sonofdathomiir · 3 months
Maul was 22 in TPM
Which would make him 35 at the end of TCW.
Which would make him 49 when Rebels started, possibly 50 at the time of his death.
He wasn’t an old man, he was just being a dramatic hoe with the Old Master facade and somehow that stuck in the form of Foxy Grandpa.
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sonofdathomiir · 3 months
Thinking Maul thoughts bc @notevenstars.
How he wants desperately for a Connection with someone (Sidious, Savage, Ahsoka, Ezra) but he’ll never Have it and he’ll always truly be Sisyphus rolling the boulder up the hill alone. He doesn’t have any social skills whatsoever, and why would he? He wants companionship and to Not be alone, but he doesn’t trust anyone and is totally self reliant - even when he teams up with others like Death Watch - it’s all about Using them to his own ends.
He can’t let go of his anger and hate and fear even if he wanted to. He’s too immersed in the dark side, and just. He’s too proud to admit he’s afraid, and his anger? His hate? It’s literally all he knows, and it’s what’s kept him alive.
Aside from wanting Revenge - Maul amassed power for the sake of Security. And we know how that turned out for him. And it’s just.
He doesn’t ever let go until he dies. Like, it was an anticlimactic death - but that’s what he deserved. No grand battle, it was over quick and with no fanfare - because he just was never That Guy. He was never gonna Be that guy. He was lethal and dangerous and badass, but also he was also a pathetic miserable loser. He was just a pawn, and by that point he knew it and accepted his fate.
The wound that kills him in Rebels was less grievous than his one in Phantom Menace, but rather than cling on to life through anger and hate (again) - he finally let go of it al. because he was tired and he would die with Hope, and finally know peace for once in his miserable life.
Like. If he had killed Obi-Wan, he likely would have sought out Luke (killed Owen and Beru) and made Luke his apprentice. Which would be a fun AU story - but he didn’t know about Luke going into that fight. He figured it out during. Going in, he had no plans for what to do with himself if he killed Obi-Wan. No direction, no purpose. Revenge on Palpatine was a lost cause, Ahsoka was a lost cause, Ezra was a lost cause. He had lost his Crimson Dawn empire, and last ditch Rebels revenge scheme with the Malachor battle station/weapon didn’t work out.
He only went after Obi-Wan because he literally had nothing else going for him. Idk that he even expected to/wanted to survive - or if it was like suicide by cop.
He got his revenge in the Clone Wars, killing Obi-Wan’s lady friend . He could have killed Obi-Wan then, but he wanted him alive to suffer. He explicitly stated didn’t want to kill him. Until he did like 15 years later, because it gave him something to strive for. It gave him that purpose. He conflated it with hope, It being vengeance - up until the very end. Like he says “he will avenge us” and like that was enough for him he could rest easy.
And Obi-Wan tells him, if he defines power by his ability to hurt or destroy - he has nothing. He is nothing. And he knows this. He’s a loser. He looks badass, has a compelling story - but again - he is actually a pathetic a pitiful person. One could say dying at that point was merciful for him, because he got to rest and know peace and hope and die like That - rather than continuing to live the life he had been living.
Again, Sisyphus rolling the boulder up the hill. It was never gonna happen for him.
And Maul was damned to always be alone. Abandoned by Sidious. Used by his mother. His brother died. Ezra wouldn’t join him. Ahsoka was going to, but she didn’t trust him, and he knew that. Even if he was right, he was also too far gone - and she was Too Good.
He could have let go of his quest for revenge and rebuilt his people after Grievous near wiped them out, but instead he was focused on his crime syndicate.
We see what becomes of his home world in Fallen Order. Nightsisters are thought to be extinct, Nightbrothers are either killed or forced into servitude. By the time of Solo, he goes back there and uses it as a base, and we know that by Rebels, the lingering remnants are all gone. He is the last son of Dathomir. Until we find out there are more Mothers in Ahsoka but that society is so convoluted like.
But if he just. Calmed his tits.
He could have had that companionship and belonging he sought. If he let go of it all, but he couldn’t, because he didn’t know how. And even if he did know, he wasn’t capable. And that is the tragedy of him.
He could have been a hero to his people, preserve their culture, and their race. Lead and protect them. Instead, he abandoned them - as he himself was abandoned. To amass power, not to rule - but to enact revenge, and maintain his own security.
He couldn���t let go of the hate. He was too afraid to, because even though the hate had led him towards this very Sisyphus like existence - it’s what kept him alive.
So like it all makes sense, but is incredibly frustrating??
But what sort of life was it? What was the point of it all? Alexa play Linkin Park, cause in the end it didn’t even matter. So when he dies, he lets go of that hate. When he lets go of that hate, he dies. It’s fitting, and poetic.
A slash across the chest was nothing compared to bisection. If he had channeled his hate and anger again, I’m sure he could have survived that as well.
He chose not to.
In ideal world he would have been a warrior in a matriarchal society dominated by sexy goth witches - like this is what Robbed from him ok. Truly a tragedy.
He could have had the belonging and love he craved, but not only did others fuck it up for him - he fucked it up for himself, because just… he was too far gone/tainted/ruined. He couldn’t find his way “back” because he had never “fallen” in the first place, like a Dooku or an Anakin. He was (Bane VC:) raised in the darkness, shaped and molded by it.
Any positive emotions or ways of expressing them… they didn’t come naturally to him. Witwer said something once about Starkiller that I also feel applies to Maul - in that he wouldn’t know How to meditate. He’s just literally a ball of anger/hate/fear.
And he could never be anything else, because he never had a damn chance. Even when he did, he didn’t. Like. If he had given up on revenge on Malachor, and become the Ghost crew’s wacky uncle instead of blinding Kanan? …fun, but not true to himself. If he and Ahsoka had teamed up against Vader together? If later on, they went off to search for Ezra together? That could have been interesting, I’ll concede. I don’t think he’d willingly become her apprentice, but if she started to rub off on him and he became more merciful and less angry - unconsciously even.
I don’t see Maul as a sexual being per se - I see him as being ace and perhaps demisexual - but if he ever caught Romantic Feelings like. He would have no frame of reference or understanding, it would make him angry and scared and it would be an amusing disaster and he would fuck it up for himself. He doesn’t want or yearn for romance or sexy times, he wants something even more meaningful and deeper than that.
He wants someone who understands him, who makes him feel less alone.
And he never had/will never have that.
This has been a rambly discombobulated Ted Talk.
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sonofdathomiir · 1 year
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independent darth maul rp
wrangled by tim | 21+ | 12+ years of tumblr rp experience
rules | ic info | ask
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sonofdathomiir · 1 year
STAR WARS: REBEL RISING PROMPTS *  assorted lines from the book by beth revis, adjust as necessary ** credit to the amazing vicioushope for providing the content :)
where am i going to run?
welcome to the worst days of your life. 
no one else is here. 
can you teach me how to fight like that?
i’m teaching you everything i can. 
if you’re going to shoot, you always shoot to kill. 
what other information can you give me?
forging takes work and patience. 
i won’t say anything. i just want to listen. 
i want the truth. 
just because you don’t want to hear a truth doesn’t make it less true. 
i’m just here to talk.
i don’t know what you expect of me. 
i’ve heard the rumors. 
i didn’t want to believe it was true. 
i do what needs to be done. 
the resistance needs a martyr. 
don’t give them another thought. 
one fighter with a sharp stick and nothing left to lose can take the day. 
i already knew you were strong enough. 
don’t come any closer.
it’s always rough when it’s your first kill. 
you can’t protect me. 
at least i taught you to protect yourself. 
you constantly amaze me. 
must run in your blood. 
you clean up well.
silence isn’t the same as peace. 
what do you think war is? 
how did you track down the traitor? 
i thought i was going to die. 
that’s not a very high standard. 
i know you like to be in charge. 
i’m coming with you. 
you’re not leaving me behind, are you?
you’re coming back for me, right?
what really makes people work harder is fear. 
can you fly this thing? 
i can fly anything.
i never thought it would be like this. 
it’s over. whatever happened, best not to bring it up again. 
it’s over. you’re safe here. i promise. 
i have seen so much blood. 
i remember the face of everyone who’s died because of me. 
why are you following me?
could i make a difference?
that’s what i’m afraid of. 
it never ends.
how much to fix this?
for what price?
i don’t see how i can help you. 
you do a job and you’re done. 
don’t start a fight you can’t win. 
am i being arrested?
i just want to sleep. 
you could do so much more.
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sonofdathomiir · 1 year
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/ / - [  Merrin’s eyes narrowed when he called out her presence. Most Nightbrothers couldn’t sense her when she lurked in the shadows, out of their sight- It was part of the reason they had the agreement she wouldn’t teleport in on them. Watching him for as long as she could still get away with, his presence and energy reminded her of others she had encountered before- Cal for one. But more correctly, it reminded her of Malicos. If it were up to her she would approach with backup, with her sisters or even some of the brothers but something in her told her that would be a bad idea. He had a weapon- one that she recognised. For the first time since the Nightbrother had landed on the planet, Merrin revealed herself (Still keeping her distance. There was a familiarity about him, but still he was unknown to her.) “It’s my home. As it is yours, I assume. But you have been away for a while. You are unfamiliar with Dathomir now, and so it is I who will ask you; What brings you back to this forsaken place? What do you seek?”  The girl’s voice is steely and even, staring down the stranger in front of her.
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/ / - [  His home. He imagined that could be considered a matter of debate. “Your perception is somewhat astute. After the Battle of Ord Mantell, Brother Viscus spoke of establishing a new village. In the caverns beneath the Shattered Cliffs. I see what has become of it. I recused myself from joining him. Though I am a Nightbrothter, I was not raised here on on Dathomir. Within the culture. As a child, I was taken, from my mother, Talzin. I had not planned on rejoining our society until I had avenged her, and my brother... and your sisters.” And himself. amassing power... power with which I plan to lead our people into prosperity. Power with which I sought to avenge myself, and my brother. Your sisters. I returned because I hoped to establish a new base of operations, to use my amassed resources to provide our people with protection and prosperity. It was evident it’s too late to provide them with either. In spite of that, he did not regret his choice. The Brothers’ deaths were unfortunate, but he did not blame himself for failing to protect them. Nor would he blame her. They were meant to be subservient to the Nightsisters - and while that didn’t necessarily mean they were expendable, if they died serving her, protecting her - then they died with honor. “...I was taken, I’m sure you’ve gathered, due to possessing the Force. You have that power as well. You have power that I could only dream of. Yet you remain... cautious.” Not fearful, but cautious?
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sonofdathomiir · 1 year
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    / / - [  The sad matter of fact was all of Merrin’s clothes for a large majority of her life were taken from her fallen sisters. And now? Now she had the galaxy at her hand, but she felt disconnected. And the fact this was her first time back home since she had left with Cal and the Mantis crew. It was bittersweet, and thankfully, they let her have the time to herself. There was things she wanted to accomplish and the others would hinder. So, a few days to herself on the planet with a promise that she would call them if something went wrong and she was on her own. Or so she thought. The labyrinth of the nightsister’s home currently hid her, but Merrin was a sucker for confrontation, as she summoned her magick to teleport her to the entrance- Hidden from the nightbrother who seemed to wander nearby.
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       'Dooku sent his minions to destroy us, but we will survive. We always have.’  Grievous had been a skilled warrior, he had been able to slay Talzin herself - but he lacked the Force. That he would have been able to wipe out all the Nightsisters was highly unlikely. That Mother had hidden away some survivors was unsurprising, but what did perturb Maul was the fact he could only sense one. He turned his head, piercing yellow eyes scanning the area - and he gripped his saber as sensed her presence growing stronger. The air crackled with anticipation as he stepped forward   “It would seem I have attracted attention. We needn’t be enemies, Sister. I mean you no harm, nor disrespect. I would ask you what happened here, but the fate of our people seems apparent. The days of the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers are fading, slipping away into history." Closing his eyes, he could sense her own connection to the Force, the echoes of her fallen sisters reverberating within her. His voice carrying a mixture of arrogance and intrigue, he exhaled. “...but you know this all too well. Tell me, Nightsister, what brings you back to this forsaken place? What do you seek?”
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sonofdathomiir · 1 year
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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order | Star Wars Rebels 3x20: Twin Suns
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sonofdathomiir · 1 year
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sonofdathomiir · 1 year
Me when characters are so blinded by hate and anger and revenge that they destroy themselves pursuing this one goal in the process
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sonofdathomiir · 1 year
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the rebels season finale is going to end me
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sonofdathomiir · 1 year
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Savage is thinking that maybe he should stop working for insane people with a penchant for revenge.
It’s gonna get him killed one day…
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sonofdathomiir · 1 year
a (hopefully) serious thing for @ofdcthomir
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     In the wake of Talzin’s death, the attack from the Confederacy, Viscus had spoke of plans to establish a new settlement on Dathomir.Their people would rebuild, they would survive. It was true, with Grievous having slaughtered the Nightsisters... they would in time die out. This, however... what had happened to Dathomir, while he had been establishing Crimson Dawn? Eyes shut, Maul grew all the more aggravated. While unable to sense Viscus’ presence, there was another. 
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sonofdathomiir · 1 year
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re-watching Clone Wars after finished Fallen Order, gotta draw my favourite Dathomirian. Does Ventress believe she were the last of her kind just like Maul did?
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sonofdathomiir · 1 year
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sonofdathomiir · 4 years
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Is this your doing? Choose your words carefully.
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sonofdathomiir · 4 years
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[kevin kiner intensifies]
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sonofdathomiir · 4 years
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