Do you have a masterlist
Yup, here’s the link http://sky-full-of-imagines.tumblr.com/post/151587364837/masterlist
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Hey there! I’ve been really into your imagines but I was wondering if you have a masterlist so it’s easier to find all of them? Love your writing
Thank you so much! Here’s the link to the masterlist! http://sky-full-of-imagines.tumblr.com/post/151587364837/masterlist
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okay so I just read Romance languages and honestly it was so cute since I speak both languages too and it was just so cute lol !!!
aww thank you so much!!!
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Vive la France (Remus Lupin x Reader)
So how about a reader who’s been friends with Moony when they were little children, but who then got separated because he went to Hogwarts and she - to Beauxbatons. And then somewhere around the fifth year she transfers to Hogwarts, and Remus realizes he has a thing for her but he doesn’t show. So then the Marauders start to hit on her deliberately in order to make Remus jealous and get him to tell her about with feelings? Lots of fluff, maybe? Thank you so much in advance! You are so talented it’s inhuman!
I love love loved this request!! I tried to write a French accent so I hope I did an okay job, I took French for six years so I hope my phrases are accurate!
French translations:
Vivante: lively
Amis: friends
Mes amis: my friends
Oui: yes
Ma chère: my dear
Tais-toi: be quiet/shut up.
Maman et papa: mommy and daddy.
Y/Nm: your nickname
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You adjusted your black robes for what seemed to be the hundredth time, missing the blue of your former uniform. Your mother sent you a comforting look as she waved one last time before you were being directed towards the Headmaster’s office where you would be sorted into your Hogwarts house. You were a transfer student from Beauxbatons, only a month into the school term so you still had time to catch up in your lessons. Your father had landed a much better job in London, much closer to Hogwarts so it was decided that it might do your family some good to turn a new leaf. You nervously sat in front of Dumbledore and another professor, McGonagall if you recalled correctly.
“Don’t be nervous dear, now, the sorting hat will determine which house you belong in, then we’ll have one of the Prefects from that house come and escort you to your lessons and give you a tour of the school.” He said kindly as you politely nodded. Ever since your parents told you that you would be switching schools, you promptly wrote to your best friend, Remus Lupin; you two grew up together but then once you moved to France you didn’t see each other as often, but you wrote to each other every week and tried to at least visit him once every year. You remembered how nervous he was when he told you about his condition, but you didn’t care that he was a werewolf, he was still your sweet best friend, you were more worried about his well-being, remembering how the full moons took a toll on him and you hoped that they were easier to deal with now that he was older. Remus attended Hogwarts, and you were bursting with excitement at the prospect of going to school with him. Your nerves seemed to have betrayed you because you were drawing a blank at which house he belonged to…what if you were placed in a different house…
You were knocked out of your thoughts when Dumbledore placed the hat gently on top of your hair.
“Hmm…a cunning mind…yes very cunning indeed, but extremely witty and creative as well. We certainly can’t box you in a house with just one of those traits…yes, you’ll do good in Gryffindor, I can see great bravery in you, not afraid of the unknown.” Said the hat after a couple of minutes. You saw the witch next to Dumbledore smile.
“Well Miss L/N, looks like you’re in my house. I’ll go find my Prefect and he’ll be your guide for the day. I’m sure you’ll make Gryffindor proud.” Professor McGonagall said, and with that she left the office. After a few minutes she came back, next to her was the familiar face of your favorite, chocolate lover, lanky best friend.
“REMUS!” you exclaimed before hugging him. He chuckled in response, hugging you back.
“I’m glad you got sorted into Gryffindor Y/Nm.” He said fondly.
“Mr. Lupin, today you are in charge of showing Miss L/N around, make her feel welcomed but I’m sure the latter won’t be a problem.” Dumbledore said, shooting McGonagall a knowing smile. Remus nodded, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink while you blushed slightly next to him.
You both exited the headmaster’s office, walking in a comfortable silence.
“Let me guess, you completely forgot each house and were slightly panicking while the hat ominously whispered in your ear?” he said, a goofy smile making its way on his face.
“Oh shut up…but yes, I did. But hey! At leas’ we are in zhe same house!” you responded, shoving him slightly to the side, as he chuckled.
“Well, as you can see the castle is big, not as big as Beauxbatons but still quite impressive.”
“My friends back at Beauxbatons would kill me, but I am starting to like Hogwarts a lot more.” you said softly as you looked around the castle walls, taking in the moving portraits and the low candlelight that adorned the archways.
“I wouldn’t say so just yet, our resident dead prankster, Peeves, will have you singing a different tune I’m sure.” He said as he led you up a long staircase, warning you of a loose floorboard.
“Speaking of prankster… didn’t you mention how your best friends were big on pranks? What did you call yourselves… ah yes, zhe explorerz?” you teased.
“Very funny, and it’s marauders.” He said with a good natured eye roll.
“Explorerzs, marauderzs, same thing. Either way, I’m looking forwar’ to meeting your amis!” you said cheerfully.
“Hope they don’t scare you off, love.” He added as he led you towards the dining hall.
“There’s about ten minutes until lunch, figured we could come a bit earlier. The tables are divided by each house: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.” He explained as he pointed to the four long tables, each already set with countless of silverware, plates and goblets.  You both made your way to the Gryffindor table and soon enough the great hall was filling up with students, all eager to eat and relax before their afternoon lessons.
You were too caught up in your thoughts, and people watching, that you didn’t notice the three boys that came to sit down next to you and Remus.
“Should we poke her?”
“Yeah, let’s poke the new cute girl Prongs, it’ll be real smooth.”
“Shut up, Pads, it’s not like you’re coming up with any good ideas.”
“Will you two stop ogling my best friend?” Remus snapped, glaring at the two boys. Sirius and James got quiet for a few seconds but then their eyes lit up with understanding, a smirk making its way on each of their faces. Remus waved them off and turned to you, tapping your shoulder softly and bringing you back to reality.
“Y/N, these are my friends, Sirius Black, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew.” He said pointing to each of them. They each waved but Sirius and James were on a mission to get a reaction out of Remus so they each pulled out their charm, much to Remus’s displeasure.
“Pleasure to meet you, and might I add just how fortunate we are to have you here. Our very own beauty, our treasure. We shall admire and guard you, I’ll alerts the knights.”
“That’s right, Sirius.” James said, doing an elaborate bow as Remus rolled his eyes.
“Well Remus wasn’t kidding when he said you were a bit vivante.” You said chuckling slightly. At hearing your accent Sirius and James smirked even more, shooting a fleeting look towards Remus who was glaring at them, if looks could kill…
“Is that a French accent I hear?” Sirius asked.
“Oui, I’m a transferred student from ze magic school in France, Beauxbatons. Did Remus not tell you?” you answered, smiling as you saw how your goblet refilled itself.
“No, he didn’t. In fact, he didn’t even tell us you were coming today.” James said.
“Remus would love for her to come, isn’t that right Moony?” Sirius added with a sly smile.
“For Merlin’s sake, both of you shut up…” Remus grumbled; he was quite thankful that you didn’t catch the double meaning behind Sirius’s words seeing as how you were busy deciding which pastry to choose from.
Lunch went on, the boys kept asking you questions about Beauxbatons and how it was different from Hogwarts, but before you could keep on talking about it, the bell rang signaling the end of the lunch hour.
“Come on, Y/Nm, we have Potions next.” Remus said kindly as he picked up your bag for you.
“Fear not Moony, we can escort Y/N! Think of us as her handsome bodyguards.” Sirius offered. Before Remus could object you spoke up.
“It’s okay, I love to ‘ear the fun facts Remus has about the castle! Besides I missed ‘im very much.” You said as took his arm and led him towards the exit.
“Well, I think we got our job cut out for us. Y/N is definitely into our dear Moony, and is not shy about showing it, but Moony is a bit more on the shy side of the looove spectrum.” James pondered out loud.
“You’re right, I think operation Vive la France is a go.” Sirius concluding, earning an approving nod from James as Peter merely watched, shaking his head at his meddling best friends.
As the weeks went by you began to feel at home at Hogwarts, you wrote to your friends weekly, and your parents were very happy with how well you were adjusting. Remus was over the moon by how you were settling in and he was extremely fond of your study dates, although you had never called them that, but he liked to think of them as dates. Little did he know you felt the same way.
“Oi! Y/N! Where are you headed? We’re going to the lake before dinner, we want to lure out Ollie out.” Sirius called out as he ran to catch up with you in the hallway.
“Ollie? Did you name ze giant squid Ollie.”
“Yes we did. He’s a Virgo, extremely picky when it comes to snacks…” James trailed off.
“Sorry mes amis, but I’m meeting Remus at the library, he’s been helping me with my Eenglish and I don’t want to be late.” you said as politely, smiling to yourself by the mere fact of seeing Remus.
“Oh really? We’ll join you!” Sirius said brightly, bursting with excitement at the thought of his and James’s plan finally going into play.
You three made your way to the library, James and Sirius whispering to themselves and eyeing you suspiciously every so often. You simply brushed it off, thinking that they were simply plotting their next “super-secret” prank. After a few minutes of walking next to the whispering duo, you all made it to the library, you guided them towards yours and Remus’s spot, near the back of the library where there was a fireplace that Remus would light during each of your study sessions knowing how cold you got.
“Bonjour, Remus! I found our friends while I was on my way ‘ere. They insisted on joining us.” You greeted him and explained why the two marauders were with you.
“Hello Y/N, James, Sirius. I’m sure these two were probably incredibly annoying and for that I apologize.” Remus chuckled.
“No more annoying zan usual.” You replied, laughing softly.
Soon you both set to work and after a few minutes James coughed three times, signaling Sirius to put their plan into action, Sirius nodded and so it began.
“Say, ma chère, you look lovelier than ever. Even the reddest rose shrivels in comparison to your beauty.” Sirius said casually, leaning into your side, taking a hold of your hand. At his actions Remus’ eyebrows shot up, almost dropping the quill he was writing with.
“Zank you, but you should really go back to your essay if you want to finish it.” you answered politely. Remus visibly relaxed by how you brushed Sirius’ charm off. Another half an hour passed, Remus was in the middle of correcting your essay, checking for spelling and grammar mistakes while the two boys were doodling on the corner of their parchments. All was peace and quiet until James broke the silence.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Yes, James?”
“Are you doing anything this weekend?” he asked with a growing smirk. Out of the corner of his eye he saw how Remus stopped reading your Transfiguration essay and was looking intently at the two of you.
“No, I don’t zhink so.”
“Well, then I think we should go to Hogsmeade together, we can go to Madam Puddifoot’s.” he continued smoothly.
“’ow kind of you, but I will have to say no, maybe you could take Lily.” You said politely, going back to your current essay, not noticing how Remus was glaring at James with such an intensity that if looks could kill the poor boy would’ve been history. A few minutes went by and you excused yourself as you went to look for a book to finish your essay. As soon as you walked away Remus turned to his two friends.
“Care to explain what in the bloody hell was that all about?” he asked seething.
“Whatever do you mean, Moony?” Sirius asked coyly, as James snickered next to him.
“The flirting! With Y/N! and the asking her out!” he whispered-shouted, not wanting Madam Pince to come and yell at them.
“Moony, do you care if we flirt with Y/N? I mean you have said countless of times that she’s just a friend…”
“Oh sod off, James.” He muttered as he went back to editing your essay, not daring to make eye contact with his friends. You were coming back, but before you could make your presence known Sirius made a stopping motion with his hand as well as bringing his pointer finger his lips, signaling you to keep quiet. You were standing behind Remus, confused at to what was going on.
“Well, well, well, Sirius, I think Remus likes Y/N.”
“Hmm you might be right, Prongs.”
“So what if I do, now can you two shut up before she comes back…”
“Ha! We knew it! Just tell her how you feel, she’s obviously into you.” James shrugged as if it was the easiest thing in the world.
“No she’s not. She’s this great, incredibly pretty, charming, funny girl, and I’m just a dorky werewolf.” He said defeated, not noticing that you have been standing behind him for the last few minutes, hearing the whole conversation. You cleared your throat, making your presence known, Remus dropped his quill as his eyes widened comically.
“I zhink you are wrong. You are so much more zhan zat and I like you, a lot. So how about we steal James’s idea and go to Hogsmeade together?” you said, blushing by your confession. Remus starred at you, wide-eyed as Sirius and James eagerly watched your exchange from the sidelines.
“I would love that.” Remus said after ten long seconds. You smiled brightly. The two of you went back to work, brushing into each other’s hands and arms more than usual or necessary. The quiet atmosphere was soon interrupted by Sirius’s stomach growling, signaling you all that it must be almost time for dinner. You all packed your belongings, Remus taking hold of your bag and hand, and made your way to the dining hall.
“So does this mean we get to call you both mom and dad?” Sirius asked as you kissed Remus on the cheek once he set your bag down and sat next to you.
“Sirius, for the love of Merlin…” Remus started.
“Tais-toi.” You finished.
“Okay fine, maman et papa…” he said smirking which earned him a slap on the back of his head by Remus. James spit out his pumpkin juice due to how much he was laughing.
“If you don’t stop laughing, I’ll hit you next.”
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You're an amazing author and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your pieces! Bless you and your amazing skills!!!
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! you’re too kind and you literally just made my night!
x A
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Vive la France (Remus Lupin x Reader)
So how about a reader who's been friends with Moony when they were little children, but who then got separated because he went to Hogwarts and she - to Beauxbatons. And then somewhere around the fifth year she transfers to Hogwarts, and Remus realizes he has a thing for her but he doesn't show. So then the Marauders start to hit on her deliberately in order to make Remus jealous and get him to tell her about with feelings? Lots of fluff, maybe? Thank you so much in advance! You are so talented it's inhuman!
I love love loved this request!! I tried to write a French accent so I hope I did an okay job, I took French for six years so I hope my phrases are accurate!
French translations:
Vivante: lively
Amis: friends
Mes amis: my friends
Oui: yes
Ma chère: my dear
Tais-toi: be quiet/shut up.
Maman et papa: mommy and daddy.
Y/Nm: your nickname
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You adjusted your black robes for what seemed to be the hundredth time, missing the blue of your former uniform. Your mother sent you a comforting look as she waved one last time before you were being directed towards the Headmaster’s office where you would be sorted into your Hogwarts house. You were a transfer student from Beauxbatons, only a month into the school term so you still had time to catch up in your lessons. Your father had landed a much better job in London, much closer to Hogwarts so it was decided that it might do your family some good to turn a new leaf. You nervously sat in front of Dumbledore and another professor, McGonagall if you recalled correctly.
“Don’t be nervous dear, now, the sorting hat will determine which house you belong in, then we’ll have one of the Prefects from that house come and escort you to your lessons and give you a tour of the school.” He said kindly as you politely nodded. Ever since your parents told you that you would be switching schools, you promptly wrote to your best friend, Remus Lupin; you two grew up together but then once you moved to France you didn’t see each other as often, but you wrote to each other every week and tried to at least visit him once every year. You remembered how nervous he was when he told you about his condition, but you didn’t care that he was a werewolf, he was still your sweet best friend, you were more worried about his well-being, remembering how the full moons took a toll on him and you hoped that they were easier to deal with now that he was older. Remus attended Hogwarts, and you were bursting with excitement at the prospect of going to school with him. Your nerves seemed to have betrayed you because you were drawing a blank at which house he belonged to…what if you were placed in a different house...
You were knocked out of your thoughts when Dumbledore placed the hat gently on top of your hair.
“Hmm…a cunning mind…yes very cunning indeed, but extremely witty and creative as well. We certainly can’t box you in a house with just one of those traits…yes, you’ll do good in Gryffindor, I can see great bravery in you, not afraid of the unknown.” Said the hat after a couple of minutes. You saw the witch next to Dumbledore smile.
“Well Miss L/N, looks like you’re in my house. I’ll go find my Prefect and he’ll be your guide for the day. I’m sure you’ll make Gryffindor proud.” Professor McGonagall said, and with that she left the office. After a few minutes she came back, next to her was the familiar face of your favorite, chocolate lover, lanky best friend.
“REMUS!” you exclaimed before hugging him. He chuckled in response, hugging you back.
“I’m glad you got sorted into Gryffindor Y/Nm.” He said fondly.
“Mr. Lupin, today you are in charge of showing Miss L/N around, make her feel welcomed but I’m sure the latter won’t be a problem.” Dumbledore said, shooting McGonagall a knowing smile. Remus nodded, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink while you blushed slightly next to him.
You both exited the headmaster’s office, walking in a comfortable silence.
“Let me guess, you completely forgot each house and were slightly panicking while the hat ominously whispered in your ear?” he said, a goofy smile making its way on his face.
“Oh shut up…but yes, I did. But hey! At leas’ we are in zhe same house!” you responded, shoving him slightly to the side, as he chuckled.
“Well, as you can see the castle is big, not as big as Beauxbatons but still quite impressive.”
“My friends back at Beauxbatons would kill me, but I am starting to like Hogwarts a lot more.” you said softly as you looked around the castle walls, taking in the moving portraits and the low candlelight that adorned the archways.
“I wouldn’t say so just yet, our resident dead prankster, Peeves, will have you singing a different tune I’m sure.” He said as he led you up a long staircase, warning you of a loose floorboard.
“Speaking of prankster… didn’t you mention how your best friends were big on pranks? What did you call yourselves… ah yes, zhe explorerz?” you teased.
“Very funny, and it’s marauders.” He said with a good natured eye roll.
“Explorerzs, marauderzs, same thing. Either way, I’m looking forwar’ to meeting your amis!” you said cheerfully.
“Hope they don’t scare you off, love.” He added as he led you towards the dining hall.
“There’s about ten minutes until lunch, figured we could come a bit earlier. The tables are divided by each house: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.” He explained as he pointed to the four long tables, each already set with countless of silverware, plates and goblets.  You both made your way to the Gryffindor table and soon enough the great hall was filling up with students, all eager to eat and relax before their afternoon lessons.
You were too caught up in your thoughts, and people watching, that you didn’t notice the three boys that came to sit down next to you and Remus.
“Should we poke her?”
“Yeah, let’s poke the new cute girl Prongs, it’ll be real smooth.”
“Shut up, Pads, it’s not like you’re coming up with any good ideas.”
“Will you two stop ogling my best friend?” Remus snapped, glaring at the two boys. Sirius and James got quiet for a few seconds but then their eyes lit up with understanding, a smirk making its way on each of their faces. Remus waved them off and turned to you, tapping your shoulder softly and bringing you back to reality.
“Y/N, these are my friends, Sirius Black, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew.” He said pointing to each of them. They each waved but Sirius and James were on a mission to get a reaction out of Remus so they each pulled out their charm, much to Remus’s displeasure.
“Pleasure to meet you, and might I add just how fortunate we are to have you here. Our very own beauty, our treasure. We shall admire and guard you, I’ll alerts the knights.”
“That’s right, Sirius.” James said, doing an elaborate bow as Remus rolled his eyes.
“Well Remus wasn’t kidding when he said you were a bit vivante.” You said chuckling slightly. At hearing your accent Sirius and James smirked even more, shooting a fleeting look towards Remus who was glaring at them, if looks could kill…
“Is that a French accent I hear?” Sirius asked.
“Oui, I’m a transferred student from ze magic school in France, Beauxbatons. Did Remus not tell you?” you answered, smiling as you saw how your goblet refilled itself.
“No, he didn’t. In fact, he didn’t even tell us you were coming today.” James said.
“Remus would love for her to come, isn’t that right Moony?” Sirius added with a sly smile.
“For Merlin’s sake, both of you shut up...” Remus grumbled; he was quite thankful that you didn’t catch the double meaning behind Sirius’s words seeing as how you were busy deciding which pastry to choose from.
Lunch went on, the boys kept asking you questions about Beauxbatons and how it was different from Hogwarts, but before you could keep on talking about it, the bell rang signaling the end of the lunch hour.
“Come on, Y/Nm, we have Potions next.” Remus said kindly as he picked up your bag for you.
“Fear not Moony, we can escort Y/N! Think of us as her handsome bodyguards.” Sirius offered. Before Remus could object you spoke up.
“It’s okay, I love to ‘ear the fun facts Remus has about the castle! Besides I missed ‘im very much.” You said as took his arm and led him towards the exit.
“Well, I think we got our job cut out for us. Y/N is definitely into our dear Moony, and is not shy about showing it, but Moony is a bit more on the shy side of the looove spectrum.” James pondered out loud.
“You’re right, I think operation Vive la France is a go.” Sirius concluding, earning an approving nod from James as Peter merely watched, shaking his head at his meddling best friends.
 As the weeks went by you began to feel at home at Hogwarts, you wrote to your friends weekly, and your parents were very happy with how well you were adjusting. Remus was over the moon by how you were settling in and he was extremely fond of your study dates, although you had never called them that, but he liked to think of them as dates. Little did he know you felt the same way.
“Oi! Y/N! Where are you headed? We’re going to the lake before dinner, we want to lure out Ollie out.” Sirius called out as he ran to catch up with you in the hallway.
“Ollie? Did you name ze giant squid Ollie.”
��Yes we did. He’s a Virgo, extremely picky when it comes to snacks…” James trailed off.
“Sorry mes amis, but I’m meeting Remus at the library, he’s been helping me with my Eenglish and I don’t want to be late.” you said as politely, smiling to yourself by the mere fact of seeing Remus.
“Oh really? We’ll join you!” Sirius said brightly, bursting with excitement at the thought of his and James’s plan finally going into play.
You three made your way to the library, James and Sirius whispering to themselves and eyeing you suspiciously every so often. You simply brushed it off, thinking that they were simply plotting their next “super-secret” prank. After a few minutes of walking next to the whispering duo, you all made it to the library, you guided them towards yours and Remus’s spot, near the back of the library where there was a fireplace that Remus would light during each of your study sessions knowing how cold you got.
“Bonjour, Remus! I found our friends while I was on my way ‘ere. They insisted on joining us.” You greeted him and explained why the two marauders were with you.
“Hello Y/N, James, Sirius. I’m sure these two were probably incredibly annoying and for that I apologize.” Remus chuckled.
“No more annoying zan usual.” You replied, laughing softly.
Soon you both set to work and after a few minutes James coughed three times, signaling Sirius to put their plan into action, Sirius nodded and so it began.
“Say, ma chère, you look lovelier than ever. Even the reddest rose shrivels in comparison to your beauty.” Sirius said casually, leaning into your side, taking a hold of your hand. At his actions Remus’ eyebrows shot up, almost dropping the quill he was writing with.
“Zank you, but you should really go back to your essay if you want to finish it.” you answered politely. Remus visibly relaxed by how you brushed Sirius’ charm off. Another half an hour passed, Remus was in the middle of correcting your essay, checking for spelling and grammar mistakes while the two boys were doodling on the corner of their parchments. All was peace and quiet until James broke the silence.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Yes, James?”
“Are you doing anything this weekend?” he asked with a growing smirk. Out of the corner of his eye he saw how Remus stopped reading your Transfiguration essay and was looking intently at the two of you.
“No, I don’t zhink so.”
“Well, then I think we should go to Hogsmeade together, we can go to Madam Puddifoot’s.” he continued smoothly.
“’ow kind of you, but I will have to say no, maybe you could take Lily.” You said politely, going back to your current essay, not noticing how Remus was glaring at James with such an intensity that if looks could kill the poor boy would’ve been history. A few minutes went by and you excused yourself as you went to look for a book to finish your essay. As soon as you walked away Remus turned to his two friends.
“Care to explain what in the bloody hell was that all about?” he asked seething.
“Whatever do you mean, Moony?” Sirius asked coyly, as James snickered next to him.
“The flirting! With Y/N! and the asking her out!” he whispered-shouted, not wanting Madam Pince to come and yell at them.
“Moony, do you care if we flirt with Y/N? I mean you have said countless of times that she’s just a friend…”
“Oh sod off, James.” He muttered as he went back to editing your essay, not daring to make eye contact with his friends. You were coming back, but before you could make your presence known Sirius made a stopping motion with his hand as well as bringing his pointer finger his lips, signaling you to keep quiet. You were standing behind Remus, confused at to what was going on.
“Well, well, well, Sirius, I think Remus likes Y/N.”
“Hmm you might be right, Prongs.”
“So what if I do, now can you two shut up before she comes back…”
“Ha! We knew it! Just tell her how you feel, she’s obviously into you.” James shrugged as if it was the easiest thing in the world.
“No she’s not. She’s this great, incredibly pretty, charming, funny girl, and I’m just a dorky werewolf.” He said defeated, not noticing that you have been standing behind him for the last few minutes, hearing the whole conversation. You cleared your throat, making your presence known, Remus dropped his quill as his eyes widened comically.
“I zhink you are wrong. You are so much more zhan zat and I like you, a lot. So how about we steal James’s idea and go to Hogsmeade together?” you said, blushing by your confession. Remus starred at you, wide-eyed as Sirius and James eagerly watched your exchange from the sidelines.
“I would love that.” Remus said after ten long seconds. You smiled brightly. The two of you went back to work, brushing into each other’s hands and arms more than usual or necessary. The quiet atmosphere was soon interrupted by Sirius’s stomach growling, signaling you all that it must be almost time for dinner. You all packed your belongings, Remus taking hold of your bag and hand, and made your way to the dining hall.
“So does this mean we get to call you both mom and dad?” Sirius asked as you kissed Remus on the cheek once he set your bag down and sat next to you.
“Sirius, for the love of Merlin…” Remus started.
“Tais-toi.” You finished.
“Okay fine, maman et papa…” he said smirking which earned him a slap on the back of his head by Remus. James spit out his pumpkin juice due to how much he was laughing.
“If you don’t stop laughing, I’ll hit you next.”
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Stubborn and Sick (Draco x Reader)
can you do an imagine where you’re draco’s girlfriend and you’re in slytherin but you’re sick one day so you stay behind in his bed while he takes care of you?xx
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You groggily woke up from your restless slumber, wincing at the soreness of your throat and at the pounding headache that made focusing hard.
“Merlin, Y/N, you look like you just got kissed by a dementor.” Pansy exclaimed as she entered your room.
“Just what a girl wants to hear.” You croaked out, barely above a whisper.
“I came here to wake you up thinking that you overslept but now I’m here to forbid you from going to lessons. You look like death.”
“Pansy, it’s probably just a head cold.” You said, standing up and heading towards your wardrobe, grabbing a clean uniform and heading towards the bathroom.
“Pans, I’m fine. Just don’t tell Draco, he’ll over react and I really can’t miss lessons, our O.W.Ls are just around the corner.”
“Honestly, you hang out with the golden dorks way too much…” she muttered playfully. After a few minutes you and Pansy finally came down to the Slytherin common room where Draco and the rest of the gang was waiting for you.
“What took you so long, love?” Draco asked as he took your hand in his. You cleared your throat before answering, hoping that you wouldn’t sound as sick as you felt.
“Oh you know me, always oversleeping. Pansy was kind enough to make sure I woke up in time.” Draco snorted.
“Pansy, kind? Yeah right. But nevertheless, I’m glad you’re here, I was starting to get worried but with the bloody enchantments on the stairs I wouldn’t have made it past the second step.” You merely nodded, trying your hardest to focus on what your boyfriend was saying as he led you to the dining hall to grab a quick bite before heading to your first lesson, Charms.
“Y/N, do you want a muffin?” Draco asked you after a few minutes, you were still starring at your oatmeal that you didn’t even hear him. It took him three more times before you finally came to your senses.
“Huh? What?”
“You alright, love? I was talking to you for like five minutes and nothing.” He continued, brows furrowed in concern.
“Um, yeah, sorry, I just didn’t sleep that well last night.” You said as you rummaged through your bag looking for a hair tie. You barely wore your hair up so this was quite the warning sign for Draco, that and how flush you were becoming as the minutes passed by. Before he could question you, you stood up hurrying everyone so you wouldn’t be late to class.
You were feeling worse as the lesson went on, Draco kept shooting you worried glances and Pansy whispered how dreadful you looked and how she was worried. Your eyes kept closing and before you knew it, Professor Flitwick was standing in front of your desk.
“Miss L/N, you’re burning up! Miss Parkinson, could you be kind enough to escort her to Madam Pomfrey?” Pansy nodded, taking your arm and guiding you out of the class, leaving a worried Draco behind.
You had a cold, a really nasty one, Madam Pomfrey sent you straight to your room, you might’ve argued for a good five minutes but let’s face it, no one wins against Pomfrey.
You were underneath three blankets, and had a scowl on your face. You hated being sick, it rendered you useless. With another huff you rolled over in bed, hoping to fall asleep.
It must’ve been hours but you were finally awoken by a gentle hand brushing away your damp hair away from your face.
“You had me quite worried today.”
“Draco?” “The one and only.” He said, smiling fondly at you as he laid next to you in bed.
“How did you get into the girls’ dormitories?”
“Trust me, you don’t want to know…” he left off, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. You were too tired and achy to really put much thought into it so you snuggled closer to him.
“Now, you are forbidden from leaving this bed. I got your favorite book, tea with honey, chocolates, I already did your homework for the day, and I’ll go down to the great hall when dinner starts and grab us some soup to soothe your throat.” He listed off.
“Well it doesn’t sound like I have a choice…” you muttered playfully.
“Nope, and I’ll keep you company so fear not fair lady!” Draco said, laughing lightly.
“But what about your Quidditch practice?”
“They can do without me for a day. I don’t want my girlfriend to die of boredom while she’s sick, I have to stay here and make sure she’s as comfortable as possible.”
“My knight in shining armor!” you began laughing but then that soon turned into a coughing fit.
“Yeah, no more laughter, I don’t want you to cough out a lung, Madam Pomfrey would kill me if you lose an organ under my care…” he trailed off as he handed you a steaming cup of tea.
Maybe being sick had its perks after all.
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Hey guys! so I won’t be posting as much as I would like to since I’m in the middle of apartment hunting and juggling an unpaid internship and a part-time job, plus classes start soon! I’m hoping to at least get one or two requests done per week! Thank you for your incredible support! 
xx A
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Run, Sirius, Run (Young Sirius Black x Reader)
Hello, I was wondering if you could write this prompt “um, i don’t know you, but you are headed right towards the grounds, and i don’t have time to explain that i accidentally let all the blast-ended skrewts out of their cages, stop asking questions, you need to RUN” with Sirius pls?
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It was your typical Tuesday night, and as Prefect you were finishing up your nightly patrol of the castle corridors and were now headed towards the grounds to get some well-deserved fresh air. You waved Remus off, assuring him that you would be fine going off alone.
“I mean, our resident fluff ball is at bay tonight, I’ll be fine Rem.” You said jokingly, earning an eye roll from the boy next to you.
“I don’t know who enjoys my furry little problem more, you or James.” You and Remus have been friends since you were kids; you were good friends with his good mate James, but that was about it. There were two other lads that were part of Remus’s group of friends, Peter Pettigrew and the infamous Sirius Black. The latter of the two was the complete opposite of Remus and you often wondered how and why they became such good friends, but you never brought it up, why ruin the magic of it? Regardless, you and Sirius were barely acquaintances.
“Aw come on, you know you love our puns. They make your life a little less…ruff.”
“You could work on your comedic timing.”
“Just go and smuggle some chocolates out of the kitchen or something…” you grumbled as he laughed, bidding you goodbye as he turned the opposite direction.
Usually Remus would insist on staying with you during your post patrol grounds walk but tonight after having to break up two duels and finishing up a 2 feet Transfiguration essay, he knew that you needed your space. The sky was clear, letting the stars glimmer, making it look as if they were dancing in the cosmos, there was also a light breeze, making the night even more perfect. This is just what I needed, you thought.
You decided to come to a stop near Hagrid’s hut since there were some rocks that served as perfectly good makeshift benches. You sat down, taking out your wand and twirling it around your fingers, deep in thought as you sent out swirls of colors and flowers from the tip of your wand. Maybe I should make an effort to get to know the rest of Remus’s friends… I mean Sirius Black can’t be as reckless and annoying as people make him out to be… You decided to get up and walk a little further, enjoying the night air but before you could go on further, something or rather, someone, you weren’t sure yet, grabbed your arm and literally dragged you towards the opposite direction.
“Let go of me! Who are you?! What’s going on?!” you screamed as you ran next to the figure.
“Um, I don’t know you, and I don’t have time to explain but I accidentally let all of the blast-ended Skrewts out of their cages, stop asking questions, we need to bloody run.” Sirius explained. Of course you were being dragged around like a rag doll by none other than the dark haired Marauder.
At the mention of the Skrewts your eyes widened and came to a stop, angering the boy next to you as he kept urging you to run but nevertheless you whipped out your wand and started casting protective spells around the two of you.
“If you would just shut your mouth for ten seconds you would realize that I’m saving both of our arses.” Closing your eyes in concentration you casted a Y/P, Sirius watched in awe as you sent it on its way.
“You can cast a full corporeal patronous?” he asked in amazement.
“So can Remus, whom I just sent a message to. He should be here soon with some back up. There’s no way we can handle about a dozen of Skrewts…” you chuckled.
“Sirius Black.” He said extending his hand towards you.
“Y/N L/N.” you responded.
You both held on to each other’s hands longer than necessary but neither one of you seemed to want to let go, it wasn’t until Remus, James and Peter arrived that you were finally brought back to reality.
“Y/N! Sirius! Are you alright?” Remus asked, concerned etched on his face as he scanned both of you over, looking for any signs of injuries.
“Slightly out of breath and with a minor heart attack thanks to your mate here.” You joked, earning a laugh from Sirius.
“You really do know how to make a first impression, huh Pads?” James asked as he shook his head. He drew out his own wand and started to make his way towards some Skrewts who were nearing your way. Peter waved hello and followed James. Remus soon followed suit, leaving you and Sirius behind. You tied your H/C into a ponytail and rolled up the sleeves of your robe.
“You know, I didn’t think my Tuesday night was going to end rounding up some Skrewts, you owe me, Black.”
“How about a date? You, me, Hogsmeade this weekend.” He smoothly proposed.
“Butterbeers on you.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” He smirked back, grabbing your hand and leading the way towards the Skrewt battle. Maybe you’ll ask him how he “accidentally” set them loose on Saturday…
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Run, Sirius, Run (Young Sirius Black x Reader)
Hello, I was wondering if you could write this prompt "um, i don’t know you, but you are headed right towards the grounds, and i don’t have time to explain that i accidentally let all the blast-ended skrewts out of their cages, stop asking questions, you need to RUN" with Sirius pls?
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It was your typical Tuesday night, and as Prefect you were finishing up your nightly patrol of the castle corridors and were now headed towards the grounds to get some well-deserved fresh air. You waved Remus off, assuring him that you would be fine going off alone.
“I mean, our resident fluff ball is at bay tonight, I’ll be fine Rem.” You said jokingly, earning an eye roll from the boy next to you.
“I don’t know who enjoys my furry little problem more, you or James.” You and Remus have been friends since you were kids; you were good friends with his good mate James, but that was about it. There were two other lads that were part of Remus’s group of friends, Peter Pettigrew and the infamous Sirius Black. The latter of the two was the complete opposite of Remus and you often wondered how and why they became such good friends, but you never brought it up, why ruin the magic of it? Regardless, you and Sirius were barely acquaintances.
“Aw come on, you know you love our puns. They make your life a little less…ruff.”
“You could work on your comedic timing.”
“Just go and smuggle some chocolates out of the kitchen or something...” you grumbled as he laughed, bidding you goodbye as he turned the opposite direction.
Usually Remus would insist on staying with you during your post patrol grounds walk but tonight after having to break up two duels and finishing up a 2 feet Transfiguration essay, he knew that you needed your space. The sky was clear, letting the stars glimmer, making it look as if they were dancing in the cosmos, there was also a light breeze, making the night even more perfect. This is just what I needed, you thought.
You decided to come to a stop near Hagrid’s hut since there were some rocks that served as perfectly good makeshift benches. You sat down, taking out your wand and twirling it around your fingers, deep in thought as you sent out swirls of colors and flowers from the tip of your wand. Maybe I should make an effort to get to know the rest of Remus’s friends… I mean Sirius Black can’t be as reckless and annoying as people make him out to be… You decided to get up and walk a little further, enjoying the night air but before you could go on further, something or rather, someone, you weren’t sure yet, grabbed your arm and literally dragged you towards the opposite direction.
“Let go of me! Who are you?! What’s going on?!” you screamed as you ran next to the figure.
“Um, I don’t know you, and I don’t have time to explain but I accidentally let all of the blast-ended Skrewts out of their cages, stop asking questions, we need to bloody run.” Sirius explained. Of course you were being dragged around like a rag doll by none other than the dark haired Marauder.
At the mention of the Skrewts your eyes widened and came to a stop, angering the boy next to you as he kept urging you to run but nevertheless you whipped out your wand and started casting protective spells around the two of you.
“If you would just shut your mouth for ten seconds you would realize that I’m saving both of our arses.” Closing your eyes in concentration you casted a Y/P, Sirius watched in awe as you sent it on its way.
“You can cast a full corporeal patronous?” he asked in amazement.
“So can Remus, whom I just sent a message to. He should be here soon with some back up. There’s no way we can handle about a dozen of Skrewts…” you chuckled.
“Sirius Black.” He said extending his hand towards you.
“Y/N L/N.” you responded.
You both held on to each other’s hands longer than necessary but neither one of you seemed to want to let go, it wasn’t until Remus, James and Peter arrived that you were finally brought back to reality.
“Y/N! Sirius! Are you alright?” Remus asked, concerned etched on his face as he scanned both of you over, looking for any signs of injuries.
“Slightly out of breath and with a minor heart attack thanks to your mate here.” You joked, earning a laugh from Sirius.
“You really do know how to make a first impression, huh Pads?” James asked as he shook his head. He drew out his own wand and started to make his way towards some Skrewts who were nearing your way. Peter waved hello and followed James. Remus soon followed suit, leaving you and Sirius behind. You tied your H/C into a ponytail and rolled up the sleeves of your robe.
“You know, I didn’t think my Tuesday night was going to end rounding up some Skrewts, you owe me, Black.”
“How about a date? You, me, Hogsmeade this weekend.” He smoothly proposed.
“Butterbeers on you.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” He smirked back, grabbing your hand and leading the way towards the Skrewt battle. Maybe you’ll ask him how he “accidentally” set them loose on Saturday…
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Hi I was wondering if I could use your draco Malfoy imagine (Fell for you) in my book on wattpad. It's filled with my favorite Harry Potter imagines. Even if you say no I wanted to tell you your an amazing author. Thank you!
YES! thank you so so much, I’m absolutely speechless, thank you for your kind words and yes go ahead and use my fic (just give me credit, lol) make sure to pop back in with the link to your book so I can share it!
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Stubborn and Sick (Draco x Reader)
can you do an imagine where you're draco's girlfriend and you're in slytherin but you're sick one day so you stay behind in his bed while he takes care of you?xx
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You groggily woke up from your restless slumber, wincing at the soreness of your throat and at the pounding headache that made focusing hard.
“Merlin, Y/N, you look like you just got kissed by a dementor.” Pansy exclaimed as she entered your room.
“Just what a girl wants to hear.” You croaked out, barely above a whisper.
“I came here to wake you up thinking that you overslept but now I’m here to forbid you from going to lessons. You look like death.”
“Pansy, it’s probably just a head cold.” You said, standing up and heading towards your wardrobe, grabbing a clean uniform and heading towards the bathroom.
“Pans, I’m fine. Just don’t tell Draco, he’ll over react and I really can’t miss lessons, our O.W.Ls are just around the corner.”
“Honestly, you hang out with the golden dorks way too much…” she muttered playfully. After a few minutes you and Pansy finally came down to the Slytherin common room where Draco and the rest of the gang was waiting for you.
“What took you so long, love?” Draco asked as he took your hand in his. You cleared your throat before answering, hoping that you wouldn’t sound as sick as you felt.
“Oh you know me, always oversleeping. Pansy was kind enough to make sure I woke up in time.” Draco snorted.
“Pansy, kind? Yeah right. But nevertheless, I’m glad you’re here, I was starting to get worried but with the bloody enchantments on the stairs I wouldn’t have made it past the second step.” You merely nodded, trying your hardest to focus on what your boyfriend was saying as he led you to the dining hall to grab a quick bite before heading to your first lesson, Charms.
“Y/N, do you want a muffin?” Draco asked you after a few minutes, you were still starring at your oatmeal that you didn’t even hear him. It took him three more times before you finally came to your senses.
“Huh? What?”
“You alright, love? I was talking to you for like five minutes and nothing.” He continued, brows furrowed in concern.
“Um, yeah, sorry, I just didn’t sleep that well last night.” You said as you rummaged through your bag looking for a hair tie. You barely wore your hair up so this was quite the warning sign for Draco, that and how flush you were becoming as the minutes passed by. Before he could question you, you stood up hurrying everyone so you wouldn’t be late to class.
You were feeling worse as the lesson went on, Draco kept shooting you worried glances and Pansy whispered how dreadful you looked and how she was worried. Your eyes kept closing and before you knew it, Professor Flitwick was standing in front of your desk.
“Miss L/N, you’re burning up! Miss Parkinson, could you be kind enough to escort her to Madam Pomfrey?” Pansy nodded, taking your arm and guiding you out of the class, leaving a worried Draco behind.
You had a cold, a really nasty one, Madam Pomfrey sent you straight to your room, you might’ve argued for a good five minutes but let’s face it, no one wins against Pomfrey.
You were underneath three blankets, and had a scowl on your face. You hated being sick, it rendered you useless. With another huff you rolled over in bed, hoping to fall asleep.
It must’ve been hours but you were finally awoken by a gentle hand brushing away your damp hair away from your face.
“You had me quite worried today.”
“Draco?” “The one and only.” He said, smiling fondly at you as he laid next to you in bed.
“How did you get into the girls’ dormitories?”
“Trust me, you don’t want to know…” he left off, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. You were too tired and achy to really put much thought into it so you snuggled closer to him.
“Now, you are forbidden from leaving this bed. I got your favorite book, tea with honey, chocolates, I already did your homework for the day, and I’ll go down to the great hall when dinner starts and grab us some soup to soothe your throat.” He listed off.
“Well it doesn’t sound like I have a choice…” you muttered playfully.
“Nope, and I’ll keep you company so fear not fair lady!” Draco said, laughing lightly.
“But what about your Quidditch practice?”
“They can do without me for a day. I don’t want my girlfriend to die of boredom while she’s sick, I have to stay here and make sure she’s as comfortable as possible.”
“My knight in shining armor!” you began laughing but then that soon turned into a coughing fit.
“Yeah, no more laughter, I don’t want you to cough out a lung, Madam Pomfrey would kill me if you lose an organ under my care…” he trailed off as he handed you a steaming cup of tea.
Maybe being sick had its perks after all.
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The Louvre (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
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You were the only daughter of one of the wealthiest pureblood families, everyone thought you would’ve been sorted into Slytherin but you were instead sorted into Gryffindor. The first couple of years you mostly kept to yourself, but then you met the infamous golden trio during your third year and now you were the fourth member of the former trio; after sharing a cabin together on the train, you instantly clicked. You were as studious as Hermione, as daring as Harry, and as carefree as Ron. 
Soon enough no one found you without one of them, from studying late at night in the common room with Hermione to raiding the kitchen with Ron. Well that was until the last week before the summer term. During Potions, Snape had decided that he would switch partners for the final exam and to your luck, you were paired up with Draco instead of Harry.
“If you cost us this exam I swea-” Draco began off coolly, but you cut him off with an air of confidence.
“Your father will hear about it? Don’t worry Malfoy, I’ll make sure you get to tell daddy dearest that you got an Outstanding.” you replied, arching an eyebrow at him while he instantly shut up, clearly not used to someone speaking that way to him. It unnerved him, but in a good way.
And you weren’t wrong, you and Draco got an Outstanding, something that surprised him considering how he didn’t even manage that on a weekly basis.
“Told ya so.” You said as you gathered your things and headed out the door, leaving the Malfoy heir speechless for the first time in his life.
The rest of the week flew by and next thing you know, you were hugging your friends’ goodbye at King’s Cross, promising Mrs. Weasley that you will stay at the burrow for the second half of your summer vacation.
As you and your family made your way across the station with your trunk you spotted Draco, you thought he would throw a dirty look your way but much to your surprise, he simply smiled at you, not a big toothy grin, it was a rather shy smile but a smile nonetheless. You returned it and carried on towards the family car.
A few days had gone past and so far your summer vacation was proving to be quite boring, until that fateful Tuesday. You were strolling down Diagon Alley, waiting for your father to finish doing whatever he had to do at Gringotts, you were so engrossed with all of the colorful summer flowers that adorned the window sills of some of the shops that you weren’t paying attention to where you were walking. Next thing you know you literally bumped into none other than Draco Malfoy.
“Woah, are you alright there, Y/N?” he said, his hands holding your waist to keep you from falling. You didn’t know what shocked you the most, that you were clumsy enough to fall in public, that you fell into Draco or that he knew your name.
“Um, yeah, I’m sorry, I should’ve been watching where I was going.” You said, blushing slightly at just how close you were.
“That’s quite alright. Rather bump into just you than the rest of your quartet.” He replied in a light, teasing tone.
“Are my ears deceiving me or is Draco Malfoy joking around?” you laughed, as he shrugged.
“I don’t know, let me take you out for a sundae at Florean’s and we can discuss it.” he said smoothly. You eyed him wearily, unsure whether or not to take his offer, but you weren’t one to get scared from the unknown so you smiled brightly and said,
“I would love to.”
And that was just the beginning.
Well, summer slipped us underneath her tongue Our days and nights are perfumed with obsession Half of my wardrobe is on your bedroom floor Use our eyes, throw our hands overboard
  After that Tuesday afternoon at Florean’s you spent every other day at either his manor or yours. Your parents absolutely adored him and his parents loved that he was seeing such a promising young lady, even though you were a Gryffindor. The fact that you were a pureblood made up for it.
Nights turned into days and days turned into nights, summer was passing by way too quickly for your liking and you were wondering just what this was, were you two just having a summer fling? Were you dating?
You were pulled from your thoughts by Draco calling your name over and over.
“You alight there love?”
“What are we?” you bluntly asked.
“Come again?” Draco said, clearly confused by your question.
“Us, what is this? We go back to Hogwarts in a month and I don’t know, we never stated just what this is. I mean you met my parents for Merlin’s sake!” you ranted, standing up from his bed, throwing the book you were previously reading to the side as he chuckled.
“Considering that I have at least one jumper of yours for every day of the week in one of my drawers because you always forget them here, I would safely say that we are dating, Y/N. Not to mention that I know for a fact that you steal my jumpers. I saw one on your bedroom floor last week.”
“You could’ve asked…you know, formally.”
“Are you seriously mad I never properly asked you to be my girlfriend?” he asked, laughing as you pouted, looking away knowing that your cheeks must resemble Ron’s hair.
“Y/N L/N, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked, bowing deeply as he were some sort of night.
“Oh sod off.” You said laughing as he captured your lips with his.
  A rush at the beginning I get caught up, just for a minute But lover, you’re the one to blame, all that you’re doing Can you hear the violence? Megaphone to my chest
  You were hastily packing your trunk as Draco lazily played with your tabby cat, Harold, a scowl on his handsome face.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, as you shut your trunk with a flick of your wand, coming down to sit next to him on your bed.
“Nothing.” He said curtly.
“Do you really have to go spend a week with the Weasleys?”
“Like I told you a thousand times, I do, I promised my friends I would. Besides it’s just a week, then I’ll go stay at the manor until the term starts, I promise.” You said kissing him softly.
“Very well, but I’ll pick you up tomorrow bright and early so we can go have breakfast together one last time.” Who knew Draco Malfoy would be a lovesick puppy.
Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make ‘em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it
  While you were at the burrow you kept looking for the right time to tell your best friends about you and Draco but it never seemed like the right time. The week flew by and soon enough you were using the Floo network to get to the Malfoy Manor where Draco was waiting for you.
What little remained of your summer break was filled with end of the summer parties from pureblood families, which meant that everyone that was anyone knew about the wealthy power couple that you and Draco were. Which meant that your friends would bound to hear about it.
You were sitting in the garden, taking a breather from the stuffy party crowd inside. Lost in your thoughts you didn’t even notice Draco coming up behind you.
“I told mum not to make a big announcement like that about us but you know how she is…I’m sorry.” He murmured as he wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your shoulder softly.
“It’s not that Draco, it’s just that…” you trailed off.
“Go on, love.” He encouraged you.
“It’s a well-known fact that Harry, Hermione, Ron and you don’t get along. And I’ve grown rather fond of you… I just don’t want you to hurl insults at them and vice versa. Merlin knows just how much they hate me for not telling them about us.” You admitted, adverting your gaze from his piercing grey eyes.
“Well you’re not wrong. I’m rather fond of you but not of them, but for you, I’ll try to be civil. I won’t be best of mates with them, but I’ll keep the comments to myself.” He said, with that you let out a sigh of relief at which he chuckled.
“Now come on, they’ll think we’re up to no good if we don’t go back in there.” He said taking your hand in his as he led back inside.
  Our thing progresses, I call and you come through Blow all my friendships to sit in hell with you But we’re the greatest, they’ll hang us in the Louvre Down the back, but who cares, still the Louvre
  Okay I know that you are not my type (still I fall) I’m just the sucker who let you fill her mind (but what about love?) Nothing wrong with it, supernatural Just move in close to me, closer, you’ll feel it coasting
  Just as you predicted it, Ron and Harry were beyond livid once they spotted you at King’s Cross. Your mother suppressed her laughter seeing them flail their arms, asking you a million of questions.
“YOU DO KNOW HE’S DRACO MALFOY RIGHT?” Ron yelled, scaring your cat as you looked between him and Harry.
“Y/N, IS HE BLACKMAILING YOU? We can call Snuffles or Remus!” Harry added.
“Is it a love potion?! Maybe we can contact Dumbledore before we get there so he can have the antidote ready!”
“Guys, GUYS! Shut up! Yes, I know that he’s a Malfoy, no, he’s not blackmailing me and we do not need to contact them, and lastly, it is not a love potion, you git.” You listed off as you tried to calm down your squirming cat.
“But Y/N, why didn’t you tell us? Mr. Weasley came home three days ago saying how everyone at the ministry kept buzzing about the latest Malfoy soirée and how his parents made a big announcement about their son. It was about how he was dating another powerful pureblood heir, you.” Hermione said, finally speaking out, a tone of hurt and resentment in her voice.
“I just didn’t know how to tell you; I know how ever since first year you all have not been in the best of terms with him. I was scared that you wouldn’t be my friends anymore.” You confessed.
“Now that’s bloody ridiculous. We’re just worried for you and yes, this will take some time to get used to but we’re here for you and we will try to be civil.” Harry said, hugging you softly, soon enough the rest of trio were hugging you, amidst the commotion your cat broke free from your arms and ran off straight into a tall, blonde figure.
“Missing someone, love?” Draco asked, holding your cat tightly since he was squirming so much.
“You know Harold; he doesn’t like it when he’s not the center of attention.” He chuckled and then noticed the golden trio, who were watching him apprehensively. He nodded politely at them and they returned the gesture, although it looked like it took Ron all of his will power not to shout at him.
“I’ll go get us a cabin, I’ll take this fat fluff ball with me.” He said, kissing your cheek and taking Harold along with him. You turned back to your friends but before you could get a word out, Ron cut you off.
“I take it you’re not sitting with us on the way to Hogwarts, eh?”
“I’m sorry Ron, but I’ll obviously sit with you guys during the feast.” You promised, hugging them one last time before you followed after Draco.
Once classes started, everyone kept talking about you and Draco, and how could they not? It wasn’t every day that a Slytherin prefect dated a Gryffindor. They constantly saw you bantering over the silliest of things, and it was a daily occurrence that Draco would be spotted running after your cat. No one could’ve imagine that the once cold Slytherin prince was now nothing but mirth and joy, well around you, around others he was still that cold prince. Just like at all of those summer parties, people looked and talked about the two of you with an air of awe, you parted hallways as you both walked hand in hand. Even the paintings themselves would coo over you both.
A rush at the beginning I get caught up, just for a minute But lover, you’re the one to blame, all that you’re doing Can you hear the violence? Megaphone to my chest
“They’re cute, don’t you think?” Hermione asked Ron and Harry as she spotted you two down by the lake, relaxing under an old oak tree.
“A little too cute. It’s like they’re living in a photoshoot, they’re so perfect!” Ron exclaimed.
“Oh hush up.” Hermione laughed as Harry snickered.
Even though you were deemed as the it couple at Hogwarts, that didn’t mean that everyone thought so. At the beginning of the term, the twins and many other Gryffindors would keep a close eye on you whenever you were with Draco. Draco’s friends were still weary of you, especially Pansy. But you both learned to ignored the whispers and snide comments because it didn’t matter to you both.
Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it
It was almost midnight and you were up at the astronomy tower, watching the clear night sky. Harold was purring next to you, and you were twirling your wand in in between your fingers, waiting for Draco to finish up with his prefect duties.
After a few minutes the door opened and he came in carrying two mugs of hot chocolate, Dobby trailing behind him with a plate of cookies.
“Dobby has come to help Draco! Dobby likes Draco very much because Draco treats miss Y/N kindly.” Dobby said cheerily, setting down the plate next to you.
“It’s so nice to see you, Dobby.” You said, smiling at the cheerful house elf. After a few minutes he bid you both farewell and went back to the kitchen.
You were both quiet for a few minutes, enjoying each other’s company.
“Who would’ve thought that we would be here…you being nice to house elves, and civil towards my friends.” you mused.
“Well, people do crazy things when they’re in love.” He answered, smiling as you moved closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it
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The Louvre (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
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You were the only daughter of one of the wealthiest pureblood families, everyone thought you would’ve been sorted into Slytherin but you were instead sorted into Gryffindor. The first couple of years you mostly kept to yourself, but then you met the infamous golden trio during your third year and now you were the fourth member of the former trio; after sharing a cabin together on the train, you instantly clicked. You were as studious as Hermione, as daring as Harry, and as carefree as Ron. 
Soon enough no one found you without one of them, from studying late at night in the common room with Hermione to raiding the kitchen with Ron. Well that was until the last week before the summer term. During Potions, Snape had decided that he would switch partners for the final exam and to your luck, you were paired up with Draco instead of Harry.
“If you cost us this exam I swea-” Draco began off coolly, but you cut him off with an air of confidence.
“Your father will hear about it? Don’t worry Malfoy, I’ll make sure you get to tell daddy dearest that you got an Outstanding.” you replied, arching an eyebrow at him while he instantly shut up, clearly not used to someone speaking that way to him. It unnerved him, but in a good way.
And you weren’t wrong, you and Draco got an Outstanding, something that surprised him considering how he didn’t even manage that on a weekly basis.
“Told ya so.” You said as you gathered your things and headed out the door, leaving the Malfoy heir speechless for the first time in his life.
The rest of the week flew by and next thing you know, you were hugging your friends’ goodbye at King’s Cross, promising Mrs. Weasley that you will stay at the burrow for the second half of your summer vacation.
As you and your family made your way across the station with your trunk you spotted Draco, you thought he would throw a dirty look your way but much to your surprise, he simply smiled at you, not a big toothy grin, it was a rather shy smile but a smile nonetheless. You returned it and carried on towards the family car.
A few days had gone past and so far your summer vacation was proving to be quite boring, until that fateful Tuesday. You were strolling down Diagon Alley, waiting for your father to finish doing whatever he had to do at Gringotts, you were so engrossed with all of the colorful summer flowers that adorned the window sills of some of the shops that you weren’t paying attention to where you were walking. Next thing you know you literally bumped into none other than Draco Malfoy.
“Woah, are you alright there, Y/N?” he said, his hands holding your waist to keep you from falling. You didn’t know what shocked you the most, that you were clumsy enough to fall in public, that you fell into Draco or that he knew your name.
“Um, yeah, I’m sorry, I should’ve been watching where I was going.” You said, blushing slightly at just how close you were.
“That’s quite alright. Rather bump into just you than the rest of your quartet.” He replied in a light, teasing tone.
“Are my ears deceiving me or is Draco Malfoy joking around?” you laughed, as he shrugged.
“I don’t know, let me take you out for a sundae at Florean’s and we can discuss it.” he said smoothly. You eyed him wearily, unsure whether or not to take his offer, but you weren’t one to get scared from the unknown so you smiled brightly and said,
“I would love to.”
And that was just the beginning.
 Well, summer slipped us underneath her tongue Our days and nights are perfumed with obsession Half of my wardrobe is on your bedroom floor Use our eyes, throw our hands overboard
 After that Tuesday afternoon at Florean’s you spent every other day at either his manor or yours. Your parents absolutely adored him and his parents loved that he was seeing such a promising young lady, even though you were a Gryffindor. The fact that you were a pureblood made up for it.
Nights turned into days and days turned into nights, summer was passing by way too quickly for your liking and you were wondering just what this was, were you two just having a summer fling? Were you dating?
You were pulled from your thoughts by Draco calling your name over and over.
“You alight there love?”
“What are we?” you bluntly asked.
“Come again?” Draco said, clearly confused by your question.
“Us, what is this? We go back to Hogwarts in a month and I don’t know, we never stated just what this is. I mean you met my parents for Merlin’s sake!” you ranted, standing up from his bed, throwing the book you were previously reading to the side as he chuckled.
“Considering that I have at least one jumper of yours for every day of the week in one of my drawers because you always forget them here, I would safely say that we are dating, Y/N. Not to mention that I know for a fact that you steal my jumpers. I saw one on your bedroom floor last week.”
“You could’ve asked…you know, formally.”
“Are you seriously mad I never properly asked you to be my girlfriend?” he asked, laughing as you pouted, looking away knowing that your cheeks must resemble Ron’s hair.
“Y/N L/N, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked, bowing deeply as he were some sort of knight.
“Oh sod off.” You said laughing as he captured your lips with his.
 A rush at the beginning I get caught up, just for a minute But lover, you're the one to blame, all that you're doing Can you hear the violence? Megaphone to my chest
 You were hastily packing your trunk as Draco lazily played with your tabby cat, Harold, a scowl on his handsome face.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, as you shut your trunk with a flick of your wand, coming down to sit next to him on your bed.
“Nothing.” He said curtly.
“Do you really have to go spend a week with the Weasleys?”
“Like I told you a thousand times, I do, I promised my friends I would. Besides it’s just a week, then I’ll go stay at the manor until the term starts, I promise.” You said kissing him softly.
“Very well, but I’ll pick you up tomorrow bright and early so we can go have breakfast together one last time.” Who knew Draco Malfoy would be a lovesick puppy.
 Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it
 While you were at the burrow you kept looking for the right time to tell your best friends about you and Draco but it never seemed like the right time. The week flew by and soon enough you were using the Floo network to get to the Malfoy Manor where Draco was waiting for you.
What little remained of your summer break was filled with end of the summer parties from pureblood families, which meant that everyone that was anyone knew about the wealthy power couple that you and Draco were. Which meant that your friends would bound to hear about it.
You were sitting in the garden, taking a breather from the stuffy party crowd inside. Lost in your thoughts you didn’t even notice Draco coming up behind you.
“I told mum not to make a big announcement like that about us but you know how she is…I’m sorry.” He murmured as he wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your shoulder softly.
“It’s not that Draco, it’s just that…” you trailed off.
“Go on, love.” He encouraged you.
“It’s a well-known fact that Harry, Hermione, Ron and you don’t get along. And I’ve grown rather fond of you… I just don’t want you to hurl insults at them and vice versa. Merlin knows just how much they hate me for not telling them about us.” You admitted, adverting your gaze from his piercing grey eyes.
“Well you’re not wrong. I’m rather fond of you but not of them, but for you, I’ll try to be civil. I won’t be best of mates with them, but I’ll keep the comments to myself.” He said, with that you let out a sigh of relief at which he chuckled.
“Now come on, they’ll think we’re up to no good if we don’t go back in there.” He said taking your hand in his as he led back inside.
 Our thing progresses, I call and you come through Blow all my friendships to sit in hell with you But we're the greatest, they'll hang us in the Louvre Down the back, but who cares, still the Louvre
 Okay I know that you are not my type (still I fall) I'm just the sucker who let you fill her mind (but what about love?) Nothing wrong with it, supernatural Just move in close to me, closer, you'll feel it coasting
 Just as you predicted it, Ron and Harry were beyond livid once they spotted you at King’s Cross. Your mother suppressed her laughter seeing them flail their arms, asking you a million of questions.
“YOU DO KNOW HE’S DRACO MALFOY RIGHT?” Ron yelled, scaring your cat as you looked between him and Harry.
“Y/N, IS HE BLACKMAILING YOU? We can call Snuffles or Remus!” Harry added.
“Is it a love potion?! Maybe we can contact Dumbledore before we get there so he can have the antidote ready!”
“Guys, GUYS! Shut up! Yes, I know that he’s a Malfoy, no, he’s not blackmailing me and we do not need to contact them, and lastly, it is not a love potion, you git.” You listed off as you tried to calm down your squirming cat.
“But Y/N, why didn’t you tell us? Mr. Weasley came home three days ago saying how everyone at the ministry kept buzzing about the latest Malfoy soirée and how his parents made a big announcement about their son. It was about how he was dating another powerful pureblood heir, you.” Hermione said, finally speaking out, a tone of hurt and resentment in her voice.
“I just didn’t know how to tell you; I know how ever since first year you all have not been in the best of terms with him. I was scared that you wouldn’t be my friends anymore.” You confessed.
“Now that’s bloody ridiculous. We’re just worried for you and yes, this will take some time to get used to but we’re here for you and we will try to be civil.” Harry said, hugging you softly, soon enough the rest of trio were hugging you, amidst the commotion your cat broke free from your arms and ran off straight into a tall, blonde figure.
“Missing someone, love?” Draco asked, holding your cat tightly since he was squirming so much.
“You know Harold; he doesn’t like it when he’s not the center of attention.” He chuckled and then noticed the golden trio, who were watching him apprehensively. He nodded politely at them and they returned the gesture, although it looked like it took Ron all of his will power not to shout at him.
“I’ll go get us a cabin, I’ll take this fat fluff ball with me.” He said, kissing your cheek and taking Harold along with him. You turned back to your friends but before you could get a word out, Ron cut you off.
“I take it you’re not sitting with us on the way to Hogwarts, eh?”
“I’m sorry Ron, but I’ll obviously sit with you guys during the feast.” You promised, hugging them one last time before you followed after Draco.
 Once classes started, everyone kept talking about you and Draco, and how could they not? It wasn’t every day that a Slytherin prefect dated a Gryffindor. They constantly saw you bantering over the silliest of things, and it was a daily occurrence that Draco would be spotted running after your cat. No one could’ve imagine that the once cold Slytherin prince was now nothing but mirth and joy, well around you, around others he was still that cold prince. Just like at all of those summer parties, people looked and talked about the two of you with an air of awe, you parted hallways as you both walked hand in hand. Even the paintings themselves would coo over you both.
 A rush at the beginning I get caught up, just for a minute But lover, you're the one to blame, all that you're doing Can you hear the violence? Megaphone to my chest
 “They’re cute, don’t you think?” Hermione asked Ron and Harry as she spotted you two down by the lake, relaxing under an old oak tree.
“A little too cute. It’s like they’re living in a photoshoot, they’re so perfect!” Ron exclaimed.
“Oh hush up.” Hermione laughed as Harry snickered.
Even though you were deemed as the it couple at Hogwarts, that didn’t mean that everyone thought so. At the beginning of the term, the twins and many other Gryffindors would keep a close eye on you whenever you were with Draco. Draco’s friends were still weary of you, especially Pansy. But you both learned to ignored the whispers and snide comments because it didn’t matter to you both.
 Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it
It was almost midnight and you were up at the astronomy tower, watching the clear night sky. Harold was purring next to you, and you were twirling your wand in in between your fingers, waiting for Draco to finish up with his prefect duties.
After a few minutes the door opened and he came in carrying two mugs of hot chocolate, Dobby trailing behind him with a plate of cookies.
“Dobby has come to help Draco! Dobby likes Draco very much because Draco treats miss Y/N kindly.” Dobby said cheerily, setting down the plate next to you.
“It’s so nice to see you, Dobby.” You said, smiling at the cheerful house elf. After a few minutes he bid you both farewell and went back to the kitchen.
You were both quiet for a few minutes, enjoying each other’s company.
“Who would’ve thought that we would be here…you being nice to house elves, and civil towards my friends.” you mused.
“Well, people do crazy things when they’re in love.” He answered, smiling as you moved closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
 Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it Broadcast the boom boom boom boom And make 'em all dance to it
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20 years since the magic began. I owe this series a lot, I always know that Hogwarts will be there for me. 
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J.K Rowling and God themselves could tell me that Sirius and Remus had no feelings for each other, and I still wouldn’t believe it.
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Hogwarts Houses as
songs from Harry Styles
“You flower, you feast.”
Sign of the Times
“Just stop your crying, baby, it'll be alright.”
From the Dining Table
“We haven't spoke since you went away Comfortable silence is so overrated Why won't you ever say what you want to say?”
Two Ghosts
“Tastes so sweet, looks so real Sounds like something that I used to feel But I can't touch what I see.”
Sweet Creature
“Wherever I go, you bring me home.”
“She's driving me crazy, but I'm into it, but I'm into it I'm kinda into it.”
Ever Since New York
“Oh, tell me something I don't already know.”
Only Angel
“I'm just happy getting you stuck in between my teeth And there's nothing I can do about it.”
Meet me in the Hallway
“I gotta get better, gotta get better And maybe we'll work it out.”
“She's got a book for every situation Gets into parties without invitations How could you ever turn her down?”
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