Is it wrong,
To have hopes and dreams in the modern economy? To chose to work for your own self rather than the man who employs you? To admire art you know you do not have the capability of creating? Is it wrong to enjoy life?
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The beauty they find,
adorned by the Gods, both loved and hated by the mere humans that constructed them. Maybe it was the torture they were imprisoned in to build them, maybe it was their beauty they had taken advantage of.
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I will be truthful-
In the fact that I have done nothing short of ignoring this blog.
Time isn’t forgiving, nor is it forgetting.
No matter if you choose to remember it, it will not care to remember you.
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I’d like to give a friendly reminder that crosses aren’t the only religious paraphernalia that affects vampires. I am honestly not quite sure where that originated, but it spread like wildfire amongst the humans.
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Hello once again, beautiful little creatures-
I would like to courteously remind you all that vampires come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. Media is horrid when it comes to accurately representing our skills, why would it be any different when it comes to our appearances?
Not all of us look similar to Edward Cullen of the Twilight Saga. Though I do naturally appear with pale skin and I currently have black hair, I have been acquainted with many other vamps who fall into far darker skin tones. The paleness often assumed of us is realistically not seen in the shade of our skin, but rather the undertones, as our blood is different from that of any given human.
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As I have noticed that the last “false stereotype” post was generally well-received, I’d like to discuss another thing that has seemed to plant itself in every human brain.
Us vampires are able to consume garlic. It does not poison us, or burn our throats, or anything of the such. I’ve quite frankly met a few who seem to enjoy the taste.
It’s not the garlic itself, per say, but rather the intensity of the smell and/or taste. On that note, many vampires are, due to our heightened senses, also displeased by the smells of mint and true vanilla extract. Certain putrid smells are disheartening to many as well.
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Hello and welcome, young Vampires-
I have decided to redo my blog introduction post for Sorrow of the Vampires.
To start, I’d like to introduce myself as the writer of this blog and your guide into the world of Vampires. My name is Vincent, and I go by the pronouns he and they. Do not refer to me as anything other than Vincent or a nickname derived from the title or contents of the blog.
In this blog, you will find different facts and pieces of lore related to vampires that you may not find in modern media.
Please be aware that this blog is not meant for viewers under the age of thirteen.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have or submit suggestions for posts. Also, my DM’s are open for anyone. Don’t be shy, young vampires. I bite, but I promise I won’t bite you.
As for reposting:
On Tumblr - Credit me via this account.
On Instagram - Credit me via [sorrow_of_the_vampires]
On Pinterest - Credit me via [sorrowofthevampires]
DO NOT repost without credit.
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You think vampires ever watch vampire movies and complain about whatever new weakness the writers have come up with?
"Running water? Are you kidding? Almost every village, town and city are built on a river! You saying I can't attack half a city!"
"Vlad, its just a movie."
"No he has a point. I mean, what about sewers, lots of running water there, now they're implying we can't even go up a street."
"Not to mention lots of the big cities have underground rivers they just built on top of. I mean if this were true, we would only be able to get to, like, three streets."
"Vlad, they don't know any better, just - decapitation! That's not just a vampire weakness, you tell me one thing that doesn't kill!"
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Hey, do you think Christianity is the only thing that can stop Dracula?
Like I know Bram Stoker was writing what he knew, but would it have to be a crucifix? Could it be a Star of David, or a star and crescent? Could you pray to Allah for the strength to kill the beast, would that help?
See this is the stuff that modern vampire stories should delve into.
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- Shakespeare, Macbeth
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- Romeo and Juliet
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I believe one of the most common misconceptions about vampires is that we are unable to see the light of the sun on the basis that it will precisely inflict death. Truly, our sordid souls are simply prone to sunburns. Said sunburns hurt like an absolute bitch.
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Exactly one week ago I was hospitalized for a seizure. I dearly apologize for my absence on this app and I promise to return to a semi-regular posting schedule.
On the same note, whilst at the neurologist today, my mother (who spectated the issue requiring hospitalization) was asked if I had turned pale or reddened at all with the event. With one quick look to me, she replied to the doctor, “There’s no way he could get any more pale.”
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Sometimes I wonder why I don’t go to Barnes and Nobles much. Then, I remember that I spend insane amounts of my semi-hard earned money on old literature with that precious new book smell. God forgive my imperfect soul.
- Vince
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The concept of immortality has always been vulgar. Imagine, you’re one day told that you will be able to do everything you’ve ever wanted in life, but only at the cost of your sanity. You have to watch everyone and everything you love perish before your eyes. Partners, children, friends, pets - nothing but ashes and dirt now. You wonder if maybe it would be better just to hide away in isolation, but your body craves it. It’s a human urge. You long for the happiness you find in others, but you can’t do it. You can’t lose them again.
- Vince
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