theaspietales · 6 years
Autistic children are not infants.
Autistic teens are not toddlers.
Autistic adults are not children.
Your 23 year-old autistic cousin does not have “the mind of a 7 year-old.”
Stop calling autistic men “buddy.” Stop calling autistic women “sweetie.”
Don’t act like it’s a crime to swear in front of an autistic adult.
Don’t assume that because someone is nonverbal, they can’t understand what is going on. ESPECIALLY don’t assume that they can’t communicate at all.
Stop infantilizing autistic people.
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theaspietales · 6 years
some nuerotypical: so youre a high functioning autistic?
me: bold of you to assume that i function
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theaspietales · 7 years
“why can���t you talk? why do you keep flapping your hands? why do you walk funny? why can’t you make eye contact?”
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theaspietales · 7 years
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credit to actuallyautisticmemes on instagram
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theaspietales · 7 years
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credit to actuallyautisticmemes on instagram
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theaspietales · 7 years
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theaspietales · 7 years
A message to the people with mental disorders or other disabilities
To the autistic people whose parents don’t allow them to “stim” in public for fear of embarrassment
To the dyslexic people whose friends and family are always frustrated with them because it takes them an hour to read a page
To the people with ADD who get yelled at for not sitting still when they’re supposed to
To the people with Aspergers who feel like freaks and outcasts because they don’t know how to socialize
To the people with Down Syndrome who feel like they aren’t beautiful or feel like they never be beautiful
To the people who see the world differently than how most people do
To the people who feel alienated from their friends, family, classmates, coworkers, or any other people that they encounter on a daily basis
Let me be the first to say it
You matter.
You are just as important as all of the other people on this planet.
Your opinions and your feelings are valid.
Just because you were made a little different, it doesn’t mean that you are any less important.
You are all a group of beautiful and unique human beings who are blessed with talents that you may not realize yet, but you eventually will.
There are people out there who love you for who you are.
And for those who don’t, That’s their problem.
Because they are so close-minded, they don’t see the actual BEAUTY and LIGHT that is shining in each and every one of you.
And it gets easier.
It may not seem like it now, but it WILL get easier.
You will improve, and you will be able to conquer the obstacles in your life.
If you can’t, then that’s okay, too.
Just that fact that you choose to BE YOU is enough.
Go out there and BE YOU
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theaspietales · 7 years
It doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing. It doesn’t matter what everyone else has accomplished. What really matters is that you focus on yourself and how hard you are chasing after such dreams. Don’t compare yourself. Don’t belittle yourself. See yourself as who you are and keep your mind in your own head.
Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin (via thepowerwithin)
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theaspietales · 7 years
I myself love neon colors but sensory wise it depends on the person
question for autistic people
Are you guys okay with bright colors, like things for high visibility ?
A construction coat, for example.
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theaspietales · 7 years
“Water doesn’t have a taste”
My autistic ass:
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theaspietales · 7 years
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theaspietales · 7 years
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theaspietales · 7 years
Autism and dating
I feel like this is a good discussion,I’ve only had 1 serious relationship in my entire dating life and I’m still in the relationship going on 4 years soon! Honestly it’s amazing and I love her very much,before her I had 1 boyfriend that was ashamed of being bisexual but is now an out of the closet gay man,I wish him luck in his relationship,It’s a hard thing to accept your sexuality and go on and be open,most people just assume I’m straight and I pass on that in a way,I never correct them because I’m in a heterosexual relationship and plan to be for a long while,but it really comes down to accepting yourself and your sexuality and looking for a partner you can truly relate to and love
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theaspietales · 7 years
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Atypical (2017)
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theaspietales · 7 years
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Pennywise is cute <3 
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theaspietales · 7 years
I fully support the puzzle piece,BUT I DO NOT support Autism Speaks
No one should be ashamed of themselves
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theaspietales · 7 years
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My tattoo and the one I’m planning next!
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