southernmagick · 4 years
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southernmagick · 4 years
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southernmagick · 4 years
How to Cast Spells That Work
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In her book Wicca for Beginners Thea Sabin says, “When you do a spell, you are telling the universe that you intend to bring about a certain change and you are putting the energy in motion to achieve that end.”
A spell is sort of an energetic shove to get things moving in the way you want them to, and we do this by creating a ritual to build and then release the energy to get things going.
Most spells are based on a principle called imitative magic.
In his book Backwoods Shamanism, Ray Hess says, “Imitative magic means that making a symbolic gesture, when combined with intent and will… can affect the intended change on a grander scale.” [Note: I don’t actually recommend this book, but I like Hess’s definition of imitative magic.]
So, for example, you may have heard of a “cord cutting” ritual, where you symbolically cut your spiritual ties to a person you no longer want to have a relationship with. You’re symbolically creating a separation between yourself and that person, which creates physical separation in real life.
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There are four basic components to any spell: your will, your intention, focused energy, and a ritual action. Some magical traditions add extra steps, like casting a circle, but from what I’ve read and been taught, these four basic components are constant no matter which tradition you’re following.
Let’s start with the most important bit: your will. Your will isn’t just what you want: it’s the desire and drive that is in alignment with your highest good. But in this case we’re also talking about will in the sense of willpower — Basically, your will is your personal spiritual authority and the source of your magical power.
Any spell that is not in alignment with your will won’t work. This is why it’s important to be clear about what you want and why you want it before you attempt a spell.
There’s also an element of belief here. Because magic only works when your spells are in alignment with your will, if you don’t believe your spell can work, it won’t. This is because you, yourself are blocking it from working.
The second important component of a  spell is your intention. When you do a spell, it’s important to clearly state what you want to happen. Some traditions will write the intention down on a piece of paper, which is called a petition. Other traditions will use a spoken statement of intention in the form of an incantation. Some witches use both.
You need to be clear about your intention before you begin your spell. Magic will always follow the path of least resistance, so it’s important to be specific. However, I find that magic works better when your intention leaves a little bit of wiggle room. It’s about finding that happy medium.
You also want to keep your petitions and incantations simple. If it’s more than a couple of sentences, you probably need to trim it down a little.
The next important part of a spell is focused energy. Magic is a way of directing energy, and this means that your own energy needs to be focused for it to work.
Don’t get too stressed out about focus. Your spell isn’t going to fail if your mind wanders for a few seconds. But you should set aside some time where you’ll be able to fully dedicate yourself to your spell. Try to find a private place where you won’t be interrupted. Turn off the TV, put your phone away, and try to avoid distractions. You might find that playing meditation music or burning incense helps you focus.
While you cast your spell, keep focusing on what it is you want to manifest. Again, don’t overthink this and don’t worry if your thoughts wander a little, but try to stay in the moment. Repeating your incantation can help with maintaining focus.
The last important part of a spell is your ritual action. This just means doing a specific set of things, in a specific order, with a specific intent behind them. If we go back to our definition of imitative magic, your ritual actions are symbolic of the change you want to manifest.
Your ritual actions do not have to be complex. A very common ritual for spells is anointing and lighting a candle. Making a charm or poppet is also popular. But any action can be a magical ritual if it is done with intent and focus, in alignment with your will. Making a cup of tea or coffee can be a ritual. Running a bath can be a ritual. Cooking food can be a ritual. The only limit is your imagination.
These four things are literally all you need to cast a spell. A spell doesn’t have to be complicated or include a bunch of crystals and herbs to work. You can do an effective spell with nothing but your own mind and body.
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southernmagick · 4 years
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southernmagick · 4 years
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southernmagick · 4 years
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southernmagick · 4 years
if you can’t tell i am searching for jobs currently and need all the prayers, hope, and magic i can get! so here is my own emoji spell. like to charge, reboot to cast!! 💸🕯📿
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southernmagick · 4 years
I have an interview for a job I really really want tomorrow, so threw together this job interview good luck emoji spell!!
Likes charge, reblogs cast~
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southernmagick · 4 years
Emoji Job Spell
I get the job I’ve applied/ interviewed for. Reblogs and likes charge it.
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southernmagick · 4 years
Emoji Spell to boost your chances of getting a job (soon)!
🍀like to charge🍀
🔜reblog to cast🔜
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southernmagick · 4 years
An emoji spell for that job you want
Likes charge!!
Reblog cast!
Good luck to all my babies job hunting and waiting for that email or phone call!!! Wishing you all the luck 💚
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southernmagick · 4 years
emoji spell to easily find a job
like to charge, reblog to cast
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southernmagick · 4 years
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Inst @victoriamisu
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southernmagick · 4 years
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southernmagick · 4 years
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Simple spells from Folk Witchcraft by Roger J Horne
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southernmagick · 4 years
hi again! my little brother has recently been having bad nightmares and I would like to do something to help. do you have any recipes that will give the consumer sweet dreams and a full nights sleep? thank you so much ♡
ooh, what a fun little challenge! I accept ;)
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1 bag chamomile tea
sleep, calming, stress relief
4 tbsp tart cherry juice
sleep, scientifically proved to increase levels of melatonin, helping improve the quality of sleep.
1/2 tsp lavender buds
sleep, soothing, calming, sweet dreams
2 tbsp honey
soothing, healing, sweetens thoughts and dreams
Steep a hot mug of water with chamomile tea and lavender buds. Pour in cherry juice and honey.
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southernmagick · 4 years
colour correspondences
red; protection, passion, love, energy, chaos, strength, power
orange; protection, confidence, strength, energy, happiness, inspiration, prosperity, success
yellow; happiness, healing, comfort, kindness, protection, love
green; prosperity, creativity, luck, growth, success, happiness, energy
blue; calming, empathy, happiness, patience, creativity, healing
purple; divine, energy, prosperity, communication
pink; fae, love, empowerment, kindness, growth, creativity, happiness, protection
black; banishment, confidence, protection, strength, power
brown; grounding, stability, protection, strength, balance
white; purity, cleansing, empowerment, strength, peace
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