sourodeep-3000 · 4 years
Grief, anger, frustration, betrayal, numbness to the current situation & when the hope seems to be moister day by day.... makes us weak , desolated from inside but we have to put on a fake smile for our near ones & society to show them that we're doing just fine , everything is okay while these self agonies biting our conscience each time.
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sourodeep-3000 · 4 years
Fate can sometimes bring many tragic losses & occurences upon us which might break us down again n again... But we must have to rise upon these & fight it to go through our miserable lives. #lifeofacommonboy #middleclassstruggles #godshowusHope
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sourodeep-3000 · 4 years
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Food! It's that one word which can always give me some positive energy or like charge me in some of my weirdest , stressed & boring situations.
I've been pursuing my Bachelor's from this college which only allowed veg food in campus and due to being in a different state it was impossible for us to visit home once in a week or even month. We can only visit home in sem break and in diwali vacation. It's a matter of fact & I always believed it that we miss our mom's hand cooked food only when we're away from home. But, as being a Bengali my craving for food is a little bit higher than these other genres of students in here.
After admitting, I was just starting to adjust the pressure of study, college , assignments,projects and god knows what others. But every one does know that an empty or almost empty stomach cannot let you concentrate on studies or whatever you want to get done with. The food served at our hostel canteen was(still does) as bad as shit. Yeah, stop there.. you may think that I possess some antagonism for veg food?! But no, as long as it's cooked with some diligence to eat. We also eat veg food in two days a week in home & I have no offense for that. But in college they just made it nastier day by day. It's very wondrous for me to witness that students didn't even admit complaints about it, they were just getting along with it. Somedays I find it hard to swallow even a morsel of that shitty food served there. After 2-3 months of holding my patience.. Me and my boys(Offcourse bengali) who also find it difficult to digest that shit food, decided to arrange a picnic outside of the college, in which we'll going to cook chicken and will devour it like we used to do in our home. Yeah we decided, but don't have any mere idea where to organise this little picnic of ours & how to manage utensils to cook. But with a series of efforts & Lord Shiva's praises upon us we finally managed to did it. We collect some dry branches around the place we urge to do it. We did everything like shopping,sorting,washing even risking to break rule by bringing the raw chicken gingerly in our hostel room.
Every labour n efforts we pulled for this little adventure type picnic is justified just when we taste the just cooked hot & smoked chicken. The brilliantly cooked chicken by our two MasterChef friends Joydeb & Mohan was like finger licking good type of awesome & it was like that special day we were waiting for so long. We were fortunate enough to complete the whole procedure just before the rain & storm started. I still remember, after packing had just done and we were going to leave the spot, the rain and hail storm breaks loose. As the spot was not so far from our college, we made a run with our belongings & we ran with smile on our faces like we achieved something on our own. That night after dinner we felt like stomachs got satisfied after so many days. It was the first thing in months since admission made us truly happy and satisfied.
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It was an unforgettable day for us & I know I'll cherish this memory for years!
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sourodeep-3000 · 4 years
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me :- you ever realize that you have already gone miles away from me. missing your kisses to my eyes , forgot how it likes to feel you inside my head... the dreams you helped me to see r started to fade away. i miss you every night.
sleep :- i understood, but I’ve become more difficult to catch on these lockdown days, everyone wants me more & i’m pulling myself from you guys
#sleeplessnights #nightwiththoughts #insomnia #nightowl
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sourodeep-3000 · 4 years
the Lockdown period is just getting bigger & bigger... the lazyness struck me hard, shaking my bum for some work is now very hard . like the bones r getting rust . Although wid these physical drawbacks, still got some positive sides of it.. Getting the time to think.. to contain all the scrambled thoughts i have since very long. Now I think i made some or ought to make some decisions on the thoughts of life.
#lifeinlockdown #boredome #lazy #home #quarantine #bundleofthoughts
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sourodeep-3000 · 4 years
Introducing myself in this new interesting platform Tumblr. We carry various thoughts with us , some are full of worries or some for excitement , joyous & whatnot. I've been a thoughtful fella since childhood . I think , imagine... No harms r there ... Cause you're the only one who have control on your thoughts & imaginations.. You can be anyone, travel anywhere, fulfilling your fantasies etc etc. With containing a huge list of thoughts inside my head... I'de like to share some here with you guys.! Hello everyone.. 🙏
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