sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
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Jae Gu waved his arms in a dismissive manner. No way would he drag his siblings all the way to Japan just so he could go to a different high school! That's too much change, especially for children as his siblings! He... He left them with Queen's family. It hurt him to do so but they knew he'd come back.
'Come back even stronger, big brother!' 
Those were his sister and brother's parting words. They held pride and hope in him. They knew he could do anything he wanted to because he was 'big' and 'strong'. Tch... as if. But he wouldn't let them down! No way!
"I left the kids with Queen's family... They were more than eager to take them in, thankfully." Jae Gu let out a sigh of relief as he continued. "I didn't sign up for this either! I just wound up on the list one day and they couldn't pull me out."
Jae Gu smiled a little at Moon Young's last remark. He could focus more on school and training now that his siblings were in caring hands and his post at work was covered. He could become stronger. No one would pick a fight with him either. No more 'Worker Song'. Only... 'Song Jae Gu'.
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"I'll try. I think I can manage here for now... Y'know without spilling drinks all over everyone." He should really watch where he's going. "And yeah, I'm in boxing. I knew you'd lynch me if I didn't join. I joined Martial Arts as well."
And he met with Dal Dal, alright... He felt a tinge of heat form on his face as he shuffled a little.
First Day...Oh Boy. [SoF OPEN]
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
Could it be? No, no... How did Dal Dal end up here? Oh. Right. Exchange program. W-Wait a second.... Had Dal Dal signed Jae Gu up for this? He didn't remember signing up for anything, and he couldn't think of a single person who would transfer him to a different school as revenge. Most just wanted to punch his face in.
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"Dal Dal sunbae...? How did we end up here together--?"
Jae Gu nearly jumped out of his own shoes as Dal Dal's lips met his. 'Softest lips you've ever felt'.... Riiiight. Dal Dal had a tendency to over-exaggerate but she was right about her lips being soft--ack! What was he THINKING?! No, no nonononononononnononoNO!! Jae Gu stepped back a little, still in awe by her attack on his face.
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"W-What are you doing here.....? N-Not like it's a BAD thing or anything! I just wanna know, that's all." 
First Day...Oh Boy.
Dal Dal blinked. Was she really this sleepy? Jae Gu out of no where? Nah, it can’t be. She felt the wetness of her shirt and blinked again. The hair… the weak stature… the docile expressions. 
It was him. 
“J-Jae Gu…?!” 
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The girl stepped back, not minding her soiled uniform. Dal Dal surveyed him, twirling him around despite their height difference, she stood on her tiptoes and looked into his eyes. Her lips jolted forward, embracing his in a kiss, their fullness against his, she could already feel his surprise. 
Yes, this satisfied her. 
“Well it is you…!” 
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
Well, that was a first. She hadn't reacted how Jae Gu would've thought she would have. Queen's reaction....was horrifying. Intimidating, even. But the girl had passed it off as no big deal. But-- her uniform!! Surely, she'd need that for tomorrow! Oh god, he was such an ass for letting this happen. It was actually his fault this time. Moon Young hadn't appeared with her demonic bike...
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"A-Are you sure? D-Don't you need that tomorrow? Really, it's not a problem... I could even hand wash it for you!"
What was he saying? He didn't have time to hand wash his OWN uniform, let alone someone else's! Jae Gu gave in and took the girl's statement to be true. He calmed down a little and managed to settle himself back into a regular posture. He looked like a freak before.
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"I'm fine, thanks. I'm Jae Gu. Who are you?"
Mato's friends didn't meet her for lunch in the cafeteria, so she decided to soak up some warm sunshine and eat outside. It wasn't a very hot day so it felt nice and breezy! She headed for one of the many benches scattered around the school, finding the coolest and shadiest spot.
But her peaceful lunchtime was destroyed before it started, noticing just a second too late that someone in front of him had tripped- and their drink had splattered all over her uniform.
"Eeeah!" She cried out, only in shock and not in anger. Mato threw out her arms, dropping her bag and her lunch. She froze, still as a dripping statue, trying to not get the rest of her uniform wet and sticky. But the person in front of her seemed very distraught and embarrassed by what had just happened. She really hoped he didn't hurt himself when he fell!
"D-Do you want my to pay the dry cleaning bill…?”
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Poor guy! He was even offering to pay to get her clothes cleaned? "I-it's okay! Really! Accidents happen!" She smiled politely, looking just a bit uncomfortable with her uniform soaked. Mato would have offered him and hand to help him back up, but she remained stiff as a board, not wanting to get the beverage on more of her uniform or the other boy.
"A-are you alright, though?"
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
Oh gosh, how was he going to cover the bill THIS time?? He had given his leftover Won to Queen for that first accident... Oh, he was screwed. Maybe this person wouldn't react so bad to--
“Oi, oi, sorry about my friend here."
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It couldn't be... All of his other friends were back in Korea. Some of the other freshmen told Jae Gu that Moon Young and Dal Dal had gone to another country for an exchange program. He never would've thought that they meant Tancho... That means the pinkette in front of the boy right now was her. Lee Moon Young. Dal Dal was probably here as well but wow...Wait.
Great. He had embarrassed himself more. Not just in the presence of a stranger. In the presence of his sunbae, too.
Moon Young handed the stranger a few Yen and sent them on their way. Then, she turned and crossed her arms.
“Say, this is kind of familiar, isn’t it? But I didn’t hit you with my bike this time, huh?”
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"Ha ha, yeah... I'm glad you didn't. The fall I took wasn't pleasant at all... What are you doing here, Moon Young sunbae?"
First Day...Oh Boy. [SoF OPEN]
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
i'm totally burnt out tonight so i have drafts saved for:
shinra (gomen about your lab coat)
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g'night ;v;
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
Everything seemed ready....except for Jae Gu's nerves. Especially when he turned and found a CRAZED GINGER LOOKING AT HIM WITH A RED VINE IN HIS MOUTH LIKE SOME KIND OF RABID ANIMAL OH MY GO--
Jae Gu jumped a little as he turned. His papers went flying out of his hands. Just regain your composure kid, you'll be alright!
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"Uh...Do you need something?"
Obligatory Roommate Post
Munching on Red Vines didn’t do much for a guy’s 5 senses. Except taste. Ron heard nothing until the door shut. He scrambled to a sitting position, eyes wild with fear, one red vine hanging out of his mouth, one in his hand like a weapon. There was a boy at the other set of bunks. Eh, the kid didn’t look that scary. But there was no way he didn’t notice Ron.
Why wasn’t he talking…? He was just shuffling through some papers. Weird kid. If he wasn’t saying anything, neither was Ron. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t be tested. 
Ron held his crazy-eyes on the kid, fixed in a stare, just to see what he’d do. He slowly chewed, anticipating a good reaction.
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
First Day...Oh Boy. [SoF OPEN]
Jae Gu's first day of classes hadn't gone as bad as he had expected. He had received a warm welcome in most of his classes, but was given make up work to compensate for the day he missed. Fair enough. He'd work of that first then call his siblings to tell them the good news. Jae Gu had kept to himself the majority of the day, and to his surprise, not many people paid him any mind. He had also decided to skip his extracurriculars for the day. He needed to catch up after all!
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He munched on his leftover lunch as he walked back to the boys' dorm for the night. He;d have to deal with that ginger kid again, but he wasn't an enemy. Maybe just a.....hindrance. Nah, that was mean. ...Acquaintance? Sure. In his thought process however, he had stumbled on the leg of a bench and tripped. His chocolate drink went splattering all over the poor soul in front of him.
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"Not again...."
He muttered as he got up off of his knees, ready to apologize.
"S-Sorry... D-Do you want my to pay the dry cleaning bill...?"
Deja vu.
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
The first day already....wow. Jae Gu had arrived late that faithful day, missing all of his classes. Way to go... At least he wasn't in danger of losing a scholarship here. ...Right? Oh gosh, he didn't really know if he had to pay for this or not. No amount of suds on any vehicle could pay for this...this...
...wonderful campus.
Everything shone so bright, even under the moonlight. The gentle breeze blew against the leaves of the strong trees. It wasn't as bustling as he assumed, but it was late at night. Everyone should be asleep. He'd try his best not to intrude. He soon found himself at the front of his dorm, following the map in a skillful manner other students didn't really do.
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"Here we go..."
He opened the door to find... a red haired boy munching on some candy on the top bunk. Underwear scattered the bed as well as a few empty bags of  Red Vines on the floor. His room was so littered already! B-BY THE TRASH, NOT THE BOY OKAY--!!
Jae Gu set his bags down by the bottom bunk and sat down. He glanced through his schedule once more to remember the locations of his classes. He'd definitely have to attend tomorrow, as well as apologize for his absence. The real first day would happen tomorrow. Today was to rest. He folded his schedule and put it in the pocket of his uniform, and hung it in the closet nearby. He wouldn't say a word unless the kid in here spoke first.
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"All ready for tomorrow."
Obligatory Roommate Post
Oh jeez, school again. It’d only been a couple months since Voldemort killed almost all the teachers in Hogwarts and the students got an indefinite vacation, but Mom had to go and pick up a pamphlet for this weird-ass Japan school.
Ron didn’t even speak Chinese! How was he gonna understand anything anyone said?!
Needless to say, he was delighted when the woman at the front desk spoke English, giving him a paper with his room number and schedule. He spent a good while wandering, but managed somehow to find his way to the boys dormrooms.
“M…” he muttered, turning down a corridor. “Wait, was that M, or is this M?” There wasn’t sufficient signposting. “Okay, okay, that doesn’t matter, just find room… 3!” He exclaimed happily, finally finding his room. Ron threw open the door and shouted “HELLO ROOMIES!”
He could swear he heard crickets chirping. There wasn’t anyone in the room. He shrugged and threw his bags onto one of the top bunks. One of the zippers popped open and underwear scattered over the bed. Thank goodness it was his clothes bag though. Ron scrambled up onto the bed and stretched his arms out. It was nice, but something was missing… Of course! Ron grabbed the largest bag of the ones he brought and ripped it open, revealing massive amounts of Red Vines. Like seriously, this duffel bag was full of Red Vines.
Ron likes Red Vines.
Ripping open a bag and laying back down, Ron figured that even though it wasn’t Hogwarts, he may as well enjoy it while he was here.
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
itsgonnabe-totallyawesome replied to your post: itsgonnabe-totallyawesome replied to your post:...
ooc; this is gonna be fun. i’ll move ron in first, if you don’t mind.
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  Don't mind at all!
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
itsgonnabe-totallyawesome replied to your post: HOLY FUCK THE MASTERLIST
do you wanna make the obligatory roomate starter or should i?
 Whatever makes you more comfortable!!
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
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sonofthewilds-blog · 12 years
"Seeing my siblings after works cheers me up a little. Sometimes, it feels like they're the only ones who believe in me... But I know the girls do too. I like it when they visit too, I guess..."
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