songofthealps · 6 months
actions speak louder than words non - verbal / action prompts from yours truly. (add a "swap" to swap the sender/receiver in the prompt (or just do it manually).)
back, sender gives receiver a back hug.
beckon, sender beckons receiver closer with a finger.
blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver.
book, sender helps receiver get a book from a higher part of the shelf.
care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick.
catch, sender catches receiver by the waist after they bump into each other.
choke, sender saves receiver from choking by giving them the heimlich.
cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders.
cry, sender wipes tears off receiver's face with their thumbs.
dance, sender sticks a hand out to receiver and invites them to dance.
dip, sender skinny dips in front of receiver and invites them to join.
dog, sender's dog pulls them in receiver's direction.
drive, sender drives receiver somewhere in their car.
drag, sender drags receiver into a room and closes the door behind them.
draw, sender draws receiver like one of their french girls.
face, sender turns receiver's face towards them.
flower, sender gives receiver a flower.
footsie, sender initiates footsie with receiver under the table.
forehead, sender presses their forehead against receiver's.
grab, sender grabs receiver's wrist to stop them from leaving.
jump, sender jumps onto receiver's back.
kiss, sender kisses receiver.
link, sender links arms with receiver while walking.
massage, sender offers receiver a massage.
patch, sender patches up receiver's wounds.
piano, sender teaches receiver how to play the piano.
pin, sender pins receiver's hands behind their back.
pluck, sender plucks something out of receiver's hair.
press, sender presses receiver against a wall.
propose, sender proposes to receiver.
quiet, sender gestures for receiver to be quiet.
rest, sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder.
serenade, sender serenades receiver with a song.
sign, sender walks into a sign and receiver sees.
size, sender measures the size of their hand against receiver's.
shoes, sender removes receiver's shoes for them.
sun, sender rubs sunblock onto receiver's back.
tattoo, sender gives receiver a tattoo.
tie, sender helps tie receiver's tie.
tuck, sender tucks receiver's hair behind their ear.
umbrella, sender lets receiver under their umbrella.
warning, sender presses a knife against receiver's neck as a warning.
zip, sender needs receiver's help to zip up the back of their dress.
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songofthealps · 6 months
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Fashion & Appearance Sentences
(Sentences for muses that are concerned about how they look. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I'm a little concerned about the way you dress."
"Why are you wearing perfume?"
"Did you iron your shirt?"
"Why are you dressed like that?"
"I don't really have old man ear hair, do I?"
"You absolutely stink of cheap aftershave."
"Have you looked in the mirror lately? I have two words for you: 'hairline' and 'receding'."
"How good looking am I?"
"Hey, do you think I'd suit a goatee?"
"That jacket is a piece of clothing that's worthy of scrutiny. No one will look past it to what's underneath as long as the jacket makes a good impression."
"I don't need a lecture on style."
"You can wear a suit that tight up to the age of 35, and no further."
"You bought that yourself. You want to look pretty."
"When I go out, everybody sees me."
"Wear the sky blue shirt. It almost makes you look nice."
"If you're going to dress like an Italian hooker, at least let it be this year's Italian hooker."
"I really am ruggedly handsome, aren't I?"
"I wouldn't be caught dead in that thing. It looks like somebody's nightmare!"
"You blow-dry your hair?"
"That's a very nice suit. It would be a shame to ruin it."
"It's all very well trying to follow the latest fashions, but one has to know what suits one's shape."
"I think your tie is ugly."
"Beauty does not happen by accident."
"Replacing the quiet elegance of the dark suit and tie with the casual indifference of these muted earth tones is a form of fashion suicide."
"That photo in the paper did you no justice. You're much better looking in person."
"Excuse me for actually caring what I look like!"
"I haven't a thing to wear!"
"What do you think? This outfit, or the previous one?"
"Wow! That looks amazing on you!"
"You sure took a big step down in the wardrobe department."
"I'm really not keen on this season's fashions. It's all a bit too... Well, ugly!"
"Why don't you let me give you a makeover?"
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songofthealps · 6 months
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songofthealps · 1 year
❝  i only want you.  ❞
❝  i don’t need anyone else.  i just…you.  you’re all i need.  ❞
❝  listen,  i’ve lost a lot of people in my life.  i learned how to deal with it but…you’re different.  i can’t take it if it’s you.  ❞
❝  i think about anything happening to you and i— i just.  i fucking lose it.  ❞
❝  you don’t understand.  i need you safe.  not because i don’t think you can handle yourself but because i can’t focus on anything else if there’s even the smallest possibility you’re in danger.  ❞
❝  no one is ever gonna get near you again,  you hear me?  ❞
❝  i won’t let you get hurt.  i promise.  and i don’t make empty promises.  ❞
❝  turn around.  you don’t need to see this part.  ❞
❝  just give the word and i’ll kill every one of them.  ❞
❝  you can’t get all worked up every time something happens to me.  that’s just life.  you’re not always gonna be able to protect me from it.  ❞
❝  no one else understands me.  but you do.  you always do.  ❞
❝  i don’t think i’m the best person for you,  i don’t.  but i do know i’m the one that can keep you safe  ❞
❝  hey—  look at me.  it’s over.  it’s done.  we’re okay.  ❞
❝  who the fuck made you cry i’ll fucking rip their head off.  ❞ 
❝  i know you’ve always got my back.  ❞
❝  please,  let me take care of you this time.  you’re always protecting me but it tears me up inside every time you get hurt because of it.  ❞
❝  can you make everyone else just go away?  i know they mean well but i just want to be alone—  alone with you i mean.  ❞
❝  i know when you’re here,  the real monsters can’t touch me.  ❞
❝   oh,  i am one of the monsters.  but that just means i can keep all the other monsters from ever hurting you again. ❞ 
❝  if you’re gonna keep risking your life for me than you’re also gonna let me patch you up without a single complaint.  ❞
❝  we keep each other safe.  it’s my turn to protect you.  ❞
❝  i killed them for you.  i know you could’ve done it yourself,  but you shouldn’t have to.  ❞
❝   i love you because i know how capable you are.  and i show that love by making sure you don’t have to be the one to always do the hard things.  ❞
❝   i’m gonna make them regret ever even thinking about laying a hand on you.  ❞
❝  tell me what you want me to do.  i’ll do it.  whatever you want.  ❞
❝  i love you just like this.  i love you when you touch me gently like no one else ever has.  and i love you when your hands are bloody and your knuckles are bruised. ❞
❝  please,  just let me protect you.  ❞
❝  are you hurt?  did they hurt you?  ❞
❝  wait,  stop you’re bleeding.  ❞
❝  did you just wince?  where are you hurt?  ❞
❝  i need you in my life.  i’m not used to that—  needing people.  but i do need you.  ❞
❝  you make me feel things i’m not used to feeling.  ❞
❝  why do you let me close when you’re always driving everyone else away?  ❞
❝   you’re mine.  and i protect what’s mine.  ❞
❝  thank you for always being here for me.  ❞
❝  you see things in me that i didn’t even know where there.  ❞
❝  that’s enough.  let’s go home.  ❞
❝  i’m okay now.  i’m safe.  you don’t have to be angry anymore.  ❞
❝  please stop—  this is scaring me. ❞
❝  you don’t have to do this for me.  ❞
❝   hey stop— stop!  look at me.  they’re dead now.  you can stop.  ❞
❝  i have to make an example outta them so no one else tries to hurt you again.  ❞
❝  killing for you is easy.  it’s right.  it feels natural.  ❞
❝  let me do this for you.  ❞
[ ONE ]  for sender to take a bullet for receiver. 
[ TWO ]  for receiver to take a bullet for sender. 
[ THREE ]  for sender to protect receiver and then carry them to safety. 
[ FOUR ]  for receiver to protect sender and then carry them to safety. 
[ FIVE ]  for sender to witness receiver get hurt which sends them into a violent rage.
[ SIX ]  for receiver to witness sender get hurt which sends them into a violent rage. 
[ SEVEN ]  for sender to be hurt trying to protect receiver which makes them bloodthirsty for revenge.
[ EIGHT ]   for receiver to be hurt trying to protect sender which makes them bloodthirsty for revenge.
[ NINE ]  for sender to have violently protected receiver,  so receiver kisses them to calm them down. 
[ TEN ]  for receiver to have violently protected sender,  so sender kisses them to calm them down. 
[ ELEVEN ]  for sender to carefully approach receiver in the aftermath,  gently touching them to try and bring them back to themselves. 
[ TWELVE ]  for receiver to carefully approach sender in the aftermath,  gently touching them to try and bring them back to themselves. 
[ THIRTEEN ]  sender was kidnapped,  receiver shows up to save them.  
[ FOURTEEN ]  receiver was kidnapped,  sender shows up to save them.  
[ FIFTEEN ]  sender executes a third party in front of receiver because that person hurt them. 
[ SIXTEEN ]  receiver executes a third party in front of sender because that person hurt them. 
[ SEVENTEEN ]  sender thinks they’re alone but receiver comes out of nowhere to rescue them from someone who intends to do harm/making them uncomfortable. 
[ EIGHTEEN ]   receiver thinks they’re alone but sender comes out of nowhere to rescue them from someone who intends to do harm/making them uncomfortable. 
[ NINETEEN ]  sender has been devastated by something.  receiver holds them until they calm down so they don’t do anything drastic. 
[ TWENTY ]  receiver has been devastated by something.  sender holds them until they calm down so they don’t do anything drastic. 
[ TWENTY-ONE ]  sender thought receiver died so they set out to get revenge.  receiver shows up in time to stand in front of them before they go too far.  
[ TWENTY-TWO ]  receiver thought sender died so they set out to get revenge.  sender shows up in time to stand in front of them before they go too far. 
[ TWENTY-THREE ]  sender is in a vengeful rage because of something that happened to receiver.  receiver gently approaches to calm them down saying this isn’t what they want. 
[ TWENTY-FOUR ]  receiver is in a vengeful rage because of something that happened to sender.  sender gently approaches to calm them down saying this isn’t what they want. 
[ TWENTY-FIVE ]  for sender to have receiver stand by somewhere safe where they can watch sender kill on their behalf. 
[ TWENTY-SIX ]  for receiver to have sender stand by somewhere safe where they can watch receiver kill on their behalf. 
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songofthealps · 1 year
“Thank you. It means a lot,” he says, genuinely. It’s always nice to know there is somewhere to go, if one just needs to… get away, you know? “Oh, I remember them! So sweet. I would love to see them again.”
“Oh, there are good snacks in Bónus. And 10/11 — eh, 10/11 is more, like, a convenience store, so more snacks and stuff like that. I can show you what is nice!” Although, he holds his hands up bashfully, and with a grateful smile he waves the idea away. “I couldn’t ask you to pay. You’re the guest — we’ll figure something out, but I can cover this.”
The door is closed after her, but (as usual), he doesn’t lock it. With a smile to her, he then leads her to the elevator, and pushes the button. To their right is a tall window, with a view of the city lights — it’s dark out, naturally, but they offer up a cozy sort of feeling. At least it’s not snowing, he figures.
“Do you like the dark winters?” He asks, glancing up at the elevator as they wait. “Some people find it depressing — and, I suppose, I get it. But I like them, somehow. They feel… cozy? Familiar? What about you?”
“Yes, I do think that it’s always nice to know that you have places that you can think of as a safe haven. I for one like knowing that I have people that I can rely on in the event that I want to get away for a bit.” She smiled warmly at him, counting him as one of the people that she knew that she could rely on. It was nice, and the warm feeling that she got from it was always positive. “But I am sure that they’d love to see you, too. You have a way with animals you know.”
She looked fascinated as he described the 10/11. “We have Kisok, which is kind of like a ‘coffee and more’ situation. You can get a lot of little things there, but yours sounds like it’s more fun. I am excited for you to show me as well.” When he offered to pay, her cheeks heat up a bit. She always felt a bit guilty when others paid for her. “Okay, how about you get it this time and I’ll get it next time, or the next thing that we do.”
“I do, and I also like when there is a bit of snow on the ground. There is something a bit magical about having all of the snow all around you, you know? And to be able to look up at the stars in the sky and to realize that we’re pretty tiny in this big world.” She glanced over his way. “What I do not like are really hot summers, I find that I burn easily and I’d prefer to avoid that if possible. Do you like the summers to be warm? I bet they’re lovely up here.”
@islandiis / continued 
At first, she’d worried she’d made a mistake. Not all people liked when someone just came to their home to see if they were alright, even if they had good intentions. Thankfully, Fannar only gave her the impression that he had seen a ghost for a few moments before he’d stepped to the side. And it was then that she could finally breathe for a moment, because she was sure that he wasn’t upset. At least.. If he was, he was masking it really well. 
“Nothing you need to apologize for,” She speaks as she does step into the doorway, reaching her hand down so she can slip her shoes off. “It’s not like you’re the only one who stepped away for a bit, and, you don’t need to be sorry about not sending anything my way either. I know we care about each other, we don’t need a gift to define it.” She smiled at him, genuine. Not truly one for material things, though sentimental when she had them from those she loved, she was more so someone who valued time. 
Observant as he was, he’d be likely to note that her hair was piled up in a bun with various strands poking out, the whole thing threatening to fall down in a heap. Her eyes had bags, which wasn’t the norm for her either. And, on a more subtle note, her socks didn’t match. Lara normally at least attempted to look put together. Today, however, that wasn’t happening. She’d stared at her mismatched socks for a moment when she was removing her shoes, but quickly tried to recover. 
She stepped in fully, placing her shoes in a corner before closing the door. “Ah, I’d love coffee if you’re in the mood for it.” And, once he invited her to stay for a bit, she worried her lower lip between her teeth. “Are you sure it wouldn’t be trouble..? I mean, I ask because, well, I did pack a bag or two in case I would be staying for a bit.” 
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songofthealps · 1 year
“I mean, I happened to be in the area when this happened to you. I don’t know how it happened, I just heard something go off, and then I turned the corner and saw you and your friend. That was..” There was a visible shiver that went over her when she said it, looking like she was about thisclose to being ill. Being in medicine, there wasn’t much that made her nervous, but there were some things that did. And knowing there was a chance that he could have died was enough to make her feel ill. 
“Look, I care about you. Like it or not, you’re someone that I care a lot for. Either way, I’m here now, and I’m not planning on going away. I just want to make sure that you’re alright. As for my little spot in the corner, I’m fine. I’ve stepped away when I’ve needed to do things. And since my mom passed.. There isn’t a lot that I’ve had to do other than work. And with that.. Well I have a bit of paid time off. So I’ve kind of taken care of that.”
She shrugged when he told her that she could or should leave. “I don’t have a big desire to leave you. Not that there is much that I am missing at home. But, if you want to be alone for a bit now that you’ve woken up, I understand and can head home for a bit. Can come back later if you want. Would be happy to bring you something that you actually want to eat.” 
@songofthealps from ask 
"I um-" How was she even going to put this? What could she even say? That she'd been in the right place at the right time for his friend to grab her and ask her to call for help? That she'd held pressure on a wound, come with him here? That she'd been sleeping in this chair the past couple of days because they'd said he might never wake up?
"I just was around one of our usual haunts. Something must have happened to you.. There was so much blood. I was so scared for you. We got you here and they told us you might never wake up again so I.. I've been sleeping in this chair and trying to keep an eye on you. I'm just relieved you're sitting up and talking."
Stares at her still a bit dazed but as she answered his question he became worried, shocked. “Where was I shot..” Was it one bullet or several? He tried to remember but his mind was still very fuzzy. 
“You just happened to be at the right place at the right time? I’m sorry I scared you.. and screw what the doctor said.. I’m fine..” As far as fine goes, he was alive and talking anyway. “Really darling I’m okay.. feel like shit but.. could be worse..” 
Tried to lighten the mood, wasn’t overtly fond of this and more so confused as to why she cared so much. Still it showed in her expression, her voice, this really scared her. 
“How long was I out.. I hope not too long.” Couple days, weeks? Hell if he knew, head was heavy, fuzzy and it felt like this very moment was some kind of dream. The beeping of the monitor he was hooked on was annoying enough to indicate it wasn’t though. 
“My friend.. was it a guy with messy black hair? Didn’t talk?” 
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songofthealps · 2 years
gentleness action prompts edit/interpret sender/receiver roles as you see fit
breathe - muse a holds muse b closely to help them wind down after a stressful day/event
stop - muse a holds muse b back from walking back out into the fray
melt - muse a holds muse b’s face gently, drawing circles into their cheeks with their thumbs
acceptance - muse a kisses muse b’s forehead and lingers
redemption - muse a holds muse b’s face together and rests their forehead against them
home - muse a pulls muse b closer until muse b’s face rests in the crook of muse a’s neck
finale - muse a wraps themself around muse b to keep them from harm
classics - muse a tends to muse b’s wounds with more care than necessary
honesty - muse a wipes muse b’s tears away from under their eyes
recovery - muse a rubs muse b’s back repeatedly to help work tension out their body
anxiety - muse a intertwines their fingers with muse b’s to ground themself
repose - muse a languidly slips into muse b’s arms while muse b is lying somewhere
subtlety - muse a gently brushes their hand over folds and wrinkles on muse b’s clothing
intimacy - muse a braids/brushes/works knots out of muse b’s hair
domesticity - muse a rests chin on muse b’s shoulder to read/see what they’re holding
second-nature - muse a runs their hand through muse b’s hair who’s leaning into them from behind
casual - muse a slinks their arms around muse b’s to sit closer
wounded - muse a sways muse b and themself back and forth as a soothing mechanism
care-taking - muse a rubs muse b’s arms repeatedly to get some warm into them
excuses - muse a brushes their thumb lightly against muse b’s rub some dirt/dust/etc away
courting - muse a rests one hand on muse b’s back and holds out the other for muse b to hold to help them climb up/down something
simplicity - muse a playfully runs their finger along the bridge of muse b’s nose in one swift motion
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songofthealps · 2 years
“You’ve been out for about two weeks. I mean, it’s not like it’s the least normal for something like this, but it doesn’t stop me from feeling a bit of worry about things. Like, the idea that you might not wake up did come to mind, and the fact that the doctors were saying that to me a bit. I’ve kind of made your room into my second home.”
She gestured the spot where the small chair was in the corner. Her laptop was there, plugged into the wall. She had some bottles of coffee, and other snacks, scattered about. There was even a change of clothing or two. She’d not been lying when she said that this was her home base. She’d stood a bit, made her way over to the bed, and then glanced down at his hand like she wanted to take it but wasn’t sure if she should. Her hand hoovered in an almost awkward position, and she held it there before she spoke again. 
“Yeah it was. And no, he didn’t talk.”
@songofthealps from ask 
“I um-” How was she even going to put this? What could she even say? That she’d been in the right place at the right time for his friend to grab her and ask her to call for help? That she’d held pressure on a wound, come with him here? That she’d been sleeping in this chair the past couple of days because they’d said he might never wake up?
“I just was around one of our usual haunts. Something must have happened to you.. There was so much blood. I was so scared for you. We got you here and they told us you might never wake up again so I.. I’ve been sleeping in this chair and trying to keep an eye on you. I’m just relieved you’re sitting up and talking.”
Stares at her still a bit dazed but as she answered his question he became worried, shocked. “Where was I shot..” Was it one bullet or several? He tried to remember but his mind was still very fuzzy. 
“You just happened to be at the right place at the right time? I’m sorry I scared you.. and screw what the doctor said.. I’m fine..” As far as fine goes, he was alive and talking anyway. “Really darling I’m okay.. feel like shit but.. could be worse..” 
Tried to lighten the mood, wasn’t overtly fond of this and more so confused as to why she cared so much. Still it showed in her expression, her voice, this really scared her. 
“How long was I out.. I hope not too long.” Couple days, weeks? Hell if he knew, head was heavy, fuzzy and it felt like this very moment was some kind of dream. The beeping of the monitor he was hooked on was annoying enough to indicate it wasn’t though. 
“My friend.. was it a guy with messy black hair? Didn’t talk?” 
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songofthealps · 2 years
“Thank you,” He answers, with a small sigh of relief. Not that he doubted Lara wouldn’t be understanding, especially since it has been an impromptu visit — but still, it’s nice to hear. “Of course. Make yourself at home, okay?”
He nods as she hops back up, and tucks a lock of hair back behind his ear as he closes the fridge again and straightens up. “Alright! It does sound fun. Shopping is always better with company.” A smile, and then he pats his pockets to feel for his wallet. “Just a second while I get my coat on. It’s not a long walk, just a few minutes.”
Leaving for just a moment, he digs through his coat pockets and finds his wallet there, along with his keys. His phone is on him, so he nods to himself and then tugs his coat on, followed by his shoes.
“Oh, that’s maybe the only house rule! If you don’t mind, please take your shoes off here at the entrance.” It’s then that Mjási appears, stalking out of his bedroom and looking like she’s just woken up. He grins at her, kneeling down to ‘pspsps’ at her, but she only blinks at him and then wanders into the bathroom for her food. He rolls his eyes and straightens up.
“Children,” He says, like an exasperated mother, before holding the door open for her with a smile. A glance at his phone, and then out the window at the end of the corridor (dark, which tells him nothing — it’s Reykjavík!) and then suggests, “We’ve got a few hours before Bónus closes. Let’s get coffee, and then we can get groceries on the way back? Does that sound alright?”
“You’re so kind to me, truly. It’s nice of you to want to make sure that I am comfortable. You know that you are always welcome to come and stay at my home if you wish. You know, should you ever feel that you need a break. As I am sure you know, I have a small army of animals, all of which will probably want to come and love you. It’s just how they are.” She didn’t want to tangent too much, but did believe that he’d met at least a few of her furry friends in the past. 
She didn’t mind him taking a few moments to get ready, it would take her just as long to find her own coat, shrugging it on, and then going to retrieve her shoes where she’d left them, close to, but not quite where Fannar had indicated that she should. She made a mental note of where he wanted them, and nodded her head. “Sure! I don’t like shoes on in my home either. For as much as I don’t mind the dirt, I’d rather it stay outdoors where it belongs. You know?” 
She’d grinned when she saw Mjási, slightly saddened that she didn’t come over for pets, but determined that if she did come over by her later that she’d give her a lot of love. She nodded knowingly to his children comment. “Liebe is like that, though Maxwell and Pumpkin are a bit more friendly. Wonder if the three of them would get along.”
His plan sounded lovely, and she was quick to agree. “Can’t say that I have ever been to a Bónus before, so I am excited to be able to try out some of the things there. Do you recommend any snacks? I am happy to buy them for us.” She was Switzerland afterall, and more than happy to spend money on those she cared about. “I’m excited for the coffee too. Really just being here is so nice.”
@islandiis / continued 
At first, she’d worried she’d made a mistake. Not all people liked when someone just came to their home to see if they were alright, even if they had good intentions. Thankfully, Fannar only gave her the impression that he had seen a ghost for a few moments before he’d stepped to the side. And it was then that she could finally breathe for a moment, because she was sure that he wasn’t upset. At least.. If he was, he was masking it really well. 
“Nothing you need to apologize for,” She speaks as she does step into the doorway, reaching her hand down so she can slip her shoes off. “It’s not like you’re the only one who stepped away for a bit, and, you don’t need to be sorry about not sending anything my way either. I know we care about each other, we don’t need a gift to define it.” She smiled at him, genuine. Not truly one for material things, though sentimental when she had them from those she loved, she was more so someone who valued time. 
Observant as he was, he’d be likely to note that her hair was piled up in a bun with various strands poking out, the whole thing threatening to fall down in a heap. Her eyes had bags, which wasn’t the norm for her either. And, on a more subtle note, her socks didn’t match. Lara normally at least attempted to look put together. Today, however, that wasn’t happening. She’d stared at her mismatched socks for a moment when she was removing her shoes, but quickly tried to recover. 
She stepped in fully, placing her shoes in a corner before closing the door. “Ah, I’d love coffee if you’re in the mood for it.” And, once he invited her to stay for a bit, she worried her lower lip between her teeth. “Are you sure it wouldn’t be trouble..? I mean, I ask because, well, I did pack a bag or two in case I would be staying for a bit.” 
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songofthealps · 2 years
[SMS: IMG] [attachment:
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[SMS]: Ja!! Nice to finally be able to catch a break
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songofthealps · 2 years
“No need to ask it’s already given.” She replies, referring to his request that she understand that he had to work. She did, and she was adept at finding ways to keep herself otherwise occupied. She was sure, at the very least, she’d be able to find a coffee shop that she’d fall in love with and could spend some time in.  “Besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder, I am sure it’ll make the time that we spend together over the weekend feel that much more special.” She always valued time with those that she cared for, but still. 
“Thank you for the key,” she’d replied, closing her hand around it and then slipping it into her pocket. Not one to misplace things, she was sure that she’d be able to keep it safe. She did take his offer to sit down, taking out her phone and quickly scrolling through. She never said that she’d be away, and she was sure there would be at least person who was wondering where she’d run off to. However, that was her prerogative, so it wasn’t more than a minute or two before she slipped it back into her pocket. 
It was in that time that her brain caught up with the fact that he wanted to know if she wanted to shower or come with him to the store. Mentally weighing her options, she hopped out of the chair, making her way over to him and leaning against the counter. “I think I’d like to come with you, it’s been awhile since I have been to a grocery store in Iceland, and you’d know more about what is here than I would. Besides, then I can help with the groceries.” It didn’t seem right to have Fannar have to spend more because she was there. 
Making her way back to her bag, she dug through it for a few moments before she produced a wristlet wallet that she slipped on before she strode back to him. “Come on, it’ll be fun. I can shower when we get back.” It was then that coffee dawned on her. “If you’re not wanting to make coffee before we go, I can get us some while we’re out, or we can make it when we come back.” 
@islandiis / continued 
At first, she’d worried she’d made a mistake. Not all people liked when someone just came to their home to see if they were alright, even if they had good intentions. Thankfully, Fannar only gave her the impression that he had seen a ghost for a few moments before he’d stepped to the side. And it was then that she could finally breathe for a moment, because she was sure that he wasn’t upset. At least.. If he was, he was masking it really well. 
“Nothing you need to apologize for,” She speaks as she does step into the doorway, reaching her hand down so she can slip her shoes off. “It’s not like you’re the only one who stepped away for a bit, and, you don’t need to be sorry about not sending anything my way either. I know we care about each other, we don’t need a gift to define it.” She smiled at him, genuine. Not truly one for material things, though sentimental when she had them from those she loved, she was more so someone who valued time. 
Observant as he was, he’d be likely to note that her hair was piled up in a bun with various strands poking out, the whole thing threatening to fall down in a heap. Her eyes had bags, which wasn’t the norm for her either. And, on a more subtle note, her socks didn’t match. Lara normally at least attempted to look put together. Today, however, that wasn’t happening. She’d stared at her mismatched socks for a moment when she was removing her shoes, but quickly tried to recover. 
She stepped in fully, placing her shoes in a corner before closing the door. “Ah, I’d love coffee if you’re in the mood for it.” And, once he invited her to stay for a bit, she worried her lower lip between her teeth. “Are you sure it wouldn’t be trouble..? I mean, I ask because, well, I did pack a bag or two in case I would be staying for a bit.” 
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songofthealps · 2 years
"I um-" How was she even going to put this? What could she even say? That she'd been in the right place at the right time for his friend to grab her and ask her to call for help? That she'd held pressure on a wound, come with him here? That she'd been sleeping in this chair the past couple of days because they'd said he might never wake up?
"I just was around one of our usual haunts. Something must have happened to you.. There was so much blood. I was so scared for you. We got you here and they told us you might never wake up again so I.. I've been sleeping in this chair and trying to keep an eye on you. I'm just relieved you're sitting up and talking."
“I wasn’t –… Your doctors weren’t sure you’d wake up.”
Everything felt slow, a little out of place. Staring at Lara, when was the last time he had seen her? Where was he? The mobs little hospital? Why was she there?
"Well.. I'm awake now.. right?"
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Reaching up he held his head a moment, felt heavy. Felt dizzy despite still being in bed.
"Okay.. what happened.. Unless I drank an entire bar and collapsed." Felt like a hangover but much worse. Seeing her expression, how concerned she was he took it more seriously.
"I'm alright.. Feel like shit but I'm alive anyway. What happened?"
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songofthealps · 2 years
♡ Valentine’s Day Sentence Starters ♡
Romantic Quotes:
“I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.”
“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.”
“I need you like a heart needs a beat.”
“I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had.”
“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever.”
“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
“I will never stop trying. Because when you find the one… you never give up.”
“I wasn’t expecting you. I didn’t think that we would end up together. The single most extraordinary thing I’ve ever done with my life is fall in love with you. I’ve never been seen so completely, loved so passionately and protected so fiercely.”
“I’ve tried so many times to think of a new way to say it, and it’s still I love you.”
“I love you and that’s the beginning and end of everything.”
“My soul and your soul are forever tangled.”
“Sometimes all you need is a hug from the right person and all your stress will melt away.”
“I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone.”
‘My muse’ refers to the receiver and 'your muse’ refers to the sender. Send 'Reverse!’ to have the roles reversed.
Send ❤️ for your muse to ask my muse to be their Valentine
Send 💌 for your muse to receive a love letter from my muse
Send 💋 for our muses to share a kiss on Valentine’s Day
Send 💍 for your muse to propose to my muse
Send 💒 for our muses to get married on Valentine’s Day
Send 😳 for our muses to meet for the first time on a blind date
Send 🍆 for our muses to have a one night stand
Send 💔 for our muses to break up on Valentine’s Day
Send ❤️‍🩹 for our muses to reunite on Valentine’s Day
Send 🍻 for our muses to go for a drink together
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songofthealps · 2 years
@islandiis / continued 
At first, she’d worried she’d made a mistake. Not all people liked when someone just came to their home to see if they were alright, even if they had good intentions. Thankfully, Fannar only gave her the impression that he had seen a ghost for a few moments before he’d stepped to the side. And it was then that she could finally breathe for a moment, because she was sure that he wasn’t upset. At least.. If he was, he was masking it really well. 
“Nothing you need to apologize for,” She speaks as she does step into the doorway, reaching her hand down so she can slip her shoes off. “It’s not like you’re the only one who stepped away for a bit, and, you don’t need to be sorry about not sending anything my way either. I know we care about each other, we don’t need a gift to define it.” She smiled at him, genuine. Not truly one for material things, though sentimental when she had them from those she loved, she was more so someone who valued time. 
Observant as he was, he’d be likely to note that her hair was piled up in a bun with various strands poking out, the whole thing threatening to fall down in a heap. Her eyes had bags, which wasn’t the norm for her either. And, on a more subtle note, her socks didn’t match. Lara normally at least attempted to look put together. Today, however, that wasn’t happening. She’d stared at her mismatched socks for a moment when she was removing her shoes, but quickly tried to recover. 
She stepped in fully, placing her shoes in a corner before closing the door. “Ah, I’d love coffee if you’re in the mood for it.” And, once he invited her to stay for a bit, she worried her lower lip between her teeth. “Are you sure it wouldn’t be trouble..? I mean, I ask because, well, I did pack a bag or two in case I would be staying for a bit.” 
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songofthealps · 2 years
❛  what are you doing here?  ❜
"Well I--.."
What was she doing there? Did she want to admit that he was one of the only people she felt totally safe around? That when things weren't going great, or when she didn't quite feel great that she found Fannar and his land to be one of the places where she felt that she could actually breathe?
But.. There was more..
She hadn't seen him in awhile, and there was a worry for her that perhaps something wasn't right with him either. And, that worry was part of what caused her to book a ticket, pack her bags, and leave Switzerland.
"I was worried." She finally managed to admit, raising one hand to thread her fingers through her hair. "I hadn't talked to you in a long time, and I know I haven't been the best at reaching out either. I had... I just.. Well don't worry. It's just that I had wondered if maybe things were going on with you too and I just.." She finally managed to exhale properly.
"I wanted to see if everything was okay."
0 notes
songofthealps · 2 years
❛  are we actually doing the right thing?  ❜ ❛  are you bleeding?  ❜ ❛  are you even sorry?  ❜ ❛  are you still mad at me?  ❜ ❛  are you sure you’re gonna be okay on your own?  ❜ ❛  can’t we just be friends again?  ❜ ❛  can we pretend this never happened?  ❜ ❛  can you help me with this?  ❜ ❛  didn’t you listen to what i just said?  ❜ ❛  did you ever even love me?  ❜ ❛  don’t you believe me?  ❜ ❛  do you trust me?  ❜ ❛  do you understand what that means?  ❜ ❛  do you want to talk about it?  ❜ ❛  haven’t you heard the news?  ❜ ❛  have you ever cared about anyone other than yourself?  ❜ ❛  how did you do that?  ❜ ❛  how will i ever be able to repay you?  ❜ ❛  is it my fault?  ❜ ❛  is there anything i can do for you?  ❜ ❛  was all of this just a lie?  ❜ ❛  we’re gonna survive this, right?  ❜ ❛  what are you doing here?  ❜ ❛  what do you want from me?  ❜ ❛  what have you done to them?  ❜ ❛  what makes you think i’m going to help you?  ❜ ❛  when was the last time you ate something?  ❜ ❛  when will it stop?  ❜ ❛  when will you ever grow up?  ❜ ❛  where were you last night?  ❜ ❛  who did this to you?  ❜ ❛  who the hell are you?  ❜ ❛  why can’t you just let it go?  ❜ ❛  why didn’t you tell me sooner?  ❜ ❛  why did you leave me?  ❜ ❛  why don’t you come home with me?  ❜ ❛  why would you do something like that?  ❜ ❛  will you call me when you got there safely?  ❜ ❛  will you please tell me what happened?  ❜ ❛  will you stop doing that?  ❜
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songofthealps · 2 years
﹡ ❝ have you been naughty or nice this year﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ did you bake these christmas cookies ﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ this is the ughliest sweater ever, but i LOVE it﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ look up. a mistletoe﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ come on. we gotta leave some cookies for santa. ❞ ﹡ ❝ he is afraid of santa claus﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ you look all cute in that reindeer costume﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ oh my god. these christmas lights look so beautiful﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ what do you want for christmas ﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ come on. we need to decorate the house all christmas-y﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ pretty sure you are on the naughty list of santa this year﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ do we really have to sing christmas carols ﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ there are sooo many presents﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ yeah, i took some eggnog. it’s delicious﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ do we really have to sing christmas carols ﹖ ❞ ﹡ ❝ NO. you will not bake the christmas cookies. last year you nearly burned the kitchen﹗ ❞ ﹡ ❝ does santa really come from finland ﹖ ❞
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