soulsalchemy · 2 years
The cat was out of the bag. Of course, Jaehyun hadn’t know there was a cat in the bag, or even that there was a bag to begin with. But it was out now and it asking for breakfast. The word was never spoken, but it echoed through his head like a chant, standing where Sara’d escaped from him, staring at the wall. Son.
They had never spoken of children, that’s true, and he’d never imagined himself being a father of any kind — children, however honest, often required too much patience and attention than he was willing to dedicate to them. The thought hadn’t ever crossed his mind either; Jaehyun had always been focused on his ambitions first — second after he met Sara. But this news… this revelation. Jaehyun always thought that if he were confronted with a child, especially an unwanted one, he’d want nothing to do with it, whomever this child may be. After all, he was proof that blood and genes weren’t grounds for love or fostering relationships.
So what was this feeling?
The cat, the child, his son, addressed him, and finally Jaehyun turned towards the pair, eyes moving from mother to child, a vision of dazed confusion, a buffering video, the epitome of a processing error. Meeting Sara’s eyes for but a moment, Jaehyun looked back down at Hanbin, trying to remember what was asked of him. “I…”
It was all that came out of him before he moved towards this little being and crouched to be at eye level — or as much as he could be, regardless. Eyes moving across the small face, Jaehyun tried to see him as just another kid. “Yes,” he said finally. He held out his hand. “I’m Jaehyun. You may call me such.”
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fuck. she should have found a different way of telling him that they had a son, because this silence? yeah, well... sara was most definitely certain that she had broken jaehyun—which was funny because her ex had never been the one to be easily rendered speechless. in a way, it was a triumph that she’d managed to do so this early in the morning and still hungover. but there was no time to gloat about this when there was a hungry child wanting to be fed.
she watched as jaehyun crouched down next to their son and introduced himself. binnie shifted his gaze from jaehyun to his mother, then back to jaeyun. “eomma said i shouldn’t keep touching people.” he said hesitantly, almost sad, even. to which sara explained once she placed his juice and soup on the table, too. her free hand resting on jaehyun’s shoulder and giving it a little squeeze. “bin can sense people’s--things. mostly emotions these days, but he’s been able to sense other things, too. we’re trying to keep his hands to himself so he doesn’t see bad things, right, bub?” the little boy nodded as he cut a piece of his omurice and ate it. “yeeah... but i like hugging so sometimes i see bad things.” he shrugged, as if to justify himself, too. “aw, i know you do. that’s why i love you so much.” she wrapped her arms around him, smooching his little face, which stole a squeal and a giggle from him. “eat your food, mister.”
again, he nodded and sara went back to fixing something for them to eat. while the eggs and bread that jaehyun had made her would certainly make its way into her stomach, she figured she could give the duo some time alone. it’d also be long enough for her to heat up some water to brew him his tea. “jaehyun ahjussi, where’s your food? here.” he said, moving his teddy bear cup towards jaehyun. “you can have my juice.” the then leaned in, closer to jaehyun as if to tell him a secret. “it’s my favorite.”
in between the eggs, she poured hot water into a clean cup with a tea baggie, and once everything was ready, she placed them both in front of jaehyun, being careful enough not to let the hot mug near her son. “you too, eat your food, mister.”
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
Infuriating. That’s what this was. If there was one thing Jaehyun hated, it was having his choice invalidated or outright taken away; it’s what she’d done six years ago, and it’s what she was doing right now. So when Sara recited her excuses, the reasons why and why not, Jaehyun simply leered at her, not saying anything, trying to calm the growling monster stirring within his stomach. She had a talent at riling him up.
“No.” He’d lifted the mug to his lips, the bitter scent of the coffee overwhelming his olfactory sense. “I understand, Sara, that it’s not easy for you. I understand all your reasons why and why not, how and who and what and damn where.” Glancing to the side, Jaehyun reached out to pour the untouched coffee in the sink before his gaze returned to his ex-wife. “I have never told you what to do. I have never taken away your agency, I have always trusted that you knew what you were doing when you made the choices you’ve made.”
With a push off the counter and one long-legged step in her direction, Jaehyun found himself within Sara’s personal space, not in a manner to intimidate, but so that their conversation wouldn’t carry further than the inches they were now apart. “When I married you, I vowed that I would always love you, and I would never leave. Come what may. I keep my word.”
His hand lifted, fingers wrapping around her throat, and to anyone watching, it would look like an attack, a threat, violence. But his grip was loose and his thumb traced her jawline, holding her there with every means to escape from the touch if she willed it. “I told you once, nae sarang, if loving you is my path to death, then I walk it willingly. I’m not afraid of it, and I refuse to live my life without you just for the possibility to have more of it. What is the purpose being alive if the life lived is hollow and void of my light?”
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it was bad enough that jaehyun was already piercing through her personal space yet again, the proximity causing sara to swallow hard because it didn’t really matter how many years had passed between then and now, she had always known it... it didn’t matter. he would always have a hold on her. a goddamn, unbreakable bond. “there’s um... some earl grey baggies in the um... cupboards.” she tried. it was hard to focus, especially with him standing so close like that, but after seeing him pouring away the coffee, it hit her that her husband had never actually liked coffee, and that, just like he’d done for her, sara too, had learned how to drink tea for him. and his favorite kind of tea was the only one she found it bearable enough to drink... meaning it was the only one she had in the house.
and then, his hand was around her throat and she sucked in a breath, and it was if her whole body was shaking when she exhaled. she hated just how much power he had over her. the little stunt she’d pulled at the mall? it was probably because hanbin was around and she needed to act stronger than her racing heartbeats would tell on her. “i fucking hate you so much...” lie. and she knew he knew that. the words escaped her lips as a breath, a desperate plea sent to whatever force that was listening that he might believe her and leave her be, but deep down, wishing they both didn’t have to fight so damn hard just to be happy.
“i’ve been... trying so hard to keep my distance, to not look for you or call you or... even text you because... because i knew i wouldn’t be strong enough to say no to you if you used those pretty words on me.” although she let out a slight chuckle, it was a sad one. her small fingers wrapped around his wrist, as if to hold onto him. “i wanted you to know bin. i--i didn’t want to keep him from you. especially when he’s got so much of you in him. i know we’ve never talked about kids, but... but he happened and i couldn’t call you because i--i was scared. i was scared of having you back in my life when i had almost lost you once. i wouldn’t be able to make it if lost you for good back then.” her eyes were on his, and sara knew this wasn’t the best way of breaking the news that jaehyun had a child, but what else made sense in their lives anyway? a criminal husband, a cursed wife (and child)... it was what it was. “i--”
“eomma, i’m hungry. is my food ready?” her son walked into the kitchen, and sara was quick to pull herself away from jaehyun’s grasp. it was like being brought back to the present so fast that it gave her a whiplash. “yes. yes, it is. come sit.” she pulled out a chair and helped him sit down. “eomma, why are you sad?” fuck. she wanted to scream. she definitely didn’t need an empathic son right now. “eomma’s not sad. eat your omurice, okay? i’ll get your juice and soup.” she handed binnie his fork and spoon, and quickly moved to the fridge, wiping her cheeks as she did so, away from her son’s gaze. “are you having breakfast with us, ahjussi? do you want juice too?”
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
Jaehyun merely shrugged in response to the particulars of the nanny’s residence. He didn’t care. She could’ve been the family dog and he’d still sent her off; there had been very little about his presence that left it to request. Should he have felt badly? Perhaps. But he didn’t. There were people he cared if he upset them and there were people he didn’t. The former list was absurdly short.
When the spatula was relieved from his hand, however, he released it without complaint or comment, moving aside to let her do what she thought she needed to do. “I hate doing a great many things, Sarang,” he told her, leaning back against the counter next to her, arms folded across his chest, full attention on her. “If making breakfast for you pleases you, then I will bear that incredibly heavy cross.” The corner of his mouth pulled up, the tone of his voice mischievous as it used to be when he was making fun of her, just a little bit.
His eyes followed as she moved away to the microwave, and when she spoke, Jaehyun didn’t reply — albeit, not immediately. The mischief had all but left his face when he pushed himself off the counter to grab the mugs she referred to, back to her as he poured them both coffee. Certainly not his favourite, he preferred tea, but it was something he’d learned to drink due to her. It was these little things that got to him the most; no matter how much he wanted otherwise, Sara would always remain residual in his life, in his very being. He would never be able to completely erase her from his person, if not from his thoughts.
The idea that it wasn’t mutual made it hurt that much more.
“I don’t have to run this club.” He had a great many businesses like it, all around the world, none of which needed his physical presence to run. They were, after all, simply a means of laundering money. “Say you want me gone and you will never see me again.”
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this whole situation had her thinking that yes, she could get used to it again all over again... and how dangerous this could be. you know, sitting in the kitchen, with their weapons laid down and talking like a regular couple would while making breakfast to their son. so yes, this was dangerous, considering their reality. “it’s called adulting.” she teased, looking up at him while jaehyun rested back against the counter next to her. “i’ve heard it’s pretty hard.” the mischief was all they had ever known once, but reality had a funny way of slapping her hard across her face, just like it had once in the past. and because of that, sara was forced to remind him that they no longer were married and they no longer had an obligation to one another.
pressing her lips together, she gladly took the mug from his hands when he offered her and then sighed. “you know why i did what i did, so why is it so hard for you to understand that it’s not because i didn’t love you, but because i didn’t want you to die?” sara didn’t remember having asked that same question the night before, but now that she was more sober and about to eat something, she felt like she could finally talk to him and actually make sense. “it’s not that i don’t want you to be here,” i mean, she wanted for her son to at least know his dad. “but you being here doesn’t make anything easier for me.” another sigh escaped her lips as she slid the thin omelets pancake she’d made and used that same frying pan to fry the rice for bin. “curses don’t care if you don’t believe in them, jaehyun.”
once the rice was good enough for her son, sara served it on the pancake and wrapped it nicely for bin. she gave it one long and hard look before shifting her gaze back up to her ex. “i wanted for us to be one happy family, but... i guess we can’t always get what we want.” another long breath. “i need to call him down for breakfast, so can we talk about something else? at least for as long as he’s down here?”
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
Morning came too quickly with very little actual rest. Jaehyun had carried his sleeping ex-wife to her house after retrieving her keys from her clutch — ignoring all else, because if he really wanted to know what she carried in it, he’d ask and she’d undoubtedly tell — and found his way to her bedroom. Doing no more than take off her shoes and tuck her in, he spent a few more seconds watching her as she rested, as he sometimes used to do when he worked late and she’d fallen asleep on the sofa.
This was all so familiar in the strangest, most painful of ways.
He’d left her there. Jaehyun spent fifteen minutes walking through this house she now lived in, darkness hugging him like a cloak; partially to close curtains and blinds as well as find a blanket of some manner to cover himself with, but also to… simply look at what she’d chosen to gather, the pictures set out. He knew he spent far too long just looking at a picture of her and her son, an unknown coil tightening in his stomach.
When he finally lay himself down on the sofa with a blanket and one of the sofa pillows as his only comforts, sleep found him quickly and left him just as soon to the sound of a woman — but not any woman he knew. His reasoning that he was a friend didn’t go over well until Hanbin greeted him from the stairs, and that was good enough.
Normally, his morning routine consisted of getting up, taking a shower, ordering breakfast before getting dressed, and going to work. Absolutely none of that happened today. Still wearing yesterday’s clothes, his tie and shoes had been discarded the day before; his shirt, top two buttons undone, had seen its sleeves rolled up and pushed to his elbows; no part of his hair was kempt, and the haphazard hand shoved through it to get the longer fronts out of his eyes didn’t help the bedhead.
He looked almost like a regular middle-aged man.
“Mhm,” he replied to Hanbin at the question, omitting the information that he, in fact, hated cooking, breakfast most of all. About to turn more of his attention to the little boy, Jaehyun turned to look at the new arrival over his shoulder. He held her gaze for a few seconds until the egg that had formed a bubble finally erupted and a soft curse word escaped him, forcing his full attention to the abhorrent task at hand. Some people actually did this in their free time.
The young boy rushed out of the kitchen and there was no more than a second of silence between the two adults when Sara broke it for them. “I gave her the morning off,” he replied matter-of-factly, folding the egg onto the bread he had waiting on the plate. Turning to her, he pushed it along the counter towards her before cracking another egg for breakfast number two.
“Sarang, if you didn’t want to give me more trouble, you never would’ve married me.” He gave her a glance as he reaches for another plate and another slice of bread to prepare. “You’ve insisted on being a pain in my arse from the moment we met, you wouldn’t be you if you didn’t give me trouble.”
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again, sara drew in a breath. she needed to text moira to ensure everything was okay, but her phone was upstairs and she had more important things to discuss right now... she just needed to hydrate herself first. “she lives here, jaehyun.” the petite brunette explained, after downing the content in her glass and refilling it for another round of hydration. although it was none of his business anymore, something inside her felt like it was the right thing to do... to explain how things worked in her life these days. 
once the second glass of water had been emptied, sara ran her fingers through her hair and brushed her short, still-wet strands behind her ears as she gently took the spatula from his hand and motioned her head towards the food he’d just made her. “you hate making breakfast, though.” everything was so hard around him, though. not necessarily because of him only, but because, if it weren’t for this goddamn curse, they would probably still be together. “eat. i’ll make his breakfast. he’s very particular about his food.” just like his father, she thought of saying but refrained from doing so. all in due time.
as the eggs sizzled in the pan, sara grabbed the rice she’d made the day before to re-heat it in the microwave along with bin’s soup. “we’re not married anymore... i don’t have to be a pain in your ass.” this time, she sounded more tired than snarky. it wasn’t like she found it pleasing to keep repeating how they weren’t married anymore. things were more difficult when relationships ended not because the love had ended, but because of other reasons. “mugs are up there. can you pour us some coffee while i finish his breakfast?”
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
Jaehyun was known as heartless, ruthless, merciless. Intimidation didn’t faze him, begging had no impact; you could scream and threaten and cry until the Earth stopped moving and he would still continue on the path he had chosen. The path that often benefited him and his ambitious, fuck the rest of the world.
Fuck the rest of the world.
But not her.
Sara’s drunken, anger-fuelled insults didn’t do it for him, didn’t move or faze him; he’d been called that and much worse in his thirty-seven years alive, and his core was rock-solid. Sticks and stones, and all that. No, her words didn’t give him pause, rather than the realisation that he’d actually hurt her. Like you intended. But not like this? Not standing face-to-face with her, seeing the damage you intended on her face with all your six senses? Hearing the way her voice broke? It’s easier to hurt her in your head, isn’t it?
Jaehyun took a deep breath at the realisation. He would ever give Sara everything she wanted, even if he resented it. The disturbing idea of it made it onto his face, creasing the spot between his brows.
And then she turned around. And then she reached for the door.
Just like before, just like when he’d let her go so easily, with the same gut reaction to not let her go, regardless of the choice he was offered.
“Sarang,” he said, tone soft, voice quiet, as though addressing her by the pet names she hated so, so much out of his mouth. And it was, after all. His pet name for her. Her name. The only name worthy of addressing her with. Before her hand could close around the door handle, his closed around her wrist and pulled her hand away — gently, a request rather than a demand.
Taking her hand in his without much of a word, Jaehyun pulled her out of the office, down the stairs into the sensory cacophony of the club, to the back where his car was parked.
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the name came to her like a dagger to her chest. no one else called her by her given name anymore... except for her grandmother sometimes, and it had been quite a white since the last time they’d spoken, so when jaehyun did, she couldn’t help but sigh. she couldn’t keep doing this anymore. she couldn’t keep justifying her actions over something she had absolutely no control over. she’d moved to fenrirswood to try and see an end to this unforgiving curse, but to stand there justifying what she’d done six years ago over and over again was more tiring than dealing with this curse.
people didn’t seem to understand it... jaehyun didn’t seem to understand it.
quickly, she used her free hand to wipe her cheeks again, trying not to let him see her in such frail state (despite the damage having already been done). sara knew she should’ve broken free from his grasp, but seeing as there were insults being thrown or they weren’t being aggressive to one another, her body wasn’t on high alert around him. fingers intertwined easily around his as they often did before, the calloused skin brushing against her palms and sending her back in time... back when they used to do this on a daily basis: walk around, hand in hand. before they became absolute strangers to one another.
she allowed him to guide her around the club and towards the exit, and once allowed, she stepped into his car and rested against the passenger’s seat. with her clutch laying on her lap, she waited until he’d turned the car on to start typing her address on his GPS, even if super slow due to the alcohol in her system. it would give her some peace of mind in the morning (if she could remember this), knowing he wasn’t exactly stalking her or something. she leaned back again and stared at the window, watching as jaehyun pulled out of his parking spot.
“thanks for driving me home.” she said it quietly. the motion of the car made her head start spinning again... but luckily, it didn’t take long for sara to end up falling asleep in his car, curled up on her seat.
the following morning, she woke up with a startle... which made her head feel like it was hosting some sort of marching band practice. the smell of coffee and eggs coming from the kitchen was inviting enough, which meant that moira was probably making binnie something to eat, sparing sara of doing so while hungover. she took a shower, brushed her teeth and changed clothes (seeing as she was still wearing the dress from he night before) and when she came into the kitchen, she stopped by the entry when she saw her son and his robot dinosaur talking to a tall man by the stove.
“mhmm, i really like eggs! do you like eggs?” he asked jaehyun, and then, he spotted sara by the entry. “eommaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” the little boy rushed to her, which, again, make her head feel like she was inside a drumming session. “ahjussi is making us eggs!”
picking him up, she greeted him with a kiss on his cheek and moved to the fridge to get herself some water. “is he? where is moira? you know you’re not supposed to be this close to the oven, young man.” binnie shrugged, and then sara set him down. “why don’t you go to your room for a moment? eomma will call you when breakfast is ready. do you want milk or juice?”
“juice, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!” his voice trailed off as he rushed out of the kitchen, allowing sara a minute alone with jaehyun.
“where’s my nanny?” she asked as she poured herself some water. she knew she shouldn’t be this defensive, so after another gulp, she drew in a breath, before continuing. “look, i--you don’t have to do this. thank you... i appreciate it, but... you already brought me home. i don’t want to give you more trouble.”
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
sara nodded, handing him the box she’d been carrying. although the box itself wasn’t heavy, she appreciated the gesture coming from the other. “thank you.” she offered him a smile, hands then moving to brush her short strands behind her ears. sara looked over her shoulder, her thumb following the motion and pointing towards a car parked nearby. “i am, yeah. that would be lovely, thank you.” the petite brunette motioned her head towards her car, her hand fishing her keys from inside her jacket’s pocket. “have you been working here long?” she had noticed the uniform, of course. soon, her trunk was unlocked and she picked up the box. “i can take this. it’s just kids clothes, so it’s even lighter, that way you don’t have to carry everything.”
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Wise Quacker || Aldemar + Sara
six month had been enough for sara to realize that there were some things in her wardrobe that could be passed on to other people. well, not only hers, but also her son’s. so, after having sorted everything into two boxes, the brunette drove to the fire station, since one of her neighbors told her they often accepted donations, and parked nearby. from the outside looking in, it didn’t seem like there was anyone inside? she looked around for a couple of minutes more and was about to leave, when someone spoke to her.
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“oh, hey. hi!” she smiled, in a friendly manner. “someone said you guys were accepting donations? i’ve got some female clothes in this box and more children’s clothes in the car. if you’re not, would you mind pointing me to where they might take these?”
Aldemar was quick to plaster a smile on his lips when he greeted her, making himself approachable as best as he could. A quick glance of the box on the woman’s arm before his eyes automatically scanning the area to find her car before looking back at her. “Oh yeah, we do, we do. Here, you can give me that.” He offered to take the box form her. There was a donation bin near the fire station, where the donation centre would come by every week to pick up the donation. Aldemar had a feeling that there would be a delay for this week’s pick up, however, seeing that the donation centre was one of the few that was still affected by the blackout. “Are you parked nearby? I can help you with the other box too.”
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
Honestly, he didn’t know what they were celebrating. But Zach Quinn was definitely not one to pass up a good party. Free food, free booze, and a great mood. Three things that always got him going and could keep him going for a long time. It was almost like being back at university. However, he did know that things had happened recently that had put people in hospitals. If Zach didn’t know any better, he’d think this town was haunted… but shouldn’t there be some way of remembering those who were wounded? And was using a whole lot of power really the right way of celebrating electricity being back in Fenrir’s Wood? He wasn’t sure, but also wasn’t about to argue with free beer.
Slowing down, Zach was merely just admiring the sight before him. Rarely had he seen any event like this go by without at least two fights breaking out, but this seemed peaceful enough. Loud and celebratory, but peaceful. He was snapped out of his train of thought when he was offered a beer from the woman next to him. “Thank you, that’s kind of you.” He smiled at her, accepting the bottle handed to him. “I have no idea who they are or why were out here using up all the power when we just got it back.” He shrugged his shoulders. “But I can’t argue with free beer and free food. Are you enjoying yourself?” he offered the woman a warm smile.
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sara nodded once when he accepted the beer she had offered. it was really no big of a deal for her to share a drink with the taller man, especially since she hadn’t had paid for said drink in the first place. besides, people tended to socialize more when alcohol was involved, right? “no worries.” sara did wait for him to take the first sip, just in case those beers were spiked with something and she couldn’t go home afterwards. but he did have a point though, the whole barbecue thing seemed a little off all things considered. “honestly, i’ve given up trying to understand people in this town by this point. don’t get me wrong, people are allowed to go on rubber duck contests and celebrate getting their power back, but it just makes no sense to me... because--you know, there are weird things happening.” she then shrugged. “must be an everyday thing to them, i guess.” finally she sipped on her beer, then nodded. “i am, yeah. i probably didn’t seem like it, right? complaining the way i did. but i guess it was nice to meet some of the neighbors and ignore my own problems for a second there. what about you? i’m sara, by the way.”
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
after having spent her first full moon in a new town and completely alone, taeyeon thought about getting familiarized with these woods. maybe if she knew where to go, things wouldn’t be so difficult for her moving forward. she picked up her phone and earbuds and went out for a walk, early in the morning. it wasn’t like she’d been sleeping much these days anyway. some off dreams still plagued her sleep.
she saw someone who seemed to be meditating, so it was easy to try and deviate from where they were, but they seemed to have spoken to her, which prompted her to remove her earbuds in response. “pardon?”
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location: lord woods status: open @fenrirswoodstarters​
Meditation was a daily ritual for Vic, though it rarely took place in the same location each time. Today it was Lord Woods, barefoot and kneeling in a clearing with his eyes closed. He could feel a nice breeze, ruffling his hair and in a way speaking to him. With a smile, he exhaled slowly, his hands moving from his knees to reach forward and lightly touch the grass beneath him. Eventually his eyes opened and he continued to sit, nodding slowly as if he’d reached some kind of understanding with some unseen being there with him.
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When he heard the crunch of footsteps nearby, he didn’t flinch, but instead his smile grew. “Good morning!” He called out cheerfully, waiting until after the words were spoken to look over his shoulder and see who he was speaking to.
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
taeyeon knew better than to stare, but she had noticed the mess at the table ( and that was not what had caught the young woman’s attention in the first place ) and by stepping a little closer, she could also see the pretty sketches laid out on that surface. she knew better than to stare, but she couldn’t help not staring as the figures were so beautiful and full of life... it was drawing her in.
upon having her presence acknowledged, taeyeon felt her cheeks blush, and all she wanted to do was to vanish. luckily, the woman didn’t seem to have noticed that the she-wolf had been just standing there, admiring the other’s artwork. “oh. sorry.” she shook her head. “i’m not, no. i was just looking at your work. it’s really beautiful... is it for a collection? or maybe an animation?”
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setting : moonshine who : leyla & open
sometimes a change of scenery was helpful. when leyla was stuck; creatively blocked, and she’d moved from home office, to polat games, and back a few times, she found that going to somewhere entirely different could help. it wasn’t a guarantee, but it had worked well in the past.
her stuff was splayed across a booth table, a cold glass of cola haphazardly placed on a coaster, overshadowed by her laptop and dozens of sketches, drawings and paintings of landscapes, detailed clothing, characters and ‘symbols’. a notepad with quickly scribbled words also sat amongst the mess. ( it was an organised mess, she knew what she had with her, honest ).
a shadow cast across the table and leyla put her pen down, a noise pushing past her lips which was often heard by a hungry person when food beckoned them. “goddess i’m starving, thank you,” she uttered before looking up. “oh,” she spoke in surprise. an unexpected smile found her lips. “sorry, i thought you were my food,” she admitted. “come sit, i’ll move my stuff over,” she insisted, moving papers and clearing space. “what’s up?” she asked.
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
most days, taeyeon took to walk around town and to get familiar with the place. she didn’t live close enough to the centre to be familiar with a lot of spots and she figured that the easiest way of doing so, was by taking a walk. granted, her brain was often occupied with other things, which kept her from committing a lot of things to memory. her phone’s reception had been terrible since this morning, and she could only blame on the fact that choosing the cheapest plan wasn’t always the best thing to do... however, she didn’t have much money to pick and choose phone carriers in the first place.
she hadn’t realized she’d been standing on the same spot for long, until someone offered her help. her first reaction was in her mother language, but she was quick to switch to english. “ah... yeah, um... i’ve got no reception. can you tell me how do i get to the library from here?”
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Wise Quacker || Aldemar + Open
Where: near Fenrir fire station
With: Open [1/5]
Things were starting to go back to normal after the blackout last Saturday, though the fire station was as busy as ever providing support wherever they could. Aldemar had been staying at the station since the start of the blackout and hadn’t returned home ever since, always on standby in case there was emergency that required the station’s attention. The same goes for other firefigthers as well, making use of their sleeping quarters to get some shut eye whenever they could.
Aldemar was about to head out again when he noticed someone lingering nearby. “Can I help you with something?” He asked once he was within earshot.
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
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𝐊𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐎𝐍  ↳  𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
you got your passion, you got your pride, but don’t you know that only fools are satisfied? dream on, but don’t imagine they’ll all come true
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
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Sue Zhao
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
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She is so hot 🥵
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
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— taeyeon kang; 28 years old, born in june 12th — cancer sun, leo rising & libra moon — cisgender woman; she/her; bisexual/biromantic — werewolf ; packless — born and raised in daegu; her parents died when she was a child and she grew up in an orphanage, where one of the patrons and his son took a liking to her because. eventually, the son turned her into a werewolf when she was barely sixteen. — after surviving the bite, she spent her adolescence and adult life under their care, but was also heavily manipulated and tricked into thinking they were the only ones who accepted her for being werewolves themselves — she ended up getting involved in an on-again/off-again relationship with woo young, the orphanage patron’s son, but tried breaking things off after meeting someone she actually cared about; still, heavily under the other werewolf’s influence, she kept going back to him — taeyeon’s distance, lies and silence towards her then lover ended up forcing the end of her relationship, and when she still refused to be with wooyoung, the other werewolf caused a scene, which granted him a one-way ticket to taiwan. — she spent the following year trying to leave south korea quietly and finally fled to fenrirswood, a place she had heard was safe for supernaturals
+ Adaptive, warm, dedicated - Hard on herself, insecure, gullible
— doesn’t sleep well these days due to often having a lot in her mind, so she can be sometimes seen strolling down sycamore heights streets whenever she can’t sleep — loves dancing, doing yoga and pilates — has worked several jobs throughout her life while also doing a business degree to help her once she started working at the min’s company as wooyoung’s secretary — loves burning scented candles, taking long bubble baths and baking — uses tons of emojis when texting… it’s how she expresses herself — her instagram is very aesthetically pleasing, though she rarely posts anything these days because she’s scared wooyoung and his father might find her
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 ⁝⁝⁝ anything and everything goes, but here are some suggestions:
›› people who might recognize her from south korea (( — ; ›› pack members (( packless for now ; ›› neighbors (( fork’s road — topher romijn ; ›› housemates (( fork’s road — zhyan suri ; ›› drinking buddies ((  ; ›› running buddies ((  ; ›› co-workers (( starstruck — zach quinn ; ›› starstruck regulars ((  — ; ›› flirtatiouship (( m/f/nb —  ; ›› hook-ups (( m/f/nb —  ;
— death tw, manipulation tw, psichological abuse tw
Taeyeon was born and raised in Daegu, South Korea to low working-class parents, although she doesn’t have many recollections of them these days. After losing them in a flooding accident during monsoon season back when she was only ten years old, Taeyeon was sent to live in an orphanage, which is where most of her memories come from… both good and bad.
She didn’t have much growing up and a lot of what she did have, came from this patron’s donations to the institution. Min Ko Ryeong was perceived as an extremely private man, who’s son was almost of the same age as hers and happened to take a liking to Taeyeon. She didn’t mind it though, and actually welcomed the attention that was given her like any child without proper care would. In a way, it felt like having a family again… although they never gave any signs of wanting to adopt her, the patron and his son Woo Young had always treated her with niceties.
Woo Young, as charming as he was, started making her promises of a better life. One where she wouldn’t have to care about anything else, as long as she made the right choices. Taeyeon didn’t know what he had meant by that, but when he asked if she wanted to change her life around, of course she said yes. And so, he bit her. She was barely sixteen.
After surviving the bite, the Mins took her under their wing and moved her to Seoul. She received the best education, she was taught how to control her wolf, how to behave near the full moon, how to be part of a pack and still be part of a society that wanted nothing to do with her kind (in every way), or so they said. Woo Young’s attention towards Taeyeon grew more into feelings as they moved through adolescence into adulthood. Even though she didn’t quite know how to reciprocate them, Taeyeon accepted those feelings because it was nice to feel cared for. To be wanted.
It wasn’t until she met a nice man a few years down the road, that she actually began feeling something for someone. Things were nice with him… easy, even. Dare she say, she was happy.
But her past didn’t leave her alone, especially when her ties to the Min family, both emotional and professional didn’t let her have a say in most things. She worked at conglomerate led by the Mins as Woo Young’s secretary and whenever she tried to break things off with him, Woo Young kept finding ways to reel her back in. Woo Young would often make her feel like he was the one responsible for taking her out of the orphanage and so she owed his family her loyalty. The Min heir would often tell her that the man she cared for would never accept her truly, that he would never understand her supernatural nature, and by doing so, it clouded her mind and her judgement, keeping her in a trap that seemed impossible to walk away from.
When Taeyeon became more and more determined to cut ties with Woo Young for once and for all so she could finally find her place in this world, and maybe give her heart entirely to the man she had fallen in love with, that was when the threats really started to happen. Unable to take his loss in all of this, Woo Young started threatening her life. Not promises of death, per se, but of turning her life a living hell if she ever ended up with the man she wanted to be. Lies and manipulation drove her further away from the man she wanted to be with, but not an inch closer to the spoiled Min brat. Her distance, silence and lies caused the relationship to come to an end.
Angry and heartbroken about the situation, Taeyeon still refused to take Woo Young’s side after the break up, which only ended up infuriating him even further. The rich man driven mad by his jealousy and hurt pride, took as far as causing a scene in one of his father’s business gatherings when he was caught completely drunk and being publicly aggressive to Taeyeon. It resulted in him being sent to Taiwan as a disciplinary action, of course. Chaebol families had their way of doing anything and everything.
Taeyeon spent the following year sorting things out to leave South Korea quietly and to leave her life behind. She did everything she could to leave no trace behind and fled to the UK, more specifically to a small town called Fenrirswood, a place she’d been told to be welcoming to the likes of her and hoping to find herself a new life away from the claws these rich people had on her.
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
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SOUNDTRACK #1 2022, dir. Kim Hee Won
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soulsalchemy · 2 years
“There’s a thing between us, an awesome fucking thing, can you feel it? It burns. Meant to be. We were. Meant to be.”
— Sarah Kane, Complete Plays; from ‘Phaedra’s Love’
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