soomuchplot · 2 years
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Magical Girl Monthly Issue 4 cover :)
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soomuchplot · 4 years
this blog may be dead but here's a quick update or... apology sort of..
reading through this blog, we realized how rude, mean and overall nasty we were to the fairy tail fandom
you guys don't deserve this honestly, especially the big 4 shippers ( nalu, jerza, gruvia, gajeevy) who we targeted for very dumb reasons
it's not like we suddenly started liking fairy tail, we still dislike it, but making a blog and hating on it constantly is just petty,,,,
I hope ya'll still enjoy fairy tail, characters and the ships!
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ask box is still open if you have anything to say btw
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soomuchplot · 7 years
replied to your post “RIP Pudding”
You guys are really exaggerating that his arc is ruined. Big Mom has been shown to be a hypocrite before and it doesn't surprise me she is a hypocrite about tolerance and discrimination. Also we have tons of other attractive villainesses around here. With Big Mom, she is still someone who who is a worthy villainess it's overkill.
We don't remember seeing Big Mom being a hypocrite, especially with her "All races Utopia." Her entire goal is to have people of the same race live together in harmony. Her children are part of her achieving her goal, so we did not expect her to be a kind loving mother in the first place.
She has a noble goal, but just because her ways of making that dream come true are bad and terrible doesn't make her a hypocrite.
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soomuchplot · 7 years
RIP Pudding
Hooo boy,
Totland arc was a promising arc, you have the Strawhats trying to save Sanji from his forced marriage to a daughter of a Yonko. Sanji had a potential to develop outside his obsession with women, and we met a female villain, who is both a psychopath and attractive, making her the main source for Sanji’s development. However, the arc declined in quality, the rescue mission lasted a while, and when we finally started with it, the two characters who had the most potential are now ruined, and this arc is becoming unbearable.
The biggest problem with chapter 862 is:
It’s trying to make readers sympathize with Pudding because she has “problems” with her appearance (or possibly redeem her as a villain)
This affected potential character development for Sanji.
Her Sad FlashbackTM makes Big Mom look so out of character.
So let’s begin with her problems with her appearance:
It shouldn’t even exist or be complex for her in the first place. Why?
She lived her entire life in a place where the people she calls family are mixed races, each sibling is different from the other, and there are siblings who are a lot stranger than Pudding and her third eye:
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So she shouldn’t even begin to think she’s ugly or that her third eye makes her stand out. If she was living with normal looking humans, then her complex with her third eye would be understandable.
Her siblings shouldn’t even bully her in the first place, why bully Pudding alone who looks like a supermodel? because she has a third eye? They are also surrounded by odd looking siblings, so a third eye shouldn’t be a problem to them in the first place.
This is a very cliché method to show that a villain is redeemable (especially with female villains). Out of all of her siblings, she resembles a human the most, she has no flaw in her appearance that would be considered “ugly” or “disgusting” (e.g. obesity, skin disease, disfigured body/face..etc). Pudding literally looks like a supermodel, she has a cute face and an hourglass shaped body.
BUT OH NO! She has a THIRD EYE! Now she ugly and has 0 friends. BUT OH WAIT! Extremely Hot GuyTM says she is beautiful!!! Now all her psychological problems are solved and she has many friends.
Moving on.
Sanji’s character development is thrown out of the window:
His development was actually on the brink of disappearing when he started to question whether what he saw was just a dream (Ch. 361). Despite the fact that he himself overheard the plan, no one came up to him and said: 
“Hey Sanji, Pudding hates you, and she’ll kill you in the wedding to overthrow your family.” 
Again, if someone actually told him that, and he didn’t overhear anything, then it wouldn’t be a surprise that he still has some trust in Pudding. But no, his obsession with women completely overpowers his reasoning and he falls head over heels for Pudding, even though he is aware she’s planning to kill him.
It would have been nice to see him showing his cunning side again, where he can act like he is in love with Pudding. Because obviously it would be odd if he suddenly gave her the cold shoulder, and it can put him in a dangerous position as their plans of assassination might be discovered.
Big Mom is out of character in Pudding’s flashback:
Big Mom’s main goal is to create a Utopia where all races can live together in peace and harmony. Yet she finds her daughter’s third eye disturbing?
Her third eye is not even a mutation for her to find it disgusting or creepy. Because there’s an entire race who are born with three eyes and Big mom willingly had sex with a man who has three eyes for the purpose of having a child of that race!
And it’s not like Pudding is the only child of a strange race or has different features. All of her children are mixed races!
 Lastly, we want to point out that Pudding doesn’t need a Sad FlashbackTM to justify her psychopathy because she is the daughter of a pirate, she lived her entire life as a criminal, and her mother is using her to gain more power. Now she is forced to get married to a man she does not know, just so her mother can expand her power. And if she even dares to defy her mother's wishes she would most likely be executed on the spot and not have the chance to escape like Lola (since she is the first to defy her mother)
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soomuchplot · 7 years
Anna’s Magical Hair
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Earlier ... 
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soomuchplot · 7 years
Chapter 515 was a waste of paper
Mashima has absolutely outdone himself this time. I didn’t exactly have high hopes for Eileen’s backstory to be any good, I was at least hoping it wouldn’t create more questions than answer them. Unfortunately, Mashima was so busy turning Eileen into a woobie that he neglected to actually, I don’t know, explain anything.
This. Got long. Spoilers, obviously. Lots of complaining, too. 
Keep reading
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soomuchplot · 8 years
rika4ever replied to your post: FT complaint of the day: Themes
Not really it just shows the world isn’t black or white. There are themes, but those themes are black and white and the world and even story universes are not black and white, there is gray area. People deal with problems differently. I mean i find the suicidal thing in gray and juvias case kind of dumb, but for Makarov is shows exactly how a parent feels.
I’m surprised you wanna get into it, but let’s do it!
First off, claiming that FT is “gray.” This is a show that aggressively refuses to allow gray areas. Morally speaking, who or what action is presented as gray? 
Ultear makes the cold but frankly logical decision to sacrifice one person to save every single person fighting the dragons in Crocus (dozens of people, at least) and potentially the entire kingdom? She’s a horrible, horrible person who immediately falls into deep, near suicidal despair because of her guilt and shame. They had no hope of beating the dragons. They had no other plan. Is killing Rogue the right choice? That’s gray. It’s a logical, pragmatic, cruel choice, but it is very much arguable as a reasonable action given the situation. But the narrative expresses through Ultear that is 100% incorrect and wrong on every level. That’s not allowing for a gray area.
Oracion Seis don’t want to atone for their sins because they feel they’ve been dealt a shit hand by life, being child slaves who were then basically brainwashed by serial manipulator Brain? They get their faces beaten by Jellal and get converted to the redemption cult Ultear started. They just want to be free, but no, as villains, they must instead repent. That’s not allowing for a gray area. 
Or, Mest decides to brainwash one Spriggan against another. The way he does it is stupid, yes, but that’s not what he’s berated for – he’s treated as doing something wrong for wanting to take out two powerful enemies. That’s not allowing for a gray area. 
Not to mention that fact no one even just aligned with Fairy Tail is allowed to kill a human. Jellal says he’s going to commit one more sin against Neinhart? You’d assume he’s going to kill Neinhart, but no. That would be too gray. Gray is losing control of himself, so is Natsu, they both have an enemy in front of them that they blame for killing their close friends? They barely injure their respective opponents, despite supposedly being controlled by the darkness, enough to viciously fight each other (with intent to kill, in Gray’s case). Because letting any “good guy” actually kill would be too gray. 
What is the gray area you see? Please give me a few examples, especially in later arcs. 
I’m not sure what you mean about themes being black and white. A theme is only black and white if you make it that way. It could just as easily be a theme that there is no black and white solutions. 
“People deal with problems differently” is also a bit unclear. What did you mean? If your theme is “live for your friends,” suicide is the opposite of that. If your theme is “friendship,” forcibly removing your comrade from the battlefield over a petty argument is the opposite of that. 
“People” aka characters deal with things the way the author writes them dealing with things. When you have a theme, you write characters in a way that reflects on that theme. You arrange the flow of events to highlight and support it. (Mashima is familiar with this, in the clumsiest way possible, like when he made “Zeref” turn into “Sting” in 510 because the second half the chapter focused on the real Sting. That was a purely writing decision.) 
Makarov’s situation is an especially stupid case. He fully acknowledges that Mavis’s plan will succeed. That they can win without sacrifices. Keep this in mind, he fully acknowledges that his sacrifice is unnecessary. He kills himself and makes his precious children feel the pain of losing him purely because….
Because he can’t stand to watch them fight. That’s it. None of them are dead. None are even more seriously injured compared to previous battles. They have fought numerous times before. Remember when Makarov watched them fight DRAGONS and DEMONS and didn’t do anything particular about it? But, now, all of a sudden, he can’t stand it. 
Please let me know how you are interpreting Fairy Tail’s writing to express that the world is not black and white. 
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soomuchplot · 8 years
Um hello? Are you still there? It's getting pretty quiet here.
Hi! Yes we are still alive!Sorry for the inactivity! But we have been very busy with our university works ever since it started.We are planning on doing new stuff for the blog instead of the weekly chapter reactions.
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soomuchplot · 8 years
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and i thought i had violent tendencies lmao fuckin chill
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soomuchplot · 8 years
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Local Celestial Spirit Mage doesn’t need keys nor spirit to use her powers
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soomuchplot · 8 years
Other guilds participation in this arc was the most pointless addition ever and only causes for more dislike to not only the mistreated characters of those guild, but Hiro as a writer as well. Used to like Sabertooth more than Team Natsu, now they are as low as fodder. Where even is Quatro Cerberus aka. Bacchus Boyz? Just a waste to be outshined by FT. A shame, honestly. Can't even consider them actual characters anymore.
These guilds are just there to make FT look so high and mighty. There’s really no other reason for them to be there, since they’re not the ones defeating the enemies, the glory has to go to FT member only. We had two whole guilds who lost and got crucifued, then 5 members of FT came, saved the two guilds AND defeated the enemy.
-Mods Taco and Turtle
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soomuchplot · 8 years
what do you guys think of ichiya? also what do you think about the anime/manga death note?
Well we're neutral on Ichiya, since he's a comic releif.As for Death Note, YES It's amazing.-mod Taco
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soomuchplot · 8 years
FT Ch.500 Reaction!
Before we start with this reaction, pls donate money so that Brandish can have a professional boob transplant. she went through a lot of bullying for having an ass on her chest :’(
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i never understood this sudden development in Brandish and Dimiria’s relationship. from the moment they’ve first interacted they seemed to hate each other and now they’re friends ???
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How am I, as a reader, supposed to care about their relationship if it wasn’t hinted at or even talked about?
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how is Mirajane losing?! Natsu and Lucy beat him so easily, and she’s supposed to be as strong as Erza + HE DOESN’T SEE!!!
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I’d like to point out something in this panel, you see in the panels that preceded this one, you see FT members struggling to defeat the enemy. However, ST members are getting beaten.
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“But you guys have the most powerful armor in existence! PLOT ARMOR!”
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Carla has the most plot convenient power in FT.
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You know why i hate this shot?
because Juvia is supposed to be dead but by some miracle she didn’t. However, it doesn’t matter if she is in a life or death state because she has to look sexy AND in first person view!
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Does any of the villains know how to sneak up on their enemy? I don’t even know why I'm hoping for any of them to be stealthy, especially after seeing their so called “Assassin”
And lastly, it seems we have a case of:
Girl gets hurt.
Man goes angry!
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Man beat villain who hurt girl!
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This chapter gets:
dot eyes/10
Mods Taco and Turtle.
predictions for Ch. 501: Mari and Randi:
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soomuchplot · 8 years
First of all this is like a year old post, I'm not sure how you found it but I'm sure it's not the best use of your time, since you care so much about not wasting it, second of all, criticism had helped us develop our writing skills, speech skills and many other skills, and it also helped others, so no its not a waste.
Btw I'm pretty sure that a lot of people find spending time in social networks and watching anime a waste of time, but you wouldn't want them to come to your blog and tell you these stuff right?
-Mod Turtle
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I truly adore Fairy Tail because of how in depth the characters are and all their backstories are different and most definitely far from perfect.     – submitted by @finestflumadiddle
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soomuchplot · 8 years
Hello! I really like your reactions, they are very objetive and go to the point. Who is your favorite antagonist? Mine is Acnologia, but I'm a bit mad that he was thrown away like that. He is a freaking dragon, I bet he can fly through the continent in no time
Assuming you are talking about FT antagonists, Zeref. He's different than most shonen antagonists. He's not afraid afraid to show emotions, and overall he's very sensitive. Even though we are disappointed he isn't showing any startegic skills during this arc.-Taco and Turtle
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soomuchplot · 8 years
I love your Fairy Tail critiques! (and spent the last 2 hours or so reading a good chunk of them) And I wholeheartedly agree with almost all (i cant remember disagreeing with anything, actually) of them, and just wanted to say keep up the good work!
Awwwwww thank you so much !! Hearing these things really makes us happy!!-Mod Turtle
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soomuchplot · 8 years
I'd like to hear what you think about Gajeel and Wendy then. Not a character analysis though, but rather your opinion so far, since you've stated that they are your favourites :)
Ah yes, both of us Like these two very much
Wendy: for one thing she’s a kid, and unlike most shounen kids she actually acts like the kid she is, she’s not trying too hard to be cute, she’s like that naturally, and her development speed fits her as children develop faster than most adults
Gajeel: he’s one of the few villains that didn’t change 180 degree in a day, we saw him change gradually and he still have some of his old aggressive traits until now, which makes him well-balanced, he didn’t develop much recently and I was hoping to see how being a cop? Would affect him since he was a criminal once, but he is mostly good :)
-Mod Turtle
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