southviridarium · 6 years
Hiya! So the app said " If a creature not mentioned on the list was chosen, tell us more about them in strong detail, strengths weaknesses, ect" does that mean i can choose a type of monster not on the list? I assume yes but I'm not sure which is why im asking!
Yes, you can pick a type of monster that is not on the list. But we just need to know their abilities, strengths, weaknesses, ect. Look at the creature lists that we have posted to get an idea on what we’re looking for in that section. No need to match the length of any of them.  As long as it contains all of the information required, it will be fine regardless. 
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southviridarium · 6 years
And You Thought You Were Cursed?
Welcome to the wonderful world of South Viridarium. A brand new RP group on discord. We are accepting applications right now,and eagerly awaiting new members! Acceptance day is this Saturday!! Please be sure to check out our rules page before applying!
In a world of creatures and beings of all shapes and sizes, where else could the fleeing humans turn than the town of Viridarium? From Ghosts, to Werewolves, to Wendigo, and Giants, there are a million different creatures to be. Not to mention the humans themselves are open for play. However, it is wise to take caution. The monsters are not the only creatures that kill. For hunters also hide in the shadows.
Which side will you choose? Monster, Hunter, or Human?
Current characters that are open for application include:
Wendy Testaburger Jimmy Valmer Token Black Nichole Ryan Ellis Heidi Turner Red Tucker Trent Boyett Filmore Tammy Warner Annie Bartlett And many others!!
If you are interested, feel free to check out our masterlist and don’t forget to read the rules!!
Home || Ask || Apply || Rules || Masterlist || Lore || The Beastiary || Member
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southviridarium · 6 years
And You Thought You Were Cursed?
And You Thought You Were Cursed?
Welcome to the wonderful world of South Viridarium. A brand new RP group on discord. We are accepting applications right now,and eagerly awaiting new members! Acceptance day is this Saturday!! Please be sure to check out our rules page before applying!
In a world of creatures and beings of all shapes and sizes, where else could the fleeing humans turn than the town of Viridarium? From Ghosts, to Werewolves, to Wendigo, and Giants, there are a million different creatures to be. Not to mention the humans themselves are open for play. However, it is wise to take caution. The monsters are not the only creatures that kill. For hunters also hide in the shadows.
Which side will you choose? Monster, Hunter, or Human?
Current characters that are open for application include:
Kyle Broflovski Craig Tucker  Jimmy Valmer  Token Black  Nichole Mike Makowski  Heidi Turner  Red Tucker  Bebe Stevens  Tammy Warner And many others!! 
If you are interested, feel free to check out our masterlist and don’t forget to read the rules!!
Home || Ask || Apply || Rules || Masterlist || Lore || The Beastiary || Member
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southviridarium · 6 years
Welcome, students, to South Park High.
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South Park High RPG is a tumblr based rp group where you can meet new rpers and play your favorite characters. All main cast kids are in their junior year of highschool, 16-17, and there will be events held within the group once a month.
We still have many characters open, such as;
Stan Marsh Kyle Broflovski Butters Stotch Craig Tucker Tweek Tweak Token Black Jimmy Valmer Wendy Testaburger And More…
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southviridarium · 6 years
And You Thought You Were Cursed?
And You Thought You Were Cursed?
Welcome to the wonderful world of South Viridarium. A brand new RP group on discord. We are accepting applications right now,and eagerly awaiting new members! Acceptance day is this Saturday!! Please be sure to check out our rules page before applying!
In a world of creatures and beings of all shapes and sizes, where else could the fleeing humans turn than the town of Viridarium? From Ghosts, to Werewolves, to Wendigo, and Giants, there are a million different creatures to be. Not to mention the humans themselves are open for play. However, it is wise to take caution. The monsters are not the only creatures that kill. For hunters also hide in the shadows.
Which side will you choose? Monster, Hunter, or Human?
Current characters that are open for application include:
Kyle Broflovski Craig Tucker  Jimmy Valmer  Token Black  Nichole Mike Makowski  Heidi Turner  Red Tucker  Bebe Stevens  Tammy Warner And many others!! 
If you are interested, feel free to check out our masterlist and don’t forget to read the rules!!
Home || Ask || Apply || Rules || Masterlist || Lore || The Beastiary || Member
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southviridarium · 6 years
And You Thought You Were Cursed?
Welcome to the wonderful world of South Viridarium. A brand new RP group on discord. We are accepting applications right now,and eagerly awaiting new members! Acceptance day is this Saturday!! Please be sure to check out our rules page before applying!
In a world of creatures and beings of all shapes and sizes, where else could the fleeing humans turn than the town of Viridarium? From Ghosts, to Werewolves, to Wendigo, and Giants, there are a million different creatures to be. Not to mention the humans themselves are open for play. However, it is wise to take caution. The monsters are not the only creatures that kill. For hunters also hide in the shadows.
Which side will you choose? Monster, Hunter, or Human?
Current characters that are open for application include:
Kyle Broflovski Craig Tucker Jimmy Valmer Token Black Michael (tall goth) Henrietta Biggle Mike Makowski Heidi Turner Red Tucker Bebe Stevens And many others!!
If you are interested, feel free to check out our masterlist and don’t forget to read the rules!!
Home || Ask || Apply || Rules || Masterlist || Lore || The Beastiary || Member
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southviridarium · 6 years
Patty Nelson
1. Mun information Preferred Name: Dia Age: 20 Pronouns: She/Her Timezone: EST Activity Level(Scale 1-10): 8 Password: Mic check is at 1:05
2. Muse Information Muse’s name: Patty Nelson Appearance age: 18 Actual Age: 41 Birthday: March 21st Height: 5’1 Sexuality: Bisexual Gender/Pronouns: She/Her
3. What type of creature is your muse? Gorgon (like Medusa)
4. If a creature not mentioned on the list was chosen, tell us more about them in strong detail, strengths weaknesses, ect
The Gorgon is a creature covered with impenetrable scales, hair of living snakes, hands of brass, sharp fangs and a beard. The Gorgon is beautiful but deadly. Sometimes it’s depicted as having wings of gold, brazen claws, and the tusks of boars. They can turn men that look at them into stone however it doesn’t affect the dead or living dead, they have incredible strength and are graced with immortality. They can be killed by being decapitated.
5. Personality (two paragraph)
Patty is very sharped tongue and not just because she’s a gorgon. She enjoys watching everything unfold before her but if things get boring she tries to stick her finger in to cause chaos. Of course when people do the same to her it’s problem. When you first meet her though she’s incredibly nice and acts like your best friend, of course when she desires something and is denied then she gets aggressive and threatening.
6. Appearance (two paragraph)
Her whole body is green covered in scales, she still has two legs so she isn’t too out there aside from her skin and the snakes on her head cascading only to the tip top of her shoulders. She has a slim body, with a chest the size of a B-cup. She dresses in modern clothes with black tights, a skirt and long sleeved purple sweater with sunglasses on. When it comes down to business though she can be seen roaming around in some black cloak with a hoodie to hide her face.
7. Name at least 5 headcanons 1. She wears sunglasses a lot to avoid turning dudes into stone, some of them just don’t deserve that fate. 2. The ones that end up as stone tend to be old lovers, guys she had crushes on and couldn’t get away fast enough after rejecting her, and annoying salesman. 3. She extends her S’s in person but if she’s feeling goofy she adds that tic to her text. 4. She has a few actual pet snakes, but obviously her favorites are the ones with her everyday. 5. If one of her snakes on top her head is cut it will grow back, however it’s rather painful emotionally. 6. Has contacts that work like the sunglasses but they are difficult for her to put in. 8. Write two decent sized paragraphs that shows how you would portray your muse
Patty would act like a normal person, aside from having her shades on constantly, her forked tongue and occasional hissing. She does video streaming online for those interested in her race and just for entertainment putting on that happy go lucky front up. She lives alone but is always trying to invite people over so she doesn’t feel lonely and can say she has friends. Really she wants to just be a regular human, find love and have offspring eventually down the line. It’s hard though with hunters trying to obviously kill you simply by the way you look.
9. Any additional headcanons/weaknesses/ect you would like to add
If she’s going to a formal event or just feeling cute she puts all her hair snakes into tiny black ribbons.
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southviridarium · 6 years
1. Mun information Preferred Name: Annetta Age: 18 Pronouns: She/her Timezone: PST Activity Level(Scale 1-10): Like 8 Password: Mic Check is at 1:05 2. Muse Information Muse’s name: Alexandra (Lexus) Martin Appearance age: 21 Actual Age: (If muse is a creature/witch/ect) 21 Birthday: November 9th Height: 5'3 Sexuality: Pan Gender/Pronouns: She/her 3. What type of creature is your muse? (if not human, if human, are they a hunter?) Hunter 4. If a creature not mentioned on the list was chosen, tell us more about them in strong detail, strengths weaknesses, ect N/A 5. Personality (two paragraph) Lexus is what you might call a sociopath. On the outside she’s bubbly, sassy, and extremely charming. But she’s just a great actor. A great actor, and a great liar. Inside she feels pretty much nothing, and will lie and manipulate everyone to get what she wants. And what is it that she wants? Mostly sex and money. She has a history of breaking hearts once she gets bored of people, or once their wallets run out of funds. She’s good at being charismatic and making friends but will often talk about people behind their backs. She really does care about a select few people and she won’t hesitate to dig her finely manicured nails into anybody who wrongs them. She can be too quick to judge and jump to conclusions, but she’s not an idiot and in fact is quick-witted and clever. She has high ambitions and doesn’t get discouraged easily. Her feelings are not easily hurt. 6. Appearance (two paragraph) She is very short and curvy, well-endowed, standing at 5'3. Her long red hair is fiery and natural, mostly straight with just the tiniest bit of wave. Her skin is fair and she has freckles but she prefers to cover those up with makeup. She wouldn’t be caught dead without her signature winged eyeliner and red lipstick. Since she became a hunter she’s also gained some apparent muscle in her arms and legs. Her eyes are naturally a deep brown but she sometimes wears contacts to mix things up. Her nose looks so perfect that it’s probably a nose job. Her nails are well manicured, either french or painted red. She has regular ear piercings as well as one on the side of her nose, which is usually a simple stud. She has no tattoos, yet. 7. Name at least 5 headcanons - Her parents were distant, they weren’t filthy rich but well off enough that they could spoil her with gifts, but never with affections. - Had a twin brother. - Her aesthetic is red everything.  - Holds grudges, never forgets. - Has moved on from working at Raisins to working at Hooters, but since she became a hunter she’s been taking less and less shifts and seems bound to quit any day now.  - Excellent seamstress  - Definitely pissy if you call her Alexandra, Alex, or anything that isn’t Lexus.  8. Write two decent sized paragraphs that shows how you would portray your muse With one last swipe of the wand across her lips, Lexus was officially done putting on her makeup. Her plump lips closed together to evenly distribute the product, her mouth making a satisfying ‘pop!’ sound as she released. Perfectly lined cherry red lips. Perfect winged eyeliner. The perfect amount of blush and contour. All on top of a perfect layer of flawless foundation and concealer. Vainly, she gazed upon herself in the mirror, winking, puckering her lips, sticking her tongue out, and ruffling up her hair get extra volume. Her rose gold phone case came out. It was time to take a few dozen or so pictures.  She was in the middle of selecting one to be her new profile picture when there was a knock at the door. She smirked. Right on schedule. She looked up and waved her hands in front of her face, urging tears to come on. She opened the door to her date of that night, sniffling into a tissue. “I’m– so sorry–” she told him, “my dog died today and I just can’t go out… Please forgive me. Another time maybe…? Oh… Are those for me? I’ll take them, thank you so much….” After Lexus closed the door, bringing in her bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates, she chuckled to herself. She doesn’t even have a dog. She should feel bad about standing that guy up and lying to his face but really… She didn’t. Hey. It was totally for a good cause, right? Now she had time to go out and hunt for creatures.  9. Any additional headcanons/weaknesses/ect you would like to add -Her reason for becoming a hunter is that vampires killed her family. Or at the very least, that’s what she tells people. - Her secret lack of empathy makes her a ruthless hunter. -She’s better at shorthand weapons than long range. Her particular weapon of choice is a dagger. This comes in very handy for stabbing people in the back. 
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southviridarium · 6 years
1. Mun information Preferred Name: Buffy or Sqwid Age: 19 Pronouns: They/Them or She/Her Timezone: Usually Pst, Est during the summer Activity Level(Scale 1-10): 8 Password: Mic check is at 1:05 2. Muse Information Muse’s name: Christophe “The Mole” Delorne  Appearance age: 22 Actual Age: 22 Birthday: June 6th Height: 5'5" Sexuality: Gay Gender/Pronouns: Male He/Him 3. What type of creature is your muse?
Hunter 4. If a creature not mentioned on the list was chosen, tell us more about them in strong detail, strengths weaknesses, ect
5. Personality:
Christophe is a pessimist to put it bluntly. That pessimism can partially be blamed on his hatred fueled outlook on God, as he believes in a frankly, evil and vengeful God responsible for all the bad in the world. He doesn’t really have a lot of hope for anything good to happen, and usually expects the worst outcome when something can go wrong… and in his eyes… something will almost always goes wrong. Christophe has also developed a tough exterior because of this, with a jaded outlook on life, and he tends to be rather abrasive and vulgar towards others. However, he isn’t completely doom and gloom, and does occasionally like to make stupid little jokes.
As a hunter, Christophe isn’t very empathetic.  While he sticks to the code, nothing hurting children or other humans, he doesn’t have any mercy at all for the creatures that he hunts. As far as he is concerned, they’re all just another one of God’s evils put on the Earth to torment humans such as himself. He also tends to stick to himself, preferring going solo instead of involving himself with others, especially those he doesn’t know well. It takes a lot for him to rely on you. 
6. Appearance:
Christophe has messy, medium length brown hair which he cuts himself, leading to it’s almost never tidy appearance. He has brown eyes, and thick, similarly untidy eyebrows. He usually has stubble on his face, given that fact that he can’t always be bothered to actually shave. He also has prominent bags under his eyes and even some premature wrinkles from stress, but the last thing he cares about is how smooth his skin is. Said skin is also littered with many various scars. He also has a long, pointed nose and prominent ears. Christophe also always has a cigarette in his mouth to the point where it may as well be considered part of his appearance.
Much to his dismay, Christophe is rather short, but what he doesn’t have in height, he makes up for in his rather toned body. He usually dresses in dark earth tones, greens and browns, often wearing military styled button up shirts and cargo pants as well as his combat boots… great for stomping, and fingerless gloves. He is also rarely spotted without his favorite shovel strapped to his back.
7. Name at least 5 headcanons:
-Despite having access to an array of cool weaponry, he will always favor towards using his shovel, as ineffective as it might be at times compared to a gun or a crossbow, but he still keeps those handy as well just in case.
-Speaking of that shovel, digging is his specialty. If someplace needs infiltrating, leave it to Christophe to be able to dig a tunnel with ease. It’s how he got his nickname too, “The Mole.”
-He named his shovel that’s how much he loves “her.” It’s name is Etta.
-Christophe is fluent in French and although he hasn’t lived in France in years, his thick French accent hasn’t faded. Some say that he keeps it up on purpose and sprinkles French into his dialogue just because he can and rarely others can understand it. 
-He is quite fond of the wilderness and could survive on his own there easily if need be. He has no issues with eating things like bugs and following through with other methods of survival that the average person would normally be opposed to. 
8. Write two decent sized paragraphs that shows how you would portray your muse
“Ah sheet, my poor Etta,” Christophe mumbles to himself, the words muffled by the cigarette in his mouth. He looked down at the shovel he cradled carefully in his gloved hands. “Je vais vous tout nettoyer bientôt,” He whispers, almost too romantically, to the inanimate object within his grasp. Although, he wasn’t implying anything more suggestive than that, as the shovel did actually need to be cleaned as it was currently caked in a mess of blood and dirt. Not exactly the most appealing state for an object as beloved as his dear Etta. It was a hard days work, and despite  being grimy and gross himself, he always seemed to put cleaning up his materials first before letting himself have a nice shower. It might be because he never really gave a flying fuck about looking presentable, but it also just may be because he loved the feeling of dirt underneath his fingertips and a droplet of sweat on his brow.
Christophe crouches down against the side of his home, setting down the shovel in the grass as he reaches for his hose to get some water flowing. With that running, he pulls over a bucket, placing the hose inside and grabbing a fairly tainted sponge that he used again and again for tasks such as this from the bottom. He lets the water fill up a decent amount before shutting off the hose, and dunking in the sponge. Once said sponge was full, he starts scrubbing, pressing hard to remove all the grime from the metal surface. He hums to himself even while doing it, enjoying every second that the clear surface was slowly revealed again. “Tu es belle,” He chimes, pressing his lips to the clean metal blade of the shovel once he had scrubbed the surface spotless. Dumping out the dirty water, he gets up, slinging the shovel onto his back where it belonged. “Zere we go. My turn now, to ze shower." 
9. Any additional headcanons/weaknesses/ect you would like to add
Christophe is scared of heights as well as dogs. 
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southviridarium · 6 years
Application for Craig
1. Mun information
Preferred Name: Holly Age: 19 Pronouns: She/Her Timezone: GMT Activity Level(Scale 1-10): 8 Password: 
2. Muse Information
Muse’s name: Craig Tucker Appearance age: 21 Actual Age: (If muse is a creature/witch/ect): Vampire Age: 222 Birthday: January 25th Height: 6ft Sexuality: Homosexual Gender/Pronouns: He/Him
3. What type of creature is your muse? (if not human, if human, are they a hunter?)
He’s a vampire, one of the very few vampires that appears frequently around town. He’s been a fully fledged vampire for quite a long time, judging by his age.
4. If a creature not mentioned on the list was chosen, tell us more about them in strong detail, strengths weaknesses, ect
5. Personality (two paragraph)
Craig is an apathetic vampire who usually only cares about numero uno. He usually only does things if they benefit him. He’s usually quiet and stays out of the way, preferring to be alone. He also doesn’t let much slip and prefers to stay secretive. That being said he can be rather curious at times and tends to follow things that catch his interest, due to finding his own world and rules incredibly boring.
He’s also a very official and no-nonsense person, especially when feeding. He likes to brainwash his victims into a daze, drink their blood, leave them and be done with it. He can become irritable and rattled when such a simple thing goes wrong. He’s occasionally good-hearted if you can appeal to his better nature, but it takes a lot for him to go out of his way for someone.
6. Appearance (two paragraph)
Craig is noticeably has pale skin that would-in normal circumstances-be alarming to most people, and dark gold eyes that glow when angry or hungry. Whilst being over two hundred years old, he retains a young appearance, looking like a twenty one year old. He wears a black jacket and grey shirt, accompanied by blank dress pants. He often looks like he’s dressed up for a party or something, but the whole look is defeated by the blue chullo hat that bears a yellow puff on top. His hair is shaggy and long, being a dark black colour. He often wears a blue scarf that covers his mouth which is used to hide his fangs from prey.
7. Name at least 5 headcanons
-He likes to sleep in high secluded places. Trees are perfect -He was blooded a long time ago, and is pretty old, but can act childishly. -When he was younger, he had a habit of messing around with and teasing hunters, but now he’s older he tends to avoid them -He usually uses his hypnotic abilities frequently to get what he wants or get out of trouble. -He enjoys drinking blood, even if he doesn’t admit it
8. Write two decent sized paragraphs that shows how you would portray your muse
The night was Craig’s favourite time. It was dark, cold, quiet, everything a vampire needed to thrive. Speaking of what a vampire needed to thrive…it was time. He had to feast now. He craved the red elixir. He could feel the hunger threatening to overtake him, and if that happened, all the careful planning that was his existence would fall apart. He’d be more east than vampire, and an easy target for the hunters.
Venturing into the city, he found a target of his own. A human woman? Wandering around at night unprotected? It was a dream come true. He slowly followed her, keeping his distance until he spotted a convenient alleyway coming up. Seizing his chance, he picked up the pace and grabbed the woman’s arm, dragging her into the alleyway before she could even scream, and just as she was about to, he had her look into his eyes, which were now glowing brightly. As he expected, it didn’t take long for the woman to become limp, entranced. Perfect. He grinned, lowering his scarf and showing two long sharp fangs poking out of his mouth. It was time to drink at last!
9. Any additional headcanons/weaknesses/ect you would like to add
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southviridarium · 6 years
Allison Mertz
1. Mun information
Preferred Name: Andrea (Admin)
Age: 17
Pronouns: She/Her
Timezone: Eastern Standard
Activity Level(Scale 1-10):  7
  2. Muse Information
Muse’s name: Allison Mertz
Appearance age: 16
Actual Age: 105
Birthday: August 11th
Height: 5’6”
Sexuality: Lesbian
Gender/Pronouns: Female/She/Her
  3. What type of creature is your muse? (if not human, if human, are they a hunter?)
  4. If a creature not mentioned on the list was chosen, tell us more about them in strong detail, strengths weaknesses, ect
  -Does not apply.
  5. Personality (two paragraph)
  -Allison is a very open minded person. She dislikes conflict and people in general and tries to avoid both if necessary. It gives her anxiety. However should she come to care about someone she loves the attention they give her. She is very free spirited and often wonders about life beyond death should it ever come to her.
  Allison is a rather calm person unless she is royally pissed off. She is kind of self conscious as well due to the fact that she can’t see her appearance. She can be very empathetic but when it comes to feeding she tends to cut ties with  her emotions to prevent herself from starving. She also has a great deal of paranoia.
  6. Appearance (two paragraph)
  -Allison has shoulder length straight black hair that parts down the middle. Her eyes are upturned and are blue with grey around the iris. They sometimes look grey depending on the lighting. Her skin is very pale and her face is heart shaped. She has an incredibly strong jawline and her makeup is usually very dark to contrast her complection. However she favors red lipsticks. Her eyelashes are naturally long and her nose is very straight. She has naturally full lips which is pierced in the middle. She doesn’t always wear the piercing though. She has really full arched eyebrows and she wears gauges.
  -Allison is about 5’6” with a semi athletic build. Her shoulders are narrow and her collarbones are very defined. She has a large chest and a thinner torso and waist. Her arms and legs are long and she has a small tummy. Her clothing consists of mostly dark colors and she uses an umbrella is she is ever outdoor during the day.
  7. Name at least 5 headcanons
  -Allison loves girls and art. Women are usually the focal point of her drawings and paintings. Allison is very gay.
  -Allison is not so secretly super skilled at winged eyeliner and she sometimes saves the blood from her kills to make her own red lipstick.
  -Allison feeds regularly and only takes what she needs to survive.
  -Allison is not shy about her love for blood.
  -Allison has the added power of being an empath. She can sense and influence the emotions of those around her.
  8. Write two decent sized paragraphs that shows how you would portray your muse
  -Allison ran through the forest wind blowing through her hair. The world around her seemed to move in slow motion as she followed her nose through the trees. Her goal right now was tracking down her meal which was walking through the woods about 5 miles away. Licking her lips she pushed herself harder moving her legs faster. She could almost smell the fear as the person began to hear her coming. Using her unique ability Allison manipulated their emotions so they would feel calm. It was easier for her to take what she needed without killing them if they didn’t run or move.
  Slowing to a normal walk the tall girl emerged from the trees smiling. Who stood before her was a beautiful girl. Her favorite. “Hi…I didn’t think I’d run into anyone else out here. Are you lost?” Her voice was smooth and calming as Allison drew closer to her. The girl shook her head unable to move. A light pink hue lit up the girls eyes as Allison willed her not to move. Leaning close the vampire kissed her neck before sinking her fangs in. The sweet metallic flavor splashed onto her tongue and she groaned remembering to keep a hold of herself. When her belly was full she cleaned the girls neck and wiped her memories disappearing into the trees before releasing her from hypnosis. Another successful hunt in her bag, or so she thought. An arrow shot past her head startling her. Her eyes widened big like a doe in headlights. Hunters.
  9. Any additional headcanons/weaknesses/ect you would like to add
0 notes
southviridarium · 6 years
Firkle Smith
1. Mun information
Preferred Name: Andrea
Age: 17
Pronouns: She/Her
Timezone: Eastern Standard
Activity Level(Scale 1-10): 7
2. Muse Information
Muse’s name: Georgie “Firkle” Smith
Appearance age: 16
Actual Age: 1,499
Birthday: October 31st
Height: 5’7”
Sexuality: Asexual
Gender/Pronouns: Male/He/Him
3. What type of creature is your muse? (if not human, if human, are they a hunter?)
4. If a creature not mentioned on the list was chosen, tell us more about them in strong detail, strengths weaknesses, ect
-Does not apply.
5. Personality (two paragraph)
-Firkle is very quiet and dreary. He finds joy in things most find uncomfortable and causing trouble for people. Despite his fire power he loves the rain and finds it relaxes him just as much as the flames do. He is a bit of a masochist and enjoys both physical and emotional pain. To him the world is a miserable place.
-Firkle is willing to do anything for the things he is passionate about. He is protective of very few people. Due to him being a hellhound he tends to do puppy like things but he refrains unless he is around people he cares about. He enjoys spending his nights in wolf form scaring the shit out of people and causing chaos. He writes a lot of gothic poetry and loves knives. His favorite animal is a spider and despite modern times still dresses gothic and his home looks goth too.
6. Appearance (two paragraph)
-Firkle has a square shaped face, fair skin, and a defined square jawline. His eyes are slightly sunken in and appear a light green color. His nose is long and thin aside from the tip of his nose which is slightly bigger. His brows are thick and slightly arched but they don’t have too much shape. He has a strong cupids bow but his upper lip is thinner then his lower. He has no piercings or tattoos. Firkle’s hair is short on the sides and back but is long and wavy on top usually falling slightly over his left eye.
-Firkle stands about 5’7” and has very broad shoulders. While he doesn’t exercise he is still relatively toned due to being a hellhound.  His hands and feet are still a little big for his body but he will grow into them in another few thousand years. While his muscles are toned he  by no means has abbs. He dresses in dark clothing and while he has grown out of black lipstick, he never grew out of his black eyeliner.
7. Name at least 5 headcanons
-Firkle always carries a knife on him even when he doesn’t need too.
-Firkle likes to howl in front of people even if they aren’t going to die soon just to scare them. He thinks it’s funny to watch them get paranoid.
-Firkle still writes goth poetry.
-Firkle is still incredibly close to Henrietta and he is most comfortable around her.
-Firkle secretly loves people playing with his hair and having selected people pet him. He also likes being near those people and actually worries for them.
8. Write two decent sized paragraphs that shows how you would portray your muse
-Warning! NSFW!Mild Gore
-Firkle stared directly into the man’s eyes with an devious smile. This time his howl wouldn’t be just for shits and giggles. This man was going to die and very soon. If Firkle could have guessed he would assume it would be by his very own howl and that made him happy. Finally another commformanist would feel the true agony of this blasted earth. He licked his parting lips and and ear piercing howl ripped from his throat. To him it was like music but to the stranger before him it was a death sentence.
The man’s ears began bleeding and his eyes were next. He could just imagine seeing this man’s skull cracking under his skin under the pressure of the sound waves he was emitting. The brain turning to nothing but liquid. Blood poured from His nose and mouth now too and he fell to his knees. A ring of fire seemed to appear around the iris of Firkles eyes as he used his deadly ability and soon the life would fade from the man’s body. Suddenly the man’s heart exploded in his chest splattering Firkle in blood and his howl was silenced. All that was left was him and a body. There was no more agony. Just nothing. Firkle left the house in silence.
9. Any additional headcanons/weaknesses/ect you would like to add
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southviridarium · 6 years
Application for Gregory
1. Mun information Preferred Name: Moon Age: 22 Pronouns: she/her Timezone: EST Activity Level(Scale 1-10): 7? 8? Password:  2. Muse Information Muse’s name: Gregory Fields Appearance age: 20 Actual Age: 20 Birthday: April 16th Height: 5’6” Sexuality: pansexual Gender/Pronouns: he/him 3. What type of creature is your muse? A merman 4. If a creature not mentioned on the list was chosen, tell us more about them in strong detail, strengths weaknesses, ect 5. Personality: Gregory can be a bit on the flirtatious side, but he’s careful not to lead anyone on. Although mermaids usually end up in this job position, most of his kind agree that he’s just as graceful as any female, as well as just as beautiful. He can be very smug when it comes to his good looks since he can lure most people nearby with the help of his charm. Still, he is a very kind person and will not tolerate any humans being hurt without reason (one can imagine he doesn’t much care for the sirens). He has a powerful silly side to him as well, but he can also be very serious if he feels threatened or if someone else is in danger.
6. Appearance: Gregory has gorgeous short golden blond hair with a slight curl, his deep blue eyes, his masculine jaw, and slightly pale skin. His tail is filled with shimmering orange scales, curving up just below his waist. The end of his tail is a lighter orange. On land, he stands at about 5’7” and his legs seem to look a bit longer on him than others, despite his shorter size for a man. He’s not scrawny, having a fair amount of muscle on him, but not excessive. 7. Name at least 5 headcanons:
-He likes, when he can, to return any favors he inclines humans to do for him, even if it happens much later
-He enjoys swimming around the lake and is known as one of the most graceful of the lake creatures, mostly due to his agility and speed
-He’s been accused of being a siren before due to his natural love of singing and gorgeous voice; he doesn’t really do it to lure any humans or others creatures, he just enjoys to share his talent with the world
-In his human form, he’s actually taken the time to learn how to fight with a sword and learn how to defend himself properly; under the water, he’s even more dangerous with his skills
-He really likes human culture and learning about other monsters; he has a small collection of books with information on species that he keeps hidden in a nearby cove not far from the lake
-He may get frustrated with adults at times, but he has the biggest soft spot for children and is always up for singing for them or playing games with them if they come to visit
8. Write two decent sized paragraphs that shows how you would portray your muse
Moving through the water first thing in the morning was nothing new to Gregory. It was just like a human waking up to the morning air. He stretched his arms out before he was soon off, wading through the water and eventually steering his body upwards. He popped his upper torso out of the water, inhaling the sweet morning air. It must have rained last night with that gorgeous dampness filling the air around him.
He sighed as he leaned against a nearby rock, tail lightly slapping against the top of the water. He curled his arms behind his head, enjoying the sun just coming out. Nearby he could hear the sounds of woodland critters nearby and even the telling sounds deep beneath the water of the sirens awakening as well. He just laid back and enjoyed it. Good mornings like this can be hard to find.
9. Any additional headcanons/weaknesses/ect you would like to add
-he’s not very strong, especially on land, but his tail can pack quite the punch
-also has a weakness for human cooking; he enjoys it far too much
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southviridarium · 6 years
Application for Michael
1. Mun information Preferred Name: Moon Age: 22 Pronouns:  she/her Timezone: EST Activity Level(Scale 1-10): 8? Password: 2. Muse Information Muse’s name: Michael Kowalski Appearance age: 20 Actual Age: almost 100 years old Birthday: January 13th Height: 6’5” Sexuality: Unknown, possibly bisexual or pansexual Gender/Pronouns: he/him 3. What type of creature is your muse? Ghost - Banshee 4. If a creature not mentioned on the list was chosen, tell us more about them in strong detail, strengths weaknesses, ect 5. Personality: Michael is not a very friendly person. He’s commonly annoyed and irritated by most people, finding them careless and frustrating. Due to his hyper-sense of death, he tries not to get attached to too many people, not wanting to lose people to death. He’s very snappish and angry, even quicker now due to his ghostly manner. He has the ability to make friends, but they are very few. He’s mostly too damn bitter to move on and chooses to continue to stay around out of spite. He’s also determined to find his murderer, dead or alive. 6. Appearance: Michael is reasonably tall and, in life, enjoyed dressing in black, despite how the public responded unfavorably. He also has a pretty big nose that’s hard to miss. Like most banshees, he wears a long dark cloak that just slightly covers his black, curly hair. His skin is pale, as most ghosts are, but it was also pale in life. His eyes are a haunting light blue and they never seem to stop staring. They also appear a little bugged out. This is due to Michael’s murder through strangulation. He also has large noticeable scars around his neck and can easily twist his neck and head all the way around. 7. Name at least 5 headcanons
-Michael experienced a lot of death in his life. He was born into a large mixed family, half-Jewish and half-Chinese (at the time a very looked down upon marriage). They were freed from the death camps by the Allied troops during World War II (a place where he unfortunately saw plenty of gruesome death and torturing). Only Michael and his parents survived and had managed to live and flee elsewhere, eventually ending up in the town. However, they were followed by one persistent soldier. Eventually, one night, his parents were brutally murdered while he slept in the next room, only to wake up at the sound of his bedroom door being broken down by the killer. Despite his struggling and violent fighting back, he was eventually strangled to death, seeing his own death through the eyes of his murderer.
-He commonly stalks the graveyard, preferring to be around the already dead rather than the “soon-to-be-dead”, as he calls them
-He seems to prefer the company of the creatures and monsters of the town, seeing as many are made of much tougher build than humans and therefore, have a higher chance of survival and living longer
-Before his death, he had been making arrangements to become a hunter of creatures as a way to deal with his aggression. He was killed before he was able to do much more than purchase a crossbow.
-He is very well-read and enjoys poetry the most. Sometimes he will recite poems to people if they ask him to or will recite them as a way of describing how he feels about something. He likes speaking in riddles to piss people off.
8. Write two decent sized paragraphs that shows how you would portray your muse
Michael stalked through the graveyard, hearing soft calls of spirits around him. It was the witching hour, around about three in the morning. He never tired in these endless walks, hearing the whispers of souls around him. He was used to the voices, the soft cries around him. It made sense why most people didn’t go near him. And that was fine. He didn’t want to be near most people, anyways.
Instead, he made it to the edge of the graveyard, looking out at the town. Hardly anyone was out this time of night, except for ghosts like himself and vampires, too. He caught sight of a few vampires skittering behind a house and he briefly wondered if being one of them would have been a better fate for him. At least he would be able to be killed and just turn to dust. It’s not like he’d ever had the choice, anyways.
All because of that piece of horseshit.
9. Any additional headcanons/weaknesses/ect you would like to add
-He tends to not go near people that are highly lively in spirit; it makes him ache too much for his own lost life
-Torture is a very touchy subject for him because of what he saw during World War II
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southviridarium · 6 years
1. Mun information Preferred Name: Mizu Age: 21 Pronouns: her/him Timezone: Pacific Activity Level(Scale 1-10): 5/6 Password: 2. Muse Information Muse’s name: Kevin McCormick Appearance age: late twenties Actual Age: 29 Birthday: June 10 Height: 8 ft Sexuality: Bi (before he turned) Gender/Pronouns: he/him 3. What type of creature is your muse?: Wendigo 4. If a creature not mentioned on the list was chosen, tell us more about them in strong detail, strengths weaknesses, ect 5. Personality (two paragraph) Very violent when hungry, after he feeds he’s okay for a few moments. It doesn’t last long knowing the hungry pains will come back if he doesn’t find more food quickly. He doesn’t care who he upset or kill, food is food. Even being a wendigo he’s really smart, he learn from mistakes he made in the pass. Sneaky and stalks his prey for a couple of hours, till he knows he can take it down with out a big fight. There are times where he likes messing with his food, tricking it into thinking they are safe before he kills it. He haven’t seen people he knew in a long time so he’s not sure how he or they react. 6. Appearance (two paragraph) He’s really tall and just skin and bones. After changing he lost all his hair and didn’t look like his old self anymore. Standing up you can see his sullen stomach and ribs poking out. He has claw like fingers that cut people easily. His eyes are glossed over and milky white. Most scary feature is his mouth full of razor like teeth. He has a tattoo of two wings and a K in the middle, he got it when he started being a hunter to protect him. 7. Name at least 5 headcanons •Eats anyone and anything •Can Mimic anyone he ate even if it’s been a while. •Rarely talks, if he does it’s not his voice because he can’t remember how he sound like before. •If he’s hunting you, there’s a very slim chance you will get away. •If he has you, you’re food •Doesn’t sleep, the hungry pains don’t let him so he’s hunting 24/7 8. Write two decent sized paragraphs that shows how you would portray your muse Kevin had been a Hunter for a while now, he did it to keep peace for his brother and sister. He wanted to be there to protect them even though they could handle them shelves. It was a week before the accident he got his tattoo, a good luck charm to remind him why he was doing this. He was sent out with a small group to the mountain to stop some creatures who were attack humans when they went up there. He’s been on missions before so he thought this would be no different, he was wrong. They were out numbered when they got there, things escalated quickly as him and a few other tried to retreat. Before Kevin would react he was plummeting down in a small cave with his friend. When he came to his arm was broken, his friend dead a few feet away. Only way out was the way they fell in, he was stuck. He made it a week thinking someone would come from him bit nothing, all his food was gone only thing left was his friend to eat..he didn’t want to but he did to see Karen and Kenny one last time. It was a made idea he knew it, he started feeling sick after a few days instead of better. He noticed he started to change and feel hunger, before he would stop himself his friend was nothing but bones and a head. He was scared of what was happening, he was always hunger and couldn’t stop thinking about what to kill next to make it stop. Before he fully turned he remembered his siblings, he wasn’t going to be able to see them again “I’m sorry guys…I couldn’t make it home..” 9. Any additional headcanons/weaknesses/ect you would like to add
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southviridarium · 6 years
Welcome to the wonderful world of South Viridarium. A brand new RP group on discord. We are accepting applications right now,and eagerly awaiting new members! Acceptance day is this Friday(Edit)!! Please be sure to check out our rules page before applying!
In a world of creatures and beings of all shapes and sizes, where else could the fleeing humans turn than the town of Viridarium? From Ghosts, to Werewolves, to Wendigo, and Giants, there are a million different creatures to be. Not to mention the humans themselves are open for play. However, it is wise to take caution. The monsters are not the only creatures that kill. For hunters also hide in the shadows.
Which side will you choose? Monster, Hunter, or Human?
Current characters that are open for application include:
Kyle Broflovski Craig Tucker Jimmy Valmer Token Black Michael (tall goth) Henrietta Biggle Mike Makowski Heidi Turner Red Tucker Bebe Stevens And many others!!
If you are interested, feel free to check out our masterlist and don’t forget to read the rules!!
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And You Thought You Were Cursed?
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southviridarium · 6 years
Can there be duplicates of characters? Like more than one muse of the same character?
No. Unfortunately we are not accepting duplicates in this server. It would cause too much drama and confusion and it’s not really what we are looking for. However, please feel free to apply as any of our open characters! We would love to have you in the group.
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