songsfromheart · 10 months
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From @tellescope: Mikuo holds out a box of strawberry pocky with a soft smile. He doubts she'd be willing to play the game with him, but he wants to celebrate the fun day with her anyway, so he got her a box. 「Happy Pocky Day, Miku-ne.」
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Miku held her hands together in joy, she didn’t expect this. Well, it may be a small day but it was still great to spend time with him. She opened the box, the advert she had been tuned to sing playing in her mind but shook it out. There was no point freezing the pocky, after all they’d have to wait for it to get cold right? “Thank you, Mikuo!” She took a pocky out and placed one in her hand and looked at the male counterpart, “Do you want to share one?” 
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songsfromheart · 11 months
I’m AU, OC, crossover and multi-verse friendly and I’m open to many plot ideas. I’m happy if you DM me with any idea you have. I am Semi-Selective and we don’t have to be mutuals to interact. However, what I do look for in blogs is if the Mun is 18+ while there won’t be smut on here but there will be other adult related topics such as alcohol, smoking, gore etc. Also you should have a rules page and there will have to be some way our muses can interact. Nothing against if you don’t though! It’s just a preference.
Disclaimer: For any/all icons used, I am not the creator of said art. They come from the actual game/show/movie source or fanmade art for said content. I have no artistic abilities and so nothing comes from me unless said otherwise.
NSFW - While I am of age, 21+, I won’t be going into any smut related topics on the blog as it makes me feel uncomfortable. I will however go into triggering content from time to time which I will be sure to tag where I can. If I miss one, let me know!
No godmodding - this should go without saying but I’m putting it here anyway just in case. Doing this and making my character do things on your accord takes all the fun out of it! So please, don’t do this!
Give me time to reply - I try to reply as soon as I can. But if I don’t reply in a few days then I most likely need a break. If I reply to others and not you, then it means either I need a break from that thread or I haven’t got ideas for the time being. But I will always get around to it. Give me a week and then you can ping me a notification to drop me a reminder. It might usually take to a month or longer at times due to my motivation and uni work getting in the way but I will never drop anything without warning. If you continue to pester me for replies, I will softblock you.
IMs - never be afraid to hit me with a plot thread or just to talk OOC. I’m always for it, I’ll try to get to you as soon as but I may not always available so keep that in mind.
Reblogging - Please don't reblog things from me unless you're a mutual. If you're involved with a thread you can reblog that thread and you can reblog ask memes from me if we're mutuals. I don't expect reblog karma but I would appreciate if you didn't constantly reblog memes from me without sending something in. No pressure if you didn't want to of course.
Dropping threads - It’s fine if you want to. I get it if you do but PLEASE tell me. I’m fine if you want to drop something, I get it but I’m a very nervous bean when it comes to asking about threads and will wait months before poking you, so please tell me if you dropped it or not or I will be nervous to approach you for that thread when we can go and do other things and it can take it off my mind.
Crossovers - Adding this to reassure people that I LOVE crossovers. If I feel comfortable with the fandom you’re in, I’m all for doing a crossover if I can find a way how to do it!
Spoilers - This blog will contain spoilers due to the use of canon characters and use of lore inside the media for their development.
Drama - I’m not getting involved in any drama, this blog is hate free and I won’t be made to pick a side. I want to keep this a safe space not only for myself but for others as well. This is a place I want to spread positivity and have fun with others, so please keep in mind that I don’t want to be involved in it.
Shipping - I am open to shipping but I would prefer discussion beforehand before we ship anyone. I like to develop ships in an rp or ooc but I still want the communication for the ship to happen. 
I am OC friendly but I do like to see a bio of your character before roleplaying with them. This is so I can see how they are and how I can work around this. It helps me figure out how I can integrate my muse into the situation but also determine if your muse is fit to roleplay with mine. As some things can clash too much. In a bio, I am not picky about what is in it as long as it has their personality and their backstory in detail.
My two main squicks are:
Needles - descriptions, photos, videos etc.
Bugs - any insect or bug
There may also be triggering things on my blog. I will do my best to tag them or put it under a ‘read more’ if I feel it could be badly triggering. If I forget to add a trigger in a tag, please let me know! This is so I would know not to repeat the mistake again since I want this to be fun for everyone.
About Mun:
Heyo, I’m Gally, I go by they/them pronouns. I am an awkward silly bean who loves to roleplay, write and hurt my characters. I love talking to new people and I love reading what other people write. Don’t be afraid to approach me because I am a very nice and welcoming person!
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songsfromheart · 11 months
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Hello!! Below you will see an introduction to the mun and important links to the blog so I would appreciate if you gave this a look but also it’s here if you ever need to find anything again. Thank you for reading this bit and looking at my blog, I hope you have a great day, afternoon, evening!!
This is a Semi-Selective, Low Activity, 18+ ONLY, Ask & RP Blog.
My hub blog, where you can find everything I rp HERE
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Hihi! I’m Gally and I’m a shy person who likes to write. I’ve been roleplaying for around 8 years now and I mainly write in Literate format. I'll occasionally go semi depending on the rp partner.
I love to talk to people in IMs if I can, so never be afraid to send me anything because I can guarantee you, I am more afraid of bothering you.
If you have any questions for me or my muses, feel free to send an ask, anon or not. I am both an rp and an ask blog so don’t be shy to send anything in if you’re curious about something about me, a muse or just want to say something random or if you want to let me know to tag something. Anything is welcome in the ask box no matter when.
Link time!!
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