sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
Sophia couldn't help but smile as she hugged Stelly, amused by the slightly tipsy encounter. Following Stelly's gaze, she spotted Miranda, she chuckled, finding the description fitting, "Oh, Mandy? I love her, how do you guys know each other?" As Stelly mentioned Touchback, Sophia flinched a bit, "Um, I don't really frequent that part of town, all my time gets taken up by this Gallery I sort of run now," she said, feeling a sense of disconnect to the town she once knew. "But yeah, I actually grew up in this town. Found myself, lost myself, and then found my way back. I feel like the Upper East Side is a thousand percent more my vibe, what about you?" Her eyes sparkled with nostalgia, fondly recalling her memories of late nights and early mornings of the life she once had.
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Stelly's mouth twitched into an amused smirk as the woman -- who they had seen around town, they were sure, but definitely hadn't ever hugged before -- leaned in for the intimate greeting. She was probably a little tipsy, as many people at the party were, and honestly? They didn't really mind, laughing as they returned the hug. "Sophia, good to meet you," righting themselves, they craned their head to see through the crowd, finding Miranda mingling with some friends and pointing her out. "Riiight there," they gestured, "the one that looks like they absolutey belong in the woods. Or own the woods, as it is," they laughed. "Do you spend much time at Touchback? I pretty much live there when I'm not… well, at home," Stelly smiled. "You grew up here?"
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
Tommy's unexpected appearance caught Sophia off guard. His presence was a mix of familiarity and mystery. She couldn't help but notice his cold demeanor, a stark difference from what she'd grown accustomed to from people she spoke to. "Well, sometimes solitude has its charm, Tommy," she laughed. "Now are you really gonna make me force it out of you, what's got you so deep in thought?" she smiled shaking his arm.
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The voice that calls his name doesn't belong to any of the people he'd been hoping to hear from, instead he finds himself reunited with the one and only Sophia. Her beauty was clouded by his troubled mind but not missed entirely, it was simply impossible to. Tommy grunts as he nudges his chin upwards in his way of saying 'yes' when it was in fact not. "Shouldn't you be with friends?" he asks, ignoring her opening question.
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
Sophia's heart warmed as she embraced her friend. It was as if they were kindred spirits, instantly clicking when they met. She chuckled at Aisha's comment, "I know it's been forever! As for the Gallery, it's going okay, I wasn't expecting to have one of the most infuriating employees, Ryder, but he gets the job done I guess. But we've got some amazing new pieces on display that I know you'll love. Thinking about curating a show now but we'll see how that goes." Sophia grinned, feeling grateful for their friendship. "And I love a solo night out! But tell me, what's new in your world?"
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Aisha grinned, as she let herself be pulled into a hug. She had plenty of friends in the small town, but as soon as she met Sophia, it felt like she'd known her forever. She was just one of those people who made her feel comfortable to be around, and she was glad she befriended her. "It seems like it's been a while since I last saw you! I've been a bit busy, but what's new, right? How about you? Is there anything exciting happening at the Gallery?" she smiled. "I'll probably catch up with my roommates later. But if you mean a date, then no. But at least that means I'll have more time to catch up with you."
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
"Hopefully it's working on you too," she half-joked. Sophia couldn't help but feel a pleasant rush as Sylvia's eyes lingered on her, and the flirty atmosphere between them seemed to intensify. She kept her composure, as flashes of all those long nights they shared played over in the back of her mind. "Well, I've been hanging in there, still doing the whole painting thing, sort of made a name for myself," It was true, and maybe it came off a bit more like bragging, but for some reason, she felt like she had to prove something to her. "I mean you would know that but..." Sophia trailed off not sure what she'd get out of bringing up how they ended things. Instead, she did what she knew best, Sophia's hand gently brushed against Sylvia's arm, "You know, Sylv... I just have to say you really do look fucking amazing tonight," she was more confident than the last time she saw Sylvia and more self-assured. Sophia pulled back allowing some space between them, "where have you been hiding all this time?"
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Sylvia caught the comment on dressing to impress someone, her eyes narrowed for only a second. Her only response was a curious, "Yeah?" It was more rhetorical more than anything. "I'm sure it's more than working.." As they hugged, Sylvia could feel the awkwardness, but she wouldn't comment on it. Instead she softened her embrace, hoping that it at least eased the other's comfort level. "I've been doing well, how about you?" she smile that she offered was genuine and warm. Closer to fifteen, but who was counting. "Something like that.." her words were drawn out as she nodded. At Sophia's compliment at her attractiveness, Sylvia couldn't help but blush a little, her lips threatening to turn to a smirk as they eased to a grin. "Look at you! Hotter than ever!" Sylvia made no effort in playing coy, the expression on her face growing a little more flirtatious as her eyes examined Sophia, head to toe and back.
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
This specific thing that Ryder brought out in Sophia was undeniable, yet she wouldn't want to call it addicting, but that's exactly what it reminded her of — a kind of addiction. She couldn't tell if that was good or bad, but the lines on what was appropriate to think about were blurring. "I need to thank Arturo because this," she pulled herself closer using the lapels of his jacket, "looks damn good on you and I'm not sure if I should give you a bigger head than you already have," but she knew there was no stopping that. Playfully hitting his arm she teased, "If I'm a brat, then what does that make you?" Sophia's laughter immediately subsided when he commented on undressing her. "Oh," Sophia composed herself quickly, "so you're saying it is a good idea, just not here? That's bold even for you, don't you think?"
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Ryder's grin was slow, maybe a little cocky, because no, he didn't. If someone told him that he looked good, he corrected them to say that he looked great. That was just the way that he was, and maybe a small part of it was deflection, using humor to draw attention away from having to accept an actual compliment out loud… but he kept that to himself. Letting out a low laugh at her reaction to the drinks, Ryder picked up his own drink, almost downing it before glancing down at his suit, and then back up at Sophia. "Actually, I can style myself quite well, thank you, but Arturo is very good at what they do," and that meant that he wasn't going to hesitate to give them his business. He was about to finally down the shot when it was suddenly no longer in his hand, and he narrowed his eyes into a glare. "Brat," but thankfully, she was taking care of ordering two more, and his grin was sliding back into place. "That's because I don't think that undressing you in front of all of these people is a good idea."
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
Sophia found herself wandering the gala drink in hand, feeling a bit more confident with a little liquid courage in a sea of unknown faces. She definitely felt more at ease seeing a familiar one, "Tommy!" she picked up her pace, quickly walking over, "How's my favorite Merrock smoke show doing?" she laughed but shifted her disposition as she sat down and noticed his intensity, "Hey, everything alright?" she lifted her hand over his.
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@sophiasinclairxo The gala - 7:40pm
Still sporting large horns and black painted hands, Tommy is sat staring at the brown liquor in his glass, the world sitting heavy on his shoulder. In the crowded space he didn't know what to do but sit, and wait. What for he exactly he did not know. He sipped at his glass, staring out over the open grounds, waiting. Maybe the answers will come to him if he just stayed still, he couldn't cause trouble this way.
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
Sophia rolled her eyes at his quips, "See this is precisely your problem, you just don't know how to be humble and take a compliment," although, to be fair, she didn't quite offer up a real one. Sophia looked down at the shots realising that she hadn't really had a reason to have tequila in a long time, her party days behind her, but for some reason, she felt safe enough taking them with Ryder, "Oh my God," she immediately regretted her decision, "delightful," she took a deep breath to compose herself. "And I should've known you couldn't possibly style yourself this well on your own," she laughed, the tequila somehow already giving her an extra boost of confidence—definitely a placebo effect. Her breath caught in her throat a bit too audibly when he stood closer, "And I look more than alright," she took his shot out of his hands and downed it back, the taste more familiar this time, "you're practically undressing me with your eyes," she spun back to the bartender, "I think we'll have two more," she turned back, somehow closer, meeting his eyes with a smile.
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Whereas Sophia landed on professional and cordial, Ryder was already two shots of tequila into that particular stop at the bar. Not yet drunk, but definitely a little buzzed, and feeling himself in the suit that he had pulled on. Because why wouldn't he, when he looked like a million bucks? And unfortunately for him, she looked like a trillion. "I clean up damn well," he shot back, tapping the bar to get the bartender's attention and nodding his head, "two more." Because if she was going to stand there with him, she was going to do a shot. "The suit," he gestured down the length of his body, "was all me. The styling, Arturo helped with," since they were, after all, the expert. "You…" he shamelessly stood close to her at the bar, allowing his eyes to drop along the length of her body, taking in the cut and color of the gown before snapping his eyes up to her face, smug smirk on his lips, "look alright."
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
Sophia found herself turning on her classic charm as she embraced the compliment, "Thank you so much Stelly! Love that name by the way it goes great with mine - Sophia, nice to meet you," she went in for a hug clumsily, the wine-drunk kicking in. "I'm a hugger," she laughed. "So, what hot date are you with tonight, I'm sure you're not out here stagging it, are you? And how have we never met before, I feel like there are more and more people I just haven't met in my own hometown," she shook her head. It was true, Sophia had just been relearning the place she once called home and couldn't help but feel like an outsider still looking in.
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Dresses were not normally Stelly's forte; they had always felt more comfortable in skinny jeans and a slinky top, but since getting into a relationthing with Mandy, there was a subtle note of confidence that had settled into their heart, given them to nod to wear a ball gown or a slink, sexy number. Or, like tonight, slip into something that made them look like a goddess. Apparently. "Me? Oh, thanks," Stelly laughed, somewhat surprised by the compliment. "I actually don't think we've met, I'm Stelly -- and I love your look, too!"
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
Historically, Sophia wasn't quick to be nervous or tongue-tied but something about seeing the person who unearthed something for her quickly changed that. "Yeah! Dressing to impress the right person I guess," she said quietly with a head tilt, half hoping Sylvia would be jealous, interested? There was so much hidden between her words. "How have you been?" Sophia awkwardly went in for a hug, slightly recognizing the familiar scent before pulling back. "I haven't seen you in what 10 years? How did you get even more attractive, how is that possible?" Sophia laughed taking a sip of her wine to flush away the squeeze of her heart each time she stared into Sylvia's eyes.
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Sylvia, the social butterfly she was, had spent the evening jumping from friend to friend, chapel to dancefloor. She was wandering around when she spotted a familiar face approaching. Upon hearing her speak, a smile came across Sylvia's face. She hadn't seen Sophia since the summer before leaving for college. By the time Sylvia had returned to Merrock, Sophia had been out in New York, making a life for herself. Or, at least that's what she remembered. Admittedly, those years were a little hazy. "Soph!" There was excitement in her voice, and a little confusion. Somehow, she hadn't heard that her former flame was back in town. "Thank you!" Sylvia looked over Sophia's look, complimenting her back when her eyes returned to hers. "So do you! That's a great color on you!"
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
who: sophia & @xsylcuenco
where: enchanted forest gala
Sophia had about half a glass of wine and was already feeling more carefree. She had been walking around for a while taking in the beautiful decor. Under the fairy lights, she caught a glimpse of a face she hadn't seen in nearly a decade. She wandered over her way, "Sylivia, is that you, do my eyes deceive me?" It had been such a long time since she had seen her but flashbacks to their time in high school fluttered through her mind making her immediately revert back to her adolescent shyness. "You look incredible," she smiled softly.
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
who: sophia & @stellylee
where: enchanted forest gala
It took a lot for Sophia to not drown her anxieties with a few vices but she just stuck to her glass of wine for the evening. She started regretting attending the event alone when someone walked by and caught her eye immediately, maybe it was their aura or the outfit, or a combination of both but before she could speak the words tumbled out, "Oh my God, you're an actual goddess, who are you?" for the first time in awhile she was awestruck.
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
who: sophia & @owenryder
where: enchanted forest gala
The last time Sophia saw Ryder it was a bit heated and emotionally charged, but they had somehow found a way to work together. When she spotted him over by the bar she took it upon herself to be professional and cordial, he was her employee after all. "Well, well, well, look who decided to actually put in some effort tonight, you clean up rather nice, I guess." She took her time to take in what he wore and she had to admit, him all cleaned up like this made her feel things, but she couldn't fully let him know that. "I'm surprised you know how to style yourself."
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
It had been a while since Sophia got dressed up. She traded in all the extravagant parties for chic overalls and her studio instead. But when she decided to return to this part of herself, it still fit like the perfect pair of jeans. She had arrived at the gala alone trusting that she could also fall back into her usual social self. Right before she could overthink the way she was standing, she saw a familiar face, "Aisha!" she said maybe a bit too loud, but the relief of seeing someone she cared about erased any self-consciousness, "And you look just as amazing, I love this, let me get a good look at you," Sophia gave her a glance over before embracing her into a hug, "It's so good to see you, how are you? Are you meeting anyone here tonight?"
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who: aisha & @sophiasinclairxo
where: enchanted forest gala
Even though Aisha came alone to the Gala, she still managed to find herself in good company. It seemed like the entire town, whether in the chapel or in the surrounding area was attending the event. While great for the community, it made it a bit harder to find who she was looking for. After checking inside the chapel, she noticed her friend near the edge of the dance floor, and she approached her. "Sophia!" she gave a bright smile. "You look amazing, as always."
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
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sophia for the enchanted gala; showing up solo in her rolls royce
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
She quickly got set up in the eclectic art studio with her canvas and paint already in hand. "God, work has been so stressful, dealing with that Ryder Owen character or whatever his name is. Honestly, I can't bear him right now," she sighed straightening the canvas in front of her, "And honestly whatever you have, I'll take. I could really use any drink." Sophia had felt a sense of calm being in the presence of Mandy it was just something so relaxing about her energy. "Promise me we just both get insanely wine drunk and not judge my art in the process," she laughed.
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Mandy couldn’t help but laugh a little. Gatsby was definitely popular with her friends, and her customers. He would show up every once in a while to greet them and bask in the attention. The blonde hugged Sophia back. “I got you!” She said happily as she led her friend further into the studio. “Feel free to set up wherever you want,” she nodded. “I’m good! Happy to have some free time with you. And excited to go camping soon! How about you? Oh! What kind of wine would you like?” She asked, walking towards the bar area, to check on her stock. She had gotten some wine from friends in town as well as from sponsors after she had established her name as an artist.
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
Sophia felt her heart literally go out of rhythm as she felt Deacon's presence. She hadn't heard from him in what felt like decades, but his energy wrapping around her like an invisible thread. Memories of their past encounters flickered in her mind, the heated moments both verbal and physical. It wasn't easy to erase him from her mind entirely but clearly it was easy for him too yet here he was, intentionally positioning himself in her path, drawing her attention. She tried to feign indifference, maybe he thought she was someone else. Sophia focused on the book in her hands, but his grip on the shelf beside her seemed to anchor her in place, as if he had a desire to prevent her from slipping away. Sophia's eyes flickered up to meet his, her expression guarded. With a subtle smile, she finally replied, her voice a delicate blend of caution and curiosity. "Interesting is subjective, isn't it? I suppose it depends on what you're looking for." Her fingers gently grazed the edge of the book, her own form of escape within the pages. "It's nice to see you again Deacon," she forced a pleasant smile.
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SOPHIA NEVER LOOKED AT HIM TWICE. perhaps when she had her heart broken by somebody else and he seemed like a viable option—he was a good time, in that loud, boyish way that often attracted girls who were angry and needed some form of release—did she even so much as acknowledge that he existed. he doesn't know why today would be any different, when she walks into the bookstore and immediately gets lost in the pages of a book, never mind that he'd been standing in front of her the whole time, intentionally waiting for her to bump into him. that's kind of his whole shtick, getting in the way enough to be noticed. "read anything interesting?" he grips the shelf beside him, almost as if to prevent her from escaping, though she'll probably just walk right through him, anyway.
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sophiasinclairxo · 1 year
Sophia wasn't sure what sort of enchantment she had fallen under Ryder's presence but the air was thick with tension. Anger or sexual she couldn't quite decipher. She hung onto every word, every action leaving her slightly flustered yet undeniably intrigued. She watched, captivated, as he delicately handled the paintings, his fingers caressing the frames in a way that made her pulse quicken. A playful smile tugged at her lips as she met his gaze, her voice carrying a husky undertone. "I guess I wouldn't be able to take your word for it now can I?" she teased, her eyes trailing over him appreciatively. The air between them seemed charged, and the thought of removing his shirt in the gallery, despite the watchful eyes of security cameras, sent a thrill through her. When he undid the remaining buttons, revealing a glimpse of toned skin beneath, Sophia's heart raced as he tossed the shirt her way, his action both unexpected and enticing. She caught it instinctively, unconsciously taking a second to inhale the notes of his scent. As Ryder turned away, his back muscles flexing under the white cotton tank, Sophia couldn't tear her gaze away. A soft gasp escaped her lips, hoping he wouldn't notice, she leaned against a nearby wall, her voice low and filled with a sultry confidence. "I can think of a lot of jobs that can use that level of versatility," she murmured, her mind conjuring up delicious scenarios that teased the boundaries of their current environment.
Late into the night, Sophia and Ryder continued their peculiar dance within the gallery's walls. Their banter became a strange mixture of spite and flirtation, an intoxicating blend that kept them on their toes, toeing the line between professionalism and temptation. As they meticulously arranged artwork, hands grazing ever so slightly, they discussed their visions. Hours slipped away, and a unique rhythm emerged between them. It was as if they had discovered a secret language, one that thrived on their shared desires and unspoken understanding. With the gallery finally taking shape, a mischievous smile graced her lips as she looked at Ryder, a glint of adventure in her eyes. "Okay, I've had enough of this," she let out a sigh, "How about we take a break and head to the beach or something? Get food literally, roll a blunt, something. Anywhere but here, I feel like I'm going insane doing this." Sophia stepped close to him, "And I'm supposed to be the boss here, I really should have made you do all the work." She paused for a moment, her gaze drifting towards the car parked outside the gallery and back to him. With a knowing smirk, she continued, "And lucky for us, you have that magnificent car of yours. I'm sure you it can handle whatever we get ourselves into," she let her tone be heavy with implication.
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As much as he tried to school the surprise that crossed his face when she said that she would keep what he was saying in mind, he was sure that she could have noticed it if she was looking cose enough. And he shouldn't have been surprised, because he had been working there long enough that those in charge had come to trust him. He liked to think that he had learned something, that he could put it all to good use every now and then, even against someone like Sophia, who clearly did have the experiencing running galleries and studios and wherever else it was that artists called home. "The sand isn't bad," he countered on a half laugh, as though that was what mattered out of everything that she said. "I work over at the beer garden and if sand was the worst thing I had to clean up off the ground at the end of the night over there, I'd be grateful," and yet. He didn't dare tell her about the time they had set up an exhibition outdoors, and then invited everyone to come in and look around -- and how it would have been easier to build a beach inside, after the sheer amount of sand and shells he had swept up at the end of the event. "I… appreciate that," he replied, slowly, the hint of a smile touching at the corner of his lips as he looked over at her, studying her a bit more intently for a moment, and then shaking his head, going back to his work of taking down the paintings from one of the displays.
The laugh that tumbled from his lips was more of a scoff, both at the idea of her taking back her compliment and what she said next, about unsatisfied bed partners. "Well that's good," he turned his back to her as he pulled down another painting, leaning it very tenderly, very gingerly against the wall, careful not to damage any part of it, fingers working deftly and carefully, caressing the frame for a moment too long before he tossed a look over his shoulder, "because no one has left my bed unsatisfied. So I couldn't help you with that list," he ran his tongue across his bottom lip and shrugged both shoulders, stepping along the wall to take down the next, and the next, and then pausing when she said that it was tempting for him to remove his shirt… but that they could save it for another time, letting out a husky laugh as he turned to watch her, trying to read into exactly what she meant by that. But maybe a part of him knew, since it was the exact kind of shirtless activity he would like to do another time, too. When there weren't security cameras to capture their every move… not that he particularly cared, but he was sure she had a reputation to defend. They always did. He was about to open his mouth to counter with something smart and cocky before he was the tiniest bit taken aback but what she said, giving him permission to take off his clothes right then and there in the gallery. "It's Ralph Lauren, so it's mid," he countered, and then without a moment of hesitation, undid the rest of the buttons, his fingers moving in the quick, fluid fashion of someone who couldn't wait to get home at the end of the night and pull off his clothes. It was off, and then he was tossing it at her -- his goal might not have been to mess up her entirely too pretty casual updo, but. Without missing a beat, he turned his back to her to go back to removing one of the taller paintings, stretching up on the balls of his feet, knowing what it did to the muscles in his back under the -- fortunate? unfortunate? -- white cotton tank that he had put under the button-up that morning, although it left very little to the imagination. "I can do fast and easy. I can do slow and hard, too, just depends on the job that needs done."
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