ROSE CALLOWAY. ( @rosecxlloway​ )
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“Listen, drunk or not, I’m always down for a movie marathon.” How many nights had the pair of them fallen asleep on the couch passed out in front of some crappy horror film together? The amount was far too many for her to recall in one sitting. “Why do I feel like I’m getting the fifth degree here? Did you… Like that I said it?” For all intense and purposes, Rose considered them a team and certainly hoped that she hadn’t overstepped any boundaries. “Unless I’m misreading. If you’re mad, it was just a slip of the tongue. Promise. I know you’re the parent, not me.” Finishing the cigarette, she put it out on the brick expanse of a passing building, a soft grin toying at her features. “The feeling’s mutual.” Though a fragment of the blonde nagged that it wasn’t quite mutual in the way that friends loved one another, she stifled the voice hinting at anything more. Sonny, for all of his flaws, possessed every quality and attribute she could envision in her ideal partner, but Rose had been wrong before regarding gang members. That fear of repeating her mistakes turned out to also be the blockage hindering her from pressing further into her bond with the Jester. “Oh, I’d love one.” It was the unanticipated suggestion which forced the backside of her palm to collide soundly against his torso, an almost reactionary gesture out of surprise. “Right in front of the kid. Real nice.” Still reeling from his words, Rose nearly missed their little exchange. “She knows which of us has good taste.”
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“Alright, movie marathon it is. And don’t think we won’t be watching Gremlins. Because that is exactly what we will be watching. I wasn’t kiddin’.” He was perfectly fine falling asleep on the couch with Rose and Connie and a bowl of popcorn knocked over on the floor. It was something to clean up in the morning, but it was the kind of night he liked to have with the two people he cared the most about. “I don’t know, did I?” He kept his face neutral until he heard what she said next. What he didn’t want her to think was that he didn’t appreciate her wanting to be in his daughter’s life. Nothing about what she had said had rubbed him the wrong way. It had just put into perspective how things were between the two of them. “Of course I’m not mad. You’re her godmother. I wouldn’t expect anything less from you. If anything, it just shows that you care for her. Which is all I really want.” He watched her snub out the cigarette, a sigh leaving his mouth. It was definitely difficult trying to quit smoking. Literally everyone around him was doing it and here he was trying to set a good example for Connie. If anything, he knew he wasn’t going to influence her in any way other than what had already transpired. If she wanted to smoke a cigarette, she was going to smoke a cigarette. “Love you, Rosie,” he heard Connie say before the words could even leave his lips. He placed the little girl on the ground so that she could walk in between them now. She wasn’t heavy by any means, but it seemed she wanted to be next to Rose for a moment as she saw her grab the older woman’s hand as they walked. “I’m sure you would.” Her sudden hit against his chest caught him by surprise, his hand grabbing hers for a moment before letting go. “I try my best sometimes,” he stated with a wink. “Aggressive two blondes here, I tell ya.” Sonny couldn’t even hide the scoff that left his mouth. Who even liked chocolate ice cream anyway? “Chocolate is not good taste. It’s disgusting.”
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MARLEY CALLAHAN. ( @marley-callahan· )
Marley’s eyes rolled, knowing what she’d said, and how it’d sounded funny, but also knowing Sonny knew where she was coming from. “Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean.” Had Connie even shed tears after falling off her bike? Getting stitches in her forehead? Marley would bet not. Hell, she’d probably have told Sonny to stop his blubbering–now that would be an exchange Marley would love to see. She smiled, briefly, at the thought; though her smile remained when it was admitted that Connie die, in fact, like her. “Oh, honey, what’s there not to like?” Marley teased, before shaking her head. “But trust me, I had to earn my spot in her heart, just like the rest.” Now, had she fought fair? No…but it was nice to know that a ten year old could still be bought with ice cream. That much hadn’t changed since Marley was ten. Moving further into the garage to lean against the table, her eyebrows furrowed. “…he’s already mad at you?” She shook her head. Hadn’t he just gotten out? “What’d you do now?”
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“Yeah, yeah. I know what you mean,” he mimicked jokingly. The little girl was a pro at dealing with this kind of thing. He was sure she had cried only a little bit and then ended up sucking it up and picking up her bike to head home. The only reason Sonny had even known what had happened was because he had come out of his room at the exact moment she was coming back into the house. Seeing no tears only made him smile in adoration and then take her to the doctor. Did she cry through any of it? Absolutely not. He was sure he was the same kind of kid growing up. And now he was that kind of adult. With the amount of tattoos littering his body, the man couldn’t exactly find pain in things so trivial now. “Do we wanna get a list started to answer that question?” He joked with a smile as he let a finger twist around in a strand of her hair before letting go as he walked to the door back into the house. “Yeah and you did it pretty easily. You knew the way to her heart was ice cream.” Then again, what little kid was immune to ice cream? “The fuck do you mean what did I do? How am I the one that seems like he would start shit? Was he not the one in prison?” He rolled his eyes and leaned a hand against the door. “He bought Connie a pocket knife and I didn’t like it and I got upset and then he got upset and then it was a whole thing and we haven’t talked since. Simple as that.”
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ADRIAN BAYANI. ( @adrianbcycni​ )
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“You sure about that?” He mocked upon seeing the dart hit the outer ring of the target, lips curved into a seemingly ever persistent smirk. The alcohol was certainly doing its job that night. Stepping over to retrieve the darts stuck in the board, Adrian hummed in agreement before spinning to signal the bartender, “More ain’t gonna make you better.” He joked as he set down the darts in exchange for his own beer glass.
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“Yeah, I’m sure. Don’t fuckin’ sass me.” Darts surely wasn’t his game, but he wasn’t exactly going to say he was horrible at it. The best he could do was say he just didn’t want to play anymore. Why embarrass himself more? “Oh no, I didn’t plan on it makin’ me better. I just planned on drinking for the rest of the night and pretendin’ to let you just keep takin’ my shots.”
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ROSE CALLOWAY. ( @rosecxlloway​ )
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“I told you I had a few while I was in there.” Teasing, of course… Sort of. To be entirely honest, Rose had downed about three, however the effects were muted enough to let her know that there hadn’t been much alcohol in them at all. “Well when you ask, why am I here, they tend to give you a bit more information than— I don’t know, your best friend since the dawn of time?” Not that it bothered the blonde to discover herself listed as one of Connie’s emergency contacts, if anything she considered it a privilege. “You know there’s no place I’d rather be than here, right? Helping you do this, being part of Connie’s life…” Which was precisely why she spent so much time researching parenting methods online rather than tiptoe around the little girl’s anger. It was a slight problem they needed to confront and redirect sooner rather than later when she was bigger and harder to make listen. “Well mine’s still soft since I don’t get the beat down as often,” or ever, “and I’d like to keep it that way.” Taking a pause from smoking down the cigarette and eliminating the temptation from Sonny’s life, she felt her brows thread together as attempts were made to mentally pinpoint where he could have hidden them. “Five packs? Where?” Because Rose absolutely would ransack that house and tear out the literal cancer sticks before he ever had a breath of a chance to smoke them. “You’re always a basic bitch,” she chuckled which only served to make Connie laugh from her father’s arms. “But I’m not far behind you, my chocolate on chocolate obsession won’t quit.”
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“Yeah, but that many? You don’t know what Gremlins are? Are we gonna have to have a movie marathon tonight?” He sure as hell wouldn’t have minded spending extra time with Rose. No matter what, she was his best friend and that was one thing that would never change. Sonny would always want to spend time with her. “I mean, I guess. Look, as long as you don’t want me to change it, then we can just go back to the fact that you said they would call us to the school. ‘Cause I sure as hell know you weren’t thinkin’ that in an ‘I’m her emergency contact way.’ Or were you?” He raised an eyebrow, questioning her. Not that he should have been. He didn’t need to make the moment awkward for both of them, especially with Connie being carried right here with them. “Yeah, I know. I really appreciate it. And you know this little sucker loves you, too.” It wasn’t like it was any surprise to either of them that he loved Rose as well. They had known each other for a very long time. He loved Luke, too. As a friend though. He guessed that was where the differences lied. The fact that he would always need to specify that when it came to Rose made things difficult. Why did he have to be the one that was walking on eggshells trying not to say anything about any feelings he may have acquired over the years? Did she even feel the same way? It was just a thought he knew he shouldn’t have been having. “How nice for you. Want a cookie with your ice cream?” Sonny moved Connie to sit on his shoulders as they kept walking, his hands resting on her legs so she wouldn’t fall. “In my bed. You wanna look for them together?” He wiggled his eyebrows as he chewed the gum that was in his mouth. “Wow, you’re real fuckin’ rude. I’m a goddamn special snowflake. Ain’t that right, Con?” He looked up at his daughter as she played with his hair. “No,” was all she said in response and he even saw the little girl wink at Rose. “You’ve turned my own daughter against me and you’re over here getting chocolate.”
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hearts, rose petals, red roses, whipped!
hearts: did/do you write your crushes name in the margins of your books?
“Am I a teenager? No, of course not. I had no time for that.”
red roses: what’s the last thing you gave someone for valentine’s day?
“My dick.”
whipped: have you ever embarrassed yourself in front of your s/o or crush? if yes, tell us about it
“No. I usually have control over myself. If I ever had a crush, that is.”
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crush, rose petals
rose petals: what is your favourite thing to do with your partner?
“Well, I’m a giving man so whatever she wants, I’m down for.”
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gifts, smile, hand holding, romance & mixtape
gifts: do you prefer flowers or chocolates?
“Chocolate. I don’t need flowers.”
hand holding: would you date someone who wasn’t into physical affection?
“I guess?”
romance: how many times do you say ‘i love you’ a day
“Only way too much. To my daughter though.”
mixtape: has anyone ever made you a mixtape? if yes, what was your favourite song on it?
“A few times actually. I think one lady put Would You Mind? by Janet Jackson on there. That was a bit of a wild song from start to finish.”
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smile, secret admirer
smile: do you prefer soft kisses or making out?
“Making out.”
secret admirer: do you usually admire someone from afar or ask them on a date upfront?
“I’m not beating around the bush so I’m askin’ them on a date upfront.”
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love, crush, confessions
love: have you ever fell in love at first sight?
“Love is one hell of a word to use. I’ve never been in love.”
crush: do you have a crush?
“No. Yes.”
confessions: if you could say anything to your crush right now, what would it be?
“I don’t have one. Connie wouldn’t mind.”
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rose petals, girls, bouquet, red
rose petals: what is your favourite thing to do with your partner?
“I don’t have a partner.”
girls: what’s your favourite thing about dating girls?
“I don’t fuckin’ know. It depends on the woman. Every one of them brings somethin’ different to the table.”
bouquet: have you ever dated someone twice?
“Yes. Connie’s mother. Started off as a short thing that I guess could be considered datin’ and then we stopped talkin’ until she told me she was pregnant. Then I got back with her.”
red: would you date your friend’s ex?
“Depends on the ex.”
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ADAM SCORSENE. ( @adamscorsene​ )
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          “Can I take a seat?” Beer in hand, Adam gestured to the free seat he spotted from the other side of the room just seconds earlier. “I’ve run into my colleague and she’s been chewing my ear off, so I told her my company for the night’s waiting for me here. Please save me from another story of Buster the bulldog stealing her underwear.”
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“Sure.” He looked at the guy who was sitting down. Sonny wasn’t looking to have conversation, but it seemed that was how it was going to be tonight. With a sigh, he placed a peanut in his mouth as he listened. “You realize you complained about her tellin’ you stories and then came to someone else to tell them a story, right? I mean, I’m all for listening to a story about Buster the bulldog stealing her underwear. You sure you don’t wanna head back over there? I’ll go there with you.”
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CALLUM KNOX. ( @calknox· )
Cal knew it was increasingly difficult for Sonny and Luke in particular. He of course hadn’t been close to, grown up with Waylon or any of the Jesters members the way he had with them. Sonny was like an older brother he’d never had. The three were all supposed to go on, become the newest crop of prodigies, and yes, the two of them had made their way up those ranks, sans him. Now of course, here Cal was, questioning everything and anything about the decision he’d made instead of his planned path of becoming fully patched. And if the situation had been flipped with either Sonny or Luke, Cal would easily be acting just as furious. To admit he completely regretted what he did though? He wouldn’t. It’d been completely worth it at the time. Rose had understood where he was coming from, but Cal certainly wasn’t naive to the fact that facing, speaking to Sonny and Luke again would have to done all on his own. At the questions amongst the moments of silence, his brow rose. “Yes? — Ok, let me put it this way. Since I’ve been back, have I done anything except focusing on tasks, working for the gang?…You don’t have to forgive me at all, just know where my intentions lie and have lied for a good number of years now.”
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There was the MC and then there were his friends he had basically grown up with. He was the oldest, but they were like little siblings to him. Well, Callum and Luke were. Rose had always been special to him. Not that that mattered right now. The point was that he couldn’t imagine any of them turning their back on him ever. Callum and Rose had done exactly that, but it seemed to be easier to forgive her in this scenario rather than the younger man. It was probably because there was a bond that the men in the Jesters had. He trusted all of them no matter what. Sonny guessed it was his fault that he was so loyal. He expected everyone else to be the same. “Cal, you’re gonna sit there and fuckin’ tell me that I don’t need to forgive you? That’s what you’re gonna say, huh?” He moved Connie off of him so he could get up and placed her back on the chair she had been sitting on. The whiskey that was sitting in front of him was grabbed as he walked towards the front of the bar. That was a sign for Callum to follow and he was sure the other man would get the picture. 
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ROSE CALLOWAY. ( @rosecxlloway​ )
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“After midnight is when we make shoes, haven’t you heard the stories?” Or maybe that was elves, either way she felt fairly confident in her teasing assertion. “I— Okay, they’ll call you in. But you’ll ask if it’s life or death and then make them call me instead because I know for a fact I’m the emergency contact. They told me last time I was there.” It had occurred a couple of times in the past and if Sonny weren’t her absolute closest friend in the world, Rose might not have gotten away so clean with her little slip of the tongue. “No, you’re right. I wouldn’t.” That point she would concede without question, the blonde knew very minimal about the bonds of brotherhood within the club or the immense loyalty required by each member. How much easier she could forgive Callum without either of those looming over her shoulders. “Absolutely for Connie. I don’t want to get hit in the leg, do you?” As much as she adored the child, Rose would have much preferred to redirect her into something more positive than endure a screaming and punching fest in public. Especially when directed at her for suggesting that they depart. “You wouldn’t have withdraw if you’d just stay off ‘em.” She countered whilst pulling a lighter from her purse; old habits rarely died. The free hand not bringing a cigarette to and from her lips reached up to brush stray hairs from Connie’s face. “What flavor ice cream are you getting? Are we still on that cookie dough kick or is that over?”
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“That’s literally a completely different thing. Are you drunk already?” He put a hand on her face to jokingly check to see if she was warm. “They tell you that kinda thing? Huh, I thought I could keep that secret for as long as possible, but literally who else am I trusting to pick up my child if she’s in trouble at school? Her mother ain’t around and her grandmother is in prison. All she’s got is me. And you, too.” He said it as nonchalantly as possible. To be honest, Sonny didn’t want to be called unless it was really serious. If she had just gotten in trouble for beating up another kid or swearing at a teacher, he didn’t really care. That was typical Connie for him and it was better if Rose was handling that kind of thing for him. Especially if he was busy. If something more pressing was happening, then that was when he would come in. Maybe he should have been more alert to what his daughter was doing, but she was far too aggressive of a child for him to pay attention to every little thing she did. “Okay. Good.” He was glad that she had nothing to say on the matter. That was why he appreciated having her around. Sonny was not the kind of guy that liked to explain what he meant and Rose understood what he meant without an extra explanation. Maybe it was their years and years of knowing each other. “Oh, I get hit in the leg enough so I’m thinkin’ my leg is fuckin’ immune now from this little shit.” It was probably best to redirect that negative energy now that he was thinking about it. Yet another reason having Rose around was the best idea. She was basically taking care of both him and Connie sometimes. “Yeah, well, I’m tryin’, alright? I got like five packs in the house I’m tryin’ not to smoke. You wanna go take that outta there, too?” He wanted to steal the cigarette back from her, but he chose not to as that would probably lead to them being too close. That was not something they needed. After all, it was best not to confuse his daughter any more than she already was. “Always cookie dough, Rosie. Duh!” He was pulled out of his own thoughts by his daughter speaking. “Wow, I gotta be the basic bitch gettin’ vanilla, huh?”
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ABEL ALVAREZ. ( @abelalvarcz· )
           As his Vice President slaughtered the look he was sporting, Abel pulled the miracle of feigning a look of hurt and humor. “It’s called fashion, VP. You gotta try it sometime.” The cocky look on Abel’s face as he reached up and lifted the shirt from his chest to drop back down earned a chuckle from the President in the background, shaking his head. "C'mon, man. You gotta admit… it’s working for me.”
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“The fuck you mean I gotta try it sometime? This ain’t even fashion. Hell, I don’t even know what to call this shit.” Sonny turned his head to look at Waylon as the older man chuckled. Sure, it was a funny situation, but this was the kind of shirt Connie would get for him as a joke just to see if he would ever wear it seriously. And that would only happen on the little girl’s birthday. “No, it’s not. Waylon, tell him it’s not working. Don’t worry, I’ll say it five times. It’s not working. It’s not working. It’s not working. It’s not working. It’s not working.”
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MARLEY CALLAHAN. ( @marley-callahan· )
Marley had never had much of a desire for children. Not having grown up with the best of mother’s, she simply didn’t think she had the ability to raise a functioning human being…but Connie? Oh, Connie. She’d watch that little girl any day. Nobody cracked her up like Sonny’s daughter could, and she knew she didn’t even try. It came from her naturally. Admittedly, seeing her with those stitches had broken her heart, but Connie was taking it like a champ, so Marley wasn’t too concerned, having come by to check on her. Leaving the little girl to her Netflix binging, Marley found herself in Sonny’s garage, leaning against the doorframe as she watched him work on the bike. “We both know that girl don’t need no watchin’.” Marley laughed, arms crossing over her chest. “Sometimes I feel she’s takin’ more care of me than I am of her.”
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“Well, she doesn’t really, but she kinda does. She just had to get stitches and you say she don’t need no watchin’.” He did understand where she was coming from though. If there was any ten year old that liked to stick up for herself and was independent as all hell, it was Connie. The little girl preferred dealing with things on her own rather than having Sonny deal with it for her. Sometimes he preferred that and, other times, he felt like it was because he was rarely ever around for him to actually look after her the way he wanted to. A chuckle still left his mouth though. “Yeah, I think she rather set up elaborate schemes ‘cause her ten year old brain loves fuckin’ with people. You’re just lucky she likes you.” He got up from his crouched position to drop the tools back on the table that was pushed up against the wall. “I think I’m just gonna get her a new bike. Or I’ll get Luke to fix it. Maybe. If he’s not still pissed with me.”
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