sotsonacearcall · 16 days
"Well, like chickens, they're omnivores. you're food shaped to them. small enough to overpower." Sotsona yawned a little, before offering her hand to Bluebird. "It'd be safer to let you find a hidey hole in my farmhouse."
"Aye. seems so. House Fae don't like to be acknowledged, and i don't like them hanging around. Too easy to offend. You seem... a bit more innocent than that." She watched her a moment "but then that begs the question of what you actually are? cursed, maybe?"
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sotsonacearcall · 21 days
Sotsona could very well see that Buck was picking fights again. Standing she dusted herself off before grabbing her shepherd's hook, using it to hook onto Buck's horn and pulling him away from the not so small dragon hatchling "Come on ye great hooven disaster, let's not pick fights with behemoths, yeah?" She pushed him towards the ewes to get him back to his herd then turned to the small dragon, gently using her crook to push Tokitael back towards his mother. "Let's not mess with herbivores with a violent streak, yeah?"
Tokitael had wandered a bit, her mother finding her shortly. But now both were rather intrigued by what they'd found. So many odd animals... Tokitael was drawn to strange-looking... Her best description of them was small ponies with a lot of fluff. Tokitael was now following them around. At eight feet high at the shoulder she towered over them, her thirty foot high mother even more so. But the young dragon just wanted to befriend the fluffy ponies! She trotted along, trying to nuzzle them as she did.
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sotsonacearcall · 21 days
"Ah... right... forgot you were a man eater for a second there..." she scratched her head beneath the brim of her hat before pulling it back down into place. "It's summer, humans are heading towards the coast for vacation, or the lakes for fishing. not many want to hike the humid forests when mosquitos are in full season."
There's distressed animal sounds coming from the direction of the hen house.
Sotsona was quick to grab her shepherd's crook and go see what the fuss was about. "Ach! Rhode if that's you in the coop stealing eggs again, i'm giving you such a wallop!" To be honest she'd probably smack whomever it is regardless if they're annoying her animals.
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sotsonacearcall · 21 days
"... those are good furs. useful for a few things... er... if you don't mind me asking... has prey gone scarce or is it just an issue of catching something?" She caught up a chicken and held it out to him "either way, those eggs are short in weight to the furs, take a rooster as well to even the trade. you'd be doing me a favor anyway, got a few too many roosters and they keep fighting each other."
There's distressed animal sounds coming from the direction of the hen house.
Sotsona was quick to grab her shepherd's crook and go see what the fuss was about. "Ach! Rhode if that's you in the coop stealing eggs again, i'm giving you such a wallop!" To be honest she'd probably smack whomever it is regardless if they're annoying her animals.
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sotsonacearcall · 21 days
Sotsona had to double take, realizing he'd risen without his head "oh... er. let me help with that." She carefully lifted his head, almost dropping it from the odd shift of weight and strange shape. "I suppose i can understand that... it's not easy to really open up about personal troubles, is it?" She carefully guided his claws to the skull making sure he had hold of his head before she let go.
There's distressed animal sounds coming from the direction of the hen house.
Sotsona was quick to grab her shepherd's crook and go see what the fuss was about. "Ach! Rhode if that's you in the coop stealing eggs again, i'm giving you such a wallop!" To be honest she'd probably smack whomever it is regardless if they're annoying her animals.
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sotsonacearcall · 21 days
Sotsona was napping among the ewes, her narcolepsy having kicked in. The lambs the dragons had stumbled across at first, were large for sheep, but one doesn't expect a dragon who'd never seen sheep to know that. A massive ram bleated, the noise sound more like the low of an oxen than the bleat of a sheep as he trotted up to the dragons, shaking his horns in warning. The lambs scattered at his approach, running back to their mothers. Stirring from all the excitement, sotsona stiffly sat up. "Buck? there ain't another wolf is there?"
Tokitael had wandered a bit, her mother finding her shortly. But now both were rather intrigued by what they'd found. So many odd animals... Tokitael was drawn to strange-looking... Her best description of them was small ponies with a lot of fluff. Tokitael was now following them around. At eight feet high at the shoulder she towered over them, her thirty foot high mother even more so. But the young dragon just wanted to befriend the fluffy ponies! She trotted along, trying to nuzzle them as she did.
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sotsonacearcall · 21 days
"You know you could just ask." She got to work, using her crook to wedge the boards, nails and all, from the supports of the coop frame. "I operate by fae logic, as much as i hate the comparison. bartering. a little work, for a little food." Removing a few of the planks seemed to give him a lot more breathing room. "you aren't... well... i was going to ask if you weren't hurt, but if you can pull yourself apart that might be a moot point to ask... see if you can't squeeze your way out."
There's distressed animal sounds coming from the direction of the hen house.
Sotsona was quick to grab her shepherd's crook and go see what the fuss was about. "Ach! Rhode if that's you in the coop stealing eggs again, i'm giving you such a wallop!" To be honest she'd probably smack whomever it is regardless if they're annoying her animals.
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sotsonacearcall · 21 days
"... Oh dear... you've... really gotten yourself stuck, haven't you?"
She slowly circled around frowning as she tried to get a better look "well... I can probably help get you free, But you'll have to help repair the damage done, deal?"
There's distressed animal sounds coming from the direction of the hen house.
Sotsona was quick to grab her shepherd's crook and go see what the fuss was about. "Ach! Rhode if that's you in the coop stealing eggs again, i'm giving you such a wallop!" To be honest she'd probably smack whomever it is regardless if they're annoying her animals.
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sotsonacearcall · 21 days
There's distressed animal sounds coming from the direction of the hen house.
Sotsona was quick to grab her shepherd's crook and go see what the fuss was about. "Ach! Rhode if that's you in the coop stealing eggs again, i'm giving you such a wallop!" To be honest she'd probably smack whomever it is regardless if they're annoying her animals.
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sotsonacearcall · 21 days
"Changelings inherently contain the worst of humanity. selfishness and the dogged determination of a pursuit predator. Trolls, being sprint hunters, and existing in fully dedicated tribes would never fully understand the mechinations of a creature that can use both sides of their inheritance to lethal efficiency." "... that said, I just use mine to control the sheep. did you know they won't eat if they can't see through their wool? I didn't. that was fun to find out."
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sotsonacearcall · 1 month
"so you're normally this small?" Sotsona seemed a little surprised but then shrugged "guess there's things i've yet to witness in my life. Either way, probably not the best idea to be living in the pheasant coop."
"Aye. seems so. House Fae don't like to be acknowledged, and i don't like them hanging around. Too easy to offend. You seem... a bit more innocent than that." She watched her a moment "but then that begs the question of what you actually are? cursed, maybe?"
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sotsonacearcall · 1 month
"Aye. seems so. House Fae don't like to be acknowledged, and i don't like them hanging around. Too easy to offend. You seem... a bit more innocent than that." She watched her a moment "but then that begs the question of what you actually are? cursed, maybe?"
Sotsona saw it. Out of the corner of her eye while making breakfast for her pheasants. Tiny hands, gathering a few kernels of corn. a few feathers. but she pretended she saw nothing. Instead, silently, once she scattered the grain for the birds, she returned to her home. After a while, coming back, she crouched down near where she saw the small shock of blue vanish. Some cheese, some milk, a little bread. Set in a small dish by the mousehole. An offering. Muttering softly in gaelic she yawned before watching for a moment, stepping back to give room to the small being.
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sotsonacearcall · 1 month
Sotsona frowned a little, tilting her head "... mnh... not a House Fae then..." She gently scooted the plate of food and milk closer "go on." She slowly sat down, using her cane to shoo off some of the pheasants so the little being could eat un-harassed.
Sotsona saw it. Out of the corner of her eye while making breakfast for her pheasants. Tiny hands, gathering a few kernels of corn. a few feathers. but she pretended she saw nothing. Instead, silently, once she scattered the grain for the birds, she returned to her home. After a while, coming back, she crouched down near where she saw the small shock of blue vanish. Some cheese, some milk, a little bread. Set in a small dish by the mousehole. An offering. Muttering softly in gaelic she yawned before watching for a moment, stepping back to give room to the small being.
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sotsonacearcall · 1 month
Sotsona saw it. Out of the corner of her eye while making breakfast for her pheasants. Tiny hands, gathering a few kernels of corn. a few feathers. but she pretended she saw nothing. Instead, silently, once she scattered the grain for the birds, she returned to her home. After a while, coming back, she crouched down near where she saw the small shock of blue vanish. Some cheese, some milk, a little bread. Set in a small dish by the mousehole. An offering. Muttering softly in gaelic she yawned before watching for a moment, stepping back to give room to the small being.
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sotsonacearcall · 4 months
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sotsonacearcall · 5 months
Sotsona can help XD she shears her sheep regularly anyway, what's one more? XD
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Normal AND winter fuzzass (affectionate) her floof pantaloons are unmatched
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sotsonacearcall · 7 months
"Steal my hat all you want, Rhode, you aren't escaping law of the lather. bath time is a necessity, particularly when you insist in rolling in the summer rotted muck."
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