sortituses-blog · 7 years
I really would like to apologize to all the people I owe responses too. I promise to get to everything on Archer and Qrow tomorrow night and over the weekend. School and work have just been taking up the majority of my time these past couple of weeks. I have a few messages I need answer in regards to the event, and that will be taken care of tomorrow as well. Again, I do apologize.
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sortituses-blog · 7 years
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“ A lighter low on fluid, really....”
So much for trying to breeze through this so called test. Although, he wasn’t sure as to what he could do with something of such little use. The servant idly moving the small object within his grasp, an irritated expression to match the exact mood he was in now. However, he’d make it work somehow....possibly. “Useless..” In hindsight, though, he should be glad that he wasn’t tasked with these so called ‘challenge’s alone. Dark hues casting a momentary glance at the two that had been sent with him. Honestly, they had the better ‘gag’ gifts, then he did. “Well, where should we start?”
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sortituses-blog · 7 years
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looks at all the Fate reserves. Flails. On a side note, sorry about the lack of replies, just been really busy. Gonna get to some of them most likely tomorrow. Though, I’m always down to plot.
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
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Okay the rest of these memes will be answered later on tonight. Got some errands to run, and food to eat, not to mention taxes to do, fun fun. As far as replies go I’m gonna knock those out tonight too. In a few hours that is.
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
Send a ✮ & I’ll generate a number ( platonic edition )- not accepting
a kiss to the temple
God, mortals could be so annoying at times. Here he was, in a room that was not his own, watching over the sleeping form of a quote, unquote prince. How he ended up in this position, well you could say it was due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. What was with people sticking their noses into something they shouldn’t have. Curiosity killed the cat, or in this case, the prince.
Although, he wasn’t under a contract, there was something that pulled him to do what he had done. The white haired male heaving a sigh, as he sat perched on the window seal in the younger man’s room. Corrin, was it? He supposed that was the name, seeing as he may or may not have snooped around. Oddly enough, this boy had reminded him of his former self, and that of his former master; both having a knack for getting into trouble, and one often having too kind a heart, and easy enough to deceive. As agreed, he waited until the silver haired male had fallen asleep, before he made his leave.
Boots coming into contact with the carpeted floor, and he makes his way towards the door. However, bringing himself to a brief stop next to the edge of the bed. What he did next was probably uncalled for, but it was likely Corrin wouldn’t know. Lips pressing lightly to the others temple before he straightened up, making his leave.
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     “I’m not gonna go out of my way to save you again. Best stay out of trouble.”
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
Send a ✮ & I’ll generate a number ( platonic edition )
or send a number for a hug/kiss 
cheek kiss
shy kiss
first kiss
forehead kiss
gentle kiss
scar kiss
hand kiss
friendly kiss
chaste kiss
spin the bottle kiss
an eskimo kiss
butterfly kisses ( eyelash kiss )
a kiss pressed to each fingertip
a kiss on the hairline
a kiss to the temples
a kiss to the corner of the mouth
a kiss to bruised skin
a kiss on the knuckles
Nose Kiss
Gentle Peck
Eyelid Kiss
Bear Hug
Sleepy hug
Cuddle hug
Unreciprocated hug
“Far too long since we’ve seen each other” hug
From behind hug
“Something scared me” hug
The Lift hug
One armed hug
Friendly hug
The emotional hug
Failed hug
Run and Jump hug
Side hug
Comforting hug
Family hug
Hug around waist
Clinging hug
‘’Don’t let go’’ hug
‘’I thought I’d never see you again” hug
Warm hug
Awkward hug
Cold hug
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
Send kissed! and my character will react to receiving this type of kiss from yours… (some NSFW apply!)
(opposite of this meme)
Keep reading
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
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fateLOG by 空色羊
※Permission to reprint this was given by the artist. Please do not repost without the artist’s permission. If you liked this fanwork, do take the time to rate and bookmark the original work.
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
The one decent thing about falling under his class of servant, was his keen preconception. Not that he need rely on it, considering the girl had made herself rather obvious, in what she was doing. He disliked in when people pried into tings that they had no business with. However, she reminded of him of someone, someone that was most likely long gone,  he resigned himself, leveling his temper, and merely allowing a scoff to fall from his lips.
“ Yes that would be the gist of it, the rather condenses version of it,” he quips, tone smooth, yet there was a sense of displeasure hidden somewhere in there. “Really it only works with swords, other then that, I can imbue objects with mana, making them sturdier then the otherwise normally would be,” he explains.
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As far as showing her, what he could do, well he supposed just this once. No, he wasn’t apart of the dueling club, but he did find himself here more often then not. What better way to show her, seeing as there were weapons abound. A tan appendage falling open, as dark hues fall onto the nearest subject. Channeling the mana to his palm, he murmurs a quiet phrase, and sure enough, a blade soon materializes within the palm of his open hand. Archer grasping the hilt, as he moves the blade with a quick flick of his wrist.
“Probably not the most durable right now, but it’ll be suitable enough. If anything, I can always make another,” he says, in attempt to jest.
Ruby’s eyes narrowed slightly, pursing her lips as she observed the taller male. Really, she was probably too curious for her own good, but after learning about his abilities, how could she not be curious? She’d only seen something like it once–Velvet’s semblance, allowing her to use any weapon she photographed. But his ability sounded like it was on a different scale entirely. 
“So…let me get this straight,” she stated finally, trying not to bounce eagerly on her heels. “You can copy any weapon and use it perfectly? Without having to like, take a picture of it first?” Oh, she really had to see this in action.
“Can you show me?” She paused after the words left her lips, ducking her gaze sheepishly. “If you want to, of course. I’m just…really interested. Weapons are so cool, you know?”
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
random kiss generator - accepting
kiss on the lips.
When they say karma can come back to bite you, well, let’s just say, it was the truth. In retrospect, he would have never assumed to grow any sense of comfortableness around the blonde servant, after all, how could anyone be around such a high maintenance professor such as, Gilgamesh for an extended period of time. Though, he was partially to blame for his current situation. Mouthing off, may have not been his best option, but it did get them alone– at least he hoped. 
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He could be thankful for two things, one, the door to said professors office was closed, and two, Gilgamesh had his back turned. Therefore, the white haired male wouldn’t lose his nerve, when it came to doing such an act. Archer could already sense the scolding, if not all out outburst to come, from doing such things. The thought of such retaliation soon pressed to the back of his mind, as he heaves a sigh. The servant straightening up, as he moves to walk around the desk. The actions swift and with a purpose as he reached to turned the shorter male around, and firmly, yet briefly press their lips together in a brief kiss. Quick as he was, he steps away, a lazy smirk soon settling over his lips, as he gauges the other’s reaction. However, he does keep close, one hand still holding Gilgamesh’s own to the oak of the desk, and his face is still rather close.
“Hm, not bad...”
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
Random Kiss Generator- accepting 
Kiss on the cheek
Now he was going to regret this. Why was he doing this again?
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No, he was certainly going to regret this. Considering the fact, that the man that stood before him, well, he had little interaction with, before now. Though, there was something that seemed to draw the servants attention to the other student.  “Fuck me,” he murmurs. Archer idly rubs his neck, as he approaches the male. Being as socially awkward as the snow haired male was, though, he makes it quick. Moving to lean over his fellow students shoulder, and placing a chaste kiss on Mikazuki’s cheek. However, once the action is done, he pulls away rather quickly, frame going stiff. “Sorry about that...”
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
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i dont own this.
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
send me ✖ for a random kiss.
forehead kiss
kiss on cheek
kiss on the nose
neck kiss
nose kiss
stomach kiss
good morning kiss
good night kiss
hand kiss
foot kiss
kiss on the mouth
deep kiss
comforting kiss
desperate kiss
kiss goodbye
multiple kisses
worshiping kiss
poisonous kiss
playful kiss
teasing kiss
affectionate kiss
hair kiss
drunk kiss
forced kiss
tender kiss
up arm kiss
passionate kiss
surprise kiss
accidental kiss
pretend kiss
thigh kiss
leg kiss
sexual kiss
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
❝ you’re a poor unfortunate soul. ❞
Talk about hitting the nail on the head. Such a statement resonated perfectly with him.  More so along the lines of being unfortunate, rather then being poor, but it was all the same.  Upon sparing a momentary glance at the owner of the voice, lips pull into a disapproving frown. After all, this was interesting, considering who said words were coming from. 
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      “Tell me something I don’t know. Not that I regret what I did in my life, but circumstances in which I had too, were indeed unfortunate....”
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
sentence starters; pvris - white noise
❝ this isn’t violence. ❞
❝ this is just a war in my head. ❞
❝ don’t you try to run right now, cause baby i could burn you down. ❞
❝ you make your way into my veins, course right through my limbs and dig your way into my brain. ❞
❝ so when the second that you walk into a room, i can’t help myself from the things that you do. ❞
❝ oh you’re killing me right now. ❞
❝ i think it’s time you burn me down. ❞
❝ i love the things we do, when it’s just me and you. ❞
❝ you’re just a ghost of blissful feelings, a cloud of smoke that i keep breathing. ❞
❝ i’m losing you to the games in my mind. ❞
❝ don’t wanna open my eyes. ❞
❝ i know it’s chemicals, that make me cling to you. ❞
❝ and i need a miracle to get away from you. ❞
❝ and i’m not spiritual but please stay, cause i think you’re a saint and i think you’re an angel. ❞
❝ you give me something to talk about, that’s not the shit in my head. ❞
❝ you’re a miracle. ❞
❝ take in your chemicals. ❞
❝ i gotta stay with you. ❞
❝ and i’m not spiritual but please stay, cause you’re a glimpse of bliss a little taste of heaven. ❞
❝ you give me something to think about, that’s not the shit in my head. ❞
❝ i need a miracle to bring me back to you. ❞
❝ i know you’re gone now but i still wait for you. ❞
❝ who let you in? ❞
❝ you walk around like you own the place. ❞
❝ guess it was all my fault, i think i let you in. ❞
❝ never thought that i would feel like this. ❞
❝ such a mess when i’m in your presence, i’ve had enough think you’ve been making me sick, gotta get you outta my system. ❞
❝ it’s my house, and i think it’s time to get out. ❞
❝ it’s my soul, it isn’t yours anymore. ❞
❝ but darling you can’t stay. ❞
❝ haven’t you heard? i’m not yours anymore. ❞
❝ yeah you’ve got it all, but you’ve got it all wrong. ❞
❝ you’re a poor unfortunate soul. ❞
❝ oh i know, you make it seem that you feel whole. so they don’t know, you’re a poor unfortunate soul. ❞
❝ yeah you put on a faith facade, think you’re holy when you’re not. ❞
❝ i hate to break it to you baby, but you’re simply lost. ❞
❝ but simply calling out sins don’t bring you closer to god. ❞
❝ you’re just a ghost at most, a set of empty bones. ❞
❝ oh you’re all alone. ❞
❝ and you say that i’ve got it all wrong. ❞
❝ cause you just know, i’m a poor unfortunate soul. ❞
❝ you’re shallow and empty and filled with regret. ❞
❝ i think that chest must be heavy from that cross on your neck. ❞
❝ don’t think i didn’t notice. ❞
❝ it’s hard to be what you need through a static screen. ❞
❝ i’m watching. i’m waiting. i’m aching. suffocating. i’m breathing. i’m speaking. can you hear me? i’m screaming, for you. ❞
❝ day by day, i’m slowly replaced in your picture frames. ❞
❝ sick of the lack of signal. sick of the lack of touch. ❞
❝ can you hear me? ❞
❝ don’t blame your death, on the shit in your head that you claimed ate you like a virus for days on end. ❞
❝ i watched you decay, watched you wast away. ❞
❝ who’d you think you’d fool baby? ❞
❝ so go ahead, yeah just drop dead. ❞
❝ you’re out of line, buried yourself alive an expected to be fine. ❞
❝ your bridges are burning, and all the tables are turning. ❞
❝ what you give is what you get, and in your case that’s nothing but guilt and regret. ❞
❝ i can’t sleep, that’s when you’re torn away from me. ❞
❝ i’ll face my fear of the sunrise, when i wake up with your hand inside mine. ❞
❝ it’s hard to say good morning, when it’s followed with goodbye. ❞
❝ you make my world spin. ❞
❝ i’ll wait to see you again. ❞
❝ i know you’re dead inside, but you make me feel alive. ❞
❝ i’m the one with the ghosts in my bed, but they only come alive at night. ❞
❝ i swear that i’ll be fine in the daylight. ❞
❝ it’s my head not my heart that’s strayed. ❞
❝ i’m sorry i keep pushing you away. ❞
❝ why can’t you stay, up against these things i can’t see? ❞
❝ make me believe. ❞
❝ now you’re up against the ghosts in my head. ❞
❝ you struck a match, and left me to burn. ❞
❝ it doesn’t feel right, to feel the weight of your world in my spine. ❞
❝ you’ve had me going, out of my mind. ❞
❝ i wanna feel something, that’s not the touch of your breath on my neck. ❞
❝ i shouldn’t give in, but i let you win, i let you in. ❞
❝ i won’t let you in. ❞
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
He would have to be a fool not to recognize that silhouette, besides, that head of bright blonde locks would be hard to miss for someone like him. Past experiences considered, this was the last person he had expected to encounter in this place. Though, something did strike an odd cord within him, and that was the other male’s attire-- certainly something he hadn’t seen the servant adorn before. Perhaps he was simply over thinking things. Not like he and the man had anything to discuss, no matter what their positions may be now. 
Well there was one thing they needed to discuss, though he was hoping to avoid the topic all together.
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Of course that was easier said than done, seeing as he was mulling over his own thoughts; he wasn’t quite aware of his surroundings, nor the distance between him, and the other male. Archer only coming to a stop when he felt something rather solid block his path, not having realized that he had indeed walked into the blonde, literally.
“Well damn...” he grumbles, taking an instinctive step back.
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sortituses-blog · 8 years
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      ⟿So I did a thing, that I don’t regret at all. Yup, I am back and raring to go with my newest muse.  He may look like a stand off-ish kinda guy, well that’s cause he is! But if you get to know him, he’s kind of a big softy. Anyways, this is a starter call, gonna set the cap at four, for now. Posts may vary in length. Roommate and  cast members are excluded. That and his class schedule should be up soon. 
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