soulboundchanneller · 6 years
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i haven't updated in 147 years, but Might as well give out my discord as well if anyone wants to rp/chat/etc.
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
Ryouta has appeared! What to do?
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Throw Drink
Act Cool
Blow a Kiss
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
Why Isn’t Tumblr Freaking Out?!?!
Guys. Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed!!!!
Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed!
Article 13 just got passed.
Article 13 just got passed.
I don’t know if I’ve said it enough. So…
I have been on tumblr all morning and haven’t seen one post about it yet! I don’t understand how!
It was a 438 to 226 fucking landslide vote too. (https://www.theverge.com/2018/9/12/17849868/eu-internet-copyright-reform-article-11-13-approved)
They’re voting on it one last time in January 2019, but that’s barely any time to change anything!!!!
You still have time to call your MEPs so PLEASE!!! Do so.
If you’re outside of the EU, sign this petition: https://www.change.org/p/axel-voss-save-the-internet-reject-article-13-and-11?recruiter=839558037&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=share_petition
If you don’t know what this means, it’s basically then end of how the internet currently is in Europe. Memes? Nope. Youtubers? Bye!
You’d need a license for everything!!!!
And my fellow Americans my be all like, well, what’s the big deal for us? It’s a Europe deal.
No, because the Youtubers there that you love so much? This effects them too! I’m freaking out because Jack, the person who helps my depression go away, may no longer be able to do what he does!
Guys, we need to stop this somehow. Please.
Call your MEPs. Sign petitions. Protest (Peacefully please. Don’t get hurt).
I’m sorry for tagging you guys if you don’t want to be or already know, I just want as many people to know as possible!
I can’t tag everyone, but if you see this, please reblog it. Spread the news. Sign the petition. Call your MEPs. Do what you can to help stop this from passing in January.
Keep reading
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
v important announcement
we need to save the Internet again.
tomorrow is judgement day for the internet.
time is running out before the Article 13 vote that decides the future of the things we post, and all hope may seem lost…
but we’ll stay determined.
we’ll make an entrance with the power of letting members of the European Parliament know that this cannot happen,
and together, we’ll deactivate the censorship machine.
we need to spread the word too.
send a call, send an email, send a tweet!
release the information, step and repeat!
whatever you need to do, do it.
it matters now more than ever, because the clock is ticking.
take action and make your entrance now. https://www.saveyourinternet.eu
(reblog to spread the word!)
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
v important announcement
we need to save the Internet again.
tomorrow is judgement day for the internet.
time is running out before the Article 13 vote that decides the future of the things we post, and all hope may seem lost…
but we’ll stay determined.
we’ll make an entrance with the power of letting members of the European Parliament know that this cannot happen,
and together, we’ll deactivate the censorship machine.
we need to spread the word too.
send a call, send an email, send a tweet!
release the information, step and repeat!
whatever you need to do, do it.
it matters now more than ever, because the clock is ticking.
take action and make your entrance now. https://www.saveyourinternet.eu
(reblog to spread the word!)
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
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Ryouta was checking the third floor balcony, to see if there was anything out of place.
He had soon noticed that there was a huge part of glass missing, presumably where the body fell, and there was a blanket snagged on the jagged glass. There were also broken prices of glass everywhere, and there was a single scratch on a part of the balcony that wasn't damaged.
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
Random Headcanons you never asked for - Accepting!
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First, Ryouta rarely (if ever) uses the caps lock when texting. All of his texts are in lowercase. And ellipses. Lots of them.
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Second, he tends to be very talkative when it comes to horror. Especially Cosmic Horror. Get him to talk about horror and he probably won’t stop unless you tell him to.
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
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STARTER CALL: Like this for a Bellflower Valley starter!
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
IMPORTANT! The EU is About to Destroy The Internet #DeleteArt13
Sources: http://ow.ly/HsGP10168R5
Sign the Petition: https://saveyourinternet.eu/
EDRI Article: http://ow.ly/VEpH101689Z Techdirt article: http://ow.ly/gs9b101689X
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
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🚨This is a Red Alert for net neutrality 🚨
Last December, the FCC voted to to kill net neutrality. If we do not take action, this will kill the free and open internet as we know it. The internet needs you—all of you—to make sure your voices are heard NOW.
We need all hands on deck for this one. It may be our last chance. If you’re feeling under-informed and overwhelmed about why net neutrality is so incredibly important, we have this handy guide just for you.
Here’s what you can do to save the internet:
In mid-May, the Senate will vote on a resolution to overrule the FCC using the Congressional Review Act (CRA). We only need one more vote in the Senate to win. Write or call your Senators or Representatives. You can also text BATTLE to 384-387 to get more information on how to write to your reps. You can do this, Tumblr.
Join us and dozens of your other favorite companies like Etsy, Vimeo, Reddit, and GitHub to raise awareness with the Red Alert campaign being run by Battle for the Net. Just add this small widget to your Tumblr to let your followers know how they can contact their reps. It’s as easy as copying and pasting the small line of code right into the customize theme page on the web.
This is important. This matters. It’s up to you to help. 
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
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They were correct... but still, why did Tex kill someone? Why did she do it?
Did she want the money? Did she want her secret to be kept? Did she have a grudge against the victim? He didn't know.
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
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Someone had died, which had already shocked him enough. But the fact that someone here had killed him, had unnerved him even more.
He decided to look around, hoping to find any evidence. Eventually, after a while, he ended up in the northern meeting room. After looking around the room for a while, he noticed a few crumpled pieces of paper in the nearby trash bin.
He took one of the pieces of paper, looking at them. The scraps of paper seemed to be drafts of... a love letter? The notes varied from fancy to regular handwriting. He then took one of the notes, which seemed to be the most ‘complete’ one and read it to himself quietly;
‘I have a lot to tell you, but only in person. I want you to hear it, and to tell me how you feel too... So, can you please meet me in the cafeteria at 10? - ❤️ A secret admirar’
10? Didn't the victim die during that time...? He thought quietly. Did someone try to give the victim a love letter to lure him to the cafeteria? That seemed to be the most likely answer, to him at least...
He looked around a bit more, hoping that he’d find something else. Eventually, after closely looking at the table, he noticed faint traces of pink, or more specifically, pink ink... If anything, he believed that the person that wrote the note did it in this room. And that whoever did write it, was more than likely the killer...
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soulboundchanneller · 6 years
reblog this if on april fool’s, you’re accepting ic ‘pranks’ in your ask box. put ketchup in my muse’s drink, tie their shoelaces together, go wild. go crazy. have fun dealing with the consequences.
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soulboundchanneller · 7 years
It was fairly early in the morning, about 7AM. Well, it was earlier than when he usually woke up. That was a good thing, right?
He got out of bed, remembering that it was still a school day; he had to be in school in a little over an hour! He quickly got dressed, before putting his pendant on, and headed downstairs, to get something to eat before he headed out.
As he headed down the stairs, he noticed his mother was already up, making something. She heard him descending, and turned around to face him.
“Good morning, dear. You’re up early.”
When he had finished running down the stairs, he looked up at her, quietly replying “Yes... it's a school morning, after all...”
"Yes,” She began, “But still, you're usually still in bed at this time...”
Well, he couldn't argue. She was right. Most days, she would have to wake him up. Honestly, he couldn't blame her.
After finishing his breakfast, Ryouta got his things, and prepared to head out to go to school. However, before he was even able to reach the door, he heard his mother call out;
“Oh, Ryouta, dear? Aren't you forgetting something?”
He stopped. He checked himself. He was wearing his school uniform. He had his schoolbag. It didn't seem like he was forgetting anything...
“Umm... I don't think so...?”
A pause. Then, his mother replied;
“Have you forgotten what day it is?”
He thought. ...It's wednesday, right? He thought harder... oh.
“...It's the 21′st?”
This time, she sounded more happier than usual, “Of course! And do you know whose birthday it is?”
She went straight into it. Well, might as well be honest with her, “Umm... mine...?”
She nodded, before going up and hugging him, “Yesss! I'm so proud of you, dear! You're growing up!”
He just let her hug him. He wasn't really one to resist, after all.
“You used to be so small! And you're almost an adult now! I'm so happy!”
Ryouta didn't speak over her, as she talked. He felt like it was only polite, after all. Eventually, she let go of him before opening the door, “Anyways, you should be going to school, dear. See you when you get back!”
He looked at his mother, smiling, slightly, before heading out of the door, to his school...
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soulboundchanneller · 7 years
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Ryouta is just reading a book while all this is going on.
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