sonny-delucaa · 4 years
Sonny had spent his morning at home with River, the two of them sitting on the floor and playing with Pancake, the small chihuahua mix that he’d found abandoned in his church’s parking lot a while back. As the afternoon rolled in, though, he started getting antsy. Needing to get out of the apartment for a while, he packed up his son’s diaper bag and the two of them headed out. Their first stop, of course, was for Sonny to get a cup of coffee. The coffee they had at home was fine, and he was content drinking whatever Theo picked out, but flavored coffee just hit different - iced coffee with french vanilla was his drink of choice for the day. Sitting at a table in the nearly-packed coffee shop with his son in his lap, he set out his drink and a snack container of Cheerios for River, scrolling through his phone and occasionally grabbing a few pieces of the cereal for himself. Setting down his phone for a moment to pick up his drink and take a sip, the blond looked up as someone approached the table, a smile settling on his lips. “Hey!” He set the cup back down before gesturing to the empty seat across from him. “Wanna sit? We could use some company.”
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sonny-delucaa · 4 years
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It was getting to be that time of year again, even if it didn’t really feel like it in hot Primm, Nevada. No, Alice couldn’t wear sweaters and boots just yet, lest she fear of dying from heat stroke, but Starbucks was once again selling pumpkin spiced lattes and the grocery stores were stocking Pillsbury Halloween cookies and that meant that it was officially fall, even if the daily high was still in the nineties. Besides, lately, Alice had been feeling rather rejuvenated. It’d been just a little over a year since her divorce and while passing that, for lack of a better term, milestone, did sting, the pain was nothing compared to what would’ve been her first anniversary back in January. Even though she was technically coming off of a break up, her favorite season was right around the corner and she felt damn good. Was it just a phase? Perhaps. Could the past come back and smack her in the face at any given moment? Yes. But lately, she was feeling as if she was equipped to handle it. Walking through town with her iced pumpkin spiced latte in hand, she walked by the local thrift store that had already put up Halloween decorations. To no one in particular, Alice smiled and said “You know, I really appreciate people who get into the Halloween spirit early.”
While he wasn’t excited for Halloween specifically, Sonny always loved when fall started to roll in. The transition from fall to winter was always his favorite, though, getting hit with three holidays in a row and then New Years and his birthday on top of that. It was when he thrived, really. Days got shorter, the temperature dropped, snow coated the ground - well, in Jersey, anyway - and he always got into it. It kinda kept him sane as a kid, giving him a break from the constant chaos that went on in a house with four older siblings and two overbearing parents. Things settled from October until his birthday in January, leaving the Deluca household filled with a sense of calmness, giving him time to actually enjoy being around his family. He held onto that feeling around this time, even after moving to Nevada and being away from his family. As he stood outside the thrift store, staring at their Halloween decorations and sipping his coffee (which, at this point, was lukewarm at best), Sonny’s attention shifted from the decorations to Alice, a grin spreading across his lips. “Yeah, it’s never too early to get ready for Halloween, honestly. I mean, spooky season is always good,” He took a sip from his cup, not paying much attention to the fact that the coffee was nearly cold. “Walgreens has these cute little stuffed animal things and some of them are Halloween themed - like, they have a bat. They’re so cute.”
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sonny-delucaa · 4 years
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[ paul’s washer and dryer. ]
The redhead was reluctant to venture out of her apartment the past month, but it proved necessity when her laundry bin had been stacked full and the eraserboard in her apartment read off that it was her turn to tend to the household’s Sunday chores. To add to her list of grievances, she was alone in the apartment with her five year old. Being alone with her child still stimulated a sense of detachment, blaming it on her absence early in Eugenia’s life. She was cautious to hoist the dark-haired girl into her cart in the laundromat, pushing it to sit in front of a set of washers in the back. She had sorted everything into three groups: regular clothing, lingerie, and the ratty-ass catbeds that had been stewing in fur for weeks ( if she saw a fucking flea in that rank little apartment, she was going to scream and throw a tantrum of the century for the entire fucking floor to hear ). A dull ache throbbed in her sides, bruised-up flesh prevalent but fading over the course of the past several weeks. After she had piled the articles of clothing into the different machines, listening to her daughter prattle on, a spark of frustration roused when she had deposited the coins and pressed the start button on the last machine. It groaned and then refused to move, so she swung out a leg and gave it a kick. “Come on, you piece of shit!” Looking around, she spied an older woman glowering at her for swearing in front of her child, snapping, “What the fuck are you looking at?” Eyes narrowed, Ivy sighed heavily and glanced to the person that had settled in to use another machine in the same row as her. “Excuse me…” She paused, clenching her jaw. Relinquishing her pride, she decided it wouldn’t damage her dignity too severely to ask. “Do you happen to have a quarter? I think I’m short. It’s like they’re trying to fucking scam you around here.”
Even though he’d been doing it for years, Sonny still hated doing laundry. It was always at the top of his list of chores when he lived at home, one that his siblings passed on to him and refused to trade other chores for, and he’d grown to despise it. Laundry for seven people was far too much, and it had decreased over the years as his older siblings started moving out, but once his two younger sisters had been born it built back up again and it drove him crazy. Now, though, being with Theo, he willingly took on the chore, not wanting to put more on his girlfriend than she already dealt with. As he finished sorting their clothes and loading the machines, the blond put his change in and turned them on. He didn’t plan on sticking around, not wanting to wait and be bored, but when he heard Ivy speak it drew his attention to her. He leaned against one of the machines, arms crossed over his chest as he looked at her with a raised brow, feigning seriousness. It didn’t last for more than a few seconds, though, and after a moment he flashed her a smile. “I have extra change, but it might just be the machine,” He said with a shrug, dropping his arms from his chest and digging in his pocket briefly before taking out a quarter, offering it to Ivy. “If it doesn’t work then I have enough change for another machine - if you need it, I mean.” Sonny’s attention turned from Ivy to her daughter, lifting a hand to wave at Eugenia, before shifting his gaze back to the woman. “How’ve you been?”
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sonny-delucaa · 4 years
❀ *゚ luke hemmings. cis male. he/him. ⇝ hey, isn’t that sonny deluca? i think that the twenty-one year old from newark, new jersey works as a bagger at kroger, but outside of that they spend a lot of time at the amish market. i hear they are naive + irritable, but they are also known to be kindhearted + outgoing. consider giving them a visit at their home in buffalo mountain road apartments and get to know why they’re called the ecclesiastic.
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tw: abuse, religion, suicide, death, mental health, pregnancy
hey hey hey! i’m dolly, 22, i live in the cst, and use she/her or they/them pronouns. i’m super excited to be back here, so below is a bit of info about sonny!!
sonny francis deluca is 21 years old and originally from newark, new jersey, born to james and donna deluca on january 15, 1999
he has four older siblings and two younger siblings [ john (30), clara (29), levi (27), lauren (25), teddie (6), and jessa (4) ]
he comes from a large family of latter-day saints. he was raised in the mormon church, as were the rest of his family, and knows nothing else when it comes to religion. it’s all he’s ever known and, up until recently, he hadn’t had the opportunity to learn about any other religions
he was extremely sheltered. sonny doesn’t know a lot about pop culture or current media because his parents didn’t allow him to indulge in it. most of his knowledge of current pop culture has been learned in the last year or so, and he still doesn’t know all that much
both of his parents have always been abusive, mainly to sonny and his brothers. all of the deluca children suffered verbal and emotional abuse, but the boys were on the receiving end of physical abuse as well from their father. this was excused and was always a nonissue due to the fact that the church viewed it as simple punishment and something that was deserved, as well as a way to keep the boys in line and keep them serving the church faithfully
due in part to the abuse, as well as a slew of undiagnosed mental health issues, sonny grew depressed at a young age. he didn’t know how to handle any of his problems or ask for help and, at 15, he attempted suicide. his sister lauren found him in his bedroom and got him to the hospital, where he ended up coding on the table. he was resuscitated, and stayed in the psychiatric ward for a week before he was allowed to go home
his parents were concerned, but not extremely so, and once he came home from the hospital everything pretty much went back to normal. his siblings kept a closer watch on him and tried to check in on him often, but he was good at lying and making them believe that everything was fine. he was very secretive about his problems after that due to the church’s involvement. they monitored him and forced him into counseling sessions and meetings with higher ups in the church until it was decided that he was stable, which was far from true because he’d learned how to bullshit
he did great in high school and passed with all a’s. he took both the act and the sat, scoring a 34 and 1570 on them respectively. this earned him a full ride to brigham young university (byu - provo, utah) where he was set to start in the fall of 2020
at 18, after graduating high school, sonny got his mission calling. he and his mission partner were assigned to primm and its surrounding areas, where they’d go around to teach about the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, as well as convince people that they should convert to mormonism
sonny’s mission went well for a few days, but he started growing antsy and needed something to break up the monotonous routine that he was trying to get used to. it bored him, more than he expected it to, and he was struggling to adjust. later that week, though, he found something to cure his boredom. he ended up knocking on theo kennedy’s door and after their initial meeting, he ended up going back the next day without his mission companion. it was against the rules, he was well aware of that, but at the time he didn’t care. seeing theo became a regular occurrence and, after a few days and nights together, sonny decided that the best thing to do was end his mission early
after discussing things with theo and officially ending his mission, sonny moved in with her. it was a leap of faith, moving in with a girl he hardly knew, but it turned out to be worth it. things went well and, come to find out very early on, they were expecting a child. during the pregnancy their relationship grew, leading up to them declaring their relationship ‘official’
their son, river mason deluca, is sonny’s entire world. he was always afraid of becoming a parent, mostly due to the fear that he’d turn out like his own parents, but he’s avoided that problem thus far. the only real problem being, well, his parents don’t know about their grandson. leaving his mission and settling down permanently in nevada was something that upset his parents a great deal and, if they knew he had a child out of wedlock, there’s a 50/50 chance that they’d disown him and he’s not willing to take that chance right now
currently, he’s working at kroger while he tries to talk his parents into giving him his college fund so he can go to school. his request is met with a hard ‘no’ every time he asks, mostly because his father is disappointed that sonny isn’t going to byu and taking advantage of the full ride he was offered. they saved money for all of their children and, upon them being awarded scholarships, the money was moved to the fund of the next child. sonny is still trying to figure out ways to convince his parents that he deserves the money so he can get an education like the rest of his siblings
this got way longer than i expected it to, but this is what i’ve got for sonny right now!! he’s been revamped since the last time i was here, so he’s a bit different and some things have changed (some more drastically than others). i’d love to plot, so feel free to hmu if you’d like to get something going!!
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sonny-delucaa · 4 years
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sonny-delucaa · 4 years
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Halsey - clementine (2019)
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sonny-delucaa · 4 years
admittedly there's like 1 or 2 bitches living in my mind rent free
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sonny-delucaa · 4 years
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luke’s instagram story
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sonny-delucaa · 4 years
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Pretty baby
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sonny-delucaa · 4 years
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sonny-delucaa · 4 years
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(✿´ ꒳ ` ) *。:゚+
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sonny-delucaa · 4 years
tag dump!
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