southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
In this case drugs are bad
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
me when i wake up: oh boy, i can't wait to think about that great dream i just had!
the memories of my dream:
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
reblog for an archive moodboard :) please have some aesthetics tho :) 
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
The Four Directions in Witchcraft
“The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude”
~Dennis S. Brown
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-Represents possibility and awareness
-Symbolizes new beginnings
-Face East to summon the power inherent there for strength in communication, mental clarity, and wisdom
    -High Noon
-Represents Fullness and Vitality 
-Face South when seeking fulfillment of desire, when you need passion, inspiration, or courage
-Face West if seeking to enhance your intuition, uncover mysteries, and balance emotions
-Face North when you wish to manifest outcomes and reveal truth
[[Pls know that this is from a grimoire page a few years ago!! But I wanted to post and maybe/hopefully add more to it as I learn more. Pls don’t come for me if things are a bit off lol]]
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
Bee Magick - Save the Bees
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This post is dedicated to the bees, make sure you do your part to save the bees! 
Facts to increase your love for bees:
They have personalities.
They can recognize human faces.
Their honey contains all the substances needed to sustain life.
Eating Honey can make you smarter.
Honeybees can only sting once.
They beat their wings up to 200 times per second.
Honeybees are the only insects that produce food for humans.
Bees don’t sleep.
All worker bees are female.
Ways to attract bees:
Plant flowers that attract bees.
Build a bee houses.
Place bee waterers and bee baths around your garden.
Do not use pesticides or herbicides of any kind.
Plants that attract bees:
Bee balm
Snow Drop
Wildflowers/Any native species
Anise hyssop
Black eyed susan
Sweet peas
Bee folklore:
It is unlucky to kill bees.
Believed to have the knowledge of the future and all secrets. 
If a bee lands on your hand, it suggests money is on it’s way.
If a bee lands on someones head, they will become successful in life. 
If a bee flies into a home, it means either good luck or a stranger is on their way. If you kill the bee it means the stranger will be bringing bad news.
Seeing a single bee will bring luck.
Bees buzzing around a child’s head foretells a happy, successful life.
Bee mythology:
Ancient Egyptian pharaohs used the bee as their royalty symbol. They believed honey bees were born from the tears of the sun God, Ra. To the Egyptians, bees represented resurrection and protected against evil spirits. 
Druids believed that bees represented the sun, the Goddess, celebration, and community.
The Greeks thought that a babies whose lips where touched by a bee would become a great poet or a great speaker. In ancient Greece it was also thought that they symbolized industry, hard work, messengers of the dead, and obedience. Honey was often used as an offering to their Gods. They also believed bees were the surviving souls of the priestesses who served the Goddess Aphrodite. 
They have been seen as a symbol of sacredness and could be associated with the Great Mother or Divine feminine. The Mother can be symbolized as the queen bee. 
In Celtic mythology honey bees had great wisdom and thought to be messengers between worlds. Honey was sacred and used in rituals.
In some cultures they can be associated with purity, health, and wealth. Some also believed bees were a symbol of the human soul.
The druids believed that bees symbolized the sun, the goddess, celebration, and community.
Deities associated with bees and honey:
Melissa (Melisae)
Bees in Magick:
Bees are closely associated with the fae and their presence in gardens which indicates blessings of fae. Encourage the bees, by putting up bee houses, hives, planting bee-friendly plants and waterers and not using pesticides. Thus, encouraging the blessings from the fae, while harming bees can anger them and cause them to seek revenge. 
The symbol of a bee can be used to seal a spell with sweetness for one who appreciates good will and a sting for one who takes it for granted or doesn’t keep his end of the bargain. 
Honey stirred into your tea can ‘sweeten’ your day. 
Honey is used often in magick to sweeten a situation.
Anointing your lips with honey will make your words sound sweeter. 
Bees in your dreams:
May be a good omen.
Bees in your dreams may be telling you to take a look at your social networks. They may be pointing toward a desire for more harmonious and functional relationships, or celebrating the ones you already have.
A visit from a bee in a dream may also be notifying you that a friend or family member needs to speak with you. You will know as this person will also pop into your mind somehow. It means call them or perhaps, that you will hear from them soon.
Dreaming of a beehive usually relates to the home and family or your business and coworkers. A happy, buzzing hive means a happy, buzzing home. It may foretell incoming abundance, and fruitful times ahead. If the bees are swarming around the hive, rather than working in it, proceed with caution. There is a lack of harmony that is interfering with productivity.
A swarm of bees may indicate that you feel that a group of people upon whose cooperation you rely is becoming chaotic and out of control. Perhaps the need to balance your own interactions with your different business and social groups for your own sanity.
Beehives bring to mind abundance and prosperity: bees seem to work hard and are rewarded by flowing stores of honey. An empty beehive, then, represents the opposite: lost opportunity and financial misfortune.
A beehive can also represent a home. The fullness or emptiness of the beehive may indicate unconscious feelings about family life, marriage, children, or the house itself. Honey may represent your property or belongings.
A beehive on fire or burned bees are often interpreted depending on your emotional and physical condition. Burned bees may mean you are overcoming fear and want to take control of life and anger, are you’re progressing through life with more confidence without any fear of obstacles. Burned beehives can also mean you have lost something precious, like money, a relationship, or some valuable information that you’ve forgotten or ignored.
If a bee or a swarm of bees is chasing you in dream, it may mean there is some unsettled business or a memory that haunts you. Make sure you let it go from your mind or deal with it in order to avoid these bees.
If you dream about getting a bee sting then something may be bothering you, or you have a persistent annoyance in your life. Concerns about your relationship, career, finance, or some unknown issue is bugging your subconscious mind. Find out what it is and sort it out.
Magickal uses for Honey:
Can be used in binding spells to symbolically stick things together.
Used for offerings to fae and deities.
Can sweeten a person or a situation.
 Honey is sacred to Aphrodite.
Can be used in spells corresponding to purification, health, love, happiness, spirituality, wisdom, good fortune, fertility, 
Use certain types of honey that corresponded with your spell.
Bathe in warm water and honey to attract love.
A dish filled with honey can attract angels and beneficial spirits.
Do your part to save the bees they are an important part of our life and in our magick practices. 
May the moon light your path!
==Moonlight Academy==
Sources: witchipedia.com, kitchenwitchuk.blogspot.ca, exemplore.com
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
simple rose water spells 🌹
easy spells where only rose water is needed
🌹 a drop of rose water on each eyelid to enhance clarity
🌹 a touch of rose water on each cheek to appear lovely
🌹 immerse a charm in it to enchant it with positive feelings
🌹 pour some out in the dirt and step on it to break a heart
🌹 brush some over the corners of a door and knock to keep negativity away
🌹 a drop brushed over your lips to say only kind and soothing words
🌹 flick droplets over a page to divine from what words they land on
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
Tarot Tips
🃏 Find The Empress in your deck. The card behind her will reveal what you need to do to nurture and care for yourself. 
🃏 When in conflict or competition with someone, look for 5 of Wands. The card behind it will reveal the solution to the problem.
🃏 If you see the same card over and over again in readings, it is a sign and you must pay attention to its message for you.
🃏 For a better understanding of each card, observe it closely and form your own interpretation that follows its themes. It will help you interpret readings better.
🃏 To find out what is making you feel stuck or delayed, look to The Hanged Man. The card underneath him will show what is holding you back. The card in front of him will show you how to overcome it.
🃏 When shuffling your cards, if any card drops out of your grasp, take it as a sign and read the card. 
🃏 You do not need crystals with you to do proper readings, but a good way to cleanse your deck is to place a clear quartz on the top of your deck before each reading. Keep in mind; there’s a variety of ways you can cleanse your deck.
🃏 Often when The High Priestess appears in a reading, she is trying to tell you that you know the answers and that you should listen to your inner voice.
🃏 There is no wrong way to shuffle or cleanse your deck. Do what feels right for you!
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
Crash course on fake stones/misrepresentations
Because I have been too lazy to type this all up.
If your quartz has teeny air bubbles it’s glass.
If it’s got a fruit name it’s dyed. End of story. (strawberry, cherry, lemon, pineapple, blueberry) yes there may be some very rare exceptions-fire quartz being dubbed strawberry- but due to the rise in fakes with that name it’s generally called fire quartz now.
Aura quartz is a regular quartz that’s been bonded with another material. (man made)
Cinnabar Infused Quartz usually reconstituted and mixed together to make a red crystal.
Green quartz can be grown in a lab and anything that forrest green color is
Magnesite and howlite look very very similar to turquoise when they’ve been dyed, magnesite will have very deep cracks in it though.
No there is no white turquoise. 
You can do a uv test to see if it’s real
Often faked with Copal. They look nearly identical.
Amber will float in salt water-copal will not.
Irradiated/dyed stones:
Very vibrant colors!!
Irradiated: (they irradiate the crystals to get a deeper or more vibrant color)
deeply pigmented topaz or kunzite
dark (almost black) smokey quartz 
very deep pink or red tourmaline 
colored diamonds 
some cultured pearls 
vibrant yellow heliodor 
other stones may be dyed as well, generally if it looks fake..it is.
Heat treated stones: (really not a bad thing but if you’re going for natural)
Amethyst-lighten color+remove brown
Citrine-heat treated amethyst.
Aquamarine-remove green
Ruby-clearer stone 
Sapphire-clearer stone
Rainbow Cal-Silica
Nope, completely fake 100%
Literally just car paint layered with calcite and resin.
Citrine: (im so sorry)
Much of the citrine on the market is lab made.
If it’s lab made it’s usually amethyst that’s been heated until it changes color
The bottom of these stones will be white with more color at the tips.
Lapis Lazuli:
High quality is vibrant blue, hard to come by, and very expensive.
Low quality howlite, jasper or sodalite is dyed blue, and passed off as lapis.
Acetone will remove the dye but damage the stone.
The clear green obsidian you see all over ebay is slag glass.
Natural green obsidian has been found but it is opaque and is more gray than green.
there is red obsidian as well but again, it’s not a vibrant red and is more brick colored.
Wikipedia is not always right.
it’s glass it’s legitimately just glass
also glass. 
real opalite exists but it’s green and not commonly found
once again, don’t believe everything on wikipedia.
Doesn’t naturally form in the crystals, lab made!!!
rlly pretty though
Not naturally magnetic!
Magnetic hematite is 100% man made!
I’ll add more as I come across them~
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
Reblog if:
- You support recovery.
- You support those in recovery.
- You support seeking help.
- You want  people to seek help.
- You think everyone is beautiful, regardless of their weight.
- Even if you yourself, aren’t seeking help or are in recovery, want others too.
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
I wish the person who I reblogged this from happiness, good eyebrows, and clear skin.
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
I love that I’ve had some of the same mutuals for like over 5 years and we never so much as exchanged a single dm.....the amount of mutual respect.....
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
Common Animal Associations in Witchcraft
Ants - Patience, stamina, planning, perseverance, organization, self-discipline, teamwork, energy, and patience.
Bats - Rebirth, accessing past lives, new ideas, transition, initiation, changes for the better, moon magic, understanding grief, and the ability to observe unseen.
Bears - Introspection, healing and inner knowledge, wisdom, defense, revenge, change, death and rebirth, communication with spirit, solitude, power, mother cunning, healer, gentle strength, transformation, astral travel, strength, unconscious mind, grounding, inner energy of the soul, earth magic, and facing fears.
Beavers - Building, gathering, persistence, shaping, and structure. Bees - Female warrior energy, reincarnation, communication with the dead, service, gathering, community, connection to the Goddess Diana, helping earth-bound spirits move on to their proper place, concentration, and prosperity.
Birds - Associated with death and transitions, unity, freedom, and individuality.
Butterflies/Caterpillars - Transformation, reincarnation, balance, grace.
Cats - Wholeness, guardians, independence, seeing the unseen, cleverness, a balancing of energies, moon magic, mystic powers, grace, understanding mystery, cleansing, and purification.
Chickens - Power of voice, language, seeking answers, sunrise magick, Protection of family and community, Hearing your inner voice.
Chipmunks - Gathering, mobility, frugal living, and the ability to see both light and shadow.
Cows - Economy, connection to the earth, wealth and prosperity, and patience.
Deer - Gentleness, body awareness, kindness, gracefulness, sensitivity, peace, unconditional love, alertness, recognition of outside influences, innocence and earth magic.
Dogs - Family, wisdom, loyalty, protection, companionship, faithfulness, warnings, and earth and moon magic.
Donkeys - Stubbornness, ability to make decisions, intuition.
Ducks - Water energy and logic.
Elks - Stamina, strength, pride, power, majesty, agility, freedom, and nobility.
Ferrets - Information, seeing truth behind the facade.
Fish - Abundance, fertility, children, harmony, regeneration, love, and mind/emotion balance.
Foxes - Elusiveness, cleverness, feminine courage, subtlety, discretion, agility, cunning, slyness, fire magic, and intelligence.
Frogs - Healing, transformation, cleansing, understanding emotions, and connection with water element.
Goats - Independence, confidence, tenacity, diligence, flexibility, healing and sun magic, abundance, and agility.
Horses - Power, stability and courage, Astral travel, protection, freedom, power, travel, and earth and moon magic.
Mice - Scrutiny, innocence, faith, trust, shyness, quietness, details, and earth magic.
Owls - Deception, wisdom, truth, patience, insight, darkness, and air magic.
Pigs - Truth, earth magick, past life knowledge, intelligence, and cunning.
Rabbits - Fear, faith, alertness, nurturing, conquering fear, safety, innocence, fertility, movement, sensitivity, luck, and moon magic.
Rats - Abundant reproduction, shrewdness, adaptability, success, social, restlessness, earth magic, stealth, and defense.
Sheep - Balance, confidence, fertility, courage, new beginnings, abundance, and assurance.
Snails - Perseverance and Determination.
Snakes - Transmutation, primitive or elemental energy, power, sexual potency. sensuality, shrewdness, and transformation.
Spiders - Shape-shifting, wisdom, creativity, divine inspiration, fate, illusion, feminine energy, and industry.
Squirrels - Discovery, change, trust, resourcefulness, balance in giving and receiving, awareness, sociability, playfulness, preparation, activity, energy, and earth magic.
Wolves - Wisdom, protection, shadow work, guidance, instinct, intelligence, success, perseverance, stability, loyalty, independence, spirit, freedom, guardianship, and earth and moon magic.
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
"But I can't have an eating disorder BECAUSE..."
“I eat too much!” There is no maximum calorie limit for eating disorders. An eating disorder is not about what you eat, but how you eat- your feelings/thoughts about your body and your intake.
“I’m not underweight!” The majority of people who develop an eating disorder will never become underweight. The only disorder that is diagnosed based partially on weight is anorexia- and for that, if you’re an average weight but meet every other criteria, you’ll still be diagnosed with ‘atypical anorexia nervosa’. It doesn’t mean you aren’t sick or that you don’t need help.
“I don’t meet the anorexia/bulimia guidelines!” OSFED (formerly known as EDNOS) is not a ‘failed’ eating disorder. It is every bit as serious as anorexia or bulimia. It is also the most commonly diagnosed eating disorder, meaning more people have this than anorexia or bulimia.
“I don’t make myself sick!” Vomiting is only one form of purging. You can have bulimia, anorexia or OSFED/ARFID and not make yourself sick.
“I still eat!” So does everybody else. You can’t photosynthesise, after all. Even people with eating disorders eat.
“I feel like a fake/ a fraud!” So does basically every single other eating disordered person. This is a really, really, really, really common feeling. You might feel guilty for ‘misleading’ other people into believing the problem is more serious than it is, or feel like you’re overblowing things. That’s totally normal and it is not true. You are not a fake or a fraud.
“I eat things that no real anorexic would eat!” I have known eating disordered patients with these safe foods: chocolate, frozen meat pizza, fruit, ice cream cones, potatoes, granola I have known eating disordered patients with these fear foods: : chocolate, frozen meat pizza, fruit, ice cream cones, potatoes, granola Safe/fear foods are not based on logic or reason. They are individualised. There are even people who don’t have any fear foods- they’ll eat anything, they’ll just feel crappy and purge it/ restrict afterwards. All of the experiences described here are those of a person with an eating disorder.
“I’ve never been inpatient!” Neither have most eating disorder sufferers.
“I’ve never been tube fed!” Neither have most eating disorder sufferers.
“I’ve never been near death!” Neither have most eating disorder sufferers.
“My blood work/ blood pressure is fine! Eating disorders affect different bodies in different ways. Some people find their blood work suffers; others find their blood pressure or pulse dips; others find that, whilst they’re suffering hugely mentally, their bodies hold up well. This is not a measure of how ‘sick’ you are. All of these things- weight, bp, pulse etc- are just symptoms of the sickness. The sickness is in your head.
“I don’t feel sick enough.” You never will. Sorry. “I’m not sick enough!” is one of the most common ED thoughts there is; please don’t listen to it. It is a lie. Do not compare your misery to someone else’s; nobody with stage I cancer says ‘yeah, but that person is a stage III, so I’m not really that bad and I won’t get any treatment yet’.
“I still get my period!” ‘Period loss’ has been removed from the DSM as necessary for a diagnosis of anorexia, and no other eating disorder requires it. It was viewed as a flawed measure of illness, and so it has been removed. Whether or not you get your period is not an indication of how ill you are.
“But I binge eat without throwing up” Binge eating disorder is a newly added eating disorder in the DSM, where people eat large amounts of food in an ‘out of control’ manner but then do not compensate inappropriately for it. It is very much a real eating disorder.
“I don’t calorie count/ weigh myself!” I know many people with eating disorders- including anorexia- who have never calorie counted, or who don’t own a pair of scales. It’s not required for diagnosis.
“I think about food all the time!” This is a symptom of an eating disorder. Malnutrition causes the brain to focus 100% of its attention on food- finding it, getting it, eating it. Daydreaming or fantasizing about food does not mean you are not sick; quite the opposite, in fact.
“But I enjoy eating!” Most people do. Eating is enjoyable. Even in the depths of my restriction, the food I ate brought me great pleasure. It’s linked to the previous point, to a certain extent. Enjoying food does not mean you don’t have an ED.
“But this is just how I am!” Eating disorders often start in early childhood, and it can be hard to break out of a pattern that well-entrenched. It’s not impossible, though. Chronic eating disorders can be harder to beat, but they can be beaten.
(part of Mental Health Awareness week)
For more information on eating disorders and what to do if you think you have one, visit
NHS- overcoming eating disorders
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
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“My mother, father and I are all borrowers. We borrow things like soap and cookies and sugar - things that beans won’t miss if they’re gone.”
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southenstylemagick ¡ 4 years
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All you need to know about coyote peterson is that i would die for him
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