tiredriotgrrl · 10 months
My hands are hot
A flux of weirdness goes up trough my arms
In a scream to touch you
Where does It come from,
This need to feel you?
I bet it's all written in my face
I wonder, do you feel the same?
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tiredriotgrrl · 10 months
A life of almosts
A feeling of seeing the trophy slipping my fingers
For a single moment, that feels like a lifetime,
I can tangencially touch the happiness
Just to see It fadding away
A life of regrets
Was It all the effort for nothing?
Was not it enough?
Will It some day be rewarded?
Do I need to fight for every little thing every day?
A life of fantasy
Wondering how it could be
How I wish I were
Who could I be?
Anyone but me
A life of agony.
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tiredriotgrrl · 1 year
Despite always dreaming about it
Deep down I didn't believe
That's why it is so weird
That I'm surprised
Things are working out
I'm used at this point
To failure
But I forgot
How to succed
And how to fight
Willing to win
I forgot how to live
I was left with survive
And my dreams
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tiredriotgrrl · 1 year
That's what I dreamt of
I'm exactly where I wanted to be
I'm running the path I've setted for myself
I'm living my dream
And yet
I feel numb
I feel lost of myself
I can't see the view in front of me
I can't breath
I'm so proud for building this dream
But I feel nowhere to be found
To live this lovely palace of determination and pain
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