bleeding-jokester · 2 months
Fine. Seen a lot of these and just feel like doing something, so... Let's see what happens.
5 notes: I'll work on my WIP for at least a half hour
10 notes: free tarot/oracle reading to first reply on this post
100 notes: I'll give my kitty a kissy (this will also be done without the notes, I love that little sucker so fucking much)
200 notes: 30 honest to God pushups
500 notes: My head will explode
1000 notes: I'll see if I can find that news column that accepts article entries from ✨the public✨ and send them an article on all the scientific reasons school is actually bad for children. (No guarantee I can actually do this, but I'll look into it.)
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bleeding-jokester · 2 months
I have a transmasc friend who lives in an unsupportive environment, and I really want to help him out. He isn’t misgendered as female, but is told that nobody should have to use his preferred pronouns (He/They) because they aren’t used to them, and that ‘for good public image’, he should use They/Them only when he ‘must advertise his gender to the public’.
Obviously I’m pissed as FUCK, because this is exactly what I experienced (and still experience) as a young transmasc adult. I know firsthand how shitty it feels to be told that your identity doesn’t deserve respect or acknowledgement because ‘people aren’t used to seeing you that way’.
The main message of this post: ANYBODY who adds a note, whether liking, reblogging, or replying, will have their username written down in a notebook that I will send to him to show his family. If you reblog/reply with a supportive comment or tag, I’ll write that too under your username.
Please and thank you all ❤️
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bleeding-jokester · 1 year
An emoji spell to protect abortion rights, patients, struggling mothers, and abortion providers!
(Like to charge, Reblog to cast)
Any interaction will give this spell a boost, so anti-reprorights do not interact!
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bleeding-jokester · 2 years
hey I once put a zigzagoon on GTA for a Ho-oh and got one so... putting it out there that I like money. preferably in the form of $100 dollar bills.
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bleeding-jokester · 2 years
hey I once put a zigzagoon on GTA for a Ho-oh and got one so... putting it out there that I like money. preferably in the form of $100 dollar bills.
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bleeding-jokester · 2 years
Huh, well thanks. Wonder if "affective presence" is linked to abnormal body language and people are annoyed because requires more effort from their subconscious brain.
Anyway, I appreciate the answer! Maybe one day we'll know the answer to the original question.
Serious question: is there a thing where you can be so used to being annoyed with someone you prematurely are, always, without reason? Because if there is, I need to know.
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bleeding-jokester · 3 years
People who take criticism that they asked for as a personal attack on them simultaneously infuriate and exhaust
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bleeding-jokester · 3 years
Hey, you. It gets better. I promise it does. I've been there, hurting, believing that there is no good in the world.
Well, guess what?
There is.
I would even go so far to say that there is a miracle in all of us, waiting to be unleashed.
But we have to find it. We have to burn away everything we are not.
That's the hardest part.
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bleeding-jokester · 3 years
I often think that we inevitably become what we believe we are, so long as we're willing to see the truth
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bleeding-jokester · 3 years
"I'm entitled to my emotions!"
Yeah, Martha, and I'm entitled to basic human decency, go scream at a tree and punch it until you break your knuckles while you're at it
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bleeding-jokester · 3 years
I swear school systematically instills learned helplessness in people so that in adulthood they never strive for genuine change
"That's just the way it is," I hear all the time
But it doesn't have to be!
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bleeding-jokester · 3 years
Toys, now, are designed to break with use, but children get yelled at when that happens... and when they don't play with their toys –_–
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bleeding-jokester · 3 years
I'm a gremlin! I'm sending you happiness! Why? I want you to be happy!
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bleeding-jokester · 3 years
sometimes i think i write badly then i read some old work i forgot about and i don't so i feel better now
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bleeding-jokester · 3 years
I hate Pinterest. I've told it I don't understand that same language at least fifty times
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bleeding-jokester · 3 years
If you ever feel like you don't matter, when I was a toddler a stranger said my smile was lovely because my eyes "lit up like a little sun"
and sometimes it sneaks up on me and warms my heart
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bleeding-jokester · 3 years
Please Read If You're A Parent Or Plan To Be, Because It's A Real Story With A Majorly Important And Undersaid Message From A Child To You
i remember this one time when i was about four and in the car with both my Nana and my mom i wanted to eat something unhealthy and they told me no so i asked "why can't i eat what i want?" Or something to that effect
"you can when you're older," they said
and that was a mistake because they equated eating unhealthily to being older which equated to control and my little brain felt it had no control and had already equated control to happiness plus i can be a defiant little crap whenever i want to be and guess who didn't have the energy to fight me or the emotional iq to discuss the cause of my behavior and address the root of the issue so they just reassured themselves that most children have a picky eating "phase" and i would naturally "grow out of it"
still struggle with eating problems
suspect that i always will because i have probably given myself sensory issues from the lack of variety in my sensory input
seriously i involuntarily gag from new food that's too different from the old in taste/texture/smell/the sound it makes when you bite so i have to eat new things alone
should i mention that i ate healthily before all this? i should
What have we learned? If you see negative changes in your children, it is absolutely crucial that you address it, and not just with punishment and correction. While those may be necessary, changes are oftentimes the result of an unmet need, and as long as that need remains unfulfilled, they will always always continue this behavior or another unhealthy one to fulfill it themselves—the same way you would, because we're all human
It is not their fault. It's yours, for creating an environment in which your children had to resort to unhealthy means to cope. Now, I know for the simple fact that you've bothered reading this post that you probably didn't mean to and you love them, and you probably didn't even realize you were doing it. That's okay. You can forgive yourself if you put in the effort to change your behavior, and your children will most likely forgive you if you explain the thinking behind your behavior, that you now understand it was wrong, that you're sorry, that you're going to change because you love them, how you're going to change it, and that they have every right to call you out on it if you ever accidentally recede into old habits
Good behavior is fostered through understanding
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