•》What the…? Hajime groggily opened his eyes, his vision still bleary from sleep. His cabin seemed different… this was his first time seeing it with the lights off and the sun just barely coming in, the shadows in his room much darker and longer. He’d never woke up before the announcement before…
Why was someone here so damn early? The knocking on the door was so loud, for a moment he thought someone was trying to break in, but he could hear Chiaki’s voice. Chiaki…? Shouldn’t she be in the motel…-
Oh. Oh, god, something horrible must have happened-
He jumped put of bed and darted to the door, pulling it inward so abruptly that the next time she went to knock, her fist just met the air. Almost immediately she’d said his name, her voice sounding so broken… his eyes quickly scanned over her body, fully expecting to find blood, but instead… Well, she didn't seem physically hurt, but… had she ran over here…? God, what had happened-
Before he could get a word out she’d rushed towards him- for half a moment, he wondered if she was going to kill him and he’d just walked right into her trap (sure, he trusted her, but, well, he’d also trusted Nagito) but no, she was… just hugging him.
His body stiffened a bit- he’d never been in a situation even remotely like this before. What the… why was she so warm? The way her words slurred together… something clicked in his head. She was sick. Fuck.
But at least no one was dead… not that he could even really think that way when this was going on. “N-Nanami, what are you talking about? You saw me just yesterday, remember…?”
God… he felt so awkward, just standing like this. She was shaking and… it really hurt to see her in pain.. gingerly, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, attempting to return the hug but probably just making her uncomfortable. “I-I’m here, Nanami, it’s.. okay.. uh… I think you’re sick. We should go to-” No, no. If they went to the hospital before the announcement, they might get in trouble for breaking the rules or something… he couldn’t risk it.
But still... he wanted to help her somehow. The thought of her, or anyone else here, suffering this way made him feel horrible.
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“Uh… you should sit down, you need to conserve your energy…” Knowing that she was infected with the Despair Disease made him pretty nervous about just prying her off and getting her to sit down,(who knew how she'd react, after all?) so he figured he should wait for her to respond before doing anything.
–> @sorryiwasbornstupid
the sun was just barely rising over jabberwock. the island was unnaturally still, its inhabitants still asleep, not yet woken by monokuma’s morning greeting. there would only be two people sleeping in their cottages on this particular day: kuzuryuu and hinata had both agreed to help tsumiki watch over those afflicted with the despair disease.
yet… there was a furious pounding at hinata’s door. somebody was out there, a familiar voice crying out for his attention, uncharacteristically loud. the pounding would continue until it was opened.
chiaki was there, in her (frankly rather embarrassing) mario pajamas, her feet bare. she was panting, doubled over, struggling to catch her breath. her manner suggested that she’d run all the way from the motel to his cottage, sweat dripping down her brow, her face wet.
or were those tears sliding down her cheeks?
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“hinata-kun!” she gasped out the moment she saw him. she didn’t wait for a response, rushing forward almost as if she were planning to tackle him… but rather than throwing herself full-bodied at him, she simply buried her face in his chest, clinging to him unbearably tight.
she was impossibly warm.
“i thought– i thought–” her words slurred slightly as chiaki fought to get them out. “i thought… you were gone! i-i swear… y-you… i didn’t know where you were…!”
the normally rather stoic gamer was trying to control her sobs, forcing the lump down in her throat so she could speak. but what she said was nonsense: there was no logical reason for her worries. he’d been at the hospital the last time they spoke, and then he’d come here, because they weren’t allowed to sleep there overnight.
“…you– you said– you’d see me tomorrow, a-and… you never came back,” chiaki babbled feverishly, still holding onto him.
after that, there were no more words. she just sniffled and cried, leaning heavily into him as if her own legs wouldn’t support her. somewhere at the back of her mind, she knew she was behaving irrationally– but she didn’t care. it was like a dam had broken somewhere inside her, and she was too far gone in whatever delusion was inhabiting her mind to control herself, just like the others.
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Pixiv:  灼櫻/BS
Go and rate this beautiful artist’s work.
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Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=61257048
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Begin The End — Placebo
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         I’m supposed to be a ʟᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ in this scenario,                                     but I can’t help but to feel ʟ ᴏ s ᴛ.
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【ダンガンロンパ】落書き  by ル一キ一ドリフト ※Permission to upload this was given by the artist
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Mess Is Mine — Vance Joy
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wrow it’s the good boys (and girl)
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“I’m living a life. Not my best one.”
•》They’d been so close to being executed. He… still couldn’t believe it. Why had Mikan done it…? Had she truly been this way the whole time…? What had she remembered? It hurt his head to think of it.
For whatever reason, it’d been days and nothing had happened. Usually, Monomi would tell them she’d gained access to a new island, but as of right now, they hadn’t heard from her. Maybe she’d finally died. Good- after all, she was just Monokuma’s ally. Probably.
Everyone seemed so… drained. Hajime included. But the longer he stayed by himself, the closer he felt he was getting to losing his mind. And honestly… he was worried about everyone. In particular Chiaki.
He hadn’t seen her at all recently. Was she sick…? He finally decided to just try her cabin- even when he knocked, she didn’t answer. He’d tried the knob, surprised to see it open- and there she was, sitting in her gaming chair thing with some game system and headphones…
He’d gotten a bit too emotional… way too emotional. How could she stay in here with the door unlocked?! He could have been breaking in to kill her and she wouldn’t have even noticed… why would she be so careless?!
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He hadn’t expected her to respond to his questions with that. Oh… his heart suddenly felt deflated. “Nanami…” He sighed, sitting next to her and staring at his hands. The words were just… gone. He wasn’t used to talking so much, honestly, but here, he was practically attempting to become the Ultimate Orator and failing. “Are you alright? Do you… want to talk about it?”
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Any oblivious person would have missed the sarcasm in Hajime’s voice and just continued the conversation as normal. But Monosuke was smarter than that. He could very easily tell the Reserve Course student was nervous. Honestly, who wouldn’t be nervous in this kind of situation?
He glared up at Hajime with an intimidating look. If he pressured him enough, maybe he’d be more likely to agree. Although it wasn’t all that easy to be intimidating…he was just a small teddy-bear-looking robot after all. Not very intimidating by design, except maybe for the permanent grin on his face.
Whether the intimidation worked or not didn’t matter to him anyway. He just cared about getting his plan to work. Talentless students were so easy to manipulate…especially when this one was clearly nervous.
The tension in the air was heavy as Monosuke glared at him again in silence. The light breeze flowing through gave it a bit of atmosphere…but not much.
“…Youse ain’t actually interested, are ya?” The tone of suspicion and underlying malice was clear in his voice. His loud, unfitting voice…seriously, it was such an out of place sound. Despite this, the question itself seemed to put a bit more pressure in the air around them, almost as if tension was rising. It really did seem like a scene from an anime…
But it wasn’t an anime. This was real life, where anything could go wrong for anyone at any time. And depending on how Hajime reacted, things could go very wrong for him very quickly.
•》What…? In the mere seconds after he’d spoke, the air suddenly felt heavy… like it was pressing down on him or something. Well, it made sense to be… a bit worried. Not because he was scared, of course, but… he didn’t know what this thing was capable of.
After all, if it could move and talk, couldn’t it also technically hurt him? Maybe explode or something? Eh.. whatever. He wasn’t scared. Totally.
Hajime bit his lip, feeling the tension in the air build the longer the silence stretched on. What the fuck? It was… probably a joke. Why would it suddenly have a deal for him? It didn’t know him… and he obviously wasn’t an Ultimate…
God damn.. Hajime tried to swallow and found he couldn't- his mouth was too dry. It… sounded like it might hurt him after all. What would he do if he just left…? Well, they would never know, because there was no chance in hell that he was  going to run away from a damn teddy bear.
Being as skeptical as he was, the idea of a random deal from an unfamiliar... thing... was certainly setting off alarm bells. But still… he was curious. “…You have my attention, I guess,” he huffed. “But why would you ask me? You know I’m just a Reserve Course student, right?"
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God, it still hurt to say that. He leaned back against the bleachers with a low sigh. "Uh… I’ll listen to what it’s about, I mean.” Hell… he should have left here with the others. “But don’t you think there’s someone else that would be a better candidate than me?”
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But in the end,                         his WILL overcame the program.
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a thrilling saga of shit i’ve heard at college; these are all from my first semester of sophomore year. feel free to change names/pronouns/etc.! more ‘shit i heard/said’ starters!
“The porn industry is moving swimmingly.”
“We all need men. Go find them.”
“It’s not an opera, bitches, it’s a flight.”
“Don’t look! It makes their dick bigger!”
“I have my own place and I can light as many candles as I want.”
“I’m not a librarian, sir.”
“How’s your sack lunch, bitch?”
“Stab me in the ass and turn me into Kim Kardashian.”
“I stayed up another hour just to cry.”
“I just got a nude and I don’t know how to feel about it.”
“I’m gonna go stab my eyes out now.”
“We get it. You have a big truck and a small penis.”
“It’s an epidemic, Karter!”
“There’s no cups, so I’m using a bowl. To drink apple juice.”
“Fuck y’all, I’m eating Fruit Loops!”
“I don’t know my superhero name, but here I am with my can of Lysol and my plastic fork.”
“Your list of things to do includes making the best 2000s playlist of all time and fighting me at Cheesecake Factory.”
“This is borderline human abuse.”
“How do you feel about fluorescent lighting?”
“I’m sorry, I’m on a college budget, I’ll give you two nickels and a paper clip.”
“We couldn’t say hell, because… Catholic school problems.”
“I don’t want them to call me and be like, ‘we’re about to drill into your face!’”
“Ugh, yes, the hot TA, what club are you in?”
“My rat bastard dad? What about him?”
“I have an idea that I’m positive no other human has ever had: butter flavored ice cream.”
“I hate myself, but I’m funny, so…”
“This man loves puppies and he is not afraid to say it.”
“There’s just something about stale food that I really like.”
“I like how we’re watching our upcoming death on TV.”
“When I get wasted, I want to fight. It’s a problem.”
“My boyfriend got really drunk and started drinking nectar out of the hummingbird feeder.”
“He currently has a child.”
“That’s a good way of getting rid of a baby.”
“He can’t look at his dead parents or his alive children.”
“I can’t focus on reading, ‘cause I just wanna watch Drake and Josh.”
“My roommate loves manifestos. Especially the Communist Manifesto.”
“Have you studied his naked body or something?”
“Okay, we got our Greek tragic playwrights: there’s Sophocles… there’s Euripides… uh… Isosceles?”
“We’re so stupid we click things that say ‘click here for here’.”
“So there were just 95 loose pigs.”
“This is called shaming.”
“I can’t be the only person who says ‘meatballs and spaghetti’.”
“What could go wrong? …oh, shit, I’m on fire.”
“Don’t call Kourtney unless you wanna suck dick tonight.”
“There’s no one around. He’s talking to his dick.”
“Just ‘cause it’s Greek doesn’t mean it’s sophisticated.”
“I hate myself, but I hate her more.”
“I don’t know anything about it, but it has bread in the name, so I want to try it.”
“Just… don’t breathe this class.”
“Megan: secret crop top wearer.”
“I’m embracing my aesthetic while you’re embracing… Jon Hamm’s face.”
“What are we doing tonight besides homework? …and bread?”
“I’m witnessing a breakup right here in the Starbucks line.”
“I nominate Gushers as a snack suggestion, but, like, a lot of them. All of them.”
“I have a strong immune system.”
“I was so worked up about the bolo ties.”
“Also, I was wine drunk, so…”
“Does she hit him? I hope she hits him.”
“Only Matthew McConaughey drives Lincolns.”
“Oh, yeah, I’m totally a Republican… Pence is daddy…”
“After that… is the exact same thing… from a different angle.”
“All my life, I’ve been striving to be better than Kidz Bop.”
“Is ‘slaveitude’ a word?”
“Ted Bundy was attractive. People knew him.”
“I feel like whoever’s in charge of the Reese’s company is really high right now. Like, putting Reese’s inside of Reese’s.”
“One beer bottle on campus might be a problem, but if there’s 8, they’re props.”
“With elevators, it’s not claustrophobia. It’s that I don’t trust the government.”
“Headphones: in. World: out. Notes font: ugly.”
“You know that’s a felony, right?”
“That’s a… fourth or fifth impression kind of story.”
“That means she definitely fucked a member of Kiss.”
“I feel free, but also ugly.”
“This is my unassigned assigned seat, and if any of you take it, I will fight you.”
“I went to the Home Depot, bought a bunch of lights, put them up in the air, and said ‘this is art’.”
“Because I was a full New Yorker, I just kept walking.”
“We almost died, but our last meal would’ve been free, so…”
“What’s a funeral like in 2017? GIFs and memes.”
“I would like to thank not only God but also Tinder.”
“I sat through a 40 minute argument about how Justin Bieber started the Cold War.”
“I’m just walking down the hallway, thinking about ways to throw myself down the stairs and make it look like an accident.”
“Now, if it was Kidz Bop, I’d go see it.”
“Don’t name your kid Ethelwold.”
“Shoulders, chest, pants, shoes: a vision for America.”
“My dad’s not getting dick from anyone.”
“I’m a shady beach and y’all are my shady beaches.”
“Oh, no, don’t write that down…”
“At Chipotle, God himself picked those avocados and put them in the guacamole.”
“It should be a holiday: Ohio awareness day.”
“We should go to a nice place. A formal place. California Pizza Kitchen.”
“What do you do in geology lab? Dissect rocks?”
“What great weather for a mental breakdown.”
“He’s not computer generated; he’s actually that large.”
“I’ve done some soul searching and I think that ranch dressing is my favorite food.”
“I almost said his birthday was in 1926. It’s like, we got a little bit of an age gap.”
“Are you physically running away from the situation?”
“I will personally call Papa John to tell him that he’s the reason my life isn’t going right.”
“I can’t wait for middle-aged sex now.”
“I should’ve known, there aren’t two eclipses in a year!”
“I walked around with a bear taser for a year and a half.”
“I found out that the guy I have a restraining order against has been peeing on my car for two years.”
“He fought the devil in jeans and no shirt.”
“She threw my fucking pillow off of the balcony!”
“Tickets are for something fun. Paying the check is not fun.”
“It’s Halloween, calories don’t count on holidays.”
“Well, you know how I said we met in philosophy class? Well… Elise doesn’t take philosophy class.”
“You got it wrong. You said 56 point 2. The answer was 56 point 2.”
“Do I want that horrible sock tan line the I had for five years back? Yeah, I do.”
“I got drunk, threw up, got high, and came here.”
“It’s Titanic blue. I’m the Heart of the Ocean, bitch.”
“The only rat bastard in our lives is Russ.”
“The beats are so good, but the words are such trash.”
“I had to fight someone in the elevator yesterday.
“…I’ve awakened the Demigorgon.”
“We solved the great hiccup epidemic of 2017.”
“Watch out, Kansas, I’m coming for you.”
“Do not associate my birthday with math terms.”
“That’s some Hunger Games type shit.”
“Fuck y’all, I hope you trip and die.”
“I’m very confused and also cold: an American tale. A five part miniseries, this fall on HBO.”
“I am Mrs. Grey! Bring me the kink!”
“I really wanna make a shirt that’s all Comic Sans.”
“I was thinking about Panera’s mac and cheese in a bread bowl, and I started crying.”
“We’re gonna steal your WiFi, but it’s okay, because Panhellenic love.”
“I have confidence that you’re not gonna get pregnant within those two hours.”
“See if this card works. I mean, it should work, but, like…”
“I think my favorite part was slowly dying.”
“All they serve is chicken salad, so you really have to like chicken salad.”
“I have three papers and a test this week, I don’t have time for feelings to resurface.”
“I’m living a life. Not my best one.”
“When you write a report on a book you’ve never read.”
“Don’t tell me what to wear when you wear Crocs to the bar.”
“I have listened to literally nothing but Hallelujah and My Heart Will Go On all day today.”
“Oh my god, Elise, you fucking bitch, get your shit together, and write your paper.”
You know what I’m really devastated about? I’m all out of Fruit Roll-ups.”
“We’re gonna be teachers. We have school forever.”
“I don’t want your sympathy, I want your anger.”
“Clowns… doorknobs… the color yellow… ducks… I’m quoting Victorious…”
“Did you just say ‘hey Sophie’ to not include me? ‘Cause, guess what, bitch, I’m still here.”
“I live here, I know when we have salad!”
“I think Satan’s middle name is cumulative.”
“I will put up with my moose husband for however long I need.”
“I’ve literally been down here for an hour and a half waiting for these nonexistent cookies.”
“I’m keeping a detailed list of Elise’s hickeys.”
“I’m an adult, I say as I eat my Fruit Roll-up.”
“Oh, my practicum grade is in! Let’s see… 36.”
“SOS, I’m in bed and it’s so comfy, but I need to get up to study, what do I do?”
“Get up. Only a few more days until we can sleep all we want.”
“So you’re admitting you live in the woods.”
“I don’t know if it’s finals stress or if this is actually the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, but I’m crying.”
“It was optional, don’t make me feel bad for skipping class.”
“I’ve heard that, if enough people fail, they’ll have to curve it.”
“How do you even study for this?”
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