sorserah · 4 months
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Chapter 9: Search and Destroy
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Outsider No More | Goro Takemura & Female V/OC
And then he understands, clearly understands what she had been feeling, trying to tell him. And he now realizes too, he does not want to lose her either. 
An interpretation of how a romance between Takemura and Corpo Female V could have been. Changing between Vs and Takemuras POV. Mostly following the main story of the game, adding bits and pieces here and there for a little bit more depth. So spoilers ahead.
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18+, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Panic Attacks, Death, Blood and Injury, Corpo V (Cyberpunk 2077, Takemuras POV, Vs pov, Alcohol, Sexual Tension, Flirting, Denial of Feelings, Internal Conflict, they are both idiots, Guilt, Overthinking, Smut, Sex, Romantic, Gestures
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„We have arrived at your desired location.“ Delamain announces as they drive onto an empty parking spot in front of the abandoned apartment block. I still can’t believe you are actually going to see him, after everything he pulled off. We can be happy we made it out alive just a few minutes ago. I know Johnny, V leans her head back into the seat. I wish I wouldn’t have to, you know. V swings open the back door, gets out and they make their way towards the apartment. You could, you are just too weak. Unfortunately, I can’t make you do anything - yet - but please keep him on a short leash this time. Because I still don’t fucking trust him.
He appears in front of her as she climbs up the last set of stairs. V, for our own sake, we check on him and then delta the fuck outta here before Arasaka finds us. It’s just a matter of time now. We find another way, I promise. You are right, fine, guess that would be best, but… No V! No buts, you lost your damn mind and we both know exactly why. She shoves him aside. Again he blocks her way, his voice furious. You know what, you really are pathetic. He pushes you away twice, fucks up our whole mission and you still want to risk your own life for him. Run to him like a well-trained dog, just like he is, except not for you but for Arasaka. Get this into your fucking head V.
V stops in front of number three-zero-three, Johnnys words hurt her, not because they are particularly meaner than normal, but because she could feel a little truth to them. She turns to Johnny again. Okay, we make a deal alright. Last chance for him. I talk to him about the mission, Hanako, what’s next, et cetera, and about whatever is between us. No straight answer and I will be gone. Guess that’s all I can hope for anyways and he vanishes. Facing the door she lifts up her fist, hesitating, suddenly shaking a bit of nervousness. She knocks four times.
Takemura opens the door pulls her close to him and closes the door again in one swift movement. He presses her into his chest, one hand on her back, the other occupied with his rifle. „Are you okay?“ He asks as he shoves her a few inches in front of her, still very close. His hand wandering from her back, over her hand and up her arm, softly stroking her shoulders and neck, stopping at her cheek, gently stroking his thumb over it while searching every spot of her face with his eyes. She hadn't expected this sudden tenderness at all, she utters confused „Yea.“
„I feared they had caught you.“ She grabs his hand, pulling it away from her face. Though grabbing it tightly the study metal resisting against her grip. „Goro, you know how feared I was, I am?!“ Her voice an angry whisper, sharpening with every word „Gonna tell me what the fuck you were thinking?! Hanako is the most wanted person in the world, every Arasaka soldier is on our trail.“ He is still looking at her intensely, his voice likewise muted „I am aware. That is why we should not waste any time.“
Takemura moves sideways and nods into the direction of a table, where someone is sitting already. Startled, she finally lets go of his hand. „I offered her some tea…“ V can’t help but laugh „You kidnap Hanako Arasaka and offer her a cup of fuckin’ tea?!“ She could see a slight grin on his face „It was your idea.“ „Oh no, this wasn’t my idea. I made a joke. I will not take any responsibility for your actions here Goro.“ He looks down, pawing the ground „I would never expect this from you. And she…respectfully declined.“ V sighs, „Okay, just let’s get this over with.“ Both serious again „Tell her the truth about Yorinobu, no embellishment. And state your terms clearly. Perhaps she will listen.“
„Hanako, I am sorry we have to speak under these circumstances.“ „This is the second time I have heard this today.“ V sits down at the table towards Hanako, Takemura remains next to Hanako and starts talking to her in Japanese „Hanako-sama. This is the woman I spoke of. Please, listen on what she has to say.“ V looks straight at her, she on the other hand avoids her eyes „Hanako. I was there when it happened. It was Yorinobu. He…he had an argument with your father, said he had enough and then strangled him. I saw it with my own eyes.“ Hanako looks at V, her face full of disgust and arrogance. „You must be mad to think I will listen to such nonsense. Who are you to think you can talk to me this way?!“
V rolls her eyes, she had seen enough of her kind in the Corpo world, people like her don’t change. They are the same type. Let them hear what they want to hear, offer them something they can use for themselves and they are yours - well and you're theirs - if you keep the bargain. V leans forward both elbows on the table. „Look. I know it’s a lot to take in, let alone believe. I also know you are an honorable person, worthy of trust. And that’s why I wanna make you an offer.“ Finally, Hanako looks at V „You? Make me an offer?“ „Exactly. The Relic your brother tried to hawk off to NetWatch is in my head. Right now. Took a bullet to the brain, but the tech on the biochip saved me. Now, it’s slowly killing me.“ V quickly glances over at Takemura, he was looking at his hands. „One of you personality constructs, engrams, is overwriting my psyche. Gotta stop the process before it’s too late. I know you got the means to help me. And this first case sure will be interesting for Arasaka as well.“
Right after V finishes her sentence Takemura makes a few steps towards Hanako, a touch of desperation in his voice „Hanako-sama!“, while he is talking he was unable to keep his eyes off V, „V is living proof of the terrible crime your brother committed. We can confirm every word she speaks if only you will help her with the Relic. It is a matter of life and death.“ As Hanako doesn’t answer he turns his eyes away from V and toward her. „Hanako-sama?“ She looks down again, still not answering.
A clanking sound could be heard from the hallway. Out of reflex, V and Takemura both grab their weapons. He faces her, whispering again „Did you hear that?“ She nods „Can you check?“ He asks her and she thinks she sees a deeply worried expression on his face again for a short time. Wordlessly she stands up, tightens her weapon holster, reloads her weapon, and silently walks over to the door, „I got a bad feeling about this.“ She places one ear at the door, nothing. Carefully she opens it a gap, nothing. The door creaks a bit as she opens it even wider and looks into the hallway.
„No, not now!“ Although she could not see anything in front of her, the next moment she is crouching on the floor. At Takemura's outcry and the accompanying machine-gun sounds, her body had reacted automatically. He is still at the table, shielding Hanako. The next moment, however, she is blinded by a grenade and could no longer see anything and shortly after the ground beneath her feet collapses and she falls into the darkness.
V, wake up! Johnnys face appears over hers. Last chance to get the fuck outta here! V needs a while to orient herself. „No, Goro. Can’t leave him back there!“ Forget him, guy’s toast! Less’ you wanna wind up like him! The sensation of a fist hitting her in the stomach at full tilt, no, it couldn't be. Stumbling slightly, she frees herself from the concrete remains of the former floor. He can’t be dead. Again she pulls out her gun and makes her way into the hallway, her heart racing, eyes watering from the dust in the air and the possibility of her next loss.
V sneaks past some Arasaka soldiers to the closest stairwell. The fuck you doin’? You lost it?! He’s beyond any sort of help! I wanna see this for myself! She climbs up the stairs, taking her shotgun and shoots her way recklessly to the following floor and the room, not listing to the voice in her head telling her to turn around. Around another corner and she could hear others regardless of her own gunshots. Encouraged by this, she jumps over the collapsed ceiling back into the room where they were sitting earlier and eliminates two more soldiers.
She glances around the room. Nothing, her breath became heavy, she feels a lump in her throat, more tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. Behind her, she hears the reloading of a gun. She quickly turns around and points hers at the suspect. Takemura had emerged from his cover aiming at her. „V! You are alive?!“ His voice full of pain, breathless. „You should not have returned! You will die here with me!“ V lowers her gun, still looking at him. She doesn’t care that her eyes were burning from the dust and concrete and that they watered to protect themselves and out of relief to see him standing here. „Then so be it.“
He walks a few steps towards her, his eyebrows raised, an expression on his face she hadn’t seen before. „V…I…“ „There is no time, thank me later. We need to find a way out now - fast!“ „There are empty rooms to the right. It’s our only chance!“ They creep through the dark rooms, lit only by flare cartridges until they reach the exit which is blocked by several soldiers. The soldiers discover them first, an exchange of fire inevitable. Takemura steps in front of V, shielding her and starts shooting first.
Ultimately, only V and Takemura are left standing. Breathlessly she asks „You hurt?“ Takemura is crouching on the ground „I do not think so, you?“ She shakes her head. Though when they walk out of the door she collapses, her sight glitching, head nearly exploding. No, not again. Around them they could hear drones and helicopters. „V, we have to keep going!“ She is shaking, twitching, unable to get control over her body. The world is spinning. „I…I can’t.“ Two strong hands lift her up, carrying her way.
„The cab!“ she mumbles and was grateful to have chosen it today. It would blend perfectly into the traffic. „Bring us out of the city!“ Takemura demanded as he lays V down softly onto the backseat, leaning over her once again. Her vision stabiles again. „Now approaching ‚Badlands‘, please provide a more informative location as soon as possible.“ The cab starts to drive forward slowly. She looks up at Takemura „Feels like a déjà vu. Can you help me up?“ Takemura nods and helps her to sit up straight, he places himself next to her.
As they start to maneuver through the traffic, V connects her personal link to the cab „I have an idea where we should be safer than…“ interrupted by gunshots she was just able to enter the coordinates. Takemura had already leaned out the window and started shooting down the drones. V mimics him shortly after.
Together, they manage to lose the drones just as they entered the Badlands. Panting, V gets rid of her jacket, checking first her arms, chest and then legs for wounds. Unbelievably, she is unharmed. She looks over at Takemura „You injured?“ He shakes his head without checking. „You?“ „No.“ As she was done reloading her weapons in her holster he is still staring at her. „Thank you V. You saved my life.“ She snorts „Guess we are even.“ But there wasn’t a sign of a grin on his face.
„The last twenty-four hours…I thought you died, twice.“ His voice hoarse „I understood at the parade what you had told me on the roof…when Oda attacked you. I still understand it now and I regret not understanding it earlier.“ He takes her hand tenderly. „V, I do not want to lose you either.“ Her heart skips a beat. Takemura pulls her towards him. She slips onto his lap and supports herself on his shoulders, looking him in the eyes. They were full of worry, yet full of relief. Both of his hands wander to her jaw, pulling her in for a kiss. Kissing her even hungrier, needier than back in the elevator, tongues more wildly caressing. She moves both hands to the cool metal of his neck while he lets his one slide into her hair, pulling her even closer into the kiss.
When V takes a small break she hears a husky moan slip away from him, she returns the kiss more demanding before pulling away. „So, this okay now?“ She whispers hoarsely. He answers in his mother tongue, her cybernetics providing translations. „はい、今まで以上にあなたが欲しいです Yes. I want you. Now.“ His eyes pitch black, just the small white ring around them indicating where his pupils are moving. His mouth slightly opened, they scan her face, her eyes, cheekbones, lingering on her lips. She grins daring, as her hands stroke over his shoulders to his neck and the collar of his shirt, hastily unbuttoning it. Takemura leans his head back, skims over her back to her hips and makes her slide down further into his crotch. She had to inhale sharply, could already feel his erection. She continues to unbutton his shirt now even faster, removing it and revealing a t-shirt underneath.
Just as she was about to rip the shirt off, Delamain interrupts them both. „We have arrived at the desired location.“ V opens the door to get out, almost falling to the ground while climbing off Takemuras lap. Panam was already running at her. „V, what the fuck are you doing here?!“ „Sorry, we need supplies, maybe firepower. We are on the way to the small house where we hid with Saul. Hopefully, Arasaka won’t find us there and we can lie low for a bit.“ „Arasaka? V what you have done now?“ V raises her eyebrows in confusion „Wait, what are you talking about then?“ „I am talking about this.“ And Panam points to Vs back. And when she turns around she understood what Panam meant. A mile-high wave of red sand was crawling straight their way, swallowing cacti and cars. Even bigger than the one a few days ago. „Oh fuck me, do you have any supplies you can spare at hand? We need to go, I will explain everything later!“
Wordlessly, V throws the bag of supplies onto the backseat, before quickly slamming the door, hopping on the driver's seat, and hitting the gas. On the soft ground, the tires spin, but soon they had picked up speed again. Takemura leans forward, through the seat. His hand clenched to his side. „V, I have never seen such an impressive sandstorm before. We need to find a shelter. “ „I know, we will be there soon. Can you open up the seat in the middle, grabbing the bag from the trunk?“ „What is in it?“ „A blanket, whisky and bandages, toothbrush, fresh underwear, a spare shirt, some water, additional ammo…Stuff I need when I am on the road for a while. Always take it with me, just in case.“
Suddenly V loses grip of the wheel for a second and the car drifts off a bit as the wall of sand hits them „Fuck.“. They couldn’t see anything now, neither inside nor outside. „Night-mode activated.“ Delamain announces as the side and ceiling LEDs start lighting up. „Shit, I will have to follow the small map and hope we don’t hit the cabin or maybe better if we do.“ V presses a button and a larger screen with a local map appears. She wields it to the back. „Goro, can you check for anything that looks like a building on here?“ „To our left is a small square, that it?“ „Maybe, I hope so. Don’t know how long Delamain’s gonna last in this storm.“ „Approximately 10 more minutes before a critical condition of the filters will be reached.“ „Thanks, Del.“
„A little more to the right than we should be there.“ Takemura alludes, „Good.“ V interrupts him quickly. They wouldn’t have much time. „‘Soon as we are there, you take the bags and go inside immediately, shut the door fast. I will check on the generator and make sure it’s running.“ „No V, let me do this.“ He answers, insisting. „No, Goro. I appreciate your well-meant suggestion, but only I know where the switch is…After I am done we have to barricade the door somehow, so neither Arasaka nor this storm can enter.“ „Understood, be careful V and hurry please.“
At least this plan is going smoothly. She leans against the door while Takemura pushes the nearby dresser against it. They also find a roll of duct tape which they used to tape up a few of the cracks. It would be a miracle if Arasaka would find them here in the next hours while the storm rages.
The heater was already running, immersing the entire room in orange-red light. "Not much, but better than nothing." V wipes her face with her arm, sits down on the dresser and takes a sip of water. In the meantime, Takemura insisted to search the few rooms again to make sure that everything is safe. „And? Everything still safe this time?“ Slightly angry she hears him in the bedroom answering „Do not mock me V, one can never be certain enough.“
Eventually, Takemura walks out of the bedroom, advancing with great strides towards her. He reaches her, slides his right hand over her cheek into her hair and pulls her into a fierce kiss. V moans at the suddenness, dropping her water bottle. His hands wander to her lower back, drawing her body closer. She could feel heat building up where they both meet. She reaches down to the end of his t-shirt and slides it over his head, tossing it aside. They hardly notice the fierce wind that strikes the hut.
Finally, she was able to slide her hands over his abs to his shoulders, could feel she makes his flesh crawl. V takes her time taking the view all in. He follows every movement she makes, pupils widened. Carefully she strokes over his augmentations and all the way back to his belt, sliding two fingers under it. As he leans in to kiss her again she grabs his jaw forcefully, stopping his motion. Then, guiding him backwards to the couch until his back of the knee hits it and makes him drop onto it.
Takemura grabs her again with more strength this time, pulling her in his lap, kissing her. She slides her hands over his back, but feels something wet on her hands. She pushes him away and looks at them - dark red blood. „Fuck Goro, this yours?“ he looks at her in confusion. She slips next to him and checks his back. There was a bullet hole near his shoulder blade. No exit wound. Shit. „I do not feel anything V, what is it?“ „You won’t like this. I...“ he reaches for his back and she guides his hand to the injury. „Ah I see. You need to get the bullet out for me. I should not be deep, the endoskeleton on my shoulder blades should have prevented a deeper intrusion.“
V quickly grabs the whisky, bandages and looks for something to grab the bullet. After searching the kitchen drawers she finds a tong. After disinfecting it and Takemura had emptied half the whisky bottle she sits behind him. „Ready?“ She had never done something like this before „Yes. We should get this done quickly. The adrenaline will soon start to vanish.“ Okay she can do this. The best way to start would be, uhm, maybe… „V?“ Takemura turns around. „One second.“ She grabs the whisky and slugs down a good amount before handing it back to him. „I have never done this before. How should I start?“
Takemura guides her through the whole process. Meanwhile, the wind was still howling against the door. Lastly the bullet was out of his body, the wound disinfected, well bandaged, the whisky empty. „We should wash the blood off.“ V was still a little paralyzed by the fact that she had just performed surgery on him. „Yea sure. Just gimme a sec.“ He was already under the shower when she managed to get up and search her bag. She grabs a towel, an oversized clean shirt, since hers was drenched in blood, too, and underwear. Now she was standing awkwardly in front of the bathroom, waiting for Takemura to finish showering. She hears him stepping out of the shower „I uh, I have a clean towel.“ She holds it up in front of the doorframe.
She didn't know exactly why she wasn't just going in - after all, she had been sitting on his lap minutes earlier and had quite different things planned to do with him. But she had lost all her courage in the surgery it seems. He accepted it gratefully and when V also steps out of the bathroom freshly showered, Takemura is already sitting on a mattress he had moved over, half-covered with a blanket in front of the stove. On the ground two beer bottles, a few bags of chips and protein bars. V sits down next to him, slips under the covers too, grabbing two bottles and hands one to him.
„Fuck Goro, these last weeks. I…Every week I think ‘nothing can top this day, for sure’ and somehow it gets topped. Every. Fucking. Day.“ They both look at each other and start laughing out loud. All the tension and adrenaline of the last few hours finally and slowly falls off of them. At last, V wipes her eyes from the tears of laughter before Takemura is the first to start talking again. „You should come to Japan. It is a lot quieter. I think it would do you good. A little rest and vacation is exactly what you deserve right now.“
She shoves away the thought about the biochip „That would actually be pretty nice.“ And simply smiles at him, but wasn’t able to make it look convincing. They finish the beers in silence. The wind had become even stronger in the last hour. They could almost hear how every single grain of sand scraped into the wood. A miracle that the hut held at all. When she leaned sideways she noticed how her vision lagged a little behind. „So how’s your back?“ „It hardly hurts. Even if I have to admit that this is probably largely due to the alcohol.“ „Let me check.“
Takemura slightly turns and V gently strokes over his back. „Looks good. Still clean, the bleeding must have stopped.“ She continues to travel with her fingers upward to his neck and cheek. He turns to her. They were so close again that she could see every detail of his eyes, in which she could lose herself so incredibly easily. Once again they end up kissing, but this time slower, calmer, taking their time. One of his hands resting on her back, the other on her thigh. She could taste the beer on his lips.
V lets her hands wander down his abs down to his crotch. He moans, lips parted, not once looking away from her, his eyelids heavy as V gets up. Standing in front of him she crosses her arms over her head, removing her shirt. Then stepping out of her panties. Standing In front of him, completely naked and he takes it all in.
Takemura reaches forward, pushing the blanket away, pulling her onto his lap. She could feel him growing harder. Like V before, he slides his fingers over her stomach, over her breasts and collarbone to her jaw. She takes his hand, placing his thumb between her teeth, closing her lips around it, driving deeper into his lap. „ファック…“ he hisses before pulling her in again, laying kisses onto her shoulder and neck. She could feel his beard scratching, sending tingles over her soft skin, before finding her mouth again. With each kiss, her chest tingles more intensely, her breathing faster, heart racing.
They pause, their lips barely touching, breathing in each other's air. Takemura tries to move her gently onto the mattress, but groans in pain. „Goro, we can stop.“ „No. I don’t know what will happen after tomorrow. If we both make it out of this.“ He brushes a few strands out of her face, cupping her cheek „I wish we would have more time.“ „Me too.“ She wraps both arms around him and kisses him deeply.
She lifts herself up so he was able to remove his pants. He places kisses on her chest and neck again. V searches Takemuras gaze and finds it, before letting herself slide onto his length, starting to move her hips slowly. They both groan at the sensation. At that moment, for the first time in weeks, V thought of nothing at all. She was completely immersed in this moment, she didn't care about her future any longer. Only him and her, that’s what matters. She takes a small break, keeping her hips completely still, leaning down to kiss him, before continuing with her movements, faster than before.
She uses to couch to support herself, thrusting down harder with every movement. She could feel his hand around her throat, pressing it softly as his breath quickens too. Every now and then their gazes meet before his eyes turn to her body that moves rhythmically up and down. V finds a steady rhythm, moving her hips quicker, digging her fingers into his shoulders. He grabs her hips, pulling her down harder. Moans are now escaping them with increasing frequency, high pitched mixed with low groans blend with the harsh wind of the storm.
Takemura slips his hand between her legs assisting her to reach climax. „Fuck“ she cries out, as she notices a tingling sensation moving from the place where he touches her upward through her entire body. He puts his knees up so she can lean back while he continues to massage her. „Goro, I…Fuck.“ she lets her head fall into her back as her vision fades to black, the tingling sensation dissolving into pleasure. After a few seconds, her breathing calmed down and her vision was clear again.
V pulls him close, kissing him hard. Takemura groans as he grabs her hair tightly and she starts to move her hips again. His groans become louder with each thrust. His eyelids heavy, glancing at her one last time before his eyes close and he inhales sharply. „ファック、V.“ He buries his face in her chest, inside her she feels a pulsing sensation, before he leans back slowly, his eyes still closed.
Freshly showered they are lying next to each other, snacking on some chips. The storm still raging outside. „How is your back?“ V asks. „The pain is back now. But I feel a lot better. Even the food doesn’t taste as bad as normal.“ He smiles at her. A few minutes pass, they finish up eating. She slips next to him under his covers, resting her head on his chest. He gently strokes her back. „I wish this storm would never end.“ She admits quietly, Takemura deeply sighs „A part of me wishes this too.“
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sorserah · 4 months
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Chapter 8: The Parade
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Outsider No More | Goro Takemura & Female V/OC
And then he understands, clearly understands what she had been feeling, trying to tell him. And he now realizes too, he does not want to lose her either. 
An interpretation of how a romance between Takemura and Corpo Female V could have been. Changing between Vs and Takemuras POV. Mostly following the main story of the game, adding bits and pieces here and there for a little bit more depth. So spoilers ahead.
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18+, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Panic Attacks, Death, Blood and Injury, Corpo V (Cyberpunk 2077, Takemuras POV, Vs pov, Alcohol, Sexual Tension, Flirting, Denial of Feelings, Internal Conflict, they are both idiots, Guilt, Overthinking, Smut, Sex, Romantic, Gestures
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With a jolt, Takemura shifts into reverse and drives briskly into an old garage directly across from the facility. „くそ“ he hisses to himself. The very thing he had been trying to protect himself from, the very thing he had been afraid of, happened. He connects his newly purchased personal link with a small tablet and dials V's number, trying to keep a straight head. „I’m in.“ He could hear her whispering, „Good, keep me updated if you reach the terminal.“ He does not like that his thoughts kept wandering to the roof or elevator, to her eyes and lips, and that his body made his chest tingle every time when it happens. Vs heavy breathing when she takes down one or the other Arasaka soldier does not help. Minutes seem like hours, hours of his own torture.
In between, he gives her instructions for what she should do next, which way to go, shortcuts and dangers on the way. Then, finally „Ok, float is ours. You can fly it to Tokyo if you want.“ „I might just do that." V, doesn't reply and he continues. "Good Work! Now it is my turn.“ He opens the security system again, confirming the ‚open-roof’ command, „V, the roof. This is your way out. But hurry an Arasaka AV is approaching!“ He puts the binoculars to his eyes, the AV is only a few seconds away.
Takemura was able to see a dark figure jumping down a nearby roof. „It worked, I’m out.“ He breathes a sigh of relief „Excellent work, V. Now, we must retreat in the shadows,“ he falters „separated. I will contact you tomorrow morning, before the parade. Until then do not try to get into any trouble.“ „Sure.“ She replies brusquely before hanging up.
He breathes out heavily while leaning forward, resting his forehead against his folded hands. He was mad at himself and disappointed in himself. He liked V yes. It had been clear to him that he was also attracted to her, that he enjoyed looking at her, and that - perhaps - he had thought one or two thoughts further - especially under the influence of alcohol. However, his own openness and urge to act towards her had deeply shaken him. How easy it was for him to open up to her about his own past, to share his inner conflict, not thinking about any possible consequences. And then how it had taken him barely a second to kiss her, how he had realized the way his body had reacted to the kiss, wanted more, against his own will. He had believed that everything was somehow less serious for him. The teasing, the flirting, pure attraction, nothing else he hadn't done in the past. He had been absolutely sure that he would be able to control himself in critical moments. And the biggest misconception: He would not deviate from his path, no matter the distraction.
Takemura tries to shake off these thoughts, to get out of his head. Shifting into forwarding gear, he makes his way to a secluded parking lot near the canal, close to Japantown, where he had stayed before. He covers the windows of the vehicle with two blankets from the back seat and leans the driver's seat all the way back. It was already way past twelve, it would be a short night for him.
Every time Takemura closes his eyes he sees Vs black eyes in front of him, getting closer, could still feel her soft lips on his, making his flesh crawl. Now it was not the mission that occupied most of his thoughts, but V. Straining, he tries to shift the images away from his inner vision, to think about tomorrow's mission only. The final day was so close, he could not allow himself to think of anything else now. The last days and weeks had been tremendously exhausting, hardly sleeping more than five hours a night, hardly eating anything - except that one night -, working days and nights to get the information needed. Racking his brain to come up with - hopefully - the best and safest plan. He truly wishes that his accomplished deeds will be enough. Though, another thought slips self-initiated into his mind. Is this even the right thing to do?
Takemura knew his nature perfectly, a strong desire for justice, honorable deeds and loyalty to those who helped him, supported him, showed him and his closest respect. He never had to wrestle with his own identity, never had to ask himself if what he was going to do was the best choice. Not only the best for him, his home, his family, but also for the people who are close to him. However, it was not as easy anymore. For his closest were no longer only Arasaka associates. And this had grown into a bigger problem than he could have imagined. Tomorrow, hopefully, two immensely important people from his life would face each other. He genuinely hoped that Hanako-sama will believe V and him, that they will come to an agreement in a way that will help both parties, because the idea of having to choose one over the other makes his stomach twist.
The next day, the unpleasant sensation in his stomach area had not ceased and as he leans over the railing at the market where the parade will soon take place with his just bought greasy burger and smelled it, it becomes even worse. Quickly tossing the burger down a few hundred meters onto the street, he thinks he probably won’t eat until after the mission. Just as the burger hits the ground Takemura is approached by V, she greets him briefly and his heart skips a beat, the tingling sensation in his is chest back. „Hello, V.“ He smiles at her nervously, but her face remains neutral, masked almost. She was also standing unnecessarily far away from him, turned away so that they could just talk in a normal tone. 
„So, what’s the plan for tonight?“ She asks him, her eyebrows raised, her eyes looking at everything but his. Unsettled to her sudden change in conversation and body language, he knits his brows and needs a while to search for the data shard in one of his pockets. „Here,“ he hands it to her „I adjusted the data Okada-san gave me. I advise you to examine it yourself.“ Wordlessly, she accepts, inserts it, and her eyes begin to glow blue. Still no comment. Takemura continues „The malware works, much better than anticipated. I know where all the sniper positions are. They are a trio, you must make each harmless before they do the same for me and you. If they are all neutralized I start executing my plan.“
She nods and gives the shard back to him. „All clear, so we ready then?“ Takemura nods too, „The parade will begin soon, I will go and wait into position, calling you once it starts. You best wait over there.“ He points to the beginning of the market, a small patio, surrounded by bamboo. „Alright.“ She walks past him, has not looked at him once. The feeling of a stone in the pit of his stomach seemed to swell, to become heavier. No, he couldn’t let her go like his. Takemura turns around quickly and gently catches her by her arm „V, please be careful.“ She looks back at him swiftly, her eyes full of sorrow „You too, Goro.“
Nervously Takemura rubs his hands while walking back briskly across the bridge towards his waiting spot. He wishes he would not have to have as much on his mind. Not only was he nervous about the mission, jumping off a high building at a precise instant of time and facing Hanako-sama as a wanted traitor. But V too. He could hardly eliminate his guilty conscience, had not been able to do so since yesterday, and now it is threatening to make his mission more difficult. The sorrow in her eyes, how abrupt and shortly she had talked to him, only exchanging necessities, no emotion on her face, not even looking at him. This is all because of him, is it not?
He climbs up barricaded stairs of an old skyscraper until he reaches the third floor. Here he sits down on the wide windowsill, inserts the data shard, to go through the positions of the snipers and the float once again. The sun was slowly setting on the horizon. The longer he sits here, the less he was able to ignore his pain. Not only the hunger was nagging at him but also his conscience. He had no choice but to go over last night again. Of course, she acts like the because of him. She had told him yesterday.
The bridge and the adjoining patios slowly begin to become more and more crowded. Soon the air was filled with chatter and laughter. He continues to think about what was said yesterday. She does not want to lose him. Perhaps, the situation reminds her of her mission at Konpeki Plaza, too. Where she had lost someone dearly too and does not want it to happen again. More and more details now flood into his memory. Smaller gestures like the iced coffee, ordering food together, suggesting where to sleep, making his life a lot easier in Night City.
The phone rings, V. „Hey Goro, the parade is about to start. ‘Round five minutes before the first floats arrive. I make my way up to the first sniper. You ready too?“ Takemura tries to collect himself and places his binoculars to his eyes „Yes. Good luck, V. And be careful, you will face Arasaka drones.“ He could hear various loud voices, male, female, raucous laughter and bawling as V makes her way through the crowd. Next, he could see her on a rooftop „You are close. He is almost in front of you.“ He moves his binoculars „He is watching the crowd, not his back. Perfect to strike.“ V chokes the first sniper and seconds later he hears „The first one done, didn’t knew what hit him.“ Relieved Takemura switches from his binoculars to the surveillance cams and continues „Now you must leap to the balcony by the green arrow and take up the elevator. Take it to the top to cross the footbridge.“ „Understood.“
His mind wanders again during the silence in which V makes her way to the second sniper. There had been bigger gestures, the car - certainly, he would not have progressed so well, quickly and safely without it -, Hellman - a shared enemy handed to him on a silver platter - and a safe place to sleep - close to a home. She truly seems to be fond of him, but to what extend? Might she, was she, is she, maybe… „Again, security is substandard! It meets none of our norms! Hanako-sama should not be here.“ V and Takemura are able to hear Odas voice, saking him up once again. „Mhm, it is just as we expected. Oda is here, I will contact you if I have more information about his location.“ „Alright, fuck!“ A sharp metal sound could be heard „V?! Everything okay?“ She answers, breathing heavily but whispering „Yea, just the bridge which was collapsing…Hold on a sec.“ Another harsh collision as he could see her knocking out the second sniper from above and shortly after another heavy cracking.
„What soldiers say? All targets down.“ „Perfect. Good words to hear." he checks the next cameras. "Up the stairs, end of the room you will find a door. It is the shortest route to the last sniper. He positioned himself high.“ „Keep you posted.“ He could barely track her by now, could only occasionally spot her walking by swiftly in a hallway. Nervous again, he fiddles with his hands. The date she had arranged - a beautiful night, he hadn’t had in months, if he was honest with himself. Lastly, a sketch of himself arises in front of his mind’s eye, „..some places and people that feel special to me…“ he remembers, feeling a little warmth rising in his chest. A whisper in his ear bringing him back into the present „All done.“
„Good. One problem remains. I also spotted a net runner here in Arasaka uniform. She is somewhere hidden and has taken control of all the networks. You must get rid of her too. Otherwise, we will not be able to hijack the float.“ „Okay I am on my way.“ „Be careful, V.“ He adds worriedly. She had opened up to him, then he had kissed her and she kissed him, and afterward, he rejected her, had even been a little rude to her. How had he not seen this earlier? Takemura had mainly thought about himself, his justice and his honor, how he could assist Arasaka. Sure, Arasaka was probably also the only way for V to have the biochip removed. However, he had completely ignored her feelings and his own towards her. And there was - is - more to them than he had thought.
„Got the runner.“ The sound of a plug removed, „Been a while time for a break. Goro I got…Fuck!“ „There you are, thief!“ Oda. Just now he was able to hear the heavy clashing of blades before a loud crack confirmed the end of the connection between V and him. „V?!“ He asked completely needlessly into the silence. Repeatedly, he tries to call V again, without any success. Takemura switches through all surveillance cams, but they all had been blacked out with removing the plug. Actually, he had been relaxed about a possible fight against Oda. Oda would hardly dare to attack him, but - again - he had not thought of V. It was not the case that he would not know how capable she was, but he also knew which path one had to take in order to be accepted as a bodyguard by Arasaka. He knows what techniques and weaknesses Oda had, she does not. He had been so simple-minded. Could have at least told her something more about Oda, prepared her for a possible fight. 
Still no answer. Panic begins to rise in him. What if something had happened to her? It would be his fault if Oda had hurt her. His thoughts began to spin. What if it was much worse? Maybe Oda had hurt her so badly that she was dying and couldn't answer. Or maybe she was already dead? His heart is racing in his chest, he feels physically ill, his jaw tense, chest hollow, breathing short. Several minutes had already passed and still nothing. And then he understands, clearly understands what she had been feeling, trying to tell him. He now realizes too, he does not want to lose her either.
Takemura quickly jumps from the windowsill, grabs his rifle, and is at the door in a few steps. However, as he pulls open the door, V finally reaches him. „I…I…“ she is completely out of breath, „V! Are you hurt?! I can be there soon, just hold on.“ He could hear the concern in his own voice, the urgency. „No, I am fine, just a scratch. But Oda…he is hurt…but breathing. You have to get onto the float. I will link into its security system.“ The float - fuck. He turns on his heels and jumps back onto the windowsill in a single movement. Hanako-sama's float is already a solid five meters below him.
„Goro? Hanako is inside. All systems jammed. It’s now or never. Good luck.“ He hives off the window and a few seconds later crashes onto the roof of the float, feeling a sharp pain in his ankle. Ignoring it, he slides off the roof and climbs into the window beneath. No guards - just as expected. He quickly runs down the stairs and arrives at the ground floor. Around another bend and he can already see Hanako-sama sitting at the desk. Takemura greets her with a slight bow „Hanako-sama,“ he continues in Japanese „Please forgive me. I only ask that you listen to me. Your father…“ startled and attacking she replies „How dare you to speak of him?!“ „This is the last thing I can do for him. To reveal to you the truth about his death“ An alarm is hidden in her right hand, Takemura raises his hand placatingly. „Hanako-sama, please.“ But she lunges at him, however, he was prepared and tasers her, catching her. „V, run! Arasaka will be there soon!“
Takemura heaves Hanako-sama over his shoulder, hurries out onto the deck, and manages to jump with her onto a nearby patio. Again and again, he retreats into dark alleys while more and more Arasaka soldiers scurry past him- He thinks about V, hoping she would make it. Finally, he opens the trunk of V's car, apologizes again before putting Hanako-sama inside and starts heading to a secluded apartment he had chosen beforehand. On the way, he calls V and was relieved when she immediately accepted. „V? How are you? Are you secure?“ She is panting again „Yeah, for now…Lost your fucking mind?!“ she screams at him, how he had never heard her before. „There is no time to explain. We must meet.“ „Where are you?“ „I am on my way to an abandoned apartment block on Vine Street. I will be in the second floor, number three-zero-three. Knock four times and please hurry.“
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sorserah · 4 months
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Chapter 7: Gimme Danger
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Outsider No More | Goro Takemura & Female V/OC
And then he understands, clearly understands what she had been feeling, trying to tell him. And he now realizes too, he does not want to lose her either. 
An interpretation of how a romance between Takemura and Corpo Female V could have been. Changing between Vs and Takemuras POV. Mostly following the main story of the game, adding bits and pieces here and there for a little bit more depth. So spoilers ahead.
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18+, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Panic Attacks, Death, Blood and Injury, Corpo V (Cyberpunk 2077, Takemuras POV, Vs pov, Alcohol, Sexual Tension, Flirting, Denial of Feelings, Internal Conflict, they are both idiots, Guilt, Overthinking, Smut, Sex, Romantic, Gestures
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You are a coward, you know that. V moans and opens her eyes a slit. Johnny’s face is resting on a pillow next to hers. What are you talking about? She replies tiredly. You two were half-naked, pressed at each other and drunk. And you didn’t even have the guts to kiss him. Fucking pathetic, he smirks. V rolls onto her back, her apartment already lit in bright daylight. She could hear the shower running. She rubs her eyes. First of all: Why do you care? I thought you hate the thought of me doing anything with him? He leans on his elbow. Hell, I do V, your high-class date yesterday was absolutely disgusting but even worse, you have no balls to do what you feel like.
It’s not that easy okay, flirting is fine but more would be stupid. And why is that?  He sits up straight, leaning against the wall on her bed. Because I need him, we need more intel about the biochip and I want to have as many options as possible to fix this - taps onto her head — no offense. He dismissed it with a wave of his hand. And if I initiate anything and he isn’t interested, well, one option less and a vital one less. Listen V, these are completely stupid concerns you didn’t have yesterday, so shut it and just admit that you are a coward, he's lighting up a cigarette, one thing I can tell you - because I like you a little bit, and I can’t keep watching this shit show - is the ‘Saka Scum wants you as much as you want him. You just don't see it. Trust me. He disappears again. There is only one way to test this V, Johnny whispers insider her head. Ugh, leave me alone, she thinks, knowing full well he is right.
Takemura steps out of the bathroom, still rubbing his head with a towel. Only wearing his pants. „Morning, Goro. Shirts, not your thing?“ She asks boldly, letting her eyes wander over his upper body, not even trying to hide it „It is midday already.“ Observing her eye movement with his eyes, he throws the towel over his shoulders and puts his hair up in a bun. Flexing his muscles unintended. Damn. V just let her turned on countenance show and Takemura continues seemingly unperturbed „Also I cannot wear my shirt when you are wearing it.“ She looks down, she must have thrown it over her sportswear after they left the gym yesterday and simply went to bed with it.
„Uh, sorry. Wanted to shower as well anyway. And I think I have a fresh one your size in the closet. But..“ She stands up from her bed, crossing her arms lifting his shirt over her head, revealing yesterday's outfit. Walking unnecessary close to Takemura, handing him his shirt. Tilting her head „...Here.“ It was difficult to see any reaction in his eyes, the brown faded almost seamlessly into the black of the pupil and the white edge of the augmentation made it even more elusive to see any contrast. To her, his eyes looked black, through and through. He grabs his shirt, holding her gaze „There is iced coffee in the fridge. In case you want some after you finish your shower.“ He states breaking the silence. „I knew you would like it and thank you very much, I will.“ She walks gracefully into the bathroom, in the mirror seeing pleased that his eyes are still lingering on her.
„V, could you come over here?“ Takemura asks her as she steps out of her weapon room, freshly and completely dressed, lastly tying a knot into her shirt. „Sure.“ She walks over to the fridge to get her iced coffee and drops across him on the couch. His blue-lit eyes turn to their normal color again when he starts to speak „The information of Okada-san is very useful. I am observing the area of the parade. I am trying to find out where exactly what is. Which entrances we could use…“ She grabs her phone from her pocket, „Here wait, give me the data shard please.“ She casts aside the radio and puts her phone down in the middle of the table. When she accepts the shard from him she makes sure her hand strokes his softly, before inserting the shard next to her personal link. Even she could feel this light touch trailing down her arm. Her eyes light up blue and an identical holographic map of Night City shows up over her phone.
„Impressive technology.“ Takemura raises his eyebrows „Thanks, Kiroshi Optics, newest firmware.“ She turns the map and zooms into her apartment „Okay, on this way it will be a bit easier to show you where everything is and discuss detes.“ Zooming in and out of the map she shows Takemura Japantown and interesting spots, entrances, and exits there. They also debate how they might approach the whole mission. „I need to see this market myself.“ He concludes minutes later „Get an idea of the area. Connecting dots I have been working on the last few days. Will you accompany me?“
V presses the button of the elevator and the door closes, making its way up to the food market. Takemura is leaning against the wall, arms crossed, a slight grin on his face „You seem a bit different today V. More energetic I think. Is there something I need to know?“ She is leaning next to him, facing him. „Uhm no. Just had a great evening yesterday, a nice morning view, hyped up on caffeine. You on the other hand seem a bit unimpressed today.“ He frowns again, „I try to concentrate on our mission.“ She walks over to the elevator door, so her back is facing him „And so do I. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it, you know. You are missing a bit of your impulsivity.“ She enhances the last word, looking at him over her shoulder, before taking the first out of the elevator.
They access a bridge with numerous illuminated paper lanterns crisscrossing the overhead canopy. Takemura passes V and turns on his heels, walking backward while talking to her, again a slight grin on his face „While you were working, I acquired some information on my own. Do you know who most wished to honor Arasaka-sama with the parade?“ V shakes her head. Takemura stops, grabs her lightly at one shoulder, and leads her to the nearby railing of the bridge. They both lean over it, facing the street underneath. He continues to speak in a hushed tone „His murderer. The irony makes me sick.“ She contracts her eyebrows „What is in it for him? Doesn't seem like the kind of who’d care to honor tradition.“ „That is so. Japanese heritage is one element. Yorinobu will also put on a display of power. The floats are sure to be beautiful, but the wizened eye will see in them a hidden message to his foes.“ „And that would be..?“ „I am here gumin-domo. Watch your backs.“
„Huh, not one for subtlety. But how will this get us anywhere?“ He turns around, leaning his back and elbows on the railing „I have an idea, you helped developing it today. Look at the sky.“ She mirrors his movement and puts her head in her neck. Several transporters are flying over their heads, Takemura continues „The dash floats will pass precisely this way. If I could get onto Hanako-samas float, I could speak with her in private.“ V rubs her forehead with both of her hands, shaking her whole head before grabbing the railing with one hand, letting herself hang casually, and pointing a finger at Takemura „I hope you are not telling me next what I think you will.“ Takemura grins, turning around to face her „I will jump, of course.“ She rolls her eyes „Expectations way too high Goro. Couldn’t pull that off even if you still had your fancy implants.“
„I came up with a solution for this, too. I learned more about the floats. They are all kept in one place - Arasaka Industrial Park. It is there that they prepare them. We need only to break into the compound, find the right float and inject a virus into its system. You will be able to disable any security before I sneak inside, lower the float if needed. And before you say anything“, he adds while seeing her open her mouth and retrieves a small shard from his right pocket.
„I know what you need. It is taken care of. I have an infected shard.“ V closes her mouth, opens it up again, and states „I…I am seriously impressed, Goro. How...when did you do all of this?“ He smiles proudly „As I said, while you were doing your thief activities. Okada-san recommended a man across the canal. The shard wasn’t cheap, but is guaranteed to work.“ „Kabuki huh, might be decent soft then, I will test it later. And if doesn’t work I have some tricks up my sleeve.“ „This is what I was hoping for.“ He grins smugly and hands her the shard.
They keep walking along the bridge, while the data uploads. „To take control of the float is one thing, but not all. The security concerns me - the snipers especially. I will be an easy target.“ They cross the bridge and move to the side. Takemura and V sit down at the nearest food stall and he turns to face V once again „But I may have an answer. Okada-san mentioned the city cameras. If we gain access to them, we will see exactly where these snipers are. And you can deal with them as I advance.“ They sit down at a nearby food stall.
She simply nods „Sounds like a plan.“ Though she doesn’t like it at all. This is more difficult for her than she thought. Takemura had clearly grown on her and the possibility of losing someone again because of her past mistakes - because of Arasaka - was unimaginable right now. His enthusiasm made it even more difficult for her. Reminds her of Jackies before he died. He must have noticed the sorrow in her eyes „Is everything okay, V?“ His voice slightly worried „Sure…it’s nothing. Just been thinking about the plan.“ As much as she wishes to tell him right now how stupid his plan was, she didn’t. It was too crowded and dangerous to talk about it in public anyway.
Can’t believe I’m saying this, but this ‘Saka scum might actually prove useful. He is a well-trained dog - needs orders, that’s all. Please don’t talk like that about him. Johnny grins, and when he outlives his purpose, we’ll flatline him. Fuck you, Johnny, we sure as hell won’t. We’ll come back to this later, he rolls his eyes. No, we won’t and that’s my last word on this.
„Good. Getting into the said park will be my next action and I will not be such a ‚bed of roses‘. We part now. Reconnaissance is required.“ He states, she shakes her head „You’re a stranger in a strange land. I’m goin’ with you. I don’t know why you are even considering going alone.“ „Are you not busy with something else today?“ „Nah.“ But even if there was any work for her today, it can wait. He raises an eyebrow. „Okay, we will do it together.“ Music of the news intro strikes their ears, they both look at the TV hanging from the roof of the food stall. „Yorinobu.“ Takemura spits derogatory „He eliminated the last obstacle between himself and complete power.“ „And they…“ „Surrendered it to him. Arasaka an empire build to last. Before Yorinobu set fire to it dorm the inside. All of this began with him.“ He turns away from the TV, face disgusted.
„What I don’t understand, why would Saburo tolerate it all? Could have kept him on a short leash.“ „Arasaka-sama was a strong and disciplined man. The strongest man I have ever known. Yet, at a critical moment, he showed a weakness.“ „For Yorinobu.“ He shakes his head „For his daughter. Arasaka-sama could have crushed him with one word. Yet he did not. For he did not wish his daughter to suffer. She persuaded her father to give him a second chance. Do you understand? Hanako-sama saved Yorinobu from the consequences of his deeds.“ V thinks about this before replying „Feels like that’s about to change. As long as we get Hanako to believe our version of events.“ Takemura nods quickly „We must reach her first. And for this“ And rises from his chair „Let us go from here.“
“Come, I have found a good place to observe.” She follows Takemura closely behind on the construction site as he is climbing over a fence. “Fortune smiles to us, no one is here today.” he says over his shoulder. The two of them keep walking into a giant concrete building, cables hang loosely, metal posts that have not yet been covered poke out of the walls on the left and right, and water drips from the ceiling while their footsteps echo off the sheer size of the entrance hall. They arrive at an elevator and it needs both of their technical abilities to open the metal doors in front.
On the top floor, Takemura is heading straight two staircases upwards to the highest point of the building and leans over a railing to the left. Orange beams of sunlight lighting up his face. „We must look for vulnerabilities, weaknesses, while I try to think of a diversion. Arasaka can not discover our intentions. A bit of sabotage is just what we need to divert their attention. You will have the best view here..” he points to the left, “I will try here. This old scope should be good for something.” “Alright, let’s do this.”
The next fifteen minutes they spent discussing possible entrances and weaknesses of the facility. Finally, they decide that V should take the path over the fence and then through the main security building, from which a path should lead into the warehouse. Takemura puts his scope back in his pocket „We have what we came for. But I wish to be certain, we have not overlooked anything. We should wait and observe.“ “Sound sensible. Better get comfy. You still hungry?” He turns to her, his face slightly curious. "Actually, I am. Any recommendations?“
They ordered takeaway to the construction site. V did recommend a pizza. For quite a while they just ate in silence and watched the building. He suddenly grabs her by her arm „V, no sudden movements, look.“ Cautious, she looks to her left, but only sees a cat. „Oh a cat.“ She whispers, „Sometimes a stray - Nibbles - visits my apartment.“ He raises his eyebrows from surprise „Oh I would love to meet them! This one is the first animal I see in Night City. Except for cockroaches of course.“ „First it was birds, then dogs - cats actually put up a fight longest.“ „Maybe it is a bakaneko?“ V looks at him with a questioning expression. „It is a cat spirit“ he explains „it brings misfortune, can restore the dead back to life.“ „Huh, sounds familiar.“ „Exactly.“ He studies the cat curiously „My grandmother knew many, many stories about kitsune, kappa - bakaneko, too.“ He smiles, but the cat disappears „Mhmm, it seems to be tired of us.“
They keep eating for a few more minutes. Takemura didn’t say anything positive about the food but didn’t complain either. „So..“ She begins, still wanting to know more about the rest of the plan „Just to go through the plan again. First we hack the floats,“ she moves her head to the facility, „next I will detect and mark all snipers, taking them out during the parade. And then…you jump on the float, break in and casually talk to Hanako trying to convince her, her brother killed her father?“ her voice dripping with sarcasm.
„That is the plan, yes. I thought you missed my impulsivity?“ He was grinning, but she remains serious, not a sign of a smile on her face, tossing her food to the ground „Yes, but not like this. What if something happens to you?“ His grin vanishes, too, as he sees her expression „Worst case I will die trying to do what is right.“ She could feel a familiar stab in her chest. Fuck it. Fuck being only flirty, not crossing her own boundaries. „But what about me?“ He looks at her wondering, also placing his food next to him. „You will run, hide, change your hair again, hope to seek help from someone else.“ She is getting angrier, clenching her fists, but her voice still firm. „No. I meant what about ME if you die.“
„V. I do not understand.“ He contracts his brows „Clearly.“ She shakes her head, turning towards him, holding his gaze „I don’t want to lose you Goro.“ She said it. Taken by surprise he looks at the ground „V, I…“ Searching for words, he looks back at her, his eyes soft, he takes her hand again, squeezing it lightly „That is very kind of you V. I will not forget your concern and I will do my best to survive.“ „Thank you.“ They look at each other intensely, his hand still holding hers, Vs eyes wandering again from his eyes to his mouth. But before she could shift towards him, he lets go of her hand, almost alarmed, quickly standing up and leaning over the railing.
He exhales audibly „I would call this a beautiful view of the city if..” V tries to behave as if nothing happened. With suppressed confusion, she asks “If?” But she couldn’t suppress the feeling of being rejected, especially because of the sudden change of topic. “If there was anything to admire.” She clears her throat, looking at the ground “Hate Night City that much?” He pauses for a second, glances over the nearby building, and then on to the mountains in the distance „Mh, perhaps I am simply a little bit ‚homesick‘ as you say.“ „Just a little bit?“ „It has gotten better, especially the last few days.“ She looks back up at him. He is still glancing into the distance.
„I am from the slums of Chiba-11. Once when I was desperate to leave there I...egh, bad memories too. Washed away by time. I long only for the simple days of childhood.” He turns around, leaning backward, elbows resting on the railing like he so often does. “I remember the chemical stench of the canal, where we boys washed our shirts. Corporate transporters sometimes passed through our slum. Arasaka selecting children - but only the clean ones.” He said with a monotonous and empty voice, staring over Vs shoulder. She still could quite catch why he was telling her this.
“What did they need kids for?” She asks. “To be corporate soldiers.” he answered bitterly “When they chose me. I felt I had won the lottery. In the army, I was given everything I lacked before - discipline, regular meals, and when I proved I was gifted - an education.” V nods “All you had to do was kill Arasakas enemies.” “I sense that you judge me.” “I’m not judging you.” He makes a small pause. “I thought you were wrong to oppose the corporations, their order, their world in a mindless way.”
Takamura begins to walk up and down in front of her “but yet, the longer I am here, the longer I am here with you...the more it occurs to me, you might have a valid point.“ He walks back, sitting next to her again, leaning forward and kneading his hands „You show me filthy streets, tell and show me what Arasaka does, did to you and your friends as if no other worlds exist. And then wealth, your other life with Arasaka, more than even I used to see. As if everything is possible…I am just so confused V.“ He buries his face in his hands.
„I understand. This must be hard for you.“ He sits up straight „It is. I started to ask myself the other day ‚What of the millions who work for Arasaka and receive stability, safety?‘ What of the rest of the Arasaka family, which feels like my own? My responsibility for them?’ But also ‚What about Chiba-11? What about the people in this city?' What about your friends and" he pauses "and you? The corporations are here and there, scraping what remains out of the people. Arasaka decided that, too.” Takemura puts his index finger and thumb over both of his eyes, sitting still for a minute.
She moves closer to him, patting his shoulder softly “I understand this is very difficult for you. But we cannot fix everything at once if it will be even our choice to make. For now, I try to live as freely as possible. You should try.“ She suggests lighthearted. He chuckles „Sometimes I wish to become a nomad. To leave this world. Forget everything.“ „Sounds like a dream, too good to be true.“ V scratches the ground with her boots a bit before she continues talking „Thank you though, Goro. For opening up. Letting me know what’s going on. You are hard to read, I’ll give you that.“ He smiles, looking at her. “We should get some rest now, you look tired. I will keep an eye on those guards.” He strokes over her back and stands up to get back into position. She lays back, closing her eyes and tries to calm down, before drifting into a rough nap.
The air has cooled down. The darkness of night only punctuated with beams of light from the nearby facility. She rises again with an awful headache, „Fuck it’s getting worse“. She rubs her head and eyes for a slight relief of pain. “Now, I think it is time to do something”, she hears Takemura whisper close to her. Her eyes haven’t adjusted to the darkness yet. With her knees still shaking, she stands up and staggers over to Takemura who seems to be standing at the railing, watching the security building.
Now several things are happening at the same time: On the way to the railing, she stumbles and bumps into the concrete column, kicking an old beer bottle over the edge of the roof while holding onto the railing. Takemura jumps to her side and grabs her, holding her tightly by her waist pressing her to the steady column behind to stabilize them. A transporter flies overhead and lights up the roof and the splintering of the bottle echoes in the empty walls of the building. They are now guaranteed the full attention of the guards on the footbridge. Accordingly, they heard machine guns and rifles being reloaded, aimed and heavy shoes running up and down the bridge. „Who‘s up there?!” One of the guards shouts.
She still feels too dizzy to think clearly about what to do now, so she turns her head back to Takemura, but she could only see his lips forming the word „Fuck." Since the noise the guards make increases incessantly with every second. The next thing she notices are Takemuras hands wandering from her waist up to her head, grabbing it tightly, both hands over her ears and hair, thumbs on her cheeks. His eyes protruding the surrounding dark night, slowly drifting to her mouth. The air she was breathing thick. Intuitively, she closes her eyes and seconds later, she feels his lips on hers.
The soft touch of his thumbs on her cheeks, his hands shielding the surrounding noises and the intimate and vulnerable moment, made her feel an inner peace she hadn’t in a very long time. She lifts her hands up to his neck, feeling the cold metal of his augmentations. Crawling upwards to his jaw, as she returns the kiss more passionately. She tilts her head slightly and opens her mouth to press her tongue against his lips to grant access.
His lips part and he moves even closer to her, tongues softly caressing. As they take a quick breath, a moan slips away from her. While her closed eyes are suddenly drenched in the bright light of a spotlight, she could only hear her heart racing. However, sudden loud whistles and laughter make them tear apart „Damn, get a room next time!“, the guards were walking back to their normal positions. The night dark once again.
They are standing there, awkwardly, still wrapped around each other. Takemura steps away first, she clears her throat “Well, this was actually the kind of impulsivity I was referring to.“ Vs breathing still quick and heavy, she wants more. He smirks but only for a second before asking earnestly „Are you alright?“ „I am feeling better yes.“ „Good,“ he turns around, „we should start now, not lose more time“ walking back down the stairs to the elevator. Rain had started to fall. She follows him. V, remember what I said, she heard Johnny's voice inside her head.
Takemura and V enter the elevator. The air between them still feels thick, electrified. Takemura presses the button and crosses his arms, facing her. As the elevator starts moving, V walks over, pushing Takemura with her right hand slightly against the wall. Eyes on his shirt, the top unbuttoned again. She traces along the line of his collar, looking up at him, his eyes pitch black, lips parted and suddenly they are exactly where they had stopped. Though their tongues are now wilder, the kiss hungrier, Takemura groans as he grabs her hair tightly. They feel the elevator hit the ground. He pulls away, his face tormented, eyes closed tightly „V. We need to stop.“ She strokes her hand over his shoulders under his heavy jacket „Why?“ She asks her voice low. He grabs her hands carefully but with intention, removing them from his body „V, I cannot do this.“ And he brushes past her.
They make their way through the building and over the fence to V’s car, they didn't exchange a word. The feeling of being rejected creeping back into her mind. He opens the door, but hesitates and explains with his back to her: „We stay in touch, the diversionary action - is mine to do.“ She nods, not sure what to say, „I…Goro, do I have to be sorry?“ Takemura turns around „I, I do not know. I don't think so. It is complicated. I am sorry, V.“ And he gets into her car, closing the door, driving away. She stops for a moment, closes her eyes. Fuck. 
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sorserah · 4 months
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Chapter 6: Date and Time
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Outsider No More | Goro Takemura & Female V/OC
And then he understands, clearly understands what she had been feeling, trying to tell him. And he now realizes too, he does not want to lose her either. 
An interpretation of how a romance between Takemura and Corpo Female V could have been. Changing between Vs and Takemuras POV. Mostly following the main story of the game, adding bits and pieces here and there for a little bit more depth. So spoilers ahead.
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18+, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Panic Attacks, Death, Blood and Injury, Corpo V (Cyberpunk 2077, Takemuras POV, Vs pov, Alcohol, Sexual Tension, Flirting, Denial of Feelings, Internal Conflict, they are both idiots, Guilt, Overthinking, Smut, Sex, Romantic, Gestures
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She did not exaggerate when she stated that she wasn’t at her own apartment most of the time. As Takemura opened the apartment door, it has been more than clear. It had almost looked abandoned. The blinds had been closed, few clothes were hastily thrown into the closet, in front of it several labeled boxes, probably with packed belongings. The blankets on top of each other on the end of the bed and the refrigerator empty. As he had put down his coat and other possessions on the couch and opened the blinds, he continued to look around. Overall, the feeling of being in a hotel room crept up again. The apartment did not seem personal at first, rather just as if one would only spend a few nights here before heading off again to somewhere else. It wasn’t home.
However, he had waited one more day before deciding to accept V's offer. Sharing her apartment with her was a more than generous offer for him personally, and he was actually reluctant to be dependent on not being completely responsible for himself. On the other hand, however, he hardly had a choice. Another night he had spent in her car, another night following with sleep deprivation and back pain. And the hotels - V had been right - had become too dangerous. 
Besides the order from Wakako that he had received and completed a day ago, he had also obtained two other small orders that he had also immediately carried out and was glad for the extra eddies. As a thank for V, he used a few of them to fill up the fridge with some fruits and iced coffee - in which he has also found a liking -, wasn't sure when she would even show up, though. He had also bought his own towel, he was not comfortable using hers or digging through her possessions to find one, and a toothbrush. Right after he closes the door the second time today, and puts down the plastic bag the groceries are in, she calls.
„Hi Goro, sorry I haven’t been calling you the last few days. It’s been just…busy.“ She sounds exhausted „It is fine. I have been busy, too. How are you feeling?“ „Well, I am still standing…at least. Feeling at home in my apartment?“ „Better than any of the hotels I have been to, yet.“ He answers. „Then don't be afraid to contact your staff if something is missing.“ „Actually I filled up the fridge for the staff in return if they ever arrive.“ She smiles „Uhm,“ she made a small pause, getting more serious again „about that...I cashed in a favor and if you want…we could go out for dinner tonight.“ „Sounds good. Where are we going?“ „Unfortunately, you’ll have to wait until tonight for that answer. I think I'll be back in an hour, we can ride together. See ya.“
Actually, he had just wanted to ask V for something to eat, not thinking that 'dinner' could just as well have been a 'date'.In the first moment he had been briefly irritated, but also looked forward to spending a little more time with her, just to see what she was like outside of their work together. Especially since they only know each other for over a week. Though it feels a bit strange. This situation is very unfamiliar to him for two reasons. The first one, that he hadn't been on a date for some time - his last dates and relationships had always failed due to his workload - as Arasaka is where his priorities lie - he had decided to give up this part of his life completely. The other, that he was surprised by himself, even confused. His intention had been to avenge the death of Saburo, to restore the balance, not to deviate from this path. But then she had been there, and with her...what indeed? He couldn't really explain why he feels attracted to her. Takemura thoughtfully furrowed his brows and grabs his towel, wanting to be ready before she arrived.
After tying his other shoe, he straightens up, his damp hair still dripping a bit onto the t-shirt he was wearing. Takemura considers what to do now while waiting for V to arrive. He let his eyes wander through the apartment once again. The desk catches his eye, it was the only place which is cluttered, he had not noticed this before. He steps closer to it, but before he reaches it a crack could be heard and he realizes that he had stepped on something. Kneeling down he picks up the picture frame and turns it over. Two people grin back at him - from a bar it seems - Jackie and V. She was piggybacking on Jackies back, a cowboy hat on her head, a bottle in one hand, a gun pointing at the camera in the other.
Small neat handwriting said "Happy Birthday, Chica“. An uncomfortable feeling in the stomach area. He still hadn't told her, and with each meeting he didn't, his conscience spoke louder. Carefully he put it back on the shelf, before proceeding. Spread out on the desk lay sheets of paper, some blank, others with drawings - started, half-finished, or completed. The drawings are not precise, rather quick sketches. He recognizes the artificial cherry blossom tree near Jig-Jig Street, the giant fish in front of Arasaka HQ, and then some people he doesn’t recognize. He didn't know she drew, but how could he?
The door opened and V steps in. Her coat squeezed under one, bag under the other arm, blood on her shirt and face, her weapon holster already half loose, her hair tied into a tight ponytail, and clearly fatigued. „Hi!“ She greets him, putting the bag and coat onto the boxes „Hello, V. Whose blood is that?“ „Oh, this…Some of the ex chefs of Clouds, in short: some dolls wanted freedom and now they have it…hopefully.“ She adds grumbling and while getting rid of her holster added
„So how have you been?“ „I did the work Wakako asked me to do and then two more gigs.“ He emphasized the last word. V jokes „Goro Takemura. On the way to the major leagues eh?“ He razzes „I do not think so, no. But you…“ Takemura takes the sketch of the cherry blossom tree holding it up for her to see „…the next big artist of Night City?“ She shakes her head, „Nah, just some drawings from my sketchbook, to wind down, some places and people that feel special to me.“ „I think they are very pretty“ he puts the sheet back carefully.
Walking back and forth through the apartment, she turns on the radio, puts some clean clothes from her closet into the bathroom, and lastly zips her bag open and hands something to him. „Here. There are a few more sketches in here. I am taking a shower now and there is no door in case you didn’t notice…“ the air he was beathing suddenly a bit thicker, a few seconds lapsed while they both look at each other „Oh I did, but I will just sit here.“ and he quickly sat down on the chair in front of the desk and opens the sketchbook. She leaves and a few seconds later he can hear clothes dropping on the floor and water running.
Takemura flips through the book, not recognizing much. In addition to places and unknown faces, individual cybernetics were drawn here, as well as notes like "get Nibbles food." On the most current page, he seems to recognize himself in a portrait. The cybernetics of his neck and eyes are very detailed, but the rest of his facial features are very rough. Below that, there are hands - holding a coffee and reaching for something. He looks up, „..some places and people that feel special to me…“ he thought, feeling a little warmth rising in his chest. He looks up and is startled to find that he could see V's reflection in the opposite door. Not in detail, but the curves of her body were clearly visible. Hastily, he turns the chair around to face the display. He didn't want to give any false impression, even if a small part wanted to look over again.
Minutes later she walks out of the bathroom in a flowing black dress, walking over to her closet. While pretending to watch the news, he observes her out of the corner of his eye. She lifts the dress up to her thigh, slipping on a harness and a gun, as well as her boots. He couldn't help but grin a little to himself. „Okay, I am done. I know the gun under a dress is all Bushido cliché, but I won’t step a foot out of this apartment without a weapon.“ „Understandable.“ He replies while throwing over his black shirt, buttoning it up, then taking both of their coats. 
Together, they leave Vs apartment, taking the elevator to the garage. As he stands next to her on the right floor, holding both of their coats in his arms, he can't help but get nervous. They enter her Quadra and a few minutes after entering the city center. On the way, V told him what she had been up to the last few days, about Clouds, how she had uncovered some pretty sick spying on a politician couple and had done a few minor gigs for fixers. After a short break, Takemura asks again „You are making it rather suspenseful V, where are we going?“ „Right here.“ She drives through an opening barrier under a massive skyscraper surrounded by fountains. „I used to come here often while growing up with my parents and while working at Arasaka. The good times you know, when money didn’t really matter.“
Together they stand once again in an elevator, moving quickly to the top floor, where they are greeted with cocktails and calm music. „Good evening Madame and Sir.“ A waiter with golden skin greeted them with a slight bow, „May I take your reservations?“ V stepps forward „Steward, private area, a table for two.“ His eyes light up „Ah yes, please follow me.“ The waiter ahead, they walk through the restaurant, past people talking and a large bar. Takemura realizes that there was no cuisine anywhere, nor dining on trays. There were hardly any food smells in the air either, it smelled like pine and kind of sweet, like subtle fresh flowers. 
At an archway with Japanese pine trees on the sides, the waiter stops, handing them both a golden bracelet „Your seat is right behind the archway. Please order with your bracelets. Are you familiar with the procedure?“ V replies friendly „Thank you very much, yes. If we need anything, we will be contacting you.“ They step through the archway and up some stairs. Takemura was impressed by the area, he had accompanied Saburo a few times to quite noble restaurants, but this definitely seems to become one of his favorites. The windows seamlessly extended to the ceiling, with a magnificent view over the city and the ocean. The area had its own bar, a small pond with a waterfall, and a rock garden with a seating area. Two low sofas faced each other, with a wide mahogany table between them. 
Again he notices his nervousness, which becomes even stronger when he looks at V. Her eyes are radiating of joy „And? Impressed?“ He opens his mouth, searching for the words „I am, this is beautiful, V.“ Then with muted voice „But how are we going to pay for it?!“ „I will explain, but food and drinks first.“ She gestures to the sofas and they let themselves drop onto them. „Here, swipe the bracelet over the table.“ he did as instructed and a display lit up under the wood „Now, here you can choose your order. Everything is real food, nothing made out of plastic or sawdust.“ she jokes. He studies the menu, it was very complex, but he knew most of the dishes from home. A wave of affection for V overcame him, suppressing the nervousness. She had already ordered a simple plate of sushi, he deiced to start with gyoza. The display disappears and in front of him the table begins to open, the wood slides aside and a plate rises up from it, snapping into place. Takemura tastes the food, and it is delicious, it was like he was eating something for the first time in weeks. 
„V, I do not know what to say. I have not eaten food like this in weeks. I had not expected anything like this. I am truly grateful." She looks up at him, her eyes bright and kind,  "However, I do feel guilty too, there aren't even prices on the menu.“ V puts away her chopsticks and takes a sip of her cocktail, then smiles warmly, „I'm glad you like it. And don't worry, neither of us is paying today.“ Takemura tilts his head „Are you referring to something illegal?“ V laughs, „Hey, no, not everything I do is illegal. Steward, the name of our reservation. Saved his life while I was in counter-intel, was able to pull him off a mission in time before everything fell apart, said he owed me. He is a shareholder of this place and therefore - as you can imagine - has no financial issues.“ „Still some friends in high places I see.“ „Yea some left, a matter of time before they could change their minds and sell me for a corn chip though. In NC Corpo world you never know.“ "After this, I would not sell you for anything V." he dallies, cheeky she looks over at him shortly, before they eat in silence for some time
V was very skillful with the chopsticks, sitting on the sofa as if she would sit here every day. He could well imagine her here or in another ambiance with work colleagues celebrating an achievement they just made. „Do you miss it? Corpo world I mean.“ Takemura begins while ordering his next meal. V seems to think about this question for a moment, before answering „I honestly don’t know. I remember feeling under pressure at Arasaka. Deadlines, performing all the time, the trust issues…maybe it was just the division…and the moral conflict.“ she eats another bite before continuing „I mean, it did have its benefits. Besides living a luxurious lifestyle I had enough money to help my family and friends out.“ Takemura leans back „And now?“ She imitated him, crossing her legs.
„To be honest, It is almost the same, even the moral conflicts.“ She peers outside the huge window „A little disappointing. When I was kicked out, I had this immense feeling of freedom, thought the world belongs to me now. It would just be so much better from now on, I would be a Night City legend soon, I could feel it.“ she laughed bitterly „But now I know that was just an illusion, it didn't last more than a month. Now, I feel like I’m living the same life as before. Even worse - with the biochip and all. Instead of my boss calling - the fixers do, I still have deadlines and I still have to perform all the time, meaning no jobs - no eddies. Oh and what I have noticed especially in the last few days: the higher the street cred, the more enemies who want to see you dead. Moral conflicts, too. Sure I am not supporting a big corp but I am killing people for others, often not knowing or able to ask why." She reaches for her third cocktail and drains it in one go. "I...I just wish there would be a way to live a balanced life, without constant fear, just feeling safe.“ Takemura simply nods sympathetically. He had not seen her that way before. V always seemed quite unbiased about her work and quite opposed to Arasaka and the other large corporations. 
„Can I ask you something?“ She breaks the silence after a while „Sure.“ „Would you rather live in peace as Mr. Nobody, dying old or go down for all times in a blaze of glory, being hardly thirty?“ Takemura did not even have to think about the answer „If there are just these two options the first.“ She stood up, setting down her glass „I should have taken this path all along, pity I learned this only a few days ago.“ A little clumsy, eyes on the ground, she paces over to the stone garden and small pond, letting herself fall into the nearby sofa. To see her like this pains Takemura, feeling the need to comfort her. So he walks over and seats himself next to her. Searching for the right words, he turns towards her and takes her hand in his. She doesn't pull away. „There might be hope V. I still believe Hanako-sama will help you.“ „That's kind of you to say, but I don’t know yet.“ She shakes her head. He looked at her and his bad conscience returned to his thoughts forcefully. 
Was this the right time to open up? Does a right moment even exist? He takes Vs hand with his other hand as well and began to knead it nervously, but softly, similar to what he had done with his own at the diner. „There is something you need to know. I should not tell you, but I want to. You deserve to know.” He hesitates “When they sent me looking for you, someone else was looking for Mr. Welles too. They can pull an engram from Mr. Welle's body. Damaged, incomplete, but still an engram. I do not know where they store it.” For minutes, only the steady trickling of the waterfall and the soft music in the background could be heard. Takemura fears her response since she is so invested in these issues: Arasaka, engrams, and Jackie Welles. But it had been important to him, even if he had to go on alone from now on. 
“Why are you telling me this now?“ She turns to him, her eyes empty. “I did not know if I could trust you. But the circumstances have changed.” He could hear himself sounding honest and hurt. “I am truly sorry V. I wish you would not have to live like this. And I wish you never had to know about this either, but I just had to tell you.“ He looks down, at both of their hands, sure she would pull her hand away, understandably yell at him and send him away. But she doesn’t. Instead, she moves closer to him, gently pressing his hand „Goro, look at me. I am not angry at you. It is not your fault. We all are just trying to survive somehow. To be honest, I'm not really surprised either. It was obvious that Arasaka would want to cover every little gap...I should have known.“ She stands up, still holding his hand „But thank you, really. For telling me." She takes a deep breath, collecting herself. "Now we still can eat and drink as much as we want tonight so…“
The two of them spent the rest of the evening eating the menu up and down. Takemura could explain a lot about the individual dishes and V listened with curiosity, but became less attentive with each cocktail and giggled more and more often. He shared with her stories of life in Japan and she of her current life in Night City, and he listened as keenly as she listened to him. She spoke of Judy, Misty, and other friends of hers. They compared their cybernetics and V presented her brand new mantis blades. Standing proudly in front of Takemura as she retracts her blades, walks up to him, and places one knee on his thigh, pushing him into the sofa backrest with her hand.
He looks up at her, she grins sassy back at him, half of her thigh showing. He swallows, his heartbeat quickens, palms appearing slightly sweaty. „I bet I could beat you in a fight.“ V states babbling „Well, I beg to differ.“ He grabs her hand from his chest and with a quick, agile movement he makes her drop onto the sofa next to him. Her face is surprised for a second before she kneels down with a cheeky grin. „Okay, you know what, we are going home right now and fight.“ „I will not do that. You are drunk. That would not be fair.“ She bursts into peals of laughter „You are just scared and I think you underestimate me, too…’Sides you are a little drunk, too, aren’t ya?“ Reluctantly, he nods. „Ha!“ And she jumps up from the sofa, just a little more clumsy than usual.
They get out of the Delamain cab in the garage of mega building H10 and take the elevator to the top. „This way!“ V takes his hand at his fingertips and leads Takemura down the stairs next to her apartment, through a large corridor turning around broadly laughing, joking she would 'make him regret coming to her city', through a gym and to a boxing ring, before letting go of it. Even at such a late time, there was still a lot going on here. „Hey, Coach! We need your ring.“ As she walks towards Fred, she pulls her dress over her head, revealing a short legging and a sports bra, allowing Takemura to glimpse for the second time how sturdy she was. Her shoulders are quite wide due to the muscles there and on the back. He couldn't resist looking at her from head to toe, following her muscular curves with his eyes, and meanwhile, he could feel how this sight in combination with the alcohol gave him a warm feeling in his lower region.
Already standing in the middle of the boxing ring, Takemura removes his button-down shirt and T-shirt. If she was allowed to brag then he was too and he didn't exactly has to hide his body either. She turns from the conversation and momentarily falters when she sees Takemura. He watches her eyes travel over his abdomen to his shoulders and arms with a hungry expression, followed by a smirk. Fred broke the tense atmosphere when he steps between them. "Okay, no weapons just hands, all techniques allowed! V, your holster…" „Right.“ She throws it to her dress and his shirts. „Okay. Ready…Fight!“ And Fred leaves the ring.
V was moving her weight from one leg to the other, hands in front of her face. He is still standing there, unsure what he should do now. He didn’t want to hurt her. „What’s up Goro, was I right about you?“ She dallied. He steps forward trying to grab her arms, but she quickly ducked and placed two well-aimed thrusts into his side. She is serious - and fast. Still carefully yet more offensively, he moves towards her, so that they both circled around each other. Every now and then, one of them would land a quick punch or kick, which was blocked by the other.
She doesn’t seem to pay much attention to her right side. Takemura takes a step to the right and she follows him, but he turns at the same moment and catches her right arm, turning it around so that her back is placed against his chest. However, she slit down just as quickly and turns on the spot so that she now is holding his hand behind her back, the other on his left shoulder. Her chest pressed close to his, their faces only a few inches apart. Her dark eyes move from his bright ones to his lips, and he matches the movement. He could see her grinning. The next thing he feels is she pulling him forward, he loses his balance and she takes advantage of this to kick one of his legs away and with her hand on his shoulder, knocking him to the ground, back first. Smiling triumphantly, she is standing over him "I was right.“ and offers him a hand to pull him up.
They say goodbye to Fred and make their way back to the apartment. The door closes behind them and V yawns profusely. Takemura feels a little unsure again. Would V expect something from him now? And even if he has to admit that he wants more from her right now he feels paralyzed about it. However, she walks to her closet and then changes by her weapons. Meanwhile, he grabs a blanket off the bed and over to the couch. "You can take off the rest of the couch. Just drag it at the bottom."
He pushes the table aside, pulls a strap, and the couch expanded to twice its width. He takes off his pants and slips under the covers. She is already under hers and glances outside. "You fight very well,“ he began „however I was not prepared for your techniques." She chuckles „I took a lot of lessons in my life and some real-life practice the last months. But, it was also a bit unfair of me. I would say our skill level might be the same.“ „I agree with you on the unfair part, yes.“ They both chuckle. Takemura turns on his back and watches the lights of the advertisement reflecting on the ceiling. "It was a really nice evening V. I am very grateful.“ "You're welcome." She replies tiredly, „Thought it was a wonderful evening, too. Good night Goro.“ „Rest well, V.“ and both quickly fall asleep.
0 notes
sorserah · 4 months
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Chapter 5: The Bodyguard and the Merc
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Outsider No More | Goro Takemura & Female V/OC
And then he understands, clearly understands what she had been feeling, trying to tell him. And he now realizes too, he does not want to lose her either. 
An interpretation of how a romance between Takemura and Corpo Female V could have been. Changing between Vs and Takemuras POV. Mostly following the main story of the game, adding bits and pieces here and there for a little bit more depth. So spoilers ahead.
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18+, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Panic Attacks, Death, Blood and Injury, Corpo V (Cyberpunk 2077, Takemuras POV, Vs pov, Alcohol, Sexual Tension, Flirting, Denial of Feelings, Internal Conflict, they are both idiots, Guilt, Overthinking, Smut, Sex, Romantic, Gestures
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Day 1
V's phone rings shortly after she stumbles through her apartment door. It was just past midnight. She drops down onto her couch ungracefully as she takes the call. "Yea?" "Takemura here, I called someone who wants to meet with you, hear you out. Japantown in three days." She rubs her forehead and eyes, the world is still spinning pretty badly. "Sounds great I guess..." She croaks. Takemura tilts his head, he seems concerned „Is everything alright, V?“ „Yes, I feel great. I just had one drink too much I think, met with some old friends tonight.“ „Ah, yes the meeting you talked about earlier. Then have a good night V, I will send you the exact coordinates.“
He waits for her to reply, a particularly strong wave of dizziness hit her and she has to close her eyes for a moment: „Takemura wait, I almost forgot, met someone today, got a meeting tomorrow. Regarding Hellman…Strong lead, you wanna join?“ He seemed to consider it for a moment but then agrees. "Great see you tomorrow, we will meet at 6. Good Night" "Morning or.." but she hangs up, unfortunately, her stomach could no longer withstand the alcohol, so she hastily runs to the toilet to get rid of it. After a few times of vomiting, her stomach seems to have calmed down. She undresses and lies down under the covers.
She really feels better. The funeral at El Coyote Cojo helped more than she thought it would. So many old friends and colleagues had been there, saying nice things, leaving presents. She spent a lot of time drinking with Viktor and talking with Misty. Neither without one or the other, she would be at the point she is now. After a few drinks and tears, she even sat there laughing, joking about Jackie's old lines and best moments. But regardless, silent tears still ran down her cheeks. She can't deny that she could use a good friend by her side, she misses him terribly.
Guess, I am not an option? „Johnny, what the fuck“ she abruptly pulls the blanket up to her chin. Chill V, I know how you look naked. I am in your head, forgot about that? He lights a cigarette. So I guess we like each other now? Yea. Just needed to get used to…you. But can’t deny I'm hella excited to meet Rogue tomorrow, even though the ‘Saka scum will be joining apparently, so we good? She yawns, sure why not and he might be of good use for us you know, don't know much about him yet.  She gets comfortable under the cover and after a few more blinks, watching the ads outside of her apartment window, her eyes fall closed.
A ringing in her head and ears lets her wake up unsteadily from her sleep. Fuck. "Huh?" She doesn’t even bother to open her eyes, even through her eyelids she could see that the sun was just beginning to rise. Orange light shone through them. "Takemura here, do we meet in twenty minutes or tonight at 6." Is he serious? Sleepily, with a rough voice, she answers “I know you're not used to living in Night City yet Takemura, and I also know that meetings at Arasaka used to be early in the morning. However, here it's the other way around, everything starts in the evening." Damn, she turns to the other side, so her eyes are no longer flooded with light. „Understood, sorry for waking you, V. Until tonight“ „It is alright, bye.“ Please, we need more sleep.
The next time she’s awake, it’s from the radio Johnny had turned on. He was now kneeling in front of her. Wake the fuck up V, it’s almost 5, time to meet Rogue. Fuck, you tell me I have been sleeping for 15 hours?? Guess we both needed it, he vanished again and with him a part of her headaches. Thirty minutes later she sits in her car dialing Takemuras number. „Hi, where should I pick you up“ „Cherry Blossom Market.“ „See ya in 5“. You really take him with ya, huh? Is it because of his pretty eyes? She shakes her head at his ridiculous comment. Johnny laughed and pulled himself through the gap of the front seats. You can’t lie to me V, I know that you liked what you saw..Oh shut up. Takemura drops into the seat, looking at her. His eyes stood out even more in the red light and thanks to Johnny she was paying more attention to them now. "Where are we going, anyway?" he further inquires as she is already driving down the road. "To the Afterlife." "Should have expected that." "You know this club? Already? Thought you have been here just a few days?" "I try to gather as much information I can. Last time I was there, I have been rather rudely turned down by the Queen of the Fixers. So I am asking myself why should we have any better luck now?" She smirks, "Simple, we have me with us." and she presses on the gas.
The loud bass of a rock song pounds in her ears as she steps through the large double doors with Takemura in tow. „Hey V! Anything special today?“ „Nah, wanted to talk to Rogue.“ Claire looks for two clean glasses under the bar, „a few more minutes I think, she is in a meeting right now. Anything to drink while waiting?“ „Yea, remember the drink of the guy who was here with me?“ „Jackie Welles, sure, uhm Vodka on the rocks, some ginger beer, and lime…“ „and a splash of love…one for me please, or…?“ She looks at Takemura questioning „No, thanks I will pass“ „Come on, it’s on me. If you don’t want any alcohol, maybe something else?“ „Fine. Water please, with a lemon.“
They take a seat next to each other at the bar, „You aren’t from here, are ya?“ Claire asks as she slides over the drinks looking at Takemura „No.“ She looks at V, raises her eyebrows, and she answers by raising her shoulders and contorting her face into a questioning expression. "About the races, have you given it any more thought?" She takes a sip of her drink "Yea, hell, let's do it." "Great! Meet me at my garage some time and we discuss all the detes.” She takes another sip and even though the drink is delicious, her stomach turns when tasting the alcohol in it. She should take a break from drinking. “Seems like Rogue is free now."
She stands, nods to Takemura, and the two of them make their way past the bar, past two men arguing, and up a gallery. Damn, I can’t believe it, Rogue really made it.
"Did you bring the money this time or just your friend for another intimidation attempt? Although I have to tell you, he hasn't had any luck either. “ V notices Takemura making a barely perceptible movement behind her, but no one else seems to pay any attention to him. "No everything is fine Rogue, here is the money." Both of their eyes glow red as the money changes hands. "Preem, one hour and you will get your intel." "Nova, we will wait." As they walk out of the gallery, she sees that the one next to it has just become available and she points to it "We can wait over there more comfortably."
He frowns "Is there also a place here that.... how shall I put it...is less noisy?" with turn she faces him "I know, you get used to the volume eventually." and dismiss it with a wave of her hand "The back rooms are pretty quiet, but I'd have to ask if one is free, they're usually reserved - for real serious biz or personal strip shows." She winks - Takemura doesn’t show any reaction to that - and she turns on her heels once again to ask Claire.
One moment later she and Takemura step through the glass door of the cabin where she, Jackie, T-Bug and Deshawn had met, and they both drop down on the dark couch next to each other. "Ah yes, that's much better.“ Takemura remarks, rubbing his temples “Rogue lives up to her reputation. I'm curious what we will get in an hour.” “That’s why she’s the queen.” The two of them sit in silence for a short time, before Takemura began to speak again: “Night City is very noisy. I’m having trouble sleeping at night. And there is loud music everywhere. It is very different to Japan.” “ I've only been to Konpeki Plaza in Tokyo once, so I don't have much of an idea of how business works there. You never had to go to an underground club or so to do biz, beat someone up or whatever you did at Arasaka?”
Takemura shakes his head. On his own, he didn't seem to reveal very much. Perhaps she should ask more specifically, or break the ice with minor information. "Huh, it's kinda funny, even tho we were both employees there, we lived almost completely different lives. The locations of making the real biz - and with that, I mean under the counter biz - haven’t changed at all for me, just the people. Oh, by the way“ she sends him an attachment „here is a picture of me, a few weeks before my last day.“ She is sitting at her desk, smiling at the camera, her boss behind her, hand on her shoulder. Her hair long, platinum blonde and up in a high ponytail. She is wearing a black dress and heels. „This was before a business lunch in Tokyo. I normally wouldn’t wear dresses like this.“ „You look very different now.“ Takemura admits. „After I got fired, I cut my hair off and dyed it black. Didn’t want to be recognized at all.“ and by now her hair is almost a few inches below her jaw.
Takemura asks curiously „About that, you wanna tell me how and why you got fired?“ he leans his right arm on the backrest and looks at her. She rolls her eyes but smirks, „It’s actually not that thrilling. For context: Actually, I majored in criminal psychology but didn't want to go to the NCPD. Through vitamin B - a guy I met at a bar, Jenkins - I found a job in netrunning , specializing in counterintel, where they were looking for someone with my experience and basic tech knowledge. So I worked for Jenkins for two years, the guy on the photo - complete asshole if you ask me, one of the types that looks like an abuser and probs is about what I heard - there was a Frankfurt thing gone wrong, „ Takemura nods, „Mh, I might have heard of it.“ „Great apparently everyone has. And Abernathy - his boss - heard it, too, told Jenkins to stop doing his biz like this and stole his promotion. Well, and as a man fragile as he was, he felt his ego hurt. And for some reason, I should be the woman of choice to kill Abernathy.” Takemura, now with a serious expression, stroke his beard with his left hand: “You said yes?”
“Well I had to, would've been next otherwise. Problem was, I couldn’t get any more dirty details on our target, how to get this job done quickly, so I asked Jackie if he could help“, she makes a pause, a little sting in her chest, but also a little relief every time she mentions him now, „You do not have to keep talking If you do not want to“ Takemura offers her „No, it’s fine really, got a lot off my chest yesterday…So there I was at Lizzy’s with him and three Arasaka employees - I haven’t seen before - approached me, almost broke my nose, stole the data shard and shut off my cybernetics.“ „They found out?“ „Yea. Abernathy sent them, Jenkins probably got fired too or killed - hopefully. Lost my job that day, almost 200k Eddies, my apartment and cybernetics, also my life almost, if Jackie wouldn’t have been there.“ And she hadn’t saved him, she looks at her lap, again it seems Takemura wanted to make a move but hesitated “Pretty similar on how we met, huh?” She jokes and looks at him. However, his expression was unfathomable. Was there something he wasn’t telling her?
„You two, were close?“ he asked „Yea, really close - not romantically - but closer than best friends…“ though she remembers the kiss they shared one night, even before Jackie got serious with Misty. It was their second contract together, she barely made it out. Drunk on adrenaline and vodka, they sat on the roof above Jackie’s garage, and it just happened. The kiss was short, intense and ended with them both laughing, it didn’t feel right. Two weeks later he asked Misty she remembers how he told her a few weeks ago that he loved her. She clears her throat, now she really didn’t feel like getting carried away…” What about you? Got anyone waitin’ for you in Japan?“
Takemura looks at the glass wall behind her and shakes his head, „No, Arasaka was the only 'family' I had.“ Somehow it seemed to strike her only now that Takemura was in a very similar situation as her. Both of them had lost something incredibly important that day. Without thinking about it, she reaches for his shoulder, pressing lightly, an understanding look on her face „It will get better.“ His bright eyes were inspecting her dark ones once again - intensely. Come on V, please don’t give me this cliché staring at each other’s eyes shit, I’m going to fucking vomit. Besides, the hour is almost over. Hastily, she removes her hand and stand up quickly. “Rogue should have our intel by now.”
Sometime later she and Takemura step outside the Afterlife again. She had problems following Rogues plan since Johnny just couldn’t shut up about her. Takemura hasn’t said a word after they left the private area and has just been listening and accepting the data shard quietly but seemed to be impressed. Now, they both walk silently to the big highway “So. I need to get to Panam ASAP, should I drop you off anywhere on the way? Where are you staying by the way?” “No there is no need, you need to get Hellman quickly. In the Motel at the Cherry Blossom Market.” Oh no. “Damn, you really should get another one. Here..” She sends him some coordinates “the No-Tell Motel. It’s in a similar price range, take one of the top floor rooms, they are quieter. There will be also all kinds of weird biz, but it’s waaaaaay cleaner, promise and less noisy.”
“Thank you, V.” he nods his head slowly while looking for a tram station, looking a little bit lost and she calls her - Jackies - bike. She gets on it and starts the engine, but hesitates to start driving. Her eyes glow red again “And take this. I don’t need it at the moment, it’s my old car. As a borrowed gift for saving my life.” She smiles at him slighly. “I can not take this.” Takemura looks a little uncomfortable “Well, I’m not taking it back now. Just bring it back in a similar shape.” He nods once again and simulates a slight bow “I will. Stay save, V.” She hits the gas of Jackie’s bike and chases along the highway. Johnny appears behind her and holds onto her waist.
Damn, was surprised you didn’t give him your apartment keys too, or blow him right there. He really left an impression on you and I don’t like it.Well, maybe, but I don’t trust him enough for that. Yet you mean, never trusting Suits again, my ass V. She could practically feel him rolling his eyes. “It’s just hard to not trust him”, she mutters to herself. Nevertheless, she feels torn. She hadn't gotten a single new piece of information out of him. Doesn't understand why she suddenly thought this was not that important anymore. Maybe because they were indeed alike in many aspects. A common background, a similar fate, an almost identical goal. She told herself that she wouldn't have noticed his eyes all that much if Johnny hadn't pointed them out to her.  After all, what the hell does he know? 
Day 2
Takemura is sitting on the balcony of his room on the top floor of the No-Tell Motel, his feet up and resting on the railing, eating fried noodles, his rifle leaning next to his chair. It was difficult to get any food down in this city, it tasted all the same, like sawdust and plastic. He is having a hard time controlling himself from throwing his food full force into the canal below him. With each day in Night City as an outcast, he finds it harder to stay calm. Maybe that's why everyone is drinking here.
He rubs his eyes with his thumb and forefinger and decides that the next time he had a chance to drink with V, he would take up the offer. She had at least been spot on with her recommendation of the hotel. He had slept through the night almost completely in a clean bed and was able to shower extensively this morning, his freshly washed shirt was also swinging from left to right within a small breeze on the balcony. So she probably knows about a place they could find normal tasting food at.
V was currently the only person he had contact with and he didn't expect to get along with her, at all. He had appreciated her giving him information about herself. Although, the conversation about Arasaka and her expulsion had indeed left a bitter aftertaste, very similar to that of the city's food. He had heard of problems here and there in Japan, but Saburo-sama had been in charge of bigger tasks like development, research, and wasn’t involved in any employer business whatsoever, so Takemura had never known what life was like for some of the other employees, but he tried to brush the thought away. 
He has to admit that he is also quite impressed with how she had managed to escape Arasaka twice. How much she already had to endure emotionally and now has to again, and how despite everything she is getting things done, that he'd already written off. And even if he had believed that finding Hellman or Miss Parker could be a big problem just a few days ago, he has great confidence in her by now. She had called him in the middle of the night, quickly told him her plan and said she would get back to him around noon. Takemura had been trying to get as much new information as possible alone since then, but no one could tell him more about Evelyn Parker. It was as if she had never existed. 
So now he had spent the last few hours waiting in the motel. He put away the barely touched noodles and leaned back in the chair, lost in thought. She had been right that the two of them were in quite a similar situation. He could well understand her grief, and he, too, felt understood. He was glad not to have to work all alone in Night City, even if it had not been easy to ask her about it. Because he had to admit that it was not easy to get along here, which was a new circumstance for him. There were many unspoken rules and customs. And he realized that V was right, that he simply stood out. 
There was one thing he didn't really understand, though: the car, had thought about it a lot yesterday when he drove with it through Night City to run some errands. It had been a very sudden and impulsive gesture, for saving her life she said. But he could not yet know how useful the car could be. It hadn't really been easy to get a clear picture of her yet, and that intrigued him. It had not only been his job to physically defend Saburo and train others in doing so but also to quickly assess people and their intentions. Rarely had he been wrong. But she..Thief, ex-corporate netrunner, knowledge in psychology, all just hard skills. Resilient, Preserving and...mhmm. Egoistical, calculating and manipulating? Or honorable, kind and truthful? Maybe a little bit of everything? Hard to say.
Checking out the time - almost 4 p.m - he gets up, throws over his almost dry shirt and leaned over the railing, watching a small boat sailing past the motel. He honestly couldn't wait to meet Hellman and blow off some steam, even if it won't be as satisfying as the revenge on Yorinobu. Just as he was considering exercising his muscles, his phone rings. It was V, out of breath „I got Hellman. Bringing him so the sunset motel, sending you the coordinates.“ Finally. „Great, I will be there as soon as possible. Be careful, V.“ She smiles and winks, „Oh you need to worry less about me than Hellman.” He couldn't help but smile back.
Takemura slams the door of Vs car as he sees her walking up and down a window in one of the upstairs motel rooms. The motel was located a few kilometers outside of town, so it took him some time to get here. With a few big steps he was already at the top of the stairs, eventually standing in front of the door and opening it. V and Hellman are sitting in front of each other. Hellman has his hands bound behind his back and another scrap of fabric around his neck, probably to silence him - if needed. She sits wide-legged on a turned chair, both of her muscular arms casually on the backrest, totally in control of the situation. She no longer wore her shirt - it seemed to be used as a restraint and gag - now she is wearing a top, which exposed half of her back and ribs. Takemura ran his right hand over his beard, his eyes lingering on her bare skin, unintentionally following the curves of her body.
„Good to see you V, quite the view in here.” He walks next to Hellman and crosses his arms, looking at her, she smiles, but Hellman answers first “Takemura?! What the hell is he doing here?” Her gaze briefly switches over to Hellman “Takemura is a very good friend of mine, didn’t I mention it? Thought I would call him, just if you weren’t talkative enough. Plus he has some questions on his own. You play nice, he might even save your ass.” “I wouldn’t count on that.” Takemura replies dryly. Hellman was freaking out, looking right at her “Look, I give you everything you want, but please don’t leave me alone with him. The blueprints, right pocket of my jacket.” Takemura searches his pockets roughly and hands her the data shard.
Her eyes lit up blue as she observes the data, when they turn back to her normal black eyes, they switch to Takemura “I’m done here. What will you do with him?” He answers with an unchanged expression, stonily “I haven’t decided yet.” And continues, looking directly at her “You know I can be impulsive.” She swallowed quickly. "Then feel free to keep me updated, he is all yours. I'll be waiting outside." Hellman looked back and forth between the two of them "No, please, just let me...." but she stuffs the piece of cloth back in his mouth. Takemura looks at her “V, I will remember this.“ And as she walks out of the door, Takemura turns back to Hellman “She didn’t offer you any water I see. Unacceptable. Inhumane.” He walks over to the bureau to lean on it “But that is not me. You will see the difference. I will give you buckets or even a bathtub full with it.” The door closes.
From outside, however, Takemura suddenly heard rumbling and stumbling. „I'll be right back." and he opened the door to check on her, but he didn't see her. Quietly, he closed the door behind him and looked around. He spots her sitting on the bottom steps. Quickly, he was next to her. She is shaking violently and soaked in sweat and dirt, some scratches on her arms. She must have fallen down the stairs. „I don’t want you to see me like this." She mumbles, not facing him. With wobbly legs, she stands up and tries to walk a few steps, but they fail and Takemura had to catch her so that she wouldn't hit the ground again. "Let me help you." She doesn't resist and he carefully leads her to a nearby concrete bench, supporting her by her waist.
Naturally, he takes off his jacket, drapes it over her and kneels down in front of her "It's the biochip, is it not? I did not know it was this bad already." he asks as he scans her face for injuries, none found. She simply nods. "Yea. Thought out of the six months I would start getting problems at month five tops. Unfortunately not." "Can I help you in any way?" he asks concerned. "Noo I...I just need a little time to myself, please." He nods, could understand. "Though, I would advise you to not drive home anymore today. I have rented the room next door for the night. Feel free to sleep there when you are feeling better. If you need anything else, please let me know." He got up, but she takes his hand swiftly - Takemura notices how weak she is - and she looks straight at him "Why are you so nice to me?" "Why wouldn't I be?" he replies, squeezing her hand lightly and walking back to Hellman.
The interrogation didn’t take longer than an hour. He got every last piece of information out of Hellman, including long-forgotten details about Yorinobu stealing the relic, how he did it, who helped, how Hellman found out and managed to vanish. However, while pressing Hellman's head into the bathtub full of water every few seconds, Takemura couldn't get V out of his mind. Eventually, he was satisfied when Hellman was bound and gagged again, sitting on the chair, and he could check on her. He enters their room quietly, it was pretty dark, just one small light next to the second bed was lit up. She is already sleeping peacefully covered by his heavy leather jacket.
Takemura hangs up his soaking shirt, takes the blanket from the lower end of her bed, and carefully cloaks her whole body, before lying down himself. He watches her for a while. It had been shocking to see her so fragile for the second time. Especially the difference from before and the suddenness had concerned him - one moment she was bursting with physical vitality, the next one could be digging her grave. He could tell she is running out of time and he really felt sorry for her. Life often seemed to put obstacles in her way. As he had understood it, there were only a few weeks between her expulsion from Arasaka, the heist that went wrong, and her unfortunate death revelation. A feeling of unfairness rose in him. Sorrowfully, he looks over at her. For his own sake and for hers, he hoped they had more time.
Day 3
She wakes up early in the morning, the sun just rising and an orange beam shines through the shutters, a broad-shouldered and dark silhouette throws a shadow at the wall behind her. Takemura. His hair is already in a neat bun, he just put his shirt on and was buttoning it up. Shame she missed that. She observes him before she lays aside her covers - he must have put it over her while she slept - and his jacket and sits up. He turns his head “V, you are awake.” He stands up and walks around his bed to take a seat in front of her. He rests his elbows on his knees leaning closer to her, hands folded under his chin. His shirt is still very much open in the neck and chest area. His cybernetics were curving down his neck and end in a long black plate, similar to the sternum, she can clearly see the outline of his top abdominal muscles.
She swallows and notices a tingle in her chest, fuck, yesterday’s comment finds its way back into her memory, impulsively. “How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?” He asks while inspecting her. “Much better thanks. What about you?” He shakes his head, leans back and continues to button up his shirt, “Hardly, you sometimes scream while you sleep. I do not mind. Had to sleep under similar circumstances before.” “I’m sorry...” “...don’t be, really.” He continues to talk while getting up and putting on his jacket “We are meeting Oda tonight, I have some business to attend to before. Can you drive yourself?” She stretched her back and arms, checking on her control over her own body “Yes, definitely. Feeling in control again.” Takemura nods “Great,” and walks to the door “I will send you the coordinates tonight, if you need any help don’t hesitate to call me. Until tonight, V.” "Wait!" he truns around, hand at the door "The interrogation yesterday was fun, maybe we should do something similar again?" He laughs lightly "I would like that." And he closes the door behind him.
With a groan she lets herself fall backward on the bed. Johnny appears sitting next to her and leans over her face. What the fuck was that?  What? First of all 'the interrogation yesterday was fun, maybe we should do something similar again' and most importantly that feeling in your chest. Have you never felt... Fuck, Of course, V! He jumped from the bed, furious, she sits up. The problem is “I” never felt lust for a Corporat. And how did this feeling so suddenly even comes from?! She frowns and responds angrily. Oh, you saint, newsflash for you Johnny, you are in my body and if you remember I used to be a Corporat, too. She gets up, walks closer to him and stings her finger in his chest, and you know what? With this body, “I” fuck whoever I want whenever I want. He slaps her hand away, get some new clothes you smell like shit and vanishes. As much as she hates agreeing with Johnny right now, he was right. Getting Panams car back, slaughtering the Raffens and Kang Tao, interrogating Hellman and losing control yesterday had left traces of sand, blood and other stuff on her clothes.
Though his words got her thinking. Technically it had been three days Takemura and her first spoke. And in those three days she hadn't learned much about him, but she had gotten a feeling about him. Even if this is completely subjective, of course. It was strange, she finds it easy to get in contact with people and also to get along well with them in a very short time - it had not been any different in her lifetime, due to work - and quickly crushing on people and flirting with them wasn't exactly new to her either. But the question she asks herself now is: was that it or is there more? Because somehow a feeling is creeping into her mind that goes beyond that, more in the direction of... well... trust and security. Two attributes she had found in only a few people in Night City until now. 
She washes her face quickly in the bathroom - there will be enough time to shower in her apartment later - and she heads down the stairs to the small weapon trader. “You selling clothes, too?” She asks. The trader looks at her from head to toe, “Got only a few here, take a look.” She digs through the box of clothes and finds rather tight, but very stretchy black pants with leather patches on knees and thighs. In addition, a golden bra that reaches below her ribs, she inspects it. „It is reinforced, right?“ „Yup. Some claim it’s bulletproof but I wouldn’t count on it.“ „Preem, I will take both.“ She puts her new clothes on her bike to her coat and starts her way back to her apartment.
Once again she is sitting in the shower of her apartment, the water that disappeared down the drain, brown, yellow, dark red. Finally, she was alone after a few days, even Johnny isn't talking to her and finally, she can let the built-up emotions run free. Last night had come upon her again and with it the feeling of no longer being able to control herself, of being completely at Johnny's mercy. It didn't help that now every few days panic rose in her chest, choking off her breath. It was all just too much for one person, wasn't it? And the thought of not being around any more...With the water running and the radio turned on in the next room, she presses her face into her knees and cries without restraint. Sometimes she was surprised at herself, how she coped with everything that happened to her in the last days. But it wasn’t - isn’t - anything but easy.
Additionally, the pain of her loss kept coming up, the feeling of being in debt to others - especially Viktor and Takemura - and the feeling of being a burden to them and her other friends when she suddenly loses control over her body. Needing their help desperately to find a solution. A few minutes passed and the shaking and hasty breathing slowly decrease. She gets up and runs cool water all over her tear-swollen face. She walks out of the shower and in front of the mirror, looking at herself. "Get it together. You aren't dead yet." As much as it does her good to isolate herself from time to time and let her emotions run free, it also feels important to actually try to do something about it. Though it’s much harder.
Completely freshened up, a little freer from tension and feeling a lot more like her old self, she strolls alongside the glowing floor in Japantown near Jig-Jig street and decides to buy some coffee before she waits at the location where she and Takemura have agreed to meet. Just before the small coffee stand, she sees Johnny casually leaning against a wall on the other side. "Hi, I'd like two iced coffees please." Wow, first your car and now coffee V, I'd do better than that. She ignores him. Come on V, I bet you can't keep this up for long. She continues walking towards the meeting spot and turns on her internal radio. Johnny appeared in front of her every few steps, grimacing and silently forming some rather violent insults. Inside a tunnel, she loses her patience and pauses the music.
Okay, spit it out asshole, what do you want? However, she doesn’t let him get a word in edgewise and is now mimicking him. V, I have the emotional maturity of a ten-year-old who has just been told that he is grounded, she grimaces and rubs her eyes ironically. V, unfortunately, I can only think in black and white and put everyone in the same box. Oh V, how can you think of allying with a corpo or fuck him, because I - as someone who lives rent-free in your head - has the right to decide that, and she shows him her right middle finger, the other hand is unfortunately occupied with coffee. For a moment she thinks she and Johnny are about to attack each other, but he just smirks, shows her both middle fingers and disappears. Huh. With easier steps now, she walks along the rest of the tunnel, follows the canal a bit and finally sits down on the concrete barrier.
She doesn’t have to wait long until she hears her car, it stops in front of her and Takemura climbs out, her heart pausing for a second. “It is good to see you, V. You look a lot better.” He leans over the concrete barrier with his arms, right next to her, facing the canal. “As much as I'd love to return the compliment...but you honestly look pretty beat up.” She hands him one of the coffees “What happened?” He turns around, resting his back against the concrete “You see a man robbed of his implants, money and dignity. Look well.” She snorts, he looks at her angrily “Sorry Goro, but been there, done that. It will get better. Here...” She nudges his crossed arms with the coffee, he takes a sip and contorts his face “This one is already cold.” “Yea but it’s cold on purpose. You wanna tell me you never had an iced coffee, not even in summer?”
He shakes his head, but takes another sip “Guess it might be not so bad if you get used to it.” She smiles “See.” He turns sideways facing her, “There is something I wanted to ask you. Next time we meet...Do you know a place where we can get good-tasting foods? Everything here tastes like sawdust and plastic. Maybe something not local?” Wait. Might he be asking what she thinks he is? Or does she just want him to be asking what she thinks he is? She jumps down, mirroring his gesture, deciding to be bold about it. “Are you asking me to invite you to a date because you don’t know where we should go if you would ask me out?” She looks up at him, defiantly. He frowns “Are you mocking me V?” “A bit yea.” She winks, his face relaxes again and he, too, is now showing a bit of a smile. The first time she sees him smiling she thinks. “But as it happens, I know just the place. Hope Sushi is fine?” “Real or fake fish?” He asks skeptically, but rows back immediately, when he sees the expression on her face “Sorry, I will try to keep an open mind.“ “So, then we...” but they were interrupted by an arriving car.
V and Takemura observe the car as it makes a u-turn and the engine is shut off a few meters away. She hops back onto the barrier. “By car, a good sign. Usually, he is camouflaged.” As the man shuts the door of his car, Takemura walks a few steps towards him. Both of them bow to each other. “Takemura-san.” “Oda.” “Is this her, your thief?”
She rolls her eyes, but Takemura answers first. „She is my witness, V.“ Gently she tilts her head, „I am V, thank you for hearing me and Goro out.” “So speak. I hear you know things.” She looks at Takemura, he nods encouragingly. She starts explaining herself, as respectfully as possible. “Konpeki Plaza, I was there that night when it happened. First it looked like your typical family quarrel, until - unfortunately for all - Yorinobu lunged at Saburo, choking him...“ Oda I interrupts her, his voice furious “Silence. Not one word more. You will bring death to your door.” He adds with a cold voice. Immediately after Oda voices this threat, Takemura moves closer to her and places himself between her and Oda, his arms crossed, facing Oda. Former bodyguard, huh, she can't help but feel a little safer.
“But it is the truth, Hanako-sama must hear it.“ Takemura insists. “My one job is to keep her save in this city, forgotten by the gods.” “Is she in danger?” “Now? No. Yet, during the parade to honor Arasaka-sama, most certainly.” Takemura seems to grow impatient: “I bring you this witness to his murder and you only care about a silly parade?!” “Correct, unlike you I have not yet failed to keep my oath to my duty.” That wasn’t fair to him and she barges in: “At least he is trying to do something. You are just ignoring the truth.” and turning to Oda, Takemura adds coldly “You will regret those words.” 
"The only thing I regret is coming here to meet you. There is a price on your head, I’m doing you a favor not cutting it off and bringing it straight to Yorinobu-sama.“ After a threat like this, she would normally start shooting, but that is in no ones interest right now. However, Takemura made a move towards Oda and she decides to distract the two from each other, she jumps down the concrete barrier stepping between Oda and Takemura, fully aware it is considered rude and dangerous for her.
"Oda, you are an Arasaka soldier! This is not a request. We remind you of your duty to be truthful to your superiors." It worked, Takemura looked at her and stepped away from Oda, closer to her. Oda broke of his rampage and faces her. "I did not come here to be lectured by a thief." Now that was too much even for her patience. "I am tired of being called a thief. Wasn't always what I am now. And your friend here didn't always look like a bum. Feel free to join us. Plenty of room at the bottom of the heap. Not enticed? Then do your duty. Tell Hanako what nobody else wants to hear!" Oda turns around without saying a word and getting back into his car.
Takemura starts talking again first. “Be safe out there my friend. We are all so far from home here.” then turns to V a small smile on his face "That should be to him, as you say, food for thought. Interesting to see you more from that side too." "Just gotta tell it like it is sometimes." "It is a shame nothing will come of it." "How come?" "It should have been obvious. Oda is a perfectionist. He most fears to make a mistake." V had calmed down by now. 
V pats Takemura on his shoulder, resting her hand there, and asks rhetorically “Yea. And by the way, fine friend there. Got anymore? And thanks by the way, that you told me we are going to meet Hanakos bodyguard before the actual meeting.“ He shakes his head “Alas, only him and I am sorry V, I thought you could back out. He is very dangerous after all.” He nods in the direction of her car and they both get in. She closes the passenger door, “It’s fine, but please be more open to me from now on, since I am trying to do the same." Takemura nods „I am sorry V. I will try my best.“ "How do you know him anyway?” "He was one of my students, I trained him to be Hanako-samas bodyguard." V whistles, "You have succeeded in any case. I was a bit scared to be honest. You both make the same intimidating impression the first time one meets you." "Only the first time?" Takemura asks.
V shrugs "Depends on your mood I guess. You have been kind to me the last days." He nods, " In Japan, we try to show respect and kindness to everyone. At least most of the time. Quite the opposite of this city. Odas seems to have forgotten this as well." "At least we tried." He seems to consider something “We tried yes, but we didn’t fail. We obtained something very useful.“„What do you mean?“ Takemura turns on his seat, facing her “What Oda said. They return to Tokyo after the parade. Do you not see? The parade. This could be our chance. If you could get to Hanako-sama somehow...” She snorts “Sure, good idea. Whatcha gonna do? Jump from a balcony to her airship and kidnap her? Oh, wait, you could offer her tea and we will be sitting at a table together talking calmly about everything.” Takemura looks at her, earnestly. Her smile vanishes, “Wait, Goro, this was a joke. You can’t be seriously considering this. You don’t have your implants. That straight up sounds like a suicide mission.” Takemura lets himself fall back into the seat, massaging his eyes “You are right. We must do a proper reconnaissance first. We need a map of Japantown, as well as more details about the airships.” “Hold on.” He faces her again “It is your turn to call on friends, V. Do her know a fixer who can help?”
She stares at him with a slightly opened mouth. She surely didn’t expect that. She did notice, - additionally to him telling her - that he can be impulsive, yes, but she thought it was less serious. She thought he was more...rational regarding every aspect. That all of his decisions were purely intended by analyzing and thinking and not at all intuitively and impulsive. But to be honest, she feels intrigued by this new discovery and couldn’t deny herself a cheeky grin. “I know just the right dame - Wakako Okada. Runs a pachinko parlor on Jig-Jig street.” “We must pay this woman a visit. Will you join me?” „Sure.“ he smiles, too, “Thank you V” and starts the engine.
„Jazz, really?“ She asks as the radio starts playing and Takemura turns her car around, he shrugs “It is very calming. But change it to Rock or Night FM, I enjoy them too.“ “No, it’s fine.” They drive back through the tunnel. Takemura breaks the silence “So...Jig-Jig Street, what is this name?“ She dismisses the question with a wave of her hand „Just a Night City name.“ He frowns, “Beware you mock me...too often.” „Didn’t mean it like that, it’s really just how it is.“ "Mhm." The two of them ride in silence for a few minutes, while she thinks about the conversation they had with Oda. As Takemura has already confirmed to her, Oda has been his only friend and now - in hindsight - she can kinda understand why he even considers a suicide mission like the one they are going after, what choices does he have from his point of view?
“How are you feeling?” She interrupts the silence, “Fine. Why the sudden concern?“ “I am just asking. I mean we practically spent the last three days together, you are stranded here in Night City and just wondering how you feel.” „I apologize, that came off wrong. I am simply not used to questions like this. People like me...We either do well or we are in a grave. So it is not easy for me to talk about how I feel, especially when I do not feel so good.” She feels a sudden rush of compassion and affinity. The last hour they had talked more than in the last three days, had already gotten to know him better. They both do struggle in similar ways, she thinks.
Maybe if she opens up first it would be easier for him? “I know that feeling, it’s basically the same when you work as a corpo, well and as merc, here in NC. But you know what,I..." she hesitates for a second, this wasn't easy for her either "I feel like shit. I really do. I am dying, I have no plan whatsoever on how to stop this and I’m still grieving, even if I tell myself that everything is okay.” He waits a short time before responding “I feel like shit, too. I did not feel so powerless in decades. I do not know where to sleep, I am followed, need to blend in somehow, which is difficult as you might imagine. It...how would you say it...straight-up sucks, I wish I could delta.” She laughs. "But I am also grateful that you are here to support me V. That we share this mission." he adds. She quickly looks over at him, but his eyes remain on the road. 
“So where will you be sleeping next then?” “I do not know. I can not go back to the No-Tell Motel. As I returned, the room was destroyed, searched. They are still looking for me.” V, please don’t. „You could use my apartment. I’m not even there most of the time and if I am, I’ve got a bed and a couch, hell we might even shoot them right there.” Takemura smiles lightly but shakes his head “No, V, I cannot accept this. You gave me so much already.” She turns in her seat. “You can and you will. You saved my life, helped me yesterday too. And as much as you need me...Well, I need you, too.” For a split second, his eyes wander from the road to hers, but she couldn't tell what is going on within them and he doesn’t say anything. Hastily she adds “And, you know, I still have to follow so many leads, for this biochip thing. I just have a feeling that Hanako will be definitely worth a shot.” “Mhm.” Takemura nods, “Thank you. I will consider your offer.”
Wakako is on the phone as they enter her office. Takemura follows V closely behind. “V, so nice to see you. And your charming friend is?” He steps forward and greets her in Japanese “Goro Takemura. The honor is mine Okada-San.“ „Haaa, a true gentleman you got there. He's not on the market right now by any chance?“ Takemura looks at V confused, she shrugs and answers her a little too snippy “Em, let’s just say no, he isn’t.” “What a shame. And shame that he is hunted by all the Arasaka tin soldiers. And you, V, ” she stands up leaning forward in her desk, her voice not at all sweet and welcoming anymore, “bring him to my door. Give me one good reason I am not calling the proper authorities.”
V walks ahead, sits on Wakakos desk and counter “if you would have intended to do that, you would have done it ten minutes ago, but you didn’t, because you know me. We come with biz and a good amount of Eddies plus you are curious and want to know what we have.” She sits back into her chair “Get off my desk!“ She hisses „But you are right. What do you want?“ V quickly jumps off her desk “Parade in Japantown, we need intel, schedules, maps whatever you have.“ She crosses her arms “Arasaka. Again. Why come to me? Didn’t Deshawn answer his phone?”
V looks at Takemura, he answers “He is deceased. Okada-san, our intentions are honorable. We need just information. It is a matter of life and death.” Wakako looks over to V „Here, it’s all on the shards.“ „How much?“ „It is free. For a favor.“ „So it’s actually not free.” “It’s free for you V, but not for our hitman here.” And she looks at Takemura “My pockets are empty.” He replies, “Clearly yes. A client of mine needs someone dead. Quite and quick. Do it and your debt is paid.” V doesn’t like this “I could just...” but Takemura interrupts her “Consider it done.” “Great, here the shard.”
V and Takemura look at the data and Wakako gives them all the intel they need. “That’s all I have. Be on your way.” „Thanks, Wakako.“ and they leave, walking down Jig-Jig street, back to Vs car. “This Information, it could be just what we need.” “Yea, but didn’t like the payment for it.” “I can handle it. Besides, I need to make money myself. I need to buy food myself.” She nods but hides her thoughts, that she still doesn’t think the deal is a good idea.
However, Takemura verbalizes them “Are you concerned about me?“ Looking at the dirty ground she replies, “Well, I can't deny it.” They arrive at her car. Takemura holds her back, by her arm “V, look at me.” She looks up and is amazed that he is smiling widely, as she hadn't seen before. “You doubt that I can properly fight without implants?” Caught off guard she opens her mouth but closes it again. “You have never seen me fighting, haven’t you?”
She slips onto her hood “Goro, look, no, I am sorry. I didn’t mean...” he walks closer to her, his smile was gone, his eyes sharp, expression cold, bulked up to his full height and arms folded.   “You underestimate me V? I should have known when you told me I do not intimidate you anymore." She felt intimidated again, but without a shred of fear. Much more, she could practically feel her pupils dilate at his sight. He continues, "But be grateful I consider you a friend or you will regret this one day.” She turns to him “Wait, are you mocking me now?!” He loosens up, holding onto the roof of her car, a cheeky grin on his face, “Oh, or can it be, you don’t want anything to happen to me before our date?” V joins in his smile. “So it is a date!” She exclaims. He chuckles, before walking around the car. “Maybe.” “You know what Goro, you are right, I think I underestimate you.”
0 notes
sorserah · 4 months
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Chapter 4: Coffees and Funerals
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Outsider No More | Goro Takemura & Female V/OC
And then he understands, clearly understands what she had been feeling, trying to tell him. And he now realizes too, he does not want to lose her either. 
An interpretation of how a romance between Takemura and Corpo Female V could have been. Changing between Vs and Takemuras POV. Mostly following the main story of the game, adding bits and pieces here and there for a little bit more depth. So spoilers ahead.
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18+, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Panic Attacks, Death, Blood and Injury, Corpo V (Cyberpunk 2077, Takemuras POV, Vs pov, Alcohol, Sexual Tension, Flirting, Denial of Feelings, Internal Conflict, they are both idiots, Guilt, Overthinking, Smut, Sex, Romantic, Gestures
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Both hands pressed against the cold tiles of her shower, she feels the hot water running down her back. She adjusted it a bit hotter than usual, just to suppress the pain a bit, the pain of her skin and muscles, and the pain of her loss. For three days now she hasn’t left the apartment, ignored all calls. To leave meant that everything was real. That everything happened exactly as she had been trying to repress and understand all this time. After Johnny beat her, she dragged herself back to bed under the covers, staring through her window, at the advertisements and vans flying by. Sunset followed sunrise followed sunset….However, this morning Mama Welles called, she just couldn't reject her. Jackie's funeral is going to be today and she wants her to be there. And she, she wants to be there, too, and ignore it simultaneously.
With one last deep breath, she turns off the shower and heads for the closet. Seeing so many clothes that remind her of the countless jobs with Jackie. She takes a black garbage bag and throws them all in. At last, only her old Corpo clothes remain. But she couldn't leave the house in them - at least not like this - she would only attract even more attention. She rolls up the black pants until they reach over the black boots, which she had retrieved from the trash against goodwill. She leaves the tie and the blazer aside. Instead, she puts on the black shirt, but leaves the top buttons open and rolls up the sleeves - maybe she wouldn't stand out as then. In front of the mirror, she examines herself again. She looks almost like she did back then, like the Corporat she desperately wanted to leave behind. Almost disgusted, she turns away from her reflection. On the way to the funeral, she should get a new jacket or coat.
„Okay, here goes nothing.“ She steps out of her apartment door. The loudness of the apartment complex almost knocked her out after three days of barely hearing anything. Night City is just always noisy. While she is making her way down in the elevator, she is called again. „Takemura here, I have been trying to reach you. You did not answer the phone.“ „Yea, I..“ She clears her dried vocal cords „I have been busy.“ „No matter, we need to talk. Come to Tom’s Diner.“ Damn, who is he to think she can command her. „And why exactly would I do that?“ „Because I am the one who saved your life.“ Huh. „I haven’t managed to get my head straight yet. Besides I have to be somewhere this afternoon.“
„And so what? It is still very early and about what happened, that will not change any time soon.“ He made a small pause „Let me give you an advice: If you want to live, you should reenter the ring. The bell has already tolled.“ „Big fan of metaphors, huh?“ „Toms Diner, I will be waiting.“ He hung up. Weird, she hardly remembers him. Just a few scraps of memory: The stench of the garbage dump, a loud, deafening crash, and Takemura's face appearing over her sight a few times. No idea who he is. But so far he is the only lead that might save her life - besides Evelyn - or at least end it quickly. Either way, she decides to head to the diner first and then settle everything else -regardless of the outcome of the meeting. 
As she walks down the streets of Night City, she tries not to think about the funeral so much, which keeps worming its way into her memory. The pain in her chest that is not from a physical injury grows stronger and harder to ignore with each step she takes. Before she knows it, she is already walking around the corner to Tom's Diner. Takemura is sitting right at the first table, she first peeks around the corner, so far everything seemed quiet in the diner and he hadn't seen her yet. He made quite a tall and intimidating impression, yet he didn't fit into the ambiance at all. He sat clearly too straight, clearly too controlled in contrast to everyone else here. He also appeared to be unarmed. She didn't think that was very smart. 
She walks around the corner and without wasting much time she drops into the seat. He seems to be slightly startled: „V! You do not look so bad.“ He takes a sip from his coffee, „Uhm, thanks,“ she answers slightly confused, unsure whether this should be a general compliment or only to her health. She decides on the first: „You don’t look too bad either, seems we have a similar taste, at least in clothing.“ His face remaining neutral „And in employers so it seems or is it stolen?“
When she raises an eyebrow questioningly, he nods in the direction of her chest. There was a small red Arasaka sign embroidered she had completely forgotten. „Ugh, shit. Tom?! I need a black pen and a coffee: half and half, caramel shot!“ „Coming!“ Damn, she tries to rip it off „No it's not stolen. Wouldn't make any sense walking around in this outside Arasaka HQ. I used to work there, got fired, long story.“ „Because you were stealing?“ Takemura asked seriously, insulted she states „No, not because I was stealing…thanks Tom..“ She gives Tom a smile as she transfers the Eddies to him and accepts the coffee and pen. „And aren't you overdoing it a bit with the stealing theme?" she asks him in the voice she had often used to assert herself in the office. After a sharp look, she turns to her shirt trying to paint the Arasaka logo black.
"Well, you did steal Saburo-samas, most valuable possession. This makes you a thief. But I know you are not a murderer - at least not his." She looks back up at him, how could he know what. "And who exactly are you?" she asks skeptically. Takemura furls his eyebrows and lowers his voice to a minimum „You do not remember me?“ She shakes her head „I am - was - Saburo Arasakas bodyguard. I was there when you and Mr. Welles were as well. I just did not know at this time. I brought you to Mister Vector.“ Jackies name and naming recent past life-impairing events stroke her a punch in the chest and forced her to put away the pen and look up, to examine Takemura closer.
And she starts to remember. He had worn a black shirt then, too, but under a jacket - his eyes glowing red. He had almost caught her and Jackie hiding in the maintenance column. The revitalization...it must have been him as well. She stands up, and holds out her hand to him "I guess I'll have to apologize then. Thank you for saving my life, at least for the next few months." He also stands up, shakes her hand briefly - his grip strong but not too firm - before they both sit down again. "But Fuck, how did you survive this long? They must be looking for you all over Night City. You should delta.“ Takemura looks confused for a second, then lowered his gaze and nodded „Yes. I have been hunted. But that is not important now. I need your help.“ Come again? „What do you need my help for?“ „To begin, you must tell me where to find Evelyn Parker.“ „Evelyn…what’s she to you?“ He may have saved her life and currently also makes quite a trustworthy impression, but she had worked with enough Arasaka to know that she should be careful with first impressions. 
„She and Yorinobu Arasaka had intimate relations, she knows how to get to him.“ Huh, not what she expected: „I thought this was about the biochip. ‘Oughta have a word with her myself, want her to help me to get rid of it. Though I could imagine she already left Night City, after everything that happened.“ Takemura takes another sip from his coffee before answering „Yes it seems so. I tried to contact her, no success. But…how would she know how to remove the chip? Does she work for a corporation?“ She shakes her head and sighs „Actually, I have no idea, she did show that slyness you get in corpo agents.“
Takemura puts away his coffee and straightens up on his bench to his full height, she had to admit he looked very intimidating, even more than before. His eyes cold, the ice-white rings in particular intensified this. „I, too, possess this ‚slyness’ you speak of?“ He asks derogatory. She snorts „Slyness, not really. I mean maybe a little. Look at you, look at us. We are sitting in a diner, two people dressed completely in black, one with the Arasaka logo on the chest and the other on the neck - and kindly meant advice, I would try to cover that- trying to have secret conversations in a diner, knowing full well that the people behind us, „ she nods her head in the direction, "can overhear almost every word. Intimidation on point tho." She takes a sip of her coffee. Takemura now shrinks back a little, eyebrows lowered, eyes still cold, and leans across the table closer to her. „V, I am serious with the help. Maybe we can do each other a favor.“
„What do you have to offer? And it better be good, because I don’t have a lot of time and patience right now.“ She leans back, arms crossed. He keeps a straight face, replying rather frigid: „You need to get the right people on your side and I need you to testify, in front of my allies, reasonable people, in a neutral location. You are dying. You do not know how to save yourself. So in return, I offer you a meeting with…“ „Anders Hellman?“ She interrupts him „Heard that name before, it is Hellman's invention isn’t it?“ Takemura seems surprised but shakes his head, “Untrue. He is a pawn. He left Arasaka. I spent many days looking for him. He - what's the expression - dropped off the face of earth." "Defected? Where to? Some other corp poach him?" "
"As far as I can tell, he acted alone. A meticulous man, he planned it, covered his tracks well." "Any idea where he took off to?" "None. Besides, I meant someone way more powerful than Hellman. Someone, who has not left Arasaka. But if by some miracle, you find Hellmann, please notify me. He and I have unfinished business.“ She raises an eyebrow: „Fine…So you mean Arasaka can save me as easily as they can make me disappear? You know, Takemura, I'll buy the second part right away, but the first part I doubt very much. But you believe that?“ „I do so yes.“
She takes a few more sips of her coffee while thinking about what has been said. Meanwhile, Takemura looks at her with interest, his bright white eyes piercing into her darkened black ones, his elbows on the table, hands clasped, kneading. His cybernetics on his neck and jaw give him a slightly alternative and tough look. Quite a pleasant sight, as she must admit herself. Also, very interesting that he came to her and asked for help, just asking for help, not something common here in Night City. Maybe she could take advantage of the matter for herself. One more option to get the thing out of her skull. „Okay, count me in.“
Takemura smiled barely noticeable in relief, she continues and leans on the table again, one big question remaining. „But, what’s in it for you?“ She asks, putting down her finished coffee. „Yorinobu Arasaka must answer for his crimes. Simply put, I want revenge. I want justice.“ Slightly grinning she answers "You know what, I think maybe we'll get along just fine.“ Takemura stands up, throwing over his coat. „You seek revenge yourself? For what happened to Mister Welles perhaps?“ Her grin freezes on her face and the short time in which she had forgotten, was over. She looks down, stands up quickly and steps past Takemura. With force, she pushes the tears out of her eyes. No one was allowed to see her cry here, especially not him. "Yeah something like that. We'll hear from each other, I gotta go. I am late already and thanks for the offer.“
Hastily she hurries through some alleys, up a few floors, to a lonely roof. There she drops to her knees, hides her face in her hands and begins to cry unrestrainedly. Damn V, get it together. Arasaka is still a despotic machine and the world’s on a collision course with chaos „Oh fuck you, Johnny!“ You know you don’t have to speak out loud to talk to me right? What do you want? Can’t this wait until tomorrow, you wanna knock me out a second time?! Johnny is sitting in a chair in front of her. Ah you know what, I changed my mind, don’t want you dead anymore and this suffering…its just pitiful. Go fuck yourself Dickwip. Fine, we will talk tomorrow and he vanished. She gives herself a few more minutes to let it all out. Afterward, she tries to look as normal as possible as she heads off to Mama Welles. On the way she decides to purchase some round sunglasses besides a new coat, so she could at least hide her fragility for the next few days.
He didn't know that she had once worked for Arasaka, too. She reminded him of some employees he had seen when accompanying Saburo-sama to different meetings. The corporate slyness she mentioned, he thinks he saw it in her. The tip to hide its augmentations. He put the collar of his jacket higher and more towards his head. She had made a different impression on him overall than he would have expected. He thought she was just a thief, a criminal through and through, and yet she had agreed to testify. Still, he wasn't sure how trustworthy she was. If he wanted to continue working with her, he should try to find out more about her. One thing he already knew, especially confirmed by her reaction - she and Jackie Welles were very close. He would try to find out more in the next few days. 
He dials Oda's number. It rings a few times before he answers. „竹村、話さないで。なぜ私を呼ぶのですか?“ Takemura answers hastily in Japanese as well „I know that we should not speak, but I have a witness, we need to talk.“ Silence, stretched across minutes as it seems „Fine. Three days, Japantown.“ Oda hangs up. Takemura is pleased. Now he just had to wait.
0 notes
sorserah · 4 months
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Chapter 3: Losing Thrice
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Outsider No More | Goro Takemura & Female V/OC
And then he understands, clearly understands what she had been feeling, trying to tell him. And he now realizes too, he does not want to lose her either. 
An interpretation of how a romance between Takemura and Corpo Female V could have been. Changing between Vs and Takemuras POV. Mostly following the main story of the game, adding bits and pieces here and there for a little bit more depth. So spoilers ahead.
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18+, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Panic Attacks, Death, Blood and Injury, Corpo V (Cyberpunk 2077, Takemuras POV, Vs pov, Alcohol, Sexual Tension, Flirting, Denial of Feelings, Internal Conflict, they are both idiots, Guilt, Overthinking, Smut, Sex, Romantic, Gestures
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It is almost midnight, rainfall had started a while ago. The gutters flowed full of water, spilling onto the sidewalk, fog rising from the streets. “あいさつ Yorinobu...” Takemura hesitates for a second then spat out between gritted teeth “..-sama. I have found the woman you are looking for.” “Finally, send me your current coordinates ASAP!” Takemura did what he was told but was sure Yorinobu didn’t believe him for a second, then “Good, my men will be there in five.”
He retreats to the wide, long and dark alley he had chosen for an event like this. Roofed, to the, left a closed metal door, to the right a trash container, behind which he hit his rifle. In the back a small fence, he could quickly jump over, if things get a little too....delicate. He strides into the center of the alley and takes position, hands folded in front of his body, closing his eyes to halt his thoughts, to review final combat maneuvers. The rain pattered monotonously on the roof. The water from the overflowing gutter slowly ran into the alley.
It wasn’t long until the rumble of a loud, high-performance engine could be heard and a dark Quadra drove up. Takemura opens his eyes, as the front and back doors of the car open and four shapes walk towards him, positioning themselves at the entrance of the alley. くそ. It had been apparent to him from the beginning that Yorinobu wouldn't need either him anymore nor V, but he would have preferred to deal with just two contractors - Tiger Claws he would have guessed.
Unfortunately, this was currently the easiest way to get resources and then quickly disappear. „Where is she?“ asks the biggest one with a heavy Japanese accent. Takemura nods to the left „Behind this door, constraint.“ The four executioners look at each other and start laughing „Why is it, that we do not believe you?“ „See for yourselves.“ Takemura hisses in Japanese and steps next to the trash container gesturing to the door.
Regrettably, things did not go according to plan. Two of the thugs are blocking the entrance to the alley, the other two approach Takemura. Suddenly, one of them lashes out, Takemura manages to dodge and hit him hard on both ears, kicks him in the crotch, causing him to stagger backward and fall down, hands between his legs. However, the second managed to pull him back by the hair. Takemura grabs both forearms of the attacker, gave in to his pull until the attacker stumbled and used this to turn around and throw the attacker over his back onto the one already lying on the ground. The attacker hit the other hard on the head with his boots and he remained motionless. Meanwhile, the other two thugs had already gained attention.
One of them grabs Takemura violently by the collar, ramming him against the metal door, and the other punches him violently against his ribs with his strengthened fists multiple times. He could feel one or two of them breaking, his breath caught in his throat. There is only one way to escape. He quickly rips open the front buttons of his shirt, dropped to the ground, hits each one of the attacker's knees with both fists and full force, pushing their legs aside, rushing over to the rifle, dropping hard on his back and firing two well-aimed shots. The two attackers slit to the ground immediately. The last one alive grabbed Takemura's foot. „マザーファッカー“ Takemura kicks him in the temple so that he no longer moved either.
Takemura turns around and onto his knees, releasing the rifle, crossing his arms over his abdomen. The pain in his side is so intense that he feels nauseous. Cold sweat mixed with the warm one, strands of hair glued to his face, but he could not stay here. He picked himself up with utmost difficulty and begins to search the thugs. He finds some ammunition, a pistol, a good amount of Eurodollars and the car keys. He takes his shirt, threw it over and searches the parked car. Fortunately, violent activity is such a normal occurrence in Night City that no one pays any attention to him. In the car, he finds more ammunition and a few more Eddies.
It was still pouring and after a minute he is soaking wet. Limping as discretely as possible, he makes his way down the street, to a marketplace with a few small stalls. Actually a nice spot he thinks. There are masses of red paper lanterns stretched over posts and walls, soaking the whole market in a cozy red light. A constant relaxed noise level in the air, interrupted only by sudden loud laughter. Food stalls lined up in a cluster, occasionally disconnected by bars, tables or other vendors, such as clothing or electronics. Takemura buys a bag of anpan, some not real fish, as well as some water and whisky. For later.
In the background, he could see a half-lit motel sign, just above another restaurant. He walks past a booth that played some rock music outrageously loud, Samurai, he was able to read on the posters. To his left, he saw another booth with a dark leather jacket that might be his size. "Excuse me, how much would you like for this jacket?" "150 Eddies and it's yours, you look really bad man, I'll make her a special price." "Thanks. Can I get this black shirt here too?" „Sure, 50 Eddies.“ Takemura pulls the shirt and jacket off the hanger, he wouldn’t wear another white one in this city if he could avoid it.
At the motel, he was pleased to find that there is no staff there. He pays his Eddies only fot the night - safer to vanish at any moment - and was glad when he could finally enter an empty room, wind down in peace. He makes sure the door was closed and locked. The room is fairly small; with a wandering glance, he obtains an overlook. Putting his groceries on the table, wrinkling his nose at the sight of the spoiled food in the sink, and hanging up his new jacket carefully over one of the three chairs. Takemura peers out the window, stepping onto the balcony and checking beneath the bed. No one was around. He takes the whiskey and his rifle, puts down his dirty and soaked shirt on the way to the bathroom and lets it just fall on the floor.
He checks behind the shower curtain as well, the bathtub wasn’t as moldy as expected and surely not as dirty as the sink. Carefully placing the rifle on the floor but at hand, he inspects his back and abdomen in the mirror, the previous bruises had now been joined by some new red ones. He opens the whiskey and took a big gulp before he started to examine his ribs. Apparently, he had been right, one or two ribs were broken. He would have to see Viktor again. He gets rid of the rest of his clothes and stands under the hot shower. He feels depressed, powerless, embarrassed and alone. Saburo was dead because he failed his duty. He was cast out by Arasaka and he couldn't even use his cybernetics to help himself. 
Takemura strokes the back of his neck with his right hand could clearly feel the Arasaka implants and undid his topknot. His hair was flushed to the right and left of his face, darkening his vision. He had worked for the Arasaka family for so many decades. Never had he dreamed that Yorinobu would be capable of something like this, family had always been the most important thing especially to Saburo and Hanako. And then Yorinobu betrayed his family, killed his own father, was on his old master's throne now, ruling over Arasaka. Takemura opens his eyes again, clenching his fists before turning of the shower tap, making himself aware of his intentions again. He would do everything in his power to revenge Saburo.
Taking another big sip of whiskey - to ease the pain - as he finds a halfway clean-looking white t-shirt on the shelf next to the tub. He put it on, just like his boxers, shakes the pants loose and puts them carefully folded with the jacket and the new shirt. He would leave the old one here. Grabbing the bag of buns and the water, sitting down on the worn bed and then looking out the window as he finishes two of the three buns. He would call V tomorrow early in the morning. She is his last hope to accomplish his mission and restore the balance of the Arasaka family to the extent that it was possible. He let himself sink into the pillows and immediately drifts into a deep sleep.
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sorserah · 4 months
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Chapter 2: Playing for Time
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Outsider No More | Goro Takemura & Female V/OC
And then he understands, clearly understands what she had been feeling, trying to tell him. And he now realizes too, he does not want to lose her either. 
An interpretation of how a romance between Takemura and Corpo Female V could have been. Changing between Vs and Takemuras POV. Mostly following the main story of the game, adding bits and pieces here and there for a little bit more depth. So spoilers ahead.
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18+, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Panic Attacks, Death, Blood and Injury, Corpo V (Cyberpunk 2077, Takemuras POV, Vs pov, Alcohol, Sexual Tension, Flirting, Denial of Feelings, Internal Conflict, they are both idiots, Guilt, Overthinking, Smut, Sex, Romantic, Gestures
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"What are you doing?! Hey!" Takemura screams out as he sees her unconscious body breathing less and less often, her eyes remaining closed. No...she can't die out here, can not die just yet, she is the only witness left. Takemura grabs her tightly by the shoulders and arms and pins her on her back. Then he starts the revitalization measures that he had rehearsed so well throughout his profession. He stretches his arms and with the help of both hands, he presses them rhythmically and energetically 30 times on her chest, wishing his cybernetics had not been damaged.
With each violent thrust at her chest, he feels a sharp pain in his right shoulder and a new gush of blood running over his skin, weighing down the suit. He, too, had not felt so powerless and defenseless in a long time, but he had learned his whole life to keep a clear mind, even in critical circumstances. He closes his eyes and banishes all the distracting, disturbing and irritating thoughts that were invading his mind. Thirty; he leans down, places his lips on hers and gives two breath donations, quickly checking her pulse after each repetition. At least she is still alive. He repeated the process, like a machine, without giving any thoughts, only the action was a priority. It felt as if an eternity had passed before finally a black car drives around the corner and towards them both.
Takemura quickly opens the door and needs all his strength to drag her across the street to the car and to heave her into the back seat. Climbing over her, he slams the back door full force "Start, driving! We are losing her!" Tires spun and Takemura was thrown onto the seat and against the door, as Delamain made a u-turn at full speed and races toward the city. On a straight track, Takemura is able to stabilize himself again, bending over her and feeling her pulse. "Her pulse is very weak, any medicines or boosters here in the car?"
First, he sits her up, then he begins searching the pockets of the seats, the center console, as well as the glove compartment. "No, but here.." Delamain opens a hidden tray "...is a connection possibility to the personal link, with the help of which we can keep her alive until we reach the desired destination." Takemura pulls the cable out of the opening, checking the side of her neck "Her personal link is damaged.“
Pretty unfortunate, that he was hardly familiar with the current technology in a case like this, nor could he retrieve any information from his augmentations. The appropriate seminar would not have taken place until the end of the year. He sits there with the cable in his hand, not knowing what to do, fatigue slowly creeping into his mind, just like the negative thoughts. He was used to be the one on whom his people could rely on, without a second thought. Who always offered a lending hand to everyone to whom he had given his loyalty to. Now, for the second time today, he probably could not save a life.
Delamain's voice caught his attention and shakes him out of his thoughts. "Please proceed to insert the jack behind her ear, but not too deep. There should be auxiliary neurosockets between her lymph nodes, beneath the SCM muscle." Takemura collects himself once again, if he knew about something, it was the human body in its pristine form. Carefully he tilts her head to the side and lifts her chin. Clamps the cable between his teeth to be able to feel her neck area with the other hand. There, he could feel the lymph nodes very quickly and clearly, they are quite swollen due to her condition, he places the cable next to her head."If I hit a vein by mistake, she will die." He turns his head to Delemain "Indeed, as she will if you do nothing."Okay, I think I have the sockets.""Now proceed to connect."
He connects the cable to the back of her head and immediately a screen opened with the current vital signs. She is stable. Takemura leans back in his seat but keeps an eye on her unconscious body. The fatigue he had suppressed for so long, hits him with full force, as does the pain in his right shoulder and rib area. It feels almost unbearable. "Rest a bit, you are not in such a critical condition as she is. I will wake her once we arrive." and as if Takemura had been waiting for permission, his eyes close and the black nothingness wraps around his senses.
He awakes again as someone shakes him vigorously by the shoulder. In front of him stands a strong, middle-aged man with a metal hand construction. "You must be the ripper doc." Takemura's voice croaks hoarsely. "Indeed, I am, Viktor Vector." Viktor replies hastily and takes Takemura by the hand and helps him out of the car. The sudden pain of the movement forces him to his knees. „You hurt?" Viktor asks, "Just a little bit.." Takemura gasps.
"We need to help her.." He gestures over to her "Oh fuck, Misty come here!" Viktor shouts and runs over to the other side of the car, inspecting V. Takemura pulls himself up, holding onto the car and fights the pain that is getting worse as he made his way to Viktor. "Can you give me a hand?" Viktor groans, who already had his arm around her. Takemura doesn’t answer but simply takes her legs in his hands and begins to carry her out of the garage. However, his strength fails him completely. He couldn't fight the pain anymore, first his hands and arms fail, then his legs. "I cannot hold it!" He bursts out before collapsing on the ground, "I need to rest..." and he just let's go again.
V sees Takemura and Viktor sitting on the ground of a garage, Takemuras head resting on his own shoulders, eyes closed, "Misty!" Someone drags her across the floor with the utmost difficulty and places her on a rise, followed by a mask on her nose and mouth. "It's a neurogenic shock. She is dying" She hears. "Gotta cut my way through the occipital bone. No other way." And nothing again.
Takemura startled when he sits up and pushes away a blanket from his upper body. He inspected it. All wounds seemed to be treated well. His right shoulder was seamed, he moves a bit from left to right, and his rips were stabilized as well. However, his abdomen is still horribly bruised, blue, black, and red spots and stripes stretched across his abdominal muscles to his back. He also has several cuts on his arms, but they were not very deep. He continues to examine the status of his body, stood up to survey how stable he is. To his relief, he feels almost the same as always. Takemura finds a white shirt folded on the chair in front of him, puts it on and sets off to find Viktor and V while buttoning his shirt and rolling up his sleeves.
He finds both of them in the main room. Viktor is sitting at his desk, observing her vital signs. "How is she?" Takemura asks, Viktor slides over to her "Slower on the mend than you, but looking' better every day." Takemura leans over her checking out her body, when he finished examining her he replies confused, "Every day? How long have I been unconscious?"You have been sleeping for two days now. Did her a lot of good though, you're almost back to your former self." Ah shit, Takemura thinks. He still has to report back to Yorinobu Arasaka and come up with a lie to be able to pursue his suspicions quietly. "I have to go, but I will be in touch shortly. Take good care of her." Viktor nods and with one last look at her, Takemura storms out of the building.
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sorserah · 4 months
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Chapter 1: Awakening
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Outsider No More | Goro Takemura & Female V/OC
And then he understands, clearly understands what she had been feeling, trying to tell him. And he now realizes too, he does not want to lose her either. 
An interpretation of how a romance between Takemura and Corpo Female V could have been. Changing between Vs and Takemuras POV. Mostly following the main story of the game, adding bits and pieces here and there for a little bit more depth. So spoilers ahead.
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18+, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Panic Attacks, Death, Blood and Injury, Corpo V (Cyberpunk 2077, Takemuras POV, Vs pov, Alcohol, Sexual Tension, Flirting, Denial of Feelings, Internal Conflict, they are both idiots, Guilt, Overthinking, Smut, Sex, Romantic, Gestures
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A pain she never could have imagined. Lungs burning inside out. Mouth full of bitter bile and wet sand. Her head, roaring, prickling, dizzy, blood dripping over her eyebrows on her eyelids. With all her strength she pushes herself off the dirty ground with one arm and manages to turn onto her back. Every gasp hurt and now, she notices the stench, the stench of moldy food, feces, and the sweet smell of decaying flesh. Everything was spinning.
Maybe if she tries to open her eyes, the world would be crisper again, more accurate, would make sense again. So she opens them a slit wide and sees a starry sky and the distant smog of Night City. While she is lying there and just breathing slowly in and out, she gradually remembered what had happened, and an oppressive uneasy feeling spreads through her chest. But why? Why...? Before she could form a solid conclusion, she heard heavy footsteps behind her.
„Damn, that stupid Japanese shit. Where the fuck did I dump her?” Someone mumbles to himself. That someone grabs her under her arms, sits her up, and starts pulling her in the opposite direction of sight. She could tell now that she was apparently resting on a garbage dump, right outside of the city. She struggles against the darkness that kept closing in on her. What had happened? After a few minutes perhaps, she notices cold and wet metal against her back.
The hands from before were suddenly pulling her hair roughly so that her head bumped upright against the metal and remained upright. Desperately blinking against the pain she tries to register the scene. To her left stands a corpulent black man who looked familiar. To her right another man who she must have seen before. Tall, in a black suit, expression neutral.
The man who had pulled her head up began speaking, out of breath „Now listen, dawg. I have done what you asked. So le‘ss you an‘me figure this...“ a gunshot, straight to the head, the crash of a heavy body with a sickening cracking sound. Faster than the man or she could have anticipated, the man in the black suit had drawn his pistol and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The sound brings something to her mind at last.
With sudden panic rising from her chest, she managed to lift her hand and reach out to touch her forehead. And what she feels there made her lose consciousness almost completely - she feels unbelievably sick. Exposed, hanging flesh, flooded with warm blood, mixed with hard splinters, of her own skull. But that couldn’t be reality, she must be dreaming.
„Hmm...“ the man in the black suit came closer to her speaking Japanese fastly, kneeling down in front of her. She couldn’t understand a word and was too full of panic and pain to read the translation her implants provides. She manages to raise her right hand and barely hold onto his arm, immensely shaking. „Please...“ Her voice rough, scarcely a whisper „Help me...“, but her last energy and consciousness failed her and everything went black again.
A punch to the chest, a sting, and her heart skipped into her throat. Heart rate at one hundred and eighty. “You hear me?!” Takemura screams “You need to help me!” The sudden rush of adrenaline and oxygen finally restored her vital and implant functions „What is going on?!“ She exclaimed. But before he could answer, Maelstrom gang members appear on motorcycles and on the back of the car. „Sons of bitches.“ was translated and then “Here, take them out!”
It made her feel good to hold the metal in her hands, gave her a sense of control as she turned off the Maelstroms one by one. Unfortunately, the feeling was brief, as she hears the sound of blades hitting each other behind her and then a burning pain on her left shoulder. She could see the attacker raise his blades for the next blow, as Takemura steers the car downhill against a billboard. She could feel her skull striking the panel and the black void took hold of her again.
A hit, soft strokes on her cheeks „Don’t you dare faint again. Keep your eyes open.“ Takemura's dark and rasping voice reaches her ear and she opens her eyes. She is sitting on the ground in front of the car, which is burning, smashed and covered in blood. The Maelstromer was already dead on the engine hood, or what was left of it. “We both could use medical attention” he grabbed her chin forcefully with his big but surprisingly soft hands, leaning closer, observing her head and face “Do you know a ripper doc her can trust?” “I know” She breathes heavily “someone. Viktor will fix us up...everything will be alright...” The last words again a barely perceptible whisper. She wanted to close her eyes for just a second.
She tips to the side and fell on the hard asphalt. „Don’t her dare die on me!“ Takemura pulls her on the back, hitting her face once again, she feels so tired, eyelids fluttering. Then she could feel his warm and wet hand on her neck and another heavy punch on her chest, but she hardly moved „We have to get there somehow. Call someone. Anyone!“ Even his voice was slowly failing. „Delamain, just come...pick me up..to..Mistys Esoterica...“ Her eyelids feel so, so heavy again, „What are you doing?! Hey!“ But nothing made her open her eyes again. It was such a soothing, comfortable emptiness. Now and then she feels unfamiliar lips on hers, followed by pressing hands on her chest and a slight pain below her ear. But overall she was being numbed in darkness, almost peacefully.
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sorserah · 4 months
Mechaniacs - Kirin Jindosh x OC - Epilogue
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Summary The story of Dr. Addison Lynch, a neuroscientist who played an important role in the past and will again in the future. (fic from 2017) _________________________________________________ tags: 18+, unethical medicine, blood, violence, neurology, neuroscience, dishonored universe usual type of stuff, first person _________________________________________________ ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8598001/chapters/23318476#workskin
We didn't talk about the kiss for months. We had more important things to do.
My mechanical hand made a lot of progress, we decided to remove my old one and to replace it completely. It was pretty close to a human hand now, regarding the movements at least. And we managed to find a surgical material to cover up the hole in Jindoshs skull, so only a small scar could be seen.
 The reduction of the costs of the clockwork soldiers was successful. We also created a more lively AI and different models. One strictly for heavy attacks, one for stealth and assassinations, one for pure defense and other ones for the satisfaction of needs. We worked together on the designs, some got metallic wings, some heavy armor. The AI was a more difficult task, which is still in the early stages. We managed to replicate the human brain, but in a mechanical way.
 Jindosh thankfully had some living test subjects left. Our first few prototypes were still attached to them. I made a lot of progress and started creating an entire map of the brain, with different colors and numerals for each area. So we found out which part we should reproduce and rewire how for each model. Jindosh mainly focused on the mechanical and I did the neurological and the psychological part.
 It took us about 4 month working day and night before our first prototype was finished. After that it went on a lot quicker. After 6 month we had our first stealth assassin clockwork soldier. Still too late, because it was disabled by Emily Kaldwin herself. She simply chopped both arms off and beheaded it. It was stumbling through the room bumping into the walls and furniture, poor thing. Meanwhile Jindosh and I were kneeling on the ground next to each other, both handcuffed and ten guards around us.
“Miss Kaldwin, or should I say Empress? Why come yourself to kill us and not send the good old royal protector Daddy?” Jindosh asked her in his devaluating but amused tone. “Because I didn't came here to kill you.” She marched up and down in front of us circling her sword casually. “I am here to make an offer.”
 And so we kept our lives and got the resources we needed.
And the price? The newly formed ethical review committee made a visit, confiscated a lot, gave us a lecture and we had to sign a contract, in which we agreed to follow the orders. They come and visit every month, heavily armed. Secondly the clockwork soldiers were now less expensive to create, but still not available for everyone. The militia models only for the imperial palace and important facilities and people that needed protection - us included. Empress Kaldwin had too much doubt in producing too many of them, because of the threat of reprogramming, so they wouldn't be able to handle them all. So every clockwork soldier as his own code and chip to track and manage from far away.
Jindosh and I speculated about the chances of reprogramming once. We both came to the conclusion it would be nothing but stupid. Everyone who has been on Delilahs side was either dead or immobilized. Jindosh and I were the ones who were lucky enough to have our lives, a nice mansion, our work, actually everything we need to live a happy life.
One year after we started working for Empress Kaldwin we were invited to a masked ball for the reopening of the Royal Conservatory. It was also the first time we left our mansion since the escape. Jindosh was wearing his brown suit, which he was always wearing, and I something similar. A brown suit with broad shoulders, a small waist and golden applications. It kinda looked like as if a clockwork soldier, Jindosh and a military uniform had a threesome. We both were wearing wooden bird skull masks and brown leather gloves.
 “Ready?” he asked me and turned his head to me, I nodded and we entered the ballroom. The room was crowded, as we walked through it, we were greeted with different moods. Some started talking behind their hands, some turned away, some even threatened us directly and some others simply nodded or shook our hands congratulating us. So we grabbed ourselves some wine and whiskey as soon as we were able to. We also met Empress Kalwin, Corvo and Sokolov and talked for a bit. The whole situation was awkward, but we managed it.
As the orchestra started to play a new song, my alcoholized self prevailed and pulled Jindosh to the middle of the hall where others were already dancing. “I hope waltzing is on of your secret talents.” I smirked. He bowed down in front of me with his left hand behind his back, before he grabbed my hand and waist and answered “My Lady, I lead.” and we submerged in the dancing crowd. It seemed to be one of his secret talents after all.
 Time passed in which we danced, drank and talked to various people, but we grew tired and decided to explore the Conservatory. Both equipped with clipboards, taking notes and discussing ideas when we came across something interesting, until we ended up on the fourth floor. With each floor more and more people disappeared, eventually we were alone.
 I removed my mask and leaned over the railing, the talking, laughing and screaming could still be heard, but muted. Jindosh appeared next to me and mimicked my movements. I glanced over to him while he wiped the sweat off his face with a cloth, he glanced back to me. And it hit me again.
He smells of whiskey, wood, aftershave and
berries. They way she descends into her work, analyzing, drawing and
his ability to combine even the smallest, most difficult tasks and parts.
He leaning back in his chair, massaging both of his temples after we had a heavy discussion again and
the sound of her bursting out laughing even after the biggest disagreements.
The way he moves, elegant, reserved and
those red lips, blowing out the smoke, forming coils of smoke.
The thought if losing him...
The thought if losing her…
I remembered the kiss. It was short but intense and we had never talked about it. I opened my mouth but he was faster “Addison? We need to talk.”
He walked away from me with his hands on his back, I followed. He stopped on the other side of the room, where the railing was still overgrown with ivy and the night sky could be seen through the glass ceiling.
 He turned to me, I have never seen him this nervous. “Addison, we know us for a while now, together we have been through a lot. And before I met you I had never imagined to be able to think and feel this way for someone. To be honest, I felt nothing but weak. But now after almost two years working together, I know this is not the case, at least not entirely. I think we are great as a team and it's hard, if not impossible, to imagine someone else at my side who would be more fitting for me as a partner.” he made a small break “Addison, I love you and want to spend the rest of my days with you, be it for work or for something else. Will you marry me?”
Between the tears that had been streaming down my face the entire speech, I exclaimed an “Yes” and I kissed him.
I finally felt home.
 In the following years we kept doing what we loved.
Jindosh opened his own small museum in the style of the clockwork mansion.
I published a newly made book with detailed descriptions and maps of all the areas and it functions of the brain I had discovered yet.
We had visitors more often, even Emily and Corvo were among them from time to time. Wehired some new and some old employees, but still kept our clockwork soldiers around.
In the evenings we mostly sat on the balcony, enjoying the view and each others company. We tried to live moments as much as we could, because we knew well enough, that things can change pretty fast, to bad and to even worse.
The End
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sorserah · 4 months
Mechaniacs - Kirin Jindosh x OC - Chapter VII
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Summary The story of Dr. Addison Lynch, a neuroscientist who played an important role in the past and will again in the future. (fic from 2017) _________________________________________________ tags: 18+, unethical medicine, blood, violence, neurology, neuroscience, dishonored universe usual type of stuff, first person _________________________________________________ ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8598001/chapters/23318310#workskin
2nd Day, the Month of Wind 1852 10:15 am
She is still unconscious, the fourth day now. She was almost dead when arriving at my mansion, two of my modified clockwork soldiers had pulled us out of the ocean. (Still a huge success) My condition now: average. My broken nose was fixed but I could do nothing about my hematoma and the sprained ankle. The more concerning matter is the hole in my forehead. The part of my skull, shredded in pieces, is still on the Dreadful Wale and I surely don‘t want one of my test subjects part in my head. I am still trying to figure out, which material would be the best replacement and how to get it. Luckily, Addison seems to be as skilled as she claims to be, nothing in my behavior or personality had changed.
To go to a specialist wouldn‘t be the best move to do now, since Miss Kaldwin or whoever might be looking for us, besides I doubt that he or she could do more then me or her. Locking up my mansion and activating all of my clockwork soldiers is the least I can do at the moment, even in my bedroom and bathroom are patrolling five of them, firing all of my employees: a necessity. If I would only know how to produce them with inexpensive resources and more important, how to make them more deadly, smarter and protective. I wouldn't have to rely on those, that were my employees and never had to fear Miss Kaldwin or the Royal Protector would come back in.
I remember that Addison wanted to talk with me about an idea she had. I have to wait for that and for surgery until she wakes up, I have a suspicion about what she had in mind, but we will see if it will be confirmed.
I am really thankful
I am glad that she
I appreciate her work and efforts.
I closed the book and the lock around it closed automatically. The button I pressed under my desk, made a hidden drawer appear, where I laid it in. I was sitting at my desk, leaning back in my armchair for a while, listening to the static humming and clicking of the machines around me. From time to time I granted myself a drag of my hand pipe. It was a completely new one, since the last was lost somewhere on or on the way to the Dreadful Wale. The taste and smoke development, was a lot better in this one, I was inspired by the Hookah I heard Miss Kalwin talking about one evening and before I fired Miranda, I ordered her to get me some of the best ones. Now I have quite the collection of them and tobacco gathered all over the place.
Making my way down the stairs, with one hand around the crutch, the other on the railing, was painful, I felt each step in my joints. Over the glass platforms and past my chem lab, to the newly build up medical tent. „Good morning sir.“ The machine that was guarding the tent, greeted me.
When I entered I heard the heart machine was beating in a steady rhythm, good. I moved to the end of the bed and took the clipboard that was attached to it. Her blood levels are fine, but could be better. I moved over her, injected some more serum and inspected her newly transferred skin. It seems to heal pretty well, the donor was a perfect match. She might wake up in a few hours.
Darkness. It was cold and I was so tired. A painful stroke on my chest, vomiting, coughing, than someone screaming and clicking sounds. Darkness again.
Now, the opposite. Too bright. The white penetrated my eyes, even when closed. My eyelids too heavy to open. A machine beeping, someone stroking my forehead and cheek. Silence. Darkness.
The next time the white appeared, it didn't feel that painful, rather calming. The beeping was gone as well. I opened my eyes. I was staring at the ceiling of a white tent. Carefully I tried to sit up and looked around.
Next to me, on my left side was a heart machine, turned off now. Surely this was the source of the beeping sound from before. On my right side was a infusion, with a bright red liquid. The infusion were dangling against the metal rod. I checked my inner arms, it had definitely been in there, but I guess my body was healed enough or the serum was strong enough to prevent the pain from coming back for the next few hours.
I saw a creme colored letter on my lap. I unfolded it, in an elegant and twirly, but rather messy handwriting was written:
Dear Addison,
The exact time of your awakening was precarious.
You had third degree burnings, especially your back was in a pretty bad condition. I found a donor, who was a nearly perfect match. You should feel fine now. You are at my mansion, in a tent at my office.
The probability of a temporary amnesia is about 50%, so if you don't know what you are doing here, visit me in my atelier or the balcony around there. Along the corridor, up the stairs or take the elevator, one of the following doors. The machines are friendly.
If you experience no amnesia, welcome back, you know where to find me.
I leaned back and closed my eyes. Tried to remember.
A sharp pain, the cold ocean, waves trying to drown me, the humming of 3 bloodflies. Blood, dripping out of a hole in a forehead, glass shattering, me leaning over a sink, vomiting, my left hand, bandaged and bloody. My hand.
Quickly I opened my eyes and looked at it, a bandage was wrapped around each finger, I could see what was underneath it. I hadn't even noticed that I used it to hold the letter, but now that I noticed, it felt different. I lift it up and tried to make a fist, it didn't work. It felt heavier, but didn't hurt. Was it save to unwrap?
I was looking around to find something sharp, but I didn't see anything.Slowly I stood up and grabbed the crutches, which were placed next to my bed. My feet touched the cold glass floor, underneath I saw enormous gears. I leaned on the crutches and stood up, I felt a bit dizzy but with each step it got better.
When I stepped out of the tend, it took my breath away. The office was huge. A giant, round, two or three floored room. I was standing on the first floor. The setting sun was shining through the glass dome twenty meters above my head. Two clockwork soldiers were marching around the balcony on the second floor, in a steady rhythm, watching it was hypnotizing.I let my eyes wander downwards, on one quarter of the round glass floor was a chem and on the next a medical lab. Maybe there will be some scissors there.
Before I was able to make my way to check, one of the clockwork soldiers stepped in front of me, he must have been behind the tent. It was about two meters high, it whirred and hummed endlessly. "Okay, the machine has detected – something…" the head turned towards me a small lens in the hole of the eyes focusing me "Idling. Commence lens refocus." and a cracking sound „...Addison I see you are awake. Meet me on the balcony, along the corridor, up the stairs or take the elevator here in my office and then the last door on the left.“ cracking again. The clockwork soldier rose his head up "Still idling. Take this opportunity to backcharge second coil." and kept walking past me.
With those crutches I'd rather not take the stairs, so I looked for the elevator.The ten minutes it took me, to get to the last door of the corridor, were totally worth it. Apart from the brilliant and aesthetically pleasing architecture, there were so many things to touch and turn. I could only imagine how much this whole mansion had to offer.
I opened the door. I was standing in a bathroom. What. For a second I thought I chose the wrong one, but in front of me was a small console and a note, the door snapped as I walked towards the note. “Stand on the platform and push me”. Was written in the same handwriting as the letter. In front of me a platform with a bathtub on in and a mirror on the wall. I climbed clumsily on the platform and moved closer to the mirror to inspect myself.
My hair was cut shorter, now barley longer than my chin. I was wearing a tight white leggings, a tight turtle neck, that looked like bandages over bandages and a wide t shirt over it. Besides that I didn't notice anything different, my face even looked a bit fuller than it did at Addermire.
I turned around tried to maintain a steady position and pushed the button.Gleaming sunlight surprised me as I tried to not fall down as the platform, the bathtub and the whole wall moved in a horizontal 180 degree angle. My eyes needed a few minutes to get used to the sunlight. It was warm, around 20 degree Celsius I would have guessed. The ceiling was about four or five meters high and was hold by giant archways made out of stone. There were plants everywhere, it was beautiful. And even more beautiful was the view I detected in the background. I walked towards the railing to get a better look. “Addison!” I heard Jindosh calling me and I turned my head around.
He was sitting, legs crossed, on the right, in front of him a couch table with a smoking hookah “The view from here is as good as any on here” and he tapped on the space next to him. He stood up and reached out to me as I walked around the table, I took his hand, thankfully. The couch itself was very comfortable, with my right hand I stroked over the fabric, silk. Jindosh poured something to drink in the cup in front of me, but I was too busy with taking in the whole surrounding.
Only the bubbling of the hookah and the smoke blurring my view let me snap out of my trance. I looked at Jindosh who was exhaling another drag. He had a bandage around is forehead and his nose was still a little purple and yellow. He was wearing one of his white shirts again, pulled up to the elbows. Wordlessly he handed me the tube and I took a strong puff. It tasted like wild berries and mint. So we sat there in silence, only the bubbling and the birds twittering could be heard. Until Jindosh cleared his throat “I suppose you have questions?” He put down the tube and turned towards me his right arm on the backrest.
“Yes. Firstly, what happened? The last thing I remember is pretty much drowning and yeah, pain.”
“Before they brought me into the machine room I cought a glimpse out of the window and saw we were pretty close to the mainland and my mansion. So I started to plan our escape, back in our room I managed to find a small pin I found on the ground, foolish of them really, but before I could do anything about it, I was beaten unconscious and strapped to a chair. You know the rest of the story. But how did we survive you want to ask?
I was getting more and more paranoid working together with the Duke and Delilah, for obvious reasons, and I needed a way out, if it would get too…lets say serious. I implanted a very small device into my aorta, which sends feedback to one of my clockwork soldiers. If my heart rate would fall into a critical state, he would come and bring me back to my office. Unfortunately the radius is still pretty small and the whole device is still in development, but it worked.” he smiled self-pleased and tapped himself on the shoulder “Impressive.” I said sarcastically, but then I remembered I would be dead without him and added an honest smile. “He, the clockwork soldier, is still a little rough and can't actually provide medical assistance, but he brought us back. You were in a worse condition than I, so I started helping you first. Before I fired all my human employees – a safety measure -, I let them gather everything I needed. Transferring the skin was pretty hard, I am not gonna lie, but I did it...and your hand well...” I pointed at it “Can I?” he nodded.
My heart was beating faster when I unwrapped and unwrapped, until I could see skin and now I saw why it felt so heavy. To each of my fingers cables and wire were attached. Thick metal constructions were build around them. I tried to move one of them. Nothing. In shock I looked at him. “I am sorry Addison, I couldn't save it” Jindosh said and he sounded truly sorry. “The muscles and nerves have been cut off somehow, right? And why those constructions.” “Well, I still want to try something, but not without your permission. I want to recreate your hand, mechanically. But it proves to be harder than I thought. It will need some time.” I looked down at it. Losing one of my limbs...Something I would have never imagined. “But I think with your knowledge it would be faster and in the mean time I made a small device like a watch, to control the construction. Its in my office if you want to try it.”
My eyes were filling with tears but I managed to swallow everything and as I started talking my voice was only a little bit rough.
“So...How are you feeling?” “Except for the hole in my forehead its fine.” “May I?” He nodded again. I moved closer to him and shoved the bandage upwards. The whole was still there, the way I drilled it in. Just cleaner. A wave of guilt rushed over me and must have mirrored in my face because Jindosh looked at me seriously “It is not your fault. We get this fixed.”
I lifted my right hand and stroke over his forehead, then over his eyebrow to his cheek. I noticed his hand has followed a smilar route. His thumb was caressing my jaw. I was close to crying again “Jindosh…” I looked into his brown eyes “Thank you.” I kissed him and he kissed me back.
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sorserah · 4 months
Mechaniacs - Kirin Jindosh x OC - Chapter VI
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Summary The story of Dr. Addison Lynch, a neuroscientist who played an important role in the past and will again in the future. (fic from 2017) _________________________________________________ tags: 18+, unethical medicine, blood, violence, neurology, neuroscience, dishonored universe usual type of stuff, first person _________________________________________________ ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8598001/chapters/21284621#workskin
I had stored all my notes into my backpack „So about your clockwork soldiers...I might have an idea...“ I said carefully to Jindosh right before Meagen appeared. Shit the window. „I thought I made the conditions clear.“ She commented, her voice cold. „I am sorry, I, I just needed some air, I haven‘t been out in weeks.“ I lied. „Then I have great news for you, while she stepped over Jindosh, kicking him aside, and closed the window „Emily is on the deck, she wants to talk to you.“ I nodded and left immediately. Hopefully Jindosh was safe, as long as I was gone. I liked him. 
I ran up the stairs and through the door. The warm and soft wind hit my face. The smell of the ocean was a relieve. For a moment I felt free, like I didn‘t the last few years. We were pretty close to the land again, I could see the clockwork mansion from here on the top of the mountain. Emily was sitting about fifteen meters away. 
„Ah, you are here. Please, have a seat.“ Emily was sitting on a wooden box, next to her was an open hatch - I think it is Sokolovs room - in front of her, a table and another box. On the table a can and two cups with a steaming liquid. Green Tea, I noticed as I took a sip. „So. How is your hand?“ Emily nodded in the direction of my left hand. „Well, it is better, but...“ „You are right-handed?“ she interrupted me „Yes.“ „You know that I saved your life. And you know that you owe me?“ I don‘t know where this was going, but I didn‘t like it one bit. „Yes.“ „Good. I want you to remember that.“ she emptied her cup and stood up „Enjoy your tea and then you can leave.“ I swallowed, but took my time to finish the tea. 
I found my room empty when I stepped back into it. I asked myself where they brought Jindosh, but then I remembered, that no one is on this ship for a relaxed vacation, so most likely he is interrogated in this moment. I had to admit I got used to him very fast, now, it felt like something was missing. Aimlessly standing in the middle of the room I thought about what I should do. I kneeled down and checked my backpack. Everything was sorted alphabetically. I could search for some papers and ink and rewrite them, but so far I haven‘t seen any of it on this ship. My bandages were in a pretty good condition as well. Maybe I could go back on the deck and enjoy the sun a bit? Good idea.
I went back the way I came and tried to open the metal door that leads to the deck. Blocked. Okay. Well, maybe some air? Back in my room I stepped over Jindoshs mattress. His window blocked, as well as mine. In the kitchen and every other room I checked as well. Now it was my time to feel claustrophobic. Right before I was ready to give up and about to trot back to my bed and just sleep, I saw a small beam of the setting sun shining through the bottom of Sokolovs door. 
„Addison?“ Emily appeared with a serious facial expression. „We need you in the machine room.“ I nodded and followed silently. Emily opened the door for me and I went through, she was walking down the stairs behind me. The room was dark, only some red light lit the room. I walked around the corner and saw Jindosh sitting in a medical chair, both arms and legs chained to it, his head sunken down on his chest, unconscious. As I stepped closer to him I recognized his shirt and pants were soaked with blood. It hurt me seeing him like this. Next to him was a medical tray, on it a scalpel, a drill and some syringes with liquid. Meagen was standing next to it. I was horrified and pretty sure what was about to happen. She grabbed one of the syringes and handed it to me „Wake him up.“ She ordered. I looked at her, then to Emily, who blocked the stairs. I didn‘t have a choice, did I? 
I injected the Adrenalin and waited for Jindosh to wake up. My hands resting on his thighs, I squat down. He knit his eyebrows and let loose a moan. When he was rising up his head I could see the damage they had done to him so far. His nose was probably broken, his lips swollen, blood everywhere on his face. His left eye bruised and as he opened them, I could see it was bloodshot as well. I was shocked, why would they do this? What did he know? Jindosh needed a few seconds to realize where he was and who was in front of him. As he recognized me, his eyes widened in terror „Addison?“ he whispered „No...“ and his eyes filled with tears. I raised my hand to put it on his cheek, but Meagen slapped it away and pulled me up „It is time to work. It must have been ages since you had a test subject and even a living one. I bet you are eager to start experimenting again.“ No, no I really was not. I could not move. Suddenly a searing pain on my cheek, Meagen hit me. „Meagen no!“ Emily was at my side now. „Don‘t hurt her. Addison, you remember what we talked about on the deck?“ I wasn‘t able to speak, but nodded. I was looking at Jindosh unwavering and he at me. 
I wasn‘t sure how far they would push me, if this genius will ever be able to see, speak or move after I am finished with him. Killing would be the nicest option. We both knew that. I had so much to say to him, how inspiring I think his work was, how much I wanted to work with him, get to know him, but it was too late for that now. „Addison?“ Emily asked carefully, „please begin.“ I saw Meagen looking at Emily and her look told me, I should not waste more time. I formed ’I am so sorry’ with my mouth and turned away, moving behind Jindosh. 
I lift up the drill and waited for an order. Emily was back at the stairs, Meagen now in front of Jindosh „So, do you have anything to say? Anything interesting I mean.“ He didn‘t answer. Meagen leaned down on his arms, her face pretty close to his „Alright then. Lets see what we remove first? Your eyesight? I think you won‘t need that to answer anything. Or maybe we can make you say the truth somehow?“ She moved back and looked at me questioning. Lie, just lie I thought. But what options did I have? The closest areas without killing him was the cortex and his cerebellum. Occipital lobe? Destroying his vision. Parietal lobe? Permanent dysfunctions in his motivity and somatosensory. I might could try...“Lynch? I want you to start now, and tell me what you are going to do!“ Meagen ordered angrily. 
I moved around to Jindoshs front and marked a spot on the right upper side of the forehead. As I started to talk I was surprised on how calm my voice was, internally I was shaking „I am going to drill a hole into his forehead, leading to his frontal lobe, hoping to make him change his personality and tell us the truth, about what you need to know.“ Meagen smiled „Very well. One last chance Jindosh, how did Delilah do it? What is her secret?“ He didn‘t answer, just stared at the wall behind us. „Please start.“ I nodded and added „After I drilled through the skull, he won‘t feel any pain, so we have to wait for a change in his behavior or drill a few more.“ I explained to them and hoped Jindosh got the hints. 
My right hand - calm as ever - on the drill, my left one supporting it, I positioned it on the marked spot and started drilling. His skin ripped open, he wanted to pull his head away, but the metal construction prevented him from doing it. Blood was streaming out of the hole now, I hit the skull bone and Jindosh started screaming in pain. „Tell us Jindosh, tell us everything!“ Meagen screamed over the drilling sound. Why wasn‘t Jindosh talking? What could be more valuable than his life or more terrifying than this situation? He whined loudly, while I kept drilling, my eyes filling with tears, I closed them. I am sorry, I am so, so sorry. Tears streaming down my face. 
This never was difficult for me, but I never saw my test subjects as human beings. And now, I have drill someones head open, who is a genius, an inspiring example, a potential friend. The drill rocked forward, I opened my eyes, I drilled through the skull. Jindosh must have felt that too, his whining and screaming, stopped abruptly. Either he was a pretty good actor or the adrenalin numbed his pain, or maybe both. „Wait!“ Meagen ordered and I removed the drill. Blood was constantly seeping out of the hole in his head. 
Jindosh opened his mouth „Duke Luca Abele.“ he said uninflected and stiff. „What else?“ Emily asked „Duke Luca Abele.“ he repeated again in the same tone. „Yes, but what about him?“ „Duke Luca Abele.“ He simply said again. I didn‘t even touch the brain with the drill, his show was impressive. Emily and Meagen seemed to believe it. Meagen asked again, increasingly angry „What did he do?“ „Duke Luca Abele.“ She looked at me „What did you do?“ „I did what you told me, complications can happen, you have your name, what else..“ She hit me again, harder this time, I fell and hit my head on the metal post, a piercing pain and something hot and wet on my forehead. Emily was at my side „Duke Luca Abele. Mansion. Inside.“ Jindosh added, and we looked at him „Inside. Secret.“ „Is that all you need?“ I asked and broke free from Emilys grip and lurched away from them. She seemed upset „Yes. Meagen bring them upstairs, give them some painkillers and bandages. We meet in my room after that.“
She opened Jindoshs locks and I allowed him to use my shoulders for support. We made our way back to the room, Emily in front of us and Meagen behind. Back in there she chained him up again and threw some bandages, alcohol and painkillers in the room before she left. I grabbed them and downed some pills with alcohol, Jindoshs hand already waiting for me to share the items, ready to mimic my action. I prepared two bandages and securing one around my head before I turned to him with the intention to subserve him. „Jindosh? How are you?“ I asked him.
He pulled me close by my shirt, his face one hand width apart, I could smell his blood „Kill me!“ „What?!“ „Do it. Trust me. Drown me!“ he whispered. He must have lost it, maybe I did drill too deep. I teared away from his grip, still looking at him, questioning his sanity, when he quickly removed his handcuffs - when did he crack them? - and attached the ones that were around his ankles to my wrist and the other one to his. „What are you doing?!“ „I am saving our lives.“ he spat out. „Is there a way we can leave this ship? As far as I saw, they locked everything up.“ „Yes,“ I whispered, „I saw a beam of sunlight under Sokolovs door and there is a hatch in there.“ „So the only way out is in Sokolovs room?“ „I guess...“ „Okay lets go.“ He stood up, took my hand, I quickly grabbed my backpack, he opened the door and started running towards Sokolovs room, dragging me behind him. 
We entered and locked the door behind us, Sokolov was sleeping, the bloodflies humming. Jindosh looked at me, I understood and nodded to the top, 2 meters above, where the hatch was open, we could see the stars. We searched the room, no ladder, nothing, just a small chair. We put it on the table, it was still not high enough. I checked under the bed but all I found was a can with spirit. A sudden hard knock on the door behind us let us spin around. „Sokolov?“ Shit, well seems like Meagen didn‘t check on us yet. Sokolov was moving around in his sleep. Jindosh and I looked at each other „We need to leave.“, he took a small pillow and pressed it on Sokolovs face exactly when he was waking up. His scream was suffocated by the pillow, but still quite hearable. „Sokolov? Everything alright?“ Meagen asked, louder. Jindosh was pressing harder now, both arms and muscles shaking, but Sokolov kept moving. The elixir, I made was next to him, but no syringe. I climbed on top of him, sitting on his chest, pressing down his arms with my legs and looked at Jindosh, showing him the flask. He nodded and lifted up the pillow. 
„HEL..!“ Sokolov screamed before I was able to ram the whole flask in his mouth. He coughed. „Swallow!“ Jindosh ordered and held Sokolovs nose. „Hello?? Sokolov?? Who is in...No“ Meagen was banging against the door. Sokolovs eyes rolled back, finally. 
I stood up and climbed on the table then onto the chair, I could reach the hatch with my hands, but it was too high to pull myself up. But he could and did. He was stronger than he looked. Jindosh pulled me up, until I could kneel on his shoulders and pull me up outside. 
A second voice appeared on the door „What is it? Where are Jindosh and Addison, Meagen?!“ We both held our breath „No...the hatch.“ and one pair of feet ran away, while Meagen seemed to have found a second key for the door. I tried to pull Jindosh up, but he was too heavy. We needed more time. Maybe...
„Give me the can!“ He reached down and I almost fell through the hole. I opened the can and poured it over Jindosh. „What the fuck?!“ he spluttered I didn‘t answer and poured the rest over me and the deck. „Lighter?“ was all I could say to him, the spirit burning in my nose and eyes. I heard glass shattering, a door burst open and saw Emily running towards me. The bloodflies gave Jindosh a bit of time - seems like my bloodflies don‘t like the smell of spirit theory was right - he handed me the lighter which I threw onto the deck. A wall of flames rising up next to me, crawling in our direction but separating Emily from us. 
I collected all my strength to pull Jindosh up. We were both panting on the deck now, looking at each other. A shooting pain on my back, the smell of burned clothes and hair, I screamed in pain. „No, not now!“ Jindosh pulled me up and carried my burning self to the railing throwing us into the cold darkness. 
The cold water was a relieve, but I could hardly keep myself on the water surface. „We have to swim, just a bit, about 10 meters in this direction.“ he showed me. I tried my best, but waves of fatigue were breaking over me now. I was so tired, but I kept swimming. I must have been too slow,because Jindosh supported me about five meters before his strength left him as well. He pulled me close, I rest my head on his shoulder and we sank down into the ocean, the water pressing against me. We sank deeper and deeper, until I felt nothing.
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sorserah · 4 months
Mechaniacs - Kirin Jindosh x OC - Chapter V
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Summary The story of Dr. Addison Lynch, a neuroscientist who played an important role in the past and will again in the future. (fic from 2017) _________________________________________________ tags: 18+, unethical medicine, blood, violence, neurology, neuroscience, dishonored universe usual type of stuff, first person _________________________________________________ ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8598001/chapters/20178412#workskin
The night was short and full of interruptions. As promised, Meagen visited us every two hours, not the best thing for a light sleeper. After the third time I decided it wasn‘t worth trying anymore.
And I wasn‘t the only one. Jindosh was already sitting on his mattress as well. Now only in his white shirt, with rolled up sleeves and the collar folded down, fumbling with his handcuffs. His scarf was lying next to him. „Don‘t let Meagen or Emily see that.“ he didn‘t answer, just let go of them, leaned back and stared out of the closed metal window. His behavior was concerning and I asked him more carefully this time „Coffee maybe?“ He nodded. I thought he was harder to crack, strange.
As I walked to the kitchen I caught a glimpse at the time, 4.30. Some hot water was already on the stove and I found some coffee powder on the shelf above.
Back in the room he was fumbling with his handcuffs again, this time more desperate. Ignoring his actions I handed him his mug and sat on the ground. The coffee mug standing next to me, I reached for my backpack, spread out my notes in front of me and began sorting them into fine, readable, might be able to recover and trash.
Halfway through I had to stop, the rattling of the chain was louder, more frequent and very annoying. I opened my mouth, ready to throw a furious comment at him, but I kept it under control when I saw him. His mug was standing on the ground, he was desperately shaking the chain of his handcuff - very irrational, even for a person not as intelligent as he is - his face was pale and sweaty, nervously glancing between the door and the windows. Claustrophobia. We needed more space or at least an illusion of it, maybe opening the window will be enough. Without thinking about it twice I stepped over him and opened the window.
A nice cold breeze filled the room. I closed my eyes and inhaled for a second, before I turned and kneeled down in front of Jindosh. He was sitting still now, eyes closed, breathing in and out deeply. „It is okay, I know you can‘t leave right now if you want to, but I am here, we have some fresh air, there won‘t be oxygen deficit in here.“ He nodded and shoved me aside, hands still shaking, then tapping each finger on one hand with his thumb. I left him trying to calm himself and moved back and sat down, watching him from the corner of my eye. His breathing slowed down a bit. I never had a claustrophobic patient, but I read and researched about phobia and fear in general and their neural correlates before. I continued with sorting my work. The ’trash‘ pile climbed up higher and higher, great. I put the last sheet onto the readable pile and observed my finished result. Half of my work was useless. Suddenly angry, I smashed them to a giant ball and threw them out of the window. I felt incredibly empty, my research had been everything I had, everything I could rely on, my main coping method for everything. Some of the sheets were even from before the plague, notes, never published. I felt like crying, but I wasn‘t able to.
I sank down with the back on the wall, until I dropped on the floor. I had been thinking about killing myself some times, once or twice a month, depending on how my research was going and, of course, how I felt in general, but I would never do it. I love life and my work just too much and not all was lost. But right now, I would love to throw myself out of the window into the ocean. One hand left, half of my research gone, nowhere to go, no friends, no family.
At least one of us seems to recover. Jindosh was sitting upright now, his face back at his normal color, the mug of coffee in his hands. He grimaced after he took a gulp and asked towards me „So. What is this all about?“ „These..“ and I needed all of my inner strength to get up and back to my leftovers „..were or are, my research notes from the past 15 years. And half of it, didn‘t survive the bath I had to take.“ I dropped down onto the floor. „I am sorry.“ he answered seriously, he set the mug aside and moved to the edge of the mattress „What was your latest research about? The last thing I read was your article on the role of the frontal lobe and the amygdalae regarding people infected by the plague. Very informing by the way...But 5 years ago you stopped publishing, I wonder why.“ he noted with an evil grin. „Well, not that I didn‘t try. Unfortunately no one wanted to print anything for me anymore.“ I handed him the last few notes I wrote „Here. I assume that the Nest Keepers show the same deficits in the frontal lobe and amygdalae like the plague victims did. I have no real evidence yet. Back at Addermire, research conditions weren‘t the best, but at least I was able to work.“ He scanned the notes and took another sheet from the pile „How did you end up there anyway?“ he mumbled, still absorbed by my notes. „Do you want to hear it from the beginning?“ He nodded. Fine. „I hope there is something in there for me too.“
„When I was 18 I was accepted at the Academy of Natural Philosophy. Most likely only because my parents had been sponsors and made sure I was going to have the best education you can get. 5 years later I got my diploma in medicine and psychology and kept on working and researching there, planning to do my Dr.rer.nat in neuroscience. I was working for Sokolov and with him on his cure for the plague, human test subjects were the norm, extremely efficient, but ethically problematic. Then one day he was gone. Abducted by Corvo, which I didn‘t knew at that point and I didn‘t care. So I was left with healthy and intentionally infected test subjects and the problem, that the elixir was too expensive to cure the whole population of Dunwall. I mixed around a bit until I found the solution that made it cheaper and less effective, but injected and not taken orally, it had almost the same effects.“ „Very interesting biography so far, but I want the dirty details.“ „There were enough infected to work on and I wrote my dissertation on how to cure the plague and the effects of Sokolovs health elixir on the brain and the body...I also took some blood of the infected and with some I mean a lot, before I left the Academy and moved to my parents house a few miles away. It was great, perfect conditions for research since my dad had his laboratory there. Problem was: the plague was over, most of the population cured or the infected banned. And I was trapped in a save zone with my curiosity.“ „Ah, I see, so you simply made your own test subjects.“ „Exactly. And no one knew. After I published said article, some people had doubts, so I told them, I asked Sokolov and took the ones, who weren‘t capable of anything anyway, with me. They believed me...“ „...and you thought why stop there. Why only infected when I can...“ „...have my own subjects, living or dead in every condition I want, when I want. This is what my research was based on. And some of my most popular ones even. 2 years later, I was doing an open brain surgery on a subject, who was a heavy drinker, as the doorbell rang. I thought the sedatives were strong enough, but apparently i miscalculated and he ran past me and my visitors with his head open and brain out. And that is basically what everyone knows, the guards came, searched my house, kicked me out and locked it up and I was asked nicely to leave the city. Human test subjects weren‘t that popular anymore than they were.“ „But what about the three years before you came to Addermire. Why didn‘t you go anywhere else, maybe Karnaca even? I bet someone would have welcomed you with open arms.“ „Dunwall was my home. I only knew this city and I didn‘t know if other ones would be even less accepting. So I hid and worked as a doctor for everything, illegally. Nothing special happened until Dr. Hypatia came by, her altruism guiding her and took me with her to her clinic, where I worked after that. Then she was brought to Addermire after the Duke visited her, the guards recognized me and just locked me up too.“
„Did you talk to Hypatia since then?“ „No, never. Not sure if she was in contact with anyone anyway. Well I mean, except that one day she tried to eat me.“ He simply nodded, nothing else. „You knew. You knew something was wrong with Hypatia.“ Jindosh answered still calm „Not directly. I know the Duke and his...methods. I was not informed, it just makes sense.“ he answered and after a break „Do you regret it?“
I had to think about that, I have asked myself this question many times in the past few years. „I do. But I don‘t know only because I got caught or if I am convinced that there are morally and ethically better ways for research, because I know that this is the case. The thing is, the results I got were just extremely interesting and efficient. So would I do it again? And I only tell you this, because I know you understand: I would.“
She would. Interesting indeed. We had a lot in common.
Of course I knew what the Duke had done to Hypatia, he did not tell me, but with my clockwork soldiers everywhere, there was nothing I could not miss.
Faking the panic attack or rather enhancing it, was easy. Thanks to cognitive behavior therapy and my mansion, I kept my claustrophobia under control, but I knew it needs just one push, one small misattribution, to get the full palette of symptoms. She was there opening the window, even though she was not allowed to and will probably be punished. She was there, to calm me. And she told me, everything. What I heard and read about her the past few years was, she was always alone, never had any deeper relationships, the only research partner she worked with was Sokolov. Her attitude towards Emily Kaldwin seemed to be neutral to negative, to me, rather positive. Why? Maybe because I am the only one reliable to talk to? Maybe she thinks I am interesting, maybe she simply changed over the years.
So I had to test her, what side was she on? The results: mine and hers. I thought about working with her for some time, now. Projects, in which a neuroscientist with her knowledge, experience and skills would fit in perfectly and one with her back story and motivation even more. The question remains if she will let me use her and why.
The words ’I might have made a big mistake ‘ still circling in my head. Drinking was a mistake. I had never thought about it before, but doubts started to rise. „Do you regret it?“ I don‘t know.
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sorserah · 4 months
Mechaniacs - Kirin Jindosh x OC - Chapter IV
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Summary The story of Dr. Addison Lynch, a neuroscientist who played an important role in the past and will again in the future. (fic from 2017) _________________________________________________ tags: unethical medicine, blood, violence, neurology, neuroscience, dishonored universe usual type of stuff, first person _________________________________________________ ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8598001/chapters/20178412#workskin
As I stepped into my room, Meagen was chaining up Jindoshs wrists and ankles, he was unconscious and I disappointed. „That‘s it.“ She pull forcefully on the long chains to make sure they were secure. She walked past me but hesitated right next to me „Don‘t. Try. Anything. Is that clear?“ „Yes, Ma‘m.“ God, all this hate. If there would be one more person on this ship with these feelings towards me, we could start a competition on who hates me more. I am the first one who would sign up for this. I glanced over my shoulder too see if she was gone and moved to Jindosh quickly. 
He had hematoma around his neck, Emily must have strangled him unconscious. On his left hand were one finger missing, the thumb was half way gone. His clothes were brown and looked expensive. Blood was on his white collar and his brown jacket was lying underneath him. I walked back to my bag and grabbed my flashlight. Back at Jindoshs mattress, I kneeled down to inspect the wounds. Can‘t have another genius invalid on this ship, one with a smashed hand, one unconscious in a risky constitution and then one without a voice or amnesia because of the possible lack of oxygen. 
I palpated his neck. Good „The hematoma is pretty visible but only on the outside, it seems. Can‘t feel any lumps. Trachea and gullet probably intact. Need to wake the subject to get further information.“ I leaned over him and turned on my flashlight, rising up his eyelid, testing the „Dilation of the pupil no...“ my voice was failing, instead I felt a hand around my throat and heard another voice finishing my sentence „Normal. No major dysfunctions of the brain to be expected“ both of his eyes were open now, studying my face. „Hello, Dr. Lynch.“ 
He was pressing on the aorta on my neck, I hold myself up by grabbing his arm, he was stronger than he looked. As black dots started jumping up and down in my field of view, I knew it would only take a few more seconds before I would be unconscious. „Now, now, where are my manners.“ and he let go and sat up „My name is Kirin Jindosh, as you know.“ He set upright, ran over his dark hair and tried to fix it and his clothes. „How about you tell me where I am and why. The last thing I remember were having a fun with the little empress Miss Kaldwin.“ I rubbed my throat. „Your choking attempt would have been nicer in a different context though.“ he raised his eyebrows slightly and I continued „Good to see that my reputation precedes me, even in Karnaca.“ „I was in Dunwall once, too, if you don‘t remember, on the Academy of Natural Philosophy. Heard some stories about you, some were better, some were worse, but which are considered good or bad, is in the eye of the beholder. “ „Indeed. Though I am curious what you heard“ I leaned closer to him „and even more, about what you did.“ I smirked and repositioned myself. He didn‘t answer. Okay. „Back to your original question. We are on a ship, the Dreadful Wale. And why? Well I don‘t even know why I am here. Seems like they need us for something. And with us, I mean you, me and Sokolov.“ He puckered his eyebrows and murmured „So she got him after all. I see.“ and after a break „I think I know exactly why she needs us.“ „And that would be?“ He crossed his arms and made a gesture to the door „Get me some whiskey and the best food you can find first. And put some cut apples and ice in the glass.“ Now it was my time to rise my eyebrows. „Was this an order?“ „I thought you graduated?“ Fine. 
I stood up, went to the kitchen, got myself a bottle of whiskey, a plate with fruits and some bread. I entered the room again „Ah, that took you long enough. You know, its nice to have...“ While he was talking I made myself comfortable on my bed, half sitting half lying with the plate on my legs. Carefully cutting the apple, opening the whiskey bottle, putting them in, shaking it and finally granting myself a generous amount. „Ah you are right. Great idea, now I know why they call you grand inventor.“ I took a bite of the bread, „So..“ with my mouth full „what is nice to have?“ He didn‘t answer, of course. He just stared at me, with a slightly angry but amused face. „It is nice to have some company, that isn‘t made out of metal or crawling up your ass.“ I nodded, took another sip before throwing the bottle and the other loaf of bread to him. He emptied a quarter of the bottle. „Thirsty, I see. You know that alcohol is responsible for the death of many braincells?“ „I do have enough for the entire world population.“ We ate in silence, only and chewing and swashing liquid could be heard.
The pain in my hand returned and I went to steal a bit of the painkiller - health elixir and get some new bandages. Emily came towards me on my way to the main room „Is he awake?“ I nodded „Good.“ and she went straight to him. Sokolov wasn‘t in the main room anymore and the elixir was gone, too. Shit. I searched the whole room, but they probably brought it wherever they brought him. I moved further, through a small workshop until I stood in front of a small door. I could someone snoring. That must be him. If I was just quiet enough, it should work. I opened the door a bit and entered. The room was dimmed, on the left was Sokolov sleeping, next to him the elixir on the ground, Great. I sneaked through the room, carefully, trying not to wake him. I reached the bottle and filled a bit into my pipette and took a sip, as well. Time to leave. Fuck. I knocked over a bottle that I haven‘t seen before and the bloodflies woke up. Bloodflies? They were pressing against the glass of the terrarium, desperately trying to get their food: me and Sokolov. His snoring had stopped and I was standing there like an idiot still with the flask in my hand. What was he doing with those blooflies? Maybe I could infect someone. I just need someone to volunteer. But whom? The bloodflies gave up and the humming stopped gradually. „Mhmmm...mmily...no.“ I stopped breathing, but that was all he said. Seems like he was still sleeping. Time to get out, now.
I moved back to my room as fast a possible before someone else would find out what I was doing. The door was closed but I could hear Emily very clear through the door „...how did she do it and how is she doing this? I am asking you one last time Jindosh.“ Silence. „Alright. Time to go for plan B then. You will wish you had just told me.“ Steps towards the door and behind me, the door opened. Emily stepped out and told the person behind me „He won‘t talk, time for plan B.“ „I will prepare everything.“ Meagen answered. Emily put her hand on my shoulder „Sleep. We will need you tomorrow. How is your hand?“ „It is, well, not good, but at least I still have my right one.“ „Good.“ and she left. 
Jindosh was still sitting in the same position, but looked less confident than before. I decided it would be better to leave him alone. I walked over to the counter and started to cure my hand. It looked better now, but still extremely swollen. I was able to examine it a little better now. All my fingers were broken, my wrist too, the thumb was still intact. I breathed in and out, I had to do it. With one quick movement I turned my wrist in the right angle again. Cracking. The pain was unbelievable. My knees failed, I hold myself up on the counter, tears streaming over my cheeks, me banging my head against the wood, again. Breathing in and out. In and Out. I decided to leave the rest of my bones as deformed as they were for today and bandaged it tight. While wiping away my tears with the back of my shirt, I turned to Jindosh to get the bottle of Whisky. It was still in his hand, almost empty. 
„Do you still need it? Because I do.“ He gave it to me without a word. I mixed a bit of the elixir in and used it to wash down two more pills. „What happened?“ He asked, nodding his head to my left hand. „Smashed it. Jumped through a window. Didn‘t want to get killed by the crown killer.“ He didn‘t say anything and turned away. I hesitated for a moment „..What..what did Emily want? What was...“ he interrupted me „Nothing.“ and lied down, facing the wall. I was too tired and too light headed to respond. So I did the same, extinguished the lights and went to bed.
A minute passed „I might have made a big mistake.“ he admitted quietly slurring.
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sorserah · 4 months
Mechaniacs - Kirin Jindosh x OC - Chapter III
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Summary The story of Dr. Addison Lynch, a neuroscientist who played an important role in the past and will again in the future. (fic from 2017) _________________________________________________ tags: unethical medicine, blood, violence, neurology, neuroscience, dishonored universe usual type of stuff, first person _________________________________________________ ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8598001/chapters/19733941#workskin
Grand Inventor Kirin Jindosh. Owner of the well known clockwork mansion and former student of Anton Sokolov. One of 4 persons I had on my list of people I definitely wanted to meet. Dr Hypatia was already checked and Sokolov, too, since I worked with him on the cure for the plague. But Jindosh was different. We share a fact that changed our whole careers: banned from the Academy for life, for reasons that are still not public. Well at least Jinoshs‘, mine spread around like a second plague. 24 hours were enough and everyone in Dunwall knew what I had done and I was ”asked nicely“ to leave the city. The last person on the list was Delilah Copperspoon. Great artist, twisted mind, but surely great for inspiration, but now, sitting on the throne, harder to reach then ever.
It probably would take some time before Emily would come back and I would be able to interrogate her about everything and the clockwork mansion. I sighed ”I wish I could be there.“ I heard he developed mechanical soldiers, way more impressive than the Tallboys were, they work completely without human interaction. Imagine the opportunities: Give them the ability to feel or to learn by themselves. Learning to react properly in conversations, giving advice based on statistics or based on intuition. And so much more.
I decided to spent the time on cleaning, drying and sorting my notes and things I had in the backpack and there was still the hand issue, that had to be taken of.  Most of the punch cards were ruined, but I was able to copy them almost identically with some old tools I found in the workshop. Unfortunately half of my written notes were completely ruined. The ones that weren‘t made out of ink survived, but it weren‘t many. I let them fall between my legs on the ground and grabbed the pillow next to me just to scream in it for a minute: ”HALF A YEAR OF WORK R U I N E D!“ and then indistinct screaming. How am I supposed to reproduce all correlates and possible causalities without any evidence and notes? I didn‘t know if I would be able to continue my studies now, after all that happened. All the evidences and no corpses. I doubt that Emily would bring me one. She did mention that she needs me for something and maybe I could ask her for a favor, but I guess being here and alive is favor enough. I stood up and moved to the window, it must be around 2 p.m. I could see Serkonos from here. Even if I wanted to leave „Where would I go?“  Not back to Addermire, not back to Dunwall. Maybe there was a university here in Serkonos. I could fake some of my papers, change my name, get my hand fixed...I stared on my flesh lump. I knew enough about anatomy to tell that it would be tough task for a skilled surgeon and impossible for me, even if I wouldn‘t be on this ship and had my tools and laboratory. „Maybe I should just...“ No. I observed my former hand. Chopping it off wasn‘t an option. But the pain will be back soon.
I leaned out of the window, a pleasant breeze, my hair brushing my face. If that one subject hadn‘t been escaped, everything would have been different. My stomach announced with a loud noise it was time to eat, I totally forgot.  I got comfortable in the bed with the loaf of bread. After eating it up and washing down a few more pain killers, I fell asleep. 
I woke at 2 am, someone was screaming in pain. It was me. My hand was hot and I felt my own heartbeat in it. I removed the bandage and inspected it. From my top of fingers down to the wrist it was pitch black. I just stared at it, unable to move, not knowing what to do, when it started to melt. Thick black liquid, running down my arm, burning everything in its way. „Addison, wake up!“ It wasn‘t me screaming, it was someone else. A man. And the person who just had woken me up was Emily. „We need your help. Come.“ This was clearly and order. 
She guided me into the next room, where Sokolov was convulsed in pain on the couch. „What happened?“ „Doesn‘t matter now, help him!“ „I am a neuroscientist not a internist.“ „I don‘t care and if you want to stay on this boat and not be thrown into the ocean right now, you do the best you can to help him.“ That was pretty clear. I found some health elixirs, some flowers and herbs on the table next to him. The herbs wouldn‘t be strong enough. I removed the elixir and poured it into a beaker, went back to my room and crushed a few of the painkillers, added them and heated the mixture up until it was dissolved. Emily was watching the whole time. „I am going to need more of those“ I showed her the painkillers „there won‘t enough in a few days.“ She nodded.  I poured the mixture back into its original vascular, sat down next to Sokolov and injected a bit. It seemed to work. The loud moaning and screaming changed into softer tones and deeper breaths. I turned around and saw Emily standing with the back to me facing Meagen, who entered a few seconds ago, so I took a sip. It was pretty strong.
„What do you mean, you don‘t know where to put him?“ „We don‘t have enough space Emily. Besides someone should watch him. I thought about putting him outside or in the machine room, but honestly I am sure he will just rip out something he can reach and build a clockwork soldier right here, from scratch“ Did she, did Emily...Were they talking about Jindosh? Of course. I sure as hell would volunteer to babysit him all day and all night.  „Put him in her room.“ „Are you sure about that? I mean Emily, both of them are batshit crazy. One slightly more then the other, no offense though“ Well she wasn‘t wrong: „None taken. I will take him, honestly I thought about running, but this thing“ I held up my blood lump „and I shouldn‘t go anywhere anytime soon.“ Emily nodded „You don‘t really argue in your favor, but it‘s not like we have a choice anyway...Fine, but put some handcuffs on him, don‘t put him near anything small and metallic he could reach, to crack them. The door will be open all the time and windows closed at night. Someone will check at least every 2 hours if everything is fine. “ Meagen nodded "Maybe we shoulf hancuff her, too?" Emily examined me "No. She knows what will happen if she tries anything." Meagen left. 
„Addison, is that really you?“ Sokolov seemed to have woken up. „In flesh and blood.“ Emily was at my side shortly after she heard him and he smiled at her, before he fell asleep. „How is he?“ „He is fine and will probably recover. I quick checked him for internal and external wounds, but it doesn‘t seem to be that bad. Give him a few days, maybe a week.“ „Thank you!“ She sounded relieved and took his hand. I gave her the elixir and left. She wasn't right. I didn't know what exactly would happen, if I tried something, but I also wasn't eager to find out.
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sorserah · 4 months
Mechaniacs - Kirin Jindosh x OC - Chapter II
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Summary The story of Dr. Addison Lynch, a neuroscientist who played an important role in the past and will again in the future. (fic from 2017) _________________________________________________ tags: unethical medicine, blood, violence, neurology, neuroscience, dishonored universe usual type of stuff, first person _________________________________________________ ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8598001/chapters/19733941#workskin
It was cold, dark and foggy. I couldn‘t breathe or move, my body was pinned to the ground. Was that it? The end? I was just lying there in silence, completely numb of everything. No pain, no emotions. Until a face appeared in front of mine. It was a man, his eyes were completely black. „Look who we have here. Time has come for you it seems. Dr. Addison Lynch, once the person that was loved to be quoted, now the person that has to be, unwillingly. I see disgust on their faces when they think about you. Though there have been worse people, in my opinion. But were those tests really necessary? I bet you asked yourself this question, over and over and over again.“ he examined my face „Mhmm, I won‘t give you anything, you don‘t need it, you are not important to me. But to someone else, who needs you. So...“ he moved to the other side „...I guess I will give you another chance. To prove yourself and do whats right and has to be done.“ he was close to my ear now „Farewell.“ he whispered.
I awoke with a start and threw up in the bucket that was standing next to me. Water, dirt, blood and bile. I felt like my body tried to get rid of my gastrointestinal tract completely. After eternity it seems, I sat up, sweating, cold and weak. I closed my eyes for a second and breathed in and out. Where was I? That was when the immense pain hit me and I cried out. I looked to the source of it. My left arm was bandaged, my hand only a big white and red lump. 
What happened?! Desperately I searched for my backpack, found it under the metal bed had I jumped out of a few minutes before and turned it upside down. Everything was completely soaked. Where are the painkillers? ... There!  I swallowed five of them and laid down on the floor. Tears running down my face as I smashed my head onto the floor, distracting myself, waiting for them to kick in.  I have never felt anything like this before. „Please stop this, please, stop..“ I whined bitterly, rocking forth and back. 
A few minutes later the pills operated and I dared to stand up, holding onto a counter with my functioning arm. There was a mirror and sink right in front of me, but it cost me my last energy to go there. Left leg, right leg, left leg, right leg and I was there and was shocked about what I saw. My face was even paler then before, bloodshot eyes, my lips dark purple and bursted, a bloody lesion on my right temple. My clothes ragged and wet, blood all over it. But what did I expect? 
I turned the valve and drank in small sips. I removed my shirt and pants and started to clean the my wounds. Fortunately most of them weren‘t that deep.  Someone put a needle and threads next to the sink, a few of them definitely need some stitching. 
After I was relatively intact and put on some dry clothes I found, a black shirt some black pants which I had to pull up to my waist with my belt to make it fit, I decided it was time to look at the total loss which was my left arm.  Carefully I unwrapped the bandage to my wrist and inspected it. „Shoulder definitely sore, was probably dislocated...“ I muttered, „Upper arm intact, forearm... very bruised but no distortion, broken? maybe?“ Now the last part. I removed the last bandage and almost threw the water up again. 
My wrist was strangely twisted, „wrist... turned about 90 degrees“ and what once has been my hand was just... „Hand, not a hand anymore. Fingers angled and smashed in all directions. Glass and stones everywhere ...defin..definitely..“ but I could stand the look of it. „Broken.“ I said to my reflection and retched. This is not real. This can‘t be real. I hyperventilated, „Get it together goddammit!“
I cleaned the meat lump as good as possible and tried to stabilize the hand and fingers with some pens I found but it didn‘t work. I decided it was time to give up and just bandaged it again. It needs surgery. 
Just as I finished the knot, someone opened the metal door and came in carrying a tray with a loaf of bread and a steaming mug. „Oh good, you are awake.“ She put the tray down onto the counter. I turned around, facing her.
„Who are you? Where am I?“ „My name is Meagen Foster, I am the captain of this ship, the Dreadful Whale, which you are on.“ „And what happened? The last thing I remembered was that I jumped out of a window at Addermire.“ She seemed annoyed by all my questions and sighed „Yeah and that‘s pretty much all that happened. You jumped, hit a rock and sank down unconscious. Someone pulled you out and into my boat then we brought you here.“  I opened my mouth but she answered first: „She will tell you everything. Now eat, drink and recover. We have work to do.“ and left. 
For two seconds I accepted not knowing what was going on, but my curiosity drove me to the door and I was about to open it with a witty comment, however I hesitated when I saw Emily Kaldwin and Meagen talking on the corridor. It had to be her, I had seen her once when she was around 12 when I was at the Dunwall Tower and last week on a reward poster when I was stealing the corpse. 
„...I still don‘t understand why we need her.“ „I know what she did, but she was a great help the last time Dunwall was at stake, maybe she will be now, too. Besides we don‘t have much of a choice, since Dr. Hypatia...could not make it.“ „If you say so.“ „I do and it‘s not up for debate, sorry Meagen, we need as much geniuses as we can get. By the way, we need to leave before dawn. I don‘t want to keep Jindosh waiting.“ They left.
Jindosh? Did she mean Kirin Jindosh?
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sorserah · 4 months
Mechaniacs - Kirin Jindosh x OC - Chapter I
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Summary The story of Dr. Addison Lynch, a neuroscientist who played an important role in the past and will again in the future. (fic from 2017) _________________________________________________ tags: unethical medicine, blood, violence, neurology, neuroscience, dishonored universe usual type of stuff, first person _________________________________________________ ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8598001/chapters/19717660
*click* „Dr. Addison Lynch, 20th day, the Month of Rain 1852 8:25 pm, subject 1B, male around 33, brain relatively intact. The Cortex, Cerebellum and Medulla display no signs of an infection on the outside. I am separating the lateral part of the temporal lobe to get a closer look at the Limbic system. The Limbic system displays no...“ I rearranged the magnifier and the light to get a better look, „... I correct, the posterior part of the amygdalae has turned dark red, black almost.“ *click* „This is marvelous.“ I whispered. Finally, I got my hands on a Nest Keeper and not a corpse simply inhibited by bloodflies. I had to steal and ship it personally to Addermire Institute. *click* „Victim probably wasn‘t infected for a long time. Hypothesis: Function of the amygdalae reduced, so victims won‘t feel fear while living near and for bloodflies. Hypothesis: Parts of the frontal lobe infected too, which leads to a complete change or loss of personality. Have to examine other bodies in different stages.“ *click* 
This is going to be problematic. It‘s nearly impossible to leave Addermire since they locked it up, because of Dr. Hypatia. I still don‘t know why. My guess is she‘s working on a cure and they want to keep her safe from the Crown Killer. Anyways, I need other samples to continue my research and hopefully confirm the hypothesis. I need to satisfy my curiosity and get my reputation back. But last time was difficult enough: Bribing the captain of the supply ship with the coins I saved for years, one ‘Whisky and cigars‘ date with the Overseer responsible for departing the corpses, thank god he kept the mask on, stealing his keys after he fell asleep and carrying a rotting, 80kg body on my back for 2 hours. I am not sure if I can do it a second time.
I put the punch card out of the audio recorder and made a copy, which I stored in by bag. Always ready to vanish, if I have to. 
Someone knocked at the door and didn‘t wait for me to answer. „Miss Lynch, it‘s bath time now.“ I sighed, closed my eyes and simply nodded. Very few of them actually acknowledge my title, since I am a woman and well maybe because I did something in the past that brought me here. But I like to think they are just sexists.
The bathroom was already hot and steamy, I undressed myself and climbed into the bathtub my arms resting on the sides. Only a white curtain isolates me from the guard sitting on a chair next to me. This time I didn‘t even bother to close it. He would place his chair so he can watch anyway. He was always watching. 
I lost a lot of weight the last 2 years since I was brought here. I was provided better in Dunwall, even when the plague was at its worst. My ribs and hipbones are standing out now, my skin unhealthy pale with a purple undertone, dried, dark blood underneath my fingernails, my inner thighs were a little bruised from the night with the Overseer. I bit my lip and smiled, it wasn‘t that bad though. 
„Ten minutes left Miss.“ I leaned over the sides with both arms, facing the guard, „Maybe...20 minutes?“ I asked, with my right thumb moving over my bottom lip, bringing it up to my mouth locking my eyes with his. „No, you ask this every time.“
I answered with the lowest voice I could do „And I know you want this. You like to watch, don‘t you?“ I moaned „I know you want to fuck me George, take me from behind, pull my hair. What‘s your kink? Shall I call you Daddy? I could do that.“ He shifted nervously „No, I...I don‘t fuck with maniacs, and my name is not George! 5 minutes and you have to leave!“ I laughed „Well, thats your loss. And it‘s Doctor.“ and dived underwater.
Twenty minutes later I was in my bed. It was next to a window, I could see a storm coming and the waves building up higher and higher below me. I extinguished the candle next to me and used the last few moments of moon light to write some sentences into my notebook before I stored it in my backpack. One last thing left to do then: taking my meds, waiting for them to kick in and letting the darkness consume my thoughts. 
Eight hours later, I was up and dressed, my dark grey, shoulder long hair was brushed and my black eyeliner and dark red lipstick flawless on my face. „Ready for a new day!“ I exclaimed to my reflection.
Suddenly I heard screams, followed by rumbling and shattering glass. „Someone left the door open! WHERE ARE THE OTHER...“ I heard something was ripped off and a muffled sound. I held my breath, it was definitely on this floor. Just before I decided it was time to get my things and get the hell out, the guard "George" was thrown through my glass door, decapitated. I stood there in shock for 2 seconds, which was one second too long. The creature or what it was, and I looked at each other. She looked oddly like Dr. Hypatia but less human. „I always wondered what your flesh would taste like...“ Oh hell no. I grabbed my backpack and jumped right through the window next to my bed. If I had to decide how to die I am rather taking this option than to be decapitated and eaten by that thing. 
Glass shattering, skin sliced open and then I hit the water surface and the world went black.
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