lycan-spirited · 22 days
Yeah it is sad :(
The "love and accept everyone" queers when they see a paraphile existing: 🤬😨😢😱🤮
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lycan-spirited · 22 days
Antis: Proshippers are drawing/owning CP, they should be reported to the FBI!
Me: Hey, you shouldn't be using the term CP and also, please don't compare my trauma to a drawing of an anime girl getting backshots.
Antis: Go kill yourself! You deserved it!
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lycan-spirited · 26 days
People wasting time hating and bullying others when they could be spreading love, information, outreach, harm prevention and compassion. Use your energy for good things, not hatred!!
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lycan-spirited · 1 month
The fact you are therian and queer and yet…you don’t respect other therian queers..really telling
Zoos deserve peace, respect and the right to exist 💛
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lycan-spirited · 3 months
Anarchoradqueer — 🦟
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Anarchoradqueer (radqueer anarchism) :: an ideology that supports anarchism and liberation as a form of radical queer freedom and the abolition of all hierarchies and prejudice thoughts against transid individuals, people with paras, queer individuals, and any and all people.
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Note ::
If I defined this wrong please let me know so I can change it! I’m not super well versed in anarcho- subtypes! But I definitely support this ideology and would love to adopt it into our personal beliefs ^^
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Reminder !! While we do not have a dni if you are rude or disrespectful under this post you will be blocked.
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lycan-spirited · 4 months
"Proud paraphiles DNI!" I will not hang my head for you. Just because you would rather someone like me be incredibly self-loathing, just because you're too afraid to say you want to erase paraphiles off the face of the earth altogether, doesn't mean I have to lay down and take it. So hell yeah, I'm a proud paraphile. Not proud enough to go on my main blog and scream 'I'm a paraphile!', but I am nowhere near self-loathing. Put that into your pipe and smoke it. Paraphiles are not going anywhere.
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lycan-spirited · 5 months
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Wilk. Alfred von Wierusz-Kowalski (1849-1915)
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lycan-spirited · 7 months
Lol this isn’t false information - please explain how it is false ??
Zoos deserve peace, respect and the right to exist 💛
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lycan-spirited · 8 months
if you call yourself radqueer but say shit like "harmful paras" then you are not radqueer
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lycan-spirited · 8 months
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(requested by no one) nodumophilia - The attraction to knots/knotting. Flag inspired by the 🐾phile flag and teratophile flag. You do not have to be a teratophile or 🐾phile to use this flag. Nodum - knot in latin We are strictly anti-contact for non-consensual paraphilias, do NOT use this flag if you are pro-contact or support pro-c.
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lycan-spirited · 8 months
paraphilias are beautiful. if you are a paraphile you should not only be unashamed of your attractions but you should love yourself for them. to be able to see beauties that others cannot — or that others perhaps just refuse to acknowledge — is a very admirable thing. to be bold enough to admit it to a world that is quick to shun you for it is even more admirable. you are brave and good and beautiful, not in spite of but because of your attractions
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lycan-spirited · 8 months
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beastars is literally about being a paraphile btw.
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lycan-spirited · 8 months
"youre not punk youre just weird"
i think some of you guys dont know what punk is
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lycan-spirited · 10 months
This sounds interesting!! We might check it out
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Jailbait by S.A. Williams
-a book review-
** spoiler alert ** 
First I would like to thank the author, S.A. Williams, for writing about the subject of zoosexual relationships between humans and non-human animals. I know there is sometimes considerable backlash for authors choosing to delve into difficult subject-matter and I would like to thank her for doing so. This world needs more zoo novels.
I felt that this story offered an intimate, fast-paced, and incredibly interesting look at an unlikely relationship between a police-woman and her canine lover. I really cared for the characters here and found I just couldn’t stop reading until I knew what had happened with them. I understand that not much is known about zoos when compared with other sexual minorities and in some ways this reflected in how the characters were portrayed. For example the main character is basically sex-crazed to the point where she not only has feelings for her canine lover, Christopher, but also feels overwhelming lust for random humans; both male and female. The above would not have been such an issue if not for these dramatic swings between opposites: it is said that the main character was a virgin because she felt guilty even holding hands with a human, yet she is described as seeing a woman’s brightly colored underwear and wanting to ‘dive in’… not exactly sensible, considering that this woman is supposed to be guilt-ridden and completely pure. Finally, the ending… I’ve got to say it was a compelling read, however a lot of the last few events seemed thrown in just for shock and in order to add as many plot-twists as possible - a lot of it was contradictory. For example we get a major plot twist when we find out who the main character was aiming for… yet she doesn’t continue with her original plan to raise a nice Christian family… instead, she continues with bestiality, which would have only made sense if she was trying to help Christopher rather than hurting him. I understand he was a dangerous dog but what happened to him absolutely breaks my heart, when I found out I almost couldn’t finish reading. However I am glad I stuck with it because it did have a happy ending of sorts, although not quite as cheerful as the one I was hoping for.
That sums up my book review of Jailbait, by S.A. Williams. Definitely check it out if you are interested in zoosexuality or crime fiction.
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lycan-spirited · 10 months
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Equine-Attracted Zoo Flag
Color Meanings
Blue: Strength
Purple: The regal nature of equines
Purplish pink: Regalness/affection
Brown: Connection to nature
White: Ace/aro zoos + good intent
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lycan-spirited · 10 months
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Canine-Attracted Zoo Flag
Color Meanings
Yellow: energetic dogs
Pink: attraction/love
Brown: other canines (wolves, hyenas, etc)
White: ace/aro zoos + good intentions
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lycan-spirited · 10 months
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Necrozoo Flag
Red: Gore, blood, death
Purple: Decay, rot
Teal: Zoo
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