One minute I feel like I know what I’m doing and the next… I have no idea.”
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“They do...I’d rather be the fun uncle than a dad I think but...that’ll be kind of difficult considering I’m an only child....but anyway, yeah, I don’t think I’ll have kids. I’ll have dogs, but not kids,” Jin nodded, firm on this newfound plan of his. “Ah, well, it’s all about figuring it out as you go along, right? You seem to have the hang of it so far, so just keep doing your thing, man.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
                                 “I know, but someone has to tell you sometimes—- your head might end up getting too big otherwise. I mean, on the daily, how many women do you have falling over each other to get to you? I’m guessing somewhere in the high hundreds,” she said, chuckling lightly. “Okay, so pig allergies is a thing, I believe you, and for that turkey bacon is a good substitute, but still not the real thing. Oh please do gather all your turkey bacon advocates—- I’ll bring all my real bacon ones, and we’ll see who last longer.” She turned to wiggle her brows at Jin, grin stretched from ear to ear.
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“I’d be adorable with a big head...but it would straight my shoulders and my back, so good call there, but I mean, you’d also just be telling me what I already know,” he shrugged. “That’s a good question...I’m not sure, but there’s always more and more, especially when I say that I can dance. They really love that, apparently,” he laughed. “You know what? I can agree on that. It is a substitute, it’s not a real thing, but it still tastes damn good,” he said. “Oh, of course we will.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
Rose smiled at her friend, hopping off of her stool to leap into his arms to give him a hug. Of course he would be at one of these things. He had probably been conversing with all of the rich donors that were invited to each and every opening night that was held at theaters in America. Hell, his parents were probably one of the donors. She pulled away from the hug, energy suddenly fueling her again. Growing up, they had never been the best of friends. Whenever his family would visit France her family made it a point to invite theirs over, and Rose, preferring the company of her cast mates, would ignore him. Despite his mother begging her not to. But as they both got older, things seemed to fall into place a bit more. “Night’s going okay. Did you see the show? Did you like it?” It was one of her first solo aerial pieces in a while. And all she could think about was how excited she was to bring Aliyah to come and see her. “I’m honestly so glad you’re here. I was really just about to die of boredom. How’s your night? Better I hope?”
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Jin laughed at her enthusiasm and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I take it you’re happy to see me?” he joked, but in truth, he was happy to see her too. These kinds of night always dragged on when you didn’t really know anyone your own age. “I did, I did,” he nodded.”You know, honestly, I didn’t think that I would, but I did, it was good. More people should have definitely seen it,” he said, not because he was being nice about it or trying to spare Rose’s feelings, but because he genuinely thought so. It just wasn’t in him to lie if he didn’t need to. “Oh yeah, better now that I don’t have to talk to the grandpas and the grandmas, both of who, keep grabbing my ass.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
“I’ve always been interested in Greek Theatre, and I’ve just heard that the country is really pretty in general.” Harmony replied, sending the man a smile. There were so many things that she wanted to see on the planet. “Well, that is great. I am a really determined person as well so it sounds like we’ll make a good pair.”
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“Greek Theatre....” he repeated, nodding along at the two words he was familiar with, but unsure what it meant together. “What exactly does that entail?” he asked with a raised brow. “Sounds like we’re a duo no one should reckon with.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
“Something like that,” the Hungarian murmured, nodding slowly as the thoughts and memories attached to those years began to flow back with gradual ease. Some images were easier to grasp than other, while entire files of internal film refused to be accessed. Bloody fingerprints covered their cases, stains and splatters of grief and tension that were burned into his gray matter.
The man chewed on the inside of his cheek, bright eyes flickering up to look to the other, gears turning as the other questions were posed.
“… Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, back to Yugoslavia, ah… England, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria… France… Germany — Plenty of other European countries.”
The names stung just as much as the silence that followed, contemplating as to whether or not he was to answer the second question. He cleared his throat, exhaling deeply.
“… Every day.”
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“Ah jeez....I know it’s one of those things where it’s someone’s gotta do it but some of those places are so dangerous.... as much as I would like to think I’d want to go to some of those places, I know I’d shit myself and not be able to at all. So really, all the more power to you, man,” Jin nodded. “Really?....Like what?”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
           “Well, did he fail in the end? Did he die? Because then he did fuck up— the goal was to not die,” she said confidently, as if she knew what the hell she was talking about. Most of the time she liked to believe she did no matter the subject. It worked in her favour more often than it should. “I don’t agree. You should be able to find inspiration everywhere without needing to pay for it. Nice try though.”
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“It’s complicated,” he said with a sigh, and in truth, it was a complicated ending, one that Will Smith surely didn’t deserve. “You’ll have to watch it to know what I mean...and he did die, but it just....well, it’s complicated,” he chuckled, reiterating the earlier comment. “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Nothing in this world is free.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
“That is true. My job is more of a hobby honestly. I never feel like I am working.” Harmony replied, loving everything she did. Acting had been a part of her life for as long as  she could remember. “I think it would be cool to go to Greece.” She said sending the man a small shrug. “Perfect. Hopefully we’ll be able to find some enjoyable poutine though.”
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“Greece? Why’s that?” he said, knowing that it was a destination that many wanted to go to, himself included, but of course, everyone had different reasons for that being the case. “Oh, trust me, if you knew me, you would know that I’ll be determined enough to find it, rest assured.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
         “I don’t think I’ve seen that one, but even if I had, I feel confident that I’d do better than Will Smith.” She smirked. It was a bold statement, especially for a person who hadn’t seen the movie in question, but considering the shit she had already been through and risen above, she was certain she could get through even a zombie apocalypse thing if it meant doing it to keep her kids safe. “Inspiration is free, mate. I’m not giving you half of anything unless you work for it.”
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“But see, Will Smith in that movie didn’t fuck it up, it--...well, if you haven’t seen it, when you watch it, you’ll understand,” Jin said with a grim expression. “Who told you something like that? Inspiration costs money, and I charge when it does well.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
     “Aw, that’s so sweet. Way to really make a day that should be all about yourself, not at all about yourself. That’s a talent these days.” All that was true, somehow this guy seemed liked an actual good one, a genuinely nice guy. “Jonathan, the news did cover it. All day, every day because, Jonathan, in Kentucky you don’t mess with the meat. A documentaries probably already, most definitely in the works. Prob PBS and bound for one time airing but hey, take what you can get. Kentucky pride.” 
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“I’m just a nice guy, what can I say?” Jin laughed and for a moment he couldn’t help but wonder if claiming such a thing would taint the compliment that she had given him. “Really? I’m missing out...and yeah, I can see it being PBS or TVO honestly, I mean, those two would go wild for it.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
                                 Adam laughed with Jin, nodding his head as he patted his shoulder and admitted the same thought had crossed his mind. “Well, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking it for a second there. To be fair though, a crying baby is really just… not fun at all.” It was heartbreaking when it was Mia—- way more than he ever thought it would be, but he understood why others, who weren’t her dad, found it irritating more than anything. Luckily Mia wasn’t very fussy. “Yeah, yeah for sure, that’s life now. I’m kind of proud I’m actually helping her grow. I’m a positive influence for the first time in my life,” he joked.
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“Honestly, dude, I’m just glad you’re not someone who would have gotten offended by me saying something like that,” Jin laughed. Of course, he understood why a parent would, but Jin meant no harm. It wasn’t like he was saying he wanted to drop kick a baby or something. “Oh yeah? Well lucky for her, you’ll know what kind of influences to look out for with her.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
                                   “We’re not getting into it again. I know I brought it up, but shush,” she urged, a light laugh escaping her lips. “You know, I agree with you when it comes to keeping it simple pancake wise. And about the waffle thing too—- I like it with all the toppings, even though I’m full after two bites,” she said. When they ventured into crepe territory, she nodded her head in agreement once again, a smile pulling at her lips. “I agree. Every kind of crepe is good. I had one with spinach, salmon and ricotta cheese once, and I seriously thought I’d died and gone to heaven, it was so fucking good.”
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Jin just laughed in response, knowing that he most certainly didn’t want to get into this argument again. “Right? Waffles somehow end up being a waste...so I just stick to Eggos at home and call it a day and if I go out I’ll indulge in pancakes,” he shrugged, as though this made the most sense. “Oh, that does sound good...I had a philly steak version and it was mouth watering....and also one with Nutella, bananas and strawberries with a little bit of whipped cream.”
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songhaejin-blog · 7 years
                                “Oh, you’re so fucking dumb,” she laughed, eyes rolling and head shaking. “Okay fine, so I agree that maybe it was made as a sort of substitute, like, for people with allergies, or whatever, but probably mostly for muslims or people not eating pork, but like…” She paused for a beat, squinting in concentration. “It’s still not real bacon, because real bacon was there first, and the rest is just… diet attempts and substitutes and if you really love turkey bacon more than real bacon, then we can’t be friends.” She laughed at the last part, clearly not meaning it, but her stance on bacon was clear. “Real bacon is best, and you know it.”
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“Wow. W o w. Those are harsh fucking words, Zoe Foster,” Jin said, placing his hands over his heart and stumbling a few steps backwards as though he were truly injured by the words. “Probably mostly for Muslims, yeah, but seriously, people do have pig allergies!” he insisted. “You know what Zoe? I’m going to gather all turkey bacon advocates and I want to see how long you can survive with your misguided opinion,” he said with a firm nod, although of course he was too lazy to follow through on such a thing.
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