sonofazania · 3 years
DANCING IN TALES: The night I saw you
Just fiction, you feel me? Hell yeah!      
It is late at night. He does not know how to get to her. The problem is essentially that there seems to be some unresolved issues between the two that are developing, he does have his whatsapp number. He is thinking of new creative ways to get to her. He is aware that love is a package itself. A package cannot just be opened it must be unpacked. He says, “fuck whatsapp its just shit!”
There is so much he needs to do. He now reflects about what he was told about his late Uncle who could have played a pivotal role at this point. It was said that he was handsome, skilful, charming and a sweet-talker. For when he approached a woman she always came drooling to him. Others in the village used to argue that he used a love portion or black magic. It was only when, he went to school that his English teacher taught him that black people were devilish because anything horrific and shaming and Satanist is associated with them such as black magic.  
Oh lord have mercy she is passing. No, no, it cannot be her, he is trying to comprehend words. He is stalling like a shumani of some sort.
One day his Uncle came home extremely disappointed for he was finally rejected by a charming precious dazzling flower who was curvaceously stunning, what he described as a fully loaded package of an ‘Afrikan Queen’. Plus she was charcoal dark in complexion, not even close to those historical beauty parget yellow-bone wrongly overrated types. He felt discouraged and humiliated.
Apparently this meant he had eventually been alienated from his manhood. Manhood was not only a sentimentalist characteristic for one to being a man is being bigot and chauvinistic, it also symbolized strength, power and some form of superiority over other humans. Hence when one is ridiculed for being a half-man or not a complete man, he is naturally called a ‘sissy’ or ‘woman’. Now this manhood business represented a man who was strong, bold and intelligent.  
Every single day in my life I think about her, he felt. Through your imperfects I think you are the most perfect soul touching the ground on earth. She is sometimes mozalwane and other times backed up consumed by booze.
Deep down in my heart I love you. What is love? Is it real or just a dream? I have never stopped reflecting about the night I declared my love to you. I deliberately got drunk so that I take ‘plakanyana’ before I engaged you, to come down my nerves. The truth is you are strong intimating woman. And hugely scary. You may appear thin and skinny. But in reality it is the intellect, the beauty, the smile, the gaminess, and the lot like – when I look at you.
I want to tell you that I have not forgot about the night I liberated my heart by speaking to your heart – and I guess instead you went to the brain. Love. Kodwa oksalayo it was your kiss, when I grabbed your ass and boobs smashed my chest, I was on my way to what they call Valhalla in the series Vikings.
Today I am calling you ‘love’ love. Ke kopa o utlwelele pelo yaka nkosazana. I simply cannot give in. I can feel it that I will love you to the end. We are a perfect couple. Can you just say vividly recall when you nodded ‘yes’ with your shy eyes so that I can start running to you.
Kodwa you disappeared as a shadow like how water and electricity viciously does to us in a township called Ibika somewhere in the scourge of the shanty streets of Eastern Cape.
I swear I am willing to sweat every bone in my body just to be with you. I am willing to sacrifice one leg to be with you again. One wonders if he is rejected with one leg remaining what is going to happen.
I know you may not see ‘your type’ in me. That is exactly what is holding you at ransom. To greatness. To being loved faithfully. Words can sometimes be as powerful as gunpowder – or as sharp as a sword. I do not want to exaggerate for I will not be speaking from the heart, but I would be maneuvering through my mind trying to be rational.
A feeling is what you feel spiritually. It cannot be explainable at times. My spirit and yours are always at peace. We do not clash. In actual honest, we do love each other. We just cannot articulate this accordingly and coherently. We need not try too much for we have not found that particular grammar to do so. Nna fela ke ya go rata.
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sonofazania · 4 years
A tribute to cde Ongeza “TO” Mpiti
“While revolutionaries as individuals can be murdered, you cannot kill ideas” – Thomas Sankara
The weather mysteriously changed after a fairly hot sunny day. It happened immediately when his funeral proceeded to the third phase: it was facilitated by the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) Regional Organizer cde Philasande Ngcobo who marshaled like a lightning with every word he uttered meticulously from his mouth. Suddenly the sky reshuffled itself, first slow merely drizzling and then the rain started to pour really hard forcing us to close the sides of the wide tent and as it was initially so hot that only the top part was covered.
At his burial, he was graced by multitudes of thousands of the masses and various leaders and former servants of PASMA and PAC and that of other political formations because he had the ability to serve all students and in particular the Afrikan land dispossessed masses regardless of their political affiliations.  
When I consider the opening quotation, I am more convinced that the Captain of forces Thomas Sankara had in his mind the name splendidly known as cde “TO” when he uttered such profundity and thought provoking-words: “while revolutionaries as individuals can be murdered, you cannot kill ideas.” History chooses to recall its rare breed cadre who through praxis comes once in a lifetime or perhaps in a generation.
I have decided to pen down a few words because rage and emotions have come down. I have been mourning as the whole of Azania should because it has lost a calibre of a thinker, a strategist, an organizer, and a disciplinary revolutionary student leader. Mangaliso Sobukwe challenges us that it is meet that we speak the truth before we die. Cde TO was murdered by barbarians, imbeciles, morons, neo-colonialist puppets hired by King Hintsa TVET College managers who stabbed him trice in the process striking him instantly in the heart. Let us recall the full events.
His life revolves around being convicted to fighting for injustices that an Afrikan child was brutally subjected to in an institution of higher learning such as King Hintsa TVET College in the rural of Eastern Cape. He stood up and fought ruthless college managers’ conscious of the consequences of his action. This revolutionary cadre was suspended on several occasions yet impressively through his magnetic intelligentsia he managed to defeat his rivals and enemies with the student masses defending him and he successfully emerged victoriously and became a student at the college. This to a reader should highlight that cde TO could not be killed politically for his activism by managers in the college.
Furthermore, it is critical to allusion that jurisprudentially the college tried to dismantle and discombobulate such an uncompromising student leader through long court cases and senseless court interdicts. As expected and anticipated no legal battles could deter the revolutionary spirit of cde TO. He frequently and consistently did overcome this treacherous storm through winning those court battles. The emphasis is that again cde TO could not be silenced in court by the satanic college management.
The writer was present at the Memorial Service of cde TO in Butterworth, Zazulwana village as organized by the PAC TN Tantala Region on 19 February 2020 which packed the Methodist church to its fullest capacity. The speakers centrally mentioned that this martyr of the TVET Colleges in occupied Azania was a man who was cantankerous yet who stood for the truth. For him being alone when uttering the truth was not a problem because he was principled. He simply had a backbone for the truth. It came when he executed his revolutionary mandate to mobilize, educate and strive for socialist education in the vicious institution of higher learning.
In his campus, the residences were quite minimal as they still are now and utterly in horrific despicable positions. In 2012 when Africanists from PASMA Ibika Branch arrive there they managed to ensure that cde TO would eradicate such when Teko adopted the program of action of the branch for the student movement. Students were subjected to paying finances before registration and cde TO fought against that as a pioneer of #FeesMustFall during its epoch in 2015 and 2016. Today as I articulate this: one may simply register without paying a cent and many residences have been built.
Both PASMA Teko and PASMA Ibika has developed a formidable bound of revolutionary action. Walking a few kilometers from Ibika township to Teko campus is our ordinary regular road. This is why in our recent Ibika branch meeting when we paid tribute to cde TO it was emphasized that in PASMA Walter Sisulu University (WSU) in Butterworth we have lost one of our own. During strikes and campaigns, we have always worked closely.
Cde TO besides having served twice as the Chairperson of PASMA Teko Branch, he was also elected twice in the PASMA Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) of Eastern Cape first in 2017 and then again in 2018. On the national spaces, he is widely known for the incredible contribution he has made to unite and rally students under the liberatory banner of Pan-Africanism in his campus and throughout all corners of occupied Azania.
He is a tried and tested revolutionary student leader per excellence. I first met him physically in 2017 when the student masses of the people at King Hintsa Teko were engaged in mass action, the institution was totally shutdown. We had a plenary meeting on how to intensify this struggle. Interestingly, regardless of his capabilities and capacity as a leader, he always asked assistance when it was necessary from other comrades.
More recently in King Hintsa Msobomvu, the students did shutdown the college because they wanted to get rid of unprofessional and corrupt lecturers who exploited our sisters sexually in order to progress them academically. Subsequently the meeting between students and the institution was arranged inclusive to parents, political structures and Department of Higher Education and Training. Cde TO played a pivotal role through exposing managers with the truth through always sharpening contradictions. He was branded an agitator who stood as a difference for three years between students and management from going to the elections with the imposed SRC Constitution.
I make no apologies for uttering that cde TO was viciously murdered by the college management.
He truly resemblance a life that is worth an embodiment of service, suffering and sacrifice for the Afrikan cultural revolution in academia. He has waged battles in   lecture halls to such an extent that a notorious narcissistic lecturer once remarked: “for as long as I am a lecturer here you will never pass my module.” Other students have gone to graduate while cde TO could not. That is not to say, he was not smart or intelligent enough but simply devoted to the noblest cause of serving and sacrificing all he had for an Afrikan working class student. This is why when they wrote exams he was suspended from the university as a student.
At his Memorial Service hosted by King Hintsa Teko campus on 20 February 2020 I was fortunate enough to grace the podium and I narrated that for us to recall this remarkable astonishing selfless revolutionary student leader then we should emulate his vigorous firmness and soberness like when he critically engaged on matters of whatever nature. I argued that he lived and implemented the PAC motto: serve, suffer and sacrifice as an outstanding revolutionary student leader.
He should be remembered as a national Azanian student leader murdered by the charterist serving settler neo-colonial masters. In national gatherings of PASMA such as elective congresses, he proved to be way ahead of his peers through having the ability to mobilize resources. Many comrades, footsoldiers, leaders and members of the student movement will always tell you how cde TO assisted them with resources to survive when they suffered in congresses. He has demonstrated regularly and purposefully his leadership capabilities when he went the extra mile to assist the next person without expecting to be glorified or worshipped.
Sons and daughters of the stolen motherland Afrika we must never stop singing the name “TO” in TVET Colleges and more broadly in the revolutionary student movement, namely: the Pan Africanist Student Movement of Azania (PASMA). As he was ideologically, politically and administravely groomed and grounded by the material conditions of those spaces.
At this point, no murderous criminal has been incarcerated for the heinous unforgivable and unforgettable act of senselessly denying the Azanian revolution one of its finest sons of the soil. Cde Nkosikhona Mlozini his former colleague in the PASMA PEC in the province when he spoke unapologetically at the funeral launch a campaign #JusticeForTO to fight for the soul of both PASMA Teko and cde TO. By virtue of killing him they have not killed the ideas embodied within him but only silenced a man. We must rally behind this clarion call and ensure those lunatic cowards pay whatever price we shall see fit. If we dare allow it to be business as normal as if things will ever be the same again we would have been traitors of the Azanian people and Afrikan at large as it has been denied its shinning uncompromising revolutionary.  
Mokgweetsi Keikabile PASMA Ibika Chairperson writes on his personal capacity
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sonofazania · 5 years
SBWL (Sabaweli): To Tell You About My Campus
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The end is gravely interesting. I begin from the end.
Excuse my ignorance but I hate the person who came with a methodology that students be tested on Tests and Exams so as to check if they are fit to proceed to the next level of their studies, Tautona who speaks Sepedi, Sesotho and Setswana fluently in a predominately Nguni area, cursing and moaning chatting to his girlfriend.
Epistemology. You see, you are now being a typical politician on campus. What is wrong with you? Why always use these big words mnganiwam? Daluxolo reprimanding his friend from Sekhukhuniland in Limpopo. Rumor says, that Tautona, is a product of parents who are witchdoctors since he is from Limpopo. Daluxolo always misrepresents Limpopo for ‘Limpompo’ yet he is the first to label Tautona a lekwerekwere because he speaks broken isiXhosa.
Often when they attend ceremonies, funerals and orphanages in Mthatha, Centane, Tsolo, Ntambankulu, Msombomvu, when Tautona is invited as a speaker, this idiotic moron from Bizana infamously known, as Daluxolo feel utterly embarrassed. For his friend sounds like as if he is lekwerekwere.
‘Epistemology, simply means,’ he would first clear his throat as if something is about to choke him: ‘ehhhh, that it is philosophy of knowledge.’ By know we should know everything that exists has a philosophy, even football does. Besides who said a word is a big word, if you don’t knoqw the meaning?
Daluxolo would raise an argument as if he is in a mass meeting, ‘don’t patronize me, you are a fanatic of bombastic words!’
‘Come on, if you don’t know a meaning of a word look it up in a dictionary, there is no such a thing as a big word,’ Tautona adds: ‘no matter the size of the word, for as long as you don’t know its meaning, then it is precisely a big word.’
This conversation between the two would go on and on to an extent where they would just attract a crowd playing pool in the tuckshop with curiosity. Rebuttals from Tautona who is an Africanist rejecting a fallacious usage of the word ‘lekwerekwere’ in a context that many Afrikan brothers and sisters were killed since ‘lekwerekwere’ is associated with a foreigner who is in South Afrika coming from Afrika. Europeans are arrogant, look how they have successfully divided and conquered us. In absentia we are killing each other defending their notorious colonial borders which are a consequence of their Berlin Conference of 1884. How dare we see a foreigner coming from the same motherland soil as all of us?
The end of everything that transpired on campus is remarkable and fascinating. For the first since 2016 Daluxolo has managed to get a minimum of 40% for all his modules thus he has DP and qualifies to exams for all his modules. For those who didn’t know what is DP it represents that you have ‘duly performed’ to write an Exam.
Their campus is very small with about 6708 registered students in 2019. It has exactly three Faculties: Engineering, Education and Business Management. Daluxolo is doing a BTech in Human Resources (HR). Tautona is totally disturbed to learn that for BTech there is a module called Research Methodology: whereby one is ridiculously expected to define what is research, its purpose after you have practically done the actually research. Decolonising a historically and presently ‘black university’ is doing away with such backwardness because it undermines the intellectual capacity of an Afrikan student.
Tautona, is residing on-campus at Block N. It is haunted by evil spirits, from Nigeria, the fellows from the room neighboring his once alleged. How those came remains a deeply miraculous untold narrative. Remarkably his residence has it all. From unashamedly and fully devoted bazalwane Christians, who are not afraid to daily worship the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit trice in a day. To those who consume liquor almost as if they want to commit suicide digging their graves thus beating God’s time when He will decide for them to die. Finally severally folks who are ‘politicians’ from commonly known major political student organizations on campus.
Quite depressing is that this block N is waterless. Other blocks on-campus do have water yet this block N seems to always run out of water. The result of this is disastrous: the students and Aunty who works there suffers. For students, is when they want to shower, to cook and take a shit. For Aunty who cleans is often confronted by toilets where people took a shit without flushing. Or on Mondays when she cleans and there is just no water. Thanks God for our wonderful sweety-pie all in the name of green tank outside who is our savior as far a water is concerned.
Daluxolo has a five-60 at block A. He is terrified by black cats often he does question how the SRC and University managers are planning on removing that black cat at the bathroom of that residence. Frankly it was one Azania Azania who traumatized Daluxolo that the black cat has now little kittens when she recently posted on Facebook. She dropped it hilariously, little she knew, she out rightly nearly drove Daluxolo to comma. Since he is from Bizana he is forced to ‘man-up’ because we live in an aggressive patriarchal society. And certainly he does not want to seem effeminate for fearing cats.
‘I will draw the computer, mouse, case, keyword,’ continued an Indian lecturer: ‘I want to demonstrate something, I am sorry you are studying Information Technology (IT) without any computers.’ This drives Tautona furiously insane. He does not even have a laptop for that matter. Even if he did, it would have been ineffective for the lecturer would not give special treatment to him. Relatively students here come from poor background and there enemy is the class struggle. He was informed that computers were last bought in 2010 and were never replace. Moreover, as a result, over the years’ students have decided to be thugs and steal mouse’s, cables, keyboards and the like.
The beginning. Eish, my younger sister is here for walkings-in. I pleaded with her to apply last year and she only applied for NSFAS. Now I have no option but make sure she is part of this multitudes who want to enter in the system. But it seems like Mafoko took valuable lessons from the Head of ICT Mr Selwane. They are here to shot. I see us being wounded by bullets today. Yeah neh! Damn being an Afrikan student you always get shot at, even for demanding a right to access education?
‘Registration is a mess today Daluxolo,’ asserted Tautona.
‘Well I feel like the campus shutdown is inevitable,’ he responded.
‘No, no, no, they must wait. I am targeting EMS for my younger sister.’
‘Oh yes, I heard students are being admitted there, quickly rush’.
On campus there is not even water, there is a threat that Student Affairs is threatening to prohibit special cases to allow students without paying a cent. The SRC or Interim SRC must never mislead students. The political power here on campus rests with political formations, not SRC or certainly individuals in SRC. Daluxolo, ‘if they don’t unite for the betterment of an Afrikan child then they will become victims of University managers’. Mnganiwam, ‘I heard that the reason SRC Elections did not take place last year is because one person stopped them!’ Tautona jiggled.
‘Don’t be a fool, or are you ignorant?’
Daluxolo interjects: ‘We have no messiah here in our campus.’ Annoyingly he continues: ‘SRC Elections did not happen because the new imposed SRC Constitution was rejected and Student Affairs could not find a company to run elections in Butterworth after IEC chickened out on them’.
‘But you are making sense, how could elections be stopped by one person?’
The leadership of the Interim SRC is then calling a mass meeting. Wow. My younger sister is taken at EMS for Education. Let me ring mama. ‘Hello mama, it is very tough, I got her inside but they want R300 immediately’. Yes, I got old-lady today. She is stingy like an HOD of IT who failed dismally to give students a braai in Durban for their Academic Tour though it was part of the trip, now I will pocket R800 remember R500 is my personal allowance she promised me. In addition, I am ready to discuss at the mass meeting today and eventually argue we need mass action. I really do not have registration fee and I do not qualify for NSFAS because of N+2.
For Daluxolo and Tautona are an epitome of violence from a society whereby egalitarianism exists on paper in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa not pragmatically. In their campus they spend their academic life in protest demanding basic things like water and lecturers which are compulsory for teaching and learning. More time spend in the national road N2 then being in class. Moreover, protesting for meal allowances because hunger is their biggest enemy.
Now Engineering is threatened to be taken away from campus. Education tried its tricks with PGCE, but apparently, the matter is resolved. However, now that ABET is replaced by Foundation Phase, why BEd for Technical and EMS is not uploaded online for next year on applications? ‘Remember also in Accounting we won’t have BTech for Auditing and CMA since they are now replaced by Advance Diploma,’ concludes Daluxolo almost as if he is a god of thinking.
Allowing a government that is ideologically bankrupted to bring about meaningful progress in academia is a hopeless dream.
It is Friday night. The music from Chesa is too loud. Daluxolo and Tautona are funded today by NSFAS ingenile imali ya bafundi. They have all bought groceries now it is time for socialization with the youth, the energetic and vibrant people. Mingling is fundamentally fundamental.
‘I feel intoxicated now…can we go?’
Daluxolo tipsy retorting: ‘let us walk with other students.’
‘Why is that so mnganiwam? I am not afraid of amapharaphara!’
Just last week they took a phone, bank cards and a pair takkies from this other boy from block J. He was pretty much brutalized and couldn’t stop cursing.
‘You are drunk wena Tautona, I ain’t risking anything,’ an anxious Daluxolo.
‘Okey…oke, I will go dance with that girl akere you are a shumane yourself Daluxolo.’
The residence disky gusha tournament is continuing. We are also have seen people who can easily make it to PSL and salvage the sinking ship of the Happy People, Orlando Pirates, but unfortunately they are disadvantaged by where they are based. These players are just marvelous to watch for playing this beautiful game so exceptionally.
‘We won a gusha,’ excitedly remarks Tautona, almost as if he was a player.
Finally he is done with Exams but going to Limpopo it is too soon. He is planning to go to Bizana with Daluxolo in end of November. He knows very well that there is an injury of Wi-Fi in the rural shanty village of Limpopo and more home chores since he is the only man in the family after his father disappeared in the big city of lights. Stalling perhaps is a necessity.
Both Tautona and Daluxolo are tested in their trials and tribulations and will not rest until they are proud graduates of their campus. It has significantly mold and shaped their thinking. Success is a must and the only way out. It does not matter how long it takes them, nobody knows their story but quitting is not an option.
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sonofazania · 9 years
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It is here, now, and always that our Pacific battles with colonialism must always include the plight of our Black Pacific relatives in West Papua. The Indonesian occupation of West Papua is genocidal, resulting in the deaths of 500,000 native Papuans over the past 50 years.
In 1961, West Papua was granted full independence from the Dutch, however 12 months later was invaded by Indonesia. The United Nations intervened and created what is known as “The Act of Free Choice”, in order to determine West Papua’s future by vote. However, the voting process did not meet international regulations. Out of a population of one million, only 1,000 tribal elders were able to vote, silencing thousands of West Papuans. Many West Papuans have reported that they were detained and coerced by threats of physical violence to vote in favor of Indonesian integration. West Papua was subsequently handed off to Indonesia on May 1, 1963.
Currently, West Papua has rejoined the Melanesian Spearhead Group and are still fighting for their independence, their freedom, and their livelihood.
The labels of Polynesian, Micronesian, Melanesian are important aspects of distinguishing ourselves from one another and understanding our differences to an extent. There in fact can be solidarity amongst people with characteristic variations. This is especially fundamental when combating anti-blackness within the Pacific and continually acknowledging that there are Black Pacific Islanders – Melanesians, in which we can understand why West Papua is in genocidal and colonial conditions at the hands of Indonesia. The ocean unites us, however we are all unique gems within the Pacific’s beautiful crown.
Papua Merdeka / Free West Papua!
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sonofazania · 9 years
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Tokolos’ massive MarikanaDay action at UCT
Greetings from the Tokolos Stencil Collective
‪#‎RememberMarikana‬ this 16th of August 2015
This weekend a tokolos went along the N2 Freeway to remind drivers of MarikanaDay, the 16th of August. Our work has been seen by thousands of people who use the N2 Freeway each day. We hope more people will get to see our work before it is inevitably taken down by the City of Cape Town’s anti-art unit.
Over the past few months, we have been inspired by the persistent struggle of the ‪#‎RhodesMustFall‬ movement at UCT. We did our research and found out a few little known facts about UCT’s link to the Marikana Massacre:
1. Judge Farlam is on the UCT Council. 2. UCT has been investing in Lonmin for several years since the massacre. 3. UCT therefore has blood on its hands. 4. Therefore Farlam has a conflict of interest.
The Tokolos collective would like to remind UCT , the ivory tower, that it has blood on its hands.
It has come to our attention through the public financial records of the University of Cape Town, that investments in the order of millions of Rands have been made to by Lonmin’s shares on the London Stock Exchange - adding to the long list of shareholders who have blood on their hands.
Why is UCT investing in a company that is complicit in the massacre of 34 poor black workers?
Why is UCT investing in a company that exploits its own workers?
For this we cannot let UCT go amiss.
Since Judge Ian Farlam himself sits on the university council and has supported UCT’s investments in Lonmin, does this not mean that there is a serious conflict of interest?
How can Farlam then head the Marikana Commission? The fact that UCT and Farlam are investing in Lonmin knowing full well the company’s complicity in the massacre means they both both have blood on their hands. This cannot be more clear.
UCT you are not an Island. Even though we have not been fortunate enough to attend your #1 ranked university, your actions still affect us and you cannot hide from us.
We trust that this time UCT will #RememberMarikana
And we ask: What is the Max Price for black lives?
Aluta Continua,
The Tokolos Stencil Collective
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sonofazania · 9 years
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