sonmain · 12 days
"We need more complex female characters" you guys can't even handle Chappell Roan, Real Life Woman with Boundaries
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sonmain · 2 months
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Pov me xD
Wanna draw sth but:(( feelin dizzy.
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sonmain · 2 years
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Beth Cavener
Through an empty place. 2017
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sonmain · 3 years
Emergency cleaning: Unfuck your whole house in the shortest time possible
So, your landlord/parents/home inspector/favorite movie star is dropping by, and your place is a disaster. You don’t have much time to clean it up. You’re in emergency mode. Let’s get started.
Don’t panic. Panic leads to fear, fear leads to procrastination, procrastination leads to the dark side. You can do this, but you have to stay calm.
Unlike maintenance cleaning, we’re not looking to completely unfuck one space at a time. Instead, we want to decrease the overall mess in stages, spread evenly across the whole area that we’re concerned about. If you think your home is at Level 10 filth, we want to bring the whole thing down to a Level 9, and then down from there. One really clean spot in an otherwise messy home is not going to be helpful here.
Get prepared. You’ll want to shut the computer down (or turn the modem off if you need your computer to play music). Trust me. Get your music going. Gather up trash bags, your vacuum and mop, some rags or paper towel, sponges, and other cleaning supplies. Use what you have on hand. Don’t get distracted running to the store and spending an hour browsing cleaning supplies. A multi-purpose cleaning concentrate or a jug of vinegar will be just fine.
Breaks are very important. Depending on your time constraints, work in 20/10s (20 minutes working, 10-minute break) or 45/15s. But take breaks because otherwise you’re marathoning, and marathon cleaning is no one’s friend. Keep hydrated, don’t forget to eat, and check in with yourself frequently to make sure you’re physically doing OK.
Make your bed. This will be your home base if you get overwhelmed or need somewhere clear to take a break.
Start with the garbage. Going from room to room, throw out anything that is obvious trash. Once you fill a bag, take it out. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Move on to dishes. Gather the dishes from all over your house and bring them to the kitchen. If you can, start them soaking in a sink of hot, soapy water or start loading the dishwasher. After the dishes are all in one place, spend one 20/10 getting started getting them under control.
Now it’s time for your flat surfaces. Countertops, tables, dresser tops, etc. Clear them off and wipe them down. Don’t get distracted in too much sorting and organizing. We’re in crisis mode here. There will be time to get in-depth once this is all done. The same applies to cabinets and closets. Unless you have reason to believe people will be opening closed doors, leave these alone for now.
Attack the floordrobe and shoe pile. Get your clothes either put away or in the hamper. Start a load of laundry if you need to, but keep in mind that laundry and dishes have three steps: wash, dry, and put it away, goddammit!
Get random stuff up off the floors. If something is trash-worthy, throw it away now rather than just move it around a bunch of times. Otherwise, put stuff where it belongs.
Take another 20/10 or 45/15 to catch up on more dishes, if needed.
Head into the bathroom. Pour some cleaner in the toilet bowl, fill the sink with hot water and cleaner, and either spray the tub and shower with cleaner, or fill the tub up with some hot water and add cleaner and let it soak. Put everything away that’s out and shouldn’t be, clean the mirror, counters, and toilet seat. Sweep or dry mop the floor. Wipe down the sink and tub/shower, and give the toilet bowl a scrub. Mop the floor.
Sweep and mop the kitchen floor.
Vacuum everything you can, and sweep everything you can’t.
Walk outside of your house (don’t lock yourself out, please). Walk back in and see what catches your eye first. Go and deal with that.
If you’re being inspected or your landlord is coming in for repairs, spend time on whatever area they’ll be focusing on.
Give the whole place one more once-over and pay attention to anything you’ve missed so far.
It’s an old trick, but if your place is a little funky-smelling, put a pan of water on the stove on low heat and add some citrus or cinnamon or vanilla. Don’t leave it unattended or forget about it.
Take a shower, put on something clean, and eat something.
You can do this. It’s overwhelming, yes, but it is not impossible. You just need to do it. You have a list. You have directions. You have a whole bunch of Internet strangers who have been there before and who are cheering you on. You can do this, but you need to get started.
Why are you still here? GO. START. NOW.
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sonmain · 3 years
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suddenly struck with intense desire to carve little things out of wood
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sonmain · 4 years
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sonmain · 4 years
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Having Ehlers Danlos Syndrome sometimes feels about the equivalent of being composed of jello and wet spaghetti. Nothing stays where its supposed to. Literally every single cell in the body is floppy, so fingers are definitely an issue for many of us. I can almost guarantee that for the majority of us, writing is not only slow and painful but nearly impossible at times. FIne motor skills? What even are those? An EDSer surely doesn’t have any of those. Even typing which is far easier than writing, is painful and daunting at times. But last year I joined the population of shiny zebras by getting fitted for a set of Silver Rings Splints and they are beyond magical.
For those of you who have not heard of The Silver Ring Splint Company, they are a company that custom makes finger splints that look like elegant pieces of jewelry. Don’t believe me? Well I can’t even tell you how many compliments I’ve received for them. Nobody even suspects that they might possibly be medical. But more importantly, they work amazing! I still have hand pain and finger dislocations when performing fine motor skills and writing is definitely not something I look forward to but I have saved myself thousands of painful dislocations, I can open doors easier, type faster, write longer and hold objects in my hands without looking like an alien from a sic-fi movie. With the rings on my fingers actually look like fingers rather than tentacles!
The company is also family owned and the people are so sweet and helpful!
If you are having trouble with hand pain, clumsiness and dislocations please check out this amazing company!
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sonmain · 4 years
The paralyzing fear of writing something in a blank journal is magnified tenfold when it’s one of those leatherbound ones with cotton paper pages. It feels unworthy to put anything in it that isn’t the diary of your expedition thousands of miles from civilization, with sketches of the mysterious artifacts you found along the way.
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sonmain · 4 years
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I wanted to post this because I thought it was sweet, but I think it’s also a good reminder to allies and also fellow lgbt members that people seeing you is important and for lgbt+ people when you are ready to come out, if you ever are (if you aren’t that’s also okay, and you should only come out if you are ready), it can make a world of difference to other people and you are doing something good!
Also I think it’s important to remember, amongst the discourse and the horrible things that happen in the world, we have allies and we have each other ✨
the original tweet thread can be found here
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sonmain · 4 years
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Some rare Aizawa pics (that are canon, as far as I know)
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sonmain · 4 years
Doctor of War & Sorrow
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sonmain · 4 years
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sonmain · 4 years
‘gay ppl i don’t respect’ joke this, ‘gay ppl who have no rights’ joke that, I am BEGGING YOU to find better jokes.
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sonmain · 4 years
Y’all don’t like Black Women and I’m not here for it. If you don’t like Black Women don’t interact with my blog
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sonmain · 4 years
3Dpainting in Virtual Reality Space.
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sonmain · 4 years
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sonmain · 4 years
Song: Blackbird
Originally by: The Beatles
Cover by: Chris Colfer (playing as Kurt Hummel from "Glee")
Trigger Warning: Blood.
Shota is rescued from Dr. Ujiko's old lab.
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