sgntaeoh · 4 years
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
.// mayday
( ... )
hyunjoo is confused about who it could be, walking carefully up to the door and opening it, smiling widely when she sees who it is. “taeoh! hi what are you doing here?” not that she doesn’t want him here ( how could she ever say no to a visit from taeoh? ), but a random visit in the middle of the afternoon is sufficient cause for confusion. “are you here to get your hoodie? sorry i haven’t returned it i’ve been so busy recently.” she steps aside to let him in, a frown on her lips. “you don’t know anything about cycloalkanes, do you?”
surprise visits are not usually typical for him but he’s thankful that hyunjoo is receptive. he mirrors greeting smile as he steps into her room. 
“i am running low on hoodies.” he admits with a chuckle. comfy wear is the way to go and apparently hyunjoo has same qualifying tastes. his closet had admittedly been growing smaller but it’s good enough for him that he has the one on his back today. who knew that hoodie pockets were a great temporary carrier. “you’re good though.” he reassures.
“cycloalkanes?” astronaut dreams have set him down numerous science classes, enough for it to ring a bell. before he can properly engage in her apparent struggles though, a loud meow cuts him off. somehow recognizing that now is a good time, he feels the small kitten start to fuss around in its confined space. “hold on buddy.” 
carefully he scoops the small creature out of the pocket and into his hands, revealing the big surprise. “i know a little about cycloalkanes. but do you know anything about caring for cats?” this give and take probably isn’t very fair or equal but still he asks, sheepish smile and all. 
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
OOC. //
hello everyone! sorry for the dip in activity. i had to take a hiatus because work picked up while my boss was out for a few weeks. i’m hoping to get back into the flow of things though for my sweet boy taeoh. 
i went through my threads and i believe i owe replies to the following people:
@sgnhyunjoo @sgnbaekso @sgnsian
if i owe you a reply or a starter that’s not mentioned above, please let me know! i’d also love to get some more plotting done as well. if you’d like to plot, please feel free to message me or like this post and i’ll get to you! 
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
there are a lot of things in life that do not go hand in hand. take pineapple and pizza. orange juice and toothpaste. doing late night astrophotography until 3am and 8 am classes. 
as a junior, he really should know better on how to set his schedule more smoothly. with only so many sessions offered though and his hobby ever strong, he finds himself having picked up a horrid habit instead. mornings are already rough with alarm blares and knocks on doors. he somehow manages to stumble out of bed and take the materials he needs to get to class. education is important, he wouldn’t dare to argue against that.
it’s just that it’s so early and the way the light ebbs into the classroom and the soft sounds of nice voices seem to lull him to sleep. he blinks once, twice, and then he’s gone. asleep and unaware to the outside world.
when he finally comes to, he wakes with soft groan, bleary eyed and out of place. his brain registers poke and he looks over to connect a face to the motion. and --
oh crap. it’s the ta.
quick glance around the classroom and he discovers the horrendous truth that it’s just the two of them now. 
double crap. 
“oh. i’m so sorry.” there is no lie he can muster or excuse he can make. embarrassment seems quick to jolt any lingering sleep out of his system. if only the void could take him now. he scrambles to pack his belongings into his bag before he gets up from his seat. head hangs with apologies written all over his posture. “i’m sorry.” 
⤿ rise and shine
█ ▌ ‹ @sgntaeoh › 
— [ ♡ ] she might sound arrogant saying this out loud, which is why she tends to keep her thoughts to herself, but yooa wholeheartedly believes that she is a good ta. she’s organized, knowledgeable about the subject, gets back to her students in a quick manner, and she has well thought out lesson plans full with activities so students don’t have to listen to her talk for fifty minutes straight. there’s also the fact that she hands out color coordinated notes for everyone. so all in all, she’s doing a kickass job as being a ta. 
she’s not unreasonable. and she gets it– she too was once a busy undergraduate student, so it doesn’t bother her if someone uses discussions or even class lectures to take a nap. so long as it doesn’t become a frequent habit, she means. so she lets it go the first, second, and third time she notices the male nodding off when she lectures, but it’s nearing the end of the semester and she still catches him snoozing away during class. so admittedly she does feel a bit peeved. 
given his knack of napping during discussions, it’s no surprised to her when he’s still peacefully slumbering as the rest of his classmates packup to leave. she has half the mind to just leave him, but there’s a part of her that is nagging to wake up him, just incase he has a class afterwards. ❝ hey. wake up. ❞ she says, poking him in the shoulder with her index finger. when he doesn’t stir, she applies more force.  ❝ nap time’s over kid. seriously, wake up.❞
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
taeoh lives as a boy who loves the night sky and moon. still, it doesn’t mean he’s not vulnerable to the sunshine caught in curves of cute smiles. 
he’s normally not very picky, always willing and complacent when it comes to most things. he finds it easier to live this way. it’s what’s allowed him to stop fretting the small stuff to be able to see the big picture and all the small joys that fill up his world. 
he sees the frustration grow on her face though and he easily gives. he wants nothing more than to make her happy, for her usual radiant glow to return. they walk and search, and then look some more. lady luck doesn’t play on their side though and as he looks up, he realizes it’s getting late. nature’s performance is about to begin and they have yet to snag any seats for the show. 
“of course.” he reassures, hoping to sooth with soft smile. there’s no harm in sharing experiences but if it’s important to her, then it’s important to him. “we’ll find somewhere.” for the world is big, hidden secrets always somewhere to be found. 
“this little old thing?” he finds her sweet and while the bag may be digging into his shoulder in the slightest bit, it’s the last of his worries. “light as a feather.” it wouldn’t be him to let a lady carry his belongings after all. in any case, bringing his camera equipment is a familiar weight. what’s not familiar is this lack of destination.
he scopes their surroundings one last time and decides to pivot. if there’s no room for them in this official space, they can find somewhere off the records. after all, some of the most breathtaking places he’s been to are not those most commonly traveled to. “you okay to walk a little? i saw somewhere on a hike yesterday that might work.” it won’t be glamorous like the set up here but he’ll make it work. he’ll always try for people like her. 
* ❥   ⁝   something about us
♡  @sgntaeoh  |   there’s something rather magical about being with taeoh. it’s something that’s hard to put into words but it’s always felt – within the tips of her fingers, within the gentle essence of his smile, within the ambiance around them.
and it’s most likely attributed to their regularly scheduled late night trips, whisked away from the hustle and bustle that encompasses seongnam to sink deep into nature. it’s the placid ambiance of these no-name places, his soft tone of voice that almost melts into the atmosphere, guiding her along to a certain place with a steady yet sweet touch, and oh, the views from above. she didn’t even realize how many stars were truly in the sky until she met him, how brightly they burned for them, neglected by humans on the day to day basis, but there allure recognized by this boy, reflected within his own eyes as he speaks about them to her, the history and the science behind them. ( and damn it, she has to tells herself that she wasn’t going to put another boy upon a pedestal after chanyeol. because she says that she’s completely and absolutely over him. and yet here she is, starting to simp again so easily. )
but there’s no magic when there’s others around – and unfortunately with this meteor shower happening tonight, it seems like every sweet spot within the resort is practically flooded with her peers with their loud voices or tunes blasting from the speakers of her phone. it’s actually annoying how it seems all the spots with good view of the sky is currently taken, and sian isn’t settling with having to share this experience with anyone else other than him. it’s why she breaks out in a whine whenever they reach a cliff only to find several people spread out upon a blanket, waiting for the show above to start. “is everyone suddenly an astronomy major or something?” she questions with hints of exasperation in her voice, a free hand lifting to tug at the material of taeoh’s shirt to get his attention, a pout clearly evident within her voice, “i know i’m probably being a pain, but can we find somewhere else to look at it? this is our thing, you know? i don’t want other people ruining it …” her gaze drifts off along with her words before they spot his bag of equipment upon his shoulder, lithe hand reaching out towards it, “is your bag heavy? i can help you carry it since i’m making you go through all this.”
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
late nights and long drives always feel like an unbeatable match. pair it with good company and it becomes an invitation that taeoh can never refuse.
eager brisk steps bring him closer to the familiar car. it’s no longer their first rodeo and he’s come to anticipate these outings together. baekso has been good to him since the moment they met and he’s happy to have found such a good friend to accompany him through more than just one hobby. 
“of course.” he affirms with easy smile, patting the black carrier bag in confirmation. their rides aren’t always for the sole purpose of shooting but it never hurts to kill two birds with one stone. “today is a full moon. i should bring you out again for the next supermoon though. it’s easy to see venus on those days.” he rambles too often for his own good, infatuation of space running too deep. he’s just thankful that baekso doesn’t seem to mind.
“anywhere you wanna go today in particular?” good photographer that he is, he’s done enough homework to know the best spots. there is always something fun about travelling with no destination in mind though. the best memories always seem to derive from those kinds of runs and he’s always down to add another to the books. 
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— * moonchild
ft. @sgntaeoh
as much as he tries not to, it’s impossible for baekso not to pick favorites whenever he’s put in charge of a group of people. he loves everyone on the track team, even his own best friend is a part of the team, but no one could hold a candle to taeoh when it came to the favorite position. the second baekso ran into the junior wandering around the campus at 2am, same as he was, he knew he wanted to have him under his wing. it’s not easy to find people that live easier by night than by day, and not in a partying way. and while it’s comforting enough to have the night sky as a companion, it’s nice to have an actual person with you sometimes.
so, as the night falls on the campus, he finds himself in his car, parked outside the lim village, waiting for taeoh to come out. their escapades being one of the moments he looks forward to the most. he smiles as he spots the student coming in the distance, unlocking the car door when he reaches him. “did you bring your fancy camera?” he expectantly asks, starting the car once taeoh puts his seatbelt on. “the moon looks super big today.” he knows there’s definitely some sort of calendar that tells you when phenomena like this will happen and that’s why taeoh choose the date, but he doesn’t mind sounding a bit ignorant around him. 
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
.// sleeping cities
he never feels alone beneath vast skies. of course, he isn’t one to oppose good company either. the hours in between pass faster and there’s always something magical about late hours. 
today he happens to have fellow photography enthusiast by his side. it’s always fun to be accompanied by friends but even more so a treat when it’s someone who shares the hobby. always eager and open to share his tricks, he’d invited danbi, thinking it might be a fun experience for her. he’d been planning for this shoot for days now, searching for the best location and timing for it all. 
it isn’t until they arrive that he realizes he’s not the only who’s made such plans though. he spots the small crowd and thinks ahead about the dark night and uneven paths. “you going to be okay?” he voices his concerns as he grabs all their gear, taking extra care to grab her belongings as well. “it’s a little bit of a walk to get there.”  
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
.// mayday
its 4:50 pm when he first encounters the cat, unexpected presence on his return journey back from the convenience store. loud meow grabs his attention and he’d be heartless not to stop. 
at 5:23 pm, he’s realized he’s spent much too long squatting on the sidewalk simply petting the sweet thing. he’s got melting ice cream in his bag and it’s time for him to run. with one last pat on the head, he bids the feline goodbye. 
by 5:30pm, taeoh realizes he’s had two shadows following him for the past few blocks. “what are you doing?” he questions with soft smile, bending down once more, giving in to the rubbing against his leg. it doesn’t take much longer before he’s decided, unable to resist bright yellow eyes. 
so it is that by 5:48pm, he’s knocking on hyunjoo’s door, hoodie pocket hiding the contraband pet. he knows he wants to do good, to do right. he’s just not quite sure how and he likes to think she would know just what to do.
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
. // half moon
it’s all one sky, one moon, and same stars that he devotes so much of his time to. yet, his love never seems to change, interest never waning despite it all. he likes to think it all different, each experience unique and worthwhile in its own right and in some ways, it truly is. 
take tonight for example, lady luck on his side that school events happen to bring him here at yeongnyu in the midst of a meteor shower. he is perhaps the most eager of them all, at the ready to see the masses indulge in some of his favorite pastimes. the venue’s already all set up and instead of documenting it all, he decides to just be for a little bit tonight, to relish just like everyone else. 
of course he can’t help resisting planning a small surprise. many a night he’s had the pleasure to have good company on small rooftops, enjoying the stars as everyone is now. partners in crime for the rewarding gift of nature’s beauty he likes to think. he brings with him a small piece of their routine to be part of tonight’s experience, the ever familiar blanket that lives perpetually on lim village’s roof. having the sense to stake out a spot early, trained well from previous experiences, he lays it out to have it ready before firing off a text to find his friend. 
[msg to: dawon] hey! saved you a spot for stargazing tonight. :) 
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
trying to not be absolutely worthless during plotting so i’ve written out some half baked ideas for him here. also here’s taeoh summed up visually. 
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hello everyone! the name is kris. it’s been … half a year since i last wrote? so please be gentle as i get back into the swing of things!
i have nam taeoh/tyler with me here today. he is a good wholesome egg, inspired by a certain little red bird from ac. he loves all things space and stars and can talk your ear off about zodiacs and constellations. was originally born in korea but moved to california when he was young. grew an affinity for nature from being a boy scout and that has not and will probably never end. he’s currently very into astrophotography, which is 80% of his ig. 
i’m unfortunately still working out his pages but you can find some more general information here. in the meanwhile, if you’d like to plot, please let me know! 
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
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hello everyone! the name is kris. it’s been ... half a year since i last wrote? so please be gentle as i get back into the swing of things!
i have nam taeoh/tyler with me here today. he is a good wholesome egg, inspired by a certain little red bird from ac. he loves all things space and stars and can talk your ear off about zodiacs and constellations. was originally born in korea but moved to california when he was young. grew an affinity for nature from being a boy scout and that has not and will probably never end. he’s currently very into astrophotography, which is 80% of his ig. 
i’m unfortunately still working out his pages but you can find some more general information here. in the meanwhile, if you’d like to plot, please let me know! 
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sgntaeoh · 4 years
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