sorsalapsi · 4 years
hi I promise I'm not dead
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I'm still here I'm still queer and I'm still full of existential fear.
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
no one:
absolutely no one:
not even a soul:
my brain at 1am: GO! GO! LET’S GO! LET’S GO, DATEKO!
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
Non Binary People
Reblog if you agree
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
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This user is a lesbian 
Requested by: @its-ya-boi-demon
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
Autumn Asks
1. Apple pie: what’s cooking? (Or planned to cook?)  
2. Chilly air: are you a warm weather or cold weather person?
3.Misty mornings: what time do you wake up? What for?
4.Oversized sweaters: what sweater weather outfit are you looking forward to wearing?
5. Carved pumpkins: what holidays (popular or pagan) are you celebrating this fall?
6.Ghost stories: what books are you reading?
7. Hot coffee: what’s your drink this fall?
8. Cold hands: anyone to hold them?
9.Spooky shadows: any increased spiritual activity?
10. Crunchy leaves: what’s your favorite noise/sound to hear?  
11.Scented candles: 5 favorite smells you love?
12.Hurricanes: what do you do on rainy days?
13.Cinnamon: what are your favorite spices?
14.Boots: Favorite pair of shoes/boots you own?
15. Monster masks: what’s your makeup/morning routine?
16 Black cat: what pets do you have/want?
17.September: What’s your favorite kind of weather?
18.October: Did you go trick-or-treating on Halloween when you were younger?
19.Pumpkins: Have you ever carved a jack-o-lantern?
20.Leaves: When the leaves change, what color looks the prettiest?
21.Rain: Do you wear a Raincoat or carry an Umbrella?
22.Caramel Apples: Favorite Halloween candy?
23.Candles: What’s your favorite way to cozy up on a rainy autumn day?
24.Pumpkin Pie: Share your favorite autumn recipe.
25.Apple Cider: Do you drink your apple cider hot or cold?
26.Wind: Have you ever been outside your own country during Autumn? Tell us about your experience.
27.Books: What was the last book you read?
28.Socks: What kind of socks do you like? Do you wear matching socks, fuzzy socks, tall socks, or no socks?
29.Coat: Is Autumn your favorite season?
30.Jacket: how do you feel about pumpkin flavoured things in general?
31.Gloves: Is the weather finally feeling more like autumn where you are now?
32.Campfire: Do you like going outdoors for activities like camping, hiking, or mountain biking?
33.Mini pumpkins:Best pumpkin design I’ve ever carved/plan on carving
34.Forest: What are five of your favorite things about autumn?
35.hoodie: how different was your life five years ago?
36. Tea: Favorite scary story or legend
37.Spices: Favorite character from a Halloween movie
38.Maze: Have you ever gone to a corn maze?
39.Haunted hayrides: Tell a spooky campfire story (if you have one)
40. Boo: Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you ever had an experience?
41.color: If you live in a climate where the trees change colors, do you like walking/driving around and looking at them?
42.Lights: Do you decorate your home for Halloween?
43. Party: Do you hand out candy on Halloween, have/attend parties, or do something else?
44. Movies: Favorite scary movie
45.Novel:Favorite spooky novel
Please come & drop me a couple numbers and then reblog so you can play too
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
when cats head-bump you extra hard, rb if you agree
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
does anyone else have a drink that u just go crazy when u have it ? like i pour myself apple juice and it’s gone in 3 seconds because i can’t control myself around it
rb & tag what drink u can’t have around u for more than 5 seconds
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
I love how the romantics were unable to tell if they were feverish or experiencing an (1) emotion.
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
Reblog if it's okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
when u call for ur cat n u hear the lil pap pap pap of their feet as they come to u
reblog if u agree
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
How to help Amazônia:
You can donate to SOS Amazônia which is one among the 100 NGOs selected as “The Largest NGOs in Brazil”.
> > > ( ENGLISH: //doe.sosamazonia.org.br/en ) < < <
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And remember: - 1 USD is 4,04 reais. - 1 EUR is 4,47 reais. If you donate only $2,50 USD (10 reais) you’re helping a lot.
If you donate only $2,30 EUR (10 reais) you’re helping a lot. About people saying “the minimum value is $10”: Even if you’re not from Brazil you can donate in REAL instead of donating in USD or EUR via Paypal, so… YES, you can donate less than 10 dollars or euros. (Just don’t change the currency to USD or EUR, Paypal converts your dollars/euros to reais.)
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Please. Boost if possible, this is REALLY important.
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
for the last 2+ weeks, the Amazon has been catching fire. Yes, it’s the season where that’s normal but because of the sayings (aka incentive) of our new president, some farmers are taking advantage of that and intentionally setting the trees on fire. Yesterday, because of this, the sky of São Paulo looked like this. AT THREE IN THE AFTERNOON.
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Hospitals of the northern states are filling up with people (especially children and seniors) claiming they can’t breathe properly. ALREADY ENDANGERED ANIMALS ARE DYING. THIS IS SERIOUS.
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Germany and Norway, huge donators to the Amazon cause will stop sending money because they don’t see results (that can also be credited to our president, who has been tweeting angrily ever since - not because he cares about the environment, btw). That money gives this guy and his team equipment to save little guys like these:
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THIS AFFECTS EVERYONE, NOT JUST BRAZILIANS. The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world, and it’s being destroyed. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.
If your country is holding elections, vote for someone who cares about this. Don’t let another Bolsonaro or another Trump have the power to do something and then do nothing. This is going to shape our future — if we have one.
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side note: not to sound bitter or ungrateful but also like what’s up with Europe… y’all exploited South America for centuries but just because you “aren’t seeing results” you stop helping altogether?? if you really wanted to help you wouldn’t stop because you think you aren’t helping lol
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
I’m going to be okay. I’m invincible.
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
Please don’t take it personally when I don’t reply to your texts. Please don’t leave me when I try to isolate myself. It’s easy for me to shut everything out but I’m trying to get better and I’m trying to learn to ask for help.
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
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This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
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sorsalapsi · 5 years
if we’re dating and you see me lying down on my bed, you’re 100% allowed to just lay down on top of me
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