#•》I believe in you (komahinanami)
marshmellowtea · 1 year
12-15 for the dr ask game?
12. Favourite Danganronpa 3 character?
as in the anime? i uhhh.....never finished it, lmao, and the parts i did watch i don't remember very well. i'm assuming this question is referring to characters specific to the anime so i'm gonna abstain from this one for now, i'll get back to you if i ever finish it XD ......actually, wait, i do remember liking chisa a lot. that'll be my answer for now, once again, i'll let you know if that changes lmao
13. What’s your opinion on the Danganronpa 3 anime?
well like i said i never finished it HGLKDSJF but i do remember thinking that it's not as bad as i thought it would be going into it? i do also remember thinking it was rushed, however, and i still think they could've spent far more time fleshing out plotlines referenced in sdr2 (you know, the things fans of the game would actually care about? it was weird how little they chose to expand on those given that that was kind of the point of the anime in the first place ghlkdjf). i do eventually wanna go back and finish it though, despite my criticisms here i do think there were some interesting ideas there, esp with the season focused on the future foundation, which i never even got to lmao. also, the title sequences BANG, and that alone makes me glad this thing exists hgkldjf
14. What do you think about Danganonpa 1 anime?
it's a good intro to the series, but, like.....not to be a pretentious fan here, if you really wanna appreciate the story as a whole, you really gotta play (or watch someone else play, let's plays are loved and appreciated in this household) the game, dude! you're missing out on so much if you ONLY watch the anime, which why i personally choose to see it as introductory/optional material rather than a proper part of the series.
15. Your absolute OTP?
tbh, as multishipper, i don't really believe in a one true pairing in a traditional sense, since there's a lot of ships in this series i really enjoy and a lot of them are polyships. that being said, however, i am coming out as a komahina enthusiast and i will never not be annoyed about their fandom mischaracterizations lmfaoooo (also idk if they do but if ot3s count here, make it komahinanami. they are literally the backbone of sdr2 imho and i Care Them)
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foldable-mattress · 2 years
Chiaki, peko, or kirumi?
Feeling silly so why not all three
Favorite Thing: I love everything about her. Her design is so cozy and cute, she is so neurodivergent with her hyperfixation on gaming and her accidental bluntness, ahhh I love her!
Least Favorite Thing: The fact that she dies twice, I sob. I also really hate how the fandom portrays her as boring with no personality but that's not a character thing.
Favorite Line: Sobbing while going through Chiaki voice lines but I like "Hey, Hajime... This isn't for the sake of anyone else. You... You have to do this for yourself. Now then! It's about time you show me your cool side, Hajime. C'mon, I'll help out too..." I was looking for a nice quote but found this honorable mention on the Wiki "Apparently Mikan has never played video games before. She's totally missing out on 90% of her life."
BrOTP: Her and Kazuichi, I feel, would be such a fun dynamic as well as her and the other female supports/mains.
OTP: I already mentioned Komahinanami for Hajime so I'm gonna say a different one. I love Sonia and Chiaki as well as Ibuki and Chiaki. Chiaki is just one of those characters that you can put her with almost anyone and I would appreciate it.
NOTP: I don't think I've seen any Chiaki ships that I outright hate? Maybe TeruTeru? We'll go with that one
Random Headcanon: My friend and I have an AU that we've done absolutely nothing with where everyone helps Kaz build a robot to put Chiaki's AI in so she becomes very Kiibo-esque. Just a happy little AU where the world is in peril, but at least she's somewhat alive. Since that's not really a headcanon though I must add that I believe in fat Chiaki supremacy.
Unpopular Opinion: I actually find her to be a super interesting support character. She has the wits and bluntness that Kyoko and Maki have while also being super nice and supportive like Kaede and Komaru.
Songs I Associate Them With: Goodbye To A World by Porter Robinson and I'd Rather Sleep by Kero Kero Bonito (also just a lot of video game music, especially from games like Undertale)
Favorite Picture: Her splash art is super cute! I also love that one scene in the anime where Chisa has her over her shoulder, and she's just lazily waving to Hajime while still playing her game.
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Favorite Thing: I love Peko! Her talent is super interesting and I love how she has a soft side (plus she gets flustered fairly easily which I find adorable)
Least Favorite Thing: They could've done so much more with her character than they did. The role she plays in the Chapter 1 trial had the potential to be really great with her keeping guard, but instead, she's reduced to a bathroom joke. I was not a fan of the Sparkling Justice thing either. I get it was for a cover-up as well as a reference to her Japenese VA being Usagi from Sailor Moon, but it's meh at best.
Favorite Line: During her introduction where she says she'd rather not kill someone and Hajime points out that her sword is bamboo to which she responds "Though it may seem impossible to kill someone with this, a misaimed blow can be fatal. Well, an aimed blow can be fatal, too."
BrOTP: Gundham and Peko, hands down. I want my secret softies that love animals to be besties, right now! I'm so sad their friendship is only really mentioned in one of her FTEs
OTP: I love love LOVE Pekobuki. Their sun and moon dynamic is so good, and the bonus scene they're in is just chefs' kiss! (Also love Fuyupeko but that has been clearly overshadowed)
NOTP: Again, Teruteru. He just needs to get disciplined a lot before I even consider shipping him with anyone.
Random Headcanon: Chiaki got her hooked on Beat Saber, and now she's a God at it. Fuyuhiko also convinced her to go to therapy (they all should be going to therapy), so she's slowly starting to appreciate herself as her own person.
Unpopular Opinion: I haven't seen any popular opinions that I disagree with. Maybe that her and Fuyuhiko aren't technically siblings since not only were they raised with a power imbalance but Peko mentions a childhood crush in her FTEs that lines up pretty accurately with Hiko. Fuyupeko is a popular ship though so idk how much that counts lolol, I've just seen a lot of people use that against the ship (see them how you want though, no hate)
Songs I Associate With Them: As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese and Killer Queen by Queen
Favorite Image: Look at her. Everyone is so happy because of her! (Also found the gallery image of her and Taka, which I feel is an honorable mention)
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Favorite Thing: She's so patience and kind compared to the absolute chaos in her class. It's nice the see
Least Favorite Thing: I think we all agree that her Prime Minister background is weird at best
Favorite Line: Her screaming, "I WILL NOT DIE!" at the end of the Chapter 2 trial will forever send chills down my spine
BrOTP: I feel like she would get along well with Rantaro and Kiyo if given the chance
OTP: I honestly don't really ship her with anyone
NOTP: Hmm, I'd say maybe Kokichi for this one. It might be the fact that he calls her mom a few times, idk
Random Headcanon: I like to think that she enjoys listening to classical music while working. Just something soothing to keep her focused.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't have any, at least not that I know of
Songs I Associate With Them: Ahh, this one was really difficult for some reason. I think I'll go with My Time by bo en or & by Tally Hall (idk why, purely off vibes here)
Favorite Image: There's not a whole lot of good images with her that I can find but I like her splash art
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austajunk · 3 years
chiaki for the ask meme!
-Favorite Thing About Them
God there’s so much I love about her and it depends on who I’m talking about: The AI version or the human Chiaki.
Okay, regarding both, I genuinely like that she is a person who has trouble connecting to others. That she really struggles to reach out to them. But beyond that, Chiaki clearly struggles with her talent in that she is completely hyperfixated on it to the point where she sometimes forgets to breathe and to sleep. As far as being on the Autistic spectrum myself, I find myself stuck in my own interests way too much and getting too obsessed to the point where it’s so hard to actually tear myself away and engage with others on a more personal level. So I did really connect to her human portrayal especially where she does feel like she can’t have friends or can’t go anywhere else in life because she’s so tied down by her obsession and talent. That sort of feeling I just get all to well, so that’s where I really started to connect with her character in the game. Her trying to be this distant character among her classmates, but growing to love and care for them, to still be this person that her classmates can rally around and be a beacon of strength and Hope for them just means a lot for me playing the game. Hence she became my favorite after the first play through.
Also she’s hilarious and says the weirdest shit unprompted.
-Least Favorite Thing About Them
Having to listen to the fandom write her off as waifu bait and a Mary Sue because they think she’s in the way of KomaHina. Don’t believe me? Go look on Tik Tok. The hate for her is borderline creepy…
-Favorite Line
“Belief with doubt… is simply a lie.”
It’s the antithesis to Nagito’s “You’re wrong, Fuyuhiko. We’re supposed to trust each other and work together here” from the last trial. Chiaki wants to believe and love her friends but she won’t allow herself (or Hajime) to be gaslit here.
Special shout-out to her combined “NO THAT’S WRONG!!!” With Hajime at the end of Chapter Six. Hard not to say FUCK YEAH after that.
I am kinda tickled by the idea that Kazuichi really wanted to impress Chiaki with his mechanic skills by fixing game consoles for her and being defensive when she didn’t believe he could do it. XD I really think they’d be hilarious and fun together with him trying to show her up and her just being unimpressed.
In terms of a KomaHina pairing, I love when she and Nagito are bros and anything involving her playing wingman to get Komaeda to hook up with Hinata just fuels me.
KomaHinaNami forever. Add Izuru in there if ya want. Good all ways.
Probably not gonna ship her with Alter Ego/Chihiro Fujisaki.
-Random Headcanon
That girl definitely tops. Everyone bottoms for her. And her AI. She tops too. I don’t make the rules.
-Unpopular Opinion
I’m amused at people who insist she’d be a rival to Komaeda for Hajime’s heart. Like… yeah, okay, I guess I could see them being innocent rivals but that’s just never the vibe I get. Like if Hajime and Chiaki got together, Nagito would be all for it as well as Chiaki would be incredibly happy knowing if Hajime and Nagito were together. Like this girl just loves her classmates and would do anything to keep them together, so I could never ship anything but KomaHinaNami.
But seriously, can you imagine what a Nagito and Chiaki love rivalry would look like? Cos all I can think of is Nagito coming up to Chiaki like “Nanami-san, I am in love with Hinata-kun.”
And Chiaki would be like “Yeah. Okay. Cool. Good luck. Wanna play Animal Crossing before he gets here?”
Song I’d Associate With Them-
Can’t Hold Me by Emily King
Free Fall by Ok Goodnight
Day and Night by Ok Goodnight (this one specifically gives me HinaNami/KamuNami vibes)
-Favorite picture of them
Th-Them… happy….
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can i rq a komahinanami oneshot with regressor hajime? -🌈anon
Hi hi 🌈 anon! I’d be happy to do this for you... I hope you like it! Thanks for requesting!
-Mod Mikan
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Hajime’s face had a wide grin on it as he held the hands of both of his caregivers, all three of them making their way to the park that was in the middle of town.
He was so excited, anticipating everything that he was going to be able to do— it would be so much fun! Especially with Chiaki and Nagito!
“Are you excited?” The voice of Nagito caused him to glance up from the ground, nodding frantically.
“Uh huh! ‘Ank you for takin’ me here!” He turned to Chiaki after that, too, to imply that he was thanking the both of them.
Chiaki only gave a warm smile directed at him.
“Of course. Now, come on— I don’t believe the park is very far.”
All three of them walked for a short amount of time, when eventually, the park became visible to them, and Hajime looked like he was about ready to pull away from his caregivers and run all over the place.
“Can I go now, can I?” He asked, his eyes already lit up as he grinned. He was clearly impatient— but who was going to be patient when heading to somewhere as fun and amusing as the park?
Nagito only chuckled and reached out to ruffle his hair.
“Sure, kiddo. Have at it.”
Hajime, very soon after that, let go of his caregivers hands and started booking it to the playground equipment. There was so much to do— and he had no idea what he was going to do first!
Eventually, though, he laid his gaze on the swings. He grinned, and decided he was going to do that first!
He walked over to it, the small rocks that littered the playground crunching under his shoes as he got onto the swing, his hands latched onto the metal chains as to not fall.
And, well— swinging on his own proved to not work out so well. He didn’t swing too awfully far, resulting in him quietly pouting.
As soon as he glanced up, he noticed Nagito and Chiaki heading over to where he was.
“Need some help, kiddo?” Chiaki asked him lightly, making all of his previous disappointment wash away.
Hajime nodded, and with that, Chiaki stood behind him, and Nagito walked over to the side as to not get hit when Hajime did swing.
Chiaki gave him a light push, causing Hajime to go further on the swing. He felt the small amount of wind whipping past his face, and he giggled.
“Faster, faster!”
Chiaki complied, pushing him a little further.
In reality, it truly wasn’t that high. But, seeing as Hajime was in the practical mindset of a kid, well, it seemed high to him. Chiaki would hate to accidentally scare him.
After some time of swinging (and Nagito having to push him after a while because Chiaki’s arms hurt), Hajime decided he was getting bored of this.
He set his feet down on the ground to pause the swing, that being a clear indicator to Nagito now that he wanted to stop.
“ ‘M bored,” He huffed, “Gonna go slide now, ‘kay?”
Nagito nodded, and Chiaki did too, seeing as they had no reason to decline.
They followed Hajime towards the slides, their gazes settled on him as he climbed the small ladder, and then went down the slide.
He always came down glancing over at them, waiting for their reactions and giggling whenever they gave him a thumbs up or a cheer.
Hajime went up the ladder to get to the slide once more, figuring that this was going to be the last time. So, he pushed himself down the slide one last time.
He guessed he went down a little too quickly, because when it was supposed to stop towards the end, he ended up falling down, landing on his knees.
For a moment, he was more on the shocked side. Then, the scraped feeling on his knees registered in his mind, and he felt himself tremble for a brief moment. It felt like a tingling, burning feeling, and it made him scared.
He wasn’t as worried afterwords, though, when Chiaki kneeled down and wrapped an arm around him, and Nagito asked if he was alright. It didn’t even hurt that bad, anyways! He had his caregivers next to him, so he’d be alright!
After band-aids stuck to his knees, he was fine. He stood up quickly, proceeding to run around for a while and go on the other equipment that he hadn’t gone on yet.
After some time, though, he had tired himself out, his shoulders slumped as he walked over to Nagito and Chiaki, who were sitting on a bench.
“Tired, kiddo?” Nagito asked him, sliding over so that Hajime could sit in the middle of them.
“Uh huh,” He nodded, his face flushed from running in the sun all day, “Think ‘m done.”
Chiaki nodded.
“I’d hope so,” She murmured softly, “You look worn out.”
So, the two of them walked out of the park, hand in hand, just as they previously had entered.
Once they reached the car, they kept Hajime in the back seat, Chiaki driving while Nagito stayed in the other front seat.
While Nagito and Chiaki talked to each other on the way home, Hajime felt his eyelids flutter shut, their voices turning into inaudible mumbles.
He had fun.
But now, it was time to get some rest.
Hey— maybe they’d do this again sometime!
He certainly wouldn’t have room to complain if they did.
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evesbeve · 4 years
a little grey hair for every scare you share (komahinanami)
this is my contribution to @danganronpavalentines, for @akito666us! you asked for hajime, nagito and chiaki going ghost hunting, but i may or may not have included a reference to one of your other requests in this... happy valentine’s day!
(read on ao3)
Nagito wasn’t quite sure how the rumors about the cabin behind Hope’s Peak Academy started. He vaguely recalled some first years a few months ago saying they heard some weird noises coming from the abandoned building, but when it was brought up again this morning during homeroom, Mioda claimed she had also heard them. Soon enough, they were all arguing about whether ghosts inhabited the school grounds after midnight or not.
It didn’t seem like the argument was going to end anytime soon—Yukizome-sensei’s attempts were buried by Souda’s desperate screams for help, even though they were nowhere near the cabin—but then their dear class representative came to her rescue.
“I’ll do it.”
The class fell into silence, all gazes pinned on her.
“Y-You’ll do it?!” Mioda said.
Nanami gave her a warm smile. “Yep. I’ll check it out tonight. That way, we’ll know whether the rumors are true or not.”
“Well it’s not like I think ghosts are real or something,” Kuzuryu said, biting into his pencil. “But shouldn’t someone go with you?”
“Oh, oh, oh, that’s true!” said Owari. “It’d suck if our Class Rep was abducted by some sort of ghoul monster or something!”
Tsumiki yelped. “G-G-Ghoul monster?!”
Nanami shrugged, ignoring Saionji’s remark about needing everyone to get their story straight and how stupid Tsumiki was to fall for it. “I… I suppose I could ask—”
“I’d be glad to help!” Nagito interrupted, trying his best not to sound too excited. It wasn’t as if he didn’t already know who Nanami’s first option was.
“That’s okay. I was going to ask H—”
“You can still ask him,” Nagito said. And then, for good measure, he added, “I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend the evening with a couple of Ultimates? To be such close to hope itself… what could possibly top—”
“That’s an odd way of saying you wanna hang out with your friends…” Hanamura mumbled, and it took everything in Nagito not to glare at him.
But Nanami didn’t seem to mind. Instead, she gave Nagito a knowing smile, melting away his annoyance. “Okay.”
So yes. That’s kind of how Nagito found himself standing in front of a worn-out cabin in the dead of night with his two favorite people in the world. He wasn’t about to reveal the last part out loud though—especially not to them.
The wooden cabin was barely even visible under the moonlight; Nagito had to squint when they approached it. Apparently, it’d been used for storage when the school was first built, and no one bothered to clean it out when they moved everything to the basement in the actual building. Nagito couldn’t help but wonder if the teacher faculty themselves were afraid of the rumors too.
“I’m… not so sure this is a good idea.”
It wasn’t unlike Hinata to tag along Class 77th’s mischiefs. Nanami had started dragging him along to almost every class activity she put together—it was how Nagito had met him, after all—but he couldn’t help his excitement. There was something… different, about Hinata, something Nagito couldn’t quite place. It fascinated him beyond words, and so did Nanami’s ability to see it too.
“Can’t be worse than last year’s Hamlet,” Nanami said, barely looking up from her console.
Nagito remembered the tragedy that was last year’s Shakespeare tribute. Though he didn’t personally know any of the students that put on the play, the Ultimate Pianist had seemed to be the one to organize it—he felt kind of bad for her, considering how it ended.
“But you didn’t even watch it!” Hinata argued, pointing at Nanami’s game.
Nagito chuckled lightly. “Ah, you weren’t there for the… incident, were you, Hinata?”
Nanami grumbled under her breath.
In the play, a tall boy with messy, purple hair, who Nagito believed to be the Ultimate Astronaut, took on the role of Hamlet. He gave an outstanding performance until the final act, but his moment of glory didn’t last very long. Once Hamlet dropped dead on stage, the Ultimate Supreme Leader—who played Laertes—jumped on his feet, claiming the poisoned blade hadn’t actually stabbed him, and started jumping around, attacking Hamlet with every prop he could find.
One of them somehow bounced off the stage, directly on Nanami’s console, and broke it.
Had the curtains not closed, Nagito was almost convinced she would have thrown it back at the Ultimate Supreme Leader’s face. Regardless, Hinata hadn’t been there, and Nagito highly doubted it was something Nanami wanted to talk about, so unless someone else explained it to him, he couldn’t have possibly known.
Hinata shrugged. “Reserve Course students weren’t allowed to come, but Mitarai told me it was a disaster.”
“You could say that…” Nanami mumbled. Nagito couldn’t help but wonder why she was still upset about it. They’d all come together and bought her a new console two days later, and she surpassed all of her high scores anyway. Having a talent was truly fascinating.
“A-Anyway, why are we even talking about Hamlet?” Hinata said, and Nagito was quickly reminded of the play’s theme; ghosts. “Let’s just get this over with, it’s late enough already…”
Nagito grinned. “You didn’t strike me as the kind of person to be intimidated by ghosts, Hinata.”
“I’m not scared!”
“I didn’t say scared.”
“He didn’t say scared,” Nanami said at the same time as him. Hinata crossed his arms and buried his face in his scarf, but Nagito could still make out the faint blush on his cheeks. He didn’t think there was a single person in the world that could deny how adorable he looked like this.
“Either way, you’re right, Hinata,” Nagito said, in hopes to distract him. He took a step closer to the door of the cabin, pushing it open. He grinned. “Let’s go ghost hunting.”
As expected, no actual ghosts were waiting for them inside the cabin—what they did stumble upon was a seemingly abandoned bird’s nest in the corner of the ceiling. A swallow slipped inside the cabin from the broken window, and Hinata let out the highest pitched scream Nagito had ever heard as he pulled him and Nanami closer by their arms.
Well, Nagito thought as he leaned his head on Hinata’s, exchanging a quick smile with Nanami, this is just my luck.
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rro-bots · 3 years
hajime hinata for the thing!
favorite thing about them: i honestly love the contrast between hinata and naegi’s way of dealing people a lot. hinatas bluntness i find really funny and honestly his way of handling situations is perfect for the sdr2 cast even if he definitely gets worn out by them. hinata simultaneously being blunt but also at times really out of his depth makes him the most “realistic” of the dr protags but thats the entire point of playing as him JFKSJDJD hes honestly such a good character
least favorite thing about them: im not really sure tbh? theres honestly a lot i like abt hinata i cant rlly think of anything i dislike atm
favorite line: GUH OK this isnt TECHNICALLY a line but in chapter 6 after you beat junkos rebuttal showdown and both hinata and nanami say “no that’s wrong” at the same time?? that absolutely wrecks me its such a small thing but i love it so much
brotp: probably hinaegi!! i think theyd be friends also i love that one official art with them. also just hinata and any of the sdr2 cast lol all of his ftes are so good man.
otp: komahinanami!!!! im honestly not too into komahina on its own (although i do like it) but add hinanami and komaeda and nanami being best friends and i absolutely love it. i love the idea of komaeda and nanami teaming up to tease and annoy hinata and i also think overall it would be the healthiest version Of komahina? simply because nanami would be able to smooth things out and calm them down if they have one of their moments. i think all of them together work really well especially bc i really like hinanami as well. idk i just think hinata deserves so much love which he would get from both of them. theres so little komahinanami content that actually fits my interp of them tho and i havent really collected my thoughts for them enough to sound super coherent but holy shit. they make me insane.
notp: i dont really have one i dont think? closest thing to notp is like. kamu/hina or something i guess
random headcanon: gonna continue the trend. i hc hinata to have both adhd and ocd (specifically the pure o subtype with some checking compulsions) and i also hc him to be a bi trans man!!
unpopular opinion: moreso an unpopular headcanon but i dont hc that hinata and kamukura are a system post game and think that they merged instead (which i personally believe was represented by awakened hinata and although i cld get into specifics of Why it would go into both their character arcs and sense of identity which would be Long lol) i might talk abt it more eventually but! yea
song i associate with them: let it happen by tame impala and i can talk by two door cinema club
favorite picture of them:
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this one!! i also really like the one where hes playing games with komaeda and chiaki i think he shld smile more
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magioftheseas · 4 years
hmmm...dare I ask for komahinanami for the short fics...
Dare you ask indeed because this is more komahina+nami and is kind of a continuation of the more komahina-focused short fic. So, it’s dr3-set and complicated. Not super fluffy. There’s not a lot of KomaHinaNami that’s messy and I was too busy crying over Matsuda-kun to explore that dynamic myself, but, hey, better late than never.
It was easy to say when things changed, but not so simple to explain how they changed.
First, there was a meeting. Then, a conversation. Finally, a connection. What came after was—a series of occurrences and interactions that bled into the everyday experience.
She got along with her class. Mostly. One of them still showed himself to be a bit of a problem, especially after she introduced Hinata-kun to everyone.
She wasn’t surprised, she supposed. Komaeda had been vocal about his admiration of Ultimates. To an uncomfortable degree, she felt, which is why she was never able to feel close to him. That was...a shame, really, because Komaeda shared her love for video games.
He just had a difficult personality. One that only got worst when Hinata-kun got involved.
“You should be nicer to Hinata-kun.” She’s irritated by how many times she has to say it. Komaeda does give a guilty, apologetic smile, but she presses, “Nicer. You’re still...really rude to him, I think. Doesn’t that make you feel bad, Komaeda-kun?”
That might’ve been a stupid question. Because Komaeda’s the type to laugh off insults with an easy smile.
“Oh, Nanami-san.” He laughs here, though he seems hesitant. “Why are you so protective of that reserve?”
“Because he’s my friend?” Wasn’t that obvious? She didn’t understand how Komaeda couldn’t have realized this by now. “He can be your friend too if you just let him.”
She hears the intake of his breath, but by the time her gaze flickers from her game to him, Komaeda’s just wearing the same smile as always.
“I’ll respectfully decline, Nanami-san,” he says, head tilting and lips beaming. “No offense to you, of course, but...”
She doesn’t pause the game, but her thumb does twitch.
“It’s not about me.” Her cheeks puff as she glares at him now. “It’s about Hinata-kun.”
“The...reserve, right.” Komaeda nods, sheepish. “Well, no real offense to him either, but...”
“Hinata-kun,” she insists. “His name is Hinata-kun.”
“Hinata-kun,” he amended, smile a little stiffer around the edges. “Apologies for insulting your friend Hinata-kun, Nanami-san.”
Her frown deepened. As patronizing as that sounded, she wasn’t sure how else to voice her displeasure.
“Hinata-kun’s a nice person,” she said. “You would be lucky to have him as a friend.”
Just like that, Komaeda’s expression changed. It flickered from amiable to something—unreadable. The kind of expression not written about in any sort of guide.
“Reserve or no, that’s impossible. Sorry, Nanami-san. I can’t explain.”
In insisting on building a bridge, Nanami felt as though she just strengthened a wall.
“You really don’t have to speak to him on my behalf,” Hinata tells her. It’s enough to make her perk.
“Speak to...?”
“Komaeda.” Hinata sighed, giving her quite the look. “I know you’ve been getting into disagreements with him about me. It’s fine, Nanami, seriously. Don’t even worry about it. He’s not that bad.”
“Of course I’m...going to worry, probably, but...” Trailing off, she couldn’t help but shake her head in confusion. “How did you know about that, Hinata-kun?”
“Ah, well...” Rubbing at his nape, Hinata seemed uncertain. “Komaeda does...tell me that you get on his case about me.”
“Komaeda-kun does?” For some reason, she’s surprised. “He tells you?”
“He’s honest to a fault,” Hinata explains, shrugging. “Sometimes we just encounter each other. It comes up.”
“How are you getting along, Hinata-kun?” she asks, pressing. “Does Komaeda-kun hurt you?”
“What?” Hinata’s eyes are wide. “Geez, no! Like I said, he’s not that bad! Hell, I’m more scared of some of your other classmates. Like... Hanamura, Nidai, Kuzuryuu, Pekoyama, Saionji... Koizumi can be pretty harsh, too.”
She never had any problems with any of them, so she’s confused as to why Hinata would.
“But Komaeda-kun is... He dislikes you,” she points out. “Because you’re...not an Ultimate.”
“It’s more because I’m a reserve,” Hinata mutters, but he smiles quickly. “Like I said, it’s whatever.”
“It’s not, I don’t think,” she argues. “Your world is—open, without talent. There’s no shame in that. Komaeda-kun places too much value on...”
“We go to Hope’s Peak,” Hinata said. “So, it’s to be expected. If talent didn’t matter, I wouldn’t be in the reserve course.”
Something struck her as strange. Did Hinata always feel this way? In the beginning—hadn’t he smiled at her and looked hopeful? Why is his smile so melancholy now?
It’s because of Komaeda-kun, right?
“Whatever Komaeda-kun said to you...”
“Nanami.” Hinata’s smile dropped. “It’s not about him. Please, stop worrying about our relationship. If Komaeda were really a problem... I’d just punch him or something.”
“Oh.” She retreated. “Okay. If... If you say so.”
Despite Hinata smiling at her and offering to play another round, everything about this interaction left her feeling—quite strange.
Why was this? What happened?
Komaeda, right? Wasn’t it always Komaeda? Such a difficult person—such a difficult personality. Like colorless poison, you don’t realize the damage until you’ve breathed in enough to become weak.
Because of that.
Because of that.
Komaeda always slips away from class. Something about not wanting to get in anyone’s way, which everyone was fine with. Nanami follows him, and everyone believes her when she says she’s just going to the bathroom.
She should feel bad for lying, she guessed. She should feel worst for intending to confront Komaeda again when Hinata told her not to worry, she supposed.
She still acts, picking up in urgency when Komaeda heads towards the plaza shared with the reserve course. Hinata is already sitting by the fountain, and he doesn’t seem too bothered when Komaeda waves at him.
“Hinata-kun, what a surprise!” Komaeda exclaims as if this were completely expected. “Goodness, sitting all the way out here all alone?”
“I just wanted some fresh air,” was Hinata’s curt reply, sending every hair on her arms on edge.
Because hadn’t she used to hang out with Hinata-kun here regularly? At some point—she was spending so much time with her class and she didn’t always think to invite Hinata-kun. She should have, instead of...
“Why aren’t you with everyone else instead?” Komaeda’s innocent question cuts through her like wires through her fingers. “Nanami-san wouldn’t mind, nor would any of the others.”
“It’s fine,” Hinata sighed. “Sometimes, I’d like to be alone.”
When had that been the case?
“I guess I should leave, then,” Komaeda laughs. “So sorry for interrupting your alone time.”
“Komaeda...” The most shocking thing of all had been when Hinata swallowed and called, “Wait. Come here.”
Komaeda does. He sits next to Hinata, in the same place she always sat. Like it was the most natural thing in the world. She can’t make out Komaeda’s expression but Hinata’s seemed complicated. Has he made that face around her before?
I think so. When—when Komaeda-kun came up.
What changed? When did it change? Was it really right when those two met—or was it some point after, outside of the sparkle in her gaze?
Somehow things changed so much, that Hinata-kun seemed like a different person in the way he brushed back Komaeda’s hair, and especially in the way he leaned in close.
A chilling flush wracked through her body when the two shared a kiss.
Everything tilted until it became upside down.
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honhonluigi · 3 years
Maki ruined the whole thing with Shuichi and Kaito
Damn right she did. Maki ruined Shuichi & Kaito, and Kaito ruined Shuichi & Maki. Because Kaito and Maki are a horrible couple and even worse friends. I’m gonna do my best to just summarize this, but:
Believe it or not, Shuichi was friends with Maki before Kaito was. Shuichi and Maki were friends on their own. They didn’t need Kaito to be there. And while they were friends, they had potential. Shuichi was teaching Maki to be kinder and more open, while Maki was teaching Shuichi to stand up for himself. That could’ve been great arcs for both of them. But nope! They had to fucking add KaiMaki in there!!
Shuichi and Kaito were great friends. Kaito was encouraging and comforting Shuichi after Kaede died, and teaching him to stand up for himself. Shuichi on the other hand knew that Kaito’s ‘belief’ stuff was bullshit. He should’ve learned enough self-confidence to stand up to Kaito too when he was being stupid, and come full circle. Meanwhile, Kaito would learn some common sense. That would’ve been a great arc. But nope!! They had to add KaiMaki!!!
KaiMaki ruined all three of them. You’d think Maki on her own couldn’t get any worse, but boy you’d be wrong. KaiMaki is the worst ship on the planet (right under Komahinanami). I could go on a rant about why KaiMaki is awful, but right now I’m specifically talking about how it ruined those three individual characters. 
First of all, Shuichi became a side-character in his own story. He did nothing and made no decisions. He just let Kaito and Maki pull him around. And since both of them have such conflicting views, it just made Shuichi look like a hypocritical, wishy-washy pussy. He ended up just being a camera for the audience to watch KaiMaki happen through. He himself had no meaningful relationships and did absolutely nothing interesting or important. Secondly, Shuichi never learned to stand up for himself. Everyone got too sidetracked with KaiMaki and forgot about that. He just let himself be walked on by Kaito and Maki and yelled at everyone else. Which again, made him a pathetic hypocrite. Thirdly, they all three ruined each other. Kaito made Maki act even bitchier and more entitled. Maki made Kaito more stubborn. Both of them made Shuichi act sniveling and pathetic. Mixing the three of them was the worst idea ever. I cannot think of a more toxic friendgroup. Maki and Shuichi both supported Kaito no matter what, so his stupid “good vs evil belief!” bullshit was toted around as being right when it obviously wasn’t. Kaito supported Maki blindly and forced Shuichi to do the same. They were both forced to support a lying serial killer. But then, because Kaito’s stupid “belief” shit was involved, they all also had to yell about how good and perfect they all are!! And how evil everyone else is. Because Kaito insists that they are good and perfect, and they can’t disagree with him. Mixing Maki’s backstory with Kaito’s morality was just...awful. Now you have people on high horses blindly talking down to everyone about not being good enough, meanwhile they’re defending the honor of a literal god damn serial killer. It became WAY worse than just saying that Maki ‘deserved a second chance’ or something. Unbelievable, obnoxious, and hypocritical. Being forced to support those two all the time, unconditionally, absolutely killed Shuichi as a character. And got rid of Maki’s potential redemption arc. Why should she have to redeem herself if her friends are insisting that she’s already perfect? And got rid of Kaito’s potential splash of reality. Why would he need to think about different points of view when all his friends are just constantly agreeing with his own? Shuichi became an unnecessary character. And the friendgroup had such rancid vibes, because Shuichi was fucking abused. The second he disagreed with ANYTHING Kaito did, he was shunned and ostracized and guilt-tripped and avoided. As if he had the fucking plague. Kaito and Maki were nothing but abusive to each other too, but Shuichi was their scapegoat if anything went wrong. He was kicked out if he spoke his mind even once. So much for his arc about standing up for himself. Or...being smart. Because he was forced to adopt Kaito’s stupid mortality which was obviously untrue, but then also forced to support Maki, who is literally the antithesis of Kaito’s morality. And so, you can’t even care about Shuichi/Maki/Kaito’s relationships even if their characters suck. Because the relationships suck just as bad. 
Shuichi + Maki and Shuichi + Kaito were good, cute, wholesome friendships on their own. They could’ve done so many interesting things for all the characters involved. But mixing the three of them was the worst possible idea that you could ever have. 
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cactuskhee · 8 years
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🍌 hinanata, bananami & bananagito 🍌
[charm preorders are only open for 24 hours!!] http://khee.storenvy.com/
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gamerkins · 4 years
Komahina and Kamukoma is blacklisted but Komahinanami is okay? Lmfao wooow you just want all the hot guys for your little attention whore favorite huh? If one's abusive they all are bitch Komahinanami makes me wanna barf and kill myself. Hajime doesn't even talk to Chiaki in canon and she's awful to him. It's abusive as hell to him and Komaeda delete your blog get out of the fandom
lol this blog is ded but this ask is so funny. komahinanami is a comfort ship and i have personal discomforts about komahina and kamukoma that have, since making this blog passed. i didn’t say that they were abusive; you’re reading way too much into my personal blacklist. also i can’t believe you’re getting mad about shipping in 2020? hello?
-mod chiaki
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golden-redhead · 5 years
What are your thoughts on Nagito's and Chiaki's relationship? Do you have any headcanons about it?
Ah, I’m actually a very low-key shipper! Or, more precisely, I really adore komahinanami as a ship because it’s one of those cases where OT3 is even better! I always enjoyed their relationship maybe because she always treated him in a more human way than others and I appreciate that. She is much more understanding towards him than others but she’s also not too understanding. Like, she’s kind to him but she can still get frustrated with all of his hope bullshit. It was a breath of fresh air and as someone who always was intrigued by Komaeda’s character when playing the game, I was always happy to see their interactions. I can’t really think of any headcanons at the moment? Most of them would probably be in a komahinanami setting anyway. But I like the idea of Nanami getting stern with him, not letting him be too self-deprecating. And in turn I believe that he would genuinely enjoy her company. The idea of the two of them playing together is really fun, too, I’d love to see a more competitive side of her! 
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strangefellows · 6 years
22, 38, 41, 43, 56, 65, 69, 81, 87, 95, 96, 97, 99
22.) Favorite Random/Unnecessary Moment?
I’m not sure what qualifies as ‘random/unnecessary’? Does Akane and Nekomaru’s spar on the beach in chapter 2 count? 
38.) Least Favorite Character?
While I do dislike Togami, Tsumugi Shirogane can straight up go to hell alongside Monaca and Haiji Towa.
41.) Best Character Design?
Best design? Ooohhhhh, uhhhhh....that’s really hard to say. But I will admit as the series goes on I find that I like the uniform designs from the earlier games better, becuause as they go on, they become way less uniform-looking, like, what the fuck is that even Rantaro, what the fuck are you wearing y’all in V3 I know you have talents so get to be eccentric but those are not uniforms you’re supposed to be in school uniforms you can’t just slap a school emblem on anything and call it a day.
43.) Favorite Eye Design?
MOTHERFUCKING HAJIME. How can you not love those?
56.) Which Character Did You Not Expect To Die But They Did?
I can’t remember my initial opinions on ‘dying/not dying’ from 1 and 2, but for v3 I absolutely predicted Kaito, Kokichi, and possibly Tenko to make it to the end. So, uh, whoops. Also obviously Kaede.
65.) What’s Your Option On The Danganronpa 3 Anime?
I mean I do have 2 complaints -- the timing of 77-B’s recovery did seem rushed, but timeskips hapen and that’s nothing fanfic can’t fix/expand on, and I really wish they had been wearing the Despair outfits they clearly went in with rather than their in-program outfits, but I also do get that the art team wanted them more recognizable -- but those are super minor and my absolute sheer love for the anime overpowers it.
69.) Hope or Despair?
Not to sound like Nagito or anything, but Hope hands down. It’s kind of-- it’s kind of a reason why I ended up identifying wit him very hard, I guess? Because the idea of hanging onto hope like that...to believe in the idea that no matter how tough it gets, no matter how much suffering there is, it’s going to get better? That there is always, always, always a light at the end of the darkness, and that no matter what, goodness overcomes evil? Yeah, same. In all of my writing, no matter how much suffering I put my characters through, I refuse to give them anything less than a happy ending, because no matter what anyone’s suffered, no matter how much has happened or what they’ve done, I believe absolutely in the power of hope and redemption. So...haha, yeah. /nagito
81.)A Character Who You’d Like To Snuggle?
Just give me Nagito and half the cast of V3, thanks.
87.)Headcanon on Pregame V3 Characters?
I believe that the pregame V3 gang were a lot like themselves in the game. There had to be something to build their personas off -- you can’t overwrite personalities from scratch, and I cannot see them being 180s, that doesn’t make sense to me. They were a lot like themselves, but their personas were...themselves, but warped and twisted into parodies and stereotypes that would be more entertaining. 
95.) Your Absolute OTP
96.) Your Absolute BroTP
Fuyuhiko and Hajime, or Shuichi and Kaito.
97.) Any OT3
Uh, duh, KomaHinaNami :’)
99.) An Overrated Ship Which Is Your NOTP
Saiouma, sorry. Can’t stand it. Maybe if things were different, but Shuichi barely tried to really understand him, Kokichi has massive trust issues, and after Chapter 4 on, I really, really can’t see them being a thing, ever. Maybe friends if they really worked at it, but definitely not a ship.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 2 years
A Beginner's Guide To Breaking Your (Apparently Requited) Crush Out Of A Time Loop
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/DZAu9QU
by serenescribe
“So,” Kokichi started, inspecting his fingernails from where he sat on a table, legs crossed. “You’re telling me that you’re trapped in a time loop.”
“Yes,” Shuichi replied, eyes serious.
“And you’re telling me,” Kokichi continued, carefully keeping his expression impassive, “that I told you to tell me to help you. Or something like that,” he added with a sigh. I don’t believe this.
Still, he could feel Shuichi’s heavy gaze on him, eyes boring into his soul. “Yes,” Shuichi repeated again. There was a slight pause, before Shuichi added, “Is that too confusing…? I know time is really hard to understand. I’ve been stuck for a while, and even I still don’t really know how to—”
“Shuichi,” Kokichi deadpanned, glancing up from his hand to fix the other boy with a hard stare. “You sound like a lunatic.”
The last thing Kokichi expects on what seems like a perfectly ordinary Wednesday is for Shuichi Saihara to crash into him and begin pleading for help, looking like death itself.
No, actually… scratch that. The last thing Kokichi expects is for Shuichi Saihara to start insisting that he’s stuck in a time loop.
Words: 16969, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oma Kokichi, Saihara Shuichi, Iruma Miu, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Komaeda Nagito, Tanaka Gundham, Sonia Nevermind
Relationships: Oma Kokichi/Saihara Shuichi
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), Time Loop, Comedy, Humor, Light Angst, Swearing, Self-Destructive Behavior, Very brief implied/referenced komahinanami
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/DZAu9QU
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austajunk · 3 years
(Heyo, I hope you don't mind me sharing my thoughts in your inbox. I just think you're cool and have good opinions, so here I am.)
OK, so I love Komahinanami as an OT3. As friends, or romantically, or whatever. I just love them a lot.
What I reeeeally don't like about it, though, is (some of) the fans' portrayal of it. For some people, it's never Komahinanami as a three-way relationship, with them all caring for and loving each other equally.
It's either Komahina with Chiaki just "added on", or it's Hinanami with Nagito just "added on", or it's Komahina + Hinanami with no interaction between Nagito and Chiaki at all.
(Like... where's the Komanami love?)
And if they do interact, then it's almost always negative. Chiaki's made out to be the girl who Nagito hates more than anything else, the girl who gets in the way of Komahina. And Nagito's made out to be this jealous, possessive asshole who is disgusted by Chiaki and only cares about Hajime. Which is just 1) not true to the characters at all, and 2) really confusing to me, because I don't know where it comes from other than just projection.
People do realise that Nagito never showed one single hint of either hatred towards Chiaki or posessiveness towards Hajime, right? I don't know where this whole "Nagito hates Chiaki, is jealous of her, and wanted to kill her for the sake of Hajime" thing comes from. Maybe it's just some fans' projection, but... it's just not canon, and it's not part of Nagito's character at all.
And Hajime isn't the only person who Nagito is capable of caring about or developing a positive relationship with. Let him have friends and people he cares about other than Hajime, even if you only ship Komahina.
Bottom line: I love Nagito, Chiaki and Hajime, I love fan works where they interact, and I love it when they're actually in character, and not made totally OOC to satisfy fans' bad character interpretations and hatred of female characters.
(Sorry again about the inbox rant - just wanted to share my thoughts!)
Hooo boi. Hoooo boi. Oh anon, you just tackled one of my biggest pet peeves of this fandom right to its core. Also thanks for saying I’m cool. :3
Firstly, the denial of the Komanami side of KomaHinaNami, but honestly… that I could deal with. This is why I focus on a lot of the KomaNami side of things on my blog but I don’t mind so much the “Hajime has two hands” side of this ship because usually from what I’ve seen, people have Chiaki be Nagito’s best friend or wing lady with Hajime and he appreciates and adores her and confides in her about Hajime and shares Hajime with her and all three are happy. Like.. in a way, that’s still ultra pippity poppity cute!
But yeah, the KomaHina fans who like to portray Chiaki as just the girl who is in the way of their relationship, as if Nagito hates or is jealous of Chiaki… no, just no. It has never once been like that! Before he really got to know Hajime, Chiaki was the only person who accepted and tried to understand Nagito. She was kind to him and he seemed to appreciate her in turn, insisting that her being their class rep made her their biggest light of Hope. He even pleads with her not to take on Junko, that he knew they were no chance against them but believes in Chiaki anyways and is devastated to the point of breaking down and sobbing at her death. Of course, he twists things and beseeches Chiaki’s name, insisting that she can lift them up with her death… but only because he’s coping. In his own world in the Neo World Program, she is missing because the memory of her (and Hajime) hurt him so much that he had to block it out. His desire to see her along with the rest of the class brings her back to them as an AI that leads them all back to the right path.
As for the idea that Nagito is jealous of Chiaki… I think they get that from one scene in DR2 where Chiaki says she’s gonna go find Fuyuhiko in Chapter 2 to question him. She leaves and Hajime is irked about being left alone with Nagito, to which Nagito is like “Oh I’m sorry! You wanted her to stay?!” Honestly… people seem to ignore that before Chiaki left, Nagito expressed concern about her questioning Fuyuhiko and told her to not let him “get rough” with her. So… Nagito clearly cares. Out of everyone (including Hajime) in the main storyline, Nagito openly praises Chiaki and her talents the most. He will also politely oblige her and be quiet when she asks while he does not for anyone else. Also the thing is… Nagito is pretty protective of Chiaki. In Chapter 4, when Chiaki gets overwhelmed by Nagito being clingy, she runs away from him only for him to appear behind her five minutes later and urging her to remember that she could get hurt on her own and that she shouldn’t have run off.
More to the point, let’s pretend Chiaki and Nagito were like… rivals for Hajime’s affection like Chisa and Juzo were. That they directly mirror them (they don’t as much as we think). Even Juzo and Chisa loved and appreciated each other platonically. They were incredibly important to each other in this show while being in love with the same person. In the mangas furthermore, we have these scenes (So tell me, tell me to my face that Chiaki is the girl that Nagito somehow hates, that he never cared for her beyond a romantic rival. Just tell me. And yes yes I know the mangas are secondary canon, but when like two or three of them show all these moments of Chiaki and Nagito supporting each other, come the fuck on. I stand by that it enriches our current canon.):
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danganronpa2 · 6 years
prime #s!
thank u jay for my life. v3 spoilers ahead!
2. Favourite protagonist?i wonder… who could it possibly be……
3. Favourite antagonistic character?izuru is on the villains wiki so he’s technically an antagonist! anyway i think he’s great as a commentary on the education system and the value that society places on talent, prioritizing success over morals or mental health. i know he wasn’t ever supposed to be a fully fleshed-out character but i love him and his stupid hair and his emo red eyes and his weird formal way of speaking and his awkward sitting positions and his rude deadpan almost-humor and
5. Best girl?nanami!! dr3 did her so dirty i love my oblivous smart sleepy rude kindhearted girl
7. Favourite class trial from all the games?sdr2 ch1 because komaeda_laughing_for_7_seconds.mp3
13. What’s your opinion on the Danganronpa 3 anime?i’ll leave the angry essays behind in 2016 where they belong, but i still think the brainwashing is the worst decision in the entire franchise and totally invalidates the message of sdr2. plus it butchered some of my favorite characters. and almost all of the new characters were awful. and rebuilding hope’s peak is stupid. also mitarai sucks. kamukura kamukura yas queen
17. Do you have an OT3? Which one?komahinanami i guess? i think kirigiri/naegi/mukuro is cute too
19. Who do you think is an underrated character?twogami, hoshi, and sakura! they’re all really good and loveable characters who get ignored because they’re not attractive
23. Favourite mascot?monokuma?? idk???? usami is sweet but i genuinely think monokuma is really funny esp in the first game
29. Which character should survived in your opinion?KAEDE AKAMATSU
31. Is there a character you think who shouldn’t have survived but did?yumeno. also munakata die bitch
37. Favourite minor character?natsumi was somehow better than every other dr3 character in the single episode of screentime she got
41. Person you’ve never expected to become a culprit but they became? (Doesn’t include Chiaki)gokuhara!! i’m still so mad like it doesn’t matter how manipulative ouma is, i genuinely cannot believe gokuhara would ever do that
53. Favourite game end?i know i keep answering sdr2 for these but it’s sdr2
59. Favourite moment?“sorry i was born stupid”
61. Character who looks like the love child of ???maizono+togami=shirogane
67. Which character would you never want to meet in real life?most of them…. honestly……… komaeda and izuru are two of my favorites but i wouldn’t want to meet them irl because neither of them would like me and i would also fear for my life
71. Character you can relate to?hinata! growing up in a hyper competitive academic environment with crushing self-esteem issues will do that
73. Character who deserved better?owari! great backstory and opportunity for development but not much really happened
79. Which character has the cutest design?chihiro, yuuta, or angie
83. Least favourite chapter?v3 chapter 4
89. Least favourite Danganronpa 3 character?toss-up between munakata and mitarai because i absolutely despise both of them and they both survived. at least ruruka died
97. Overrated ship which is your NOTP?i don’t HATE saiouma but it’s really. not great. offbrand komahina with a side of gratuitous edge. gay ship for straights. weird baiting. i’m sorry
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tickly-tufts · 6 years
I don't know if this applies to poly ships but ❤♡💕💝💓💌💙💚💛 : komahinanami
❤: who is more affectionate in public? in private?
chiaki is the most affectionate in public, while komaeda is the most affectionate in private.
♡: who is the bigger romantic openly? secretly?
komaeda’s approach is to go big or go home when it comes to romance. on the other hand, chiaki and hajime tend to do sweet little things for the others. 
💕: who is more likely to make huge declarations of love in front of other people?
none of them really make grand declarations in public, but they can all be pretty straightforward or blunt about how much they love the others.
💝: who spends more time (possibly overthinking) what presents to get the other?
you better believe komaeda agonizes over what presents are worthy of his perfect boyfriend and girlfriend.
💓: who initiates most physical contact?
hajime and chiaki both initiate it pretty often. komaeda appreciates it a lot.
💌: who is more likely to send cutesy texts to the other?
chiaki and komaeda both send pretty cute texts from time to time, and hajime adores all of them.
💙: who is more protective?
hajime is the most openly protective, but komaeda always keeps track of potential risks, dangers, and backup plans in any given situation.
💚: who tends to get sick more often? who is better at taking care of the other?
komaeda gets the sick most often, followed by chiaki, then hajime. chiaki is the best at taking care of them, though hajime isn’t bad at it either. komaeda could almost rival chiaki in attentiveness, but the problem is he’s a disaster at cooking, so getting cared for by him is a mixed bag.
💛: who believes in soulmates?
komaeda does, though he’s never believed in a soulmate for himself. he might actually perceive chiaki and hajime as soulmates while viewing himself as an intruder, but ofc neither of them will accept that.
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