sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
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11/? days of summer study - july 7, 2017.
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
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17.8.17 11:41 AM // working on economics notes this morning. microeconomics isn’t my favorite but it’s still pretty fun to do bc of all the graphs and diagrams. on another note, it’s indonesia’s independence day today 🇮🇩
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
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a small guide on how i battle my essays! (click on an image to view it clearer) 
(keep in mind: i’m an english major so a majority of my essays are literature-focused!)
these are just some of the methods i want to share that work for me when i write my innumerable amount of essays! i’m definitely a huge planner so it’s no secret that i spend a lot of time on an essay. if you’re a deadline fighter, these tips might not necessarily be helpful (especially the handwriting one). but i hope this gives you an insight on how i write my essays! 🌈
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
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Biology ft my class room ✨🌿✨🌿
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
Work Smarter, Not Harder: study tips psychology taught me
study in shorter intervals and take breaks (ie, 40 minutes studying and 20 minutes break)
during your break don’t watch tv or surf the internet. get outside if you can and go for a walk. or at least listen to some instrumental music and walk around your hall. or meditate or do some art. anything that doesn’t require super directed attention. this allows your attention to be replenished. it’s like a muscle and you gotta give it time to rest. tv doesn’t allow for that.
relate the information to yourself and your life. creating visual images will improve your memory.
when studying, take notes by hand and put them in your own words. generating material yourself will encode the material better in your brain, and you’ll remember it better
don’t just reread, rehearse! quiz yourself on the materials. if you use a visual image “memory palace” technique, walk yourself through it. you’re likely to remember information you’ve tested yourself on better.
organizing information into groups that make sense create more connections in your brain and allow you to remember things better. the more meaningful connections you make, the better.
make sure the last thing you do before bed is study. no phone, no netflix. your brain will process what you’ve just done while you sleep and this improve recall.
(feel free to add any!)
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
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I thought I would share some advice for the upcoming seniors in their college process! It’s a lot of work, but trust me, it is rewarding. Open for better quality and message me if you have any questions or you just want to rant about how ridiculously tedious the college process is
photo creds to pixabay, they have adorable icons
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
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225K notes · View notes
sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
Ultimate Studyblr FAQ
studyblr (=smartblr) - study blog
studyspo  (=smartspo) - study inspiration (e.g., quotes, pictures of studying or stationery…)
appblr - university (college) applications blog
archblr - architecture studyblr
artblr - art studyblr
astroblr - astronomy studyblr
bioblr - biology studyblr
businessblr - business studyblr
chemblr - chemistry studyblr
engblr - engineering studyblr
historyblr - history studyblr
langblr - languages studyblr
lawblr - law studyblr
litblr - literature studyblr
mathblr - mathematics studyblr
medblr - medicine studyblr
musicblr - music studyblr
philoblr - philosophy studyblr
physicsblr - physics studyblr
psychblr - psychology studyblr
stemblr - science, technology, engineering, maths studyblr
(If there’s no price written next to something, that thing is for free)
- Forest  android | iOS ($0.99) | Windows Phone (€0.99) | Chrome | Firefox (FocusNow - a similar free version for iOS)
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- Momentum Chrome
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- Fliqlo Mac/Windows | iOS ($0.99)
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- Habitica website | android
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- Duolingo website | android | iOS
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- Khan Academy website | youtube | android | iOS
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- Cold Turkey (program that blocks websites) website
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- Todoist website | android | iOS | Chrome
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- Quizlet website | android | iOS
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- My Study Life website | android | iOS | Windows Phone | Chrome
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- Lanes website | chrome
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GSCE -  General Certificate of Secondary Education is a two-year programme in a specific subject taken by school students in UK. Students start GCSEs at age 14 in year 10 and then they take the public examinations at age 16 in year 11. A level -  a qualification in a specific subject typically taken by school students aged 16–18 in UK (after GCSEs). A Levels are worked towards over two years and split into two parts, with one part studied in each year:
A1 Level or AS Level - the first part of the A level.
A2 Level - the second part of the A level.
Advanced Placement (AP) is a program in the USA and Canada, which offers college-level curricula and examinations to high school students. American colleges and universities often grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores on the examinations.
International Baccalaureate (IB) can refer to the international educational foundation, any of the 4 programmes it offers, or the diploma or certificates awarded at the end of the programme.
IELTS -  International English Language Testing System is an international standardised test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers.
TOEFL - Test Of English as a Foreign Language is a standardized test to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers wishing to enroll in American universities. Though, it is accepted by many English-speaking academic and professional institutions.
ACT - American College Testing is a standardized test for high school achievement and college admissions in USA. 
SAT -  Scholastic Assessment Test  is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in USA.
Major - is the academic discipline to which an undergraduate student formally commits in USA and Canada. A student who successfully completes the courses prescribed in an academic major qualifies for an undergraduate (Bachelor’s) degree.
Double major -  a student who declares two academic majors is said to have a double major.
Undergrad student - a student taking up undergraduate education.  
Undergraduate education - is a level of education between secondary education and a master’s degree. When a student completes an undergraduate education they get a Bachelor’s degree.
Grad student - a student taking up graduate or postgraduate education.
Graduate education - is a level of education taken up after getting a Bachelor’s degree. When a student complete a graduate education they either get a Master’s or Doctorate degrees.
It goes something like this:
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Beware, things vary from country to country and from subject to subject.
(Click here for the updated version of this post)
20K notes · View notes
sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
Back to School/Uni Tips!
I’m headed into my 3rd year of uni, so I thought I’d make a post sharing my tips on how to do well in school, not burn out, and keep your mental health relatively stable.
1. Snacks - seriously, don’t leave home without at least 2 substantial snacks in your bag. If you’re go-go-going all day and suddenly your sitting in a lecture about to crash cause you haven’t eaten anything all day, you’re gonna want snacks. Some suggestions: Cashews (they’re not super loud/crunchy, so they’re perfect for lecture snackin’), a granola bar, an apple, cherry tomatoes, trail mix.
2. Don’t buy the textbook before you go to your first class - I’ve worked at a university bookstore for 2 years, and every year, people end up buying 700$ worth of first year text books, and then they don’t even use them. Wait. and then wait some more. If there are required readings, then get the textbook, if your prof says there will be questions from the textbook on the exam, then get the textbook, but trust me, for 90% of first year classes (and a lot of other ones) you don’t need the textbook. SAVE YOUR WALLETS
3. Take notes efficiently - honestly the best way to take notes, is type up the lecture notes that are provided, BEFOREHAND, and then during lecture, fill in the blanks/add information/take down any important things your prof is saying as you go through the lecture on your laptop in a different color. This way you’re much less likely to miss any important information, you won’t be confused about what to take down, and you won’t fall into the trap of taking down notes that are already being provided to you. After class, or while making study notes, copy these notes out by hand to remember what you learned.
4. Keep it simple - pretty notes are GREAT if you have the time, but once you get to upper level uni, and you have 100 slides of notes to turn into study notes, you will not have the time to make your notes look aesthetically pleasing. Just get the info down so you can focus on learning it.
5. Have a designated study space - i did all of my highschool homework and studying in my bed, and 90% of the time, I ended up falling asleep. My bed wasn’t going to cut it for uni, so I got a cheap ikea desk, and it’s made me so much more organized and productive.
6. Take as much ‘you time’ as possible - take a bath. light candles. binge watch a tv show. veg out with a book for 4 hours if you have the time. do your makeup super special one day. get yourself that venti pumpkin spice latte with extra whip whenever you feel like it. Uni is a shitty time I’m not gonna lie. It’s stressful as f*ck, and whenever you can spare a couple hours or a couple dollars to TREAT YO SELF, do it.
7.  If you have anxiety, CUT THE COFFEE. caffeine is a huge trigger for anxiety. Caffeine takes away from your sleep, messes with your adrenalin systems, and can make you super paranoid and anxious all the time. 
8. If you think your in the wrong major, change it - I started in geology, and I HATED IT. Now I’m in psych and I love it. It is never too late for a change of program. If you think you’re doing something you don’t wanna do, or your not enjoying it, don’t do it.
9. For mornings you have to be ready and out the door, or if you’re a person who always runs late, have a getting-ready routine and get it down pat. Have a mental list of things you need to do, and things you need to remember, and find out how much time it takes you. Get up at 8am, shower, wash face/brush teeth, get dressed, do makeup, pack bag, remember keys, wallet, laptop, notebook, pen and train pass, have breakfast, put on shoes, leave by 9am.
10. Utilize your time in transit. - finish a reading, go over flashcards, read study notes, listen to an album you’ve been meaning to listen to, read a book, read some fanfic, idk but don’t just sit there unless just sitting there is what you need.
11. Find a hobby or passion that is separate from your school/uni life. Whether its playing sports, or running, reading, collecting plants, making scrapbooks, curating a refined taste in tea, having baths, writing in a journal, find something that if you’re bored with watching shows or studying, you can go do it, and enjoy it, and get your mind off all the other shit that’s going on in your life for awhile.
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
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Well Studied
Perfect and mindblowing study with The Project Planner. Brand new and in stock now! Thanks for looking ^-^
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
Work Smarter, Not Harder: study tips psychology taught me
study in shorter intervals and take breaks (ie, 40 minutes studying and 20 minutes break)
during your break don’t watch tv or surf the internet. get outside if you can and go for a walk. or at least listen to some instrumental music and walk around your hall. or meditate or do some art. anything that doesn’t require super directed attention. this allows your attention to be replenished. it’s like a muscle and you gotta give it time to rest. tv doesn’t allow for that.
relate the information to yourself and your life. creating visual images will improve your memory.
when studying, take notes by hand and put them in your own words. generating material yourself will encode the material better in your brain, and you’ll remember it better
don’t just reread, rehearse! quiz yourself on the materials. if you use a visual image “memory palace” technique, walk yourself through it. you’re likely to remember information you’ve tested yourself on better.
organizing information into groups that make sense create more connections in your brain and allow you to remember things better. the more meaningful connections you make, the better.
make sure the last thing you do before bed is study. no phone, no netflix. your brain will process what you’ve just done while you sleep and this improve recall.
(feel free to add any!)
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
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How I Use OneNote for University
Hey, all! I thought I’d share how I use OneNote, for any students who might want to use it for school organization. I have used this since the beginning of my university career and have found a method that works for me, after nearly three years.
I provide templates for what I use as .one files that can be imported into OneNote, and you’re free to use & modify them however you wish. 
Semester Calendar Template: Download
Customized Syllabus Template: Download
Cornell Outline Template: Download + Outline inspired by How to Use Cornell Cornell Note-Taking Method on OneNote by @strive-for-da-best​
As a student with learning disabilities, I found that using a computer, rather than writing everything out, is the best method for me to learn. I type up notes in class so as to not worry about keeping up with a professor, handwriting, or neatness. OneNote is my favourite note-taking application for this, because it’s essentially an upgraded version of Word that’s free and syncs automatically across devices. When my computer crashed, I was still able to access my notes online.
OneNote isn’t all typing. You can use it on a tablet or use a drawing tablet, in my case, to handwrite notes for a more natural feel. A very efficient way of taking notes is to import the lectures slides in OneNote and to write directly on them. I found that very useful in math-heavy courses, such as statistics and chemistry. The equation tool, while nifty, isn’t efficient.
By no means whatsoever is this the only way to use OneNote! In fact, I’d recommend you find a way that works for you, because while this may be highly organized, it takes a bit of set-up time and is tailored specifically to my needs. You can use my example as inspiration, but play around with it! The beauty of OneNote is that it can be used in a variety of different ways.
Download OneNote for Windows | Download OneNote for Mac
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
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30K notes · View notes
sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
Your mental health comes before school, always. If it’s midnight, and you have an exam the next day, but your hands have been shaking for the past hour and a half and you’re not so sure you want to be alive anymore, pull out that carton of Ben and Jerry’s and afterwards, go the fuck to bed. So what if you get a 68% on the exam the next day? You took care of yourself and at the end of the day that will always come before a high test score. To hell with anyone who tells you differently.
Anonymous  (via cwote)
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
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3|2|17 this week…i’ve remained ridiculously unproductive, i don’t understand why i’m like this?!
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sonotalive-x-blog · 7 years
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Hey guys! These are 7 (technically 8) tips on how to get straight A’s! I’m sorry for the mistakes — ONE: the tip “Some Study Methods” should actually be number 7, not number 1 hehe. TWO: in tip number 6, “Doing your homework”, it says ‘always remember tip number 6!’ what I mean is *always remember tip number 5!* STUDYBLRS — reblog this for a possible follow hehe (see tip 3). Anyway this whole thing took me HOURS. Hopefully it helps someone! ily all & good luck!
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