souseus · 10 years
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"It's an improv game," he began, reaching towards the radio to turn it down a few notches to avoid having to raise his voice simply to speak over it. "You take turns in giving a sentence of a story. Only thing is, each sentence has to begin with 'fortunately' or 'unfortunately'; alternating with each new turn." He checked across to his travelling companion to see if he was following his explanation so far.
"Say you started with 'I took my dog for a walk today', I could say 'Fortunately, it didn't rain'. It'd be your turn to come up with something unfortunate. 'Unfortunately,'" he continued his example, pausing to think of something both unfortunate and ridiculous, as the game itself usually tended to turn silly rather quickly, "'I was mugged and lost my wallet'."
sou + momo: road trip
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{✹} No need to be rude or sassy about it, Sousuke. Momo wasn’t the most brilliant person after all, but really, how could anyone have expected Momo to properly pack for the trip without him knowing where they would be going? "What’s that?" Fortunately-Unfortunately? He had never heard of this game in his life. Should he have? Well, probably, but alas, he had no idea. Therefore, it would be up to Sousuke to tell him how to play. Of course, while waiting for Sousuke to explain what the game was, he turned the volume up on the radio some - counter productive, surely.
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souseus · 10 years
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"Someone tells you you're going away for a few days and you don't take trunks?" he questioned with feigned incredulousness, his lips holding a small curl at the edges; clearly teasing.
Once they had made it onto the main highway, Sousuke switched the radio on for some background noise for the moderately lengthy journey ahead. "Do you know how to play 'Fortunately-Unfortunately'?" A simple game to keep them both entertained, since there wasn't much in front of them to engage with for a game of 'I Spy'.
sou + momo: road trip
{✹} “Yeah, right,” What Sousuke deemed to be difficult and what Momo deemed difficult were two totally different things - definitely. “I did pack a bag! I just didn’t pack my suit because I didn’t know where we would be goin’-shi! If you had told me we might be swimming, I would have brought it!”
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So, maybe he sounded like he was whining a bit - he had a right to, didn’t he? Granted, his not-boyfriend (no matter who insisted that the two seemed like they were dating, they absolutely were not) managed to get them out of town for a bit and there was no stress but the guy also wouldn’t let him willingly drive at all. “Aye aye captain-shi.”
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souseus · 10 years
"It's pretty hard," he mentioned, half distractedly with his attention on the road; you had to admire Momo's spirit, at least. "I told you to pack a bag, I thought you might've taken them. You can have my spare ones if they fit." They probably wouldn't.
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"That's nice, but I'm not your big brother." It was one thing that Sousuke had whipped the younger Mikoshiba away for a few days with almost no notice at all, but letting him drive illegally too? No chance. Not where anyone could see, at least. "Let me know if you see a sports place anywhere," so they could pick up some swim gear.
sou + momo: road trip
{✹} “Eh? Surf? Never tried, but how hard can it be?” Making that a personal challenge, check. Should Sousuke and Momo end up surfing, it was now decided by the smaller teen that he would definitely have the skill mastered by the end of the day. “Mm, nope! You didn’t tell me to, so I didn’t. Nothin’ wrong with going in naked though, right-shi?” But then there was that denial to let Momo drive which caused him to huff. “Sei lets me do it, you know.” As if saying the underboss Momo happened to be related to let him do things would change Sousuke’s mind.
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souseus · 10 years
"That's the plan. Can you surf? Did you bring boardshorts or swim gear?" They could stop and buy some if needs be. Letting Momotarou drive though?
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"No way." Perhaps when they've left the densely populated city roads and motorways, where he wouldn't be a liability and the chances of being pulled over weren't as high. Until then, however, Momo would remain a passenger. "You can be in charge of the radio and maps, I'll do the driving," he decreed as he pulled out of the gas station and began the first official leg of their journey.
sou + momo: road trip
{✹} Wow. How helpful, Sousuke. Really, truly 100% helpful in telling Momo what the destination was. Though, at the mention of the beach, Momo perked up, looking at the other in what was probably slight surprise. “The beaches? If we’re goin’ to the beaches, we need to swim-shi!” There was a slight pout on Momo’s lips as he pulled the seatbelt across his lap. “Hey, hey! You should definitely let me drive, Sousuke-senpai!” Unlikely, but Sei let him do it all the time—! Sousuke definitely should, too.
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souseus · 10 years
"On a trip," he supplied, knowingly unhelpful though he didn't have a proper answer to provide the other with, having been intent on driving with no one specific place in mind. Out of the city at least, through the sleepy coastal towns along the west shores of the island. "One of the beaches out west, maybe. Is there anywhere you've wanted to visit?"
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"There's no set time for lunch," he added, meaning they could stop whenever it suited them. The perks of not having a strict schedule to stick to. As he settled behind the wheel and started the engine, a brief glance was taken across his shoulder to his travelling companion. "Seatbelt."
sou + momo: road trip
{✹} “H-hey, no need to push—!” Or for the clearly sarcastic echo that came from inches above Momo’s eye level. “I’m goin’, I’m goin’!” Really, with the way Sousuke decided to knock the backs of Momo’s knees, it was a wonder the ginger didn’t entirely collapse under the force. "Where are we goin’, anyways-shi? You never told me, well, no one told me, actually." Situating himself in his seat, the teen waited for his friend’s answer patiently, opening his first snack of the ride. "And, even if there’s places for lunch, that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna get hungry outside of lunch time."
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souseus · 10 years
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"Obviously," he echoed, spotting the unnecessarily large supply of sugar-loaded snacks that were cradled in the bag. Not even a bottle of water. "There'll be places to stop for lunch on the way, you know," a small reminder, delivered with one brow arched as he thought of the collection crumbs and wrappers that were likely to be dusted over the passenger's side of his car throughout the trip.
Resigning himself to the likelihood of a messy car for a few days, Sousuke released the bag and placed his hands on the small boy's shoulders; wheeling him around and knocking the back of his knees with his own to start him on his way to the other side of the car. "Let's go already."
sou + momo: road trip
{✹} …Okay, so maybe he had gotten distracted looking at all the candy and sodas and snacks when Sousuke sent him in to pay for the gas. Really, it wasn’t his fault - road trips made him hungry, no matter how far or short the distance was. ”Snacks, obviously,” As if Sousuke couldn’t see that himself, from the way he was already opening the bag in Momotarou’s hands. “You didn’t expect me to go on a trip without anything to eat, did you?”
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souseus · 10 years
sou + momo: road trip
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"Took your time." He wasn't chiding, despite his words probably sounding a tad scolding; making the statement more as an observation than anything else. 
He'd sent the younger Capo into the gas station for just pay for the pump while he filled the tank up, though Momotarou had emerged through the doors after a few minutes with a carrier bag hanging from his wrist. "What'd you get?" he asked, curious, while tugging the bag open so he could peer inside after setting the pump back in it's slot. 
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souseus · 10 years
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