sorcerorkller · 9 months
"I HEARD that today is giving gift day and guess what!" He's got the old man something, but....??? "Isn't it cute? It's for you" It's a T-shirt of a cat! Though, it doesn't look like it'd be Toji's size.
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Toji didn't expect anything from anyone this year. Much like every year since his first wife passed. And prior, what with the Zen'in clan as they were.
So this came as quite as a surprise. The man hummed as he lifted the shirt. "Well, I got it for free. Maybe I should go treat the kid to some snacks or somethin'..."
But that also costs money...
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sorcerorkller · 9 months
Suddenly, those alarm bells in Toji's head were ringing just a little louder. It's not everyday that the world's strongest man found himself completely off-guard against people like her. Was it her energy? Her youth? Or how her mind completely goes from point A to point B faster than Toji can parse?
This had only ever happened to him once. And not for the same reasons.
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"Whoa, slow your roll lady. That's not what I meant!" the man said, actually almost stammering. "I meant monetarily. Like treat me to food, or something!" He was usually much better at this, considering how he got much of his stuff paid off(but still very much in debt) in the past. Mooching off of this one seems like a gigantic task and definitely not worth the effort, it looks like.
He's starting to listen to those alarm bells in his head now. "How did you even get to that conclusion? Don't you rocker types go on a lot of dates and backstage parties or something?"
♫ "What!? How can you be out of touch with the music scene? You're really missing out! What do you jam to? Don't tell me it's... silence!?" That would have been extremely depressing! Although Elphelt was definitely making a bigger deal out of it than needed to be made. But that was kind of her thing! "I guess you do kind of look like someone who would just sit in the dead silence and, I dunno, meditate or something."
"Treat you to something?" The comment hung in the air for a moment and Elphelt legitimately seemed a little confused. She was trying to process just what he was asking of her, not realizing he probably just meant a sample of her music.
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"Wait, does that mean you want to hold my hand? That's pretty bold of you, but I guess it would be a pretty good treat! Hmm... People aren't usually so forward with me! What do I do!?"
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
"Huh? What? Death metal? Me?" Just what is it exactly that made her think that? And who the hell was this woman? Toji here was minding his own business when all of the sudden he's being heckled by this rocker chick out of nowhere. Not that he minded, considering that she is cute but for some reason, the alarm bells in his head were ringing.
Unfortunately for those alarm bells, Toji tended to ignore them when it came to very few things: fighting jujutsu sorcerers, money and women.
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"I'm afraid I'm a bit out of touch with the music scene these days, sorry to say. Don't know if I can handle whatever the hell kind of music you're into, honestly." He paused for a moment, crossing his massive arms over his chest in thought. Ever the opportunist, Toji then suggested, "...But I guess it won't hurt to try, so long as you can treat me to something today."
♫ "You seem like the kind of guy who'd enjoy a good death metal concert, right?" Elphelt was practically hopping towards the stranger, her giddiness palpable. She was really just trying to cope with being displaced in whatever was she could. But wasn't this city unfair? Men and women alike... Everyone was so attractive! There were so many people she could potentially get married to!
...Stay focused, Elphelt Valentine!
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"Well I just so happen to be the lead singer of one! I'll be putting shows on here soon for sure! So why not join my fan club now, huh? Then you could cut in line when that day comes and cheer for me from the front row!"
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
Briefly, Toji wondered if he had stayed with Megumi and Tsumiki, if this is what it felt like raising a kid? The boy had a way of draining people's energy. Or maybe he was just old. Besides, he highly doubted his kid would turn out like Oliver here.
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"No, I can't tame them. I just have a good understanding with this one," he says with a shrug. The creature is a tool for him; nothing more, nothing less. An incredibly useful one at that. He wouldn't shed any tears if it got exorcised but he would feel mildly annoyed. After all, this thing carried a lot of expensive equipment for him.
In the distance, Toji spots more cursed spirits. "Break time's over huh? Hey, kid," he looked Oliver's way. "I'm done here. I'm sure this isn't the only place with monsters roaming around. Follow that nose of yours."
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A human being that was anomaly? He doesn't know what that means, but maybe they'll get to learn more about each other. "I have A LOT of attention." He does not.
Oliver's attention is back on the strange wormy. "You can tame those things?" He bets that with Toji's strongness he can probably tame all sorts of creatures!
"It smells really weird, but it's kinda cute." He'd pet it if he could, but it looks like there's more Cursed Spirit making their way toward them!
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
Toji inspected her carefully and perhaps, too closely. He towered over her, easily. With his arms crossed, he leaned in as she pushed her hair back, his eyes widening ever so slightly in mild surprise. And look at that, no ears where they should be.
The man hums, his curiosity satisfied.
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"You should charge people for that," he suggested as he retreated away from her personal space. "Guessing you're from some fantasy land?" He's met a handful of people who were from such worlds and they tickled his curiosity more than usual.
it wasn't anything that was new for kehda. she had been here for some months .. enough to know that she wasn't normal. some people found these things fascinating, and for her .. well, she found it amusing when it was something that was normal for her. " well .. aye, i suppose you could say that. " she reaches up and brushes back ash blonde hair, as if to show that unlike him, she possessed no human ears. " the tail, the ears, the markings on my face, faint as they are .. even my fangs, they are all genuine. "
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" and in case you might ask, i don't purr or meow .. or .. " there's a pause, before she finishes, " nya. " whatever the hell ' nya ' even was meant to mean. she knew of people who purred as they spoke, but that wasn't something she had ever picked up on herself.
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
Jujutsu sorcery for all of its rules and complex techniques always boiled down to two major elements: negative emotion and risk. Both escalate a practicioner's cursed energy to high levels, granting them greater power over whatever they may be fighting against. While there are many ways to become stronger in the world of jujutsu sorcery, this one is one of the more direct paths.
...And Toji, in his youth, had halted the progress of so many sorcerers as unfortunately, they were simply no match to the sheer ridiculous physical might he possessed. Hence, his dreaded moniker as the Sorcerer Killer. Only ever one had bested him in direct combat and that was because he got too arrogant and prideful.
Never again.
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"Is that right? Guessing getting into fights is a big hobby of yours huh?" He met her determination with curious interest. So she was strong back where she came from... not surprising. Stands to reason that if she had arachnid traits, she would have its proportionate strength, if not more.
The older man grinned, deciding he didn't mind. "It's gonna cost ya. I don't do things for free," he returned with a casual shrug, oozing with confidence. "Sure, I'll fight you when your full strength returns but," his sharpened gaze falls on her, his eyes reflecting a killer's glint. "Don't go blaming me if you die."
she listened to his explanation with interest, making no attempts to hide that fact either. while some people were much better at hiding their emotions, dohwa .. she was nothing if not an open book. yet what she latched onto the most was his final statement.
" oh .. that's neat .. " she's clearly still absorbing all the information, but it seems only a fraction of it may have sunk in, as she soon makes aware. " so the more negative emotions someone feels, the tougher they are ? " as if to signal where her thoughts are going, she punches a fist into her palm for show. if there was one language, and one language alone that the young woman knew .. it was strength. even if she was but a budding university student still learning her combat capabilities and how to effectively wield them, she stood out among many of her peers on strength alone.
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her hands then drop to her sides, before she looks at him with a rather determined look in her eyes. " look .. if you're as strong as you say, you should put your money where your mouth is .. " she pauses, " i don't know how tough these jujutsu people are, but i might become too damn bored if i'm stuck here for long. " she enjoyed a vacation from time to time, but if she was stuck here .. certainly, she'd eventually grow bored without any excitement.
plus, if she ever got to go back to NEST, she wanted something to show for it so that it didn't seem like she was just slacking.
" if you're as tough as you say .. i want to fight you if i get everything back. " she then points back to her tail, " my stinger is nothing compared to the damage i can do by hand. " she explains, " it's just something to help me for the most part, even if i can and have used it as a weapon. " whether it just meant stabilizing or steadying herself, or otherwise. " if i tried fighting a normal human, i might shatter their bones with my strength when it returns. however, if you can stand to fight these sorcerer people, then maybe you could handle fighting me. "
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
"A florist? You?" Toji is incredulous. Can you blame him though? He honestly expected something a little more intense from an entity that a flaming head. In fact, Toji looked disappointed at that little revalation.
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..."I refuse to believe that you were just some florist," he put forth, poking a finger in the air at the other's direction. While that explains why this guy was planting seeds on some random patch of dirt, that failed to explain fuck all else.
But before Toji could start an admittedly futile debate about that, beings that definitely looked like they came from hell finally made their presence known. Ugly, terrible and oh so hungry. "Oh, forgot that was happening," Toji casually noted as a cursed spirit in the form of a worm slowly wrapped up around him, spitting out a bladed weapon for its master.
"I know these things but tell me, florist, maybe some of yours are mixed in with all the bad and ugly in there."
THAT KIND OF ANSWER, albeit unexpected, doesn't perturb him in the least. as long as it doesn't step on his toes, or someone he cares about for that matter, he won't step on anyone else's. the horseman reserves judgement for now, shrugging it away before finally rising to his feet, dusting off his hands.
bending to retrieve his watering can, and the now emptied bag of seeds, locke straightens, looking upon the stranger with a quirked brow. it's a pretty decent guess, but just aside of the truth.
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
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The older man made a face that clearly expressed that he was just too old to understand any of this. Funny, considering how jujutsu sorcery can be way more complicated than this and he's actually incredibly well learned in that regard.
But this? In one ear and out the next.
"Yeah, maybe a little," he confessed with a tiny shrug. "Trust me though, your friend here is at least not unpleasant to look at so you got that going for you at least." Compared to his ugly worm friend that functioned as a really gross bag of holding? Yeah... the talking chicken beats it in looks no contest.
"Can it do anything or does it just talk?"
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He might not care, but she was going to answer it anyway. "A digital monster is a being created from computer data, to put it simply. Most digimon reside in a separate world called the Digital World, but some are partnered with humans and can manifest and exist in our world, like Hawkmon here."
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"Correct. As she previously said, we are more than just partners; we are close friends." The same was true of pretty much any digidestined and their digimon partner.
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"Funny; you were just judging a second ago."
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
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"Dammit," Toji cussed, annoyed at his terrible luck at gambling. Some things persist even after death, it seems. Thinking he could make it big here in Spirale somehow with some lottery, betting or what have you only for it to turn awful for him... such is his life outside of the world of jujutsu.
So here he is, lining up to get some food at some cafe he found to be relatively cheap because he couldn't afford anything finer than this. In front of him is another man, well dressed compared to Toji's loose and baggy sweater. "Hey, hurry up and choose already. The kids behind me are about to annoy me to death with their weird modern slangs."
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
Toji tilted his head slightly and inquisitively. Looks like he won't be getting more out of the boy regarding his true nature. Not that the boy wouldn't, but because he simply... well, his thought process is just that; simple. Not that was bad or anything, but Toji supposes he'd been too used to jujutsu practitioners spelling out their whole kit and kaboodle.
Ah well, his curiosity will have to end here for now.
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"I am one hundred percent just a normal human being," he said with a dismissive wave of his hand. That part is true. "But I am, I suppose what you can call an anomaly. I'd tell you, but I dunno if you have the attention span for it kid." he teased before turning his attention his cursed spirit, as it slowly gulped down the last of the sword, the hilt disappearing from the thing's gross lips.
"Oh, this one? It's a cursed spirit, like the ones we've killed. But this one's mine and I've tamed it."
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"DOUBLE MINE?" With teeth now clamped down on the sword (not too hard), he's holding out all 10 of his fingers. He's trying to do the math, because let's be honest here: Math was not something he was very good at.
Math and grammar.
He doesn't get very far in counting because he's starting over and Oliver hears a compliment. Happily, he's returning the sword. "Hehehe! I told you I'm super strong AND super fast." He wouldn't have lied about those things. Not that he thought the man thought anything like that.
Ah, so that's what was on the man's shoulder. The way the aura shaped and formed the creature, outlining it and everything....Huh. It definitely has a scent. Yuckie.
"I'm Oliver and I'm a Monster hunter!" going into too deep would only hurt his own brain. Even he didn't know much. He just knew he was born different.
"What about you? You smell human and look it too, but then you're really strong. You're like Ping if they were human at least. ALSO what's that on your shoulder?"
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
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Oh, speaking of blessings... That's right. I almost forgot. I named him Megumi
Jujutsu Kaisen | S02E16 : THUNDERCLAP
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
"More than double yours," the older man threw back, looking just a tad cocky about demolishing that little competition they were having. Normally he'd only flaunt this excessive superiority against jujutsu practitioners as he enjoyed humbling those guys, but he wanted to leave a cool impression on the kid.
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"Not bad for a little shit like yourself though." Definitely used that monster hunting experience to good use. He beckoned for the younger man to return the sword as Toji slowly fed Playful Cloud back into his cursed spirit's mouth. "You're no sorcerer and you're definitely not normal. So, what the hell are you, exactly?"
Oliver doesn't think he'd get over how cool this old man is. Truly. Oliver has met so many strong people and he's learning that here in this world (Even if it's currently a little messed up) that he'd meet plenty more strong and different kinds of people. How cool is that?
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Oliver seem to be having a lot of fun as he slashes through a crowd of cursed spirits.
It feels like forever, but...
"WHEEEW!" He exclaims once he's landed safely on his feet. "I don't think that's all of them, but we did it! Hey, how many did YOU get?"
He's quickly approaching the other. That smile hasn't left his face and he's glowing. Probably because he's in his element. He stands proud, "I got 36 of 'em!"
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
Normally he'd let the jujutsu sorcerers handle a cursed spirit outbreak like this. Somehow, these things were leaking from his version of Tokyo. Presumably, the same could be said for the handful of jujutsu sorcerers in Spirale.
And therein lies the problem. There were only a handful of them and if this phenomenon is occuring in every ward, then it was safe to say that they would have their hands full, even if they have some sort of way to be assisted. After all, it stands to reason that if cursed spirits could leak out into Spirale, then other jujutsu practitioners should be able to.
But at the moment, in this area, it's just Toji.
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"What a pain," he complained, watching as a few low level cursed spirits bother Spirale's citizens. Most were just annoying, but some could really do harm if they wanted to.
One caught Toji's eye: a large and ugly thing, about the size of a truck, stalking what looked like a man dressed in foreign clothing. Could they sense it? Or see it, even? He observed the man for the moment, seeing what he might do. He'd only step in if things got out of hand.
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
Something's changed. Toji had only briefly interacted with the boy but his discerning eye told him something had fundementally changed within this one. Mentally though, he shrugged it off. Not his business, so prying about itdidn't even occur to him.
Teenagers go through a buncha shit, don't they? Yeah, he'd rather not have anything to do with any of that.
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"Toji," he says. "Fushiguro Toji." What was it... something about ignorance being bliss? Toji doesn't know it yet but the name Fushiguro carried a great deal of weight for him and this boy. But for very different reasons.
"You can tell me your name in return but don't get all pissy if I forget it. I'm bad with names."
"Ah, the unreliable adult," Yuuji unrelentingly replied. Yuuji tilted his head as he eyed the mouth scar. The realization dawned, he met the strange man merely a month prior, and yet time uniquely stretched beyond feasible means.
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"That's a good thing," he noted. Maki, Toge, him-- they were all scarred and battered because they endured the harshest affliction. They weren't good enough yet to avoid damage, but now, things were different. "What's your name, so I don't call you old man."
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
"Hey, I ain't agreeing to anything yet!" Though, that being said, there is this swell of excitement within Toji. It has been a little while since he'd been able to absolutely cut loose. Unfortunately for the cursed spirits, none of them would even last a second against him.
After all, even certain special grades had a hard time against him. Most of what he and the boy will face today were just trash, at least to Toji. He grinned.
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"Might as well, huh? There's no way of knowing how long all of this will last so," he stated as he readied Playful Cloud. These poor bastards won't know what hit them. Spirale's citizens better be grateful! He's doing this for free just this one time. "Guess I should have a little fun while I can."
In an instant, the man dusts several cursed spirits in succession, from way up high on this building and all the way down to the streets below.
Before the strange monster can release their own attack, Oliver moves out of the way and lands safely beside the older male. The scent is something he picks up right away before the sight, but when Oliver whips his head quickly to catch the sword, it's then he sees the outline first of aol3 form of worm and then eventually the sight fills in.
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"What is that?" He asks in awe. Still, he swings the sword and grins.
"I won't break it! PROMISE." He wasn't a sword user, but he's grateful he knows how to use it. "First one to kill the most wins. PRIZE is up to the winner." Another game, huh? This time, Oliver gets himself the head start. Leaping into the air, he uses his speed and momentum to slash through his enemies. Four down.
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
Cursed spirits.
Beings borne of negative energy from humans incarnated into grotesque and malevolent spirits that prey on mankind since time immemorial. It's no small wonder then that they started showing up in spades here in Spirale. But how? And why now? They didn't even exist in this plane prior.
That concerned Toji, his expression deep in thought as the boy beside him suddenly charged forward. The kid can not only perceive the spirits, but also felt the change Toji felt earlier. Somehow, some way, his strength had returned.
His eyes return to the eager brat who tried to bat away a large, ugly cursed spirit with his weird arm. Naturally, no dice, though Toji's quick to note down the kid's unnatural arm. "Idiot. That's not gonna work. You may be able to see them, but that doesn't mean you can kill them." Hell, even with Toji's immense physical might, even he is unable to kill them with his bare hands.
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"You're there, aren't you?" he asked in an almost hushed whisper. He beckoned and within moments, a cursed spirit that took the form of a large worm with an ugly face wrapped itself around Toji. From its mouth, it immediately dispensed two cursed tools: one curved blade with a tassled handle and a three sectioned staff for the other.
The Split Soul Katana and Playful Cloud have entered the playing field.
Toji caught both and in one swift motion, threw the sword at the kid(knowing he'll either catch or be cut by the blade) while he kept the staff for himself. "Hey brat, use that," he called out as he turned around, holding the three-sectioned staff at the ready.
"I don't know how we're able to have our stuff back again, but I'm not questioning it for now. By the way, try not to lose that sword. That thing costs a lot."
It's the sudden stop for Oliver that causes the poor kid to slam right into the back of the beefy guy. He holds his nose and groan. "hey, what gives?" That's a nostalgic sight. He says. An eyebrow quirks upward and Oliver removes his hand from his nose, looking up to where---WHATEVER Toji is looking at. "Yeah. It kinda stinks. What is that?" What Toji could see, Oliver could not. However, there's an awful stench. ONE that he is way too familiar with. "It kinda smells like dead."
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Oliver has a knowing glint in his eyes and then he's grinning. "Whoa, I can fight. I can actually...." Oh, he's bouncing on the soles of his feet now. He turns to look at Toji with the biggest grin. "I'll show you!" And before Toji can even say anything and even though the kid can't see where he's about to strike, he launches himself off the ground, leaping into the air. He'll just his nose to guide him where he needs to strike. His left arm shifts. It splinters from the elbow up and becomes larger, bulkier. Electricity surges through his arm. He pulls his fist back and as he is about to connect his giant fist against the cursed spirit, he starts to see a black-viney outline of the monster, "There you are! HAH! You're UGLY." And his fit connects. The electricity that explodes the cursed spirit on impact is blinding.
Though.....Oliver will soon learn that his own attacks does absolutely nothing to these cursed spirits.
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sorcerorkller · 10 months
24 and 27!
24. is your muse proactive in communication with their partner(s), or is this something they need to work on?
i think megumi's mom did a LOT of heavy lifting to get toji zen'in to become toji fushiguro. so i'm gonna say it's a work in progress that stumbled backwards. he might have started to learn during his time with his first wife but whatever progress he's made fell off after remarrying since, sadly and unfortunately, he left her and the kids and fell back to his old ways prior to meeting megumi's mother
27. is your muse more confident or shy when it comes to approaching someone they like?
if it's flirting, i think he'll be quite confident. he DID get rich women to pay off his ridiculous spending habits somehow. those cursed tools he uses are stupid expensive, after all but if it's a genuine, budding fondness for someone? i don't think toji will be shy about it but i think he'll have a little more of an uphill climb, so to speak
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