sonotthedrama · 7 days
Now, Kim had always said that no crime or case was too small for her to solve, but even this was ridiculous. Then again, Kim knew what Mr. Moon was like with his rants at some of the monthly town council meetings and granted some of the time he was correct (not that she'd ever admit that openly).
So, with all that in mind, she had to take a moment to step into her private investigator shoes and be professional when dealing with the situation at hand.
Kim could see the scene even before she'd fully reached outside the Moon Market. She grabbed her reporters notebook to start taking notes. "I see, Mr. Moon." She nodded in acknowledgement of what he'd just said before continuing to look at the scene. "Now, what time did you close at last night? I'd like to start establishing a timeline of events so that I can narrow down the time the crime occurred."
@moon-yeongjun @baenxietydad
Smashing Pumpkins || Mu Jun + Kim
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sonotthedrama · 16 days
"Of course. Can't be stepping over each other's toes and all that." Kim smiled, she knew that part of working along side other's meant being aware and respectful of the ways they worked as she hoped they would do the same for her.
Kim had plenty of hands-on experience when dealing with criminals and crooks, but she knew private investigative work was more paperwork than action, so that would take some getting used to for her. Other than that, she was happy to take on any cases, even the 'catch your partner cheating' ones. "I'll be taking on whatever cases find me. I just can't wait to get right down to it."
Kim was happy to work whenever as long as she had two days off. She didn't care if they were two days together or separate, but she just wanted some good work-life balance. "I don't mind what hours I work, but I'd like at least two days off just so I can do personal things. As for any information on rates to charge people, anything you can give me I'll take because I don't want to charge too much or too less. I want to get it right for the client and for myself."
Can't Go Back Now || Perry & Kim
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sonotthedrama · 1 month
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NAME: Kimberly "Kim" Possible AGE: 23 GODLY PARENT: Athena - Goddess of Wisdom and War AFFILIATION: Alumni (2009-2019), Competitor SPECIES: Demigod ABILITIES: Strategist (She will come up with good plans in a fight and can use others' weaknesses against them). Audiokinesis (She never forgets what she hears and can be manipulative). Telumkinesis (She has great control over every weapon but prefers to use a sword). BIOGRAPHY:
James Possible got the attention of a certain goddess while studying Aerospace Engineering and Astrodynamics at MIT. She helped him get through his studies; consequently, they fell in love. Shortly after, On 8th June, Athena sent him their daughter, a girl named Kimberly Possible, as a gift.
Kimberly was not the gift that Athena had hoped she would be for James; he begged Athena to return her to Olympus and raise her there because he had no idea their connection would result in a child and was unprepared to care for her. Athena refused, telling James that demigods should be raised by their mortal parents rather than their godly ones. In the end, he had little choice except to reluctantly accept Kimberly and care for her as best he could.
Kimberly took her father's last name. When she was five years old, her father married and had two sons with her stepmother Ann: the twins Jim and Tim. Kimberly was a target for monsters since she was a demigod, which led to frequent quarrels between her and her parents, who believed she was constantly endangering everyone.
Kimberly was attacked by a flood of spiders sent by Arachne each night for three days. Her skin was freckled with bites, and cobwebs covered her eyes, lips, and nose. She would then scream for her father, who was constantly away at work, so her stepmother would check on her. When her stepmother entered her bedroom, the spiders would hide, so she assumed Kimberly was making things up to scare her stepbrothers and refused to contact James. By the time she got dressed each morning, the marks from the painful bites on her had vanished, leaving just the cobwebs, which did not provide convincing evidence.
As a result, Kimberly ran away from home at the age of eight, believing her family hated her. She then spent a few months fighting creatures with only a hammer, guided by her immortal mother.
After months of fighting monsters, she ended up in the company of another demigod and a satyr who were on their way to Camp Swynlake. Kimberly hadn't heard of that so they said she could tag along and eventually they made it to camp.
During her years at camp, she went by Kim and anyone who called her Kimberly didn't get the chance to do it again. She was a force to be reckoned with and everyone knew that. She wrote letters to her father and she would go home at some points but would always end up back at camp as it was too dangerous and nothing had really changed in her family.
After she turned eighteen, she went home to see her family and it was still dangerous but not as it used to be. She also found that her family were more understanding and she could handle being there for longer periods. She even travelled the world and found herself enjoying life for once, not having to constantly look over her shoulder.
Now, Kim is back to compete and bring honor to Athena and show those Ares alumni exactly who they think they're messing with.
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sonotthedrama · 2 months
"I like to be organised, plus I've got to tick it off once I've done it." Kim laughed, taking a sip of her coffee afterwards. This was nice because there weren't a lot of people she felt comfortable around, considering she was suspicious of people in general.
"That's okay." She took his hand and shook it, "Happy to be here. Of course, I'm good with working on my own when necessary." Obviously, she might have her own sensitive cases she'd want to work on by herself. "I can't wait to start on my own cases."
Well, she did have some ideas on how to get rid of a certain nemesis now that she had this job, but she knew she would have to build a case before trying to get a certain board member put back in jail. But that was something to think about for another time.
"Thank you. I will keep that in mind, and you bet I'll just ask. No point beating around the bush as they say."
Can't Go Back Now || Perry & Kim
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sonotthedrama · 2 months
"As long as it doesn't go to waste then I don't mind." Kim had heard of Errol through whispers and had seen him hanging around before she left.
Well, she hadn't expected that. She thought it would have taken a bit more to convince him but she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. "I can do that and thank you for the opportunity." Kim was thankful that Perry was going to take a chance on her and she'd prove just why it was the best decision he'd made.
"I will. It's on my list of things to do." Also, get first aid training. Plus, any other qualifications like Perry had just said.
Did this mean Perry was her boss? She wasn't sure, but she would take any advice he could give her, given his history and the fact he'd been doing this for a while. She wanted to get this right, and if it meant learning from someone with experience and listening to them, then she'd do it.
"Of course, I've got a lot to think about, but I'm happy to work with you or anyone else on cases. I'm used to working with someone but more hands-on." That's when she was using her crime fighting skills, and she knew with this line of work she might need to scale back on that, but if she was subtle then maybe she could still use those skills from time to time. "So am I right in thinking that I'm hired?"
Can't Go Back Now || Perry & Kim
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sonotthedrama · 2 months
date a girl who can kick your ass because chances are she’ll be able to save it
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sonotthedrama · 2 months
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sonotthedrama · 2 months
"Cool, I'm in 2B. I'll need to look out for her, I'm Kim." She smiled at the other woman, taking a good look at her while she balanced the box she was carrying.
Easy on the eyes is what first came to Kim and the fact she already lived in the building was good for booty calls if the need did arise. She seemed like someone Kim would want to get to know and the fact she looked like she was on the way to gym was another tick for Kim.
"Thank you! I should be okay but if you have the time, I've only got a couple more boxes then I'm sorted." Kim would be able to cope her on own but she was beginning to take the help if needed and if offered. "I wouldn't want to get in the way of your plans."
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Moving In Day || Open
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sonotthedrama · 3 months
Kim unwrapped some wine glasses that she was sure were a gift from Candace or another friend, she couldn't be too sure. She set them up on the side to put away later when she could figure out where she wanted what in her kitchen.
"I still can't quite believe it but now I need to figure out my next step." Well, she knew what she wanted it to be but just had some moves to make in order for that to happen.
"I'll definitely be missing them, so you'll just need to come over and make them here." Kim would love the company, and plus, she'd want to hear all about the uni gossip like, who's dating who or who's kissing who now or who's fallen out now.
"That's a definite," Kim laughed.
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Handle With Care - Kimemy
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sonotthedrama · 3 months
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Kimberly Ann Possible Look Book: May / June 2024
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sonotthedrama · 3 months
"Thank you." She giggled at Jeremy's comment as she didn't want him to think something was up. She was getting better at hiding her true feelings, must have been that undercover work.
"That's good, I'm glad you're doing something with your talent as it would be a waste if you didn't." She actually sounded like her mom just now but she hoped that Jeremy saw it as her being a supportive friend rather than a mom friend.
She started to unpack the box she knew was all her kitchen stuff because if she was going to have a housewarming at some point then she'd need to make use she had enough glasses to drink out of for everyone.
"I'm doing good. Can't believe I won't be staying in the dorms but it's a relief to finally say I have a degree. I'm glad to be back in Swynlake, don't think I'd want to be anywhere else for now."
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Handle With Care - Kimemy
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sonotthedrama · 3 months
"Oh, I actually grabbed you a coffee from Hatter's but if you already have one then that's okay." That was a slight hiccup but she wasn't going to deter her from why she came into the office today. "She's a lot better. Us Possible woman are fighters and the doctors let her come home a couple of weeks ago under the watchful eye of my mom."
Kim felt so bad lying to Perry but she knew she couldn't tell him the real reason. Even though she was pretty sure he'd understand that too in some way or another. "So I felt it was time for me to come back to Swynlake."
Kim wanted to get straight to the point because there was no point beating around the bush. "As you know I've graduated and I've just moved into my own place. The only thing is I don't have is a job." Perhaps a little ambiguity wouldn't harm, and it would give Perry the option to offer something other than what she was asking for. She'd ask if she had to, but this seemed more appropriate and mature, which was something she was aiming for as a recent graduate.
Can't Go Back Now || Perry & Kim
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sonotthedrama · 3 months
Kim wasn't sure if Perry would go for it considering she'd disappeared for two months. Even though as far as he was concerned her grandma had been ill and she had to leave Swynlake to be by her side. She had sent him an email explaining it all and he had send several back which she hadn't got the chance to read while she was on her mission but she was sure it was sympathetic.
Kim had went to Hatter's on the way and grabbed both their usuals. Even if it had been two months, she still remembered what he liked to drink and she needed that on her side especially if she was going to ask him something important.
"Hey!" She called out as she walked in, "Perry, are you here?" She breathed in the familiar smells of the office and couldn't believe she was back here. It was where she was meant to be or so she thought.
[outfit] @perry-flynn
Can't Go Back Now || Perry & Kim
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sonotthedrama · 3 months
Can't Go Back Now || Perry & Kim
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sonotthedrama · 3 months
"Not really but that's a long story. I'm just about to graduate from Pride U." She didn't really want to get into the former with a complete stranger and if he was new to town then he wouldn't know about her disappearing so best to leave it at that.
Kim smiled at him before asking, "Who's your best friend? I might know them."
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Moving In Day || Open
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sonotthedrama · 3 months
[outfit] @jere-me--oh-my
Kim was glad she had Jeremy helping her unpack her stuff because after a long conversation with her mom. She'd send Kim some of her stuff from Middleton and there was no way she'd be able to get through it as quick if she didn't have any help.
"Oh, that's definitely a decorative bedroom mug." She remembered making that in kindergarten during arts and crafts. Guess her mom didn't want to keep it. Oh well. Her mom could have her strop and let her know when she wanted to get over it.
At least Jeremy wasn't mad at her for disappearing for two months, well she'd understand if he was but she couldn't take it back. It happened so now she needed to deal with the fallout. "So how have you been?"
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Handle With Care - Kimemy
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sonotthedrama · 3 months
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Kimberly Ann Possible Look Book: March / April 2024
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