southsidebria-blog · 6 years
Yeah, I know. I feel so bad for everyone. If that makes me a two-faced Serpent reject then so be it. None of this was supposed to be this way.
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Also to answer your question I do have a place to stay.
Sad thing is, once a Serpent always a Serpent. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not in regards to us.
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Good. That’ was my next question. If you need anything please let me know, D.
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
Yeah, I feel that. 
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Yeah, I did what I could. I’m just kind of glad to leave it all behind me or try to at least. I feel bad for leaving because I did care about people there but after hearing about what happened I’m glad I was gone when it did because that would’ve happened with or without me. He’s power hungry and would’ve found a way to do it behind my back eventually.
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It still fucking sucks, you know? I hope he’ll get what is coming to him eventually. 
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
Oh? Well at least you were safe from all of that.
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Don’t be. I chose to disappear. I mean I had no idea it would go to that extent but I did leave so I’m as much to blame as that overjucied asshole who did this.
Yeah. Kinda leaving the gang shit behind me.
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But still, at least when you were the leader as fucked as I felt the Ghoulies were you kind of kept the all in check. Now it’s just crazier than normal. I hope you’re safe though.
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
Some guy at Pop’s asked me that if I had to either let Earth be destroyed and live on another planet and be the only human there, or save it and be blamed for its near-destruction, which one would I pick – I’d destroy this fucking planet, of course. Who cares if I get my ass fucked by aliens? It’s better than having to live in this shithole. Hell, I’m gonna create an entirely new species of my own, like X-Men.
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Always knew you’d be into that kinky alien shit.
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
After finding out some news, I’ve decided to throw a party at my family’s estate. When? Undecided for now. All are welcome to attend and crash or burn this house. Like hell if I care. Remember that Project X movie? It’ll be like that but ten times worse. Bring your A-Game. 
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Oh? Sounds fun. I’m always down to make a mess so you’ll definitely see me there, handsome.
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
I hope so, too.
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How have you been, Bria? Are you staying in the motel as well?
No, I... moved back to the Northside. I’m staying with Dominic.
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Luckily I did that before everything went down so I didn’t have to really get hit wit hit, ya know? Sorry that the Ghoulies went batshit without you in command.
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
Yeah, I probably should’ve but I had to come back.
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Well... I hope that it’s worth it. Whatever made you come back.
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
It’s been a minute Riverdale. Can’t say I’m exactly thrilled to be back.
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I would’ve just kept running. And I mean that not maliciously.
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
text message || unholy trinity
FRANCO: fucko is here u know
FRANCO: i can stay in the motel? i dnt wnt to cause u any bother bria
CUJO: tell fucko to stfu and stay at bria's and be a good boy
CUJO: @dare but if the doctor/nurses advise against it dont fuckin let him out
DARE: Yeah that was my thought too. I told Fucko to give me all the details so if I find out he’s hiding shit he’s staying there.
DARE: Bri you sure? I’m happy to dump him off at your place but I can take him to the motel too.
BRIA: Yeah absolutely. I'd rather him be at my place above anything else.
BRIA: That way he'll be comfy and safe and what not. I'm not there anyway.
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
text message || unholy trinity
DARE: Fucko thinks he’s good to be discharged. Shock. I’m heading to the hospital to look everything over.
DARE: I’m starting to think that it’s not doing him much good being stressed the hell out at the hospital. So we need to restrict his movement.
DARE: Is there space at your apartment, Bri?
BRIA: Yeah I've got room for him. He can occupy my bedroom to make sure he's got space to himself.
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
text | domria
bria: hey babe, miles is going to come and take franco to my place so you are free from your duties.
bria: you're amazing, thank you so much for standing guard
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
That’s right, it’s official… Jesse St. James is back. Did you miss me?
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Don’t worry, it’s a rhetorical question, I know the answer is yes.
Can we actually miss people we never talked to?
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
Let’s go on adventures and have car sex under the stars
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
text || Bria ❤
Dom: You're welcome and I know.
Bria: Cujo is bringing you Pop's.
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
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southsidebria-blog · 6 years
But what if I met my soulmate too young? What if he’s the one, but life separates the two of us like it always eventually does?
Excerpt of a book I’ll never write #40 (via her-minds-a-mess)
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