sotonohito · 6 years
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sotonohito · 7 years
You say that as if it were a bad thing. Come now, Spettro. You, of all people, should know such things do little in swaying my attention.
Unfortunately I doubt any threat would sway your attention. Perhaps I should pledge my eternal adoration and seek your unwavering attention. Grovel at your feet and all that nonsense. That should bore you, yes? 
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sotonohito · 7 years
Perhaps you should find another bone to gnaw on. I might do some irreparable damage to your throat.
Who let the bedlamite out of his cage? 
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sotonohito · 7 years
Who let the bedlamite out of his cage? 
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sotonohito · 7 years
#mmyeah #you missed me #;3c #wait until you see my d---
Hey, lil mama lemme whisper in your ear~
That better be followed up with talking about a sexy body and a soft looking ass.
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sotonohito · 7 years
Hey, lil mama lemme whisper in your ear~
That better be followed up with talking about a sexy body and a soft looking ass.
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sotonohito · 7 years
The smoldering cigarette is taken up but a moment after it is offered up, his own hand cupping fully about the other’s, fleeting but invasive in his own way. Plucked free, 21 brings filter to his lips while coming around the side of the Spy and pulling an indulgent inhale from it. His own exhale is a lazy slipstream on a faint sigh, finding the edge in the man’s voice sharp and refreshing. He would have been sorely disappointed if there had been anything else.
“You make it sound as if I have an ulterior motive in seeking you out. How presumptuous of you. As if it weren’t allowed for a brutal murderer with a god complex to simply come by and say hello.” A faint scoff before 21 takes another inhale of the cigarette about smiling lips, inclined to let the smoke leave as he speaks up again. “Although, it would be a fair assumption to think I sought you out to ask what you thought of your Valentine’s Day gift. I would have left flowers but I just didn’t have the time. You know how it goes. Places to be, human beings to dismember in gleefully creative ways.”
It’s difficult to say what makes his lip curl in distaste. The contact of one hand, far too warm, against his own? The fact that his personal space is further tainted by the other, close enough to feel the brush of suit’s jacket? Or maybe the carrying of the smoke upon the wind, drifting the wisps across his masked face before they disperse all together?
Could be all of that and more, for despite the offering of the cigarette, the presence of the assassin isn’t a welcome one, and the man reminds him as to why.
Oni takes great care of his things, sparing no expense. If it isn’t drawing to the eye it’s rare he wants it near him, be it breathing or not. That door the other ruined was well carved and from wood not found in this region. It’s only a door, true, but it was his door. A petty slight that the other finds to be a thoughtful gift. Or he knows just what kind of ire might be roused, for there is some and it comes in the form of a brandished knife.
It isn’t in the stomach that the drop point is buried—no, no; he’s gutted him before, that’s just too predictable—but straight up beneath his jaw, burying into the soft flesh, threatening to cut into his tongue. Fingers fist into the assassin’s crisp dress shirt and he pushes him to the nearby wall, following with a close press for lips to be brought to his ear in a whisper. 
“Let me show you my appreciation.” The tone is almost intimate if one ignores the subtle snarl. That knife unsheathes from flesh to sweep downward, the honed edge cutting through cloth next. Maybe a disembowelment is in the other’s future after all.
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sotonohito · 7 years
The laugh that follows is just as silver lined as his tongue, carrying a notion of a voice that has charmed many with such a velvet timbre. It matches quite well with the clean cut image that approaches, still favoring the sharp tailored fabrics of the shadows as much as the Spy holding all of his attention. Only when closing the distance does 21 emit an inhaling hiss of breath through his teeth as though burned despite it’s done in a primal way of appreciation instead.
“Mm, red really does suit you. Not that blue wasn’t flattering but, oh, this is much, much better.” A devilish smile is there to match the sharp ice of his eyes, coming to stand at a distance that is neither careful of danger or yet personally invasive. Always the fine line with Oni, of course. They’ve danced with blades around each other so many times after all.
“I’ve completely forgotten you even attempted something of an insult.” A vague canting of his head. “Because, really, as if you’ve been living the life of adventure and luxury without me.”
There’s something almost bored in the raise and turn of his eyes away from the bedlamite when he approaches, yet what he looks upon doesn’t seem to be any more interesting. It isn’t uncommon for him to take shelter in a portion of the territory where he is able to survey the battle grounds. It’s discrete where he feels comfortable enough to remove the snarl of the wooden mask that dangles listlessly from his belt.
Smoke wafts from his nose, exhaled in soft wisps of blue-tinged white as his free hand curls, tempted to sink beyond cloth to the haft of the waiting kunai. A thoughtless urge; it’s second nature to bear arms around the blue-eyed devil. Of course red would suit him in the other’s eyes; they’ve both worn the color enough when they’ve clashed, warm and dripping.
“Do not flatter yourself, Shi,” he murmurs the moniker, tainting it with venom because, as much as he hates to admit, the other is right in his sarcasm. Things have been utterly droll as of late. Rather than reaching for the comfortable weight of his knife, the cigarette is plucked from his lips and held over his shoulder between the clamped V of two slender fingers.
“To what do I owe the pleasure..?”
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sotonohito · 7 years
“Oh where, oh where has my little Spettro gone?” As if asking such a question were necessary when the Spy is well within his sight, voice raised in a sing song manner that is hardly easy to miss.
“Not far enough, apparently,” he murmurs. It’s been assumed before and now he’s absolutely certain; the man has a sixth sense when he’s placing a cigarette between his lips. The match is extinguished with a wave and a sigh and a slant of dark eyes is given over his shoulder, framed by the deep red of a balaclava rather than blue. 
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sotonohito · 8 years
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a tatted spy ;-0
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sotonohito · 8 years
Would you look at that. Someone's carved a large, yet jagged, heart upon the front of that very expensive hotel door.
It’s been months since the transfer and team switch. Months since dropping everything to seek out new challenges in a new base. But like every rotation, it never seems to last very long. Definitely not long enough for a particular infatuation to run its course.
The carving is fresh, maybe a half a day old at the most. Did he know of his return? He might have been flattered if he was of a better mood. 
The ruined door is closed behind him, shutting away the rest of the world. At least for now. A long bath and change of clothes is in order before he goes hunting. He has a new kunai to test out, after all. And what better way to than to carve his own crude design?
Back? Chest? Else where? He’ll decide once he finds the blue-eyed bedlamite.
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sotonohito · 8 years
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Johnny Domus Mesquita
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sotonohito · 8 years
Using Black ♥ Hearts, Fill in the Meter that bests describes each Stat applying to your Muse and Answer all questions..Tag others for their Stats.
Tagged by: @nastypieceofwxrk​
Strength: ♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡
Dexterity: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Speed: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡
Stamina:   ♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡
Reflex Level: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡
Agility: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡
Intellect:   ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡
Faith:   ♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡
Luck:   ♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Power:   ♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡
Weapon Skills: (Melee)   ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡
Weapon Skills: (Firearm):   ♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Weapon Skills: (Bow):   ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡
Magic/Special Ability Control: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡ [demon au]
Hand to Hand Skills: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Armor Strength: (If Muse uses armor) ♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ [demon au]
Pain Tolerance:   ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡
Psyche Break Limit: (The Level of Mental strength before Your Muse snaps/goes berserk):   ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Describe any special abilities Your Muse has:
I suppose he has an uncanny knack of being able to get under someone’s skin. Even those that’s been deemed as unflappable. 
How well can Your Muse fight large groups of enemies?:
Both armed and unarmed, Oni’s a pretty formative foe. Thing is, he doesn’t have strength on his side and he relies almost solely on his speed, dexterity, mind tricks and toys (IE: Dead Ringer). It’s EXTREMELY rare he’ll try to over power someone without using pressure points or something of the sort. 
Describe any weaknesses Your Muse may have:
Vanity, not very strong, gets bored easily. 
List five weapons(if five) that Your Muse can use:
Swords (preferably of oriental make), kunai, sai, bow, kusarigama.
Give a description of how Your muse fights/Fighting Styles:
Oni isn’t strong and he knows this, if he can’t rely on avoiding a fight completely with the Dead Ringer, then he’ll stay on guard, doing what he can to toy with the other’s mind and get them angry. Like above, it’s extremely rare that Oni will make the first attack. If he can bait someone into striking, then it’s possible that he can get the upper hand, especially if he’s unarmed. 
Describe the One enemy that pushed Your Muse to their true potential:
That would be his own failure. After losing his finger through ritual Yubitsume, he strove to better himself through various means, most of which being self torture (or by the hands of others), isolation, and pushing his body to extreme limits.
Describe what occurs when your muse finally snaps in battle:
Nothing, surprisingly. He almost goes into a zen state of pure calm. It’s not until later that something’s done. He’s not one that relies on poisons, but boy he knows how to make a concoction that have people wish they were dead. Hopefully he’s not around when it takes full effect, because he will draw out every single bit of pain that he can, either with his bare hands or a strategically placed blade.
If he doesn’t have the option of planned revenge, like he’s cornered or doesn’t have his Dead Ringer, that calm turns on its head. Gloves come off (or mask in his case) and he becomes the demon that he represents with it. 
What sort of tactics will your muse use in battle to help give them the upper hand?:
Trickery, lots and lots of trickery. Deception as well. There’s no doubt that he always has his kunai inches away from his fingers when confronting someone, even when he can handle himself well enough unarmed. 
I think pretty much everyone’s been tagged. If not, go for it! I wanna see what else others put!
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sotonohito · 8 years
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preTTY darn sloppy “talon-affiliated/restoring the empire” au design i did as a coloring warmup
it’s self-indulgent design wise oops but i tried to keep it familiar
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sotonohito · 8 years
“Definitely not me,” he concedes without hesitation. Idleness has never been high on his list of priorities. Even when the other finds him in these moments of solitude he’s doing something, contemplating something, keeping busy in some fashion rather than lounging for the sake of lounging. A brief breather allows him to rethink his strategy and work around a situation. There are no fights at this hour, but his mind still mulls over the previous battle.
There is only a slight lowering of lids when 21 decides to invade his personal space and though he shows no reaction, they both know just how liable he is to slip his kunai between the man’s third and forth rib just for the sake of it. It’s been some time since his blade last tasted the Brutal’s blood, long enough for him to believe he’s been neglecting it. It’s not his blood that 21 offers up this time, though, and his words interest the Spy enough to loosen his hold upon the leather wrapped hilt.
“Go on.” Two simple words dipped in casual interest and exhaled with the smoke that licks at the Brutal’s face. There has to be more to this little temptation the other offers. While random acts of senseless violence seems to be the modus operandi for the both of them in varying shades and flavors, he can’t help but think that 21 has a plan. Or at least a choice hunting ground.
And here comes the show of teeth to his smile, an otherwise charming expression if it weren’t for the bloodthirsty desire hiding just under the surface, a monster parading in the guise of a gentleman. “It was like a scent on the wind how stale this has all become. And who could possibly wish for it to be so idle and droll? Surely not you.”
He turns about, hands coming free from pockets to spread arms to either side as though to put the backdrop on some grand display. “All this? A playground, Spettro. What better than to do what you wish with toys rather than be one, don’t you agree?”
Arms dropping, he moves closer to the other man and reaches out to place his palm flat against the wall, allowing the Brutal to lean in and truly show that predatory smile and devil blue eyes. The idea of pulling others down into the depths with the wash of blood amidst the screams, all of the encroaching pleasure he would attain from it is visible for those that dare look deeply enough to see it. And he knows that Oni can, so unafraid to be around the dark chaos that was 21.
“Why stop at portraying a demon when you can revel in it?”
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sotonohito · 8 years
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Blue Masks 
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sotonohito · 8 years
For a moment he considers mentioning that he hadn’t noticed the other’s absence. It wasn’t a lie, necessarily. A passing notice that things have become quiet and somewhat lax over the past several days. Or is it weeks? With them melding into one another it’s truly difficult to keep track. As the other mentions this, there’s only a vague sound of agreement in his throat and a slow trickle of smoke from the cloth covering his nostrils.
“You and I both know the answer to that, Shi,” he states pointedly. Despite how lethargic he’s felt lately, how incredibly bored of doing the same routine thing day in and day out, he tries to keep his wits as honed as his ever present kunai. Plucking the cigarette from his lips, he flicks the ashes to the ground and idly watches them drift away.
“You want to stir up the nest.” With the cigarette returned, he renews his relaxed pose against the wall and turns his attention to the Brutal again to study him in silence. It’s difficult to say what, exactly, the Spy looks for; his face is just as unreadable under the remaining mask. “And you choose me to accompany you. I am flattered.”
It’s not lost on 21 just how few, if any aside from himself, have witnessed the man without the snarling demonic visage. Just how many caught a glimpse before they knew nothing but darkness without the sweet embrace of the electronic storm of respawn. It causes that clever smile to gain a bit of edge when he looks back over towards the Spy, a touch of selfish predatory delight in the secrets of another.
“You must be a firsthand witness in how…simple things have become in my absence. Where there was a dread in the twilight, now there is nothing.” An exhale of disappointment, not so much at himself but perhaps that there had not been a catalyst to his departure. No revealing of a twisted protege or inciting another loathsome creature to spawn out of the void. Pity.
“A cause and effect is missing and it’s time to restore it.” A twitch to the corner of his lips, threatening to grow the smile enough to show teeth. “There’s no sense of urgency, the nerves are dead, vulnerable…weak. Dare I say, I might even question just how dull your own blade has become. Just how much of a phantom of your former self you have become.”
21 raises a single brow. “Are you just another sheep for the slaughter?”
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